Albert W. Ames Is
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ANN ARBOR ARGUS-DEMOCRAT V~' L.XVTTI NO ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY OCTOBER 2, 1903. Uni a NO 360a arranged for to accommodate them. All the applicants in the school are em- THE ESTATE CITY SCALES DIDN'T MOW ployed boys and men, varying in age from 14 to 60 years. HAS ONLY $24 ARE COMPLETED DAUGHTER'S NAME A NEW BUS A petition was iiled in the probate FIRST LOAD WEIGHED FOR AN ANN ARBOR NURSE MARRIED court for letters of administration in CHAS. NINE « YOUNG GRADUATE the estate of Charlotte Watson, of Court Will Have Lots of FOR POLHEMUS What Shall be Done With Vpsilanti. which probably Involves the smallest estate which it has been the A Very Fine Weighing Apparatus Put The Farants in Jonesville Couldn't Work This Term Degenerates ? r The I'olhemus Transfer Co. put into lot of Judge W atkins to pass upon. In—Will Weigh Ten Tons Q Make Out Telegram Announcing COmmiasiOD Wednesday one of the .Mrs. Watson, the petition stales, was Her Home Coming OVER 100 CASES handsomest 'buses that has been seen HEALTH QUESTIONS the possessor of no real estate at her The new city scales are completed on our streets for n long time. The decease, but had signed the voucher and the first load was vrelghed on them Jonesville, Mich., Sept. 20.—Miss vehicle is one of the latest pattern, Questions in Tuition Brought for the last quarterly payment of a this morning, the first applicant being Myrtle Blossom, daughter of Mr. and On the Calendar—33 Criminal has ball bearings, rubber tired wheels widow's pension due from the govern- ('has. Nine with a load of hay, theMrs. (!er>. II. Blossom, who left here Cases—Large Number of and up-to-date Improvements. The Up—Demand Mads for JPree ment, amounting to $24 and the weight of which was i;,4.S<) pounds. over a yt ar ago to study us a nurse In Liquor Cases to body is painted dark greeen and wine Languages—School Board Check for this has since been received The scales were put in by The M. M.the hospitals of Ann Arbor, , surprised color, the running gear is bright red, Committees Named and the probate court will have to de- Rowley Scale Co., of Detroit, and areher par.-iits by bringing a husband in be Tried the interior ia upholstered in rod plush cide who are, as heirs, entitled to it probably one of the finest sets of plat- the person of Dr. O. R. Austin, of and the windows glared with beveled and partition it. There are seven form scales in this section of the coun- Chefwulng, a graduate of the Home- The October term of circuit court plate. Altogether it is a nobby turn- The noon intermission in the public children names as heirs of the de- try. They are what are known as theopathic department of the University «f Michigan last June, and with a city will open Monday with ill cases on out and the builders—Messrs. Walker schools will be 15 minutes longer than ceased. "Compound Beam" pattern and no loose weights are used, all the weigh- hospital in Rochester, \. Y. the calendar, which is an unusually & Co., of this city—are to be congrat- it has been. This was decided by the large number. The Increase to mainly ulated upon the excellence of the job. ing being done with sliding weights Mr. am! Mrs. Blossom had received in the criminal cases, there being 33 board of education Tuesday evening on on the two beams. The platform of a message reading: ''Dr. and Mrs. of this class put on for hearing and motion of Trustee Cavanaugh. The in- the scale is sx22 feet and is large Austin will be borne tonight," but it Prosecutor Duffy will have an exceed- termission will hereafter be from 11:30 I enough to hold a team as well as the merely was a puzzle to them. ingly busy time of it if halt the num- to 1:15 instead of from 11:30 to 1 wagon to be weighed. The platform is set in the street about 19 feet from ber are really tried. The other cases BIG LIST o'clock as heretofore. are uivided as follows: Issues of fact, the front wall of the city building and The following committees were ap- a very ingenious set of balance levers t'.): issue of law, 1; chancery—first pointed by President Eberbach: == class, (!: chancery—fourth class, 22. are necessary to convey the weight DEAD SEATS Financi—Kyer, Seabolt, Miller. Are to be Found in the Uni- to the rod which controls the record- The majority of the criminal cases Buildings and Grounds—Beal, Kyer, ing beams in the clerk's ofhce. Al- are for violations of the liquor law, versity Library Presented by Members of Copeland. though so large the scales are capable there being twenty-four of these on Teachers and Textbooks — Bach, of very fine adjustment and are so Hoag's Home calendar and it is said that the defend- Grocers' and Butchers' Ilarriinan, Eberbach. NEW BOOKS RECEIVED evenly balanced that no matter on ants will tight in every case. The Association Manual Training—Cavanaugh, Beal, what portion of the platform a weight criminal cases are: Peter Powers Kyer. is placed its exact will be given. They alias Lloyd Diamond, larceny; James Library— Ilarriman, Cavanaugh, Little Fiction Received- are capable of weighing from 2y Edwards, larceny; Edward Moivy. lar- 2 Supply Store WILL BE PUBLISHED Bach. pounds to 10 tons. ceny from the person; Fred VonKaul. Books are Mostly of the larceny in dwelling in day time: Roj Supplies—Seabolt, Copeland, Cavan- Utilitarian Kind The scales were put in by the com- For Benefit Jof Members, in augh. W. Hall, horse stealing; Fred Dupper, pany's representative, J. W. Campbell, CORNER MAIN & indecent exposure of person; Alexan- Book Form— A Fine for Janitors—Miller, Bach, Seabolt. of Detroit, who is very proud of the Tuition—Copeland, Eberbaeh, Beal. Four boxes of new books have ar- WASHINGTON der Kniseley, assault with intent to Trusting Parties on rived to swell the University Library job. rape; Philip Gauss, violation of liquor A question in tuition came up. Stu- the List dents sometimes take up a class for shelves, two from Germany and two law—open on Sunday; Ernest T. Paul, from England. And what is of par- violation of liquor law—selling to a week or two and for some reason Offers Six Stock Patterns Interest was bubbling over Wednes- drop 'out and want their money re- ticular interest is 12 volumes of Shake- CARL HARRIMAN'S minor; Charles Kruger, drunkard and speare, first printed in folio in 1023, of tippler—third offense; Freu Brown, day at the meeting of the grocers and funded. The superintendent instanced bakers and butchers. Thirty-five were a case where a student who paid lab- re-printed in New York, sent to Eng- NEW BOOK Wm. C. Binder, Jeremiah Collins, Add land and bought from there by the Collum and Frank icoadi. Wm. Orson present and nearly every member oratory fees and had been in the lab- brought his list of dead beats. A com- oratory but once and wanted his University. But this is a way the Uni and Adolpb C. Andres. Lawrence J. versity has of buying many of its Carl Harriman is engaged in finish- Datnm, Stephen Earl, Wm. and George mittee of eight were appointed to ar- money back. After discussion Trustee ing a new book which will probably Dinner range for a systematized alid alpha- Copeland moved that in cases where books: and it is just as cheap. Most Frey, Christian Frey and Edward C. of the books are purchased from the be out in November. His Ann Arbor Zachmann, Philip Gauss, Win. Goetz, betical list which will be in full force students had not reported for more Tales proved a very successful book and operation in about two weeks. than two weeks in any class, the super- Southern Co., London, Eng.; Brock- Ware Emil Golz, Jacob Gwinner and Alfred haus. Leipsig. Ger., and from H. and many who enjoyed the tales will J. Paul, Richard Kearns jr., Gottlob This list will be published in book intendent and principal be authorized watch with interest for Mr. Harrl- form, and sold to any business house to refund the tuition. The motion car- Walter of Paris; though some of the In English Porcelain Knapp, John Maulbetsch, Asa B. Xash, most elegant books are from Bangs & man's next book. In the meantime the Joseph Parker, P. Fred Reimold. John outside of the association, "For we are ried: the Lippincotts have accepted a novel- to select from willing that everybody should be bene- Cb., of Xew York. These are the From these you can buy Schaible, J. G. Fred Schmid, Christ. Supt. Slauson recommended an ap- rarest, perhaps, and of most value; ette by Mr. Harriman to be published Spaeth, all saloonists for violating fiteed by it," said Secretary Miller. As propriation of $150 for supplementary in a forthcoming number of their just what you want and soon as this list is arranged a special and once upon a time, after a little liquor law by keeping open on Labor readers and on motion of Trustee Beal difficulty ensued from the loss of some magazine. Between times Mr. Harri- match for years to come. Day; George Leonard, larceny from meeting of the association will be the committee on supplies were given 1 man still continues as assistant editor Also both whife and decor- called.