arranged for to accommodate them. All the applicants in the school are em- THE ESTATE CITY SCALES DIDN'T MOW ployed boys and men, varying in age from 14 to 60 years. HAS ONLY $24 ARE COMPLETED DAUGHTER'S NAME A NEW BUS A petition was iiled in the probate FIRST LOAD WEIGHED FOR AN ANN ARBOR NURSE MARRIED court for letters of administration in CHAS. NINE « YOUNG GRADUATE the estate of Charlotte Watson, of Court Will Have Lots of FOR POLHEMUS What Shall be Done With Vpsilanti. which probably Involves the smallest estate which it has been the A Very Fine Weighing Apparatus Put The Farants in Jonesville Couldn't Work This Term Degenerates ? r The I'olhemus Transfer Co. put into lot of Judge W atkins to pass upon. In—Will Weigh Ten Tons Q Make Out Telegram Announcing COmmiasiOD Wednesday one of the .Mrs. Watson, the petition stales, was Her Home Coming OVER 100 CASES handsomest 'buses that has been seen HEALTH QUESTIONS the possessor of no real estate at her The new city scales are completed on our streets for n long time. The decease, but had signed the voucher and the first load was vrelghed on them Jonesville, Mich., Sept. 20.—Miss vehicle is one of the latest pattern, Questions in Tuition Brought for the last quarterly payment of a this morning, the first applicant being Myrtle Blossom, daughter of Mr. and On the Calendar—33 Criminal has ball bearings, rubber tired wheels widow's pension due from the govern- ('has. Nine with a load of hay, theMrs. (!er>. II. Blossom, who left here Cases—Large Number of and up-to-date Improvements. The Up—Demand Mads for JPree ment, amounting to $24 and the weight of which was i;,4.S<) pounds. over a yt ar ago to study us a nurse In Liquor Cases to body is painted dark greeen and wine Languages—School Board Check for this has since been received The scales were put in by The M. M.the hospitals of Ann Arbor, , surprised color, the running gear is bright red, Committees Named and the probate court will have to de- Rowley Scale Co., of , and areher par.-iits by bringing a husband in be Tried the interior ia upholstered in rod plush cide who are, as heirs, entitled to it probably one of the finest sets of plat- the person of Dr. O. R. Austin, of and the windows glared with beveled and partition it. There are seven form scales in this section of the coun- Chefwulng, a graduate of the Home- The October term of circuit court plate. Altogether it is a nobby turn- The noon intermission in the public children names as heirs of the de- try. They are what are known as theopathic department of the University «f Michigan last June, and with a city will open Monday with ill cases on out and the builders—Messrs. Walker schools will be 15 minutes longer than ceased. "Compound Beam" pattern and no loose weights are used, all the weigh- hospital in Rochester, \. Y. the calendar, which is an unusually & Co., of this city—are to be congrat- it has been. This was decided by the large number. The Increase to mainly ulated upon the excellence of the job. ing being done with sliding weights Mr. am! Mrs. Blossom had received in the criminal cases, there being 33 board of education Tuesday evening on on the two beams. The platform of a message reading: ''Dr. and Mrs. of this class put on for hearing and motion of Trustee Cavanaugh. The in- the scale is sx22 feet and is large Austin will be borne tonight," but it Prosecutor Duffy will have an exceed- termission will hereafter be from 11:30 I enough to hold a team as well as the merely was a puzzle to them. ingly busy time of it if halt the num- to 1:15 instead of from 11:30 to 1 wagon to be weighed. The platform is set in the street about 19 feet from ber are really tried. The other cases BIG LIST o'clock as heretofore. are uivided as follows: Issues of fact, the front wall of the city building and The following committees were ap- a very ingenious set of balance levers t'.): issue of law, 1; chancery—first pointed by President Eberbach: == class, (!: chancery—fourth class, 22. are necessary to convey the weight DEAD SEATS Financi—Kyer, Seabolt, Miller. Are to be Found in the Uni- to the rod which controls the record- The majority of the criminal cases Buildings and Grounds—Beal, Kyer, ing beams in the clerk's ofhce. Al- are for violations of the liquor law, versity Library Presented by Members of Copeland. though so large the scales are capable there being twenty-four of these on Teachers and Textbooks — Bach, of very fine adjustment and are so Hoag's Home calendar and it is said that the defend- Grocers' and Butchers' Ilarriinan, Eberbach. NEW BOOKS RECEIVED evenly balanced that no matter on ants will tight in every case. The Association Manual Training—Cavanaugh, Beal, what portion of the platform a weight criminal cases are: Peter Powers Kyer. is placed its exact will be given. They alias Lloyd Diamond, larceny; James Library— Ilarriman, Cavanaugh, Little Fiction Received- are capable of weighing from 2y Edwards, larceny; Edward Moivy. lar- 2 Supply Store WILL BE PUBLISHED Bach. pounds to 10 tons. ceny from the person; Fred VonKaul. Books are Mostly of the larceny in dwelling in day time: Roj Supplies—Seabolt, Copeland, Cavan- Utilitarian Kind The scales were put in by the com- For Benefit Jof Members, in augh. W. Hall, horse stealing; Fred Dupper, pany's representative, J. W. Campbell, CORNER MAIN & indecent exposure of person; Alexan- Book Form— A Fine for Janitors—Miller, Bach, Seabolt. of Detroit, who is very proud of the Tuition—Copeland, Eberbaeh, Beal. Four boxes of new books have ar- WASHINGTON der Kniseley, assault with intent to Trusting Parties on rived to swell the University Library job. rape; Philip Gauss, violation of liquor A question in tuition came up. Stu- the List dents sometimes take up a class for shelves, two from Germany and two law—open on Sunday; Ernest T. Paul, from England. And what is of par- violation of liquor law—selling to a week or two and for some reason Offers Six Stock Patterns Interest was bubbling over Wednes- drop 'out and want their money re- ticular interest is 12 volumes of Shake- CARL HARRIMAN'S minor; Charles Kruger, drunkard and speare, first printed in folio in 1023, of tippler—third offense; Freu Brown, day at the meeting of the grocers and funded. The superintendent instanced bakers and butchers. Thirty-five were a case where a student who paid lab- re-printed in New York, sent to Eng- NEW BOOK Wm. C. Binder, Jeremiah Collins, Add land and bought from there by the Collum and Frank icoadi. Wm. Orson present and nearly every member oratory fees and had been in the lab- brought his list of dead beats. A com- oratory but once and wanted his University. But this is a way the Uni and Adolpb C. Andres. Lawrence J. versity has of buying many of its Carl Harriman is engaged in finish- Datnm, Stephen Earl, Wm. and George mittee of eight were appointed to ar- money back. After discussion Trustee ing a new book which will probably Dinner range for a systematized alid alpha- Copeland moved that in cases where books: and it is just as cheap. Most Frey, Christian Frey and Edward C. of the books are purchased from the be out in November. His Ann Arbor Zachmann, Philip Gauss, Win. Goetz, betical list which will be in full force students had not reported for more Tales proved a very successful book and operation in about two weeks. than two weeks in any class, the super- Southern Co., London, Eng.; Brock- Ware Emil Golz, Jacob Gwinner and Alfred haus. Leipsig. Ger., and from H. and many who enjoyed the tales will J. Paul, Richard Kearns jr., Gottlob This list will be published in book intendent and principal be authorized watch with interest for Mr. Harrl- form, and sold to any business house to refund the tuition. The motion car- Walter of Paris; though some of the In English Porcelain Knapp, John Maulbetsch, Asa B. Xash, most elegant books are from Bangs & man's next book. In the meantime the Joseph Parker, P. Fred Reimold. John outside of the association, "For we are ried: the Lippincotts have accepted a novel- to select from willing that everybody should be bene- Cb., of Xew York. These are the From these you can buy Schaible, J. G. Fred Schmid, Christ. Supt. Slauson recommended an ap- rarest, perhaps, and of most value; ette by Mr. Harriman to be published Spaeth, all saloonists for violating fiteed by it," said Secretary Miller. As propriation of $150 for supplementary in a forthcoming number of their just what you want and soon as this list is arranged a special and once upon a time, after a little liquor law by keeping open on Labor readers and on motion of Trustee Beal difficulty ensued from the loss of some magazine. Between times Mr. Harri- match for years to come. Day; George Leonard, larceny from meeting of the association will be the committee on supplies were given 1 man still continues as assistant editor Also both whife and decor- called. lokfl to the University. Bangs & Co. the person. power to act on the recommendation. enclosed a little slip with the books of the Pilgrim. ated Dr. E. K. Herdman made an extend- The divorce oases on for the term The excitement ran high, said Mr. which read: "These books are all in Miller, over the large lists that were ed report to the board on certain pu- this box." are: Asa B. Xash vs. Mabel Nash, pils which seemed to require attention. Frances J. Wheeler vs. Ainon Wheeler, there for inspection, one having 50 FOR VIOLATING names upon it. And there was a good He brought up the case of children There is constantly someone inquir- Clemma Williams vs. Bernard J. Wil- who had been for three years in the ing about the Shakespeare library, said Haviland liams, Lois Diehl vs. Henry Diehl, deal of surprise over who some of these names were. Not only the suspi- first grade without advancing. One ; one in authority. People are coming HACK ORDINANCE Joseph Geromiller vs. Ida Geromiller. ease he had in mind of degenerates, from all over the country to look at it. Mary A. Lewis vs. George M. Lewis, cious, but the unsuspicious were en- rolled upon this undesirable list. who required careful watching. Tax- ! It has grown so rapidly that it now Ed Kelly, Adolph Woodbury and China Ada Belle Greeen vs. Lewis N. Green, payers, he said, claim the right to send 'contains about seven thousand vol- Wm. Fishel were brought before Jus- Belle Weismeyer vs. Chas. Weismeyer, "It is a sure go," said the secretary, ! tice Doty Tuesday on complaint of at Unheard of Prices "so those who wish to escape disgrace their children to school, but have they nines. Bertha Carroll vs. Arthur Carroll, Jane if the children are demoralizing to Another interesting series that just Detective Burrows of the M. C. R. R., Haight vs. Milo Haight, Burnett Stein- had better pay up at once." charged with violating the ordinance We have a large line of com- The association will impose a fine other pupils. came is "Social England from its Ear- bach vs. Ada Steinbach. liest Times." Four volumes cover the governing the conduct of hackmen at plete dinner sets ranging iu for the violation of the law which Dr. Herdman brought up other CBSes the depots. It is charged that the men price from says "Thou shalt not trust Dead of offensive catarrh and ear diseases ground to 1714, The work is in the process of construction. A box of were too strenuous in their manner of Beats." Five dollars for the first of- which polluted the air of the whole soliciting patronage. As this was the ONE HUNDRED fense, ten for the second and twenty- school room, and wished to know if fiction came to counterbalance the brain breaking books. first offense, Justice Doty allowed $6 to $18 five for the third. such cases could not be excluded for them to go on payment of $2.75 each, AT NIGHT SCHOOL The next regular meeting of the as-the benefit of the other children until as costs, and a promise to sin no more. sociation will be held two weeks from the direction of the physicians who Those who visit our stor;- last night. treated them were followed. Another NARROW ESCAPE for the first time are surprised THAT IS PRESFNT PROSPECT OF case was mentioned where children FEARFUL ODDS AGAINST HIM. at the magnitude of thej stocks Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL had a communicable blood disease. SERIOUS ACCIDENT Bedridden, alone and destitute. which consists of... Still another case was mentioned of a Such, in brief was the condition of an The Corp of Teachers and the Class- LATEST ADDITION disease of the eyes where the child old soldier by name of J. J. Elevens, Two Stores and two used the same towel as the other child- Harrie Teaboldt, of the Washtenaw es They Have—Excellent Chance TO PEJ3AG0G STAFF Light & Power Co., while wiring in the Versailes, O. For years he was trou- Basements full of For Employees ren. On the general subject of clean- bled with Kidney disease and neither liness, the doctor said that some child- new annex at the rear of Brogan"s, new and derirable Tuesday afternoon fell from the lad- doctors nor medicines gave him relief. DEPARTMENT OF PEDAGOGY ren came to school so dirty that a At length he tried Electric Bitters. Merchandise. "The Y. M. C. A. night school has GROWING FAST piece of charcoal would make a white der on which he was standing and came near doing sometming serious. It put him on his feet in short order twice as many applications this year mark on their faces. The question and now- he testifies. "I'm on the road Haviland Decorated as ever before,", said Secretary John- was of the power of the teacher to The ladder slipped and Mr. Teaboldt 1 Prof. Alger to Take Part of the Work was lunged forward, saving himself to complete recovery.* Best on earth son yesterday. Four years ago there send them home until they were for Liver and Kidney troubles and all Cups and Saucers 25c were thirty-six students; three years This Year and Do Institute Work- washed. The question of vaccination a fall of thirty feet from the roof to Prof. Whitney's Classes the basement, by getting entangled forms of Stomach and Bowel Com- Haviland Decorated ago, fifty-three; two years ago, ninety; ia the public schools was also brought plaints. Only 50c. Guaranteed by a year ago, sixty; and this year the out. , midway in the wire which hung from Plates .... 25c Pedagogs demand an extra teacher. the ceiling. A. K. Mummery and H. F. Miller, prospects a/e for considerably over druggists. a hundred. The department has grown so rapidly Dr. Copeland thought the question Coroner Watts was on the spot to Ten classes have been formed with and to such an extent, that Professors of what could be done with degener- attend to anything fatal, but Mr. Tea- E. G. HOAG a corps of nine paid teachers. These Payne and Whitney must be assisted. ates could not be decided until after boldt picked himself up from the brink Read the Argus-Democrat, the best are John R. Allen, junior professor in Professor Alger will conduct a part of the law was looked up. Other trustees of the cellar with nothing worse than weekly. Only $1 per year. mechanical engineering, who will con- the work this year. He will do some spoke on the questions and President a bruised arm and ten minutes of time duct a course in heating and ventila- state institute work and relieve Prof. Bberbach and Trustees Copeland and wasted. tion; W. H. Hawkes, of the High Whitney of some of the school super- Cavanaugh were appointed to look into School faculty, who will lecture on vision which has always taken one these matters and suggest some action electricity and magnetism: II. J. Ann Arbor professor away from class- to be taken at the next meeting of the We Are Just Opening Goulding will have a class in mechan- es here in the second semester. This board. ADMINISTRATOR ical drawing. -Mr. Goulding is secre- year Prof. Whitney will conduct three A long petition was presented asking tary of the engineering department in courses in the second semester, in con-that language studies be made free to MUST PAY BILLS Our New Fall Shoes for 1903 the U. of M. and has taught mechan- nection with his outside work of in- resident pupils. Mr. H. H. Herbst ac- ical drawing here for eight seasons. specting the schools. companied it with a letter stating that Judge Watkins brought another ad- II. E. Gardner, who was formerly Prof. Alger is a Michigan graduate of the 160 taxpayers to whom he had presented the petition only G had ob-ministrator up with a round turn. principal in the schools of .Missouri, of '97 and later a graduate of Colum- Patrick J. O'Connor filed with the will have geometry, algebra and bia University. Before accepting the jected to it. The person who secured the remainder of the names reported court what lie desired to be considered Sole agents for the celebrated arithmetic. Mr. Gardner is a post position here he was principal of the his final account in the estate of ('has. graduate student of Michigan, and state normal at Cheney, Washington. that only one man declined to sign it. He thought that if every taxpayer had O'Connor, deceased, but the judge did specialized in mathematics. George It- been seen the same proportion in favor not take kindly to the report and has Kelly wil conduct a course in civil filed an order declaring that the final DR. REED CUSHION SHOE service, and Boy V. Ooffey wil teach of the change. '•»> per cent, would be THREE DUMPED found to hold good. account, as such. l>e disallowed, and bookkeeping. Mr. Coffey has been a The communication was received the document will be treated as teacher of bookkeeping for live years INTO THE LAKE and placed on file after one of the an annual account. The reasons for NETTLETON FINE SHOES and for Brown's Business college, which trustees explained that he himself had this act of the judge an' stated to be has its headquarters at Peoria, ill. lie been inclined to favor the idea, but that certain accounts against the es- is at present taking the higher com- The cottagers at Whitmore Lake wit- that the fad that Mr. Herbst w;is tate which have been heretofore al- mercial 'course in the University, nessed a little unusual excitement pushing the matter inclined him to lowed have not been settled, among DOUGLAS SHOES .1. c. K. Lindhout will teach penman- Sunday. Three students unused to the doubt his own judgment. So he them being one due Lehman & Stivers ship, lie is a senior law and was lake and unused to a sailboat attempt- thought the matter ought to be consid- which with interest now amounts to trained in the Ferris Institute at Big ed to experiment with both. The wind ered. 875. See show window Rapids. Warren II. Smith, a Michigan i.lew strong and spoiled their experi- There were a few other routine mat- M A., will conduct the work in read- ment, upsetting the boat, and dumping ters brought up which will appear in ing, spelling, and business English. the boys uncomfortably far from land. FOK OVER fcIXT/ YEARS Mr. Smith was formerly principal of As soon as the situation was realized the official proceedings. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ha» The Up-To-Date the schools at Pontiac and Lansing, three rowboats put out from shore and •>een used for children while teething and is at present in the re.-il estate in a very short time rowed back with One of nature's remedies; cannot it soothes the child, softens the gums, Shoeman. business in this city. three wet. but uninjured students, who harm the weakest constitution: never allays the pain, cures wind colic, and l» JOHN WAHR, The great rush in the work this year, were taken to the Lake House, where fails to cure summer complaints of the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twen 218 SOUTH MAIN STREET. said Mr. Johnson, is for arithmetic and they were stopping, to recover of their young or old. Dr. Fowler's Extract ty-flve cents a bottle. Sold by all drag English. An extra section had to be fright of Wild Strawberry. fists throughout the world. FREE—A Polish Mitten free with every pair shoes sold ANN ARBOR ARGUS-DEMOCRAT, OCTOBER 2, L903

at Lexington. I wns surprised one day HIS WAS NOT SO IN OTJR them and consist in some species of to receive a note from her saying sha THE ARGUS DEMOCRAT GRANDFATHERS' DAYS. Fraud or grafting at the expense of the Tloi That wanted a private interview. I went AND ALBERT W. AMES The strike of eighth grade school public. Whether they will be convict- to see her, and when we were alone VSFLKLV TIMES. may not be predicted, but it may be she told me she wanted to lay a mattei oys and girls of the Cass school, De- before me that concerned her honoi nt, was one- of the most ridiculous said of the jurors who have spent their Failed and that slip had determined to tell me PUBLISHED BY IS ;:ngs that has come to the public no- summer investigating for the people everything and trust to me for protec- i Democrat Publishing Company. ee in many a day. Because a certain t'.iat they are entitled to the com- Dramalic Incident tion. She then proceeded to tell me of For 46 Years With American li. A. HAMMOND, President. mendation of the public for faithful the proposal by an officer of the regi- •::clier had been dismissed by the X5ha1 Occurred During ment, one of high standing and win Express Oo. S. W. BEAKES, Secy, and Treaa. card for a very good cause, if reports serviced This jury has passed through had access to the prison. iven out by the committee which in- a long siege and has performed its the Ci-Oil War. "She said she was helpless and thai PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY i stigated him be true, these young- work so well that there has been very she did not know what to do except OLDEST AGENT OF LINE fur $l.oo per year strictly In advance. little criticism of its members or their to lay the matter before me. I was ters went on strike and caused a Hotv a Girt Tried to Effect tht naturally indignant at the conduct ot mall riot at night necessitating the doings. It is a common saying that all Escape of a Confederate the officer, as Annie, whatever polit- For Over 40 Years Ann Ar- • r.teredat the Postofllce in ADn, Art or Mlcb as second-class mail matter. ailing out of a considerable force of juries in Wayne county are tampered Prisoner and Its Trag- ical crimes might have been charged to bor Agent—One of Best olice. These juveniles tore down with. There seems to be no evidence her, was a girl of irreproachable char- Known Men in City ic Ending. acter. I told her she could depend FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1903. ences and started bonfires therewith, of any such thing in the case of the upon me to protect her and that I present grand jury. Then the jury is nd did various other unseemly things, Annie Fickle was a girl who whet would have the officer court martialed Albeit W. Ames, who for so many AN ARTICULATED SYSTEM OP ven to the serious wounding of a po- composed of men above the average the war began lived in Lafayette coun and driven from the army. 'No,' sheyears was the American Express agent EDUCATION FOR COUNTRY leeman. All this, too, with the parents in standing and ability. The jurymen ty, Mo., near what is now the town oi said, 'do not do that. There is enough in this city, died at his home, 323 13. Odessa. She was the daughter of a publicity about me already. I do notWilliam street, Thursday. September YOUTH. ooking on and helpless it would seem have apparently been conscientious ask that and would not have you take 24th. He has been in feeble and painstaking in the performance of substantial farmer and of intensi The proposed plan of crtieulating o prevent such conduct This all goes southern sympathies. Though a men such a step. Your word that I shall health for a long time and it was on consolidated rural schools, each of o show the lengths to which lack of their duties in all respects. And when girl, she was a leader among her sp> be protected is all I ask.' Thus the account of poor health that he retired men have so served the public, espe- matter ended. Soon after that Annie from active work for the American which will coyer an area from three arental authority and control permits was taken from my jurisdiction." cially under such trying circumstances, Express two years ago, after a longer to five miles square: agricultural high hildren to go. Instead of the parents From Warrensburg she was sent to service than any man then in their em- schools, eaco to covot i<;iiy B doaon iking these obstreperous youngsters they deserve well of the people. the Gratiot street prison in St. Louis,ploy. counties; and the agricultural college tvhere many Missourians of southern u hand and spanking them soundly The position taken by the Knights Mr. Ames was born in East Dorset, coir----' iii th"'.- milieu Vies or nd sending them to bed, they are al- sympathies were confined. After she Vermont, Feb. 28, 1S28. His early life of Labor in the resolution adopted lad been there a few weeks she and a vas spent in Benujngton, Vt. As a Stat>^ »i'e?o of ngrlenltare an! me-owed to become disturbers of the pub- Confederate officer imprisoned there chanic arts, will meet the needs of recommending that the differences be- young man he clerked in a store iu ic peace, necessitating the calling out dug a tunnel under the prison walls, New York city. He came to Michigan four factors namely, the pupils, the tween the Washington Federation of he officer doing the digging and Annie f the police. It is not surprising, Labor and the president of the United n 1855 and in October of that year teachers, the courses of practical in- carrying the dirt away in her apron. entered the employ of the American lowever, that such things should oc- States be submitted to arbitration and They reached a point where they struction, and the subject matter to ur among children left entirely to thought it safe to ascend to the surface Express Co. as a messenger between that Senator Hanna be the arbitrator, Detroit and . At this time be taught. The fact that nearly every heir own control. Nor is this absence ind break through. They were, in- farm boy and girl who has had the ad- is the most ridiculous proposition that deed, after weeks of patient toil, out- here were but few railroads in Mich- f control the only burden apparently igan, the Michigan Central, the Michi- vantage of a course of study in the could be devised. This is the resolu- side the prison inclosure and under mposed upon these young shoulders. he brick pavement of the street. When gan Southern and a road from Detroit Minnesota Agricultural High School is tion; to Pontiac. J. F. Stuart was the* Seemingly these children are not only "That as Senator Hanna, of Ohio, is hey raised the bricks and were about not only enthusiastic in its praise but ;o make their exit a prison guard dis- American Express agent in Chicago lot brought up and allowed to come said to be a great friend of organized Did .lames ('. Fargo was the superin- desires to live on a farm, is proof that labor and that he is also considered a covered them and shot the officer. An- ip as they will, but they have the ad- nie went back, to remain till the close tendent at Detroit. In their office but the school lias a faculty of instructors loyal supporter and sincere friend of three clerks and a colored porter and peculiarly adapted to its work, and ditional heavy burden imposed upon President Roosevelt, we therefore sug- of the war. In the meantime her betrothed, Cap- four wagons were needed to do their that the plan of the school and the hem of bringing up their parents and gest to both sides to the present con- work. For six years Mr. Ames acted troversy existing in the printing office am Blunt, was killed in a fight near available subject matter are such that •ausing them to go in the pafh the Chapel hill. is express messenger and then in 1861 that they refer the dispute to Senator tie became the company's agent in agricultural high-school education suc- •liildreti desire them to take. That Hanna for a decision." When llio war ended and Annie was ceeds and meets the need. While the hildren under such circumstances released she returned to her old home Ann Arbor and held this position for .lust as though the president of the 40 years, when m 1!K>1 he retired on home, the consolidated rural school, D Lafayette county. As the years should manifest very bad judgment United States can submit the matter went by she met and loved a Mr. Par- ICCOUnt of ill health. He was the old- and the agricultural high school train or perverse doings is not at all sur-of the performance of his duties in the ker, whose wife she now is. She be- st employe in the service. for tlie farm and the farm .lome. there mising. There ought to be a lesson in enforeement of the laws of the nation came the mother of many children. For many years in connection with 'is large need for teachers, experiment- who grew up to call her name blessed. Ul this for parents to learn, however, io arbitration before Senator Hanna the expre8S Office he ran the only mws ers, writers, and other specialists with for she made a good and blameless stand in Aim Arbor and the older resi- t there be any whose children go toas arbitrator. This labor organization woman. Recently she and her husband higher training, such as is supplied in dents will remember the big stacks of the Cass school in Detroit who are not is a voluntary organization of citizens removed from Odessa. Lafayette coun- the college course in agriculture. The papers to be found in the office. This too old to learn. mil it' these citizens have a grievance ty, to the state of Louisiana. brought him Into contract with nearly proposal system of three articulated against the government of the United everyone and there were few better classes of schools needs all along the V WORK IN TUP: INTEREST OF known men than Mr. Ames or more JUSTICE. States or the president in the perform- THROTTLED line teachers broadly and technically A GHOST. 1 Ighly esteemed. The Express office trained. No doubt many of these One hears much bitter d ance of his duties, the courts are open in this city grew to large proportions while Mr. Ames was in charge of the teachers must be educated in existing of Eli R. Sutton just as present, as to them. But this idea of placing this THE GCABD SHOT HINTON DEAD. well as the prosecuting officers, be- labor organization on the same footing Scoffer Paralyzed and work and that his service was highly high schools, academies, a^jd normal In the work of caring for the wounded esteemed by the company was shown cause of his reported resolution to g'veas the government of the United en "Blind In a Haunted schools, which more or less closely ar the burial of the dead or the rescuing House. by his long length of service and his ticulate with agricultural colleges. the Ingvun officials such information States is the greatest joke of the sea- of the captured. Armed men of eithei retirement on a pension. side, sometimes in companies of two IS ne poBsessees as to the bribing of son. The Federation would better take For many years the old Beers house, Mr. Ames is survived by his wife Forty years have been necessary for or three or more, sometimes alone, rode members of the jury which committed its case to The Hague tribunal. up and clown the country seeking each on Eighth street, Blootnsburg, Pa., hadand four children, Mrs. Miriam C. the experimenting with and the de- Powell, of Minneapolis, Mrs. Nellie B. perjury and prostituted justice in his other with hostile intent and< fighting liad the reputation of being haunted velopment of collegiate courses in ag interest. But just why any reputable The fight of certain labor organiza- at every crossroads. and was unoccupied until Newton Ly- Edmond, of Duluth, Mrs. Helen Ames riculture in our State universities ant In the midst of it all went Annii ons of Central came to Bloomsburg to MacDonald, of Hancock, and Herbert citizen should have any feeling over tions against President Roosevelt in work and took up his residence in theW. Ames, of Chicago. State colleges. During the past fifteei this matter is not clear. Why should Fickle, flitting about hither and thith- i.ieir effort to unionize the government er, sometimes like an angel of mercy Beers house, living alone. Mr. Lyons The funeral will be held at S years experiments have been success not the officers of the law use this of the United States is not to be all ministering to some sick or wounded heard the ghost stories, but laughed at o'clock Saturday aft'ernoon from his fully carried out in establishing evidence to convict the perjurers and one-sided. The contest has already friend in concealment, sometimes bold- them and for a month slept in thelate residence, to which the friends are agricultural high schools, and in < bribe-takers who swore to do justice ly playing the spy on the enemy. It bouse and declared there was no such invited. The interment in Forest Hill gone far enough to indicate that there thing as a ghost. He had an experi- third as many years of trial consolidat and failed to keep their solemn oaths? was all of a kind with her, anything to cemetery wil be private. are leaders in the organization far-see- assist the. men of the south. ence, however, one night recently which ed rural schools, with free transpor Why should not these men who had no caused him to change his mind, and ing enough to appreciate the folly of Her chosen one was Captain Andy A PHYSICIAN HEALED. tation, have been successfully Inaugur regard for their oaths and who dis- Blunt, a dashing, daring fellow who now he cannot be persuaded to spend an attempt to substitute union labor another night in the house. Dr. Geo. Ewing, a practicing physi- ated in numerous localities. Once our graced their citizenship be put on rec- rules for the laws of congress. The followed the irregular methods of the cian of Smith's Grove, Ky., for over educators generally realize the practi ord in such a way that they will have guerrillas—here today, there tomorrow. Mr. Lyons says that shortly after go- thirty years, "wries his personal ex- president under the law has no right One of his men. Otto Hinton, was cap ing to bed he heard strange noises cability and the far-reaching Import no farther chance to cause a miscar- perience with Foley's Kidney Cure: to discriminate in favor of union men tured in a skirmish and imprisoned in about the house which he could not ac- "For years I had been greatly both- ance of these three classes of schools riage of justice in the future? Why and against non-union men in the gov- Lexington. Hinton was one of the count for, but he did not make an in- they will, doubtless, lead the people vestigation and at last went to sleep. ered with kidney and bladder trouble are these men entitled to any of theernment service. The president could handsomest young men that ever came and enlarged prostate gland. I used to adopt them and to carry them Into from old Lafayette. About daylight he was awakened by a sympathy of honest men? not do what the Washington book- everything known to the profession an articulated system. As city prim Here came in Annie Fickle. Otto without relief, until I commenced to It is this manifestation of sympathy binders are demanding without violat- ary graded schools, city high schools Hinton was her neighbor and friend use Foley's Kidney Cure. After tak- for such scoundrels, on the part of re- ing his oath of office and making citi- She went to Lexington to make her and university and college courses ing three bottles I was entirely relieved putable citizens, which helps to make zens privileged who belong to certain temporary home with a friend. The and cured. I prescribe it now daily in have been articulated into a unified place was strongly garrisoned by Fed- a life of crime a comparatively easy my practice and heartily recommend system, so the consolidated rura voluntary organizations over other citi- eral troops. Hinton's jovial good na- thing. Citizens who have a clean rec- its use to all physicians for such schools, the agricultural high school zens who choose not to belong to such ture and musical accomplishments haO troubles. I have prescribed it in hun- ord do not quite approve of the action so charmed the Federal authorities and the colege of agriculture cau be ar organizations. Government salaries dreds of cases with perfect success." of these jurymen in perjuring them- that he was allowed unusual liberties ticulated into a parallel system. Th are paid from taxes which all help to In charge of a single guard, he was For sale by A, E. Mummery. selves to defeat justice, but many do one, with its industrial side strength pay and to shut out certain citizens permitted to visit some of his friends not approve of the prosecuting officers ened, will serve the city life; the oth from the possibility of holding these and occasionally dine with them. At For Sale—Farm of late Diantha using the evidence of others concerned one of these places he often met Annie Green, 119 acres, $30 per acre. Inquire er will serve the country life, and positions because they do not belong to in the conspiracy to convict them. and thus became acquainted with the of L. Green, 523 N. Main street, Ann without very serious loss of time to th a labor union cannot be permitted for plan for his rescue. Annie resolved to This, too, when conviction is impossi- Arbor. 41 student who desires can transfer from a moment. We do not believe the ma- take the guard into her confidence. He ble without such evidence to support one system to the other. The who] jority of the union laborers of thelistened to her story and professed loy- other evidence obtained from other alty to her. Hinton was invited to take system of American education thu country will stand for any such propo- sources. These perjurers and bribe- supper on a certain evening at the unified will become as useful to coun sition either, when they understand it. DO YOU GET UP takers should be punished for their house of the friend where he had often try people as to city people.—Fron In a fight of this kind against the pres- met Annie. The night arrived, and crimes and why not use the evidence WITH A I,AME BACK? "Our Farmer Youth and the Publl ident, citizens irrespective of party Hinton and the guard came. Annie of Eli R. Sutton to this end? The fact too, was there. Blunt and one of his Schools," by Prof. Willet M. Hays, in will be with the president. Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. is there is altogether too much kindly men were to be in town in disguise, the American Monthly Review of Re- Almost everybody who reads the news, feeling among so-called good citizens call at the house and knock at the dooi papers is sure to know of the wonderful views for October. Curtis Jett, arrested on the charge at a certain time'. They were to be ad- cures made by Dr. for such criminals as those engaged in of murdering Town Marshal Thomas mitted, were to overpower the guard |d Kilmer's Swamp. the Henderson-Ames military supplies Cockerell at Jackson, Kentucky, has but not harm him. and take Hinton Root, the great kid- The way of the transgressor is hard away and restore him to his liberty ney, liver and blad- deal and the perjurers who as jurymen been convicted and sentenced to deatl.. as Eli R. Sutton has evidently found Annie had told the guard all, and he der remedy. prevented some of the rascals from re- He was already under sentence of life had assented. It is the great med- out, notwithstanding the fact that he ical triumph of the ceiving the rewards of their crimes. imprisonment for the murder of J. B. In the face of the plot now about to •was acquitted by a jury of the serious nineteenth century ; The Argus believes the Ingham offi- 5>larcum. It remains to be seen wheth- be developed Annie, the guard, Hinton discovered after years charges made against him in connec- cials and the committee of prominent er the law will be allowed to tako its and the people of the household sat of scientific research tion with the conspiracy to rob the down to supper just as the shadows of by Dr. Kilmer, the attorneys are working in the interest course, but he undoubtedly deserves state in the military supplies deal. night came on. eminent kidney and of the public and of justice, and they the full penalty of the law which he bladder specialist, and is wonderfully There are probably still others, in ad- The supper was well nigh concluded should have the support of all honest has so long outraged with impunity. and the appointed moment had arrived successful in promptly curing lame back, dition to all those who have already uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and citizens. The murders that feave gone unpun- There was the knock at the door Blight's Disease, which is the worst been brought to book who are tremb- Blunt was there. Annie knew it. Bin ished in Breathitt county, Ky., have form of kidney trouble. ling over the return of Suttou. It is A COMMENDABLE JURY. ton knew it. The guard know it. Thek COLD HAND CLUTCHED LYONS' THROAT. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec- shocked the entire country and in theguard knew what it meant. He arose not at all probable that all the guilty ommended for everything but if you have The Wayne county grand jury, interest of justice it la to be hoped from his seat at the table, drew his cold hand clutching his throat. With kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be parties concerned in that matter have full possession of his senses, he grab which has spent the greater part of the other guilty parties will be punished revolver and shot Hinton dead. This found just the remedy you need. It has yet been found and Sutton may, like was the signal for the entrance througl bed the thing that held his throat with been tested in so many ways, in hospital summer investigating a department of for their crimes in crime ridden work and in private practice, and has Gen. White, be disposed to tell some the rear of the house of a squad of sol both hands, and instantly his hands the Detroit municipal government in Breathitt county. diers, who first arrested Annie am became paralyzed, but the clutch on his proved so successful in every case that a things he knows. It would be interest- the interest of the people, has prac- throat loosened. special arrangement has been made by then rushed to the front door to secure which all readers of this paper, who have ing to the public to learn how that jury tically finished its work. Among the OPENING OF THE NEW LAKE Blunt, but he and his man had fled as He jumped from the bed to follow not already tried it, may have a sample came to acquit Sutton. It is thought results of the heavy labors of the jury ROUTE. toon as they heard the pistol shot. what appeared to him to be the dim bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell- Annie was hurried away to the sam form of a woman, and when near the ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to that Sutton's return at this time may appear six indictments as follows: door of the room he was suddenly Between Detroit and Buffalo. [irison that had for many weeks beei findoutif youhavekidney or bladder trou- have an important bearing on the trial l>. W. H. Mon-land, John Hock, Henry >he home of Hinton. stricken blind and fell to the floor un- ble. When writing mention reading this of John Holbrook, charged with tam- Meridian, Robert Conway, Herman The new steamers Eastern States conscious, remaining in that condition generous offer in this paper and send your and Western States are running daily From Lexington • she was sent tc pering with the jury which tried Sut- Wartell and John Jefferson White. Warrensbtm.'. Captain Jehu Smith wa for an hour. His eyes pained him for address to Dr. Kilmer between Detroit and Buffalo, making the entire day and were red and in- & Co., Binghamton, i ton. Sutton may be convinced that These men were either connected in the provost marshal at Warrensburg N. Y. The regular! connection with a!l morning trains. and he recently related the following flamed, but physicians could not ac- there is nothing in the old s:>w that some capacity with the department of Our readers can save 3 dollars on count for the trouble. fifty-cent and one- fare to any point East or West. Send Incident that occurred in the time sh dollar size bottles are Homo of Swamp-Root, there is honor among thieves and hepublic works officially or were contract- was under his charge: Mr. Lyons declares that the appari- sold by all good druggists. Don't make 2c for folder. Address A. A. Schantz, tion made no Hound and that upon his may tell what he knows. In the in-ors doing work for the commissioner. G. P. T. Mgr., Detroit, Mich. "Annie impressed me as an uncom any mistake, but remember the name, terest of justice what he knows would The offenses charged against them are mon girl," said he, "and my attention recovery he found the doors and. win- Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swanip-Rooti was particularly attracted to her bydows fastened in the same manner they and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., oa possibly and probably be a great help. stated in the indictments found against Read the Argus-Democrat. the affair In which she was mixed uj were when he went to bed. every bottle. ANN ARBOR ARGUS-DEMOCRAT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1903 3

i -.•ounterpane was covered with immense GUENTHER-MUEHLIG black tarantulas, some of which were ANN ARBOR R. R. OFFICIALS A . standing on their haunchi s bristling MARRIAGE : with wrath, probably because of my quick movements. They were not only Of Horror on the bed, but they were crawling up, UP FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT Pretty Home Wedding on Jackson I the curtains, while the carpet was dot Avenue • ted with the awkward, sprawling, ven- The healthy- woman need not Dean & Co. Claim Tney Have Disobeyed Judge Lock- terrifying Experience cf omous things, many of which covered fear the change a space as large as a man's hand. The which comes as the wood's Injunction Mr. and Mrs. Muehlig: Will Reside a young Woman With room was a regular Dante's "Inferno' beginning of life's at Their New House, 807 Tarantulas. as far as horrors were concerned. I autumn. It is the Liberty Street F roamed in terror." woman who is worn The screams of the terrified girl out, run down and Completion of Grade Separation flust Stop Until sufferer from A From Sleep to Find brought the household quickly, for it womanly diseases After Supreme Court Has Heard Injunction The marriage of Lydia M. Guenther was getting up time, and all were who naturally Suits in January to Edward R. Muehlig took place last Her "Bed Co-Vered With a awake. The hostess arrived on the dreads the change Thursday at 8 o'clock, at the home of of Loath-tome I ••ne in negligee and slippers, but boat of life. This is the "Big ~/~piders. u hasty retreat when she realized the critical period of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- situation. The host, however, managed woman's life, and Another move has been made in thesets up that the grade has been made the prevalence of grade separation problem. Dean & Co.I so steep as to make it impracticable liam Guenther of Jackson avenue. to control his repulsion and fear enough womanly diseases ask that the officials of the Ann Arbor to haul the loads Dean & Co. have Under a floral bell of white, in a One often hears hideous stories of en- to wade into the spider den and kill makes it the duty road be punished for not obeying an been accustomed to haul. room garlanded with arbor vitae and counters with venomous snakes and the pests with a walking stick he hud of every woman spiders by people who have been com- hurriedly grabbed when he heard the who would avoid, injunction issued by Judge Lockwood, Attorney Gates seems to be endowed decorated in pink? the ceremony was of Monroe, who sat in the case here with clairvoyant powers, for he swears pelled to sleep in old deserted cabins first signals of distress. As the spiders unnecessary suffer- performed by the Rev. Mr. Nichlas of in some wilderness, but what girl ever seemed eager to crawl up his clothing, ing to take especial for Judge Kinne, restraining the road to an interview in Judge Lockwood's care of herself at this time. Srorn building an embankment across office in Monroe on December 17, 1903, the Zion Lutheran, church, the ring ser- dreamed of going to bed in a beautiful he was compelled to tie his trousers se- curely about his ankles to avoid being First street or encumbering First a date which of course has not yet ar-vice being used. city home surrounded by every luxury The ills which vex so many women at street between Liberty and William rived, with Manager Ashley, Chief En- and waking to find the room swarming bitten. the change of life are entirely avoided The bride wore a gown of cream col- with great, vicious spiders? Yet that or cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Fa- streets. gineer Richards and Attorney Smith, During the slaughter Miss Hitclieock vorite Prescription. It makes weak ored silk and carried tea roses, and the is exactly what happened to Miss Clara faintrd. When the spiders had all been The officials wHom it is sought to in which he asked them to desist from bridesmaid, Miss Bertha Muehlig, sis- women strong, and enables the weakest raising the embankment. They told Hitchcock, a beautiful and accomplish- killed and Miss Hitchcock resuscitated to pass through this trying change with punish for contempt of court are Man- ter of the groom, was dressed in white ed young woman, while visiting friends ager Henry W. Ashley, Roa dimeter him they would not desist until the investigations were begun to findou tthe tranquility of perfect health. mull trimmed with Valenciennes, and in Los Angeles, Cat., recently. how the creatures got into the room "I have been a very healthy woman, and this J. O. Langhlln, Chief Engineer O. D.embankment had been raised to the time has been very hard with me," writes Mrs. height of four feet above the grade carried pink carnations. Ernest Guen- Miss Hitchcock is an exquisite type A large number of berry boxes were Maggie Morris, of Munson Station. Clearfield Richards, Foreman Joseph W. Klnsey ther, brother of the bride, was best of woman—young, vivacious and intel- found tn a corner by the dresser anil Co,, Pa., ^qx 16. "I am come to the time of and Engineer William O. Huston. of First street. < change of life, and I have been sick a great deal man. added greatly to the puzzle. At last off and on. When Mrs. Hemmis moved beside The order to show cause on October This is all of the case to be gathered however. tLe actions of little Willy, the me I was sick in bed, and when she came to see 2 was issued late yesterday and is ac-from the court files yet. It is said that After the ceremony and congraula- me and we were talking over our sickness, Mrs. tions, the wedding supper was served, youngest member of the family, just Hemmis told me l to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite companied with maps and profiles by |the Ann Arbor road claims to have Prescription and Golden Medical Discovery/ in a room decorated in green and white turned ten, aroua d suspicion. also ' Pellets.' I got her to bring me a bottle of City Engineer Groves with an affidavit simply raised the grade to the point When asked what the matter was he each from the drug store ana I used them. as to their correctness, and by affi- from which they cut it down when which stood out in bridal contrast They did me a great deal of good, and I got two against the east room, trimmed in broke down completely and confessed more bottles of' Favorite Prescription.' I never davits by Henry S. Dean and Jasper they constructed their road. th<> whole h- • ->ss from beginning to saw such a wonderful cure. Before I com- C. Gates. Work of separating the grade has autumn leaves, asters and ferns. menced your remedies I was good for nothing; From the chandelier hung ropes of end. It neesncd '.''at the day before he was in such misery I hardly knew what to do Col. Dean's affidavit is to the effect practically stopped for the year. The had hunted tile fiejds on the outskirts with myself, now I can do all my work myself that on Sept. 12 a gang of about 40 various Injunction suits were appealed smilax, knotted at the corners of the and feel well." table with ribbon bows. of the city for tarantulas, which he in laborers under the direction of a fore- to the supreme court and it was ex- tended selling to the novelty works for Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are easy man assisted by gravel trains and sev- pected to hear them early in October, Those who assisted in serving were 7t cents each. He caught thirty-five ot and pleasant to take. eral teams began building an embank- but in some way the cases did not get Miss Sarah Gross, Miss Mollie Sea- the loathsome creatures and confinei ment along the right of way of the up in time and will hardly be heard Miss Iva Seabolt and Miss Ella them in some empty berry boxes anc railroad company across First street, now before next January. This means Seabolt. had placed them in the spare chamber that he notified Roadmaster Langhlln that the completion of the separation .Mi-. Andrew Muehlig and family that this was in violation of the de-of the grade at the southern end must and Mr. and Mrs. Schmid and Irvin cree of the court, that on Sept. 17 Chief be delayed until next year. Schmid, proprietors of the firm in HO'RSE WHITS Engineer Richards was directing the The dirt under the Huron street, whose employ Mr. Muehlig has 1 n D&B LINE. work, that on Sept. 18 he heard his at- for twelve years, and Mr. Oscar Weit- SAVAGE Xl/LL. bridge has IKMMI cleaned out and it is brecht and Mr. Austin Allmeudinger. torney, Gates, order Foreman Kinsey expected to drive piles on Washington Hotn a Farmer's Life Was and Engineer Huston to desist. He street beginning 'tomorrow. were the only guests present outside of the immediate relatives of the bride Sa-Oed by -the "PlucK and groom. of a Stallion. lie covered witli gravel under the su- Mr. and Mrs. Muehlig postponed pervision of the highway commis- their wedding journey and went di- Hero horr.?s are not uncommon in the sioner." rectly to their furnished house, 807 annals of history, but the story of the The proposed change will give gen- Liberty street, where they will be at bravery and intelligence of a stallion eral satisfaction. Not only will it en- home to their friends after October 7. owned by a Tennessee farmer is so un- able the electric road Co. to build a These young people are both well usual as to deserve recording. much straighter track, but it will known in Ann Arbor, and congratula- Bob Hunt, a well known stockman of straighten the highway and take care tions and many beautiful presents Jackson. Tenii., owns a beautiful gray Dexter Wants to Get Power of a bad piece in the road, thereby show the high esteem in which they stallion and a fine Jersey bull. The benefiting all concerned with no ex-are held. ter is a vicious animal and on more House pense to the taxpayers of the road than one occasion has shown a pugna- district or township. cious disposition. Usually a pitchfork CHANGING HIGHWAY CALLED HOME serves to subdue him. but soiniM: his pugnacity gets the better of DEATH OF MISS BY SUDDEN DEATH discretion. Scio Board Give Their Uon- One day recently Mr. Hunt, in com eent on Petition of Farmers SARAH A. HAYLEY pany with a small boy, was crossing DETROIT 6 BUFF on the Road A BOY WHO JUST ARRIVED TO THE BED WAS ALIVE WITH TARANTULAS. the pasture in which the bull roams, ENTER COLLEGE lectual. She is tall and willowy, after leading the stallion. Suddenly the bull Mrs. Sarah A. Hayley, widow of The progress of the Boland road is the fashion of the Gibson girl. Her appeared upon the scene and showed Thomas Hayley, died Friday morn waving hair, in which the sunbeams evidence of wanting to fight. Mr. Hunt thus described by the Dexter Leader: ing at her home, 533 E. University ave- Receives News of His Father's Sudden gave the halter rein to the boy and Death by Drowning seem to linger and radiate, is pure gold nue, at the age of 08 years. Several and makes a gorgeous frame for herthought he would drive the irate ani- COMMENCING MAY 11TH The electric road still occupies the years ago Mrs. Hayley had a severe lovely, expressive face. Her complex- mal away. ImproTed Daily Express 3ervico (11 hoars) between fall from which she never quite recov- ion, with its pink and cream and dim- The bull started to flee, but changed DETROIT AND BUFFALO center of the stage and matters along ered. This affected her nerves and Archie Oakes, of Grand Haven, who Le*ve DETROIT Daily - . 4-00 P. M. came to this city Friday to enter the ples, would be the envy of a baby, buthis mind after running a short dis- the line of its completion have made heart, from which trouble she has been try as she will to bo courageous and tance, and. discovering his pursuer did Arrive at BUFFALO • • • 8.00 A. M. considerable progress the past week. suffering the past year. University, was called home Saturday not have the dreaded pitchfork, he low- Leave BUFFALO Daily • • 5.30 P. M. by the sad and sudden death of his indifferent, the color dies from her Arrive at DETROIT • • • 7.00 A.M. A report that is fraught with much Mrs. Hayley was a well known resi- cheeks and the dSmples cease to play ered his head and charged upon his Connecting with Earliest trains for all points in SEW interest to the people here is that a father. Dustin C. Oakes. cashier of the YORK, KISTKHJi and NEW F.MiUND STITCH, dent of this county, having come to when she relates the horrors of that master. Mr. Hunt attempted to run Throoghticketsaold to all point*. S«od tc for illus- power house is to be built in Dexter. Ypsilanti with her husband, who died National Bank of Grand Haven, who night. trated pamphletaand rates. was found dead in the river Saturday Bate between Detroit and Buffalo •».6O one way, This report The Leader has not been about a year ago. from Massachusetts "I had telegraphed the fact of my »8.50 round trip. Berths (l.OO, »1.5(>; Staterooms noon. $2 50 each direction. Weekend Excursions Buffalo able to verify, but can say such a re-soon after their marriage. Froui Ypsi- coming to my friends," she said. "They and Niagara Falls. port is current, and that it comes from lanti they moved to Delhi, bift had Mr. Oakes was in the habit of tak-were at the station to meet me. I ar- P your railway agent will not aell you a yery good authority. ing long walks for stomach trouble, I * through ticket, please buy a local made their home in Ann Arbor for the rived late in the evening, was very ticket to Buffalo or Detroit, and pay your The resumption of work on the line past 20 years. and left the bank shortly after 11 tired after my long journey across the transfer charges from depot to wharf. By west of Dexter is also a matter of o'clock. It is believed that he fell from continent, and after a very short chat doing this we will save you (3.00 tor:/ The deceased leaves three children, a fishing tug at the river front during point East or West. more than passing interest. On Mon-Wm. Hayley, of Bay City, Mrs. Ade- In the library my hostess took me to A. A. SCHANTZ, Q. P. T. *., Detroit, Mich. day the fencing gang began operations laide Davis and Miss Emily Hayley. an attack of heart failure. His body the spare room on the second floor. tniilding the fence on the outside of was found 15 minutes after his watch "I lost no time in getting to bed and both of this city. Mrs. Hayley will stopped. Oakes was 46 years of age. the tracks, the posts for which arrived be greatly missed by her many friends in a short time was sound asleep. As MORE LIVES ARE SA^ a last week. A gentleman from Chelsea as she was a woman whom all loved was prominent in several manufactur- the night progressed I became restless. informed The Leader Saturday that who knew her well. The funeral ser- ing enterprises as well as in his bank. Once it seemed that something dropped ».BY USING... ; the material for laying the third rail vices will 1)0 announced later. He is survived by a widow, two sons on my forehead, but when I put up my is being drawn this way from Chelsea. and a daughter, the oldest son being hand I felt nothing. I slipped off into Dr. King's New Disced , and that the work of re-ballasting and the boy who was called fack from Ann a troubled doze, but was awakened by -..FOR.™ cleaning up the line is going along Arbor Saturday. something running across my hand, finely. YPSILANTI BEAT which was lying outside the coverlet. Consumption, Coughs and Colds That the electric road people pro- WHAT IS LIFE? A sort of terror stricken nervousness Xhan By All Other Throat Aa.\ pose to have their line as free from ANN ARBOR In the last analysis nobody knows, swept over me. Lung Remedies Combined. curves as it is possible to build it is but we do know that it is under strict "The night was inky black—so black [This wonderful medicine positively evidenced by the trouble and expense law. Abuse that law even slightly. I could not discern any object in the cures Consumption, Coughs, Coos, THE TWO HIGH SCHOOLS MET room. I imagined I could hear sounds Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay they are going to to accomplish this FOR PRACTICE GAME pain results, frregular living means end. At various points along the line derangement of the organs, resulting dim, strange and intangible. When I Fever.Pleurisy, LaGrippe,, was getting ready for bed I had no- Sore Throat, Croup and Whoooing they have reduced or eliminated curves in Constipation, Headache or Liver Cough. NO CURE. NOPfcy. by buying valuable land or moving And Ypsilanti Won by the Score of 18trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills ticed a banjo in a corner of the room, Prioe 50c. & $L Trial Battle F- • buildings at heavj expense, but the to 0—Only Three Old Ann quickly re-adjust this. It's gentle, yet and now I heard a faint tinkling as of something creeping over the strings. If most important undertaking is that of Arbor Players thorough. Only 25c at A. E. Mum- moving the highway for a distance of mery and H. F. Miller, Druggists. "I felt as If I must have a light or I WAGONS die. I crept out of bed and groped 1014 feet in order to straighten their Saturday's football game, between road bed. about in the darkness for the electric In buying a wagon fo>. the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti high burner. When I found it and turned carrying loads to the mill This change will be made east of schools, although resulting in a defeat JAILED FOR ASSAULT the screw no light came. The works Honey Creel;, where there is a short for the Ann Arbor team, served the wore out of order. Something cold and or city, buy the bear, the bend in the highway near Arthur ON HIS WIFE fuzzy ran across my bare feet. With a Lyon's west line. purpose which Prof. Jocelyn had in mind when he arranged for the game. moan of terror I jumped into bed and STUDEBAKER The J., A. A. & D. Co. propose to pulled the covers close about me." move the highway to the north four Only three of the Ann Arbor team had Godfrey Berger was given 1."> days is bv all odds the BEST. in jail Monday by Justice Gibson "But why didn't you call the folks in rods and to run their line over the ever played in a football game before the house?" asked the listener. land now occupied by the highway. and for the first half were completely for assaulting his wife. Saturday evening Berger turned his wife and "I did cry out several times, but as Their map calls for a strip of land 4 at sea to know what was expected of my room was far separated from the rods wide, commencing in the center them. But in the second half, when they children out of the house. lie was | THJi HOB8E SEIZED THE BULL. CARRIAGES crazy drunk on wine, of which he had other sleeping apartments no one heard of the highway, 411 feet from the into the game, they held the Jpsi. —no one came. Oh, the hideousness of (ind fell. The bull butted him as hf and S. V4 line of section 23, thence on a a largo quantity in his cellar. Marshal passed, and it looked for a moment as High Grade carriages are team down completely so that the Kelsey and Officer Collins arrested that night! I covered my head with •UEVe to the right 1014 feet to a point score of 18 to 0 in favor of Ypsilanti fhe bedclothes. If Mr. Hunt would be gored to death. built by me. Those who on the west line of the E. % of the N. him. He is a big. powerful fellow and "But I couldn't breathe very well, so The boy dropped the rein of the stal- have them are suited with W. Vi of said section 23 where the which was made during the first half it took considerable diplomacy to land lion and started off for help. It was was the finalone . him in jail without a bad fight. Their I threw the covers back again. As I them. You will be, if you renter line of said highway as it now Sid so a great, bristling, fuzzy thing, then that the noble animal proved buy of me. oxists intersects at a point 448\{. feet The Ypsilanti team deserve great home is on Seventh street and a patrol with hairs that pricked and feet that Idmself faithful to his master andj was N. of the E. and W. % line of said credit, they knew the game and played wagon would have come in handy Sat- clung to my flesh, crept over my face. n real hero. Rearing up on his hind The prices will suit you. section 23. it well. But Coach Jones is not aturday night. I struck at it wildly and sent it flying feet, with a snort of defiance, he bore We sell also high grade The township board held a meeting all discouraged for he has only beep with such momentum that it hit against down upon the bull, which in the mean- arnessea. Wednesday, Sept. 10. and agreeable to with the team for the past two days A NIGHT ALARM. the opposite wall with a mushy thud, time had returned a second time upon a petition by the property owners of and had never before lined up the Worse than an al.i-in of tire at night then dropped to the floor. Mr. Hunt ami ty&s about to trample the highway in that road section, team that played Saturday . From a is the brassy cough of croup, which "After that I fell into a dream tor- him to death. The horse bit a large Geo. W. Seabold, passed the following resolution: financial point of view the game was a sounds like the children's death knell. tured sleep and did not awake until the pieceof "beef and hair" out of the bull's "Resolved, That the township of great success, for $19.50 were cleared and it means death unless something sunlight was streaming through the back at the opportune moment and, 113 S. 4th Ave Scio grant the J., A. A. & D. Traction for the Athletic association. is done quickly. Foley's Honey and dainty lace curtains that shielded the wheeling, planted both rear heels in the c.i. the privilege of changing the high- Next Saturday the tirst schedule Tar never fails to give instant relief windows. A dim memory of awful ribs of his opponent, almost sending 1 him to the earth and causing him to way in section •_':'. agreeable to the mapgame will 1M played with .Jackson. It and quickly cures the worst forms of dreams came to me. but I felt so drow ANTAL-MIDY: attached with the understanding^ that will he announced later, where the croup. Mrs. l'. I.. Cordier, of Man-sy and so tired. I gaped ami stretched roar with pain. The bull loft his prostrate victim and I These tiny CAPSULES are superior the railroad company grade the newgame is to be, but wherever it is nington. Ky.. writes: "My three year my arms, but as I let them drop my to Balsam of Copaiba, road bed and leave it in as good con- everyone interested in the team should ol girl had a severe case of croup: the hands came in contact with things soft fled in terror, with the horse pursuing Cubebs or Injections and dition as it is at the present time, thebe present and give his hearty support. doctor said she could not live. I goitind hairy that writhed and struggled him and taking chunks of hide and CURE IN 48 HOURS new road bed to be graded and put in a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. theunder my palms. flesh every few steps until he had been the same diseases with- condition for travel before the old road Read the Argus-Democrat, the first iios.> gave (fulck relief and i> saved "Horrified I caught at the ironwork chased to the bottom. Tb3 horse then out inconvenience. bed is disturbed. The new roadbed to weekly. Only $1 per year. her life." For sale by A. B. Mummery. at the headboard. I sat up. The white returned to his master. JS>>hl by all ilrn/jgtste. ARBOR A.RGUS-DEMOORAT OCT8IM 2,

at the Normal. He was cashier for MOTHER AND CHILD CELEBRATED THEIR A. E. Putnam. ANOTHER BILL HAND IN HAND. Charles H. Kelsey spent the night SHALL WE HAVE GOLDENWEDDING h«*e at his home. FOR DIVOPCE WHERE YOU FIND ONE, YOU'LIi Richard Easlick and wife are in FIND THE OTHER. palatable as milk. It is easy Carleton attending the base ball tour- Health and Dr. David Kennedy's FREE and soothing to the weak w nament. EVELINE AND J4MES AL'ORD The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ARE NO LONGER ONE Favorite Remedy are boon Companions j stomach; it checks the ten- MARRIED HALF CENTURY they travel together hand in hand, and Demand for New Policy Frank Johnson of Redman street, died where you find one you'll find the other. dencies of children toward Many Guests Present as Well as All this morning. Eveline Alford, of Ypsilanti, The countless testimonials received High School thinness. the Children and Grandchildren Miss Hattie Wolcott has been out i filed a bill for divorce from her liege by the Doctor from sufferers who have from Detroit visiting her mother. j lord. .lames W. Alford, of the same been cured of the numerous diseases of Scott's Emulsion gives Mrs. Milton J. Crane of Ilillsdale is town, in which she retails a tale of the Kidneys, Bladder, Blood, Rheuma- AS TO TUITION CHARGES strength to weak mothers be- ! Milan, Mich., sept. 29th, ioo3.-Mr. L. Clark and wife. j woe that would move a wooden In- ^i^S^f^f^ft.^eaknesses. _ •, _ 1 IJ.1 £\~n\~. annrndi Mrs\frc William U'lmlpv Am PPIPIIVMI"- ' cause it creates healthy flesh - WUBam Whatey are eelebrat is moving to dian. _ , urine in a small elass and their oWen Qications Prom and new blood. ** * redding anniversary 1)etroitj where hers Jn mne> h~sa She states that she gave her loving jet -t sjTand 24 hours. if it has a sedi- hl and s Vl r V good position in a machine shop. he.ut into James' charge on the 16th ment; ; if it is palp e or discolored, ,cloud yy or Ann Arbor Tax Payers Nursing mothers will find "'" *»*»* " * ' - elaborate. Olney Butler is taking a vacation • 1 1 i•n OScot J.J.t ' Mr. William Whaley was born in day of May. 1S7S, in the township of ropy; your kidneys and bladder are sick On the Subject miles Augusta, and for a time all went well, and there is no medicine in existence Emulsion because it insures ' Mrs. Max Saxton is visiting Mrs. But later .lames took to drink and be- that has made such remarkable cures as from Milan village, on November 22^ tosina Hedman today. Ann Arbor, Sept. 28th, 1903. a flow of rich, nourishing gan to be ,,,„,. „.,,, abusive language ^S£5^itSSSJSS% 1834. He was the lirst white child G. E. Thompson, a representative to her and actually threatening to do- th*price of a postal card TO DISPEL Editor of Ann Arbor Argue: milk for the baby. More an stroy her life. Upon one occasion, she THAT DOUBT. Dear Sir:—By the letter of Mr. born in London township, and his fa- of the Detroit Tribune, is in town to- better than a medicine ', t^er wason eo r ^e three white mein da-y working for the interests of the states, he was seized with the murder- it is a matter of absolute indifference Herbst in a recent issue of the Argus oils feeling in the middle of the night to us how many physicians or specialists 1 have been greatly surprised to learn Scott's Emulsion is a food, who were the first settlers of the Tribune. Scott's Emulsion is not a township, the father of John Bunce, Frank Bogardus and Horace Cone and arose from his couch with threats have prescribed for you without bring- that Ann Arbor has the unique distinc- that he would cut her throat and the ing you relief; write your full name tion among Michigan towns of charg- also a resident of this place, having have formed a partnership to run a mere extract, containing im been one of the three. His mother died'livery barn. threat caused such fear that she was and address on a postal card and send it ing tuition for language study in her (| .,,.,, frightened into giving up the £*•£• §"£*£%%<*%% high school. To a former student in aginary " active principles when he was very young, leaving him | William H. Murray of Ann Arbor, ghost. Finally to cap the climax, i l free, a trial bottle of DR. two of the free high schools of the which do not exist, but is full to his own resources, which his success in visiting his parents today. abso ute y f til b nf oofnol nmin'climpnf wViirli iu lile indicates were ample for his! Mrs. Crane is visiting her daughter, .lames ceased to contribute to her sup- DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE state and to a bigb school principal port about two years ago and she has REMEDY, of sufficient quantity to con- and superintendent for several years in oi actual nounsnmeni wiuui nged Hg went to gchool atDunde e .,_ „_. Charles Steidle and wife are in De- since been compelled to fight the battle vince you of its rapid relieving powers, other Michigan towns, and to a resi- sustains vital force and builds , . alone. She relates that they have and that a continuation of its use will dent of Ann Arbor who in common during ni8 K)Vhoo(1 day8 troit today. up the body tissues more | Sarah Vealey was born in the state Miss Anna Brown is the new cashier four children and about five acres f cure any disease of the Kidneys, Liver, with the citizenship of the state has 1 Bladder and Blood. taken a just pride in wiiot we had sup- rapidly than any Other known otwhe Nen wsh Yorke wa, sNovembe six yearsr 5ol,d 1838 cam,e tanod in Putnam's store. land. She asks that she be given the ' •*• • " nrhan olia «rd a civ van re r»1d Of\ mp tn Druggists sell it in New SO Cent Sizm posed was the free school system of Michigan with her parents, who set- Mrs. Charles Coe and son Max,land and granted alimony ami attor- Bnd the regular $1.00 size bottles. remedy. tled at Dundee. ntiy fees. Michigan, you can Imagine that it was We'll send you a sample free upon request. have been visiting her mother, Mrs. 1IR. IIAVID KENNEDY'S ROSE JELLY radical something of a shock to his civic pride SCOTT & BOWN E, 409 Pearl Street, New Vorlc. Mr. and Mrs. Whaley were married W,o)cott. Curt Catarrh, Haj Fever and Cold la UH4. 50c to learn that it remained for Ann Ar- ;i" London township, September 29 L. Lamkin is building an addition bor, the boasted center of the educa- 1863, thus having lived together hap- t« h\ and wnli.lm other tax-payers aiid citizens of thelie provided in the public schools make II. Whaley of this place, and George TO BE STUDIED Eddy, was at home Wednesday to his AnnisFurs state, I had supposed that we had done it free to the children of all the resi- F. Whaley, who resides at North friends in commemoration of his 88th dents of the city." You have hit the •with rate-bills and established a free uems 01 me cuy. 1011 naNc mi •»«.Bmnchi aml (g connected with the birthday anniversary. Mr. Duan was are the system about forty years ago annaid l square on the head. I cannot see Rex Hoo„ p & Stave Co. of f tha. t place. . NEW COURSE ADDED TO born in 1^1") in Groveland, N. Y.. and while, judging from our city's attitude how this position can be successfully Mr. Whaley served in the war of ZOOLOGY WORK since 1837 lias lived near Hillsdale, toward a municipal water system anct ssailed. It was never in the contem- the rebellion in the First Michigan Mich. He is one of Michigan's pion- BETTER= electric light plant. 1 was prepared to ^ti(!n."!'.tlU' "tatr ^V.'.T" '.I!:1*".!"0".! (Ouster's) Cavalry, for two years and Curator Adams will Have Charge andeers, haying helped lay out the govern- learn that we might be fifteen or eight months, and took part in 33 en- ment land. In 18.72 he took the over- twenty years behind the times. I would schools. If any study is of sufficient Give Lectures—Only a Dozen —FURS gagements, many of which were very Students Can be lnna ;:•;,> to California in search of not have supposed that our education- importance to the people to demand its ^'np01l [.,',','( riches, lie served in the army under MADE in DETROIT, the home introduction into our public schools, He now draws a £ da:ed al matters, the chief object of our pension of $24 per month. Vanl'.uren and" I'olk and was made of reliable FURS. Your pride, were forty years behind the and it is introducted there, it should captain, and loves nothing better now dealer should sell them. If he become a part of our public In 1853 he opened the Milan eider A new and Interesting course has times. Policy and principal, it seems] mill and cooper Shop, and has operat- tha n"to tell of all the maneuvers that 11 does not, write us for name of to me, require that tuition for Iansystem and free to all. If it is for the rirst time been put into the \\f 111' , 11 111111V Illlll IVHIK'U »«/». ...m. I _ t_ • HI 'A. A. »» ^M. 111CUI O111V.eCd 111the. 11 mllllJ^J sinc. AXe \ thall\J >t JJtlttime? . He now has biological department of the Univer- took place in tiie war." Mr. Dunn is • one who does guages and all other branches be '" *"'"•> mportance, "keep It out, asa u evapomtol. wlli(.h ^p]oya sever;ll sity and the first class has been in excellent health and is young among abolished for reMdent students, and the expressed ..;. von. ana let tnose wno en, women and boys during the apple his seventeen grandchildren, and is :: 11 1 Iilkl> Btudl m formed for this semester's work. The Newton Annis public schools be made free as hthe"-"-" "'•"'"" ^""^ «'*" '" ^ ' f season. new course will be known as field honored as a strong man and good. 237-239-241 Woodward Ave., DETROIT. 11 law intends. To charge for instruct-;-instruct;. '" ^ [ } | He has been one of the men whoecology and Is intended as an intro- ion is to violate the spirit if not the <" «* state and the people change with I tltne What seemed sufflctent to make lnstrnniental in maklng Mihln duction to the study oi' the relation letter of the law and it is very ques- of animals to their natural environ- It's folly to suffer from that horrible tionable whether the courts would not ment, as illustrated by the local fauna. plague of the night, itching piles. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT pronounce the action illegal if the mat- SSSL?X^oL T JSi. «S ^ S The primary aim is not to give a mass Take Laxative Bromo Qainine Tablets. ter were brought before them. Whe- row with the growth of the state and 1:'l)or' mon,ey wllir" was mostI-v permanently. At any drug store, ami society. The state is benefited in expended here ic Milan, for the past of information, but to present a point All druggists refund the money if it ther legal or not the tuition is an un- fifty of view and such methods of work as fails to cure. B. W. Grove's signature fair burden on many tax-payers and isproportion as its inhabitants become self-supporting, law abiding and good He is A member of the Grand Army should aid one in studying his local Read the Argus-Democrat. Is oi> each box. 25c. plainly a case of double taxation. It of the Republic, .Masonic and Oddfel- fauna. There has been a demand for also discriminates unfairly against citizens. Our public schools are the ul 1 low orders. such a course for some time but there the study of languages and tends to -'•" " work and foundation for the has been difficulty in securing some attainment of these results. If t Mrs. Whaley belongs to th-; East- strengthen the influences that are low- one to give it. Prof. Adams, curator demands of the times make the study ern Star, Maccabees, Woman s Relief ering the standard of scholarship and of the museum, lias finally consented of bookkeeping or short hand, or man- Corps and Daughters of Hobekah or making the aim of the schools the per- to take charge of the work, but does ual training an important aid to pro-ders. fecting of a wealth producing and mon- not want more than a dozen students duce self supporting, good American Over one hundred invitations weiv ey earning machine and not the devel- sellt outo f tow in the class, as it would be difficult to opment of well rounded manhood and citizens and the people of a community »- Among the guests demand any of these studies to be a "re a11 tl)e children, grand children, do justice to a greater number. womanhood. Let us take a forward Mrs. J. T. Hafford of Albion. Myron step of forty years and stand abreast par! of the curriculum of our public schools, they should be made such and Russell of Saline, Detective Clem Tit- A BOY'S WILD RIDE FOR LIFE. of the progressive cities of the state. tI eo f Let us have a free high school. be free to all. The same applies to Detroit, George Whaley of To- With family around expecting him the study of any language. And as Peka- Kansas; Mr. Whaley's only to die. and a son riding for life, 18 C. K. PERRINE. brother WEAKNESS stated by you. if the people do not . Henry Barr of Saline, Mis. miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN wish any particular study to form a renfield of Dundee, and Horace Pul- for Consumption. Coughs, and Colds, Editor Argus: e It Is sad to contemplate the unfortunate condition of so many men of WH1 wmVpreseat or former member P^ of our free public system, "keep J"; °» of Ms boyhood school-mate, W. II. Brown, of Leesville, Ind., en- | our day and generation. At 30 they feel 50; at 40 they feel 60, and at 50, of the s.-hool board enlighten resident '< out," and let US not have a mixture fiom Dundee, and man*' otuers fr°m dured death's agonies from asthma; when they should be in the very prime of life, they are almost ready for of free and pay schools in our public ,'earoy but this wonderful medicine gave in- the grave. The fireo f youth has gone out, the fountain of vitality is school patrons, or tax-payers of Ann exhausted. Premature old age! No matter what produced it, whether Arbor, why a tuition for language- school system. It was one of the pleasantcst golden stant relief and soon cured him. He wedding celebrations ever held here. Immorality in youth, later excesses, or business worries, the one thing Greek, Latin, French and German—of We are frequently accosted with the writes: "I now sleep soundly every for you to do is to get back the vim, the vigor and vivacity of manhood. $3 each a semester is charged? Who remark that our public schools are night." Like marvelous cures of Con- Don't lose your grip on life. We can and will not only help you, but conceived the propriety, the wisdom merely for tKe teaching of the English Sheriff Gauntlett of Ann Arbor is sumption. Pneumonia. Bronchitis, cure you to stay cured. Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous branches. This is not correct. Our,here todav visiting. Coughs, <'nids and Grip prove its any physical system has been our exclusive business for the past 30 and justice of imposing such a tax on Rev the already burdened tax-payer? One public schools are for th'e purpose of j - Howard A. Field is today re- matchless merit for all Throat and years, during which time we have cured enough fallen men to make may pertinently ask, was it to enable making the children of the state intel- moving his household goods to De- Lung Troubles. Guaranteed bottles an army. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will restore to you what troit alul with his you have lost. the school board to hire professors of ligent, self-supporting and law-abiding > Wife will leave 50c and $1.00. A. B. Mummery and It purifies and enriches the BLOOD, strengthens the NERVES, citizens, and that method of teaching ,soon- languages at an expense of from $2,- Fre<1 II. P. Miller, druggists. vitalizes the mental orga»s, checks all unnatural drains and pains and O00 to $3,000 per annum, and to make which will produce the best results in | Moffltt of Jasper is visiting his | fits a man for the active duties of life. it a success <• litioned that pupils thai direction should be adopted by the Parents, Wm. Moffltt and wife. could not graduate unless they took slate. If teaching German or book-! Addison Gardner has returned from CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. n s visi Ground Feed We treat and cure Blood and Skin Diseases, Kervous Debility Vari" languages? keeping or manual training give the ] t in Detroit, and is staying with saves corn and grows and fat- I cocele, Stricture, Urinary Complaints, Physical Weakness, Kidney and h al 1 iH; l his tens faster. The best mill for I Bladder Diseases. Please speak, some member or mem- ">' " - better chance of earning daughter, Mrs. Lincoln L. Schmitt. corn, with or withootehucka, CONSULTATION FREE. If unable to call, write for a Question bers of the present or former board,!11 livelihood in the struggle for exist-] Charles M. Blackmer returned from •J-.11 grains, iatne I Blank for Home Treatment. and enable us to see the propriety of ence- these studies should be adopted ,his Detroit trip this morning. such a tax, for unless this is done in our public schools and should be I Wells Sprague and wife, who there wll be a very hot campaign open free. I have been visiting her sister, Mrs. A generous, broad and liberal policy Rosins Redman, for some time return- DuplexGrindingMiil. in the future. And too, why should Crushes and grinds to any adopted in the school system of theed home to GreenviUe today. fineness .always uniform. Has 148 Shelby St., DETROIT, MICH. people who move into town to do busi- , great capacity. Easy running. state will react upon the state and will Prank Showers has left here for Mt. power, KCJ kind. Double liretkere, Established 25 years. 250,000 Cured. Bank Security. ness and to become permanent resi- double B«t bum, forco feed uid reful&tiDC d«ric«. 4 sixes. Catalog FREB. dents, tax-payers or not as yet, be ob-repay it many fold financially by pro- Pleasant, where he will study music THE 0. S. KELLY CO., Dcpt. 99 SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. liged to pay tuition often amounting ducing more and better taxpayers, in- K&K K&K K&K K & K to $25 to $50 a year? Are such people, tellectually and morally, by producing often poor laboring men, not burdened more intelligent and better men and enough with the care of providing a women, and wil produce broader citi- zens all around. winter's supply, with wages at $1.50 A. D. DAVIDSON, President. 8 day, or often not over $8.00 a week? GERMAN TAXPAYER. F. E. KEN ASTON, Vice-Prest. D. H. McDONALD, Treas. J.A. McRAE, Sec'y. Outrage! The hound stands ready to chase the child to school, extra tuition is demanded, food and clothing are DEATH OF The Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Land Co. Ltd. the other necessities. Citizens, why do you allow wealthy gentlemen, men PURCHASERS OF THE ENTIRE LAND GRANT OF THE CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY, Offer For Sale in Large or Small Tracts who are not blessed with children of MRS. DODGE school age, and single men to become your school officers? You complain Mrs. Elmira Dodge, wife of Post- and ask for relief, yet you stuff the master Henry Dodge, and daughter of TWO MILLION ACRESMHEBESlWHEATand FLAX LANDS ballot box with material that if it win the late Joseph Pray, died at her home . ln We8tern Canada, at S7.OO Per Acre. These Land* are located ia the Famous Saskatchewan Valley, Manitoba and Assiniboia. out looks only to the interest and pro- at Whitmore Lake early Monday pagation of self. Of course if neces- She lias been ill for only a week with WW No Floods, No Cyclones, No Drouths, No Crop Failures. These Districts Will Raise This Year Over One Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat. sarv the writer will pay the addition-1 typhoid fever, but has been suffering al tax—or call it blood-money; but I; for some time with inflammatory rhcu- A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY for the FARMER and INVESTOR belleve the injustice—a tuitioned free matism. Mrs. Dodge was stoll a school—can not endure much longer, j young woman, being but 38 years of seeing the opposition and the hardship I age. She will be greatly missed as it entails on many people. (she was one of the most prominent OVER 100,000 SETTLERS WILL GO INTO THIS SECTION THIS SEASON Will not our present school board : Ktdies of her village, being lady corn- J"10 ownsasmanfarmoS a f a r 0rhigllieh PpriceeAd laland wwili1 1l fiBadd TUC FADlIrD hU'. re aa.7oooo" oPPo«unr'?uitynit to vpe^t at s good^'? landr ,thai"t wil- l. pro"- TUP E I! I 13™ O Tf& 7M Will fuul h, those lands an investment for his kindly do away with Hie offensive reg-' niander of the Maccabees in that place. ?Qce more vvheat »f Wter quality than the land Illation and cease to be a hindrance The funeral was held from her late JHfc rAKmEK^iHrrs^H^f;^•••••tall heWit noh wa operate sM Rls at one-quartel r the orice This is^ th e THE NVESTOR =S€^ ssiHI "ri 'Vh I™"™' <" <= > I^ack Vegetable LoimVui^a • •••• 111 • IHW I VII tion that is now pouring into this splendid, fertik; to pupils graduating, or to their con-' residence Wednesday afternoon at d needs but the plow to make it vield a competence and a fortune Sell couutry has never been equaled by any land movement in the history of ihe world. One 1inti.iting their studies to the end? ] ::S0 o'clock. mfiidrcd thousand settlers will un into these districts this year. The country is In mag- Few families will anil can endure the niRcent condition and the crop yield will be enormous. The land is bound to double and expense. It will amount to wlmt a TEN VKAKS IX BED. Jar-sighted gentleman remarked: "If a. A. Cray, J. P., Oakville, Tin!., this extra tax is not removed, in awrites: '-For ten years I was confined short time we shall need no more to my bed with disease of my kidneys. language professors." It was so severe that I could not move Maps, Prlo« X,l»t nntl Detailed Information, etc, F. STOPFLKT. part of the time. I consulted Hie wry best medical skill available, br.t could Mi tor Argus: gel MO relief until Foley's Kidney Cure The Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Land Company, Limited, In yovir editorial in the Argus of was recommended to me. It nag been September 26th, under the caption)a Godsend to me." For sale by A. B.J uO Office, Fora Block, WIHNIPE6. MAN. General Office, 30S Jackson St., 8T. PAUL, MINN. "'Abolish the Tuition," you mention Mummery. • ANN ARffOK ARGUS-DEMOCRAT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1903

Mrs. Catherine Brampton died very ********** **** .»•»».»»• suddenly of heart failure at her borne WHAT WE ARE +*****• HUM in Detroit Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mclntyre and Miss Jennie COMING TO Mclntyre attended the funeral which [ STATIONERY was held in Detroit yesterday. Mrs. The latest thing in the Interurban 'Brampton was well known in Ann Ar-roads is a buffet and parlor combina- bor. They're tion car, twenty of which are being J. E. Beal has completed the pur-milt by the Onion Traction company T)o you know that we can chase of the Polhemus block, north of if Indiana, controlled by the Widener- save you just | the price on the postoffice, and is making arrange- Elking syndicate. These cars will bo fine Writing Papers. It eellfl ments to give the building a thori finished in mahogany, will have four season overhauling and renovating to put it in 75 horse-power motors, equipped with by the pound f« 25c, 100 shape for renting. One of the Im-lir brakes. There will be a small THE STEIN BLOCH READY-TO- sheets, latest size, and 10c per provements will be the putting in of dtchen. In the buffet department WEAR SMART CLOTHES steam heat. will be parlor chairs and in the other package of 25 for the enve- section regular day coach seats. The lopes. Also our Cloth Finish The funeral of Mrs. Henry Dodge, twenty Cars when finished will cost the They were good nearly fifty years ago, they are superb this at Wliitniore Lake. Wednesday, was season. Their new Fall and Winter models that we would like of 120 sheets to the lb for 35c Union Traction company $240,000. The very largely attended, the church not Indiana Traction company will use you to see, are things that even a custom tailor would grow and 15c per package of 25 for being capable of holding all who as-these buffet parlor cars in the express enthusiastic over. for the envelopes. Three sembled to pay their tribute to theservice that it will establish between shades—white, grey and blue. dead. The L. O. T. M. M. guards of Indianapolis and Marion. Ind. An extra 'The Fabrics in Suits and Overcoats are this city attended and conducted the 'are will be charged on them. The We have the dainty size for burial service of the order. Very Beautiful invitations and Regrets, 35c inly stops to lie made by these cars lie- The thirteenth annual reunion of ween Indianapolis and Marion will be The Tailoring—Stein-Bloch Wholesale-Tailoring is imitatable. perlb and 10c per package Co. B, Third Michigan cavalry, will be at Anderson and Ehvood. The dis- We don't care how little you know about good clothes-making. for the [envelopes. Send for" held at Whitmore Lake Tuesday, Oct. tance of 7<> miles, including all Stops, 6, and arrangements are complete for will be covered in two hours. The cars You'll see at a glance that Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes are better samples. a good time. Comrades who are un-will have sufficient power to- travel at than the best of any other make that you've ever seen. Really able to be present are asked each to the rate of lit) miles an hour. now, you should see the Stein-Bloch Suits and Overcoats. write a letter to be read, which may be WAHR'vS sent to Captain T. V. Quaekenbush, Come while the stock is complete. formerly the company's commander, at STICK|BELONGED B o okstores Plymouth, or to S. H. Alliton, at Up Town Down Town Owosso. TO GRANDFATHER Nicholas Schneider and G. Knapp have gone into the apple and cider Sheriff Gauntlett is the possessor of business. They have contracted for LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL a policeman's billy which he not only an apple orchard of COO trees and asprizes for its age, but also for the fact **** *+*************sll|tSi irregular living means J3A0 oj s;uiod }i •qojrc here from the University of Wisconsin, derangement of the organs, resulting fnsjaAmn. ssauisna Tioj^a sjii PBAOJCI pue 8sudja;ua has moved into the house just vacated in Constipation, Headache or Liver PISO'S CORE FOR by Prof. Andre Beziat de Bordes, who ,,.„„),„>. i_> . King's New Life Pills •OUJO '32B UI 'BOiwcav ur 8ite[[oo M UURES WHERE ALL ELbE t;AILS>. r -jsnq }saq eqx 'paaopisuoa aq o; U Boot Cousth Syrup. Tutea '.J'jocl. has accepted a call to the University of ,,ujckly re-adjusts this. It's gentle, -jnojd aao ^|uo 5q} si }saq aq* looq in tlnjp Sold by druKK'tits. , where he will have a yet thorough. Only 25c at A. E. Mum- SUIUIIUJ ssanisnq B Surpass m CONSUMPTfON chair in French. iinery and H. F. Miller, druggists.


UTjTjuTXurrvuinnjvruuiJiJiJU\ruTruiJ^ tunately after a few years, boards of of her daughter. Mrs. Charles Rupp. supervisor*—Whose rules are not like GRAVELING STREETS Mrs. John Wise has returned to her A History of Washtenaw the laws of the Medea and Persians— home in Milford. declined to be bound by th> rules of OF MILAN Henry Fournia has purchased 80 their official predecessors, and they acres of land in London township of County Medical Society claimed as a reason for not adhering John F. Grassley. to this scale of fees, that In so many ANOTHER IvEW HOUSE TO BE By Doctor William F. BreaKey cases the doctors found it necessr.ry BUILT IN MILAN to examine contents of chest, abdom- For Death or Relief outf ruTjxannjTJirLruxiuirLrLTi r-iru-inj-u-innj-avarurLan/ A GRAPHIC en and skull, and did not always find —Heart Disease. German and Chemistry Taught in The following history of the Washte- tive relations, and within the reach of the cause of death then, but charged aaw County Medical Society was read its inthfence all practicians of medi- the whole schedule of fees. It is not Dizzy Spells, Pain High School This Year—Visitors PICTORIAL LECTURE before the society some time ago. It cine. improbable that there was some ground and Visiting •alls to mind the names of many who The proceedings of its meetings for the action of the board. and Choking. The thrilling story of the early Aid so much to relieve the ills of while formal were very democratic. The society has had various stages Dr. Miles' H«ari Cure Milan, Mich., Sept. 28.—The Milan Christians was most graphically told i»aukind that it deserves circulation ' All were doctors. No distinction ex- of prosperity and adversity—of enter- team is scheduled to play the. and illustrated by Henry Herbert •utside of the medical fraternity: isted other than Is always spontaDf prising zeal and decline of energy. Saved My Life. Dundee team at the' baseball tourna- Booth at Baptist church Sunday even- The present society had its inception, j eously accorded to merit. The hum- ment at Carleton tomorrow. "The win-tog. Every available seat in the Some earnest differences arose that di- Dr. Miles'He»rt Cure it sure to do what ia a call for a meeting of the physi- blest, youngest and most modest were vided its members in positive oppo- no olhcr medifiKe i.t» l>s. tlia first county In the state to estab- cases iu practice, with brief discus- lights cast during the lapse of more raise my ht»d ir*m Ihe pi uw. My heart Earl Sweot, and family. work. As pictures they were perfect. lish a county medical society. Thesions iu which all were invited to par- than a quarter of a century. was greatly affected and I frequently had -Miss Kay YV'wox is home loin her They glowed with all the brightness 'territorial Medical Society, organised ticipate. Among the important sub- spells of severe psipiution an 1 f'utierinj, Whittaker Mflt and coloring of Oriental life. iu 1810, had the authority conferred jects discussed by the society in its No history of the society would be pain, tenderness, chotmg sem,ations, could complete without mention of the break not lie on mv ltft fid: and was not able to Claude Moffitt ia in Duraiid, where The lecture opened with the events fry the Territorial Government to granearlt y years was that of criminal ab- do any work. I called a doctor who helped he has a position with the Ami Arbor in the ministry of Jesus Christ One »ud revoke licenses to practice medi- ortion. The action of the society for- in its ranks on the introduction of me some bul the diizy -JX of Dr. Miles' Anti- Redman returned this afternoon from home society as it did in the profes- Pain V:\.i since time 1 have had no their over Sunday visit with Hiss Mr. Booth is a pioneer in the work application, the right to form a local I tion. That the society had the courage more '1 t.z7 spells. 1 can lie on either side of preaching the gospel by eye as well society. "Thus .lune 12, l^JT. permis- of its resolutions was shown by thesion of the state and throughout the and si ep all night. 1 have been able to do Irene Place in Durand. country. The secession of members my rm-n vAirk for three years. Dr. Miles' Wila P. Lamkin is putting down a as by ear. If he is given the loyal sup- sion was granted Doctors Cyril Nieh- fact that one of its members, against Hea;i Cure saved my life."—Mrs. R. H. port of Christian workers he will be •ls, Rnfus Pomeroy, William Kitter- whom charges were being prepared, of the faculty and the formation by Burch. Buixh, S. D. drive well at his mill in the hope jof idge and Daniel Low to form a Wash- withdrew before they could be pre-them of the Ann Arbor Academy of striking an artisian fountain. able not only to illustrate his own ser- tenaw County Medical Society." ferred, thus saving himself expulsion. Medicine followed. The Academy was All •'.-'legists fell and gua-antee first bot- Frank Showers has discontinued his mons but those of others and put these denied representation in the meeting tle Di. Miles' Remedies, bend for free book services as cashier and bookkeeper in pictorial sermons in the hands of all The various Washtenaw county his- He moved from the county but was on Nervojs and Heait Diseases. Address ministers. subsequently repeatedly arrested, of the American Medical Association Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. A. E. Putnam's department store and tories have but little to say of pioneer at Buffalo the following year through will pursue a course of voice culture physicians and nothing of medical so- charged with the same crime, and though he several times escaped con- protest from this society. Later the at the Normal at Mt. Pleasant under cieties. Like the usual subscription faculty was glad to make use of the the direction of Prof. Maybee, an old histories they dedicate to fame sub-viction, he finally served a term in the state prison for causing death by crim- attitude of this society, supported by friend. scribers chiefly. The only mention I the State Medical Society, to induce find of physicians in early history— inal abortion. James Johnson has returned from the regents to relieve the department TIQ TO Chelsea, where he attended the re- A Cough apart from a few individual biograph- The society secured the analysis of of medicine and surgery of many of ies—is in the history of Pittsfield union of the 17th Michigan Volunteers, numerous much vaunted proprietary the most obnoxious features of the to which he belonged. Township, namely, "no physician set- medicines and exposed their worth- relations at first established. The con- "I have made a most thorough tled in this town prior to Doctor Na- L!C Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Juckett and In this creditable work Doc- tention led to bitter feeling at the time, daughter Gladys and son Floyd re- trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and than Webb, 1835, (A biographic sketch tor Silas H. Douglas, Doctor Albert B. members on both sides no doubt failing am prepared to say that for all dis- of Doctor Webb says he came to Pitts- Two Year Old Baby Has Nar turned this afternoon from an over eases of the lungs it never disap- I I'rescott and Doctor Preston B. Rose to apprehend the real position of those Sunday visit with relatives and friends field in 1840). "Doctor Nichols, of were chiefly active. Various scientific differing, and each claiming to be ac- points." Ann Arbor, was one of the lirst phy- row Escape at Gregory and nearby points. J. Early Finley, Ironton, O. i investigations—physiologic, pathologic, tuated by highest regard for the good The Franklin Stock company played sicians to attend the afflicted in town. I pharmacologic, and therapeutic were of the profession and the university. Boctors Lord, Denton, Cole and to a crowded house Saturday night, | undertaken, and many valuable papers Like the shield in the fable, the situa- BABY SISTER TOOK BOTTLE and left here with the best of feeling Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Brighton have gone to the spirit land, and important contributions to medical tion had two sides. Fortunately ©octors Pomeroy, Mlllington, Town by the people here. won't cure rheumatism; literature of the time were presented. members of the society were too wise From a Shelf to Which She and Fairehild from Ypsilanti were also Among them, as samples, and quoting not to recognize established facts, and Paul Newcomb, of Ypsilanti, has we never said it would. early doctors who visited the township from memory, were "Diseases of thetoo sensible to permit such a situation Climbed and Gave It to been visiting friends here. It won't cure dyspepsia; im a professional manner. Cord and Placenta," '"Case of Simul- to destroy the usefulness of the socie- Little Fellow Frank Bray and wife, of Delray, I have an old time-worn folio paper taneous Intra and Kxtrauterine Preg- ty, and the controversy has long since have been visiting his mother, Mrs. we never claimed it. But ifiven me after graduation, in 1850, by been a closedincident. John Bray, and other relatives and it will cure coughs and nacy," "Ophthalmia Neoratorum," Carbolic acid came uear causing the friends a few days. Boctor Denton, who held the chair of | "Case of Delivery by Ceaserean See- death of the two year old sou of colds of all kinds. We Theory and Practice of Medicine and j tion"—one of, if not the first reported Many of its members hare served Fred Hasley is preparing to build Pathology in the University from 1850i in the state, by Dr. Abram B. Sager; their communities in public office with Gottlieb Hartman of W. Liberty street, another house on Church street, and first said this sixty years U 1860. It is entitled, "Medical papers on "Consumption," "Climate," fidelity and credit. Doctors Webb, last week. Georgie, the little boy washas let the contract to Frank Jackson ago; we've been saying it Hthics Compiled and Abridged by thej "Paralysis," and others by Doctor Swing, and Howell represented their playing with bis little sister only about and Joseph Cone. A. D. Conde has been making exten- ever since. Anu Arbor Association of Physician^ I Alonzo B. Palmer; and papers of much districts and the county in the State a year older. The children were alone Three dies: Be, 51c., SI. from the code adopted by the Nation- , interest then on the Climatology of Legislature, while others rendered ser- for a short time and finally wanted sive repairs on his house. vice on the Boards of Education and The Christian Endeavor society wil Consult your doctor. If he says take it, al Medical Convention in 1847, Phil- i New Mexico, Colorado, and the higher something to drink. The little sister th«n do as be Bays. If he tells you not adelphia." altitudes of the Rocky Mountain range Public Health. Doctors Batwell, soon put on a cantata. to take it, then don't take it. He knows. climbed up to some shelves on which Leare it with him. We are willintr. The circular is made up of abstracts in that latitude, also in North Carolina Breakey, Cheever, Dunster, Ewing, Frank Pullen is again working ir J. C. AVKK CO.. Lowell, Mass. »sd quotations from the code of ethics, with discriminative observations of the Gartgueg, Maclean, Oakley, Owen, were a number of bottles and picking Juckett's grocery, after a week's vaca- Palmer, Prescott, Rose and Smith ser- out the one which looked the most tion spent in Adrian. fallowed by a "Tariff of Pecuniary Ac- class of cases benefited, and the need 9171 12—489 knowledgements" adopted by the As-for care in gradual elevations, by Doc-ved in the Civil War from 1861 to 1865, like water, she handed it down to the Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stu and Doctors Bourns, Owen, Nancrede, art, an 8-pound boy. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY OF seciatiou. This paper bears no date. tor Henry S. Cheever, studied when baby boy, telling him to drink it. The WASHTENAW, ss. but it evidently was published between trying to arrest his own tuberculous and Vaughan in the War with Spain. little boy started to do so but spilled Mrs. Fred Smith has returned to Tonawanda, N. Y., after a visit with At a session of the Probate Court 1847 and 1851 as an item in the tariff disease which proved fatal. Doctor Its roll of honor of those who have it over his face and neck. Of course for said County of Washtenaw, held at re«ds—"Visits iu the county after Oakley and Doctor Batwell contributed answered the last call and paid the M. A. Palmer and Mrs. Clark accom- the instant the carbolic acid, for thepanied by her daughter. the Probate Office, in the City of Ann dark or in the village after bedtime many interesting and valuable papers debt of nature, grows larger year by Arbor, on the 17th day of September, double." Ann Arbor ceased being a practical and helpful to physicians, year. Naming them from memory, little girl had handed dowu the car- The Milan public schools re-opened bolic acid bottle, touched the little today in all departments, after having in the year one thousand nine hun- Tillage and became—by incorporation and both ingenious in mechanic devices but not in the order of their departure, dred and three. —» city iu 1851. for surgical appliances, a qualification I place in this memorial record Doc-boy's face, he began to scream, which been closed a week on account of sev- Just when this association was or-of much value at that time when in- ereal cases of diphtheria. There are Present, Willis L. Watkins, Judge of tors Armor. Ashley, Babbit, Batwell, quickly brought his mother to the res- Probate. ganized, or whether by the doctors au- strument makers and supplies were Benn, Bigelow, Cheever, Crosby, Cham- cue. no new cases and the others are doing thorized in 1827, I am as yet unable to not as numerous and near as now. well. In the matter of the estate of Joha berlain, Douglas, Downer, Dunster, Dr. Blair was summoned at once but Keenan, deceased. Icarn, nor when it died or the causes Papers and addresses were also given Ewing, Fairehild, Frothingham, Gar- found that the child had not swallowed The village is employing eight team which led to its untimely end. I have by Doctors William Warren Greene, igues. Gates, Greene, Halleck. B. Hall, to draw gravel from Mr. Loveland's On reading and filing the petition, more than two or three drops. A half duly verified, of William H. Mclntyre, been unable to find any record of its Alpheus Crosby. Samuel G. Armor, Daniel Hall, Hawxhurst, Helber, How- spoonful of the acid would have pit near 'the York church, and putting transactions. Its purpose to maintain Frothingham, Maclean, Sewell, Howell, ell, Kinne, Lewitt, Lyster, Loornis, the same on Wabash avenue and River administrator de bonis non of the es- proven fatal. tate of said deceased, praying this rational medicine and ethic practice Abel, Dunster and others. Oakley, Palmer, Post, Rexford, Boot, The child is resting quite comfort- street. and to require some entrance qualifi- Sager, W. B. Smith, Elias Smith, Van John Cook was In Ann Arbor < court to adjudicate and determine who But valuable as were these contri- ably this morning. are or were at the time of his decease, wtions of medical students is evident butions of investigation and practice, Tyue, Voorhies, Wells, Webb, and business last Saturday. i» the paper quoted. It is a fair infer- Zimmerman. Mrs. Lucy Clark is home from her the legal heirs, minor heirs and legal they were hardly more beneficial to representatives of said John Keenaa ence that it left some latent seed which There may be others who have been Toledo trip. germinated in the conception of themembers of the society than was the CLAIM THE FATHER Rev. J. B. Marsh, the new Methodist and entitled to inherit the lands of social commingling, and the opportun- overlooked in the preparation of this which he died seized. present society. ities to know and appreciate the indi- list. sinister, preached his first sermon The constitution of the existing so- DEFRAUDED THEM nere yesterday morning. It is ordered that the 20th day of vidual characteristics of fellow-practi- It is an honor to have known them October next, at ten o'clock in the fore- eiety says: cians and to observe that in supporting Norton Lawrence and wife returned Article II: The objects of this so- and to have been associated with them this afternoon from a week's visit with noon, at said Probate Office be ap- a brother physician in proper conduct in professional work. Of the charter OUT OF EIGHTY ACRE FARM THE pointed for hearing said petition. ciety shall be the advancement of they were supporting the profession of MOTHER LEFT friends and relatives at Whitmore professional character, medical knowl- members I believe only Doctor Prescott Lake. And it is further ordered, That a medicine as a whole, and tending to and myself survive. The story was copy of this order be published three edge, the elevation of and the en- maintain that high professional esprit Fred Knaggs and wife spent Sunday couragement of zeal, emulation and told of Thadeus Stevens, when so old The Three Hinckley Children Who Are with Toledo relatives. successive weeks previous to said time friendly intercourse among the mem-de corps essential to the success of and helpless that he had to be carried of Age Bring Suit Against Their of hearing, in the Argus-Democrat, a organized effort. Bert Bond returned this afternoon bers of the profession. up the steps of the'Capitol to his seat Father George Hinckley from his trip to Ann Arbor. newspaper printed and circulating iu Article IV: It shall be considered The more recent work and contribu- in Congress, that he asked the two The board of education have added said County of Washtenaw. a tlerilection of duty for any member tions of living members, the limits of vigorous young men who bore him— A family suit is on in the circuit German and chemistry to the course [A true copy] of this society to admit into his office this paper do not afford space to even "Boys, I wonder who will carry me court. Elsie, Agnes and Bert Hinck- WILLIS L. WATKINS, up when you are dead?" I trust Doc- of study in the school this year. as a student of medicine any person mention by title. It is no disparage- ley, all of age, have sued their father, Martin Sehantz is the York township Judge of Probate. who shall not first present a certifi- ment to any that may be overlooked. tor Prescott will continue in faithful George Hinckley, for the 80-acre farm circuit court juror for the October LEO L. WATKINS, Register. cate of qualification as provided in ar-Valuable work has been done under the service for many years yet, and while n Dexter township, their mother, term. ticle VI. presidencies, In successive order, of I do not attempt much sprinting on Margaret Hinckley, left. There was 9451 12-630 foot, or desire service on standing com- Mis. William C. Reeves and daugh- Article IX: The code of medical Doctors George, Darling, Gibbes, one other child the mother left, Floyd ter Edna are home from Detroit. ESTATE OF ELLEN M. BURNHAM. ethics of the American Medical Asso- Vaughan, Carrow, Dock, Novy, Huber, mittees. I hope to be able to share in Hinckley, now aged I'.t years. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF the history the society will continue Uev. Howard A. Field, who has been ciation shall be adopted by the society. Warthiu, and Peterson. The estate was not probated and thepastor of the Milan Methodist church WASHTENAW, ss. Two classes of membership were to make as long as possible, so— three childreen claim that their father At a session of the Probate Court Among the practical 'things accom- "When I remember all the friends so for three years, and who was trans- provided for—active and honorary. plished in the direction of securing obtained their signatures to a paper ferred to the Burns Avenue church, for said County of Washtenaw, held Among its charter members were: better fees for public service was the linked together which he represented was to take the Detroit, preached his first sermon there at the Probate Office, in the City of 1 loci or Alonzo Palmer (its first presi- adoption of a scale of fees by theI've seen around me fall, like leaves in place of one their mother burned and Sunday. Ann Arbor, on the 8th day of Septem- dent), Doctor Abram Sager, Doctor Al- Board of Supervisors of 1874, for post- wintry weather, which he has since told them was a All kinds of nuts are plentiful in this ber, in the year one thousand nine bert B. Prescott, Doctor Henry S. mortem examinations and for coron- I (do not) feel like one who treads ' quit-claim deed of the farm to them. locality this year and the boys are mndred and three. Cheever, Doctor William Lewitt and er's inquests (excluding chemlc analy- alone some banquet hall deserted, They claim that no consideration gathering them fast. Present, Willis L. Watkius, Judge of Doctor William V. Breakey, of Annsis for poisons). A committee of theWhose lights are fled, whose garlands passed and want the deed canceled. Mrs. Wallace is having her house Probate. Arbor, and Doctor Francis M. Oak-society, consisting of Doctor Webb. dead, and all but me departed." on County street, occupied by Mr. and In the matter of the estate of El- ley. Doctor Edward Iialwell and Doc-Doctor .John Kapp, and your histor- For I renew my youth and keep in DIAMONDS IN ALASKA. tor John W. Babbitt of Ypsilanti. Mrs. John Taylor, re-shingled. en M. Burnham, deceased. ian, went before the board, represent- touch with the procession in the pres- While many prospectors have been Charles Wroolcott has purchased a On reading and filing the petition, These were followed within the year ing the Importance of correct findings, ence of these zealous younger doctors, confining their search chiefly for gold by many others. In its list of members part of lot 1, Edwards addition to duly verified, of Albert S. Burnham, the responsibility attaching to such ex- the infusion of whose young profes- and copper deposits in Alaska, others Milan village, of the Chirstian Mack •raying that administration of said was to be found the name of nearly aminations, and testimony involving sional blood is to keep up the circula- , have been searching for diamonds, and every regular and reputable physician estate, Ann Arbor. estate may be granted to himself or interests of property, personal liberty tion of the society till they in turn i according to recent reports they have Mrs. John Loekwood has been suffer- some other suitable person and that in the county and of many of those and life, in addition to risks of infec- give it over, healthy and prosperous, |been successful in finding a few val- Within contiguous counties, while its tion to operators, and presented a ing with a carbuncle. ppraisers and commissioners be ap- to their successors. Its opportunities uable specimens. . There are many oth- Prof. A. D. Jones, teacher of thepointed. honorary membership included many schedule of fees. The fees adopted are large to do good for the profession, er persons who have been searching prominent physicians and surgeons. by the board were fair and reasonable rammar department, has been award- It is ordered, that the 6th day of for its members, and for the public. Tor years for Something far more preci- ed a first grade indorsed teacher's October next, at ten o'clock in the fore- The meetings of the society were tor the time, ranging from $5 for ord-A society no more than an individual ,ous than gold or diamonds and that is ered inspection of cadaver, with ref- license. noon, at said Probate Office, be ap- held quarterly. No departure from an always secure immediate results . health. They have tried this medi- Enos Austin has sold to John F. pointed for hearing said petition. this plan was formallly authorized, erence to testifying as to cause of of its labors. But its ideas, its opin- j death: .$10 each for section of thorax cine and that one in a vain hope of Grassley SO acres of land in London And it is further ordered that a cop? bill when Doctor GtbbeS was president ions and its facts of scientific demon- , finding it, without success. They township. of this order be published three s or abdomen and examination of their stration can be recorded. It can en- monthly meetings were held. The viscera: $18 for section of skull and should try Hostetter's Stomach Bitters The new chemical laboratory of thecessive weeks previous to said time o original plan was to hold two meetings examination of brain; $20 for exam- ter its protests against vice, error and because it is the most successful health i^h school has been completely hearing in the Argus-Democrat * in Ann Arbor— usually the winter and ination of any two of these cavities; quackery and sometime, soon or late, maker in the world, and is backed by equipped and is in running order. newspaper printed and circulating spring meetings, the -Mine meeting in and $25 for all of them. This fee bill it will achieve success. a record of lifty years of cures. It Charles Heath has purchased for said County of Washtenaw. Ypsilanti, and the fall meeting in some for ordinary legal inquests was quite will positively cure indigestion, dys- £2,800 land in London and Augusta [A true' copy] other part of the county. The society generally copied in different parts of Takes the burn out: heals the wound: pepsia, constipation, nervousness, in- townships from Cornelia H. Burgess. WILLIS L. WATKINS. aimed to enlist the interest of all Us cures the pain. i>r. Thomas' Eclectric somnia and malaria, fever and ague. ' Mrs. T. C. Howard has gone to Lan» members, particularly to bring into ac- Michigan and other states, but unfor- Judge of Probate Oil, the household remedy. Try it. slsg, on account of the serious illness Leo L. Watkins, Register. AHS AKBOK AKGHJP-DEMOCRAT, OCTOBER 2, 190

DH711KO1A, YPSILANTI, ANN AB- SIR JOHN SOANE'S WHIM. BOJt & JACKSON RAILWAY. Leslie Carter and wife attended the MILAN FACTORIES Adrian fair today. Mrs. Carter has CANVASSING EVERY In Effect July 6, 1902. The IVKI'IITOI Joke m C«l»brntrd Han some of her paintings entered there. So Soothing. GOING WEST. liirfd on Ptt»trrHy. ARE AT WORK George Halstead and wife, who have Through cars from Detroit to Jack One of the most famous of postmor- YORK HOUSE ITS INFLUENCE HAS BEEN FBL* •on leave Detroit on every hour from 1 n visiting his brothers, O. H. and tern jokes wa* that perpetrated by the I A RECEpT|ON |N HONOR OF REV. Willard, have returned to their home BY SO MANY ANN ARBOR 6:00 a. m. until 5:00 p. m. Then at donor of the celebrated Swine museum , •».— .«r>c- .-..-. ^ FOR HOME SUNDAY 7:00 p. m. and 9:00 p. m. in Detroit. SCHOOI READERS. ,.,.,. AND MRS. FIELD Frank Woodmansee is drawing logs STUDIES The soothing influence of relief, Oar« from Detroit to Ann Arbor of pictures and other valuable objets tor Horace Moffltt. ! leave Detroit every half hour from After suffering from Itching Piles, 6:00 a. m. antil 7:00 p. m. Then at d'art to England, the late Sir John I Lester Yost, of Ypsllanti, lg shaking School in Milan Opened To-Day As Soane, who died in 1837. In his will NewCrow sidewalkd Wens t Beinto thg eBuilt- AdrianA FaiLargr e From Eczema or any itcbiness of the 8:00 p. m., 9:00 p. m., 10:00 p. in. and hands with friends here today. There Are No More Cases Sir John made provision for the open- skin. 10:45 p. m. Several Milan people who attended of Diptheria ing of three sealed cupboards on cer- Adrian fair yesterday were com- Makes one feel creatful _o the rem- Cars leave Ypsllanti for Ann Arbor Milan, Mich., Sept. 25th, 100:3. edy. at 5:45 a. m. and 0:15 a. vo. aln specified dates in the presence of Mrs. 11. J. '/.\ in merman and daughter pelled to remain there over night, as the trustees. In 1866, that is to say the Wabash train had more passengers Milan, Mich., Sept. 26.—Sett Dixon, 1 loan's Ointment has soothed hund- Cars leave Ypsilanti for Jackson at almost thirty years after the death of j ,.\da, have returned from their Ann reds. 6:45 a. m. and 6:45 a. in. the testator, the first of the; mysterious Arbor visit than could be accommodated on the of Dundee, spent last evening here receptacles was with much ceremony j Hartwell, who has been last trip. „-;,:. •! i . Here's what one Ann Arbor citizen GOING EAST. Miss Alina Lincoln Schmltt has been fis 11i11iz at with 1'irends. says: and breaking of seals opened in the in Toiedo, has returned. Cars leave Ypsllanti for Detroit at Pleasnni Lake and had very good luck, .Mrs. Sarah P. Teall, who has been Mrs. T. Martiny, of No. 6«1 Detroit 6:45 a. m. and 6:15 a. m. presence of a committee of men. with L/ee Salisbury is home a few days the then president of the Royal acad- having caught a six-pound pickerel. street Sii s: -I Through cars from Jackson to De- from Ann Arbor, where lie has teen in ; her cousin, Mrs. Bosina Red-! > y ' suffered a great deal ....j,emy , Si—r P„.. Grant-«»~M, » the fair. his stay in Detroit and Is working for and got a box at Eberbach & Son's p. m. Then at 7:15 p. m., 8:15 p. m., Twenty years pased by, and the in- Field an<1w!fe - wholeav e S""M u>r llis drug store. On applying it it relieved 0:15 p. m., 10:15 p. m. and. 11:15 p. m. new Frr*;ik Woodmansee r.nd wife have the Milan Elevator company. terest that had smoldered after the Prorate at the Horns Avenue retur:: d from Adrian. Miss Fay Wilcox is spending the day all the distress and Irritation almost Oars leave Dearborn for Detroit at disappointment of 1806 was again church. A large number were present at once. I continued the use of it until and a o(Kl M: . L. W. Sprague, oi Greenville, is | In Whittaker. 6:40 a. m. and 6:10 a. m. fanned into flame at the prospect of « evening was spent visiting Lewis A. Wilcox and family the part looked healthy and nicely Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti E Frank Pullen has returned from his breaking the seals of the second cup- - Griffith of Saglnaw, called here today. visit in Adrian. healed." only at 6:45 p. m., 7:45 p. m., 8:45 p. board, at which rite there were pres- on business. 'Miss M. A. Palmer's new house on The social given last evening by the For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cts. No., 12:15 a. m. and 12:45 a. m. ent among others Dr. Alfred Water- The work of building new sidewalks First street is completed. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., house, It. A., and Sir (then Dr.) B. W. along Wabash avenue is progressing Rathbone Sisters was a huge success. ^n Saturdays and Sundays, in addi- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Guy are enter- The male quartet of the Franklin sole agents for the United States. tion to the above the following cars Richardson. Like the cupboard mention- very rapidly. Geniac Brothers are do-taining guests from Detroit. ed in the well known nursery rhyme, Sir ing the work. Stock company sang for them. They Remember the name—Doan's—and Will be run: Detroit to Jackson, 6:00 F. W. Gradolph & Son, of Dundee, feel highly gratified as this was their tage no substitute. p. m. and 8:00 p. ra. Detroit to AnnJohn's second cabinet proved "bare" George Minto is home from his De-are conferring with the village council, of any sensation, the contents being troit trip. first social. Arbor, 7:30 p. m., 8:30 p. m. and 9:30 endeavoring to secure a franchise to - chiefly composed of letters relating to The Detroit Register Co. started up Mr. and ' ">IJTP Finch have A POPULAR WEDDING TRIP p. m. Jackson to Detroit, ~-Ab p. m. build a telephone exchange here. They gone to T..- •nd 9:45 p. m. Ann Arbor to Detroit, certain long forgotten family quarrels their foundry department today an hey will be have one of the finest exchanges in the the i ms for sev-Is to take the D. & B. and D. & O. 6:45 p. m., 7:45 p. m. and 8:45 p. in. that had not even the merit of being took off a heating, state at Dundee and propose to put in interesting. If some of those author- Mrg, Wilkinson of Vernon, is visk eral w> Ltne to Macklnac. On Sundays, first cars leave term' interesting If some of thos th Wilkinson of Vernon, is vis the same kind of plant here. Daniel < nals one hour late. ized to be present at the opening of ing uer daughters, Mrs. George F. Min attending the the third and last receptacle of mys- Wilkinson for George Edwards is attending the races and fair at Adrian. to and Miss Mabel Adrian fair today. If you want a delightful Wedding tery were dubious about the profit that fow Earl Sweet has hir'.-d a barber from YPSILANTI-SALINE DIVISION. The Eathbone Sisters hold a tea so- Trip take one of the new D. & B. would accrue by letting the light of day standard Scale Co Maybee. steamers to 1 ietroit, thence D. & C. Leave Ypsilanti: A. M.—6:15, S:15 fall upon the contents thereof after The SUmpson cial in their hall tonight. Lee Salsbury returned to Ann Arbor are making large sbipmelltg ot tllei coast line steamers to Mackinac Isl- 10:15. P. M.-12:15, 2:15, 4:15, 6:1Csixty years' darkness one at least, Sir Whaley Brothers' cider mill will today, and expects to be operated on 8:15, 10.15. various Wnda Q[ Bcaleg and. Staterooms and Parlors reserv- B. W. Richardson, looked forward ^ start up next Monday. soon at the University hospital for Leave Saline: A. M.—7:00. 9:15 Mrg poter from Mrs. Francis Hill went to Adrian ed in advance. Send 2c for pamphlet. w,th unabated interest to that day in gall stones. Address A. A. Schantz, G. P. T. Mgr., 11:15. P. M.—1:15, 3:15, o:15, 7 1896 when the last seal would be daughter, this morning to attend the fair. Last evening the Franklin Stock 9:15, 11:15. M riink clil th u D lray Detroit. Mich. broken and the mystery solved, but he, ™;. * " 1 ' f - Mit Hack has returned from his De-company played "East Lynne" to a A special car will be ru~ from Ypsi alas, died just two davs before the Wllham Woolcott, who is spendm troit trip. large house and pleased the people. lanti to Saline at 12:15 a. in. on arriva ceremony was performed, and the fact tho weok in Adrian- Pal"° ho"le '"" Mrs. Lucy Clark has been in Toledo School begins Monday in all depart- of theatre car from Detroit, for speci." s ent th(> n M IIis that Sir John had played a practical P ^ - daughter, Xa since last Wednesday on business. ments, as there have been no new 1 parties of ten or more, on short notic onjl went over tnere to(i:l .Miss Lulu Allen Is visiting her cases of diphtheria, and the old ones >ALWAYS and without extra charge. joke upon posterity was duly confirm- - >'- ed by the presence of a collection of Clayton Auten and Kmbcrt Pollen friend. Miss Ruth Edwards, at Ypsi- are Improving. j INSIST UPON HAVINCf perfectly worthless letters and papers. are in Adrian today. lanti. for a tew days. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wilson went THE GENUINE' • Miss Agnes Schmltt and Alton A Dr. Emmett F. Pyle lias returned east this morning. MERRY MEALTIMES. Schmitt are attending the Adrian fai from his Detroit trip. Lester Carter and wife have returned today. Horace Moflitt is shipping large from Adrian. F0UGH1 TO KEEP The Table No Place For Fanlt Find- amounts of timber from here and Addison Gardner, who has been here Sherman Cook of Urania, was in JAURRAYA ing. NHKitiiii; and Strife. l towii this morning. other points in this section. l with his daughter. Mrs. L. L. Schmltt, Has it ever been your lot to sit at a Mr. and Mrs. John Ilaner went to Irving Jacobs and wife and Wiliiam returned to Detroit today. LANMANS table with a group of young folks who Jackson today, where they will visi Bel] and wife attended the fair at Mrs. F. Hill and daughter have re- | our onospiTAL ate the meal in silence or, with a few friends and relatives a few days. Adrian yesterday. turned from their Adrian trip. FLORIDA WATER constrained remarks, looked askance at j Oscar Van Volkenburg and wife an Mrs. Ora Deland and Mrs. j. w. Frank Teall has purchased four A Peculiar Oase In The Third the head of the family before ventur- . spending the day in Adrian, Drew drove over to Dundee today. acres of land of Mrs. Joshua Hanson, ing on any remark? I have seen such j L. Custer and Willis Culver wen THE MOST REFRESHING AND Ward W. F. Stimpson returned to Detroit near the Wabash station, for garden- DELIGHTFUL PERFUME POR THE a sight on more than one occasion. over to Adrian this morning. this morning after attending to some bag purposes, and will build a house HANDKERCHIEF.TOILET AND BATH Doctors have told us over and over Horace Moffitt returned this morn matters for the Stimpson Standard thereon next spring. MOTHER BROKE HER HIP again of the beneficial results arising ing from his trip to Detroit and Or Scale Co. L. Wells Sprague, of Greenville, ar from a meal eaten with a contented chard Lake. Alva Harlan is visiting friends in frame of mind and with cheerful sur- rived last evening from New York And Lay for Days in a Stupor O. R. Baldwin, general manager of Adrian today and also attending the where he has been visiting relatives, roundings; but, sad to say, there are the Stimpson Standard Scale Com- fair. Without Medical Aid- many households where each meal is and together with his wife is visiting pany made a business call here. Luther Clark attended the Adrian her sister, Mrs. Rosina Redman, over Daughter Bound She a constant scene of bickering, nagging Walter B. Kedinan was in Detroit and fault finding. fair yesterday. Sunday. HOTEL ... Should Not Get Hospi- yesterday on business. J. J. Lannan, secretary of the Stimp- Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Kent stopped off tal Aid This is not only the case where there Jerome Allen, of Ypsilanti, village are young children, who require a 3ou Standard Scale Co., had business in Milan on their way from Minnesota surveyor, has been doing some sur- n town, from Detroit. to Detroit, where they will make their reprimand occasionally for careless- veying relative to a change of streets. It was hard to get the free beds in ness, but I am speaking of those homes Chester Daniels, wife and daughter, home in the future. She was formerly BRUNSWICK tke University hospitals for the city where the girls and boys are well into George Sherman and friend are at-and Charles Millage and family are at- Miss Maude Aniba and resided here poor, and it sometimes seems hard to their teens. Wrong is that parent, ei- tending the Adrian fair. ending the Adrian fair this week. and later .in Ann Arbor with Miss get them occupied by the people who her father or mother, who chooses the Dr. G. F. Mills of Ypsilanti, is in Farmers in this section have much Nancy Simpson. DETROIT, niCH. should be there. hour when all are assembled round town today on business. if their corn cut. William Welch is visiting friends Mrs. La inborn fell down in the the table to mention some half forgot- M. F. Stein of Detroit, was in town Minor Engle and wife are spending here for a few days. L'ot and cold water in kitchen of her home on Felch street en grievance or to find some fault. yesterday. he day at Adrian. Misses Mary Miller and Polly Mur- either Tuesday or Wednesday night. If any trivial thing has been done The Wabash railway sold 155 tick- Misses Mary Miller, Edith Mead, ray have returned from Adrian, where rooms. Her husband fixes the date as Tues- wrong or any duty omitted wait until ets for Adrian fair today. 'armen Rice and Maude Eldge are in they attended the fair. day and the daughter as Wednesday. dinner or tea is over before you scold, Joseph K. Gump, chief clerk at the Vdrian today attending the fair. Rev. Howard A. Field went to De- Steam Heated, Electric She suffered great pain and was given, blame or reprimand. Let the food Wabash station, and wife and child- [•"rank Hitchcock and James Cone troit today, where he will tomorrow Lighted. according to the family, a half grain which God gives us for the purpose of ren have returned from their St. Louis nd lady friends went to Adrian to preach his first sermon in the Burns of morphine to ease the pain. Friday, iiourishing and sustaining our bodies Chicago visit. pend the day yesterday. Avenue church. They will not get Eleetrie Cars from all De- at about 1 o'clock, Dr. H. K. Hordman, ;iare the opportunity of accomplishing Kenneth P. Alderman was in Detroit Grant Allen spent yesterday in moved there until next week. pots. the city physician, was called in and hat end, which cannot be the case if yesterday. \drian. Mrs. William C. Reeves and daugh- I'ound Mrs. Lamborn lying on a lounge •very mouthful is swallowed with ei- W. II. Whitmarsh of Detroit, presi- Edward Guy has been ill for several ter Edna went to Detroit today. in an unconscious state. It was im- her a sarcastic word or an uncompli- dent of the Farmers & Merchants veeks. Walter B. Redman and Miss Wave AHERFCAN PLAN.... possible to waken her. A brief exam- mentary remark. More indigestion, bank and a member of the grocery firm Arlie Hitchcock, of Azalia, called on Blackmer went to Durand this evening ination convinced him that her hip was nervousness and other derangements of Whitrnarsh & Co., had business is cousin, Sayre Reeves, this after- to remain over Sunday, the guests of $2.00 per day up probably dislocated and he left word to are caused by the too common fault of here. W. B. REDMAN. oo n. Miss Irene Place. uncomfortable mealtimes than many be called as soon as she awakened. Sherman Cook has returned home to W. S. Juckett and son Floyd went to Saturday at about 10 o'clock she people would suppose, and it is our Milan, Mich., Sept. 25.—The funeral Irania after a visit here. Fowlerville this morning, where they EUROPEAN PLAN.... aroused from her stupor and the doctor lositlve duty, which we should all try Lee Salsbury is able to walk down o remember, to make those hours of of Mrs. Louis A. Howe, wife of John will visit friends and relatives a few wag again called. He advised imme- own unassisted. days. $1.00 per day up diate removal to the hospital and an he day cheerful and agreeable to theHowe, was held this forenoon from her •hildren and to set them an example late home on Redman street. Inter- The different church societies of the ambulance was sent for as she was It's folly to suffer from that horrible York township Sunday School asso- willing to go. When Dieterle arrived which you would be the first to notice ment in the London eenietery. She nd approve in others.—Scotsman. lague of the night, itching piles. ciation are making a canvass of every with his ambulance and they were died from consumption, aged ?>~> years. )oan's Ointment cures, quickly and home in the township in the interests W. H. Volk lifting her to the stretcher the daugh- Ed. Masters and wife have returned ermanently. At any drug store, 50c. of home study Sunday school work, MANAGER ter, a !>i?. husky girl, interfered and So Nice and Sympathetic. from their Adrian trip. Rev. T. D. Denman is chairman of the toned the mother back on the bod to A gentleman whose one glass eye Mrs. Edgar Campbell, of Montpelier, las served him for years had the mis- movement. which the doctor had previously trans- Ohio, is visiting her parents, Walter P. William Woolcott has returned from ferred her. She insisted that the ortune to drop it. It smashed to Draper and wife, a few days. toms. This happened when he was EVEN the Adrian fair where he had a stand mother was not going to a hospital. Mrs. William II. Houseman has been and reports an elegant business. TYPHOID FEVER ar away in the country. He inquired in Wauseon. ()., her old home, visiting Later Saturday Poor Commissioner f a friend where was the nearest IF Rev. J. B. Marsh will preach his first DIPHTHERIA SMALLPOX Sipley, Chief of Police Kelsey and Dr. relatives and friends and attending the sermon in the Methodist church Sun- The germs of these deadly diseases )lace for him to go and get refitted. fair. multiply in the decaying glue present in Herdman again visited the bouse, as "WThy don't you call upon the girl Yon had a day. He comes here from Tipton. all kalsomines, and the decaying paste it was evident that the woman could As there have been no new cases of Miss Eloise Allen went to Ann Ar- undtr wall paper. ou were flirting with all last night?" Alabastsne is a disinfectant. It destroys not be treated at home. Dr. Morton is friend inquired. "She has a first diphtheria since the schools were bor this morning. disease germs and vermin; is manufac- closed last Monday, and all the pa- NECK tured from a stone cement base, harden* had in the meantime called and re- lass reputation for making eyes."— Mrs. Frank Butler went to Detroit on the walls, and is as enduring as the peated the injunction to take her to unch. tients are doing well, it is expected today to be the guest of her sons, Wil- wall itself. that the schools wil re-open next Mon- As long as this mer and Cassius, a few days. Alabastine is mixed with cold water, the hospital. Between the four of and any one can apply it. them consent was finally secured and Prayer of the Convert. day. fellow and had O. H. Halstef d and wife are in De- Ask for sample card of beautiful tints The Franklin Stock company have and information about decorating. Take another call was made for the ambu- A south sea islander at the close of troit visiting relatives. HO cheap substitute. lance. religious meeting offered the follow- been playing very well here this week Buy only iu 5 lb. pkgs. properly labeled. Sunday noon she was slill under the ng prayer: "O God, we are about to and have pleased their audiences, they SORE Subscribe for the Argus-Democrat, ALABAST1NE CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. influence of the opiate which had been o to our respective homes. Let notbeing among the best of traveling! 1 per year. New York Office, 106 Water St. administered before medical aid washe words we have heard be like the companies. Last evening they played I called, as she had quickly dropped ne clothes we wear—soon to be taken "A Noble Outcast" and this evening, THROAT back Into the stupor from which she ff and folded up in a box till another the bill will be "East Lynne." liad aroused. The doctors had given abbath comes around. Rather, let Morris Leonard and wife have re- lier no drug and could not understand ny truth be like the tattoo on ourmoved from Saline into Mrs. J. Stod- 50-PIEGE DINNER SESETFDCT C how so little morphine could keep her odies—ineffneeable till death."—Carle- dard's house on North street. Wonderful inducement to sell our Swan Baking P<_.. Every purchaser of a pound can of Swan KaklnZ cPowder 1'owde.r I II JH| Sm under the influence such a length of on's Magazine. Rev. T. D. Denman preached the under our Plan No. 65 will receive this beautiful Water fcet* consist- ing of pitcher and six glaiwes, full 8ize. free- Latest cut glass pat- lime. But Sunday afternoon a thor- funeral sermon of Mrs. Mary E. Tracy tern. Kemeinber this Water 8et is jnTcn absolutely free to every Tlir- Temperature. Tonsiline purchaser of household articles as described by our Plan No. 65. ough examination was made and it which was held at Mooreville yester- To everv lady who sells fourteen cans of Swan Baking Powder, "Why do you watch the thermometer under Plan Mo. B5, with thclndncimcnt oflhU beautiful Water was found that she had a bad fracture day afternoon. WOULD QUICKLY Set free to each parchaner* we give a handsomely dworated 60- n the wall so closely?" queried the in- CURE IT. JMece Olnner Set Or a ofl-l'lt-.e Tea s,-t, absolutely free. We of the hip, which it took four dactors alld. Mrs. Ktfie Babcock, of Clare, is ill do not require any money in advance. Simply send oa your name to reduce. at the home of her mother, Mrs. Eme- TO.) SIL.1.NiK is the greatest throat remedy on earth. and address and we will forward our different plans and full infor- "Because," replied the untrained Tonsilino cures Sore Throats of all kinds very quickly, mation. Yon will be surprised to nee what can be aeeom- In the meantime the family is again tine Fuller on First street. and is a positive, n^ver-failingand speedy cure (or Sore plUhed \n a few hours* work. We will allow yon fifteen days to deliver the goods and collect the money before urse, "the doctor said if the tempera- Mouth, Hoarseness and Quinsy. A email bottle of paying as. We allow large cash commission if preferred. We pay all freight. We also give Bea»teawardlce—Lucan. Jackett's grocery store. I ANN ARBOR ARGUS-DEMOCRAT, OCTOBER 2. L903

ISILAN'S OLDEST THE FOUR-TOWN Y. M. C. A. CLASSES INHABITANT SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR COMING YEAR Custom Tailored Miss Ann Stafford who was called A good many are asking about the SflBS. SALLY HACK JIS OVER to llowell on aeount of the illness of classes to be taught this coming sea- NINETY SEVEN YEARS OLO her mother, returned home last Friday sub at the V. W. U. A. rooms, in the Mrs. W. Burke of Northfleld, enter- postotQce building. Married Over 77 Years Ag;o—She Has tained the L. O. T. M. M. of Emery, The class rally occurs Thursday ev- Ladies Garments Seven Great Grand Children- at her home Thursday of last week. ening. Oct. 8th. All who are interested Other Milan News Mrs. Allie Galpin is seriously ill will be welcomed and may meet the with typhoid fever. teachers who will explain the work Ladies who have not visited this new important addition to our Milan, Mich., Sept. 30.—William II. Mr. Genie Bartlett is attending the jof the various classes. A musical pro- business are invited to come with as little delay as possible. Those HUutmarsb caine out from Detroit Normal at Vpsilanti. gram will be given ami refreshments Mrs. Frank Steffey and family of served. The classes will be as fol- who have already favored us with an order, have been duly impressed j lows: Arithmetic Shorthand, Book- Hus Greenfield and wife have re- Stockbridge, were the guests of Mr. with the superiority of clothes that fit, that are cut and made to their Win. Smith's family for a few days. Ikeeping, English, German, Sewing. IBirned from Ann Arbor. Embroidery, Physical Culture. Piano, measure in the style they want. There were nearly 100 guests who Mr. and Mrs. .1. Greene spent Thurs- day with the former's mother at Mandolin and Guitar, Voice Culture «U down last evening to the dinner at and singing. the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. Whitmore Lake. Suits, Jackets, Skirts said Mrs. William Whaley. It was Mr. Wm. Manly lost two valuable A looking class will be formed if given in the Odd Fellow hall. cows last week with hydrophobia. desired. In any style of material and make OB short notice at reasonable cost. O. 11. Baldwin is in town on bu*i- Mr. Henry Brlnbman is sick with JUJSS for the Stiinpson Scale Co. stomach trouble. Ueorge B. Thompson, of the Tribune Mr. J. D. Stafford made a business SOME ITEMS staff returned to Detroit this evening trip to Ann Arbor last Saturday. Dress and Street Gloves afwr spending two days working with Miss Amelia Walleniuaior is visiting FROM WEBSTER W. B. Eedman. her parents near South Lyon. PLAIN Charles Scutnitt has returned from Mrs. I'hilo Galpin is slowly recov- The Verona a dress *is fishing trip at Stony Creek. ering from her recent illness. Mrs. Will Seadin entertained .the missionary society at tea on Thurs- Kid Glace Glove are Mrs. Carrie Easterly and children Mr. M. NaplOT entertained relatives here in grays, mode, AND Aave moved to Detorit from Jackson last week. day. tans, Davys, browns, ltev. B. C. Knic-k' i'lmcki r, of Ne- Mr. Godfrey Bauer is erecting a Miss Charlotte Latson has returned rids, white & black, braska, is visiting his father and moth- l!t; barn. When finished it will be from an extended trip in northern in black, white and FANCY er, Mr. and Mrs. I. Knickerbocker, one of the neatest barns in Salem. Michigan. s;lf e nib ro i d e r e d Mr. G. E. Alexander and little >>acK*s, !3 clasps. The jUBOrth of town. Mrs. James Carrher was in Ann Ar- Verona is unquestion- Walter !•'. Stimpson, of Detroit, vis- bor Tuesday. daughter have returned to Lake. lnd.. ably the very best aed his parents last evening. Miss Elizabeth Kearney went to after several weeks visit among rela- glove offered in this HOSIERY 2 Mr. aud Mrs. George Whaley and Whitmore Lake Wednesday to attend tives. c >untry, lor the price children are visiting at the home of the funeral of Mrs. Almira Dodge. Mina Nora, aged nine years, young- every pair war Ladies' Hosiery is always a special est child of Mr. and .Mrs. John SchUltZ, ranted - - - $1.00 Dr. aud Mrs. It. Calhoun on Ilurd Miss Edith Curtis of Superior, was feature with us, occupying a prominent •treet. given a surprise by a few of her departed this life on Friday, Septem- Vlettiac Brothers have completed the Friends Thursday evening. They re- ber 25, after an illness of less than a section on our center aisle. Our new Jong stretch of cement walks lor Wil-port a tine time. week, of appendicitis. Everything that Cape Gloves for street wear, saddled! > stock is now all in place and we are medical science and loving hands Reams, one clasp in red and tans. .*P V son brothers and Albert Kail, of Wa- Miss Edna Greene of Ann Arbor, • 91confident will please yo« immensely. tetsli avenue. spent Saturday and Sunday with her could da was done for the little suf- Mocha Gloves, ' pique stitched, silk The board of health have fumigated parents in Superior. fer to no avail. The funeral occurred lined or unlined,gr,iys,(C . We have everything from the highest ihe houses of Mr. Kelly and Arthur The Misses Alice and Myra Shank- on Sunday at the Congregational 1 Church, Uev. Morrison, officiating. tans brown * and black, one clasp.. "P • • class of material and color down to the Howe, where the recent cases of diph- land were Ann Arbor visitors Satur- Mocha Gauntlets, 2 clasps, pique staple grades in ordinary request. theria were, and they are now free to day. $1.00 gH out. Mr. and Mrs. P. Lovelace were givei stitching, pray and browns.. These grades are fresh and new and • Thomas Fulcher, of Seofield, is visit- a kitchen Shower Wednesday evening $100 WORTH OF Centimetre Gloves, in Glace and suede, tire represent all the stylish novelties iii all ;ioknowledged world's best ing his son, Milo Kulrher, ami daugh- by their Worden friends. needed sizes and lengths. A most sat- ter, Mrs. William Lee, jr. E. M. KEARNEY. APPLES STOLEN product, mndo at Grenoble, France, Mildred Guy is entertaining com- here in white, black and all the isfactory schedule of values makes jjiiny from Detroit. autumn shade 3 clasp , this department popular and trading The Knights of Pythias will manage PITTSFIELD WOULD John Williams, of Webster, was in *. moving picture show which will hold the city Monday and reported to Perrin's Waterproof Gloves, another make of lively. ftw-th at Gay's opera house October 13. the sheriffs office the theft of about world wide reputation, WELCOME CARS Women's Scotch Plaid Hose in every Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens have twenty-five bushels of apples from his guaranteed proof against perspiration or opened up their new boarding house wanted color, in extra grade of farm some time Sunday night. spotting in damp or sultry weather, in white •n Wabash avenue, near the passenger Pittstield. Sept. 29.—Wheat seeding and assorted modes, will wash per-O Lace Boot embroidered Lisle Hose, Bie Sflian baseball team were de- bean harvesting have begun. in crates ready to be taken away for Fleeced Kid Mittens for women and white embroidery on black ed at Carleton by Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Flegel of Ann sale. The thieves evidently entered Mrs. Sally Hack, who is better children, plain or grounds 75c « Arbor, visited at John Plegel's, Sun- the orchard with a wagon, the tracks fur wrists, any price you want $1.50, inoKii as "Grandma Hack," was born Silk embroidered Scotch Hose on day. of wliieh were plainly seen this morn- $1.00 down to in Kiehfield, N. Y., May 10, 1807, in ing, and loaded the crates containing black lisle thread, fine quality.. 75c § Tvhic-h place she spent her girlhood Dr. .1. B. Steere is moving back to the apples into the wagon and drove days, her maiden name being Sally his old home on the electric line. away. Embroidered Drop Stitch Hose, in a Paine. Mrs. Hack will be 97 years variety of patterns and colors, J. Sutherland visited friends near Mr. Williams places his loss at about *W next May, and is the oldest resi- $100 and has no clue to the thieves. Autumn Gloves plain black grown, lisle thread.. 5oc • having died at Monroe, Mich., of Tackson, and Mr. ,T. Xiethamer and ANN ARBOR Oriental Granit Ribbed Hose in as- ine very interesting and exciting ex- i>tion. ointment orbalm for Cuts, Mich. & Chi. Express 5:35 a. m in our periences of her pioneer days in Michi- Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ul- •Mail & Express 8:03 a. m ptn. She went this summer to spend •ers. Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Det., G. R. & Chi. Special.. 8:46a. m .a week with her daughter at London, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; in- bast West & Mich. Exp 1:38 p. m having ridden all the way in a ear- fallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. •Gd. Rap. & Kal. Exp 5:58 p. m. risige. She also attended the old folks' Only •_>.> at A. E. Mummery and H. F. Pacific Express 10:35 p. m Bargain Basement -•nice held in the Methodist church Miller, druggists. •Except Sunday. about a month ago. She is now com- THIS WEEK pletely blind, and is getting very deaf. Keftrly everyone in town keeps advised as to her health, and her callers are Big Soap Sale wry numerous. For Laundry and Toilet

For tKe Well known Brands at less than they have ever been JAPANESE TEA POTS, Dark Brown, with basket handles PRETTY WEDOING purchased in Ann Arbor. such as you pav 25c for, over on the bargain ARK LAUNDRY SOAP, a first class soap made by N. table this week marked 15c. AT DEXTER Fairbanks and usually sold for 25c, for one week, 12 BOXES BESM PARLOR MATCHES, worth 18c, this week for 9c. 12 Big Bars for 25c. 8 ROLLS ECONOMY TOILET PAPE'R, worth 5c a roll A \>rv pretty home i\\»ndins took STUDENTS'ROOMS MASCOT SOAP, another brand made by N. Fairbanks, lor 25c. worth 5c, selling this week at place Wednesday evening at the home FOLDING IRONING BOARDS, large size for 98c •f Mr. aud Mrs. George Sackett of SHIRT WATST IRONING BOARDS, new detachable device, Dexter, when their daughter, Myrtle, ...WE CAN SHOW... io Bars for 25c. worth 50c for 25)c. SANTA CLAUS SOAP, a brand known to everyone, al- 19c was united in marirage to Orson you a complete line of everything that is attractive, practical ways sold at 5c a bar, our price this week, GALVONIZED 10 QUART PAILS, worth 25c for 65c GALVANIZED WASH TUBS large sizes at 75c and 17c Inch of l'.attli' Creek. Uev. Milieu and pleasing. The assortment of CARPtTS, RIGS, if the Baptist church, officiating. 8 Bars for 25c. 4 STRING BROOMS, worth 30c, selling at lOc Tile bride looked very charming in COUCHES, STUDY TABLES, EASY CHAIRS, DESK and FAIRY SOAP, put up in Cartons, an excellent soap for NICKEL TOWEI, RACKS, 3 arms fcer gown of white organdie, canyin laundry or toilet, this week, Brass Picture Hooks, per dozen 3c B-hite roses. Mr. .Ware.'i Sackett, BOOK CASES is better than ever before, while our PICTURE WIRE, 25 feet for O8c toother of the bride, stood as bent prices are such that you will find it to your advantage to io Bars for 42c. MRS. POTTS' SAD IRONS per set of 3 for 25c aunt, and Miss Winifred Miller of Ann favor us with your patronage. PICTURE NETTING, 2 yds. wide, at per yard 10c Arii./r. was bridesmaid, she too looked TOILET SOAP WIRE PHOTO RACKS, large size WIN SO*B T<>II.I:T SOAP, a line milled soap, usually sold 3c pretty in her dainty gown oJ at 2 for 5c, this week all you want at GLASS FRUIT DISHES, 4 in. size, for this week ea white mull carrying red roses. r.ntti Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich are FLOWER POTS welt known and popular young people ic. a Cake. WITCH HAZEL, OAT MEAL, and PRBMEO SOAP as good ungratulations of their friends as you want for the toilet, strictly 5c values, will 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in sizes at -cell in the lovely gii'ls that were be sold this week at per box of 3 Cakes for 10c. 4c, 5c, 6c, 8c, 12c, 15c, 2Oc ved. Among the out of town guests were MARTIN HALLER. M.-.. Goodrich of Hudson, mother of groom, Mrs. Ella Mudge of Bay RUGS, CARPETS, FURNITURE and DRAPERIES Miss Caroline Goodrich of Battle '., sisler ol' Ihe groom, Mr. and (PASSENGEK ELEVATOR) Mrs. i,. Bellman, Mrs. Abbie Miller ii2, 114, "6 East Liberty Street. - Phone 148 ami Miss Winifred Miller of Ann Ar- MACK & CO. ior.