Town of

Strategic Plan 2018

Programs and Services for Residents of All Ages ...... 21 Table of Contents 13. Recreation Facilities and Programs ...... 21 Strategic Plan ...... 1 14. Medical Services ...... 21 Town of Port Rexton ...... 5 15. Seniors Care Facility ...... 22 Vision ...... 7 16. Reduce/Reuse/Recycle ...... 22 Mission Statement ...... 7 Attraction of New Residents ...... 23 Goals and Strategies ...... 9 17. Marketing Port Rexton ...... 23 Community Work Plan ...... 11 18. Sponsorship of Immigrant Families ...... 24 Strategy A: PlaceBuilding our Town ...... 13 19. Affordable Housing Development ...... 24 Planning ...... 14 Strategy B: Strategic Tourism Product Development ...... 25 1. Municipal Plan ...... 14 Major Infrastructure Initiatives ...... 26 2. Land Ownership ...... 14 20. Town Centre ...... 26 Branding ...... 15 Innovative Linking ...... 27 3. Town Brand ...... 15 21. Walking Trails ...... 27 4. Town Website ...... 15 22. Biking Trails ...... 27 5. Social Media Strategy ...... 16 Signature Festivals...... 28 Infrastructure ...... 17 23. Expand Existing Festivals ...... 28 6. Roads ...... 17 24. Cinema-based Festival...... 29 7. Traffic Management and Parking ...... 17 Telling our Story ...... 30 8. Wayfinding ...... 18 25. Interpretation Opportunities ...... 30 9. Lighting ...... 19 Entrepreneurship Support ...... 30 10. Trails and Green Spaces ...... 19 26. Attraction of Entrepreneurs ...... 30 11. Municipal Buildings and Facilities ...... 20 Appendices ...... 31 12. Town Centre ...... 20 A – Demographic and Economic Profile (RAnLab) ...... 32 B – Engagement ...... 32 B2 –Interview Summary (Town and Business Representatives) B1 – Resident Survey Report ...... 32 ...... 32 C –Listing of Community Work Plan Initiatives ...... 32

Strategic Plan

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 1 October 2018

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 2 October 2018

The idea for development of a strategic plan for the Town of Port Rexton originated with the Fisher Family Foundation in 2016 and was actioned by the then newly elected Town Council in Fall 2017. It was based upon the recognition that while the Town is currently benefiting from the economic impact of a growing tourism industry, there are real emerging threats to the long-term viability of the industry and indeed the Town itself.

A Strategic Plan is a guiding document that outlines the community’s vision and goals, and that is used to assist Council in developing priorities and action items to achieve these goals.

The key to developing an effective strategic plan is to be sure that it is reflective of the needs and wants of various stakeholders, including full-time and part-time residents, community groups, businesses and Council, and in the case of Port Rexton, the tourists that bring business to the Town. The process that led to the development of this Strategic Plan included group and individual stakeholder consultations with Council, community members and business owners. As well, a survey was conducted of full-time and part-time residents to “cast a wide net” in order to truly hear the needs and wants of the Town. Information regarding visitors to Port Rexton was compiled from secondary sources and from interviews with tourism operators.

The planning process also included considerable research related to the Town and its tourism sector:

• Assessment of community assets (cultural, natural, economic and infrastructure components) and the planning context (review of current plans, capital works, on-going projects and future developments). • Preparation of a community profile for the Town. • Review of current community design from the perspective of visual quality, infrastructure guidelines and growth management. • Review of current marketing and promotion activities and resources including existing brand, materials and media.

The Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan is comprised of three major components as shown in Figure 1: i) Determination of the Overall Direction for the Town (Mission, Vision, Goals and Strategies); ii) Developing a Community Work Plan – a compendium of action items/initiatives by the Consultant towards achieving the Goals, and; iii) Undertaking research and preparing plans and designs related to initial community priorities.

This document includes the Overall Direction and The Community Work Plan along with associated appendices.

The Initial Community Priorities are presented in a separate document along with supporting documentation and related maps/designs.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 3 October 2018

Valued Characteristics of Port Rexton – Reflections from Residents

• “We pride ourselves on the ability to get away and relax among our seascapes, hike our trails and enjoy some of the finest dining to be found”.

• “The charms of our town are the relaxed vibe, breathtaking scenery, really nice people, and lots of “cool” things to do”.

• “Our town has become a place where younger people (Gen X and Millennials) are gravitating towards”.

• “A place where visitors feel welcome, healthy, fresh, hip (but in a down to earth kind of way), connected to nature, young (regardless of age), safe, secure, calm and fun”.

• “Scenery, relaxed pace of life, friendly people, central location on a peninsula that is coming back to life, world class trails, Port Rexton Brewery, top notch accommodations, business opportunity”.

• “Views – especially of Fox Island, hilly, open costal landscape with cliffs and beaches, hiking, walking trails within town, right on one of the most scenic parts of the old rail bed; food, craft beer, espresso coffee, great accommodation options, yet peaceful houses are not on top of one another – wide open spaces and vistas”.

• “We’re a healthy, vibrant rural community that celebrates its past and plans for the future. We provide opportunity for healthy active lifestyles in an age where busy-ness and bustle is wearing thin“.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 4 October 2018

Town of Port Rexton

The Town of Port Rexton is one of a group of communities in the Trinity Bight area of the of . It has made a significant transition over the past three decades from a resource-based economy to a new tourism-based economy. The area has taken advantage of the natural scenic beauty of its locale, the restoration of the historic Town of Trinity, the development of a strong cultural and arts program and the highlighting of the area in high profile movie productions.

In the Town of Port Rexton a milestone for development of the tourism industry has been the establishment of Fisher’s Loft which began as a four-room B&B in 1996 and has grown to a thirty-three- room full service inn and conference centre. The tourism product in the Town has been diversifying with additional accommodations, art galleries, coffee shops and most recently the establishment of a craft brewery. Attractions in the town are being developed such as the Randall Heritage House and the Skerwink Trail for which the Town assumed responsibility for in 2008.

The growth of the tourism industry has been good news for Port Rexton. However, the Town has not been able to fully avoid the general demographic and economic trends which threaten the long-term viability of communities in rural Newfoundland and Labrador.

The population of Port Rexton in the 2016 census was 340 with 157 occupied private dwellings. This is down significantly from the population of 690 in 1940 but generally stable for the past decade, 351 residents in 2006 and 338 in 2011. An issue of concern relates to the ageing of the Town’s population. The 65+ age group increased by 18.9% from 2011 to 2016 and now comprises 25% of the population.

At a time when the Town of Port Rexton is benefiting from the economic impact of a growing tourism industry, there is an opportunity to look forward and develop strategies and action plans to expand the economic base, enhance sustainability and improve the quality of life for all residents.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 5 October 2018

Characteristics we would like Port Rexton to have in the future

• “Maintain our current character”.

• “A rural town that represents a viable option for young people looking to lay down roots; a town where locals have great civic pride; and a place that represents rural rejuvenation by capitalizing on our greatest assets---which is indeed a slower and more relaxed pace of life that still has a vibrancy in terms of services and things to do”.

• “Experience small town living where you know and help your neighbor, feel safe, feel welcome, feel sense of pride for your community and everyone who resides in it”.

• “Grow the tourism industry at a steady, healthy pace, become an attractive place to live; lots of great services and outdoor activities”.

• “A place where you can live, work and play all in your own back yard”.

• “Fun and unique place to live/fun and unique place to visit - a town that local residents are proud of”.

• “A place where visitors and residents feel that they are visiting/living in a true community – year around”.

• “A socially innovative community with a national/provincial reputation as a centre for the arts, history, local food/beverage production and adventure tourism”.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 6 October 2018


Port Rexton will be a thriving, inclusive and sustainable community.

Mission Statement

Port Rexton will maximize progressive opportunities for social, economic and cultural development while retaining an attractive, sustainable and secure environment for the enjoyment of residents and visitors.

Through responsible, enlightened and professional leadership and, in partnership with others in the region, the municipality will strive to improve the quality of life for all residents and provide a rich experience for visitors.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 7 October 2018

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 8 October 2018

Goals and Strategies

During the strategic planning process, it was evident that the primary goal of stakeholders was the development and sustainability of the Town of Port Rexton. In terms of economic development, there was a general recognition that all opportunities for expansion of the economic base of the Town should be explored but that tourism sector was the current economic driver for the Town and is a sector where there are significant opportunities for development.

Accordingly, two goals were established for the strategic planning process:

1. Development and Sustainability of the Town 2. Development and Sustainability of the Tourism Sector

Further, it was evident that these goals were inextricably linked. That is, one goal could not be achieved without also achieving the other. The converse also being true, that failure to achieve one goal would mean failure to achieve the other. The focus therefore would be on finding and prioritizing initiatives which positively contributed to both goals.

In order to achieve this, the integrated planning model outlined in Figure 2 was developed.

PlaceBuilding was chosen as the primary strategy to address Town Development and Sustainability and Tourism Product Development was chosen as the primary strategy to address Tourism Sector Development and Sustainability.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 9 October 2018

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 10 October 2018

Community Work Plan

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 11 October 2018

The Community Work Plan outlines a roadmap for the Town of Port Rexton which will guide its development and sustainability towards “2030 and beyond”. As shown in Figure 3, the Community Work Plan addresses each of the two primary strategies through a series of themes. Within each theme, issues and/or opportunities are summarized and specific action items/initiatives proposed for consideration of the Town. These action items/initiatives are highlighted in the document with an arrow.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 12 October 2018

Strategy A: PlaceBuilding our Town

PlaceBuilder™ is a new approach to community planning and development developed by Tract Consulting to augment/replace traditional community strategic planning and standard municipal plans. It uses the triad of planning, branding and placemaking to address town development and sustainability.

Through the PlaceBuilder™ approach residents, businesses and town leaders decipher what it is that makes a Town home, fosters a sense of attachment and community and identifies residents’ goals and priorities for community growth and development. Based on identified community priorities, it identifies and plans for the pressures of local growth, development and municipal service.

Informed by the principles of sustainable planning for smart growth, the town is assisted to use its identified priorities to create a plan for a community that balances work/life expectations of residents, enhances opportunities for community engagement and strives to intensify attachment to place.

Through a formal branding process, those cultural and physical attributes that distinguish the town from all others is identified and a unique and community- specific brand developed.

At the core of the PlaceBuilder™ process is placemaking, and the “power of place” to make a “complete” socially and economically sustainable community. Placemaking is the process of creating quality places in which people want to live, work, play and learn in. Strategic placemaking techniques are targeted to achieve specific goals. For example, create quality places uniquely attractive to talented workers and by doing so attract businesses, create jobs and increase incomes.

The PlaceBuilder™ planning process elevates community pride by celebrating place, creating opportunities for social interaction.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 13 October 2018


1. Municipal Plan

The focus of a Municipal Plan is to assess the priority needs of a community in a sustainable fashion by evaluating its distinct land use, economic, environmental, social- cultural and governance challenges and opportunities, and defining varied Council policies to address each planning issue. Within the Municipal Plan, the Development Regulations have the capability to provide a diverse array of standards and requirements for land use zoning, permitted uses, site and building development regulations, accessory structures, and subdivision of land. Zoning detail may also extend to signage provisions, nuisance issues such as unsightly premises, and building construction setback requirements to the adjacent street, to well water supplies and near coastal locations. Through the Development Regulations, Council assumes a much more active role in managing the physical land base of the community.

➢ Ensure the Town’s new Municipal Plan provides the policy and regulatory basis for implementation of the initiatives arising from the Strategic plan.

2. Land Ownership

Land is a valuable and finite resource within a municipality. Land is the basis for the municipality’s economic and social development through its primary uses: residential, commercial/industrial, transportation, agricultural and recreational.

Land use goes hand in hand with land ownership. Land owned publicly, that is, Crown lands or municipally owned land, is generally available for direct development by the Municipality or for purchase by entrepreneurs, depending upon municipal priorities and land use planning guidelines. Private lands cannot be directly developed by the municipality, but their development can be controlled and to a certain extent encouraged by the municipal plan with its associated regulations and land-use zoning.

Undeveloped vacant land within Port Rexton represents a major opportunity lost. That is, economic and social development is stymied because the ownership of significant components of the Town’s land base is not known and determining land ownership in this province is complex.

➢ Prepare a land ownership/management database for Port Rexton.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 14 October 2018


3. Town Brand

It is important that Port Rexton have a modern, refreshed brand identity to capture what is unique about the town and spark a sense of pride of place to those who live there, foster the growth of business and opportunity within the town, attract new residents, and delight the many tourists (resident market (St. John’s) and the ‘come from away’ market) who descend upon the area every spring/summer/fall.

➢ Develop a unique and community-specific brand which reflects cultural and physical attributes and that distinguishes the Town from all others and provides the basis for interpretation and storyline themes. This work should include preparation of a Creative Brief, Logo and Campaign Concept.

➢ Develop guidelines for usage of the Town name and logo.

4. Town Website

Municipal websites are valuable for a number of reasons:

• Communication - they are a powerful tool for towns to communicate with their residents, and they allow site visitors to get quick answers to easy questions. • Participation - they expand opportunities for residents to participate in and be informed by local government. • Access - people are now accustomed to finding the information they need online; a municipal website can enable towns to communicate with visitors and residents in a way they are accustomed to. • Economic Development - websites offer towns the opportunity to showcase their communities and the municipal website is often the first result on a search engine when somebody searches for the name of that town, so if that site has information for residents and visitors alike, it can be a true driver of economic development. All of these factors are very important to the development and sustainability of Port Rexton.

➢ Develop a new website that meets the Town’s needs for communication, participation, access and economic development.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 15 October 2018

5. Social Media Strategy

Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated to forums, microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are among the different types of social media. Popular examples include: Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Google; and, Pinterest.

Social media are revolutionizing the basic rules of engagement. Where traditional media messaging was one-way, controlled, and relevant primarily to the organization, social media are networked, free-flowing and relevant to the participants. The principles of social media are sometimes referred to as ‘democracy in communications’.

For municipalities, a social media strategy builds upon its Website and reaches out to engage residents as well as potential visitors and investors. To do this, it is important to understand how various audiences are interacting on social media and be able to use these networks effectively as part of a communication program to gain intelligence and to participate in the conversation.

For Port Rexton, as for all municipalities in , the issue is not whether they should participate in social networks: the question is how they should participate.

➢ Develop a social media strategy for the Town.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 16 October 2018


6. Roads

Port Rexton’s roads have grown organically over the past 300 years and include the full range of improved cart paths to paved ‘collector’ roads linking up to Route #230. These roads are an important factor in the attractive rural feel and look of the Town and this character must be preserved when planning improvements.

Unfortunately, the provincial and municipal roads within the Town, both paved and gravel, are generally in a poor state of repair which detracts from the attractiveness of the Town for both residents and visitors. Maintaining the quality of municipal roads also has practical implications for both safety and flow. The Town does not have a capital works plan for road construction/improvement and has not worked with the Department of Municipal Affairs with regard to Capital Works cost-sharing arrangements.

➢ Establish standards for roads within the Town.

➢ Access cost-sharing for upgrade of municipal roads through provincial Municipal Capital Works funding to upgrade all town-owned roads to the standards.

7. Traffic Management and Parking

During the summer months and special events, traffic safety and convenience is compromised by the narrow roads and lack of designated parking areas. This has caused minor accidents in the Station Road/Ship Cove Road and Sam’s Hill area. The entrance to the Skerwink Trail is also in need of additional parking.

The narrow roads with curves and hills create potential traffic circulation problems particularly during events or peak tourist season. To date, traffic congestion has not compromised public health and safety; but plans need to be put in place to address traffic flow as the numbers of visitors increase.

Currently, there are no publicly designated parking areas in Town identified by signs. Most visitors park on either side of the road at random. (Note that the Skerwink Trail parking lot is located in Trinity East). Several potential areas have been identified for parking which are also good staging points for activities and attractions in the core area of the town.

➢ Consult with residents and businesses towards identifying a potential future plan for one-way traffic on key circulation roads during peak tourism season.

➢ Develop parking lots, taking into account aesthetic considerations for residents, in key locations for use by community and tourists for special events or peak tourism season.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 17 October 2018

➢ Have parking on one side of the road only.

➢ Develop an enforcement strategy for parking outside designated areas.

8. Wayfinding

Wayfinding is the process of providing information to people unfamiliar with an environment. It is important to show information at strategic points to guide people in the right directions. An effective wayfinding system is based on human behavior and consists of the following characteristics: a comprehensive, clear and consistent visual communication system with concise messaging and the removal of unnecessary surrounding elements to create a clear visual path ahead.

The highway signage from the Trans-Canada highway to Port Rexton was inventoried in order to evaluate whether the Town was part of the provincial tourism way-finding signage. It was apparent that the Town of Rexton has a no-to-low profile in the provincial highway corridor.

Within the Town, key businesses have commercial signage mainly at the intersection of Rocky Hill Road and Route 230 and at the entrance to the business itself. There is no directional signage for parking, community attractions or assets, or interpretive signage.

➢ Highway Signage

• Work with the Provincial Government to place more signage for Port Rexton on provincial highways (Corridor 1 & 2 signage).

➢ Town Signage

• Develop signage system to provide direction to parking (indicate distance between parking lot and key attractions) and indicate areas where parking is restricted to one side of the road only. • Provide more signage for street names. • Develop signage system to provide direction to main community attractions and assets. • Develop an interpretive signage plan for the Town of Rexton.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 18 October 2018

9. Lighting

“Until recently, for all of human history, our ancestors experienced a sky brimming with stars – a night sky that inspired science, religion, philosophy, art and literature, including some of Shakespeare’s most famous sonnets.” IDSA.

One of the attractive features of Port Rexton for both residents and visitors is the size and clarity of the night sky. This is a result of the lower level of outdoor light “pollution” in a small town versus larger towns and cities.

Modern society requires outdoor lighting for safety and commerce and as activity in Port Rexton grows then loss of the night sky will follow if plans are not put in place to balance the need for outdoor light with practices and technology which preserve the night sky.

➢ Utilize the resources of the International Dark Sky Association to develop an education program and practical guidelines for residents and visitors which to ensure that any required lighting be used wisely:

• Only be on when needed. • Only light the area that needs it. • Be no brighter than necessary. • Minimize blue light emissions. • Be fully shielded (pointing downward).

➢ Utilize “dark sky” lighting technology in street lights and around municipal buildings

➢ Promote the use of “dark sky” lighting technology by businesses

10. Trails and Green Spaces

While Port Rexton is surrounded by open country and significant trail systems, it is also important to preserve and enhance green spaces and to provide trails within the Town. These measures enhance the quality of life for residents and contribute to the experience for visitors.

➢ Design and develop in-town trails joining neighbourhoods, tourist accommodations and key points of interest including links to the Skerwink and Fox Island Trails.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 19 October 2018

11. Municipal Buildings and Facilities

Municipal buildings and facilities are a reflection of the Town. These buildings and facilities should portray image and pride of place of the Town and its residents. This is particularly true for the Town Hall/Fire Station which is located adjacent to Route 230, the Provincial Highway running between Bonavista and the TCH.

➢ Upgrade the exterior appearance of municipal buildings and facilities to reflect the new town brand.

12. Town Centre

Currently there is no real “town centre” in Port Rexton. Over the years the infrastructure related to the Town’s historical fishing industry which focused the Town on the seashore has disappeared. With the construction of the Bonavista Peninsula, the commercial and administrative centre of the Town relocated over time to the corridor along the highway. There has also been significant development of new housing on the western side of the highway which has spread out the geographical area of the Town.

The corridor area is attractive for businesses which depend upon customers traversing the highway. It is not attractive for residents or visitors nor conducive to promoting social interaction within the Town.

There is one area which does retain its old character and buildings. This is the area in the approximate geographical centre of the old town where the Church, Orange Lodge, and Post Office are located. In recent years, there has been substantial increased activity in this area due to the establishment of the Port Rexton Brewery. As well, the Town is rebuilding the old Fishermen’s Protective Union Building.

This area does have great potential to be established as the focal area of the Town for both residents and visitors. It reflects the small-town character of Port Rexton, is within walking distance for most accommodations and close to the seashore.

➢ Establish a Town Centre in the area of the Church/Post office/Orange Lodge (specific elements of a plan are included in the Tourist Product Development strategy which follows).

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 20 October 2018

Programs and Services for Residents of All Ages

13. Recreation Facilities and Programs

Port Rexton has a very active Recreation Committee which organizes a suite of programs for all ages which are open to participants from throughout the sub-region. The key recreation assets are the Trinity Bight Memorial Park (Field next to School), small field next to the Town office and a room in the Town Hall shared with the 50+ group. Programs include Soccer (kids), Softball (kids and ladies) and Walking Buddies – a low impact exercise program for kids and adults. In addition, the Committee organizes events such as a Halloween Party, Community Tree Lighting and Port Rexton weekend in July.

Residents can also take advantage of the adjacent walking trails (Skerwink and Fox Island) as well as traditional back country activities. Major sports facilities such as Ice Hockey Stadiums are located within an hour’s drive at and Bonavista.

The Recreation Committee has identified the major gaps for sports/recreation as being the lack of a facility for indoor recreation in winter and the need for help organizing events.

➢ Include consideration for public facilities to be multi-tasked for community use (such as recreation in the winter) as well as tourism- oriented application.

➢ Hire a part-time Recreation Coordinator.

➢ Promote outdoor recreation opportunities in all seasons taking advantage of the trails and environment surrounding Port Rexton

14. Medical Services

Medical services are provided to the residents of Port Rexton through the hospitals at Clarenville and Bonavista supplemented by a part time clinic in Trinity. The Trinity Clinic is currently staffed by a doctor one day every two weeks.

During consultations residents indicated that they generally travelled to Clarenville for medical services to ensure continuity of service with a specific doctor. However, there was strong support expressed for an expansion of medical services delivered in the sub-region. In particular it was felt that a permanent Nurse Practitioner Clinic in the sub-region would meet needs and reduce travel for residents experiencing minor medical issues or needing monitoring of ongoing diagnosed illnesses.

➢ Lobby Eastern Health and government to establish a permanent nurse practitioner clinic in the sub-region.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 21 October 2018

15. Seniors Care Facility

In Port Rexton, 85 residents, 25 % of the Town’s population, are senior citizens, that is, 65 years of age and older. In the Trinity Bight Sub-Region, the number of senior citizens totals 250 which is almost 26% of the total population.

In Port Rexton there is a small independent living apartment complex for seniors. As well, some seniors arrange with the Sherwood Suites Motel to move into units during the winter and return to their homes in the spring. There is a definite need for a seniors’ care facility in the Town to prevent an outmigration of seniors as they no longer are able or no longer wish to maintain their existing homes. Such as facility would increase the demand for the Clinic outlined in the previous section.

➢ Promote the development of a private or public seniors’ care facility in Port Rexton.

16. Reduce/Reuse/Recycle

There is increasing concern regarding the environment and role of all individuals to do their part. The clean environment is a major factor in the quality of place for residents and visitors to Port Rexton. However, the Town does not have a proactive program to reduce, reuse and recycle.

There are also financial incentives for the Town to undertake such a program and examples from other NL communities. The new regional waste management system in NL has increased costs to municipalities based upon the amount of waste which they produce – this has already resulted in the development of a community compost program being developed in the Town of St. Georges to reduce its waste. On Fogo Island, plastic bags have been banned. The Town of Rocky Harbour operates a recycling collection depot for the Gros Morne region. Finally, the Government of Canada has allocated funding through the Canadian Federation of Municipalities to assist towns plan and implement green programs.

➢ Obtain funding to develop a Green Plan for Port Rexton which might include initiatives such as:

• Banning plastic bags/bottles. • Establishing a community compost facility/program. • Establishing a recycling facility/program.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 22 October 2018

Attraction of New Residents

There are two demographic factors which are worrisome to the long-term sustainability of Port Rexton – the total population of the Town and the impact of an aging population. Since Port Rexton is also dependant upon the other communities in Trinity Bight the demographics of the full sub-region is also of concern.

The population of Port Rexton in the 2016 census was 340 with 157 occupied private dwellings. This is down significantly from the population of 690 in 1940 but generally stable for the past decade, 351 residents in 2006 and 338 in 2011. For the sub-region, the population in 2016 was 968, down marginally from the population of 973 in 2011.

With respect to the structure of the population. In Port Rexton, 25% of residents were 65 years or older and just 17.7% were less than 15 years. In the sub-region, almost 26% were 65 years and older and just 11.4% were under 15 years.

As part of this project, the Rural Analytics Laboratory at Memorial University were asked to review the structure of the Town’s population. Their conclusion was that “when comparing the observed versus the ideal population trends the sustainability of the population has to focus on in-migration where at least 37 individuals are required between the ages of 25 to 35 over the next 5 plus years”. With respect to the sub-region their conclusion was that “between the 0 to 4 and 25-29 age cohorts there is a shortfall of 197 residents”.

17. Marketing Port Rexton

Marketing the Town of Port Rexton to potential new residents will mean identifying potential new residents and developing a marketing program(s) to target them. Some examples might be:

• Directed marketing program at couples in the 25 – 39-year age group such as “pre-kid couples in the St. John’s area” and “couples/families from outside NL”. • Directed marketing program aimed at visitors “if you like it here, consider living here”.

➢ Develop a marketing program to attract new residents.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 23 October 2018

18. Sponsorship of Immigrant Families

While sponsorship of immigrant families can be time consuming to arrange, the process could be mutually beneficial and result in adding a new dimension to the Town as well as assisting in changing the demographic profile.

➢ Sponsor immigrant families particularly those where the adults have skills applicable to development of the tourism sector.

19. Affordable Housing Development

Currently, one of the inhibitors to persons wishing to move to Port Rexton is the availability of affordable housing. House and land prices have increased due to the demand generated by persons wanting summer homes and by entrepreneurs converting homes for tourist accommodations.

This impacts persons and families who wish to purchase homes in Port Rexton as well as those who wish to rent year-round as many places are available in the winter. The latter issue also creates problems for the attraction of the seasonal workers needed in the summer to support the tourism sector.

Housing can be made into an attractor by proactively moving to make both home ownership and renting affordable. This might be done through a municipal not-for-profit housing authority.

➢ Launch an affordable housing development initiative.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 24 October 2018

Strategy B: Strategic Tourism Product Development

At one extreme tourism product development can be defined as embracing all elements with which the visitor to a destination comes into contact. This includes infrastructure (e.g. transport, utilities), the service personnel, places of lodging, attractions and activities, facilities and amenities. At the more focussed level, tourism product development can be defined as comprising only those attractions, activities and facilities that are specifically provided for the visitor.

Individual attractions, activities and facilities are components of a destination’s overall tourism product; only extremely rarely are they the sole item that tourist visitors experience or utilise when in the destination. A destination’s tourism product is an amalgam of many different elements, the provision of, and access to which the tourist expects to be fully in line with his or her needs. A destination’s tourism product is, therefore, the lodging facility used, the places visited, the museums, parks, restaurants, shops and/or theatres patronised, as well as the journey to, from and around the destination.

A tourism product is comprised of three responses from the tourist:

• Experiential – festivals, activities, community, event, dining and entertainment, shopping, safety, service. • Emotional – human, cultural and historic resources, hospitality. • Physical – infrastructure, natural resources, accommodation, restaurants, shops and other buildings visited.

For the Town of Port Rexton, we will define tourism product development as the process by which the resources of the town are shaped to meet the requirements of international, national and provincial customers. This covers everything including the utilization of natural assets both within town boundaries and in the adjacent area, facilities or attractions, activities requiring varying levels of physical input, and organised events such as festivals.

Within this context, the focus will be on tourism products which the Town can support or promote that lead to the so-called ‘triple bottom line’ benefits of people, planet and profits thereby creating sustainable development.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 25 October 2018

Major Infrastructure Initiatives

20. Town Centre One of the important infrastructure development initiatives identified earlier as part of the strategy to enhance the quality of life in Port Rexton was “to establish a Town Centre in the area of the Church/Post office/Orange Lodge”.

This area does have great potential to be the focal area of the Town for both residents and visitors. It reflects the small-town character of Port Rexton, is within walking distance for most accommodations and close to the seashore. Development of public facilities in the area complemented by new tourism related businesses will create a new tourism demand generator for the region, enhance the Town’s tourism sector and contribute to economic viability.

The Town Center development would include the following initiatives:

➢ Build a multi-purpose building that might house artisan workshops, craft shops, restaurants.

➢ Develop waterfront access to the town centre area.

➢ Encourage enhancements to existing properties (in terms of their physical state).

➢ Establish programming plans for the old post office and union store and support programming initiatives within infrastructure future projects.

➢ Establish a “heritage building committee” to provide guidance for redevelopment of heritage buildings.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 26 October 2018

Innovative Linking

21. Walking Trails As noted earlier as part of the strategy to enhance the quality of life in Port Rexton, it is important “to design and develop in-town trails joining neighbourhoods, tourist accommodations and key points of interest including links to the Skerwink and Fox Island Trails”. For the benefit of visitors, it is important to make getting around town from one site to the next a memorable experience.

➢ Develop lookouts and interpretive materials to augment in-town trails.

22. Biking Trails Biking is a component of the tourism industry which has been growing quickly. Port Rexton is ideally located to take advantage of two different aspects of tourism related biking. The old railway bed which runs through the town links Bonavista to the main railway bed for the province at Clarenville is potentially a great “bike highway” for casual bikers. As well, the Trinity Bight area and indeed the full Bonavista Peninsula is an ideal site for adventure bikers offering a combination of inland and coastal terrain.

➢ Develop Port Rexton as the focal point for the development of biking tourism on the Bonavista Peninsula through:

• Encouraging the establishment of a bike rental enterprise in the Town. • Promoting development of adventure/mountain biking on the Peninsula. • Promoting the use of the railway bed for casual bikers.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 27 October 2018

Signature Festivals

23. Expand Existing Festivals In November 2017, Port Rexton hosted the inaugural Ales for Trails Festival in support of Hike Discovery. The event featured either a walk of the Fox Island Trail or a run of the Skerwink Trail followed by dinner at Fishers Loft Inn – with a stop at Port Rexton Brewery in between. The Festival was held again in November 2018 and is intended to be an annual event.

In September 2018, the inaugural Bon Rexton Grandfundo was launched. This is a long-distance bike ride format with participants travelling at their own pace followed by a social event. The start/finish was at the Two Whales Café in Port Rexton and two distances were offered – a 130 km Bonavista Loop and a shorter 50 km ride to Catalina and back.

Both Festivals were an overwhelming success attracting a large number of participants to the area in the shoulder of the tourism season. Their success is a good indicator of the demand for recreation-based festivals which take advantage of the combination of the natural attributes of the Bonavista Peninsula and the location and social attributes of Port Rexton.

➢ Support and expand upon the success of the Ales for Trails and the Bon Rexton Granfundo Festivals.

➢ Investigate the potential to launch similar mini-festivals or events.

➢ Actively participate in regional festivals such as the Bonavista Biennale.

➢ Develop best practices guides for festival organizers to help maximize their success while minimizing intrusion to local residents.

➢ Include festival information in Town marketing and communications initiatives. Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 28 October 2018

24. Cinema-based Festival The Trinity Bight area has become the hotspot for filming movies in NL. Producers and directors are attracted by the unique landscape and the communities in the area. Successful movies include: • Shipping News with Julianne Moore, Kevin Spacey, Judy Dench, Cate Blanchette. • The Grand Seduction with Brendon Gleeson, Gordon Pinsent, Taylor Kitch, Mark Critch. • Random Passage with Colm Meaney. • Maudie with Sally Hawkins, Ethan Hawke.

Some visitors to the region are attracted by these movies while others will need to discover the movies and/or their relationship to the area once they arrive. Whatever the case, there is opportunity to celebrate the success of movie making in the area and use it to enrich visitor experiences.

➢ Organize a Trinity Bight Cinema Festival.

➢ Show movies throughout the tourist season with different themes but relying heavily on movies which have been made in the area and the opportunity to interact with writers, production personnel and actors.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 29 October 2018

Telling our Story

25. Interpretation Opportunities Port Rexton has very interesting stories to tell about its history: the people who have gone before; the culture; and, the rhythm of everyday life in a small fishing/agricultural community. The stories about Port Rexton would be of great interest to visitors (and likely many residents) if they were available to see at key locations in the Town.

➢ Research and prepare interpretation panels related to the Town’s history for display on trails and key locations in Port Rexton.

Entrepreneurship Support

26. Attraction of Entrepreneurs Tourism as an economic sector is executed through a myriad of private sector entities ranging from small businesses to multi-national corporations. While a municipality can indeed influence the development of the tourism sector by taking initiatives as described in this document, success will only be possible if current or new entrepreneurs see opportunities and invest their resources into expanding or launching business enterprises.

Many books have ben written on how to make this happen in towns and regions. There is no simple or easy answer but there are success stories to inspire and best practices documented to help.

➢ Research and develop a program to assist new entrepreneurs to get started and be successful in Port Rexton.

➢ Develop and launch a mentorship program to introduce youth in the area to the operations of local business enterprises.

➢ Utilize the resources and expertise of government agencies in program design and funding.

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 30 October 2018


Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 31 October 2018

A – Demographic and Economic Profile (RAnLab)

B – Engagement

B1 – Resident Survey Report

B2 –Interview Summary (Town and Business Representatives)

C –Listing of Community Work Plan Initiatives

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan Page 32 October 2018

A – Demographic and Economic Profile (RAnLab)

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan October 2018

Port Rexton

Regional Socio-Economic Profile

Prepared by Alvin Simms (PhD) Jamie Ward (MSc) Harris Centre Regional Analytics Laboratory (RAnLab) Memorial University

Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1

2.0 Town of Port Rexton Profile 3

3.0 Trinity and Census Subdivision Profile 8

4.0 Port Rexton Regional Profile 14

5.0 NOTES 24

List of Figures

Figure 1: Port Rexton Study Area 2

Figure 2: Town of Port Rexton Info Graphic 4

Figure 3: Trinity and Census Subdivision Info-Graphic 9

Figure 4: Port Rexton Regional Info-Graph 15

Figure 5: Port Rexton Region Population Forecasts Historic Cycles and No Migration2017 to 2036 17

Figure 6: Port Rexton Region Population Forecasts Retiree Replacement Model 2017 to 2036 18

List of Tables

Table 1: Port Rexton Sub-Region Top Ten Average Employers, GDP %, 5 Local Supply %, Local Market % and Indices

Table 2: Port Rexton Sub-Region Comparative Advantage and Competition 7

Table 3 Port Rexton Sub-Region Short and Long Term Growth Trends 8

Table 4: Trinity and Census Sub-Division Top Ten Average Employers, GDP %, Local Supply %, Local Market % and Indices 10

Table 5: Trinity and Census Subdivision Comparative Advantage and Competition 11

Table 6: Trinity and Census Subdivision Sub-Region Short and Long Term Growth Trends 12

Table 7: Port Rexton Region Top Ten Average Employers GDP%, Local Supply and Market Percent and Indices 19

Table 8: Port Rexton Region Comparative Advantage and Competition 20

Table 9: Port Rexton Region Short and Long Term Growth 22

1.0 Introduction

This summary report presents an overview of the region’s demography and industries that drive the Port Rexton’s regional economy. Note that the information presented here constitutes a historical analysis of past events in the Port Rexton region, and should be interpreted as such. Any application to current or future trends is beyond the scope of this report.

The main sources for the data are the Statistics Canada Business Registry and the “unsuppressed 2014” provincial input-output tables as well as Statistics Canada’s 2016 GDP by industry. Note that the 2014 input-output table is used to establish the technology for production and the 2016 GDP data is used for productivity parameterization in analytics model. For the analysis, exact employment data are used where possible. However, when this data was absent the interval or classified employment data from the business register are used to fill the gaps. The numerical results (e.g. employment, GDP etc.) presented in the report must be interpreted as “weighted averages (WA)” for the region and the provincial comparisons. Thus, provincial counts, may not add up to the actual provincial values from the input-output tables but the proportions for comparative purposes will be correct.

The Port Rexton study area was sub-divided into 2 sub-regions Port Rexton, and Trinity plus the Census Division No. 7 Subd. J. Trinity, with a 2016 population of 169, is merged with the adjacent census subdivision because of data limitations related to small populations (see Figure 1). Thus, the report contains 3 socio-economic profile that include the Port Rexton Region where all three census sub-divisions are aggregated into a single region, Port Rexton and the Trinity and Census Subdivision sub-region.


Figure 1: Port Rexton Study Area


2.0 Town of Port Rexton Profile

Figure 2 presents the demographic and socio-economic metrics for the town of Port Rexton. The 2016 census outcome indicates that from 2011 to 2016 its population grew by 0.6% and has a population of 330. However, from 2011 to 2016 the 0 to 14 age group grew by 9.09% while the 15 to 64 cohort declined by -7.14%. However, the 65+ age group increased by 18.86%. The ageing trend is apparent when examining the 2016 observed population versus an ideal population age structure for the region that would support a slow growing population. In this case, the 0 to 4 and 5 to 9 age groups has a 2016 count of 50 and the required counts for the low growth model is 41 or there are 9 more than expected for the low growth model. However, the 2016 25 count for the 10 to 14 up to and including the 25 to 29 age groups falls short of the 94 individuals required under the slow growth model. This leaves a shortfall of 69 individuals including the extra 9 individuals in the 0 to 4 and 5 to 9 age groups there is still a shortfall of 60 individuals in these age groups. When comparing the observed versus the ideal population trends the sustainability of the population has to focus on in-migration where at least 37 individuals are required between the ages of 25 to 35 over the next 5 plus years. However, the low fertility rates amongst this age cohort suggest that future population levels can only be maintained by in-migration. Of note is that by 2021 there will be 40 individuals reaching retirement age of 65. This ageing trend is supported by the age dependency ratio (see [1] in Notes) where for every 100 people aged 20 to 64 there are 42.4 people aged 0 -19 years and 57.6 people aged 65+ years. In this case, where the 65+ group exceeds the 0 - 19 age group it is a strong indicator for an ageing population.


Figure 2: Town of Port Rexton Info Graphic


The top 10 industries by average employment account for 92% of the sub-regional GDP. Tourism related industries such as traveller accommodation, food services and drinking places as well as breweries account for approximately 40% of the GDP. Of note is that traveller accommodations account for 30.99% of the GDP. This is significant in that it is also the major employer and the well-being of this sector is important to the regional economy. Residential construction and other activities in construction1 contribute 15.6% to the sub-regional GDP while the traditional industry of fishing adds another 5.94% (Table 1). For per worker GDP estimates the industries are classed as producer (e.g. manufacturing, fishing, mining, forestry etc.) and service (health care, retail, banking etc.) enterprises in the regional economy. The GDP per worker for the producer and service industries is $64,220 and $29,430 respectively

Table 1: Port Rexton Sub-Region Top Ten Average Employers, GDP %, Local Supply %, Local Market % and Indices

The % local supply values, which can be viewed as opportunities to add value to other local industries through purchases, range from a low of 27% for lessors of real estate to a high of 64% for consulting services. On the other hand, the local market % values, which represent opportunities to add value locally to the economy after utilizing local supplies, range from 0% for residential building construction to 100% for fishing. With the highest average employment and GDP output traveller accommodations, utilizes supplies that are imported to the region (% of local supply impact 42%) thus a smaller spin-off factor but have a greater impact on the local economy by transactions associated with its operations (% local market 91%) by creating additional spinoffs in the local economy2. In the case of residential building construction, the 0% for the local market is related to the final demand aspect whereby after a building is completed it is the end of the supply chain for this industry and does not directly generate any additional value in the economy. Breweries with a 48% local supply value and a somewhat low 54% local market effects reflects both the imported nature of what is required for production (supply) and also its after production characteristics whereby not all of the output is sold locally (market) (Table 1).

1 Other activities in construction includes trades such as electricians, carpenters etc. 2 % of local supply and markets are only relevant for stages in production that adds value. It does not include final demand factors.


The supply and market indices refer to the strength of connections industries that are linked by inter industry value transactions in the region before and after production, respectively (see Note [3]). Fishing and breweries have a “strong” supply index suggesting that these sectors are strongly linked to local industries. Although the % local supply linkages are low to moderate the transactions between these industries would be significant. The remaining 8 industries have a “weak” supply index. This is typical of many rural areas where most supplies required for operations or production is not produced in the region and as a result has a limited spillover effect. Traveller accommodations, food services, consulting services, fishing food stores and lessors of real estate all have a strong market index which suggests a high degree of linkages with other sectors in the sub-regional economy. Given that these sectors account 64% of the GDP along with their strong market index suggests that any upturns or downturns in these sectors will have a significant impact on the sub-regional economy. Residential building construction and other activities in the construction industry has both a weak supply and market index. Again, for the most part these industries supply requirements are not produced in the sub-region. The weak market index reflects the final demand factor whereby there are no additional valued added after construction is completed. The weak market index for breweries is more related to the fact that the output (beer) is a final demand product where additional valued added with other industries is limited. However, the brewery may generate other valued added to other businesses such as traveller accommodations and the food services and drinking places that become part of another supply chain (Table 1).

Traveller accommodations, consulting services, fishing, food stores, and lessors of real estate, residential construction and breweries have a comparative advantage factor of “External Demand” indicating that in those sectors, there is higher than expected level employment and these industries not only can meet the demands within the sub-region but also services the entire region as whole including an external demand for these services and products. For the tourism sector in the economy, tourists are a part of this external demand (Table 2).

In terms of competition residential building construction is the only “highly competitive” industry suggesting that there are a high number of enterprises providing consumers with options but if these sectors become too concentrated in the sub-region there is potential for diminishing market shares for new entrants in those sectors if there is no growth in the region or external demand decreases. Fishing is “highly competitive” but in this instance, there is no market competition amongst fishers because of government regulations and the classification only indicates there are many fishing enterprises in the region. Traveller accommodation is classed as having “moderate competition” within the sector suggesting there is potential for more competition. But any new entrants to this sector would have to evaluate the existing market to determine if the potential dollar value warrants an investment. A brewery in town represents a single micro-brewery thus its low competition factor (Table 2).


Table 2: Port Rexton Sub-Region Comparative Advantage and Competition

Growth factors (Table 3) for the top industries is divided into two categories, [1] short term growth (2015-2016) based on point contribution to growth and indicates how industries react to short term increases or declines in the economy, and [2] longer term employment growth that assess provincial and local industry trends (2009 to 2016). Note that the short-term growth model captures the downturn in oil prices and the provincial economy that started in 2014. In the short term, food services, food stores and other activities of the construction industry were stressed or experience some decline while fishing remain stable (no growth or decline). All other sectors grew during this period. Monitoring industries that react quickly to short-term trends will provide insight to how volatile or stable is sub-regional economy.

The long-term provincial and local growth trends indicate potential for growth or decline over a longer period. For the Port Rexton sub-region traveller accommodation, food services, fishing, lessors of real estate, trends at the provincial and local level indicated growth. Thus, growth locally in these sectors can be attributed to both a spillover from the provincial trend combined with local growth factors. The long term prospects for fishing will be influenced by potential quota reductions while the industry adjusts and seeks new species to replace shrimp and crab. Consulting services is stressed at the provincial industry level but growing locally because of some local comparative advantage factor. Food and beverage stores are growing provincially but stressed locally and this local trend could be linked to external competition or some other issue within the sub-regional economy. Residential building construction is stressed both provincially and locally. It is stressed provincially because of the downturn in the provincial economy and this downturn may have influenced local growth as well. The brewery industry is stable provincially but growing locally. This local growth in part is related to the growing tourism sector as well as the increasing demand for microbrewery products (Table 3).


Table 3: Port Rexton Sub-Region Short and Long Term Growth Trends

3.0 Trinity and Census Subdivision Profile

Figure 3 presents the demographic and socio-economic metrics for the Trinity and Census Subdivision (See Figure 1). The 2016 census single age outcomes indicate that the sub-region’s population in 2016 was 575 people. From 2011 to 2016 the overall population in the combined region declined by 9.4%. However, when examining within specific age cohorts decline/growth 0 to 14 and 15 to 64 age groups declined by -23.1 and -2.33%, respectively. However, the 65+ age group increased by 13.8%3. The ageing trend is apparent when examining the 2016 observed population versus an ideal population age structure for the region that would support a slow growing population. In this case, the 0-4 to 35-39 age group 2016 counts are less than the required for growth while the 40+ groups are greater than required for growth. In fact the observed count of 125 versus the required population for growth is 308 creates a shortfall of 183. Thus any prospects for growth has to be through in-migration. This is a rapidly ageing population and the trend is supported by the age dependency ratio (see [1] in Notes) where for every 100 people aged 20 to 64 there are 16.4 people aged 0 -19 years and 41.1 people aged 65+ years. The low ratio for 0 -19 and the much higher value for 65+ group indicates that there will be labour supply issues, locally, in the future (Figure 3).

Of the top 10 industries by average employment (Table 4), performing arts, food services and drinking places, bakeries, grant-making and other non-profits, traveller accommodations and to a degree food and beverage stores are all linked to tourism. These sectors directly account for 26% of the GDP. Other sectors that may be linked to spin-offs or the economic well- being of the tourism sector such as other activities in the construction industry (e.g. trades such as carpenters, electricians etc.), residential construction contribute another 38% to the sub- regional GDP. Fishing accounts for 5.73% of the sub-region’s GDP while machinery, equipment and supplies wholesalers contribute 11.86%.

3 From 2011 to 2016 Trinity’s population increased by 21.4% but given its small population this amounts to an increase of about 30 people. During the same period the 0 to 14 age group declined by 33.3%, 15 to 64 increased by 21.1% and the 65+ cohort grew by 50%. Regardless of the growth there is an ageing population In Trinity.


Figure 3: Trinity and Census Subdivision Info-Graphic


Table 4: Trinity and Census Sub-Division Top Ten Average Employers, GDP %, Local Supply %, Local Market % and Indices Top 10 Industries Average Est. GDP % Local Local Supply Market Employment Supply % Market % Index Index Performing arts, spectator sports and related industries, and heritage institutions 83 12.02% 50% 92% Weak Weak Food services and drinking places 39 6.94% 41% 86% Weak Strong Other activities of the construction industry 31 24.79% 41% 94% Weak Weak Residential building construction 17 13.38% 42% 0% Weak Weak Fishing, hunting and trapping 16 5.73% 47% 100% Strong Strong Machinery, equipment and supplies wholesaler-distributors 14 11.86% 55% 60% Weak Strong Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing 7 3.02% 48% 48% Weak Weak Grant-making, civic, and professional and similar organizations, plus other non- 7 1.60% 52% 100% Weak Weak profit institutions serving households Traveller accommodation 5 1.35% 42% 91% Weak Strong Food and beverage stores 2 0.91% 62% 81% Weak Strong

The % local supply values, can be viewed as opportunities to add value to other local industries through purchases required for operations or production (e.g. fuel for a fishing boat, food supplies for accommodations etc.) and the values range from a low of 41% for food services and other activities in the construction industry to a high of 62% for food and beverage stores. Although the percentages are moderate it is not related to a situation where other local businesses do not support each other but rather a situation where most of what is required to operate business or produce a product is not produced in the region and the spinoffs are related to “reselling” imports brought into the region. From a regional economic perspective there is more value added during manufacturing process than reselling of products (Table 4).

The local market % values, which represent opportunities to add value locally to the economy after utilizing local supplies, range from 0% for residential construction to 100% for fishing. In other words, within the sub-region region fishing probably imports (% of local supply) some of what they need for production or operations but have a greater impact on the local economy by providing services or its product being used (% local market) by other sectors in the sub- regional economy. For example, performing arts with a local market% of 92% has more impact with the performances than when preparing for a performance (e.g. % local supply 50%)4. The 0% local market % for residential construction is related to the characteristics of this industry whereby the final product is classed as a final demand where no additional value to the sub- regional economy can be attributed to this industry. However, occupants of buildings contribute to the local economy through purchases of products and services but this impact becomes a part of another supply chain. Note that all sectors other than residential construction are maximizing the local market spinoff potential (Table 4).

4 % of local supply and markets are only relevant for stages in production that adds value. It does not include final demand factors at this time.


The supply and market indices refer to “what degree” industries are linked by inter industry value transactions in the sub-region before and after production, respectively (see Note [3]). Performing arts, other activities in the construction industry, residential, bakeries and grant- making and non-profits are weak in both the supply and market index. Generally, these are sectors in the economy that do not directly add significant value to an economy, especially in rural areas, but their presence drives other sectors in the economy. For example, food services and drinking places and traveller accommodations have a weak supply index but a strong market index within the sub-region. Thus the lower value transactions on the supply side are offset by the higher percentage on local market side and thus a more significant impact on the economy. In other words, the attraction of tourists on the performing arts side generates a net positive gain in the sub-regional economy for food services and traveller accommodations.

Of the top 10 industries by average employment all except food and beverage stores comparative advantage is classed as “external demand” (Table 5.0). In other words there is more than expected employment in those sectors and they have the capacity to supply more than what is required locally and in some cases classed as export based5 industries. Fishing is an export based industry. In reality tourism based industries in the sub-region such as performing arts, food services and traveller accommodations etc. are in fact an export in the sense that the supply and demand for these services are driven by external factors and not local demand. The success of these enterprises in based on external economies rather than local trends. Other activities in the construction industry and residential construction in the sub-region has the capacity to meet the demands for the entire region (e.g. including Port Rexton) but is not an export based sector.

Table 5: Trinity and Census Subdivision Comparative Advantage and Competition Top 10 Industries Comparative Competition Advantage Level Performing arts, spectator sports and related industries, and heritage institutions External Demand Moderate Competition Food services and drinking places External Demand Low Competition Other activities of the construction industry External Demand Moderate Competition Residential building construction External Demand High Competition Fishing, hunting and trapping External Demand High Competition Machinery, equipment and supplies wholesaler-distributors External Demand Low Competition Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing External Demand Low Competition Grant-making, civic, and professional and similar organizations, plus other non- External Demand Low Competition profit institutions serving households Traveller accommodation External Demand Moderate Competition Food and beverage stores Local Demand Low Competition

In terms of competition within the sub-region performing arts, other activities of the construction industry and traveller accommodation are classed as having moderate competition within their sectors. Although it indicates that consumers have choices for these services but there may be potential for more enterprises to setup business in the sub-region. However, this requires further analysis to evaluate market shares and potential for growth for

5 In some cases, the external demand can also refer to a high demand locally rather than exports. The separation between high local demand and export-based industries has to be assessed on an industry by industry case.

11 new entrants in the economy. Residential construction and fishing are classed as “highly competitive” suggesting that there are a high number of enterprises providing but if these sectors become too concentrated in the sub-region there is potential for diminishing market shares for new entrants in those sectors if there is no growth in the region as a whole or an external demand. In reality fishers are not competing in an open market as such, because of government regulations regarding catch and processing. But the recent government policy that permits fishers to sell a limited portion of the catch directly to the retail market does create “limited competition” environment.

The “low competition” score for food services and drinking places, machinery equipment and supplies wholesalers, bakeries, grant making and non-profits as well as food and beverages stores has to be evaluated within the context of the sub-regional economy. For example, low competition in the food service industry generally indicates opportunities for more competition but within the context of the sub-region existing capacity may meet existing demands or there is not enough value added for further expansion in this sector. Also in the case of bakeries, it may be a speciality market where one or two enterprise can meet the existing demand. Again, machinery equipment and supplies may be a speciality industry where there is limited demand and a few enterprises are sufficient. Grant making and non-profits are generally not competing for consumers and the low competition assignment only indicates that there may be one to two such organizations in the sub-region (Table 5).

Table 6 presents growth trends, based on a point contribution to growth factor, for the top 10 industries is divided into short term (2015-2016) and longer term employment growth that assess provincial and local industry trends (2009 to 2016). Short term growth in this case coincides with the downturn in oil prices and provincial economy that started in 2014 and is an indicator of whether or not sub-region industries are sensitive in the short term to these types of economic stressors. Industries not affected by the short term conditions and exhibit growth were the performing arts, food services, residential building and construction, machinery equipment and supplies, grant-making and non-profits and food and beverage stores. Industries that remained stable (e.g. no growth or decline) in the sub-region were fishing, bakeries and traveller accommodation. The only sector that was stressed in the short term was other activities of the construction industry.

Table 6: Trinity and Census Subdivision Sub-Region Short and Long Term Growth Trends


The longer-term provincial level trends indicate whether or not industries are growing at the provincial level. In some cases, growth at the provincial level can have a spillover effect in similar industries at the local or sub-regional level. For the Trinity and Census Subdivision all industries, except grant making and non-profits, were growing (Table 6). Grant making and non- profits are stressed or in decline over the longer term at the provincial level but is growing locally because of some comparative advantage. In addition, the long-term trend at the local level is “growth” for all industries in the sub-region. For those industries that are growing both at the provincial and local level the growth can, in part, attributed to the provincial trends as well as a local comparative advantage. Given that overall growth of tourism in the province as well as the emergence of the Bonavista Peninsula as a tourist destination probably has a significant influence on this growth trend. Although the fishing industry grew at the provincial and local scales, future growth is linked to potential quota reductions and market prices or a combination of both6.

6 Given the quota reductions in 2017, these scenarios should be re-accessed when the 2017 data is available. Also replacement and impact of retiring fishers should also be evaluated for the sub-region.


4.0 Port Rexton Regional Profile

Figure 4 displays the demographic and socio-economic metrics for the extended Port Rexton Region (Figure 1). The updated 2016 population for the whole region is 905.7 From 2011 to 2016 an examination of specific age cohorts indicates that the 0 to 14 age group declined by 8.33% while the 15 to 64 group declined by 3.91%. But the 65 plus age cohort increased by 16.28%. Over a 5 year period it is expected that as people age, they move to the next 5-year age group. However, if there are enough replacements from a younger age group the net growth should not be negative. When negative growth occurs for a specific age group, it is an indication that there are not enough people in the younger age groups, combined with low fertility and migration, to replace those in the older groups. This is evident in the observed versus ideal population growth curves by age cohort where the 0-4 to 35-39 age counts in 2016 are less than required for population growth and the 45+ age groups are greater than required (see Figure 4 observed versus ideal low growth population structure). For example, the observed 2016 population count for 25-29 age group is 20 while the required population count, under the low growth model, is 70. This indicates a shortfall of 50 in this particular age group. Overall, between the 0 to 4 and 25-29 age cohorts there is a shortfall of 197. This is typical of trends in Newfoundland and Labrador and the ageing trend is also evident in the age dependency ratio (see Notes [1]) where for every 100 people aged 20 to 64 there are 26.5 people aged 0-19 years and 46.2 for people age 65+ years. Ageing is indicated when the 0-19 ratio is less than the 65+ ratio. These current shortfalls have an impact on the future population trends and these impacts were estimated from three different types of population forecast models:

[1]The No Migration Survival Model where the in and out-migration rates are set to zero whereby population change is dependent on age specific births and deaths only. Outcomes from this analysis provide information on a region’s ability to sustain or increase future population levels given the combination of the region’s age structure and expected fertility and mortality rates. If a region cannot sustain or grow its existing population through this natural replacement model it reflects underlying issues associated with fertility and death rates, youth retention and ageing populations.

[2] The Historical (Cyclic) Survival Model where the migration rates are set to cycle through periods of high and low growth, continuing the cyclic pattern of population changes as seen during the last 10-15 years. The migration component of population change is decomposed into intra-provincial, interprovincial, international in-migration, and total out-migration. In addition, the migration calculation utilizes a “migration propensity” for each age group/region class/migration type combination, which ensures that migration volumes remain sensitive to shifts in population levels over time.

7 For demographic analyses and forecasting, the Harris Centre’s Regional Analytics Lab utilizes Statistics Canada’s individual age databases rather than the aggregated age cohort data. In part, this is because when data are grouped into age classes rounding occurs and in some cases will produce higher counts than the individual age data. In addition, the forecast models use individual age and fertility data therefore current population inputs must be individual age counts by location.


Figure 4: Port Rexton Regional Info-Graphic


Thus if the existing fertility and mortality rates as well a the historic cyclic nature of migration repeats itself in the 10 to 15 year cycles in the future what is the impact on future population characteristics.

[3] The Replacement Survival Model where net migration levels are calculated based on forecast replacement demands due to workforce aging. Firstly, retirements, worker deaths, and young workforce entrants over time are estimated using historical rates. Secondly, these values are combined to estimate the net in-migrants required to sustain the workforce population for each region, given historical trends of out-migration. Low, medium, and high growth scenarios are benchmarked by integrating different attrition rates with the requisite migration. For this model, values of 50% for low, 70% for medium, and 100% for high are assigned as constants for the attrition factor. Conceptually, decreasing the retention of workers may occur due to a combination of increasing productivity and/or the hiring of currently unemployed people.

The results indicate that the “No Migration” model forecasts a decline where the population decreases from 905 in 2016 to 524 by 2036 (Figure 5). This 19% decline suggests that if current fertility and mortality rates continue the existing population levels cannot be sustained and population growth can only be achieved by in-migration and replacement of retirees. However, if historic trends associated with fertility, mortality and migration continue over the next 20 years the medium model suggests that the population will drop from 905 in 2016 to 524 by 2036 (Figure 5). To maintain the existing population over the next 20 years at least 70% of the retirees will have to be replaced. In the short term, this strategy would increase the population to 949 by 2021 but would decline to 939 by 2026. By 2036, the population of the region is predicted to be 908 (Figure 6). This decline in the replacement model is due to the fact that even if younger workers replace the retirees the low fertility rates (e.g. less than 2.1) amongst younger adults along with existing mortality rates will evenly result in a population decline. Thus, the replacement cycle will have to be repeated to maintain future population levels. Note that population forecasts were not calculated for the sub-regions because of the small numbers and volatility associated with these numbers.


Figure 5: Port Rexton Region Population Forecasts Historic Cycles and No Migration2017 to 2036


Figure 6: Port Rexton Region Population Forecasts Retiree Replacement Model 2017 to 2036


Table 7 list the top 10 industries by average employment for the region and the top 3 are performing arts, traveler accommodations and food services and drinking places. These sectors are associated with tourism. On average, these industries account for 26% of the region’s GDP while overall the top ten employers account for 76% of the GDP.

Table 7: Port Rexton Region Top Ten Average Employers GDP%, Local Supply and Market Percent and Indices

The local supply % values (see Notes [2]) can be interpreted as opportunities to add value to both local industries and the overall economy through purchases required for production/operations. The local supply and market % should be interpreted within the context of what is produced or not produced in the region and that much of what is required to run the regional economy is imported directly for use or resale and thus maximum local spinoffs are not realized8. The values range from a low of 41% for food services and drinking places to a high of 64% for management, scientific and technical consulting services. This percentage reflects the capacity of the region’s industries to supply the commodities or services required to operate other industries in the region (Figure 4 and Table 7).

However, the local market % values, which represent opportunities to add value to the regional economy after utilizing local supplies in production/operations, range from a low of 0% for residential construction to a high of 100% for fishing. For residential construction the 0% value is due to the final demand nature of this industry whereby after the house is sold there is no additional value added to the economy through this industry. All other industries except machinery, equipment and supplies wholesalers (60%) are most likely realizing their maximum potential in the region, with values ranging from 81% to 100%. The lower value for machinery wholesalers may be associated with a final demand factor where no additional value added is accrued to the local economy (Figure 4 and Table 7).

The supply and market indices (Table 7) refer to what degree industries are linked by inter industry value transactions in the region before and after production, respectively (see Note [3]). For performing arts the supply and market indices is both “weak” which suggest a low degree or value linkages with other sectors in the regional economy. This is common for these

8 Percent of local supply and markets are only relevant for stages in production/operations that adds value. It does not include final demand factors.

19 types of enterprises because they are linked directly to the well-being of other sectors such as food services and drinking places and traveller accommodations. In this case, traveller accommodations and food services are weak on the supply index because much of what they require to operate their businesses is not produced in the region but strong on the market index. The “strong” indicator is associated with significant linkages to other businesses in the region. Fishing is the only industry strong in the local supply and market part of the regional economy. All industries except fishing have a supply index classed as “weak”. Again this has to be interpreted within context of what is not produced in the region whereby many of the supplies required for operations (e.g. equipment, office supplies etc.) have to be imported while the provisions of services has a greater economic benefit in the region (e.g. market index effect). Other industries with a “strong” market index are machinery equipment wholesalers, food and beverage stores and consulting services. Note that grant making/non-profit institutions has a fairly high local supply % (52%) and local market % (100%) but the value of those transactions, supply and market index, are weak. Generally, this type of enterprise generates value that may be realized in other enterprises such as the performing arts while their day-to-day operations do not directly produce high value transactions with other enterprises.

Table 8 presents information on comparative advantage and competition factors. At the regional level only fishing and food and beverage stores are classed as “external demand” indicating that these sectors have higher than expected employment whereby they have the capacity to not only supply the regional demand for their outputs but also export its products/services. In the case of fishing, this could be linked to the shipping fish out of the region for processing or exporting catch as an unprocessed raw product. The food and beverage stores are not an external demand related to “an export based economy” but rather it is associated with the fact that there may be many similar food stores located in different towns within region or there are large stores that supply many towns in the region. In this case the “external demand” class reflects the high demand for these services in the region. But the “low competition for this sector would suggest a few larger stores (Table 8). Fishing is classed as high competition but in reality, it just indicates that there are many fishing enterprises and because of government regulations on quotas and fish, processing there is no competition in an open market.

Table 8: Port Rexton Region Comparative Advantage and Competition


Residential building and construction market is classed as “local demand” and “highly competitive” suggesting that there are a high number of enterprises providing consumers with options. But if these sectors become too concentrated in the region there is potential for diminishing market shares for new entrants in those sectors especially if there is no growth in the region and demand declines (see Note [3]). Performing arts and traveler accommodation at the regional level is classed as “local demand” with a “moderate competition level” suggesting a potential for opportunities in these sectors. Sectors with “local demand” and low competition” are food services and drinking places, machinery equipment wholesalers, consulting services, and grant making and non-profits. However, this potential would have to be evaluated within the context of the regional economy versus percent market share and expected revenue for new enterprises (Table 8).

Growth factor indicators for the top 10 employers is divided in short term (2015-2016) based on a point contribution to growth and longer term employment growth that assess both provincial and local industry trends (2009 to 2016). The short-term indicator measures how industries react to short-term downturns in the economy. In this instance, it is related to the downturn in the provincial economy caused by declining oil prices starting in 2014. Table 9 presents the outcomes from the analysis for short and long-term trends.

For the short term growth factor 5 of the top 10 industries performing arts, traveller accommodation, residential construction, machinery equipment wholesalers and consulting services grew while food services and drinking places, fishing, food and beverage stores and grant making and non-profits remain stable (e.g. no decline for growth). Only other activities of the construction were stressed or experience some decline. At the longer term, provincial and local industry trends performing arts, traveller accommodation, food services, other activities in construction, fishing, and machinery equipment wholesalers exhibit growth. Therefore, growth within regional industries is being influenced by the overall provincial growth in those sectors as well as the result of growth occurring in the region. For example, overall, provincially, the tourism sector is growing but at the local level, there is probably some comparative advantage that driving growth. For example, Port Rexton, Trinity, Bonavista tourism focus economies has become a tourist destination. Although fishing has grown in the specified time periods, future quota cuts may impact growth or put stress on this particular industry (Table 9).

Residential construction, consulting services, and grant-making and non-profits long term provincial industry trends are stressed or in decline while local industry trends indicate growth. The local comparative advantage that is driving this local growth requires further investigation and is beyond the scope of this report. Food and beverage stores are growing provincially but stressed within the Port region. Given that it is the only sector stressed at the local trend level, it could indicate an external competition factor that influences consumer purchases (e.g. Clarenville, Bonavista etc.). Another factor that could influence this trend is declining and ageing populations whereas tourism related industries are more dependent on external demand.


Table 9: Port Rexton Region Short and Long Term Growth

GDP per worker for the region is divided into producer (e.g. manufacturing, fishing, mining, forestry, construction, etc.) and services (food services, health care, retail, banking etc.) enterprises in the sub-regional economy. Within the region, the GDP per worker averages $62,000 for the producer industries and $28, 800 for the service industries.


5.0 Notes:

[1] Age Dependency Ratio (Statistics Canada): The dependency in this report is divided into two age groups: [i] youth 0 to 19 years and [ii] retirees 65+ years. The ratio is expressed as the “number of youth or retirees” for every 100 workers.

The dependency ratio is based on age rather than employment status. It does not account for young people or seniors who are working nor for working age people (aged 19 to 64 years) who are unemployed or not in the labour force. The ratio only reflects the population age structure and not meant to diminish people classified as dependents.

A sizeable ratio is an important indicator because the number of seniors 65 or older as well as children and youth younger than 20 are likely and/or economically dependent on working age Canadians and will put additional demands on public services such as schools and health care. The demographic dependency ratio measures the size of the dependent population in relation to the working age population who theoretically provide social and economic support. Changes in the ratios highlight changes in the age composition of the population. In cases where the senior ratio is greater than the youth ratio the population is, the population is ageing.

[2] The “% local supply” refers to a situation where local enterprises supply a local industry with the necessary goods and services for the production of some output. In the figure below, fishing requires fuel,electronics, repair & maintenance and equipment. In this case fishing activites can only purchase locally 34% of what it requires to operate a vessel to catch fish. This is also called a “backward multiplier”. The “% local market” is related to how “fish” are utilized by other industries in the economy. In this example, fish are sold (value added) to the local seafood processing plant and supplies 71% of the demand. Going forward the fish is processed (value added) and getting the product to market requires other services such as banking, trucking, warehousing etc. (value added). The spinoff from these activities are called forward multipliers.


[3] Comparative advantage is based on the location quotient (LQ). The LQ is a ratio that compares employment of an industry in a region with that of the same industry in a larger area. In this case, it is a comparison of employment by industry at the regional level with same industries at the provincial level. This is a ratio where: employment in a regional industry/ total employment in the region are divided by employment provincially in an industry/ total employment for the province. If the LQ ratio is less than 1 employment in that industry is less than expected and there may be opportunities in this sector. When LQ = 1 the industry has average employment levels and is probably supplying a local demand for services or products, but when LQ is greater than 1.0 the regional industry has more employment than expected compared to the province. Thus, industries with high LQ values (e.g. values of at least 1.25 or higher) are either [1] industries with a very high local demand or [2] export based and these type of industries generate employment opportunities and bring money into the region. Generally, if a region has industries with high LQ values they have a comparative advantage in those industries. In the context of this report industries with values of 1 or less is said to be supply a local demand and those with higher values are deemed to be providing external demand or is an export based sector.


B1 – Resident Survey Report

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan October 2018 Port Rexton Strategic Plan “Residents Survey”



The Town of Port Rexton, with funding support from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, has undertaken preparation of a Strategic Plan to address broadly the development and sustainability of the Town and its tourism sector. The Town selected Tract Consulting Inc ( ) to lead this project.

Engagement of community leaders and residents was identified as an important component of the project. Accordingly, Tract engaged key stakeholders in the Town through a series of meetings with Council, community groups and business operators. As well, in cooperation with the Town, a survey was developed to garner feedback from permanent and part-time residents.

In order to maximize responses, a paper version of the survey was distributed to all households and at the same time an electronic version was made available via the Town’s website. The survey was undertaken between Wednesday, January 17th, 2018 and Friday, February 2nd, 2018.

The results of the survey are presented in point form supported by graphics as appropriate. Note that the respondents had the option to skip questions so in some cases the responses to specific questions may not total the full population of respondents.

1. Profile of Respondents 1.1. Overall • There was a total of 119 respondents. 75 (63%) were full time residents of the Town and 44 (37%) were part time residents.

• Respondents were about equally distributed between males (51.5 %) and females (48.5%)

1.2. Permanent Residents

• The 75 permanent resident respondents represent 28.3% of the 265 permanent residents in the 26 years and above age categories residing in Port Rexton as of the 2016 Census. There were no respondents in the younger age categories.

• 70% of permanent resident respondents have lived in Port Rexton for at least twenty years. 21% of respondents have lived in Town for 10 years or less.

• 63% of permanent respondents indicated that they were employed during the year. 36% indicated that they were retired and just 1 person indicated that they were unemployed.

• Of the employed residents, 53.2% indicated that they were employed full-time (seasonal) and 34% indicated that they were employed full-time all year long.

1.3. Part-Time Residents

• The permanent residence of most part -time residents (57.1%) is other locations in Newfoundland. The remainder of part time residents come from other provinces of Canada (28.6%) and the United States (14.3%).

• The part time resident respondents were generally older than permanent resident respondents, 30% were over 70 years of age and there were no respondents 40 years or younger.

• 46.5% of part-time residents indicated that they were retired.

• Most of the part-time residents (77.3%) indicated that they own an house in Port Rexton.

• Most Part-time residents usually reside in Port Rexton during the summer (88.6%). This falls to 31.8% during the fall and 15.9% and 11.4% during the spring and winter respectively.

• 64% of part-time residents indicated that factor which played the largest part in their decision to live part-time in Port Rexton was to make use of their vacation home.

2. Responses regarding the Town of Port Rexton 2.1. Greatest Threats • The three greatest threats to Port Rexton were identified as: o 1 - “ageing population”; o 2 - “lack of jobs”; o 3 - “school closure”

2.2. Best Qualities • There was general agreement among all respondents that Port Rexton’s best qualities are first, “a healthy natural environment” and second, “scenic views”.

• Overall the third best quality was “good neighbours” but for permanent residents the third best quality was “it’s a good place to raise a family” and for part-time residents it was “good neighbours”.

2.3. Community Enhancements

• Four potential enhancements to the Town ranked similarly high in responses to this question. The enhancements in order of preference were: “more walking trails through town”; Health/Wellness center”; “improved recreation facilities”; and, “access to fresh local produce”.

• However, in responses from permanent residents “more walking trails through town” actually ranked 4th but that enhancement was highly preferred by part-time residents.

2.4. Town Website • The top priority for a new Town Website is “town information” followed by “council decisions” and “tourist information”. “Schedule of town events” is fourth overall.

• It is interesting to note that among permanent residents “council decisions” were rated highest.

2.5. Town Goals • The top goal for Port Rexton over the next ten years was identified as “foster new business growth”. • “Attract new residents” and “attract more young families” were tied in second place.

3. Responses regarding the Tourism Sector 3.1. Reasons Tourists Visit • There is an overwhelming consensus among all respondents that tourists visit Port Rexton because of the “scenic views” and “hiking”. • The “brewery” was cited as a distant third reason.

3.2. Want People to Feel • Residents most want people to feel “welcome” when visiting Port Rexton.

3.3. Visitor Profile in Ten Years • There is a consensus among all residents that the primary change which should occur in the visitor profile over the next ten years is to extend tourism into the fall and spring. • Other areas of growth were: “more young families”; “more visitors from within the province”; and “more national and international visitors” – all supported in the mid fifties percentile. • It is notable that some 25% of respondents indicated that the visitor profile should be the same as today.

3.4. Best Opportunities for Tourism Development • There is a consensus among all residents that the best opportunity for tourism development is “evening events/entertainment”. • The combined results from all respondents showed that following this, there were three areas of opportunity favoured: “more accommodations”; “more restaurants”; and, “improved hiking trails”. • It is notable that among permanent residents “improved hiking trails” and “kids activities/facilities” rated slightly higher than accommodations and restaurants.

3.5. Things the Town can do • Overall the highest rated actions which the Town should do to assist tourism development were: first – “advertise Port Rexton” and, second – “organize special events”. This corresponds with the feedback from part-time residents. • Two action items were tied as the overall third priority: “create a Town website” and “provide walking trails around town”. Note that these items were the highest ranked for permanent residents.

4. Respondents Activities 4.1. Shop at Local Businesses • 38.5% of respondents indicated that they shopped at local businesses regularly. • Almost 12% of respondents indicated that they never shop at local businesses. • These results are consistent for permanent and part-time residents

4.2. Shop for Wine/Spirits • Almost 57% of respondents indicated that they regularly shop for wine/spirits at local businesses.

4.3. Frequent Local Restaurants • The results for permanent and part-time residents were also very consistent regarding their frequenting of local restaurants. • About 20% of respondents regularly frequent local restaurants and about 70% occasionally frequent them.

B2 – Interview Summary (Town and Business Representatives)

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan October 2018 Port Rexton Strategic Plan

Consultation Summary - Town and Business Representatives

Notes by Subject Area

➢ Pros of living in PR o Safe; nature; know everyone; cleanliness; school; activities; location (rural but close enough to access larger centres); jobs for older kids, hiking trails o Home; quiet; walking; safe (don’t lock doors)

➢ Cons of living in PR o Travel; number of kids; no central meeting spot; no water related activities o Health service – people use Clarenville but need Nurse Practitioner in area

➢ Issues/Opportunities o Tourist Sector ▪ Hotel/Motel capable of handling bus tours ▪ RV Park (Lockston Park is full and Trinity Cabins RV is unsuitable) ▪ Large Event in spring and/or fall ▪ Lack of music/pubs ▪ Signage ▪ Walking trail in town ▪ Coffee shop ▪ Local transportation ▪ HorseChops is underutilized ▪ Kayak rental/tours ▪ Community appearance – paint houses other than white, get rid of eye-sores ▪ Develop music/entertainment program to complement rather than complete with Trinity/English Hr ▪ Build a combination Theatre/Cinema ▪ Need venue for performers ▪ Craft Shop (s) ▪ Bakery ▪ Deli ▪ Festival related to music/visual arts ▪ Festival – the Ales for Trails was very successful ▪ Transport system around the Bight ▪ Water Taxi ▪ Mountain bike trails ▪ Bike rentals ▪ Age friendly Trails utilizing the Track o Town Sustainability ▪ Major need is a year around industry ▪ Road upgrading ▪ Recycling Program (visitors very aware of this) ▪ Pharmacy ▪ Street lights ▪ Kids Amusement Park/Facility o Town Sustainability – Attraction of Families ▪ Target St Johns couples’ pre-kids ▪ Promote lifestyle ▪ Opportunity to own home – grow food – outdoors ▪ Issues relate to the school and opportunities for youth ▪ Program to attract boomers with life style and cost of living ▪ Immigrants

➢ Brewery o Current/Future Operations ▪ Brewery has been extremely successful ▪ Not currently able to meet demand • Looking at building a production facility in PR • This would add 3-4 more employees to current 4 plus 2 owner/operators ▪ Serve 7 pubs/restaurants in SJ plus shop is open two days a week ▪ Parking is issue around the Tap Room ▪ Manufacturing Issues • Water supply is tight • Transportation • Bottling/Canning o Why have Port Rexton in Name ▪ “X” in name is unique ▪ Flows ▪ Associate with beer ▪ Make Town proud of it ▪ Always know where it is coming from o Complementary businesses ▪ Currently have “Oh My Cheeses” ▪ Would like to have other businesses which fit PR Brewery image such as unique/trendy foods ▪ Proposed traditional smoke house would fit – Fish &chips would not o Clientele ▪ Shoulder seasons (weekends) get millennials (20-30’s) from St J ▪ Peak get variety of age groups including boomers and young on vacation ▪ Saturdays get groups from Clarenville ▪ Locals – regulars all year/ all ages o Development which could help the Brewery ▪ Transportation system in Bight ▪ Road upgrades ▪ Parking ▪ Walking trails in town ▪ Signage ➢ Movies o Some projects in development o PR is favorite place because it has infrastructure and experience in movie making e.g. actors

➢ Local Retail o Local residents largely use store as secondary source of groceries (weekly trips to Clarenville) o Many summer residents use store as primary source of groceries o Difficult to get staff for stores o Difficult to get skilled staff e.g. Mechanics o Residents don’t buy local – this is not a problem in summer months because of the volume of visitors but in winter months it is very difficult even to breakeven o Liquor store sales unusual for NL in that 70%of sales is wine

➢ Tourist Profile and Activities o Fisher’s Loft ▪ Observation that this summer there were more younger clientele, short stays, attracted by brewery ▪ Has seen a change from focus on Trinity/Skerwink Trail to Brewery ▪ Typical tourist at FL comes for two nights and will spend one day in Bight doing Trinity/Trails/Brewery and one day on day trip to Bonavista area ▪ There are also a significant number who stay for one night on their way to Fogo ▪ NL visitors concentrated in shoulder seasons when price is better ▪ In peak season most visitors are from mainland Canada with Ontario highest and then BC. There are significant U.S. visitors but not large number European. Of latter most are from UK followed by Germany ▪ In peak season most visitors at FL are in 50’s and 60’s. Few families. o Sherwood ▪ Occupancy at Sherwood is over 95% for peak months,50% for May, Sept, Oct and just a few rooms during winter. ▪ Guests at Sherwood last year most were in 20-40 age range and major attraction to PR is the brewery ▪ Winter Season - They rent a number of units to seniors which allows them to keep open. Last year started to offer a winter package for skidoos – have a remote cabin and access to a cabin in British Harbour. o Trinity Bight Vacation Homs ▪ Season is beginning of June to end of Sept – 90% occupancy ▪ Open until January1st ▪ Clients from 1) Canada (Ont), 2) St. John’s and 3) US ▪ In shoulder seasons get more older clients and more NLers ▪ Sees lots of families and groups of couples ➢ Current Recreational Assets o Trinity Bight Memorial Park - Field next to School o Small field next Town office o Room in Town Building shared with 50+ group

➢ Recreation Program and Events o Soccer (kids) o Softball (kids and ladies) o Walking buddy – low impact exercise program for seniors o Halloween Party o Community Tree Lighting o Port Rexton Day on 3rd weekend in July

➢ Town Development o No place for indoor recreation in winter - Building o Need help organizing events - Recreation Director/Support person o No activities for teens - o Parking – traffic management o Roads o Needs better grocery store o Feels that Town is ready to invest in projects for its future o There are opportunities for cooperation with Trinity and the unincorporated areas – eg. Fire Brigade in both PR and Trinity o Health Service would be major positive to the town

➢ Elder Population Needs o Assisted living – some folks move into the Sherwood in the winter o Health Care - clinic

➢ School o This is major issue but unless enrollment falls dramatically then unlikely to close because of the distance to bus the most remote students (from Bonaventure) o If the Lockston Road was upgraded then there would likely be a discussion regarding consolidation with the Kings Cove School

➢ History/ Interpretation Ideas o Book from Dave Rex o Profile of diverse persons with residences in PR o Trinity Historical Society is well established and has a lot of materials on PR o The stained-glass window from the original church still exists

➢ Trails o Want to fix the bridge which was washed out by Igor which would allow persons to walk between PR and Trinity o Would like to eventually join trails from Gun Hill to Fox Island o Parking/Traffic Management – major issue for Skerwink Trail

➢ Miscellaneous o Impression recently that Bonavista is “growing, exciting” and PR is “staid”

Consultation Schedule

Wednesday, November 15th 1. 10:30 – 12:30: John Fisher John Fisher(Owner of Fisher’s Loft inn)Tour of Port Rexton and surrounding unincorporated areas to identify notable town features, key tourism assets and residents/properties. 2. 1:00 – 2:00: Corey Jones Corey Jones (Owner of Galley Restaurant/Lounge/Butcher shop in Port Rexton and owner of Dock Marina Restaurant in Trinity) – Food and beverage sector challenges and opportunities. 3. 2:00 – 3:00: Karen Johnson Karen Johnson (Manager of Freshmart) – Retail challenges and opportunities 4. 3:00 – 4:00: Lois Long Lois Long (Town Manager) – Town assets and general information 5. 7:30 – 8:30: Recreation Committee Recreation Committee (Janice Haywood, Crystal Bailey, Arlene Piercey, Melanie Marsh) - Current recreation program and assets, challenges and opportunities. Pros and cons of raising young families in Port Rexton)

Thursday, November 16th 6. 9:00 – 9:45: Heritage Society Heritage Society (Dave Rex, Corrina Butler, Beryl Fisher) – Town history and stories. Obtained a folio of documents from Dave Rex. 7. 10:00 – 10:45: Kathy Norman Kathy Norman (Front desk at Fishers Loft) – Visitor profiles and experiences. 8. 11:00 – 11:45: Tina Randall Tina Randell (Rising Tide and local performer) – Challenges and opportunities in the performing arts. 9. 11:45 – 12:15 Greg Porter Greg Porter (Owner of Foodex/gas station/Liquor store and garage) - Retail challenges and opportunities. 10. 12:30 – 1:15: Dean Bailey Dean Bailey (Mayor, Chair of School Council and Co-owner of Sherwood Suites) – Town and school issues plus Sherwood visitor profile. 11. 1:30 – 2:45: Steering Committee Project Meeting with Co-Chairs of Steering Committee – Meeting Notes in File 12. 2:45– 3:15: Hike Discovery John Vivian to discuss trail network and issues Tuesday, January 16th, 2018: Barbara Doran Owner (Morag Loves Company – Movie producer) and (Trinity Bight Vacation Homes – 3 houses, Doran, Skirwick, and Erin in Port Rexton) – Accommodations sector challenges and opportunities and Movie opportunities. Sonja Mills Co-Owner of Port Rexton Brewery – Brewery and Tourism

C – Listing of Community Work Plan Initiatives

Town of Port Rexton Strategic Plan October 2018 Table 1: Strategy A: PlaceBuilding Our Town

Theme Initiative Planning Ensure the Town’s new Municipal Plan provides the policy and regulatory basis for implementation of the initiatives arising from Municipal Plan the Strategic plan Land Ownership Prepare a Land ownership/management database for Port Rexton Branding Develop a unique and community-specific brand which reflects cultural and physical attributes and that distinguishes the Town from all others and provides the basis for interpretation and story line themes. This work should include preparation of a Creative Town Brand Brief, Logo and Campaign Concept Develop guidelines for usage of the Town name and logo. Develop a new, well constructed Website which meets the Town's needs for communication, participation, access and economic Town Website development Social Media Strategy Develop a social media strategy for the Town Infrastructure Establish standards for roads within the Town Roads Access cost-sharing for upgrade of municipal roads through provincial Municipal Capital Works funding to upgrade all Town owned Roads to the standards Consult with residents and businesses towards identifying a potential future plan for one-way traffic on key circulation roads during peak tourism season Traffic Management and Parking Develop parking lots in key locations for use by community and tourists for special events or peak tourism season Have parking on one side of the road only Develop an enforcement strategy for parking outside designated areas.

Work with the Provincial Government to place more signage for Port Rexton on provincial highways (Corridor 1 & 2 signage)

Develop signage system to provide direction to parking (indicate distance between parking lot and key attractions) and indicate areas where parking is restricted to one side of the road only; Wayfinding Provide more signage for street names Develop signage system to provide direction to main community attractions and assets Develop an interpretive signage plan for the Town of Rexton Utilize the resources of the International Dark Sky Association to develop an education program and practical guidelines for residents and visitors which to ensure that any required lighting be used wisely Lighting Utilize “dark sky” lighting technology in street lights and around municipal buildings Promote the use of “dark sky” lighting technology by businesses Theme Initiative Design and develop in-town trails joining neighbourhoods, tourist accommodations and key points of interest including links to the Trails and Green Spaces Skerwink and Fox Island Trails Municipal Buildings and Facilities Upgrade the exterior appearance of municipal buildings and facilities to reflect the new Town Brand Establish a Town Centre in the area of the Church/Post office/Orange Lodge (specific elements of a plan are included in the Tourist Town Centre Product Development strategy which follows). Programs and Services for Seniors, Youth and Families Include consideration for public facilities to be multi-tasked for community use (such as recreation in the winter) as well as tourism- oriented application Recreation Facilities and Programs Hire a part time Recreation Coordinator

Promote outdoor recreation opportunities in all seasons taking advantage of the trails and environment surrounding Port Rexton

Medical Services Lobby Eastern Health and government to establish a permanent Nurse Practitioner Clinic in the sub-region Seniors Care Facility Promote the development of a private or public seniors’ care facility in Port Rexton Obtain funding to develop a Green Plan for Port Rexton which might include initiatives such as: Banning plastic bags; Establishing a Reduce/Reuse/Recycle community compost facility/program; and, Establishing a recycling facility/program. Attraction of New Residents Marketing Port Rexton Develop a marketing program to attract new residents

Sponsorship of Immigrant Families Sponsor immigrant families particularly those where the adults have skills applicable to development of the tourism sector

Affordable Housing Development Launch an affordable housing development initiative Table 2: Strategy B: Tourist Product Development

Theme Initiative Major Infrastructure

Build a multi-purpose building that might house artisan workshops, craft shops, restaurants. Develop waterfront access to the town centre area. Town Centre Encourage enhancements to existing properties (in terms of their physical state). Establish programming plans for the old post office and union store and support programming initiatives within infrastructure future projects. Establish a “heritage building committee” to provide guidance for redevelopment of heritage buildings. Innovative Linking Walking Trails Develop lookouts and interpretive materials to augment in-town trails

Develop Port Rexton as the focal point for the development of biking tourism on the Bonavista Peninsula through: Encouraging the Biking Trails establishment of a bike rental enterprise in the Town; Promoting development of adventure/mountain biking on the Peninsula; and, Promoting the use of the railway bed for casual bikers. Signature Festivals Support and expand upon the success of the Ales for Trails and the Bon Rexton Granfundo Festivals. Investigate the potential to launch similar mini-festivals or events. Actively participate in regional festivals such as the Bonavista Biennale. Expand Existing Festivals Develop best practices guides for festival organizers to help maximize their success while minimizing intrusion to local residents.

Include festival information in Town marketing and communications initiatives. Organize a Trinity Bight Cinema Festival Cinema Based Festival Show movies throughout the tourist season with different themes but relying heavily on movies which have been made in the area and the opportunity to interact with writers, production personnel and actors Telling our Story Interpretation Opportunities Research and prepare interpretation panels related to the Town’s history for display on trails and key locations in Port Rexton Entrepreneurship Support Research and develop a program to assist new entrepreneurs to get started and be successful in Port Rexton. Attraction of Entrepreneurs Develop and launch a mentorship program to introduce youth in the area to the operations of local business enterprises. Utilize the resources and expertise of government agencies in program design and funding