Fishing Fundamentals Activity 1 Leader Guide
New York State 4-H SPORT FISHING PROJECT Fishing FUNdamentals Activity 1 Leader Guide Engaging Environmental Education Through Teen Experiental Learning Principal Investigator, Karim-Aly Kassam Originally written by Todd E. Culver & Marianne E. Krasny Illustrations by Tamara R. Sayre Revised by Linda C. Brosch, 2018 Cornell University Cooperative Extension Revised by Linda Brosch, Oswego County Cooperative Extension, 2018 Special thanks to Mark Clapsadl, Bruce Matthews, and Frank Panek for assistance in writing this manual. The authors would also like to express our appreciation of Glenn Applebee, Robert Kent, Kurt Jirka, Diane Held Phillips, and Michael Voiland for helping in the initial stages of SAREP. In addition, we would like to thank the many reviewers of this manual including: Bob Banister, Brian Butts, Daniel Decker, Mike Duttweiler, John Forney, David Greene, Glen Sapir, David Scudder, Bruce Shupp, George Steele and Eileen Stegemann. Finally, we would like to thank the many Cooperative Extension agents who have contributed to SAREP including: Robert Adsit, Mary Anderson, Niles Brown, William Fink, Kevin Mathers, Mary de Munecas, Henry Hogue, Gregory Neal, William Schwerd, Andrew Turner and Patricia Zellmer. Funding for SAREP has come from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State Sea Grant, and Cornell Cooperative Extension. Originally written by Todd A. Culver and Marianne Krasny Illustrated by Tamara R. Sayre Designed, edited and produced by Karen L. Edelstein and Roslyn E. Scheib. Additional artwork by Steve Sierigk. This publication is issued to further Cooperative Extension work mandated by acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. It was produced with cooperation of the Department of Agriculture and Cornell Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture and life Sciences, and College of Human Ecology at Cornell University.
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