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Indian Opinion (1903-1961) weekly published in English, Gujrati and initially Hindi and Tamil

Young India


Harijan Bandhu

Harijan (1933-1956 ) English weekly published under

Harijan Seva


Gandhi Jyoti, Journal of Gandhian Thought, Bhagalpur University

Gandhi Marg, Journal of the Gandhi Peace Foundation published by Gandhi Shanti Pratisthan, New Delhi

Gandhi Vigyan, A Quaterly Journal of Gandhi Vigyan Trust, Banglore

Indian Journal of Public Administration published by Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi

International Encyclopaedia of Social Science, Macmillon Publishers

International Journal of Gandhi Studies published by the Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Global Nonviolence at James Madison University

Journal of & Darshan Samiti published by Gandhi Smriti & Darshan Samiti, New Delhi

Journal of Peace Research, Sage Publications

Outlook published by Outlook Publishing (India) Private Limited, New Delhi


Peace Power, Berkeley‘s Journal of Nonviolence and Conflict Transformation

The Encyclopaedia Americana, New York

The New Encyclopaedia Britanica, William Benton Publishers, London

The Oxford English Dictionary, The Charenden Press, Oxford


The Indian Express, English Daily Newspaper

The Times of India, English Daily Newspaper

The Hindu

The Hindustan Times

The Tribune