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Index absurd systems 94, 127, 129 coherence of parts 74, 76 antecedent scepticism 4, 25 common sense principles 125, 127 anthropomorphic conception of competing cosmogonies 97 God 134 counter-balancing arguments 8 anthropomorphism 67-8, 88, 92-3 first inconvenience of 67 debate between Philo and philosophical objection 68 Cleanthes 83, 109, 129 Argument from Design 36, 38, 42, deity, finitude of 92 112-13 demonstrations 1 Articulate Voice 21, 52, 57, 106 descent and propagation 59 Articulate Voice analogy 50, 132 Design Hypothesis 130 atheist 150, 152-4 design in matter 113 design of the world 52, 73, 101, barbarian 137 110, 113, 115, 117-19, 132, 135, belief in causality 14, 16 141-2 belief in intelligent designer 132, designing principles 110, 115 142-3, 145 Dialogues belief in purposiveness 73, 131 divine nature 31, 34, 109 belief in rationality 73 dramatic balance 42 Butler, Ronald J. 31 natural belief aspect 127 need to continue beyond Part carelessness 23, 73, 127 V 87 causal knowledge 86 dogmatism 7, 30 causal reasoning 2 dogmatist 9, 23, 121 causal relations 2, 135 Cleanthes' Eliot, Gilbert 48, 49 debate on absurd systems 129 Epicurean hypothesis 110-11, 117- illustrative analogies 47, 50, 58 18, 127-8 inquiry 106 plausibility of 116 lack of preparedness 25 natural or irregular focus of science 145 argument 63-4 force and vivacity 11 position absurdities following from 94 Galileo 47 infinite regress 77 generic classification of the weakening of 85 world 104 response to Philo's reductio 97 God suspense of judgment 120 anthropomorphic conception version of the Argument from of 134 Design 36 existence of 31 166

nature of 31, 34, 109, 133 Nathan, George J. 36, 38, 45, 68, rational mind of 77 78 natural arguments 52, 54, 63-4, Hermippus 21 125, 147 Hume's natural belief 10-11, 15-17, 19, 34, description of the dogmatist 26 64, 122, 124, 127, 132, 138, 142, designing principle 115 145 discussion of belief 11 Natural History of Religion 137-8, discussion of scepticism 4 141 natural instinct 8 ignorant savage 137 natural religion 125-6 impartiality in our reasonings 8 natural theology 121 impressional test 124 nature 122, 139, 143-5 infinite regress 77, 79, 82 necessary and contingent relati- instinctive belief 8, 64 ons 1 intelligent designer 52, 64, 101, necessary knowledge 110, 115, 132, 137, 142-3, 145, necessary preparative to the study 147, 149 of philosophy 29 internal unintelligent principles of Noxon, James 3 order 59 irregular arguments 50, 63-4 old Epicurean hypothesis 110, 127-8 just ascription 72 order 82, 115 organic sciences 132 like effects prove like causes 2, organisms 59, 100, 103 37, 42, 88, 103, 116 Living Vegetable Library 21, 58, Pamphilus 21, 156 60, 69, 100, 107-8, 132 Part I, commentators misled 29 Part II, Philo's criticisms in 46, machine-like character of the 51, 62 world 39, 100, 103 Part III, illustrations 49-50 matter in motion 115, 118 Part V maxims of science 130, 135 Philo's primary aim 93 means to ends relations 74, 76 reductio 92 mind and matter 115 Part VIII 112 mitigated sceptic 9, 123 Part XII mitigated scepticism 6, 7, 25, 27, concern 155 120-1, 124 theists' position 151 moderate antecedent sceptic 24 Pearl, Leon Ill, 114 moderate antecedent scepticism 5, Philo 6 and rational design 73 as careless sceptic 23 167

debate on absurd systems 129 Pyrrhonian 9 defends lack of caution in argu• argument 121 ment 124 doubts 122, 127, 146 Philo's Pyrrhonism 6-8, 10, 34 attitude towards refutation of 16 Argument from Design 42 pyrrhonistic arguments 10 motion in matter 118 position of theist and rational design of the world 73 atheist 153 reasoning by analogy 86 scepticism 24, 110 reflection 122-3, 146 science 129 relational knowledge mitigated scepticism 124 religious dogmatist 23 position 120 Pyrrhonism 10 sceptic 3, 9, 24, 34, 123-4, 139 reductio ad absurdum of anthro• scepticism 3-7, 24-5, 27-8, 109-10, pomorphism 88, 92, 97 120 syllogism 36 science 85, 129-30, 132, 135, 145 version of Cleanthes' argu- Smith, Kemp 48-9, 59, 62 ment 41 specific resemblance 35 philosophical dogmatist 23 Stanley, Philip 3, 23 physical sciences 132 stoics 34 Pike, Nelson 53, 55, 69, 76, 92, suspense of judgment 119-20, 122 94 systems of cosmogony 82, 128, principle 'like effects prove like 139 causes' 2, 37, 42, 88, 103, 116 Principle of Co-existence 98-9, theism 50 101, 105-6 theist 150-1, 153-4 principle of order 59, 82 principle regarding constant con• ultimate cause 117, 119 junction 116 undistinguished Pyrrhonian principle regarding the proportio• doubts 46, 122, 127, 146 ning of causes to effects 91 unintelligent principles of order 59 proportioning the cause to the ef• universe 34, 100 fect 89, 91 purposive Vegetable Library analogy 21, 58- character of the design of the 60, 69, 100, 107-8, 132 world 141 verbal dispute 149, 150, 154 design 75, 131, 135, 139 foundation of the sciences 145 world view of nature 145 design of 52, 73, 10 1, 103, 11 0, purposiveness 71-4, 127, 131 113, 115, 117-19, 132, 135, 141-2 of nature 139 generic classification of 104