Amjed Washaha

Red Stream


First songs for Maya:

“Love songs” by Kaash Paige

Kaash Paige is a gay R&B artist that has only proved her worth in the indrustry very recsently. Her hit song “Love songs” quickly became a fan favorite amongst teens after her song blew up on many popular social media platforms such as Tiktok, ,

Instagram ect… The song is about how her previous girlfriend gave her the urge to sing love songs for her. I see the relation to Maya when I compare how Maya feels about


Clairo “Sofia”

Clario is in fact another Female artist that has come out and stated she is apart of

LGBTQ+ community and identifies as Bi-sexual. This song has also become quite the popular song amongst teens after it blew up on Tiktok. Clario has displayed her worth back in 2018 with her song “Hot Cheetos”. “Sofia”, the seventh track and third single from Clairo’s album, Immunity. “Sofia is about Clairo’s first crushes on women such as director Sofia Coppola or actress Sofia Vergara. In this song she talks about a period of time where she was discovering her sexuality.

-She states this in her tweet dated July 26 2019

-”Sofia is about my first ever crushes on women I saw in the media. people like sofia coppola, sofia vergara, etc. this was my way of making a celebratory song about this discovery while maintaining the cheesy/corny lyrics you'd normally find in songs where you profess your love.”

This relates to Maya cause this is might be the same way she found out she was gay when she was younger. I feel Maya would find this song very relatable.

Second set of songs Grace:

Jimi Hendrix: Little Wing

I don’t think I need to introduce Jimi to anyone but Hendrix is a 70's prominent rock star that identifies with the flower kids of the 70’s (A.K.A Hippies). Jimi Hendrix was well known for being a maijuana consumer just as Grace and her sister. I think this relates to Grace cause she seemed to be more connected with her life and her past then Grace and Joaquin. Being a mother might have brought down on her a philosophy similar to the flower kids, being all about peace and love. Jimi was also well known for writing and recording whilst under the influence, this song may bring out something that is hidden that can only be unlocked whilst under the influence of marijuana.

Mariya Takeuchi: Plastic Love

This song which is mostly written in Japanese is about “plastic love”. The lyrics of the song point to a regret of superficiality and the disingenuous nature of material culture.

“Plastic Love” highlights the inauthenticity of a romantic relationship because of one person’s self-centeredness and the consequences of such a bond breaking apart. A few verses from the song highlight this dilemma:

Never take loving someone like me serious

Love is just a game, I just want to have fun

I dressed up my closed heart in fancy dresses and shoes

They were my friends in loneliness

This compares to the I would call brittle and “plastic love” of Max cause any responsible man in a loving relationship would have contributed to this child's life or at the VERY least be honest with himself and taken claim and responsibility for the child.

Third set of songs Joaquin

ICE-T The Hunted Child:

ICE-T is a foster kid that grew up in Compton California

ICE-T was in his 30s when the song was released. He grew up among gangs in Los

Angeles, but had a keen sense of survival and stayed sober. This song lays out the fate of many young men who grew up in that environment.

Joaquin sure isn’t a Gangster but he sure can relate to relying on his “keen sense of survival”. Which is shown in how he managed to survive in many different abusive foster homes. He can also relate to ICE-T in the sense that ICE-T was also a foster kid and

Joaquin and ICE-T are both artists.

The Jackson 5: Who’s Lovin’ You

This song highlights the feelings and concerns left behind after a crushing break up.

Which is made clear in the line “Who’s Lovin’ You. This relates to the break up he had with Birdie. I don’t think he can relate to the lyrics 100%. I don’t even think Michael

Jackson did since he was 8 when he wrote this but I do think Joaquin was thinking about her a lot.