6 2003 TECH. A

www.technicianonline.c0m Raleigh, North Carolina

WAR FOCUS WORLD Videotapes likely al Qaeda DEALING WITH DEPARTURE scouting tapes ple out in the street protesting the According to reports,Spanish police officials re- When family gets involved, to destroy.” cently obtained several home videosthat could war becomes a more McLawhorn is undecided on the war wouldn’t be able to do that if indicateal Qaeda operatives scouted outtheirter- personal issuefor students. future of a war with Iraq, com- weren’t for the people in the mil- rorist attack locations years in advance. itary guarding our borders,” Among the several tapes found, one was menting, “I don’t think I’ll ever recorded in August 1997 and included exten- Shannon Holder see it as a clear—cut fight against McLawhorn said. sive footage of shots inside and outside of the Staff‘ReporZer good versus evil, like a World War Joshua Smith, a graduate stu- twin towers.Thetapes were confiscated lastyear dent in physics, has a brother—in— from a suspected terrorist’s apartment in Spain. II scenario where you had a Hitler, According to reports, one individual, after With the deployment of more because it’s more broad. Right law stationed in the Persian Gulf. shooting several buildings, turned the camera than 200,000 U.S. troops to the now, it’s about Saddam Hussein, Smith’s brother—in—law, Mark, has on himself and commented that he would been in the Navy for about seven “knock them all down.” Middle East region, many students but next year, it could be about at NC. State are dealing with loved North Korea or some new thing years and has been in the Middle we haven’t heard of.” East since July. Suicide bomber kills 16 ones going overseas. Mark McLawhorn, a senior in Even though he is not sure of “I don’t think he’s in danger, like in Israel art design, found out two weeks the Iraq situation, he still feels if he was a pilot. He works on an On Wednesday, a suicide bomber blew himself American pride. “It still is the aircraft carrier, and he isn’t a com— Tyler Pool and Jennifer Knorr question the safety ofa upon a crowded bus filled with students,killing ago that his younger brother, dim,flickering light outside the Free Expression at least 16and injuring 55.The buswastravelling Philip, is possibly going to Turkey. greatest country on the earth at bat person; he’s a support person. the moment. There are things that Ifthe aircraft carrier that he was on Tunnel behind Williams Hall while making their through the city of Haifa, Israel. Philip has been in the Air Force rounds Tuesday night.5taffphoto by Rob Bradley Twenty—year—old Mahmoud Hamdan Kawasme for about four years. Though you are able to do here that you was identified as the bomber by police officials. See FAMILIES page 2 According to reports,while it is unknown ifhe is McLawhorn is not daily affected can’t do anywhere else. The peo— affiliated with al Qaeda oranotherterroristgroup, by his brother’s deployment, his Kawasmewas carrying a lettersupporting theter- Students patrol rorists involved in the Sept. 1 1, 2001 attacks. mother is having a difficult time. The bombing follows an Israeli government “The biggest impact ofhim leav- EDUCATION, pledgeto beefup its military strikes against mil- ing was on my mother just be- itant strongholds in the Gaza Strip who are re- for safety sponsible for many Palestinian deaths. cause whenever someone’s chil— INTERRUPTED dren [are] in the military, there’s a NATEGN threat that they may never make it As troops amass across the ganization that gets activated and Students and staff could possibly be im— back to American soil,” Middle East, NCS U students goes out into a field ofoperation. patrolled campus proved on.” Jack Colby, director of U.S. Secretary of State still McLawhorn said. willjoin their ranks. Out of the students who’ve en- on Tuesday to point His mother seems to be dealing tered in the ROTC program, only the facilities department, not convinced out areas ofsafety student— with Philip’s departure fairly well, Stella Listas about four or five have been acti— said that the On Wednesday, in a speech to the Center for concern on campus. compiled lists are very Strategic and International Studies, U.S. Secre- but she steers clear of movies such StaffReporter vated. In the Army, there is the ac-' tive duty force, the National helpful. tary of State Colin Powell said that there are as “Saving Private Ryan.” Aniesha Felton broader reasons the United States should con— McLawhorn feels that his broth- As American troops increase in Guard, the reserves and the De— “These lists determine sider inVading Iraq. StaffReporter our work orders. It also In his debate for war against Iraq, Powell pre~ er is “saving lives ofother people” the Middle East, a number ofNC. partment ofCivilians, but because of congressional budget limita- lets us know which crews sented the organization with two additional de— rather than “fighting against an State students have gotten active: Walking alone from a late tails. First, he said that national intelligence has . enemy” but would rather not dis- distributing flyers, voicing their tions, they can only expand to a we should contact for cer- indicated that Iraq is hiding chemical and bio- class might not be as tain jobs. This is not only logical weapons in lower-class Iraqi neighbor- close what his brother’s duty is beliefs or holding open forums. certain extent. In order for the ac- tive duty force to get bigger, the frightening due to an an- helpful for students; it is hoods.Powell said that even though Iraq is cur- other than “running detail.” But, there are numerous students nual event called Night rently destroying many of its Al Samoud 2 mis— But he is unsure of whether his who have gotten active in anoth- president will have to mobilize the very helpful to us,”he said. siles, they have hidden equipment that would National Guard and reserve units. Walk. To start the night off, make it possible for them to continue making brother is in danger because er way — deployment. Approximately 50 NC the weapons — even as they destroy them. “nothing has happened yet.” “The students who we have that There are different functions in Chancellor Mary Anne the National Guard and reserve State students and staff Fox appeared and stressed “Maybe if this was day one and are deployed or activated are fresh— members gathered Tues— Amnesty International we were trying to drive down the men and sophomores who have units within the Army. “Units may the importance of safety be activated to perform a function day night to patrol the for NCSU students. opposes U.S. interrogation streets of Baghdad, then that achieved a certain level of train- campus and take notes on would be something, but there is ing within the that allow them to for the that doesn’t necessarily “Safety is always a great techniques mean they’re leaving the local area what needs to be done in concern at State. It makes no notion ofwhat is going to hap- be deployed,” said Major William order for students to feel Nowthat Khalid Shaikh MohammedtheSept.1 1, pen,he added. “Something18 go— I. Medley, assistant professor of or the state,” explained Medley. great sense that [students 2001 organizer,has been detained in the United The ROTC has about four or five a little safer. and administration] il ing to happen, there’s too much military history. States, Amnesty International, a human rights NCSU students who’ve been ac- “We invited many or- should come together and organization, stated on Wednesdaythat the in- politics and bravado wrapped up But Medley also pointed out that ganizations to patrol one terrogation techniques used in the United States in it now, regardless of how many improve this great cam— and on Mohammed are unethical and amount there are differences between de— of 11 zones on campus,” missiles Hussein destroys or claims ployment and being part ofan or- See STUDENTS page 2 pus,” she said. “Giving this to torture. said Cameron Wells, chair week, amidst all the While U.S.officials disregard all ofthese claims, ofthe event. “We want the Amnesty International has said that the inter- l...... _.. midterms, is truly giving. rogation techniques in the country include"sen— participants to go around I truly appreciate each and sorydeprivation/”prolonged physical restraint,” Fire claims house their specific zone and every one ofyou who are and psychological torture, said reports. critically view their sur- US. officials are say that Mohammed is at an trying to make this cam- undisclosed location and that the interrogators roundings and report dim pus the safest it can be and are taking "appropriate”measures. lights, overgrown shrubs making [the campus] the and anything else that STATE . . . best it can be.” could be improved to While the facilities de- make it safer to walk Senate panel backs stricter partment staffwere out to alone.” drive and point out safe- child-care penalties After an hour of pa— ty hazards, students came On Wednesday,a state Senate panel pushed leg— trolling, participants come out because theyfelt it was islation thatwould call for more stringent penal— back to refreshments and tiesfor child—care providers who dispense med- a great opportunity to icine without a parent’s permission.The legisla- turned in their list of have a direct impact on tion comes on the heels of a recent incident in “problems” from their the campus. which a S-month-old died after being given zone. The 11 combined sleeping medicine without a parent’s knowl- “I came out to support edge. lists will go to NCSU’s Fa- Student Government,” Currently,North Carolina day-care regulations cilities Operations De- said Matthew Flanery, a provide for specific written instructions from partment, the department parents before any kind of medicine is admin- senior in chemical engi- istered to children.The new bill would make it a in charge of maintaining neering. “I also came out criminal felony to violate these regulations. the physical campus, and because this event is a very when it gets its funds, staff effective one. It takes a N.C. put on malpractice members can look at the short time, but you ac— liablhty llst list and disperse the mon— complish a whole lot.” ey according to what TheAmerican Medical Association (AMA) added “This event helps im— . North Carolina to its list ofstates that it says are needs to be done. prove safety and security undergoing a medical malpractice liability cri- “It tells me what’s of the campus as well as sis,promoting increased debate in the state and wrong,” says Garland Lee, across the nation.Five other states were also re- improving the feeling of cently added to the list. According to Capt. Willis of the Raleigh Fire Department, a blaze broke out at a house on Greenleaf Road early a planter’s scheduler. “We safety for students; this On the same day that the list grew, President Wednesday morning.The house was inhabited by three NCSU students. Emergency workers transported one help the students point may be far-fetched, but Bush and his administration declared that its call injured person to the Chapel Hill Burn Center. When the fire department arrived, people were still trapped inside, out things that are wrong, for national limits onjury awardsfor injured pa- and workers had to search the burning house. According to neighbors,the people insdie the house were having a this event may also deter tients’pain and suffering has become an urgent and they point out things call. party and threw objects, including alcohol bottles and a computer printer, out ofa window.The cause ofthe fire is to us that they see that See PATROL page 2 ‘ unknown.Staffphoto byJosh Michel

A&E Opinion Sports Today Tomorrow pals around with C01. Bruce supports hotel construction on reviews the Wolfpack’s narrow AM T—Storms Partly Cloudy Hampton and Ani DiFranco. p. 3 Centennial Campus. p. 4 win at Clemson. p. 8 ( 63°/38° 58°/39°

THRowBAcx mm";DOLLAR NIGHT mm cover“31,03 ,. wen. mamas (TUBWM Clubmy... 55* . eta a 7412 w. Dame 5:. in emu-men ma itNI-fl”IN-Hififim 18 To PARTY! 1* 21 TO DRINK! ear: 9194233333 for {men details a Rtgectr‘ans d STUDENTS when they return,” says Medley. '. ROTC cadets, Medley says, are continuedfrom page I not in the Army, and they are not I . . tivated and whose units have deployable unless they are also been activated, which means they enlisted soldiers in the National are deployable. Guard and reserves. The major- The ROTC recently appeared ity of ROTC cadets are not in the on the news with coverage of a National Guard or reserves, but program called the Simultaneous Medley commented thatROTC Membership Program (SMP). cadets have no rlsk of being de- In the SMP, National Guard PIOYEd anywhere. and reserve soldiers are full—time Many students may not under- students and have contracted stand of reahzewhy 1t “1le be with the ROTC to get extra train- benefic1al to be in the National t “ ' ing and extra incentives. Guard 0T reserves. Once the students are in the But, in fad: program coordi- SMP, they are protected from de— nators suggest there areseveral ployment good reasons to consrderjoming. “We have about 20 or more stu- There are a lot of financial in- dents who are non—deployable centives, and the National Guard and still with us, because their and reserves prov1de Elmo” 05‘ contract has them on a track to sistance. Through a tuition a551s- complete their officer training in tance program, 50 to 75 percent conjunction with their degree 0ftuition can be covered. and commission,” said Medley. In addition, the National Guard If a student is deployed, it and reserves get a few hundred should not affect his or her grad— dollars a month in drill PaY- Once uation. they’ve completed a certam Through an agreement be— amount of training and they are tween the government and the full-time students, they draw the it’s still the Hart UNC System, it is understood reserve GI bill at $275 a-month. that once a student is deployed Other parts of their contract MARCH 18 - 23 and withdrawn from the univer— With the guillrd and riserve can I sity, tuition will be reimbursed provide stu ents Wit an extra Raleigh Memorial Auditorium $33“ lafl/habdmmmmmm and he or she can be readmitted $350 a month for juniors and an later and simply pick up Where extra $400 a month for seniors. fiW’ 919.834.4000 he or she left off, It equates to almost $1,000 each Maysaiiordahla WW Mimic-lisp. All Ticketmaster Outlet - 371 Center Box Office M—F,10~5 (é)2003GreyhoundIncLines, “The students are on active month through various programs‘ Visit or call 1-8004’31-2222 GREYHOUND duty, and they are getting paid, for full—time students. . . mtfifii‘ifgiifieyffiggeffifi Efnfifiidgiafiifilcffiiim with... . so they will be compensated Algou‘éh thls may $03)? if? *0?fo expires 3/14 wor or students mvo ve ,1t e - Initely offers great benefits. “They’ve gone through train— ing; they’re enhancing their skills. They’ve chosen to do this to get some focus in their lives, to get some discipline, to network and , a chance to serve the country,” cds (this year alone): $300 ~ said Medley.

frame for concert ticket stubs: $|3 FAMILIES vintage rock posters: about $40 each continuedfrom page ‘ was under attack, I think the . United States would be in some letter from neighbor complaining about music: $0 U sed tu rntab I e $ 20 serious trouble. I just don’t think that the situation will escalate to that level. So, I really don’t feel like he is in any dangerf Smith guitar pick necklace: $.75 said. Having family stationed in the Middle East has not changed Smith’s view ofwar. “Basically, I make " my own judgments on these sorts of things. Marks in the Navy, and that’s hisjob,” remarked Smith. “If he goes to another part of the world to fight a war that I may or may not agree with, it’s still his job. It’s just like the police of— ficer who gives you a speeding ticket, he’s just doing his job, re- gardless of how you feel about 1t.” At this time, Smith is against a war with Iraq. “I think that war is a prettybar— baric idea; since the beginning of civilization, there have been wars. I don’t think at this point in our history it is necessary to fight a war, but I do realize that some- times war is necessary,” he said. “I would be for a war if it were demonstrated that that the Iraqi regime posed an eminent threat to the United States and its in— terest.” finding out there’s an internship for people like you: priceless Students with family members being deployed may be confused on where to'stand on the Iraqi issue, but they are not confused about supporting the military. Most say they will support their loved ones regardless of their own personal beliefs about war:

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'llrts Entertainment TECHNICIAN ' THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2003 j 3

CALENDAR OF EVENTS , ’ Righteous babe, dig it? THURSDAY . ‘ Godspeed You Black Emperor! will rock and Carrboro with the in— Ani DiFranco language by which she communicates. politics in general. Each verse is obviously well Cat’s Cradle in With this new LP, DiFranco has enlisted the help of thought—out and rehearsed, for the track never loses credible Black Dice. This show is sold-out. 0L Evolve *‘k‘k her touring band to record the instrumental layers of its momentum or thought provocation. 4O Ounces brings the heat to The the album. By adding a strong brass section and vari- DiFranco has come a long way from her heydays of Brewery. ous other instruments, she has produced a delicate playing in bars in Buffalo, NY. Each ofher albums has Parmalee pulls into Lincoln Theatre Jake Seaton sound reminiscent of a Dave Matthews Band album, been a window into her growth and a reflection ofthe with Sedona opening. StaffWriter which appeals more to the college student than the growth ofher fans as individuals. “Evolve” is no deter— Park Life rocks it with local boys Marat post-college fan base that she’s become accustomed to. rence from this trend. She has at Go! Let us all breathe a sigh of relief. Ani has finally re- Each track presents its own case on the subjects proven to us, once and for Tenpenny Opera brings their soul folk turned with an album featuring all—new, original ma- of life, love, politics and sexuality. Some con- all, that she is a force to to The Six String Café in Cary. terial. After the longest absence since her 1990 debut“Ani trast each other, while others are a rein— be reckoned with; she The Jason Crosby Bandjams the night DiFranco,” she has returned after a two-year void of forcement of an ideal presented from a could quite possi- away at The Pour House. new material and an abundance of live releases. different position toward the matter. bly be the fe— ’A Just as the title ofher latest offering suggests, DiFran- “In the Way” is a track,which tackles male response FRIDAY co has once again continued the evolution of her mu- the struggles oflove and loss, while to Bob Dy— Bifocal Media and Kings Barcade host sic. Having started her career as a neo-hippie folkie its doppelganger,“O My My,” em— lan. their first“Night ofRock” with local fa- boasting lyrics of political awareness, sexual freedom braces the beauty of the human vorites Goner, The Kick Ass, Des Ark and openness, DiFranco has drastically changed her condition and celebrates the joys and Fin Fang Foom. style —— displeasing longtime fans and garnering new of love and the body. Grunge tribute diehards Seattle play ones —— with each album released. Although she does cover the Lincoln Theatre with throwbacks Lost This freedom of evolution comes from the lack of standard issues that are ad- Anthem and Rainy Day Felons. restraint that her record label provides. Quite possibly dressed in each album, DiFran— Burnt Tasters playThe Six String CafE. —— and that is a loosely used phrase ~— it could be be- co has focused most of her at- Stuckshot, Seven, Far Less and Piece cause her record label is the one she began on her own tention and energy on the topic by Piece will all send The Brewery into at the age of 20, Righteous Babe Records. oflove, rather than the usual po- a frenzy. a DiFranco is the epitome ofthe “indie” musician. She litical and sexual matters. As stat- Gogol Bordello plays the Cradle with began her own label and has grown to the success ofplay— ed before,“In the Way” recounts an former Chapel Hill homeboy MC Paul ing sold-out shows at venues such as Carnegie Hall incident ofthe pain oflove while Barman and Palomar. without the help of any Outside support. She has de— “O My My” is delicate toward Eleki Bass, 63 Crayons and Charles veloped a strong base in her hometown ofBuffalo, NY, the subject. “Icarus” is an— Douglas all play Go! and spread her message acrossthe globe. other song that makes Five Gallon Pale parties at The Pour “Evolve” is the culmination of her 13-year career. It a statement regarding House. Jamgrass act Old Habit opens. reflects the old DiFranco that we all had grown to love humankind’s affliction and the harmony-drenched DiFranco of new. Every with the problems of SATURDAY song offers a different side that has been presented in love. The last track to Pidgeon English and Kings Barcade host her previous releases, as well as a few tracks that ring address the language their second “Night ofRock”with more as a new sound for DiFranco. of love is “Shrug.” It local favorites Moonlight, The Weath- The next stage in her growth is a colorful medley of also delivers a pain of er, Greatest Hits, The Loners and The funk, folk and jazz. Her aesthetics represent a small love that is thought Cherry Valence. part of what rural—town America views in regards to about by many but stat- Barefoot Manner brings their jam to the dynamics of our national culture, musically and ed by few. The Pour House in advance oftheir Col- lyrically. She has, and continues to use, her art as a bill— Most definitely the most orado Tour Kickoff. board to present the world through her eyes and spark impressive and strongest track Confessor brings the heat to the Lin- a generation to help change the way that she perceives on the album, “Serpentine,” is a coln Theatre with acts Slugnut and Bone America to be degrading. spoken-word poem which spans Shelter. Lyrical composition has always been a strong attrib- more than a 10—minute interval. The Local sultry crooner Tift Merritt re- ute in DiFranco’s musical career. Each track is elo- opus is recited over a quiet strumming turns to the Cradle with The Carbines. quentlyversed as poems from the heart that strike key on an acoustic guitar, as ifit was intended Brown Mountain Lights will open. Cyril notes — pardon the pun —— in mental stimulation. Lis- to be a highlighted performance in a beat- Lance will also play an acoustic set. teners often find themselves deliberating the philo- poetry cafe. The song is a negative state- Alternative—country mastermind Clem sophical stature of the figurative, and usually explicit, ment about the government, corporation Snide plays a set at Go! Cub Country will be playing in support. Famous pulls into The Brewery for a gig with Revelation Darling. JefferyHyde Thompson returns to The Teh Colonel’s secret recipe Six String Cafe’ with fantastic opener Dana Cooper. BH: Anything pure. From blues to Indian music, as market anything and people will buy it! long as the emotional core of or blues is Tech: What is your take on the Grammys? SUNDAY there—actually going back to Son House...and early BH: The good thing about popular music is that it Idlewild will kick it with the French Kicks Bill Monroe. I just told them to listen to the origin of isn’t popular long. 15 percent ofthe stuff is good, and at Cat’s Cradle. the earliest music we can get our hands on. Miles Davis the rest is stuff I just don’t understand. Especially this None the Wiser performs at The Pour and John Coltrane absolutely extended the art form year, look at Norah Jones. She is great at what she does House. Free show. and gave it lasting power. I really find it an honor that and a couple other people are great at what they do. Tim McGraw & The Dancehall Doc- such masters as Derek and Oteil respect my opinion. It’s not for me, but they are great. She will be around tors play RBC Center. (Laughs) forever. She is Ravi Shankar’s daughter, my God! She Tech: I know took a ride with you when has the gene! There is just too much ego in making it MONDAY he was 11 or 12 and you played “Giant Steps” by big in the music business. If it happened under my ‘ Indie—rock visionaries Yo La Tengo play Coltrane. Do you remember that? own terms, I’d let it happen. ' with The Glands at the Cradle. BH: Very well. The funny thing Derek said was, Tech: You have never been “big” as you put it. What The Jake Johnson Band rocks The Pour “Man, that music sounds good after you hear it.” Mu— would your biggest musical accomplishments be in House. Free show. ' sic should be approached that way. Derek was the same your own eyes? then as he is now. He was already a master. He was just BH: I’ve had a great time and lived a very blessed TUESDAY as good at 11 or 12 as he is now or ever will be. One of life. I’ve played with the greatest musicians in the world Judah Bauer from Jon Spencer Blues EX- . the reasons is he has time, tone and space. What angers and met the best people in the world. I am just a very plosion plays with his 20 Miles project at me is that name players wouldn’t give him the time of lucky guy. Kings. Mr. Airplane Man opens. day because he was 11. I remember going to a sound— Tech: Are musicians good people? Rainer Maria pulls into the Cradle in check with Oteil and crying the whole way through it. BH: Are 2nd basemen good people? There is a good support of its fine new record. Mates of We had never heard anything quite like it. To this day, and a bad in everything. You know, we are just lucky State and Sorry About Dresden play in I have never heard anyone on any instrument with in— that the universe takes over and creates a flow. You can support. tonation better than him. Derek is illegal and will be put yourselfin it. I think Michael Jordan-as great as he Col. , an influence to today’s hottest The Zone Rangers perform at the Pour around a hundred years from now. is, as humble as he is and as arrogant as he is all at the House. Free show. jam acts, gets crispy. Photo courtesy ErikJohnson Certain people listen to music with their eyes and get same time—knows that the gift is not all his. He was an image. put here to do it, and he does it perfectly. It just has a WEDNESDAY O Thomas Baucom Tech: Talk to me a little bit about your movie career. lot to do with the universal flow. You take the universe Stafi‘Writer Blue Bambooza brings the ‘grass to The I know you just did a film with Billy Bob Thornton. away and you are left with the human being. Thatjust Six String Café. How did that come about? isn’t much. Will Hoge brings his guitar—edged pop Itwas not the kind ofmeeting I had envisioned. Escaping BH: I’ve been doing movies since the early 705. I Tech: I noticed that the Late Bronze Age [Hampton’s the bitter cold through the doors of the Lincoln The— to Lincoln Theatre. Echo House will get have done about fifteen with speaking parts, but most band of the early 80’s] albums got re—released. Where things started. ‘ atre and shivering my way towards the bar, I encoun— I would rather not reveal. They are really bad. I also did those albums come from? . tered what at first glance appeared to be a normal, mid~ The Bellrays play Go! did a flick with from . That was BH: (Laughs) That’s a good question! (Laughs) It’s Scrappy Hamilton gets dirty at The dle—aged man dressed in two layers ofworn wool, an old kind of a crazy one too. Phish just brings such chem- about twenty—five years old, I think. I didn’t put it out tee shirt and a haphazardhair style. Moving closer to Pour House. istry to the table. We used to trade gigs. When we though. The companydid it. I haven’t heard it in 15 years, Rock n’ Roll Summer at Kings. him, I heard a faint voice— tarnished by years oftobac— played in the south, no one had ever heard of them, but I know it’s a wild, crazy record. co use and decades ofblues-belting—mutter a brief ac— but when we went north, all the women were singing Tech: Tell me a little about your band, the Codetalk— THURSDAY knowledgment. After the usual introductions, I began their songs. That’s the sign ofa band about to make it ers. What do they bring to the table musically? ajourney into the mind ofone ofthe true musical gu— The Exies play a free show sponsored by big: when women sing your songs. BH: Well, there are not many of them up there. We 96.1 at the Lincoln Theatre with Von— rus of our time as he delved into music, life and phi- Tech: Do women ever sing your songs? are down to two people. A drummer and the other one losophy. Ray and Chris Grace. BH: (laughs) I don’t know, I’ve never thought of it plays bass, guitar, and organ all at the same time. Mason Jennings, a sweet-voiced Bob Col. Bruce Hampton and his two man band, the that way. Maybe one or two. (laughs) Tech: So he just loops everything? Codetalkers, refuse to be labeled as anything more than Dylan, plays G0! Eleni Mandell (think Tech: You have been playing music for decades. What BH: No. I have no idea how he does it and he won’t Norah Jones in a basement) opens. “pure music.” are your musical ambitions today? tell anybody. I don’t ask questions. There are only two “We will play anything with an emotional core. Mu- BH: I never have had ambitions. I have aspirations, and a half of us up there. (Pause) So...are you a Taurus sic should be listened to with more than your ears, and . ONGOING and I want to be good every night. I am not in the mu- or an Aries? TheN.C. State UniversityDance Program less than your mind,” Hampton said. sic business. I play music and enjoy it. The music busi- Tech: (Long pause) Neither. I’m a Capricorn. Hampton concluded that music was much more than hosts theMid-Atlantic College Dance Fes- ness is not for me. There are ways to make a living. I BH: Nifty. So is Richard Nixon. tivalfrom March 12 until March 16. For record sales and groupies. He is a musician that plays was talking to a famous record producer about six music for the love of music and nothing more. Tech- tickets, contact Ticket Central. months ago and he said “You are the only person I After another thirty minutes of cosmic discussion The Gallery ofArt and Design presents nician recentlysat down with the elder sage and discussed know that has made a living in the music. You have and musical gripes, I said goodnight to one ofthe most the state of music and zodiac symbols. TheJewelry ofRobert Ehendorf: A Retro- wiggled the middle perfectly”. Most people make it big eccentric, yet sincere people I have ever met. In fact, if spective ofForty Years until March 9. or they quit. I just want to make a living. I don’t want music was viewed as the art form it is instead of the fi- The Gallery ofArt and Design presents Tech: Derek Trucks and always talk to deal with the madness of“big” and I don’t thinkI am nancial smorgasbord accountants would like it to be, about you being their personal music guru. Do you Common Ground: Cultural Diversities commercial enough to do that. You can play the game we would have a lot more “pure music” around today. from the Permanent Collection until .feel the influence ofWhat you recommend to them in but the whole music business is marketing. You can And I am sure the Colonel would approve. their music? March 9. i Opinion TECHNICIAN-THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2003 I 4

TECHNICIAN’S VIEW Moving away from the middle I’ll admit, when movement, further satirized the Israeli confined to his Ramallah headquarters for Hotel plan a plus President Bush army’s less than stellar arrest, “(Taha) is some time, his Fatah movement has been announced last now an old man out of activity He is significantly weakened. Should Arafat o After joining forces with a private sec— ey the university would have to cough Wednesday that just doing social activities in the camp.” appoint a prime minister, it is doubtful tor partner, the proposed resort hotel up if the complex was not operating in invading Iraq Maybe so, but Taha’s advanced age does- the man will be popular with his peers or complex on N.C. State’s Centennial the black. would not only n’t grant him immunity for past trans— that the very particular Sharon will even Campus has become more of a benefit Ultimately, this plan is one that should yield world secu- gressions. It’s a shame his capture led to accept the new prime minister as a le- than a burden to the university. Plans work. The university must engage in rity but might further deaths. gitimate politician. for this complex began in 1986 while some sort or risk-taking in order to reap even spread a final Meanwhile, Sharon has finally stitched But while Fatah shrinks, the truly dan- Centennial Campus itselfwas still in its substantial dividends. This plan has the and absolute peace together his new right-wing government, gerous but politically efficient Hamas infancy. Since then the plan has trans proper balance between risk and bene— Andrew between ever~war- consisting ofthe National Religious Par— militia is quicklytaking over the show. The fit. But Chancellor Fox and formed, expanded and contracted, but the Board of ring Palestine and ty, the National Union Party, the secu— group has been involved in providing includes a 250— Trustees must never lose sight ofthe fact Dugan the current proposal StaffColumnist Israel, I found it lar Shinui and Sharon’s Likud. The food and other necessities to Palestinians’ room hotel with conference center fa- that this, first and foremost, is a place of somewhat uncon- charter produced by this fragile coali— suffering from a repulsive economy and cilities and an 18—hole golf course with education. Proponents ofthe plan speak vincing. But then again, it is true that in tion is hardly fore— actiVely recruits a price tag of $71 million. of its appeal to the golf community at the various attempts to mediate this shadowing of young men to join At a meeting of the Council of State NCSU —— both those. on NCSU’s golf perennial conflict, the bold but digress— peace beacause the Once Hamas is the major its murderous last fall, Gov. Mike Easley told Chancel— team and those in the university’s golf ing thought ofinvading a countrythathas goYemment re‘ political player, there will ranks. lor MaryeAnne Fox that he would not—— management curriculum that the Pro- had — at best — a marginal role in this quires that the . For all the blame nor did he think the General Assembly fessional Golf Association recently ac~ bloody play has gone unmentioned. Palestinian Au- never be tWO ISI’ClEII and Sharon assigned to would — support plans for the complex credited. They also say that the golf Maybe Bush is on to something, but thority and Pales— ' . . Arafat for the reoc- without a private sector partner to min— course would provide a much—needed the evidence hasn’t been cemented just tine meet a Palestm an States curring bombings imize the financial risk of the universi- learning facility for NCSU’s turf man— yet. In the past few days, as the world number ofspecific peaceful/y coexisting. in Israel, even he ty and, consequently, the state ofNorth agementprogram — one ofthe top in the community puts all its eggs in the Iraqi demands in gener— must know that Carolina. nation, despite not having a golfcourse. basket, the new government ofIsrael has a1 before holding Hamas is many A proposal before the NCSU Board of Therefore, to keep the project in fo— celebrated its nascent coalition by un- even low-level peace talks. Even if the times more lethal than Arafat’s Fatah. Trustees would pair NCSU with Hines In- cus, we’d like to see a guarantee from the leashing troops into the one area Pales- rigorous standards are met, Sharon must But, it is Hamas that now owns a com- ‘9 terests ofHouston, the company the uni- university that this facility can and will tinians enjoy even nominal control in: hold an emergency cabinet meeting be manding percentage ofpopularity with versity has already contracted to perform be used as a learning tool, much like the the Gaza Strip. The hope ofthis action was fore any sort ofnegotiations. And as As— the Palestinians. Once Hamas is the ma- architectural, design and land-planning College ofVeterinary Medicine’s facili— to catch Hamas terrorists hiding within sociated Press notes, 14 of the new 24 jor political player in Palestinian terri- work. The News and Observer reported ties. The Centennial project would be the refugee camps and the residential ar— cabinet ministers will more than likely tories, there will never be two Israeli and this week that under the plan, Hines more university friendly than the other eas, but the main result was the pre- deny the possibility ofa Palestinian state Palestinian states peacefully coexisting. would repay NCSU the $3.4 million it large-scale partnered project—— the RBC dictable bloodshed of unaffiliated in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Hamas, unlike Fatah, calls for the de— has received for preliminary work in ex- Center, which, when it’s not in use for Palestinians. “The Economist” reports Further augmenting the difficulties fac- struction ofIsrael within its charter, sort change for owning the facility. men’s basketball games, provides little casualties including a 33—year—old preg- ing the Israeli-Palestinian peace process oflike the Likud-led charter fails to call The fundamental principle behind or no benefit to the university commu— nant woman and a'14—year-old boy, is the unequivocal demand from Sharon for the establishment of a Palestinian such a complex is that, by building a nity. struck by falling debris from a dynamit- and President Bush that longtime Pales- state. . quality resort/conference center on Cen~ The closest complexes comparable to ed house. Twenty—four hours prior to tinian Authority leader,YasirArafat, step The world should be careful. Militarism tennial Campus, the relationship be— what is proposed on Centennial are in that, a nine—year-old boy was killed at— down or at least appoint a prime minis— is growing within these populations and tween the university and research and Research Triangle Park. The Centennial tending a funeral for others who had ter who will exceed Arafat in power. Cu— it will only get worse in the years to come. industry sectors will be strengthened. facility will not compete with local ho- been killed in an earlier battle with Is- rious, this demand is. It stands to reason And, I am afraid to admit, I doubt in— Only through partnering with a private tels because it will be seeking a different raeli forces. that pressuring a democratically elected vading Iraq will abolish this frightening partner, like Hines, would this propos- clientele. The complex will infuse new But for all this, Israeli Prime Minister leader to abdicate the leadership posi— trend. It might even complicate things al work. life into the area around campus and, by Ariel Sharon can only show one sus- tion in order to allow the inhabitants all the more. This plan minimizes NCSU’s risk but extension, nearby downtown Raleigh. pected Hamas terrorist, Mohammed who elected this removed leader to es- does eliminate it Completely. NCSU We’d like to see this project get off the Taha, and his five sons the terrorist tablish an official democracy is not rea- Ifyou have questions or comments, contact would be responsible for an undeter- ground but without losing sight of the being in his late 603, as noted by the Bal- sonable at all. It’s ludicrous. Andrew at [email protected] or mined number ofyears for guaranteeing reason the project exists in the first place timore Sun. Abdel Aziz Rantisi, one of But, whom is it worse for is now the leave apost at $4.5 million in revenue each year, mon— . the university. the co-founders of the militant Hamas real question. Now that Arafat has been

UAE takes a stance World full of strange stories against Saddam Hussein Every day, every mania!) cut him down as he swings back tricity and a ventilation system. week, every year, and forth — from a fir or a spruce or Pechenkin then ditched out on his two Staff (U-WIRE) UAE showed the initiative. there are piles of whatever sort ofhardwoods grow in R0- friends and escaped on his own in De- Editorial COLUMBUS, The UAE is usually considered to be strange and un— mania —- the first thing he thinks to do cember of2000, not to be discovered un- The Lantern Ohio — Last among the weakest countries in the Mid— usual things that is complain the rope wasn’t more diffi— til October of2002. Aside from the jokes Ohio State U. week, one of the dle East. Although the country is rich happen through— cult to cut. I desperately want to make, I have to ad- smallest and most with oil, and most ofthe citizens are able out the world. I don’t know, honestly, how bad life in mire this man’s determination to be free peaceful countries in the region took the to live nice, luxurious and comfortable Some of them are Romania has gotten. There could be an (Ifyou can equip a tunnel with electric- initiative to do something about the lives, the UAE doesn’t have much say in uplifting, and epidemic of suicide, but ifyou’re hang- ity and ventilation, then it’s probablybet- pressing problem in Iraq. The United Middle Eastern politics. some are depress- ing yourselfon the old elm and you know ter than the Siberian prison you’re staying Arab Emirates called into the League of In fact, whenever important decisions Bell ing. I find it’s good the family picnic is in halfan hour, maybe in “Hogan’s Heroes” anyone?). Arab States, giving Saddam Hussein two need to be made in such leagues as the Kraudel to take a peek at now would be a good time to realize Two stories -— one a man so bitter that weeks to step down into exile. League of Arab States, like other gulf StaffColumnist both from time to you’re crying for help. Honestly, I read when he can’t die, he complains about The Iraqi conflict in the Middle East countries such as Bahrain and Kuwait, time, if only to the headline (punch line, headline so the quality ofhis noose; the other a man has been like a lion’s den, which most of UAE just follows SaudiArabia in how to know someone’s life is stranger than similar) and so determined to the Middle Eastern countries want to vote. Saudi Arabia is the parent country mine. thought that sure— be free and alive keep under control. Leaders such as Pres— in the Middle Eastern Gulf, and the sur- Thursday, a Romanian man alerted the ly the rope had There is an epidemic of that he spent four ident Housnie Mubarak of Egypt want rounding, smaller countries are consid— media that he plans to complain to con- snapped and not complaint in the world. months under— Saddam out of the picture. ered to be its children. sumer authorities in reference to the poor supported his ground, digging They know Saddam is a threat to the Both Egypt and Saudi Arabia and oth— quality of a rope that did not allow him weight. At least, himself to free- Middle Eastern region, and as long as er Middle Eastern countries do not want to successfully hang himself. then, I could imagine having something dom. I’m almost tempted to say we the Iraqi president stays in power, more to go against another Middle Eastern Victor Dodoi, 45, said, “You can’t even to complain about, but even high-test should just switch the two people damage will be done. However, none of leader. They want to portray a united die in this country.” The newspaper re— climbing rope isn’t made to deflect sharp- around. Let the man stuck in prison who the countries have had enough courage ports that Dodoi’s relatives found him ened steel. understands the joy oflife come to a lov— to step up and do something, until the See UAE page 5 hanging from a tree in his garden and There is an epidemic of complaint in ing Romanian family and put the cyni- somehow (I personally find this unfath- the world. This man’s family saved his cal, suicidal Romanian in the Siberian Jerry Moore - Matthew Pelland omable.) were able to cut the rope with life. The first thing he can think to do prison I’m sure there’s plenty to com- TECHNlClAN Editors in Chief a knife. Victor was then taken by horse— when he wakes up in the hospital is to plain about there. THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY cart and eventually by ambulance to a look around him at his loved ones and say, It’s a world full of weird, of this I’m hospital in the northern town of Boto~ “You mean you could actually cut convinced, but I’ve decided to be one of Ayren Jackson Amy Bissinger sani, Romania. through that rope?” the people who loves it and enjoys what News Editor Copy Desk Chief He has said he will file a complaint with In another weird news story of the is around me. There are too many peo— the Consumer Protection Authority as week, an inmate at a Siberian penal ple who only look forward to complain— Anna Edens Amber Daughtry soon as he is released from the hospital. colony was returned to prison this week ing if the branch breaks or if someone Opinion Editor AdvertisingManager His complaint, ofcourse, is that the rope after setting a record for the digging the cuts the rope. , Steve Thompson Dwayne Baker was too easily cut. longest tunnel ever dug to escape a Russ- happened. The world has ian prison. Yevgeny Pechenkin (easy Ifyou have any know about anythingun— BusinessManager So, it’s finally SportsEditor finally gotten so caught up in who it can enough) and two cellmates dug a 370- usual (i.e., two-headed chickens or some— Joe] Isaac Frady Krystal Pittman sue and where it can complain that when foot escape tunnel over the course offour one liking this column), e—mail Ben at Arts ei-EntertainmentEditor Classifieds Manager a man’s loved ones in Romania (in R0— months, equipping it with beams, elec- [email protected]. Mark McLawhorn Pawel Spychala Serious, Layout, Online Editor CAMPU3""PORUM 6’?AdDesign Editor Thushan Pledge favors monotheism, more admissible than favoring a specif— So if you want to talk about respect- Matthew Huffman Amarasiriwardena ic religion. Either way, the neutrality of ing long—standing tradition, you should PhotographyEditor Graphics Editor endorses class of religions The reprinted staff editorial published government toward religion has been vi- be in favor of reciting the unaltered ver— Wednesday“One God, Indivisible,” from olated. sion and deleting the divisive and com- 323 Witherspoon Student Center ' Box 8608, NCSU Campus - Raleigh, NC 27695-8608 Rutgers University contains several flaws. It should not be very difficult to see paratively recent modification. But I’ll that a government that requires teach- meet you halfway: The change in 1954 Editorial Fax Press Releases The editorial claims the recitation ofthe 515~2411 515-5133 release5@technicianstaffcom Pledge ofAllegiance is fine because the ers to state every day to the kids “Amer— was unpatriotic. Finally, the editorial word “God” is just a general term and ica is a natiOn under god” is endorsing asks, “If the courts do decide to change Advertising Technician Online Information religion. Perhaps the most infuriatingly this, where will it end?”With any luck, it 515—2029 wwmtechnicianonlinerom editor@technicianstaflcom can be interpreted any way one wishes. Excuse me for finding that disingenu— uninformed part was when the writer will end with the return of our original Opinions expressed in the columns, cartoons, photo illustrations and letters that appear on ous. One imagines being in SaudiArabia says, “Reciting the pledge is a long-stand— motto, “E Pluribus Unum.” Don’t count Technician’s pages are the views ofthe individual writers and cartoonists. The unsigned editorials that being told by school officials,“Look, ingAmerican tradition” and to change it on it. appear on the editorial page are the opinion ofpaper and are the responsibility ofthe editors in chief. and Allah is just a general term....” would be unpatriotic. Absolutely, it is a Technician (USPS 455-050) is the official student-run newspaper of NC. State University long—standing tradition. 111 years old, and is published every Monday through Friday throughout the academic year from August through The editorial says the pledge does not Steve Story May except during holidays and examination periods. Copyright 2003 by the Student Media favor any one religion. No, it doesn’t, but to be precise. Beginning in 1892, the Physics Authority. All rights reserved. To receive permission for reproduction, please write the editors in chief. it implicitly favors monotheism and fa- pledge was recited. 49 years ago, in 1954, Lifelong Education Subscription cost is $100 per year. Printed byThe News 8r Observer, Raleigh, NC voring a class of religions should be no Congress added the words “under God.” TECHNICIAN'THURSDAY. MARCH 6.200} I 5

Conservative for a lifetime I am not too want to allow that child to live re- tantly obvious he killed someone believe this is about oil so much offended by gardless of how he or she was with that weapon. The justice sys- as about removing his regime. Michele De— conceived. tem should be infallible, but we The sanctions that are causing Camp’s satiri— Let’s see —— where do we come all have faults, unfortunately. hundreds of thousands of Iraqi cal column on from? Oh yeah! We come from As with anyone in any political citizens to starve to death should Republicans in an egg and a sperm! So why is it affiliation, I do believe certain be removed, as they are killing Friday’s Tech- alright to abort a child at that things are generally characterized more than a war probably would. nician. I would stage and not in the last trimester? as “liberal” viewpoints. I am ex— As I believe most people feel, It takes am wards of potatoes to make HOHY be pretty upset Abortion should not be commit- tremely environmentally mind- war seems inevitable. Or maybe am pm of potato strips. Bezant myself ifliber- ted unless either the baby or the ed. I love nature and animals, and you prefer to lighten the term figuroe: httpfifmifitaissyaamfiaqhtmi StaflColumnist als 1333th con- mother is in danger of dying I hate to see anything interrupt with the phrase“military action.” servatives in upon giving birth. ecosystems. However, I do accept Either way, while I would not best-selling books. However, peo- I support that humans want anyone to get killed in this 76% at State stud-eats seaport ple have a right to print whatev- the right to - . - were also ordeal, it seems there is not much er they please, and as long as they bear arms. lam 90mg to take this made to in- else we can do. Empty threats : the enforcement {if the egai age don’t enforce racist or hate ideals The reason opportunity to express habit the would not work because Hussein restrzctxen an alcohol I basically say to each his or her children and . _ world and to would disregard them once he own. I am going to take this op- others get my VIEWS on ISSUES 05 a coexist with found out we weren’t serious. In ESQ? NC State “the Ream: faraway a a 3565 mm: W summers WV“ portunity to express my views on killed acci- . nature. fact, it seems like he has been do— M acid for by WattsWay ass sis-sass issues, including Iraq, as a con- dentally COHSGI’VGIIVG. As such, it ing so up until recently. servative. from guns is only rea- I believe people are making too I am as conservative as you can _ kept in the home is irresponsi- sonable that we need places to much fuss about the Iraq ordeal. get. For one thing, I am most def- bility. You don’t leave the car keys live, ways to provide for ourselves I’m pretty sure Hussein, like he initely Christian. I believe ho- sitting around for a 10-year-old and things to eat. Just as a wolf did during Clinton’s reign, will mosexuality and abortion are to grab and try driving a car. So, will find a den to live in and hunt back down and comply once we sins. However, I also believe sins it’s not logical to leave a gun or a for its food, we need places to live do start taking action. He needs to are to be forgiven; everybody sins. gun cabinet key lying around for in, and we need to earn and for— be exiled either way. Not a lot will I don’t mean that I am above ho- a kid to snatch up either. age for food. It is a natural life come of military action, and if I mosexuals and women who I support the death penalty. As process to hunt. am wrong, it’ll be alright, because choose to get abortions. Not only it has hit much closer to home Now, the ever-present situation I have a place to go to ifI die that is forgiving and accepting people this past year, I support it more with Iraq: I do not believe there are is a heck of a lot better than this as they are the correct, Christian so than I did before. Of course, I strong enough links to tie Iraq to place. thing to do, but it is the path to liv— believe the evidence should be the terrorist groups that attacked ing a better life. thorough before the person is us. However, I do believe Saddam Holly believes we need morefocus But, as a conservative, I do feel placed on death row. However, Hussein should be removed from on North Korea as a threat. Let her the need to discourage abortion. injustice also occurs when, say, a power, and as no one else seems know what you think at I just want to say, “Duh, ofcourse murderer gets by on a mere to be making that move, we [email protected]. we have a choice!” Because we ob— weapons charge when it is bla- should go ahead and try. I do not viously do. It’s really a matter of whether you let the child live or die. You either are able to kill a child merely because you weren’t careful during intercourse, or you

UAE continuedfrom page 4 Arab front to the rest of the How will world. Ifthey go against Saddam, theywill be going against an Arab country and leader. prep for Some may be ecstatic the UAE you has made such a bold move. They maybelieve Saddam will become more cautious in the worldwide the LSAT? . chess game he is playing. Though it’s great to see the UAE break its traditional mold by Classes Online Prep 0 Private tutor; coming out and displaying its op- position against Saddam while other stronger countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia have Raleigh classes starting been hiding under their bed cov— PROFESSIONAL ers, the UAE really has no power March 8th and April 22nd over Saddam. The UAE govern- ment can’t force Saddam out of SUCCESS power, because the country does for the June LSAT not have any defense of its own, and have little military strength. Other Middle Eastern countries Call or visit us online today to enroll! need to rally behind the UAE. In— timidating countries need to show they have no support for the Iraqi president, and that they » For seniors and graduate want him to step down from his seat. Forcing Saddam into exile students in engineering, could save the Middle East from science, and the arts. enduring another war. i-aou-KAP-rrsr Congratulations Thushan and Carie 2003-2004 Technician Editors in Chief *LSAT is a registered trademark of the Lav School Admission Council. f Taking Reservations Now For Spring as

Fall Move-111 Dates

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. ‘ &8 SI E 3 S TECHNICIAN-THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2003 l 6

POLICY STATEMENT LINE AD RATES CONTACT ' The Daily C I'OSSWOI'd Edited by Wayne Robert Williams While Technician is not to be held responsible All prices for up to 25 words. Add $.20 per day for Technician business hours are 9 am. to 5 p.m., for damages or 1055 due to fraudulent each wordlover :5. Bold words 3.20 each per day. Monday-Friday. Call during these times to place 1 élcg’otsi 1 1 advertisments, we make every effort to prevent an ad with yourVisa or Mastercard. a 31519138 ang false or misleading advertising from appearing in Student 5 Country in the our publication. Ifyou find an ad questionable, 1 day 155,00 2 days 37.00 Phone: 919-515-2029 Andes ’1 please let us know. We wish to protect our readers 3 days 15 lo.oo 4 days 3113.00 Fax: 919—515—5133 9 Put Up with Q from any inconvenience. 5 days $2.00~ /day _ 1514 Claim83X foronBle Deadhnes income Once run, an ad can be pulled without refund. 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' ‘ . 14E1R/4BA Lake Park condo Law School Applicants; g? firm/3m FEMALE ENGINEERS Near the Belltower & Free room in nice apt, A’Vranalfit' imllllggig/QIO‘ Taking the LSAT? 34 Asian capital .9, Alpha Omega Epsilon Sadlacks: 1800 sq. ft, must run errands, do light Keylock bedroom door: PERFECTSCORES‘S. 6- 35 Traffic diverter ‘ is giving away it's 4BR/2l3A, $1200/mo. Call housekeeping, help w/pets. Ceiling fans. Ask about hour Games Prep seminar 36 Vamoose! annual $500 scholarship. Nelson 0- Bunn at 424- Females only. References special utilities plan 362- teaches you how to excel 37 JUSt Chatter Visit 8130 for more information. required. 786—1145. 5558. ' 0“ the Analytlcal seCtlon- 40 09mm“ m for more information. . $95. Call 919-786—1171 to wrinkles By D'an‘? 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Call 571—9225 convenientenv'lorlmemfor all students.and Summer Sublet Wanted Contactroom andWendiboaldEllsworthprov'ded'at 1 EnthralledDOWN 31 Aspectles'dems 4847 AroundReligious 56 Arizonacaptain Cit ranch inside Belmne 2’5 4BD/4BA University Call 327—3800 1 (919) 782—3021 or 1-800— 2 ”OdgePOdge 32 9031915 gathering y miles from campus. Ideal Commons. $325/BD/BA' Condos For Rent ZED/28A apt. in University 284‘4475 'ext 3334_ or for students seeking. qUIet. re1BD/1tofBA ini 4BD/4BAt for . . House aval'|able for [email protected] Help needed for party To surroundings. ln highly $2STSI Sprig? Sfmis er . Summer 2003. W/D, free 99 EOE . rental company. NCSU $1150/modesireableavail.neighborhood.August1st. ZBR/1BAapt.m0. 9‘Water,98 'sewer 4BREachCondoroom hasat Lakea privatePark. workoutshuttle tofaculties,Campus, gamepool, experienceP/T preferredcashier/cookMust record,studentsdeliveryonly. 600d& drivingsetup. SKYDIVE'. 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BASKETBALL him the ball,” said. State’s Julius a fast break. But it was State’s GYMNASTICS regionals. Currently, State is tied standings. Pittsburgh, one of the continuedfrom page 8 Hocclge, who finished Win a perseverance down the stretch Egflgd}wmflg;8 for 29th place with the University competitors in Saturday’s meet, mo est eight points. that earned it the win. of New Hampshire, a fellow is a close fourth place. All three out three, wins against UNC and Sherrill got offto a hot start for State coach Herb Sendek was regionals increase dramatically. EAGL (Eastern Atlantic of State’s opponents are ranked Clemson, isn’t too shabby. But as the Pack, nailing four 35 in the impressed with his team’s ability “It’s really important,” said Gymnastics League) rival. in the top 100 in the GymInfo big as Crawford’s final Play was game’s first 16 minutes to put to bounce back after such a tough Stevenson about State scoring “We need to go away obviously Rankings and are looking to gain for State, so too was Sherrill State up big. The Pack had trailed setback on Sunday. well this weekend. “Right now foracouple meets and have really an automatic berth to the throughout the contest. The early 12—10, but went on a 22-9 “I told our guys after the game we’re at the end ofthe season and good competitions, and ifwe do regionals as well. Junior knocked five 35, finished run to seize momentum before that they have shown more grit we’ve got four conference meets we’ll feel pretty strongly we’ll Junior Leah Sabo has been with 24 points, and was the the break. and guts than any team I’ve ever that we can use to qualify for the jump into the top 18 in the coming on strong for the Pack offense for much ofthe first half, On a night when sixth—man been around,” he said. “They have national championships. country,” said Stevenson. “The the last two meets. She was 1n which tho Pack built a 32-21 LeviWatkins wasn’t available due faced adversrty this season “We’ve got a 196.1 that we’re top 18 in the country for the first recently named co—winner ofthe lead by halftime. to inlury, Hodge wasn’t at his best through mums and tough losses, throwing out because you throw round of our tournament are EAGL Gymnast ofthe Week with The performance was and second—leading scorer and they’ve found ways to out your high score and average seeded nationally. So if we’re in her all—around victory at the reminiscent of Sherrill’s outburst Marcus Melvin was held scoreless, comeback. the next five. If we can get one the top 18, number one, number Wolfpack Invitational last week. at Clemson last season, in which others had to step up. Sherrill “They have had tremendous score a little higher that would 12, and number 18 all go to the “We’re still upgrading some he also hit five 3s,1ncluding one did; as did losh Powell —— who reSIherlce. . . . pull us up to just a little bit and same region. Ifywe’re not in the routines which is a good thing,” in the final seconds, to lead State scored 14 grabbed eight State 5 resrlience Wlll be put to that would help us a lot.” top 18 then we 11 automatically said Stevenson. “We’re adding to a much-needed win. rebounds, and had the highlight the test Saturday, when the Pack lf the Pack should finlsh in the go to .” new skills to routines. We’re going “Scooter is one of those guys play of the night when he threw faces league—leading Wake Forest top-18 nationally, it will earn an State’s performance this year to continue to get a little better that if he 1S hot, we keep feeding down nasty two-handed jam off at the RBC Center at 4 p.m. automatic berth in the NCAA has garnered the team a second- as we finish out the season and place standing in the EAGL that’s a positive thing for us.”

H O R O S C O P E To get the advantage,check the day's rating: TODAY S March 6. You should be able to express yourself pretty well this year.Words aren‘tyour only form ofcommunication, either. Music, By LindaCBlackTribune Media Services l0 l5 the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. BIRTHDAY film,color and form are all mediums you can use.And you might even find a way to draw a fat paycheck for yourefforts. o o Aries. Taurus Gemini : Cancer Leo Virgo March 21- April 19 L April 20-May 20 May 21-June 21 (d c June 22-July 22 July 23-Aug. 22 Aug. 23—Sept. 22 Today is a 7. What you lack in financial Today is a 6. Shortages only make the Today is a 7. You don't have to figure Todayisa S.A demanding older person Todayis a 9.You're pretty gung—ho,and Today is a S. Ifyou're in the business of resources, YOU more than make Up for game more interesting.You can get by everything out by yourself. lt's OKto ask may be getting you down, but odds are you're lucky.Your odds of winning are caring forother people’s money,watch in good looks and charm.You might get on lessthan most people.Congratulate for an expert's help.And let your team good you don't let it show. You're high,butyou're notthe only one on the out. Have the facts straight. And stay the finanCIal resources, too, but not if yourselfas you do it again. coverforyou on a toughjob.Save your earning your keep. It’ll get easier soon. team. Make sure teammates et some cool even ifothers don't. you 900fOffon theJOb-' energy for later. applause. 9

mar-K Libra ,.c Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn r Aquarius ”—9 Pisces Sept.23-Oct 22 'r-‘l ‘ Oct. 23—Nov.21 Nov.22—Dec.21 Dec.22-Jan.19 e9)“ Jan.20-Feb.18 0* Feb.19-March 20 Today is an 8. You may have to thread Today is a 6. A little competitiveness is Today is a 7. This is another good Today is an 8. State your position Today is a 7. If you hit the books, you . Today isa 7. Money is onlya conceptlt yourwaythrough a minefield to achieve good. It gets you going.Try not to get evening for talking and not talking. forcefully, and you'll get your message may find the puzzle piece you're after. can be created and destroyed. If some your goal. Not a problem, right? You angry,though.That dullsyour edge and preferablythe |atter,in the company of across.You don't have to be the loudest A loved one with more experience can of yours was destroyed recently, you have a natural talent for locating hot messes up your timing. somebody you love, in the privacy of one.Your certainty is persuasive. point you in the right direction. have your motivation. Don't give up. spots andskirting around them. your own home. 1‘ ports TECHNICIAN - THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2003 I 7

TENNIS WRESTLING the mix of it. And of course a lot continLiedfrom page 8 ofit is going to depend on how ef— corzti71Liedfrom page 8 fective Gabrielson and Cintron struggled all day against a supe— “We’re obviously going to need are. rior Duke team. The doubles help from everyone else because “You go into these tournaments point was taken easily, winning of all the injuries. It’s going to be and there are going to be other all three matches. Amanda John— a key that the other guys come teams with problems like ours, son and Julie DeRoo defeating through. They’re wrestling very so you just don’t know how ef- senior Myrna Bawono and soph— well for us right now.” fective anybody is going to be,” omore Carmen Torres 8-3 in the Either State or North Carolina said Guzzo. “It’s kind oflike a new No. 1 match. In the second match has won the ACC championship season. Everyone has a fresh McCain and HillaryAdams beat each year since 1977, a streak that start.” Worsley and sophomore Danielle Guzzo says could continue this Despite the injuries that have Stadelmann 8-3. In the final dou— year. weighed down his team through— bles match junior Jennifer Jas— “Virginia has a pretty strong out the season, Guzzo State’s sawalla and senior Landis Strad— chance this year, I think. So it5 chances are good. er were swept 8-0 by Katie Gran— probably going to be between V'r~ “We feel very confident that we son and Julia Smith. The three ginia, Carolina and us. It depends could win again this weekend go- doubles teams State faced were on how some teams pair up ing for a third straight title,” Guz— ranked nationally —— 2nd, 16th against other teams,Guzzo said zo said.‘So we’ll see ifwe can go and 21$t respectively. “Right now it looks to be a three- do that.” Singles play was no better for team race and we’ll be right in the Wolfpack. Myrna lost to Mc- Cain 6-2, 6—0 in the #1 slot. Stadelmann failed to win a point in the No. 2 match, falling to RICHEY 8 Co. Johnson 6—0, 6-0. Jassawalla ral- lied in the second set before falling to DeRoo 6—0, 6—4 in the March Is Student No. 4 match. Torres was beaten 6- 3, 6—1 in the No. 5 slot and Strad- Apprecuation Month er fell to Prim Siripipat 6—0, 6— . Sophomore Kristin Lam did We Have The Shoes & not play on Wednesday because Sandals You Need For of continued problems with her Spflng! knee. Lam owns State’s best sin— gles record so far this season, go— ing 3— 1. “[Her knee] did well on Sun- day, but we pulled back on her today because she had a lot of trouble with it after Sunday,” said Olsen. “She wanted to give it a try but we weren’t really sure about it so we’re going to wait a couple days.” State will continue their con- ference play 0 1 Friday, hosting 715011511 AT No. 22 Clemson. The match will begin at 2 pm. at the Cary Ten— With Vaiici Student ID. Shop Early For Best Selection! Call us at 9109623243 or 800225 5571 nis Center. Our new Spring styles are 8334848 Email [email protected] or visit Tricycle arriving daily in a great RALEEGH {ENCVisan Fquai0p25ortuaityiiiiiirmativé actiim 1552;225:021. CAMERON VliLAGE Technician. selection of sizes & WidthS! flit??? 2252 ‘34 Schedule Scores M. basketball vs. Wake Forest, 3/8, 4 M. basketball 63, Clemson 60 Wrestling ACC tournament 3/8 Duke 6, W. tennis 1 W. tennis vs. Clemson, 3/7, 2 M. tennis Furman, 3/6, 2:30



tennis drops basketball ACC opener awards Despite winning a point against When Wake For— Dukefor thefirst time in five est head coach years, Statefalls 6-1. Skip Prosser spoke at ACC bas- Austin Johnson ketball media day, Stafl‘Writer he didn’t sound too optimistic The NC. State women’s tennis team The Demon dropped its first conference match ofthe Deacons had lost season to No. 6 Duke 6-1 Wednesday af- five seniors off its ternoon at the Cary Tennis Center. Duke Steve third—place ACC has been ranked as high as No. 1 earlier Thompson team from last in the season before being upset at Illi- year. Additionally, nois. Seven ofDuke’s singles players are Wake Forest’s best returning player, Josh ranked nationally, including the No. 1 Howard, was questionable for the sea- ranked Kelly McCain. son, suffering from recurrent shin prob— Despite being beat, head coach Hans lems. Olsen felt his players did a good job of The media’s preseason predictions re- raising their level ofplay for the confer— flected his pessimism. Wake was select— ence season. ed as the No. 6 team in the league. “We wanted to take our intensity up Howard, despite finishing third in the for our first conference match,” said preseason ACC Player of the Year vot- Scooter Sherrill scored a career-high 24 points to lead NC. State past Clemson. Staffphoto by Tim Lytvinenko Olsen. “I felt the girls did a good job with ing, was left offmanyAll-ACC first teams that today.” due to injury concerns. State can take small consolation in the Four months later, Wake Forest is on fact that it won its first point against the verge of winning its first outright State packs suspense once again Duke since 1997, when State lost 1—8. ACC regular season championship since Senior Loni Worsley toppled Saras “Last time, 1962. Howard is a shoe-in for ACC Play- N. C. State was able to hold off a three—point win. Once again, the Pack “It was scary,” said Sherrill. Arasu, 6-4, 4-6, 10—3.Worsley took a gru— and lost er of the Year. Prosser’s being anointed Clemson and strengthen its was put to the test, and —— with its sea— we had Maryland on the ropes eling back and forth first set 6—4 that game. But we found a way to get it and was ACC Coach ofthe Year is almost as cer— resuméfor an NCAA berth. son possibly on the line this time —- it in control during the second set before done tonight.” tain. responded. Arasu rallied to win 4-6. Worsley was Must win game? You better believe it. That’s the way this crazy ACC season Andrew B. Carter Rather, Crawford found a way to get noticeably fatigued during the ladder has gone. In addition to Wake, Duke and Assistant Sports Editor “Oh, very much so,” said State’s senior it done in the most clutch of spots. stages of the second set, and the match Maryland have remained dominant, but leader and point guard Clifford Craw- Pained with a sore right hip and listed going to tiebreaker format instead of a as questionable before the game, Craw— the rest of the league has been inconsis— CLEMSON, S.C. — Everything was the ford, who came up huge on the game’s fi- third set may have helped her take the ford was able to get a hand in on Edward tent to say the least. same except the uniforms and the op— nal play. “Every time we go out, it’s a point. tough en— knock—away As the last week of the season winds ponent for NC. State. Substitute all the must win. It’s a road win in a Scott’s last-grasp drive and “I got a little tired towards the end,” tonight, down, it’s time to try and put it in per— Clemson orange in the crowd for red, vironment. We did a good job any hopes ofa Clemson tie. Scott, in fit- said Worsley, “But when you know you spective. Why not hand out awards? and the setting almost would have been coming out and getting the victory.” ting fashion for his senior day, had just have 10 points left to win, you for— identical to State’s heartbreaking loss at With 6.5 seconds left, victory seemed scorched the Pack for 21 points. But he get about the tired and just play.” All ACC Maryland on Sunday. And like that game, floating out of reach, and with it, a pos— was denied where it mattered most in the game’s final seconds. Arasu is ranked 37th nationally this First~team the Wolfpack had held the lead for much sible spot in the NCAA tournament. Up week. The match went to a tiebreaker playing Howard, Wake Forest of the game over a dogged opponent. as much as 12 early in the second half, the “Scott, I give him all the credit, instead ofa third set because Duke’s win Steve Blake, Maryland And like Sunday, a large second-halfad— Wolfpack lead now stood at two, and the his heart out on senior night for his team,” said Crawford. “That last pos— had already been decided. Drew Nicholas, Maryland vantage had all but evaporated. fans stood screaming, jumping, doing “We need our girls to believe that if Julius Hodge, NC. State State, solid on the free—throw line all anything to distract State’s Scooter Sher- session, I just wasn’t going to let him get go left, you work hard and fight for every point, Dahntay Jones, Duke game, had again missed one of its most rill, who stood at the free—throw line with a shot out. I tried to make him its going to work,” said Olsen. “Loni did he crossed over left, and I got my hand clutch opportunities. a chance to put the game out of reach. that.” in and knocked the ball. From there, we Second-team But this time, there’d be no last—sec- The first bounced off the rim. Sud— “The rest of the team sees that and got the steal.” . Edward Scott, Clemson ond 3—pointer to doom the Wolfpack. denly, Crawford and Julius Hodge, who their like, ‘If I get out there and work for victory from the jaws of the Travis Watson, Virginia NC. State (16— 10, 9-6 ACC) beat Clem— had stood in the backcourt with smiles Stealing every point I’m gonna have been ac— an oppor— Tim Pickett, Florida State son (15-11, 5-10) Wednesday night at on their faces just seconds earlier, turned defeat has been something State’s tunity to win.” Chris Bosh,’Georgia Tech Littlejohn Coliseum, but its 63—60 es- stern. Sherrill swished the second, put— customed to its past three games. And two Other than Worsley’s victory, State Raymond Felton, North Carolina cape from Clemson was more than just ting State up 63-60 and giving the Tigers one last chance to tie game. See BASKETBALL page 6 See TENNIS page 7 Player ofthe Year — Howard There’s no explanation needed for Howard’s selection. He’s the ACC’s best' leader, best scorer, and one ofthe ACC’s Wrestling heads Gymnastics readies top rebounders and defenders. Blake, Hodge and Jones join him as pretty easy first—team choices. Nicholas to ACC tournament for final home meet gets the slight edge over Scott because, while he is not his team’s best player, he The Wolfpack guns for a third “Scott Garren has a banged-up knee. I N. C. State welcomes Pittsburgh, has been Maryland’s go—to scorer down straight team title. think he’s going to be OK. Dustin Kawa William and Mary and James the stretch. has a back injury, but we think he’s go- Madison after its big victory last ing to be OK,” said Coach Guzzo. “So the Brian Grossman Friday. All Rookie team StaffWriter two key factors for us are George Cin— Bosh, Georgia Tech tron and Kevin Gabrielson as far as in— Memie Ezike and Ryan Reynolds Felton, North Carolina The NC. State wrestling team will head juries, but we won’t know their status StaffWriters Justin Gray, Wake Forest to Boone this weekend for the ACC tour— until Saturday.” Eric Williams, Wake Forest nament; The team will be looking for its Pushing the Pack in its quest are de- Last Friday, the NC. State gymnastics J.J. Redick, Duke third consecutive ACC championship. fending ACC champions Cintron (125 team left Reynolds on a high note after State (8-10, 2-3 ACC) looks to end a pounds), Jake Giamoni (149 pounds) posting a 196.100 and defeating North Rookie of the Year —— Bosh tumultuous, injury—plagued season on and Kawa, who won at 174 pounds last Carolina at the Wolfpack Invitational. Bosh gets the slight nod over Felton for a high note. year, but has since moved down to the Now this Saturday evening, State hosts its Rookie oftheYear. Any freshman who can ‘ “Unfortunately we’ve been hit by very 165 pound weight class. Garren won the final meet ofthe season when Pittsburgh, average almost a double—double deserves serious injuries throughout the year that 157—pound championship in 2001, but William and Mary and James Madison such an award, although Felton is al- caused us to struggle for most ofthe sea- was sidelined all last season with a knee come to Reynolds Coliseum. most as deserving. son,” said head coach Bob Guzzo. injury. State’s final home meet of the season Gray has come on strong of late, and “Throughout the year we’ve had times “We have four conference champions will have special meaning for the sen- Williams is a force where sometimes there were three, four returning, which gives you a strong inside. Redick’s per— iors, as this meet will be the last time Gymnastics is coming off its highest formance tailed offas the season went or five starters missing out ofthe lineup, chance to win the thing,” said Guzzo. on, they will compete in front ofthe always— ofthe season at the Wolfpack but he’s still a great shooter. which kind ofturned our season around score See WRESTLING page 7 enthusiastic Wolfpack fan base. Invitational. Staffphoto byMatt Huffman a little bit. “Our bottom line is we try not to pay Coach ofthe Year Prosser “It wasn’t as successful as far as wins attention to other teams on the floor and will give the Pack the obvious advantage Ifthe whole “taking the preseason sixth and losses. We weren’t where we antici- try to focus on ourselves and make sure place team to win the ACC champi— pated being in that reSpect. However you that we do our job,” said head coach over the other teams. “You have to go on the road, you have onship” thing didn’t convince you that have to deal with what you have.” Mark Stevenson. “Ifwe hit every routine said Stevenson. “What- Prosser was the league’s top coach, per— And State has plenty ofinjuries to over- that we do, there’s not that many teams to be at home,” ever it is and you have to do thejob every haps the fact that he’s done so with a come. out there in the country that can beat single time and that’s what our focus is large contingent of freshmen should. George Cintron, who was voted the us, and we keep proving that because Sure, Howard’s been the main story. outstanding wrestler of our conference this last weekend we didn’t miss any rou- on.” perform its best in But Gray and Williams have matured a last year, just had knee surgery and is tines and we won and that’s what it takes State will have to meet. Most im- lot over the season. Over the last few questionable for the tournament. Kevin to be that successful.” order to win Saturday’s needs to post a great years, Prosser has shown that he can re— Gabrielson, who has a strong opportu- Even with the emotion, the seniors and portantly, the Pack above 196 —— to keep its cruit well. This year, he’s showing the nity to win at 174 pounds, recently had the rest ofthe team will have to perform score —— possibly high and in competition ACC he can coach the guys he recruits. surgery on his thumb. The coaches are well. Currently, NC. State has an average RQS average spot in the NCAA regionals. IfState currently trying to find some sort ofcast Regional Qualifying Score (RQS) of for a average RQS in this meet Steve is still a little unsure how a Student that will allow him to wrestle. 194.728. The Pack knows that in its next can raise its the following two away meets at Government basketball team squeaked by Additionally, Scott Garren and Dustin three meets, it must score very high to and William and Mary, its Technician 42-39. He can be reached at Kawa are suffering from minor injuries, Dustin Kawa and the Pack aim to make reach the goal of achieving a RQS aver— Utah State and for the NCAA 10 [email protected] or 515-241]. although Guzzo expects both of them up for a disappointing regular season age of 195 for the season. Being at home chances ofearning a berth to be able to compete. at the ACCs. Staffphoto by Rob Bradley See GYMNASTICS page6 g ll