Till 9! Took a Job As a Bronc Rider and South Vietnamese Forces Sent to the Blind Institute, C/O the Connecticut Bank and Their Own
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Mre. Charles 8. House o t 160 About T owd Westland St. will be hostess at a Christmas Tea Thursday at 1 iMiss Mary, BSaine Carter of p.m. for Ule members of the 77 Main 8t. la a featured danc< Hartford Wellesley Club alum «• in "UO In the Shade,” be- nae whose classes have reached MdiK^eater Dhmocrata wtH Inc presented by the Wethers- their -80th anniversary. Chil tietd Oommimlty Players Thurs hold a totm committee meeting dren’s books and toys will be on Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. in the day, Friday and Saturdtw at the brought to the tea for delivery Wethersfield Hlgrh School, Wol Municipal Buildti^ to take a to Northend Day Care Center, stand on the two constitutional cott HBH Rd. Curtain time is Hartford. Life members plan SHOP •luestlons to be voted uiiw at 8:30 p.m. Tickets may be pur ning to attend are, reminded to chased at the door. Miss Carter the Dec. 14 state election. call Mrs. Morton Tem ^y, 34 ’The Republican ’Town Com OAS Okays is a 1066 graduate o i East Cath Glen Rd., Granby. Rich Hermit olic Kigh School, She attends mittee will - announce Re posi MAIN STREET Manchester Community College tion Friday night, following a Big Change WHEELER, Tex. (AP) — and is employed at Owmectii^ * School PTA will meet public forum at the IUlng High Noble Chancey Myers, who School. • FREE PARKING^ • VALUES U.S . Buildup Certain Blue Cross. Inc.. Hartford at 8 In the school audl lived in a cava much of his torlum. The meeting was Both committee chairmen. In Charter 85 years, died on a bed of planned for Nov. 9 but resched Tod Cummings for the Demo • VARIETY • CONVENIENCE Manchester Grange will meet burlap bags Monday, but he uled because of the power fail crats and Francis DellaFera for RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Orange 'O'wned the bed and the 320 ure. Albert Hadlzian of Ben- the Republicans, have said that Hie conference of 19 American Hall. The theme will be "Inter • f a i r w a y * • MAR-SAL DRAPERIES acres around It net Junior High School will dis an all-out effort wlH be made, republics ends today after lay national Music.” Members are Myers, wh6 said he had cuss the modern math pro in cooperation with the League ing the groundwork for a sweep reminded to bring articles for • HARRISON'S • REOAL MEN'S SHOP worked in Paris, watched gram. Refreshments will be of Women Voters, to get out the ing overtiaul of the inter-Ameri As Cong Come Alive an auction table. Hillstown bullfights in Spain and served in the lunchroom after vote on election day. can system. Grange school of instrucOon will h punched cattle on the pam the program. Tentative plans call for the • HOUSE and ALE' • TOTS 'N TEENS Chief U.S. delegate W. AvereU meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at pas of the Argentine, re Harriman said the meeting was Columbia Grange. designation of "housewive com • JANETS HAT SHOP# WILTON'S* turned to the cave on his Mrs. Bobbie Santini Hendsey mittees,” who win telephone "o f historical significance.” He half section of land 12 miles of Plantland wiU give a demon from their homes, in the hope said Its most significant action The Mailmams will meet to north of this Ptmhandle stration of holiday decorations of getting as many of Man was*a proposal to Incorporate morrow at 8 p.m. at the home to'wn for at least a few Attacks End tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. for the chester’s 23,000 voters as pos Into the charter of the Organiza months each year. of Mirs. Harry Shaw, 8 Barry sible to cast their ballots. tion of American States the so Bd. Democratic Women’s Club of In another cave, friends B r ie f L u ll Manchester at Mott’s Commu Local cooperation may stop FOR YOUR ONE-STOP SHOPPINO cial and economic principles of found a metal box containing nity Hall;. Refre.shments will be Your Donation Helps Her at ‘‘getting out the vote,” for the Alliance for Progress. the title to Myers’ land, a served before the program. The the two political parties and the BRING THE FAMILY — RELAX — SAVE The conference early today bank book from a Wheeler During Visit meeting was scheduled for Nov. Beth Boykin, daughter of Mrs. L. Donald Brooks of 40 Hoff League may not agree among approved by acclamation an bank showing a balance of F R E E 9 but posrtponed because of the man Rd„ learns the rudiments of daily living in this modern themselves on recommenda “ Economic and Social Act of $20,000, a will and other SAIGON. South Viet Nam Rio de Janeiro” containing a ixjwer failure. kitchen especially designed and equipped for the multi-handi tions. papers. Sheriff Bus Dorman (AP) — ‘Die Viet Cong returned capped. She is a student at Oak Hill School for the Blind In series of proposed amendments D E LIV E R Y Although the state central CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS estimated value of the land to the attack today after a brief Hartford. The Connecticut Institute for the Blind opens its to the OAS charter. It is a com Members of Campbell Coun committees of both parties have at $40,000. lull in heavy ground fighting statewide drive for $75,000 this week by direct-mail appeal endorsed passage of both ques panion to political recommenda ARTHUR DRUG cil, KofC, will meet tonight at Myers’ only ll'Ving relative, during Secretary of Defense to '9,500 Ma^hester-area residents. Dr. Eugene Davis is Man tions—^the constitutional change tions approved Sunday. 7:30 at the KorfC Home and pro EVERY Daisy Fuller of Oklahoma Robert S. McNamara’s latest chester chairman for the first phase of the drive that covers package and the eminent do Both will be submitted to an- . ceed to the John F. Tierney Fu City, said her brother left inspection of the war zone. Manchester, Andover, Bolton, 'Vernon, Tolland, Rockville main proposal—^the local com other conference in Buenos neral Home, 219 W. Center St., NIGHT home when he was 14 and Another major buildup of U.S. and Coventry. It closes Dec. 31. All contributions should be mittees may take a stand of Aires next July for incorpora to pay respects to the late till 9! took a Job as a bronc rider and South Vietnamese forces sent to the Blind Institute, c/o the Connecticut Bank and their own. Both are expected to tion into the OAS charter. James A. Murray, a member of for a Texas ranch. ’Trust Co., 893 Main St., Manchester. endorse tbe package question, The act states that “ it is es seemed certain in the wake df the council. SATURDAY TILL 5:30 Saturday) When you think of ■with no indication at present on sential to incorporate into the McNamara’s visit. He left for GIFTS (for yourself what their stand 'will be on the economic and social field of the Guam Monday night with a ’The Manchester Chapter of The executive board of Cha- The Women’s Home League of eminent domain issue. inter-American system, as juri warning that Communist North I or others) think of 9PEBSQSA will meet tonight at minade Musical Club will meet the Salvation Army will meet State News The League has' come out dically binding, principles of Viet Nam had clearly decided to 8 at Bunce School, Olcott St. tonight at 8 at the home of Mrs. tomorrow at 2 p.m. in Junior with a strong endorsement of mutual security, solidarity, co escalate the conflict. He fore ’The meeting is open to men in Peter Staum, 147 Lyness St. Hall at the church. Mrs. John A North Viet Nam supply train bums after being question 1, constitutional operation and assistance.” cast a long war. terested in barbershop style Knowlton of the League of Wom bombed by Navy planes from the USS Midway. Fusco Tries changes, but has taken no posi The bombing took place on the North Viet Nam Within hours of McNamara's singing. Manchester Barracks, Vet en Voters will speak on purposes (See Page Seven) departure, the 85,000-ton nu-. erans of World War I and of the League. Hostesses are tion on the second, eminent do OPEN EVERY NIGHT coastal railway. main. Its claim is that it has Death Dive clear-powered aircraft carrier Auxiliary, have been invited to Mrs. John McCollum, Mrs. TILL 9 P.M. Enterprise left the Philippines 964 Main St., Manchester Frank Anderson and Mrs. had no time to study the ques a joint installation of Willi- to join units-of the U.S. 7th Fleet Open 6 Days 9 to 9 mantic Barracks and Auxiliary Louise Hagenow. tion. From Court operating against the Commu MARLOW'S Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the VFW Future Change Possible nists in Viet Nam. ‘The “ Big B,” Main St., Manchester Home, WilUmantid. Miss Mary Minney, daughter HOUSE WA’TERBURY (AP) — Shout the world’s largest carrier, was I OPEN till 9— TUES.. of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Min ing that he wanted to kill him escorted on her first combat Preceptor Gamma Chapter, ney of 250 W. Center St., is on WANTED self, Lidio (Joe) Fusco attempt mission by the guided mlssUs « THURS. and FRI. Beta Sigma Phi, will meet to the dean’s list at the Mary ed to hurl himself through a frigate Bainbridge, also nu morrow at 8 p.m.