Extensions of Remarks E731 HON. BRAD SHERMAN

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Extensions of Remarks E731 HON. BRAD SHERMAN April 23, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E731 I ask that the full text of our resolution be she held until 1996. She led Los Angeles one of the most significant forces behind Con- placed in the RECORD. teachers through a tumultuous period in which gress' and the administration's renewed inter- H. RES. 124 they experienced efforts to break up the est and support for basic science and tech- Whereas on September 21, 1987, the Dalai school system, efforts to cut funding for teach- nology funding. Lama visited the United States Congress at ers, and internal strife. She faced these obsta- Before coming to the University of Penn- the invitation of the Congressional Human cles in the only way she knew how, head on. sylvania, Mr. Morse worked on Capitol Hill for Rights Caucus and publicly presented his Helen was never one to shy away from con- over 10 years; first, as a professional staff Five Point Peace Plan for Tibet for the first flict or adversity, as she had a way of embrac- member for higher education and cultural af- time; Whereas on December 11, 1989, the Dalai ing these issues and quickly bringing the de- fairs on the staff of former Senator Robert Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in bate back to her focusÐthe welfare of the Stafford of Vermont, then-chairman of the recognition of the Five Point Peace Plan for children. Colleagues of Helen consistently Senate Subcommittee on Education, Arts and Tibet and his consistent principled resist- comment on both her courage of conviction Humanities, and later in a similar capacity on ance to the use of force or violence; and her unwavering commitment to the goal of the staff of former Senator Jacob Javits, of Whereas on this, the tenth anniversary of improving schools for the children of Los An- New York. In 1981, Mr. Morse took a leave the presentation of the Dalai Lama's Five from his Senate position to serve as Director Point Peace Plan, the government of the geles. People's Republic of China has yet to enter Last year Helen stepped down as president of the President's Task Force on the Arts and into serious discussions, without pre- of UTLA, but remained active in the effort to Humanities, which recommended an en- conditions, with the Dalai Lama or his rep- reform our schools. She became director of hanced Federal role in support of cultural ac- resentatives, in spite of repeated calls from the Teacher Union Reform Network a tivities. the United States and other governments to multistate project designed to coordinate var- Penn has begun a search for a successor to do so; ious school reforms and improve student Mr. Morse, but it will not be easy for anyone Whereas the government of the People's achievement. In addition, Helen had recently to fill his shoes. Mr. Speaker, in light of Mr. Republic of China continues to carry out policies that threaten the existence of Ti- taken a position as an education adviser to Morse's career-long commitment to improving bet's unique religious, cultural and linguistic Mayor Riordan, in an effort to increase his role higher education and for his successful lobby- traditions, despite urging from the United in school reform. ing of Congress to achieve these ends, I ask States and other governments that the Peo- Indeed Helen Bernstein's life and work have that my colleagues join me in honoring Mr. ple's Republic of China take measures to re- left an indelible mark on the Los Angeles pub- Morse on the occasion of his departure from spect these unique traditions; lic school system. Her legacy was best stated the University of Pennsylvania, and wishing Whereas the Dalai Lama's first visit to in a recent Los Angeles Times editorial, him luck in his new position as director of pub- Taiwan in March 1997 and his message of tol- ``Bernstein stood for higher academic stand- lic affairs at the Pew Charitable Trusts. erance and non-violence resonated among millions of people in Taiwan; and ards and more emphasis on discipline and f Whereas His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama student testing. She saw the teachers as the of Tibet will be visiting Washington, D.C., in key to higher standards and would stop at HONORING EILEEN GOODWIN April 1997: Now, therefore, be it nothing to make that point. .. .'' Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Recently Ms. Bernstein passed away, leav- HON. ZOE LOFGREN Senate concurring) that the Congress, ing our community with a great loss. Her life- OF CALIFORNIA (1) warmly welcomes His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama of Tibet to the United States; long work on behalf of our educational system IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (2) urges the President to meet with His will not be soon forgotten. Ms. Bernstein Wednesday, April 23, 1997 Holiness the Dalai Lama during his visit to served as a voice of those often left voiceless, discuss substantive issues; the students of Los Angeles. We will miss her Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in (3) requests the President to continue to greatly. recognition of Ms. Eileen Goodwin, who since urge the Government of the People's Repub- f 1993 has served as executive director of the lic of China to meet with the Dalai Lama or Santa Clara County Traffic Authority. his representatives, without preconditions, A TRIBUTE TO DAVID MORSE OF The Santa Clara County Traffic Authority to discuss a solution to the impasse in their THE UNIVERSITY OF PENN- was established in 1984 by the voters of relations; and (4) requests His Holiness the Dalai Lama to SYLVANIA Santa Clara County, who approved a half-cent communicate to the Tibetan people that the sales tax to bring much needed road improve- Congress and the American people support HON. THOMAS M. FOGLIETTA ments to Silicon Valley. Known as measure A, them in their struggle to preserve Tibetan OF PENNSYLVANIA this highly successful road improvement pro- identity and to protect and exercise their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gram helped to preserve Silicon Valley's eco- freedoms. nomic viability and quality of life. f Wednesday, April 23, 1997 The role Ms. Goodwin played in ensuring A TRIBUTE TO HELEN BERNSTEIN Mr. FOGLIETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today the success of this program, first as deputy di- to pay tribute to Mr. David Morse, who for 14 rector of the Traffic Authority and then as ex- years has been the voice of the University of ecutive director, cannot be overstated. During HON. BRAD SHERMAN Pennsylvania in its communications with Con- Ms. Goodwin's tenure, the Traffic Authority OF CALIFORNIA gress and the Federal Government. During his built 18 miles of new freeway and improved 40 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years in Washington, Mr. Morse has become miles of existing freeway. This monumental Wednesday, April 23, 1997 a leading expert on issues relating to the fi- $1.2 billion public works project was not only Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nancing of higher education. In addition to his completed on time and within budget, but at mourn the loss of a valuable member of our official duties for the University of Pennsylva- each stage of development Ms. Goodwin went community, Helen Bernstein. Ms. Bernstein nia, Mr. Morse has utilized his knowledge of to great lengths to make sure that the public's leaves a lifetime of work and dedication on be- these issues to the benefit of others, chairing concerns were taken into consideration and half of our children's education. committees and working groups for the Con- addressed. Helen completed her undergraduate edu- sortium on Financing Higher Education, and Ms. Goodwin's skill, vision, and unsur- cation at UCLA, going on to do her graduate the Association of American Universities. passed professionalism have earned her the work in psychology at California State Univer- Mr. Morse has long been a strong pro- respect of her peers in both the private and sity Northridge. She then began her career as ponent of funding for university-based science public sector. She is recognized as one of teacher. Teaching at both the junior high and and technology research. Since 1995, Morse Santa Clara County's most distinguished pub- high school levels, she quickly earned a rep- has been one of the major forces behind the lic administrators. The replication of measure utation among students and her colleagues as Science Coalition, a Washington-based group A by counties throughout California is a further an outstanding educator. Although she thrived of more than 400 universities, scientific and testament to her outstanding leadership quali- on the direct daily interaction with the children, engineering societies, corporations, Nobel ties. her natural leadership abilities eventually led Laureates and other prominent individuals or- Mr. Speaker, on March 31, 1997, the Santa her to taking a more active role in the teaching ganized in support of a strong Federal com- Clara County Traffic Authority terminated its community. mitment to university-based research. As a re- operations. Today I ask my colleagues in the In 1990 she was elected president of United sult of Morse's and others vigorous advocacy, House of Representatives to join me in rec- Teachers of Los Angeles [UTLA], a position the coalition has been cited in the media as ognizing Ms. Goodwin for her extraordinary.
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