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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-40589-9 - Byzantine Style, Religion and Civilization: In Honour of Sir Steven Runciman Elizabeth Jeffreys Index More information Index Aaron 11, 13 Apion I, Flavius 419 Abbas Hierax, and Apion family 419, 422 Apion II, Flavius 418–19 Abgar of Edessa 192, 193 Apion III, Flavius 418, 420, 422–3 letter (in Constantinople) 198–9 Apion IV, Flavius 420–1 Acre, crusader scriptorium 165, 167 Apion papyri 419, 421; see also Oxyrhynchus Acta Davidis, Symeonis et Georgii 362, 364, and evidence for administration of 365 estates 421 chronology for pardon of and evidence for family involvement 421–2 Theophilos 366–70 architecture, military, Crusader and quality of as source 363–4 Byzantine 159–62 Symeon’s role in 366, 367, 368, 369 ark of the covenant 9, 14 Aetios, papias 182 armed pilgrimage 253–4 Agat‘angelos, ‘History of Armenia’ 185–6 and knights as small group leaders 253 Agios Ioannis, alternative names for 43 garrisons to guard communications 259–60 port of 41–3 Armenian traditions in 9th cent. routes from 44 Constantinople 186, 187 Alan princess, a hostage 150 Askalon, fortress and shrine 261–2 Alexander, emperor 341, 344 Asotˇ Bagratuni 181, 182, 209, 218 Alexios I Komnenos, letter to Robert of Attaleiates, Michael 244 Flanders 253, 260, 261 Attaleiates, Michael, Diataxis of 244–6; see also on armed pilgrimage 254 Monastery of the Hospice of Al-Idrisi, and Gulf of Dyers 58 All-Merciful Christ Alisan,ˇ L. M., and ‘Discovery of the Relics of the Holy Illuminator’ 177 B. L., Egerton 1139 165–7, 168 Amphilochia, date of first part 210 ‘Basilios’ 166 date of whole work 211 and Jerusalem 165 nature of 209, 210–11 miniatures 166 of Photios painters 166 real addressee of? 211–12 Queen Melisende’s Psalter? 165, 167 so-called, of Basil of Caesarea 212 Bagrat, son of king of Georgia 150 sources used 213–14 Bajezid I 74, 75, 76, 78 theology of 209–10 Balfour, A.
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