Global Journal of Human Social Science the Engagement Patters (Such As Listening)

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Global Journal of Human Social Science the Engagement Patters (Such As Listening) OnlineISSN:2249-460X PrintISSN:0975-587X DOI:10.17406/GJHSS AnalysisofIslamicSermon PortrayalofRohingyaWomen NabakalebaraofLordJagannath TheRe-EmbodimentoftheDivine VOLUME20ISSUE7VERSION1.0 Global Journal of Human-Social Science: C Sociology & Culture Global Journal of Human-Social Science: C Sociology & Culture Volume 2 0 I ssue 7 (Ver. 1.0) Open Association of Research Society Global Journals Inc. *OREDO-RXUQDORI+XPDQ (A Delaware USA Incorporation with “Good Standing”; Reg. Number: 0423089) Social Sciences. 2020. Sponsors:Open Association of Research Society Open Scientific Standards $OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG 7KLVLVDVSHFLDOLVVXHSXEOLVKHGLQYHUVLRQ Publisher’s Headquarters office RI³*OREDO-RXUQDORI+XPDQ6RFLDO 6FLHQFHV´%\*OREDO-RXUQDOV,QF Global Journals ® Headquarters $OODUWLFOHVDUHRSHQDFFHVVDUWLFOHVGLVWULEXWHG XQGHU³*OREDO-RXUQDORI+XPDQ6RFLDO 945th Concord Streets, 6FLHQFHV´ Framingham Massachusetts Pin: 01701, 5HDGLQJ/LFHQVHZKLFKSHUPLWVUHVWULFWHGXVH United States of America (QWLUHFRQWHQWVDUHFRS\ULJKWE\RI³*OREDO -RXUQDORI+XPDQ6RFLDO6FLHQFHV´XQOHVV USA Toll Free: +001-888-839-7392 RWKHUZLVHQRWHGRQVSHFLILFDUWLFOHV USA Toll Free Fax: +001-888-839-7392 1RSDUWRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQPD\EHUHSURGXFHG Offset Typesetting RUWUDQVPLWWHGLQDQ\IRUPRUE\DQ\PHDQV HOHFWURQLFRUPHFKDQLFDOLQFOXGLQJ SKRWRFRS\UHFRUGLQJRUDQ\LQIRUPDWLRQ Global Journals Incorporated VWRUDJHDQGUHWULHYDOV\VWHPZLWKRXWZULWWHQ 2nd, Lansdowne, Lansdowne Rd., Croydon-Surrey, SHUPLVVLRQ Pin: CR9 2ER, United Kingdom 7KHRSLQLRQVDQGVWDWHPHQWVPDGHLQWKLV ERRNDUHWKRVHRIWKHDXWKRUVFRQFHUQHG 8OWUDFXOWXUHKDVQRWYHULILHGDQGQHLWKHU Packaging & Continental Dispatching FRQILUPVQRUGHQLHVDQ\RIWKHIRUHJRLQJDQG QRZDUUDQW\RUILWQHVVLVLPSOLHG Global Journals Pvt Ltd (QJDJHZLWKWKHFRQWHQWVKHUHLQDW\RXURZQ E-3130 Sudama Nagar, Near Gopur Square, ULVN Indore, M.P., Pin:452009, India 7KHXVHRIWKLVMRXUQDODQGWKHWHUPVDQG FRQGLWLRQVIRURXUSURYLGLQJLQIRUPDWLRQLV JRYHUQHGE\RXU'LVFODLPHU7HUPVDQG Find a correspondence nodal officer near you &RQGLWLRQVDQG3ULYDF\3ROLF\JLYHQRQRXU ZHEVLWHKWWSJOREDOMRXUQDOVus WHUPVDQG FRQGLWLRQPHQXLG1463/ To find nodal officer of your country, please email us at [email protected] %\UHIHUULQJXVLQJUHDGLQJDQ\W\SHRI DVVRFLDWLRQUHIHUHQFLQJWKLVMRXUQDOWKLV VLJQLILHVDQG\RXDFNQRZOHGJHWKDW\RXKDYH eContacts UHDGWKHPDQGWKDW\RXDFFHSWDQGZLOOEH ERXQGE\WKHWHUPVWKHUHRI Press Inquiries: [email protected] $OOLQIRUPDWLRQMRXUQDOVWKLVMRXUQDO DFWLYLWLHVXQGHUWDNHQPDWHULDOVVHUYLFHVDQG Investor Inquiries: [email protected] RXUZHEVLWHWHUPVDQGFRQGLWLRQVSULYDF\ Technical Support: [email protected] SROLF\DQGWKLVMRXUQDOLVVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH DQ\WLPHZLWKRXWDQ\SULRUQRWLFH Media & Releases: [email protected] Incorporation No.: 0423089 License No.: 42125/022010/1186 Registration No.: 430374 Import-Export Code: 1109007027 Pricing (E xcluding Air Parcel Charges): Employer Identification Number (EIN): USA Tax ID: 98-0673427 Yearly Subscription (Personal & Institutional) 250 USD (B/W) & 350 USD (Color) Editorial Board Global Journal of Human-Social Science Dr. Heying Jenny Zhan Dr. Adrian Armstrong B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Sociology, University of Kansas, USA BSc Geography, LSE, 1970 Ph.D. Geography Department of Sociology Georgia State University, (Geomorphology) Kings College London 1980 Ordained United States Priest, Church of England 1988 Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom Dr. Prasad V Bidarkota Dr. Gisela Steins Ph.D., Department of Economics Florida International Ph.D. Psychology, University of Bielefeld, Germany University United States Professor, General and Social Psychology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Dr. Alis Puteh Dr. Stephen E. Haggerty Ph.D. (Edu.Policy) UUM Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia M.Ed Ph.D. Geology & Geophysics, University of London (Curr. & Inst.) University of Houston, United States Associate Professor University of Massachusetts, United States Dr. André Luiz Pinto Dr. Helmut Digel Doctorate in Geology, PhD in Geosciences and Ph.D. University of Tbingen, Germany Honorary President Environment, Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio of German Athletic Federation (DLV), Germany de Mesuita Filho, UNESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil Dr. Tanyawat Khampa Dr. Hamada Hassanein Ph.d in Candidate (Social Development), MA. in Social Ph.D, MA in Linguistics, BA & Education in English, Development, BS. in Sociology and Anthropology, Department of English, Faculty of Education, Mansoura Naresuan University, Thailand University, Mansoura, Egypt Dr. Gomez-Piqueras, Pedro Dr. Asuncin Lpez-Varela Ph.D in Sport Sciences, University Castilla La Mancha, BA, MA (Hons), Ph.D. (Hons) Facultad de Filolog?a. Spain Universidad Complutense Madrid 29040 Madrid Spain Dr. Faisal G. Khamis Dr. Mohammed Nasser Al-Suqri Ph.D in Statistics, Faculty of Economics & Ph.D., M.S., B.A in Library and Information Management, Administrative Sciences / AL-Zaytoonah University of Sultan Qaboos University, Oman Jordan, Jordan Dr. Giaime Berti Dr. Vesna Stankovic Pejnovic Ph.D. School of Economics and Management University Ph. D. Philosophy Zagreb, Croatia Rusveltova, Skopje of Florence, Italy Macedonia Dr. Valerie Zawilski Dr. Raymond K. H. Chan Associate Professor, Ph.D., University of Toronto MA - Ph.D., Sociology, University of Essex, UK Associate Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Canada Professor City University of Hong Kong, China Dr. Edward C. Hoang Dr. Tao Yang Ph.D., Department of Economics, University of Ohio State University M.S. Kansas State University B.E. Colorado United States Zhejiang University, China Dr. Intakhab Alam Khan Mr. Rahul Bhanubhai Chauhan Ph.D. in Doctorate of Philosophy in Education, King,, MBA, PhD (Pursuing), Assistant Professor, Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia Parul Institute of Business Administration, Parul University, Baroda, India Dr. Kaneko Mamoru Dr. Rita Mano Ph.D., Tokyo Institute of Technology Structural Ph.D. Rand Corporation and University of California, Los Engineering Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Angeles, USA Dep. of Human Services, University of Haifa Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan Israel Dr. Joaquin Linne Dr. Cosimo Magazzino Ph. D in Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Aggregate Professor, Roma Tre University Rome, 00145, Argentina Italy Dr. Hugo Nami Dr. S.R. Adlin Asha Johnson Anthropological Sciences, Universidad of Ph.D, M. Phil., M. A., B. A in English Literature, Bharathiar Buenos Aires, Argentina, University of Buenos Aires, University, Coimbatore, India Argentina Dr. Luisa dall’Acqua Dr. Thierry Feuillet Ph.D. in Sociology (Decisional Risk sector), Master MU2, Ph.D in Geomorphology, Master’s Degree in College Teacher, in Philosophy (Italy), Edu-Research Geomorphology, University of Nantes, France Group, Zrich/Lugano Contents of the Issue i. Copyright Notice ii. Editorial Board Members iii. Chief Author and Dean iv. Contents of the Issue 1. Gap between Liking and Listening to Highbrow Music: Examining the Role of the Breadth of Taste, Absorption in Music and Cultural Capital. 1-18 2. The Portrayal of Women in Facebook Memes. 19-32 3. Socio-Historical Analysis of Islamic Sermon: The Genesis of ḫuṭbat Al- Ǧumu'ah (Friday's Sermon). 33-48 4. Portrayal of Rohingya Women in the Newspapers of Bangladesh. 49-59 5. Nabakalebara of Lord Jagannath in the Temple at Puri in Odisha India: The Re-Embodiment of the Divine. 61-79 v. Fellows vi. Auxiliary Memberships vii. Preferred Author Guidelines viii. Index Global Journal of HUMAN-SOCIAL SCIENCE: C Sociology & Culture Volume 20 Issue 7 Version 1.0 Year 2020 Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Publisher: Global Journals Online ISSN: 2249-460x & Print ISSN: 0975-587X Gap between Liking and Listening to Highbrow Music: Examining the Role of the Breadth of Taste, Absorption in Music and Cultural Capital By Yevhen Voronin University of Cologne Abstract- People might like many types of music equally, but they cannot listen to all the music that they prefer with the same frequency. The behavioural pattern requires the selection process. Therefore, the gap between the emotional and behavioural dimensions occurs. This paper focuses on highbrow (sophisticated) music and examines the contribution of three predictors to the gap: 1) the breadth of tastes, 2) absorption in music and 3) cultural capital. By estimating the originally collected dataset among students at the National University of "Kyiv- Mohyla Academy", the factor analysis shows that three genres reflect sophisticated music in the sample – classical music, jazz and R&B/soul/blues. The gap between the degree of liking and listening is precisely the highest for them. Keywords: musical preferences, cultural omnivorousness, musical omnivorousness, cultural capital, absorption in music, highbrow music, sophisticated music, legitimate music, breadth of taste, gap between liking and listening to highbrow music. GJHSS-C Classification: FOR Code: 200299 GapbetweenLikingandListeningtoHighbrowMusicExaminingtheRoleoftheBreadthofTasteAbsorptioninMusicandCulturalCapital Strictly as per the compliance and regulations of: © 2020. Yevhen Voronin. This is a research/review paper, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Gap between Liking and Listening to Highbrow Music: Examining the Role of the Breadth of Taste, Absorption in Music and Cultural Capital Yevhen Voronin Abstract - People
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