A CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF POLITICS AND DIPLOMACY OF POST-GADDAFI LIBYA BY: OZOR, CHIGBOGU JUDE PG/M.Sc./13/64874 DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE FACULTY OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA SEPTEMBER, 2014. i TITLE PAGE A CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF POLITICS AND DIPLOMACY OF POST-GADDAFI LIBYA BY: OZOR, CHIGBOGU JUDE PG/M.Sc./13/64874 A PROJECT REPORT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.Sc.) IN POLITICAL SCIENCE (INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS) DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA SUPERVISOR: PROFESSOR OBASI-IGWE SEPTEMBER, 2014 ii APPROVAL PAGE This project report has examined and approved by the Department of Political Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka for the award of Master of science (M.Sc) inPolitical Science (International Relations). By ………………………. ……………………………. PROFESSOR OBASI-IGWE PROFESSOR JONAH ONUOHA SUPERVISOR HEAD OF DEPARTMENT ………………………. …….………………... EXTERNAL EXAMINER PROFESSOR A.I. MADU DEAN OF FACULTY Date: ………………… Date: ………………….. iii DEDICATION This research work is dedicated to Almighty God, for without Him I can do nothing. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to recognise the presence of He that always be the Almighty God, and my sincere gratitude goes to my supervisor Prof. Obasi Igwe for his inestimable support and encouragement throughout this project exercise. I say a very big thank you Prof. I also express my profound gratitude to the Head of Department of Political Science, Prof. Jonah Onuoha. I must extent my honest appreciation to the academic staff of the Department of Political Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka in the persons of prof. Aloysius M. Okolie, prof. Ken Ifesinachi, Prof.
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