Digital Visual Interface Revision 1
Digital Visual Interface Revision 1. 0 Digital Display Working Group Digital Visual Interface DVI Revision 1.0 02 April 1999 Page 1 of 76 HTC EXHIBIT 1013 Digital Visual Interface Revision 1. 0 Digital Display Working Group The Digital Display Working Group Promoters (''DDWG Promoters") are Intel Corporation, Silicon Jmage, lnc., Compaq Computer Corporation, Fujitsu Limited, Hewlett-Packard Company, lntemational Business Macbines Corporation, and NEC Corporation TffiS SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED "AS lS" WJTH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTAB[LITY, NONlNFRlNGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECWICATION OR SAMPLE. The DDWG Promoters disclaim all liability, including liability for infringement ofany proprietary rights, relating to usc of information in this sprxilil:ation. No license. express or implied, by estoppel or othetwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein. The DDWG Promoters may have patents and/or patent applications related to the Digital Visua//nteJfaoe Specification. The DDWG Promoters intend to make avai lable to the industry <Ul Adopter's Agreement that will include a limited. reciprocal, royalty-free license to tl1e electrical interfaces. mechanical interfaces. signals, si ~:,'llaling and coding protocols, and bus protocols described in, and required by, the Digita/11isual Tnte1jace Specfftcation Revision }.() finalized and published by the DDWG Promoters. To encourage early adoption. Adopters will be required to retum their executed copy of the Adopter's Agreement during an "Adoption Period" which is within one year after the DVl Specification Revision 1.0 is first published or within one year after the Adopter first sells products that comply with that specification, whichever is later.
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