Annual Report
Can France and Germany steer Europe to success? Annual Report 2019 THE CER IN JULY 2019 About the CER FROM LEFT TO RIGHT, TOP TO BOTTOM: John Springford, The Centre for European Reform is an award-winning, independent Ian Bond, think-tank that seeks to achieve an open, outward-looking, Agata Gostyńska- Jakubowska, influential and prosperous European Union, with close ties to its Sam Lowe, neighbours and allies. The CER’s work in pursuit of those aims is Nick Winning, guided by the same principles that have served us well since our Peadar Ó hÚbáin, Kate Mullineux, foundation in 1998: sober, rigorous and realistic analysis, combined Bea Dunscombe, with constructive proposals for reform. Beth Oppenheim, Sophie Horsford, The CER’s reputation as a trusted source of intelligence and timely analysis Jordan Orsler, of European affairs is based on its two strongest assets: experienced and Charles Grant, respected experts, plus an unparalleled level of contacts with senior figures Camino Mortera- in governments across Europe and in the EU’s institutions. Since the UK’s Martinez and Luigi referendum on EU membership we have reinforced our networks in Scazzieri Europe by opening offices in Brussels in January 2017 and Berlin in October Absent from the 2018. The diverse perspectives and specialisations of our researchers, half photo: Sophia Besch, of whom are from EU-27 countries, enhance the quality and breadth of our Rosie Giorgi, Christian analysis of European politics, economics and foreign policy. Odendahl, Khrystyna Parandii and Emma Roberts The CER is pro-European but not uncritical. We regard European integration as largely beneficial but recognise that in many respects the Union under- performs, at home and beyond its borders.
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