2014-2015 ANNUAL REPORT We!are!delighted!to!submit!the!2014X2015!Annual!Report!for!The!David!Berg!Institute!for!Law!and! History!at!the!TAU!Buchmann!Faculty!of!Law.! ! The!past!year!was!one!of!intense!activity!and!innovation!at!the!Berg!Institute.!Among!the!dozens!of! events!and!programs!designed!to!support!the!legal!history!community,!several!stand!out:! ! More!than!70!participants!from!around!the!world!took!part!in!the!6th!Berg!International!Conference;!a! historical!exhibition!showcased!a!retrospective!of!the!Judicial!Committee!of!the!Privy!Council,!the!court! of!final!appeals!for!the!UK!overseas!territories!and!Crown!dependencies;!and!a!new!undergraduate! student!forum!made!the!Berg!Institute’s!work!accessible!to!the!next!generation!of!legal!history!scholars.! ! The!David!Berg!Institute!for!Law!and!History!also!launched!a!new!website!(https://enX,!with!information!on!activities,!research!resources,!fellowships,!and!more.! ! There!were!several!personnel!changes!at!the!Berg!Institute!this!past!year.!Prof.!Assaf!Likhovski!was! replaced!by!Dr.!David!Schorr!as!Director.!The!Administrator!of!the!Institute,!Ms.!Seffi!Weintraub,!was! replaced!by!Ms.!Dalit!WassermanXAmir,!who!was!eventually!replaced!by!the!current!administrator,!Ms.! Danna!Avital.!! ! The!Academic!Committee!now!consists!of!Dr.!Schorr,!Prof.!Likhovski,!Dean!Ron!Harris,!Associate!Dean! Roy!Kreitner,!Prof.!Leora!Bilsky,!Prof.!Arye!Edrei,!and!Prof.!Suzanne!LastXStone,!now!a!regular!Visiting! Professor!at!the!TAU!Buchmann!Faculty!of!Law.! ! With!the!continued!commitment,!participation!and!contributions!of!the!TAU!law!faculty!and!legal! historians,!the!David!Berg!Institute!for!Law!and!History!will!continue!to!lead!the!Israeli!legal!history! community!and!demonstrate!what!a!this!institute!can!accomplish!on!an!international!platform.

|!!2 ! CONFERENCES! ( 1.(( 6th(ANNUAL(DAVID(BERG(INTERNATIONAL(CONFERENCE:(LAW(IN(TRANSITION( Association!of!Young!Legal!Historians!Annual!Forum!! March!1X3,!2015!|!See!Appendix!A

The!Berg!Conference!also!served!as!the!21st!Annual!Conference!of!the!Association!of!Young!Legal! Historians,!and!was!organized!by!the!Berg!Institute!under!the!direction!of!a!committee!that!included! TAU!Law!faculty!and!graduate!students.! ! Dozens!of!young!legal!historians!from!around!the!globe!converged!on!Tel!Aviv!for!an!exchange!of!ideas! and!historical!research!relating!to!the!theme!"Law!in!Transition.”!The!scholars,!including!a!significant! contingent!from!,!attended!17!different!panels,!and!took!part!in!discussions,!lectures,!meetings,! and!tours!of!the!city.! ! The!choice!of!the!TAU!Buchmann!Faculty!of!Law!as!the!venue!for!this!year's!Annual!Forum!of!the! Association!–!edging!out!the!University!of!Edinburgh!–!demonstrated!its!impressive!reputation!within! the!academic!legal!community.!! ! The!Conference!sessions!were!videotaped!and!are!available!via!the!Berg!Institute's!website:!!! ! CO9SPONSORS( Association!of!Young!Legal!Historians! TAU!Office!of!the!Vice!President! TAU!Cegla!Center!for!Interdisciplinary!Research! TAU!Entin!Faculty!of!Humanities! TAU!Yavetz!Graduate!School!of!Historical!Studies! ! ORGANIZING(COMMITTEE( David!Schorr,!Chair,!Tel!Aviv!University!! Omer!Aloni,!Tel!Aviv!University!! Yael!BraudoXBahat,!Tel!Aviv!University! Doreen!Lustig,!Tel!Aviv!University! Dina!Moyal,!Tel!Aviv!University! Anat!Rosenberg,!IDC!Herzliya! ! ! ! 2.((( HISTORICAL(PERSPECTIVES(ON(JUDGING(( 10th!Annual!Conference!of!the!Israeli!Law!and!History!Association! October!20,!2014!|!See!Appendix!B! ! As!in!past!years,!the!Berg!Institute!supported!the!annual!meeting!of!the!Israel!Law!and!History! Association,!held!in!collaboration!with!the!Yad!Ben!Zvi!Institute!in!Jerusalem.!The!keynote!address,! delivered!by!Justice!Daphne!BarakXErez,!former!Dean!of!the!Buchmann!Faculty!of!Law,!focused!on! "Judgment!and!Justification.”!In!addition!to!the!eight!traditional!panels!in!which!papers!were!presented! by!Israeli!legal!historians,!an!additional!lecture!–!"One!Hundred!Years!of!Judgment"!–!was!given!by!Prof.!

|!!3 ! Yoram!Shachar,!dean!of!Israeli!legal!historians.!Prof.!Shachar's!provocative!discourse!outlined!an! ambitious!agenda!for!Israeli!legal!historians,!and!gave!credit!to!our!own!Professors!Ron!Harris!and!Assaf! Likhovski,!former!Directors!of!the!Berg!Institute,!as!the!"founding!fathers"!of!legal!history!research!in! Israel.! ! CO9SPONSORS( Israel!Law!and!History!Association! Yad!BenXZvi!Institute,!Jerusalem! ! ORGANIZING(COMMITTEE( Avi!Rubin,!Chair,!BenXGurion!University!of!the!Negev! Ely!Aharonson,!Haifa!University! Debbie!Bernstein,!Haifa!University! Eyal!Katvan,!College!of!Law!and!Business! Omri!Paz,!BenXGurion!University!of!the!Negev! Anat!Stern,!IDF!Command!and!Staff!College! Manal!TotriXJubran,!Tel!Aviv!University! ! ! ! 3.(( INDIVIDUAL(AND(COLLECTIVE(IN(ISRAEL:(LAW(AND(HISTORY( 4th!Annual!Conference!with!the!Chaim!Weizmann!Institute!for!the!Study!of!Zionism!and!Israel! April!19,!2015!|!See!Appendix!C!

The!conference,!held!at!the!TAU!Lester!and!Sally!Entin!Faculty!of!Humanities,!brought!legal!and!Israeli! historians!together!to!examine!the!question!of!the!individual!and!the!collective.!Panels!covered!Family! and!Religious!Law,!Holocaust!and!Genocide,!Property,!and!Natural!Resources.!

CO9SPONSORS( TAU!Leslie!and!Sally!Entin!Faculty!of!Humanities! TAU!Chaim!Rosenberg!School!of!Jewish!Studies! TAU!Chaim!Weizmann!Institute!for!the!Study!of!Zionism!and!Israel! ! ORGANIZERS( Assaf!Likhovski,!TAU!Buchmann!Faculty!of!Law!! Orit!Rozin,!TAU!Department!of!Jewish!History! ! ! ! 4.((( EARLY(MODERN(RABBINIC(COURT(RECORDS:(NEW(MATERIAL(FOR(THE(STUDY(OF(JEWISH(LAW(AND(ITS( IMPLICATIONS(! Workshop!|!June!22X23,!2015!|!See!Appendix!D! ! A!number!of!manuscripts!detailing!decisions!of!rabbinic!courts!in!early!modern!Western!Europe!have! been!recovered!from!the!archives.!This!material!not!only!expands!our!sources!of!knowledge,!but!also! offers!an!opportunity!to!reXexamine!the!significance!of!Jewish!law!in!the!daily!lives!of!Jewish! communities!on!the!cusp!of!modernity.! !

|!!4 ! This!workshop!brought!together!scholars!familiar!with!these!types!of!sources,!historians!of!the!period,! and!legal!theoreticians!to!jumpstart!the!integration!of!this!material!into!the!historical!and!legal!history! of!the!Jews.!The!goal!of!the!conference!was!to!(re)introduce!this!material!to!participants!by!assigning!a!! number!of!preXchosen!texts!to!small!groups!of!participants!who!have!different!research!foci.! ! Among!the!topics!discussed!were!the!relationship!between!court!records!and!traditional!Jewish!legal! sources!such!as!codes!and!responsa;!the!scope!of!Jewish!legal!autonomy!reflected!by!the!sources;!and! concomitant!questions!regarding!the!extent!of!legal!pluralism!and!forum!shopping.! ! CO9SPONSOR( Solly!Yellin,!BenXGurion!University!of!the!Negev,!Chair!for!Lithuanian!and!Eastern!European!Jewish! Culture! ! ORGANIZERS( Jay!R.!Berkovitz,!University!of!Massachusetts!Amherst!Judaic!&!Near!Eastern!Studies! Arye!Edrei,!TAU!Buchmann!Faculty!of!Law! Ted!Fram,!BenXGurion!University!of!the!Negev!Department!of!Jewish!History! Evelyne!OlielXGrausz,!PanthéonXSorbonne!University! Solly!Yellin,!BenXGurion!University!of!the!Negev,!Chair!for!Lithuanian!and!Eastern!European!Jewish! Culture! ! ! ! 5.((( LAW(AND(HISTORY(PANEL(AT(THE(WORKSHOP(FOR(JUNIOR(SCHOLARS! Conference!Panel!|!November!11,!2014!|!See!Appendix!E! ( The!Berg!Institute!sponsored!a!panel!on!law!and!history!as!part!of!the!Zvi!Meitar!Center's!2nd!Annual! TAU!Workshop!for!Junior!Scholars.!Young!researchers!from!Harvard,!Yale,!VU!Amsterdam,!and!TAU! presented!papers!on!a!variety!of!topics,!with!comments!delivered!by!Prof.!Assaf!Likhovski.! ! CO9SPONSOR( TAU!Zvi!Meitar!Center!for!Advanced!Legal!Studies! ! SPEAKERS(( Marco!Basile,!Harvard!University! Uladzislau!Belavusau,!Vrije!Universiteit!Amsterdam! Inbal!MaimonXBlau,!Tel!Aviv!University! Assaf!Likhovski,!Tel!Aviv!University! Katharina!Isabel!Schmidt,!Yale!Law!School! !

|!!5 ! LECTURES(AND(SYMPOSIA! ! 6.((( E(PLURIBUS(UNUM?:(JEWS(AND(THE(PERSISTENCE(OF(COLLECTIVE(RIGHTS( Lecture!|!November!9,!2014!|See!Appendix!F! ! Simon!Rabinovitch,!Assistant!Professor!at!Boston!University's!Department!of!History!and!Visiting!Scholar! at!the!Berg!Institute!during!the!summer!2015,!discussed!his!ongoing!research!on!the!history!of!thinking! on!Jewish!collective!rights.! ! CO9SPONSOR( TAU!Minerva!Center!for!Human!Rights! ! ! ! 7.((( HISTORY(OF(PRIVATE(FIREARM(POSSESSION(IN(RUSSIA:(WHAT(A(PRELIMINARY(COMPARISON(WITH( THE(UNITED(STATES(CAN(TELL(US( Lecture!|!December!25,!2014!|!See!Appendix!G! ! Tatiana!Borisova,!Associate!Professor!at!the!National!Research!University!Higher!School!of!Economics,! St.!Petersburg,!and!Visiting!Scholar!at!the!Berg!Institute!during!the!winter!of!2014X15,!discussed!her! historical!research!on!the!law!of!firearm!possession!in!Russia!from!a!comparative!perspective.! ! CO9SPONSOR( Israeli!InterXUniversity!Academic!Partnership!in!Russian!and!Eastern!European!Studies! ! !

8.((( STATES(OF(OBLIGATION:(TAXES(AND(CITIZENSHIP(IN(THE(RUSSIAN(EMPIRE(AND(EARLY(SOVIET( REPUBLIC( Symposium!|!January!20,!2015!|!See!Appendix!H! ( This!symposium!was!dedicated!to!the!discussion!of!a!new!book!by!Prof.!Yanni!Kotsinis,!Director!of!the! NYU!Jordan!Center!for!the!Advanced!Study!of!Russia!and!Professor!of!History!and!Russian!Studies:! States&of&Obligation:&Taxes&and&Citizenship&in&the&Russian&Empire&and&Early&Soviet&Republic!(University!of! Toronto!Press,!2014).!! ! CO9SPONSOR( Israeli!InterXUniversity!Academic!Partnership!in!Russian!and!Eastern!European!Studies! ! SPEAKERS(( Vera!Kaplan,!TAU!Cummings!Center!for!Russian!and!East!European!Studies! Yanni!Kotsonis,!NYU!Department!of!History! Assaf!Likhovski,!TAU!Buchmann!Faculty!of!Law! Dina!Moyal,!TAU!Faculty!of!Humanities! ! ! ! !

|!!6 ! 9.((( UNEXPECTED(SOURCES(OF(LAW(( Symposium!|!April!20,!2015!|!See!Appendix!I! ! The!symposium!highlighted!the!work!of!several!Berg!InstituteXaffiliated!young!scholars!in!2014X15.! Presentations!addressed!connections!between!law!and!religion,!with!each!offering!varying!perspectives! and!historical!context.! ( SPEAKERS( Dr.!Levi!Cooper! Daphna!Hacker! Prof.!Ron!Harris! Dr.!Ayelet!Libson! Lena!Salaymeh! Dr.!Geetanjali!Srikantan! ! ( ( 10.((ISRAELI(LAW(–(THE(FORMATIVE(YEARS(( Symposium!|!April!27,!2015!|!See!Appendix!J! ! The!symposium!was!convened!to!discuss!the!new!book!by!TAU!Law!Faculty!Dean!Ron!Harris,!Israeli&Law& –&The&Formative&Years:&1948&–&1977!(Hakibutz!Hameuchad!Press,!2015;!in!Hebrew),!with!leading!legal! historians!examining!the!book!from!varying!perspectives.! ! SPEAKERS( Nir!Kedar,!Sapir!Department!of!Law! Orit!Rozin,!TAU!Department!of!Jewish!History! Yoram!Shachar,!IDC!Department!of!Law! Ron!Harris,!TAU!Buchmann!Faculty!of!Law! ! ! ! 11.((RACISM(AND(THE(LAW:(AUTHORS(MEET(READERS( Symposium!|!May!11,!2015!|!See!Appendix!K! ! Two!recently!published!books!chronicling!the!history!of!racism!and!law!were!the!focus!of!this! symposium.!A!revised!edition!of!Nathan!Lerner's!The&UN&Convention&on&the&Elimination&of&All&Forms&of& Racial&Discrimination!(Brill,!2014)!and!Ely!Aharonson's!From&Slave&Abuse&to&Hate&Crime:&The& Criminalization&of&Racial&Violence&in&American&History!(Cambridge!University!Press,!2014).!Placing!these! two!works!in!juxtaposition,!with!comments!by!scholars!of!human!rights!law,!the!history!of!international! law,!and!American!history,!allowed!for!original!and!provocative!insights!into!the!subject.! ! CO9SPONSORS( TAU!Minerva!Center!for!Human!Rights! TAU!Stephan!Roth!Institute!for!the!Study!of!Contemporary!AntiXSemitism!and!Racism! ( (

|!!7 ! ( SPEAKERS( Ely!Aharonson,!Haifa!University!Faculty!of!Law! Rotem!Giladi,!Hebrew!University!Faculty!of!Law! Aeyal!Gross,!TAU!Buchmann!Faculty!of!Law! Nathan!Lerner,!IDC!Herzliya!Radzyner!Law!School! Yael!Sternhell,!TAU!Department!of!English!and!American!Studies! ( ( ( 12.((THE(NEW(HISTORY(AND(CONFLICT(TRANSFORMATION( Lecture!|!July!2,!2015!|See!Appendix!L! ( The!lecture,!by!Khinvraj!Jangid,!of!Jindal!Global!Law!School!and!the!Jindal!Center!for!Israel!Studies,! examined!the!work!of!Israel's!"New!Historians"!from!a!comparative!perspective!with!India,!a!country! whose!legal!history!has!much!in!common!with!Israel's.! ( ( (

|!!8 ! EXHIBITION! ( 13.((THE(IMPERIAL(COURT:(STORIES(FROM(THE(JUDICIAL(COMMITTEE(OF(THE(PRIVY(COUNCIL( Exhibition!|!March!2015!–!Fall!2015!|!See!Appendix!M! Symposium!|!March!29,!2015!|!See!Appendix!N! ! The!exhibition!came!to!fruition!through!the!efforts!of!“Subjects!of!Law:!Rightful!Selves!and!the!Legal! Process!in!Imperial!Britain!and!the!British!Empire,"!an!international!network!of!scholars!interested!in! British!law.! ! The!network!formed!in!2010!when!the!Universities!of!Plymouth!and!Reading!funded!a!pilot!project!to! examine!the!history!of!the!Judicial!Committee!of!the!Privy!Council!(JCPC),!the!erstwhile!final!court!of!the! British!Empire.!A!committee!led!by!Dr.!Nandini!Chatterjee!and!Dr.!Charlotte!Smith!selected!two! international!fellows!to!conduct!extensive!research!within!the!partial!JCPC!archive!preserved!at!the! British!Library,!London.!One!of!these!fellows!was!David!Schorr.!! ! The!network!grew!to!include 50!scholars!from!around!the!world with!additional!funding!from!the!UK! Arts!and!Humanities!Research!Council.!Apart!from!academic!conferences!and!publications,!the!network! curated!a!free!public!exhibition!on!the!history!of!the!JCPC,!in!collaboration!with!and!hosted!by!the!UK! Supreme!Court!during!the!summer!of!2014.!! ! In!2015,!with!the!support!of!the!original!institutions!involved,!the!exhibition!was!supplemented!with! historical!materials!from!the!TAU!Light!Law!Library's!collection!and!was!reXmounted!at!TAU.!Yigal!Arnon! &!Co.!supported!the!exhibition!and!an!opening!event!was!held!March!2015!that!included!greetings!by! the!Deputy!British!Ambassador!to!Israel,!lectures!by!Professors!Yoram!Shachar!and!Motti!Golani,!and!a! tour!of!the!exhibition!by!David!Schorr.! !

! ! ( ( ( ( ( ( (

|!!9 ! EXHIBITION(CONTRIBUTORS( Nandini!Chatterjee,!University!of!Exeter!Department!of!History! Shane!Doyle,!University!of!Leeds!School!of!History! Stacey!Hynd,!University!of!Exeter!Department!of!History! Stephanie!Jones,!English!at!University!of!Southampton! Assaf!Likhovski,!Tel!Aviv!University!Buchmann!Faculty!of!Law! Catharine!MacMillan,!University!of!Reading!School!of!Law! John!McAleer,!History!at!University!of!Southampton! David!Schorr,!Tel!Aviv!University!Buchmann!Faculty!of!Law! Charlotte!Smith,!University!of!Reading!School!of!Law! John!Strawson,!University!of!East!London!School!of!Business!and!Law! Carol!Tan,!SOAS,!University!of!London!School!of!Law! Mark!Wilde,!University!of!Reading!School!of!Law! ! ( SPEAKERS( Adrian!Daniels,!Yigal!Arnon!&!Co.! Rob!Dixon,!British!Embassy!to!Israel! Motti!Golani,!TAU!Moshe!Dayan!Center!for!Middle!Eastern!and!African!Studies! Ron!Harris,!TAU!Buchmann!Faculty!of!Law! David!Schorr,!TAU!Buchmann!Faculty!of!Law! Yoram!Shachar,!IDC!Herzliya!Radzyner!Law!School! ! ! CO9SPONSORS( Judicial!Committee!of!the!Privy!Council! University!of!Exeter! University!of!Reading! Yigal!Arnon!&!Co.

|!!10 ! FORUMS(AND(WORKSHOPS ! 14.((THE(YIGAL(ARNON(LAW(&(HISTORY(WORKSHOP( Spring!Term!2015!|!See!Appendix!O! ( The!Workshop!convened!regularly!during!the!spring!term!of!2015.!Interested!faculty,!students!and!legal! historians!from!Israel!and!beyond!presented!their!works!in!progress!on!topics!representing!a!wide! variety!of!periods,!regions,!and!disciplinary!perspectives.! ! CO9SPONSORS( Yigal!Arnon!&!Co.! TAU!Zvi!Meitar!Center!for!Advanced!Legal!Studies! ! COORDINATORS( Leora!Bilsky! Lena!Salaymeh( David!Schorr! ! ! ! 15.((STUDENT(FORUMS( ! The!Graduate!Student!Forum,!comprised!of!legal!history!students!in!The!Zvi!Meitar!Center,!continued!its! work!and!was!joined!by!a!new!Berg!Forum!for!Law!and!History!for!undergraduate!law!students.!The! Berg!Forum!organized!talks!for!students!by!legal!historians!and!a!student!legal!history!book!club.! ! ORGANIZERS( Naomi!Levenkron! Shani!Schnitzer! !

|!!11 ! RESEARCH ( 16.((VISITING(SCHOLARS(AND(POSTDOCTORAL(RESEARCHERS( ! The!Berg!Institute!was!fortunate!to!host!several!researchers!this!past!year:! ! • Assoc.!Prof.!Tatiana!Borisova,!National!Research!University!Higher!School!of!Economics,!St.! Petersburg! • Assoc.!Prof.!Simon!Rabinovitch,!Boston!University!Department!of!History! • Dr.!Shmuel!CohenXShani! • Dr.!Geetanjali!Srikantan! • Dr.!Ayelet!Libson!! • Dr.!Levi!Cooper,!Bar!Ilan!University!Department!of!Law! ! These!scholars!enriched!the!intellectual!life!of!the!faculty!through!active!participation!in!several! activities,!as!well!as!advancing!their!own!research!projects!during!their!time!at!the!Berg!Institute.! ! CO9SPONSORS( Barbara!Seal,!CM,!and!Donald!W.!Seal,!QC!Research!Fund!! Israel!Council!for!Higher!Education!! Israeli!InterXUniversity!Academic!Partnership!in!Russian!and!Eastern!European!Studies! ! ! ! 17.((RESEARCH(GRANTS(( ( The!Berg!Institute!provided!research!grants!to!four!graduate!students!and!eight!faculty!members!at!Tel! Aviv!University’s!Buchmann!Faculty!of!Law,!supporting!archival!and!other!relevant!research!activities.! ! GRADUATE(STUDENTS(( ! 1. Omer!Aloni,!Back!to!the!League!of!Nations—Evaluation!of!the!Environmental!Regime:!1919X 1939!! 2. Inbal!Blau,!Compensation!Mechanisms!in!Israeli!Mass!Torts! 3. Rivka!Brot,!Trials!of!Jewish!Collaborators!in!DP!Camps! 4. Natalie!Davidson,!The!Ferdinand!Marcos!Litigation! ! ! FACULTY(( ! 1. Arye!Edrei,!Halakha!in!the!Supreme!Court:!Internal!and!External!Struggles!of!Menachem!Elon! 2. Chaim!Gans,!Cosmopolitanism,!Globalization,!and!National!and!Cultural!Rights! 3. Ron!Harris,!The!Shaping!of!Israeli!Law!1948X1977! 4. Assaf!Likhovski,!The!Intimate!Fiscal!State:!Law,!Social!Norms!and!Taxation!in!Mandatory! Palestine!and!Israel! 5. Doreen!Lustig,!The!Business!of!International!Law:!International!Legal!Attitudes!to!the!Business! Enterprise!1870X1954! 6. David!Schorr,!The!Society!of!Comparative!Legislation!

|!!12 ! 7. Elimelech!Westreich,!Circumcision!and!Medicine!in!the!Moroccan!Halakhic!Tradition! 8. Shai!Wozner,!Legal!Thought!in!Lithuanian!Yeshivot! ( ( ( 18.((ONLINE(RESEARCH(RESOURCES( ( The!new!Berg!Institute!website!includes!a!page!dedicated!to!useful!resources!for!scholars!(https://enX,!created!by!the!Berg!Institute!and!other!institutions.!! ! The!Israeli!Legal!History!Bibliography,!online!at!https://enX 014.pdf,!is!currently!in!the!process!of!being!updated!and!organized!by!topic.! ! ! ! 19.((INDEX(TO(ARCHIVAL(CASE(LAW(( ( Judicial!records!represent!a!rich!source!of!information!not!only!for!law!historians,!but!for!economic,! social,!cultural,!and!political!historians!as!well.!Unfortunately,!historians!of!Israel!and!Mandate!Palestine! are!hampered!by!the!lack!of!an!index!of!unpublished!judicial!decisions!held!by!the!Israel!State!Archives.! Accessing!such!information!is!very!expensive!and!as!a!result,!these!sources!go!largely!unused.! ! The!Berg!Institute!has!embarked!on!a!project!to!create!such!an!index.!Currently!in!the!pilot!stage,!with! containers!of!records!from!several!MandateXera!courts!being!sampled,!the!project!will!ultimately!result! in!a!comprehensive!index!that!will!allow!researchers!to!easily!locate!historical!court!records!based!on! legal!topic,!litigants!involved,!and!other!parameters.! ! ! (( FUTURE(ACTIVITIES( ( 2015X2016!activities!currently!being!planned:!! ! 1. The!11th!Annual!Meeting!of!the!Israeli!Law!and!History!Association,!October!2015.! 2. A!panel!on!legal!history!as!part!of!the!3rd!Tel!Aviv!University!Workshop!for!Junior!Scholars,! November!2015.! 3. The!7th!Annual!David!Berg!International!Conference:!Overlapping!Jurisdictions!(with!GoetheX UniversitätXFrankfurt),!January!2016.! 4. Book!events!for!Neta!Ziv,!Daphne!BarakXErez,!Daniel!Friedmann,!Shai!Wozner,!and!Nir!Kedar.!

|!!13 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Appendices! ! ! ! ! ! !

|!!15 ! Law in Transition

XXIst Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians 6th Berg Institute International Conference Tel Aviv, 1–3 March 2015


The Buchmann Faculty of Law XXIst Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians 6th Berg Institute International Conference

With the support of The Cegla Center for the Interdisciplinary Research of Law Entin Faculty of Humanities Yavetz Graduate School of Historical Studies

Organizing Committee David Schorr (Chair) Omer Aloni Yael Braudo-Bahat Doreen Lustig Dina Moyal Anat Rosenberg

Administrative Organizers Michal Marziano Aya Shalom Yarden Shir Dalit Wasserman-Amir Seffi Weintraub XXIst Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians 6th Berg Institute International Conference Tel Aviv, 1–3 March 2015


Sunday, 1 March 2015

8:00-8:45 Breakfast and registration

9:00-9:50 Gathering (Kes Hamishpat Hall) Greetings Dr. David Schorr, Director, David Berg Institute for Law and History, Prof. Raanan Rein, Vice President, Tel Aviv University Keynote Prof. Shai Lavi, Tel Aviv University, The Bleeding Cut: Jews, Muslims, and Animal Slaughter in German History 10:00-11:30 Session I Panel 1: Law, Family, and Culture (Room 304) Panel 2: Roman Law in Transition (Room 307) 11:30-12:00 Coffee break

12:00-13:30 Session II Panel 3: Medieval Transitions (Room 303) Panel 4: Economy, Society, and Law (Early Modern) (Room 307) Panel 5: When Code Napoléon Traveled (Room 304) 13:30-14:30 Lunch

14:30-16:00 Session III Panel 6: Early Modern Political Struggles (Room 303) Panel 7: Codification: From Common Law to Civil Law, and Back(Room 307) Panel 8: Criminal Law in Transition (Room 304) 16:30 Departure by bus to Beit Ha’ir (the Old City Hall of Tel Aviv)

17:00-18:00 Opening Cocktail (Beit Ha’ir) Greetings Asaf Zamir, First Deputy Mayor, Tel Aviv - Yafo Keynote Prof. Assaf Likhovski, Tel Aviv University, What Can Bialik Street Teach Us about Law in Transition? PROGRAM

18:00-18:30 Tour at Beit Ha’ir 18:30-20:00 Walking tour in the “White City” (Bauhaus center) at Tel Aviv 20:00-22:00 Dinner at Maganda restaurant 22:00 Bus back to the dorms

Monday, 2 March 2015

8:00-8:45 Breakfast

9:00-9:25 Keynote (Kes Hamishpat Hall) Prof. Leora Bilsky, Tel Aviv University, Business History and Transitional Justice: The Case of Transnational Holocaust Litigation 9:30-11:00 Session IV Panel 9: Socialist Law in Eastern Europe (Room 304) Panel 10: Histories of International Law (Room 307) 11:00-11:30 Coffee break 11:30-13:00 Session V Panel 11: Legal Theory in Historical Context (Room 304) Panel 12: Legal Transplants, and Colonization (Room 307) 13:00-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15:30 Session VI Panel 13: Ideology, Totalitarianism, and Law (Room 304) Panel 14: Israel: From Mandate to Statehood (Room 307) Panel 15: Public Law History (Room 303) 15:30-16:00 Coffee break 16:00-17:30 Session VII Panel 16: Human and Labor Rights (Room 304) Panel 17: Codification as National Identity(Room 307) 17:30-17:45 Coffee break

17:45-18:30 Closing Assembly (Kes Hamishpat Hall) Concluding Remarks Prof. Ron Harris, Dean, Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University Annual Meeting of the Association of Young Legal Historians Free evening

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

8:15 Gathering near Broshim dorms 8:30 Leaving by bus from the dorms to Jerusalem 10:00-16:30 Tour of Jerusalem 18:00 Back in Tel Aviv (with a stop at the airport) Keynotes

Sunday 9:00 | Kes Hamisphat Hall n Shai Lavi, Tel Aviv University The Bleeding Cut: Jews, Muslims, and Animal Slaughter in German History Sunday 17:00 | Beit Ha’ir n Assaf Likhovski, Tel Aviv University What Can Bialik Street Teach Us about Law in Transition? Monday 9:00 | Kes Hamisphat Hall n Leora Bilsky, Tel Aviv University Business History and Transitional Justice: The Case of Transnational Holocaust Litigation

Shai Lavi | is a Professor of Law, and the director of the newly founded Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics and the co-director of the Minerva Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of End of Life both at Tel Aviv University. He received his Ph.D. from the Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program, University of California Berkeley. His book The Modern Art of Dying: A History of Euthanasia in the United States (Princeton University Press) won the 2006 Distinguished Book Award in sociology of law from the American Sociological Association. He was a Fulbright fellow at the University of Berkeley, California, a visiting professor at Toronto University and at Cardozo Law School, and a Humboldt fellow at the Dubnow Instittue for Jewish History and Culture in Leipzig and at the faculty of law at the Humboldt University, Berlin. He is currently working on the history of Jews and Muslims in Germany focusing on the debate on animal slaughter rituals. He is a member of the National Helsinki Committee (IRB) for Medical Research. He is also a member on the editorial board of two of the leading American journals in his field, Law and Society Review and Law, Culture and Humanities Journal. Assaf Likhovski | is the Associate Dean for Research. He is the author of Law and Identity in Mandate Palestine (University of North Carolina Press, 2006), which was awarded the Yonathan Shapiro Best Book Award in Israel Studies, as well as articles on Israeli, American and English legal history. He is co-editor of a number of collections of articles on legal history including „Histories of Legal Transplantations“ Theoretical Inquiries in Law 10 (2009) (with Ron Harris). He is currently working on a book on taxation, law and modernity in British-ruled Palestine and Israel. He was visiting professor at Cardozo Law School, distinguished visiting professor at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law and visiting professor at UCLA Law School and History Department. He is a graduate of Tel Aviv University and Harvard Law School, where he was a Fulbright and Rothschild fellow. He was later a Golieb fellow at the NYU School of Law, a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Jerusalem and is currently an adjunct senior research fellow in the Department of Business Law and Taxation, Monash University. He was co-founder of the Israeli Legal History Association, established in 2005, and the former director of the David Berg Foundation Institute for Law and History, and the Cegla Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the Law, both at Tel- Aviv University Faculty of Law. Leora Bilsky | is a Full Professor at the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law, and the Director of the Minerva Center for Human Rights at Tel Aviv University. She earned her LL.B cum laude from Hebrew University and an LL.M. and a J.S.D. from Yale Law School (where she held a Fulbright award). She clerked for the Honorable Aharon Barak on Israel’s supreme court. She was a Visiting Professor at Toronto University and Amherst College, and a fellow in „Ethics and the Professions“ at Harvard University. She has served as Editor in Chief of the political theory journal Theory and Criticism, and as editor of law journals Mishpatim, Iyunei Mispat and Theoretical Inquiries in Law. She is the author of Transformative Justice: Israeli Identity on Trial (Michigan University Press, 2004), and The Holocaust, Corporations and the Law (forthcoming, Michigan University Press).

3 Panel no. 1

Law, Family and Culture Sunday 10:00-11:30 | Room 304 Inbal Blau (Chair), Tel Aviv University, Israel

n Yael Braudo-Bahat, Tel Aviv University, Israel Family Law in Transitional Eras: Legislative Initiatives of Israeli Women’s Organizations at the First Years of Statehood n Ayelet Libson, Tel Aviv University, Israel Beyond the Fault Line: Transitions in Rabbinic Divorce Law n Gang Luo, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France Legal Conservatism in the Process of Legal Transformation in East Asia under the Influence of Western Laws: a Comparative Observation on Modernization of Family Law in China and Japan n Nadav Knaan, Haifa University, Israel The Traditional Property System of the Southeastern Indians during the 17th and 18th Centuries

Yael Braudo-Bahat | A Ph.D. candidate at the Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies, Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University and the Associate Editor of Theoretical Inquiries in Law. Her research, under the supervision of Prof. Leora Bilsky, focuses on the involvement of Israeli women’s organizations in the enactment of the Israeli Spouses Law (Property Relations) in 1973. Along with the historical analysis, she theorizes the connection between the various possible regimes of marital property and the autonomy of the spouses within a functioning family. Ayelet Libson | A postdoctoral fellow at the David Berg Foundation Institute for Law and History at Tel Aviv University. She holds a B.A. with honors from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and earned her Ph.D. at New York University. Her research interests concentrate on Jewish law, legal history, legal theory, and the relationship between religion and state. Gang Luo | A PhD candidate in Law at University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He has previously obtained a Master of Laws from China University of Political Science and Law in China, a Master en Droit from Paris Descartes University in France, an LL.M.from Saarland University in Germany. The conclusion of his doctoral thesis is expected this very year. Nadav Knaan | LLB (2006) and LLM (2008) in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Law Faculty), PhD candidate in Haifa University (Faculty of Law). Served as a law clerk for 6 years in the Jerusalem District Court, and currently works as a legal advisor in the Israeli Ministry of Justice. Inbal Blau | A PhD candidate at the Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies at Tel Aviv University (TAU). Her dissertation, written under the supervision of Professors Neta Ziv and David Schorr, examines the socio-legal aspects of compensation mechanisms of mass body damage events in Israel through an historical perspective. She earned both her LLB and LLM degrees from the Faculty of Law at TAU. Her Master thesis, written under the supervision of Professors Neta Ziv and Danny More, addressed social and legal aspects of the Tinea Capitis (Ringworm) radiation treatment affair in Israel.

4 Panel no. 2

Roman Law in Transition Sunday 10:00-11:30 | Room 307 Rachele Hassan (Chair), Tel Aviv University, Israel

n Dmitry Poldnikov, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia Roman Law, Academic Debates, and the Three Transitions of Private Law in Europe n Silvia Schiavo, University of Ferrara, Italy Roman Law in Transition. Cives but Peregrini: Expulsions of ‘Strangers’ in Late Empire n Marton Ribary, The University of Manchester, UK Setting a New Abstract Framework for Delicts in Justinian’s Institutes (533 CE) n Oliver Unger, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, Germany "That Corpses May not Remain Unburied”: The Role of the Actio Funeraria in the Transition from Human Body to Corpus or Cadaver

Dmitry Poldnikov | Graduated from Moscow State University (major in medieval history), defended the thesis in 2005 on the contractual doctrines of the Glossators of Bologna (at the Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences). Affiliations: researcher at Moscow State University and Lecturer at Higher School of Economics; Research interests: doctrinal history of contract law in the ius commune and history of jurisprudence. Silvia Schiavo | Silvia Schiavo got her PhD in Roman Law at University of Ferrara (2002), where she worked as Researcher. Since November 2014 she is Associate Professor of Roman Law at the Faculty of Law of University of Ferrara. Her research interests include Roman Criminal Law, Late Antiquity, Byzantine Law. Marton Ribary | Marton Ribary read Philosophy with Classics and Hebrew in Budapest (MA), and studied Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity in Oxford (MPhil). Before starting his PhD in Manchester, he studied Rabbinics in Nottingham and Jerusalem. Marton’s doctoral project focuses on analytic thinking in Rabbinic and Justinianic legal sources with a case-study on the law of delicts. Oliver Unger | Born 1985. Studied law in Freiburg (Germany) and Oxford. First state examination 2011. Second state examination 2014. Research associate at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law. Currently working on doctoral thesis under supervision of Professor Reinhard Zimmermann. Rachele Hassan | Studied Law at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome (graduated cum laude 2005) and completed her PhD in History and Comparative Law, at the University “Roma Tre” in Rome and University “Uned” in Madrid (2010) with a thesis on Roman Law and Poetry. Her field of interest and research is Roman Law and Latin Literature. She received a post-doctoral scholarship at the Faculty of Law, under the supervision of Prof. Nili Cohen, at Tel Aviv University, where she was previously awarded a postdoctoral scholarship in Classical Studies (2012-2014). In 2013 she won the Dan David Prize for Young Researchers, in the field of Past- Classics, The Modern Legacy of the Ancient World. She has just published a book on poetry and law in Horace.

5 Panel no. 3

Medieval Transitions Sunday 12:00-13:30 | Room 303 Valerio Massimo Minale (Chair), Università Commerciale "Luigi Bocconi", Milano, Italy

n Benoit Alix, University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II), France The Institution of vir idoneus from Two Constitutions of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215): Bishop's Assistants for the Cura Animarum n Tirza Kelman, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel R. Joseph Caro's Writings as a Moment of Transition in the History of Jewish Law n Zoe Cunningham, University of Exeter, UK ‘The Customs of Other Countries:’ The Influence of Italian Customs on the Transition of French Jurisprudence in the 15th Century n Pawel Dziwinski, Jagiellonian University, Poland Ostsiedlung or Transition of German Law? Legal Perspective on Settlement According to German Law in Medieval Poland

Benoit Alix | I am student in the University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II). I am a jurist, originally, in Public Law. Later, I chose to study History of Law (Master 2 in France). Now, I am preparing a PhD in history of law, more precisely in Canon and Roman Law. My PhD‘s subject is: The notion of judex ordinarius in the Middle Ages (VIth-XVth century). My subject is principaly institutional and theorical but with some influences in the ordo judiciarius. Tirza Kelma | Ph.D. candidate at the Goldstein-Goren Department of Jewish Thought, Ben-Gurion University. Advisor: Dr. Rami Reiner. Thesis title: “‘I Shall Create Halakhic Ruling… for that is the objective‘: The Dimention of Halakhic Ruling in Joseph Caro‘s Beit Yosef”. (M.A. in Jewish thought, the Goldstein-Goren Department of Jewish Thought, Ben-Gurion University. Thesis title: “The Use Of Ashkenazi Decisors In The Beyt Yosef, Yore Dea183- 200 as a Case Study“. Advisor: Dr. Rami Reiner. B.A in Humanities, The Open University.) Zoe Cunningham | I was awarded an honours degree in history by the University of Aberdeen in 2011 and subsequently received an MRes in Socio-Legal Research from Exeter in 2013 before commencing a PhD in law at the same institution. My supervisor is Professor Anthony Musson, co-director of the Bracton Centre for Legal History Research and I am funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. Pawel Dziwinski | Paweł Dziwiński, studying law at master degree level at Faculty of Law Jagiellonian University; also graduate historian at bachelors degree level Faculty of History Jagiellonian University. Scientific interests: social history, history of canon law, history of tolerance in Poland (especially social and legal status of religious minorites), history of Crusaders States in Latin East. Valerio Massimo Minale | Was born in Neaples, Italy, on the 23th of May, 1979. He achieved the Master‘s Degree in Law at the State University of Milan in 2004 and the PhD in Byzantine History at the Eastern University of Neaples in 2009; since 2012 he has a grant at the Business University Luigi Bocconi of Milan, where he teaches “Trade Roman Law“. He is author of a monograph about the imperial legislation against Manichaeism in Late Antiquity and of several articles, often in English, expecially on Byzantine law. He lives in Neaples.

6 Panel no. 4

Economy, Society and Law (Early modern) Sunday 12:00-13:30 | Room 307 Anat Rosenberg (Chair), The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, Israel

n James McComish, Australia Law in Transition in Sixteenth-Century England: Economic Change and the Social Context of Litigation n Jan Jerzy Sowa, University of Warsaw, Poland Transition from Domain State to Tax State – a Polish-Lithuanian Case: Law, Taxes and State Finances in Early Modern Poland-Lithuania (1563–1717) n Valeria Belloni, Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Italy Guilds and Merchants’ Loss of Self-Government in Spanish Milan: A Side Effect of the Political Transition n Stephen Bogle, University of Edinburgh, UK The Reception of Stair’s Theory of Contract, 1661-1751: From ‘Godly Rule’ to ‘Municipal Law’

James McComish | A graduate of the University of Melbourne and the University of Oxford. He is currently a solicitor practising in commercial litigation in Melbourne, Australia. Until recently, he taught commercial law and legal history at the University of Cambridge. Jan Jerzy Sowa | M.A. – born in 1989, graduate of Law and History and Ph.D. student at University of Warsaw, he is interested in constitutional and legal history of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the early-modern period. He is working on his doctoral thesis regarding courts martial and military discipline in Polish army at the turn of 17th and 18th century. Valeria Belloni | In november 2009 I obtained the Ph.D. in Legal History, Università degli Studi di Milano, Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze giuridiche, and from november 2010 I was researcher with grant in Legal History, Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi. Stephen Bogle | A Lecturer in Private Law at the University of Glasgow. He is a qualified solicitor (non- practicing), and before entering the legal profession read Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh. He is in the final year of his PhD at the University of Edinburgh. Anat Rosenberg | An assistant professor at the Radzyner School of Law, The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya. She has written on Victorian liberalism and contract in law and literature, and is currently working on a cultural history of consumer law in late nineteenth- and early twentieth century England.

7 Panel no. 5

When Code Napoleon Traveled Sunday 12:00-13:30 | Room 304 Myriam Feinberg (Chair), Tel Aviv University, Israel

n Hugo Beuvant, University of Rennes 1, France Translate French Speech from the Legislature of the Year III in the Neapolitan Republic of 1799 n Levi Cooper, Tel Aviv University, Israel The Codification Turn: Napoleon and Jewish Legal Writing n Piotr Pomianowski, University of Warsaw, Poland Law at the Turn of Epochs and Cultures: Problems of Reception of French Law in Poland n Tomasz Krolasik, University of Warsaw, Poland Between the Old and the New: Problems of Legal Practice in Poland after Enforcing the French Code de Procédure Civile during the Napoleonic Era

Hugo Beuvant | Currently a PhD researcher at Rennes 1 University - Faculty of Law, under the supervision of Professor Sylvain Soleil. His research focuses on the sister republic patriots to see how they use the French legal model. He also teaches classes of History of legal sources and History of law after 1789. Levi Cooper | Originally from Melbourne, Australia and currently a postdoctoral fellow in Tel Aviv University’s Faculty of Law. Levi’s research focuses on the history of Jewish law in the late modern period. Levi’s most recent work explores the impact of the surrounding legal culture on the Jewish legal system, and the interplay between different norm-generating media particularly the role of hasidic tales. Piotr Pomianowski | Was born in 1983 in Warsaw (Poland). He is an assistant professor at the Institute of the History of Law – Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw. He graduated from the University of Warsaw and got his MA degree in law, social sciences as well as political sciences. He obtained a PhD degree in law in 2012. In 2013, he passed a bar exam and started the practice as a legal adviser. Tomasz Krolasik | A PhD student at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, a graduate from the College of Interdisciplinary Humane and Social Studies at the University (M.A. in law, B.A. in history), Master professionnel de Droit des affaires, spécialité Droit français et européen des affaires, French and European Law Centre at University of Warsaw and University of Poitiers. In his research he has focused on 19th century French Private Law, French enforcement proceedings law in Poland and constitutionalism (French Second Empire). Myriam Feinberg | Currently a postdoctoral fellow with the ERC-funded Global Trust Project at the Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University. Her research focuses on international counterterrorism and international organizations and issues of sovereignty. She has also conducted research on extraordinary renditions. She was previously Visiting Lecturer in French law at King’s College London. She obtained a License de droit from the Université Panthéon-Assas in Paris, an LL.M. in international law from Trinity College Dublin, and a PhD from the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in London.

8 Panel no. 6

Early Modern Political Struggles Sunday 14:30-16:00 | Room 303 Stefanie Pletz (Chair), Martin Luther University, Germany

nnKacper Górski, University of Kraków, Poland The Role of Starost in Polish Judicial System at the turn of the 16th and the 17th Centuries nnLukasz Golaszewski, University of Warsaw, Poland Transformations of the Catholic Church Maintenance in Early Modern Poland: Controversies over the Tithe and the Meaning of Statutory Law nnIris Lellouche, Université Lille 2, France From the Spanish Legislation to the French Legislation: The Transition of the Legislation Against the Protestants of the North of France (end of the 17th century) nnRafal Kaczmarczyk, University of Warsaw, Poland The Legal Status of Tatars in Polish Territories between 14th and 20th Centuries

Kacper Górski | I am a 5th year student of law master degree at the Jagiellonian University. I am the president of Student Learned Society of State and Law History at the Faculty of Law and Administration. My interests concern old-Polish apicultural law, criminal law and noblemen‘s courts proceedings, as well as the Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth administration system in modern centuries. Lukasz Golaszewski | I‘m a PhD student at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. My interests: history of the old-Polish law in 16th-18th centuries, history of the Magdeburg law in Poland in 16th-18th centuries, history of canon law in Poland in the 16th-18th centuries. Iris Lellouche | PhD student in Legal history since November 2011. I am preparing a thesis about the repression of the Protestant religion in the North of France in the 17th and 18th centuries. Therefore, I study the legislation and judgments against Protestants in this region during this period. Rafal Kaczmarczyk | A PhD student at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw from 2014 and a student at the College of Interdisciplinary Humane and Social Studies at the University of Warsaw from 2009. In his research he has focused on confessional law, constitutionalism, history of law, human rights and political systems. Stefanie Pletz | I am a PhD student, specialising in Transnational Economic Law, Critical Legal Theory, public international law and EU law. My academic background is in economics, history and law. I publish mainly in the area of EU Law and critical legal theory.

9 Panel no. 7

Codification – from Common to Civil Law and Back Sunday 14:30-16:00 | Room 307 Maarten Vankeersbilck (Chair), Ghent University, Belgium

nnMiljana Todorovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia Relicts of Transition: The Remnants of Ottoman Law in the 1844 Serbian Civil Code nnHesi Siimets-Gross, University of Tartu, Estonia Baltic Law in Transition: – Stagnation in modernized Form? nnPaola Aurucci, State University of Milan, Italy Israel from Common Law to Civil Law: Israeli Civil Code, Dream or Reality? nnTherence Carvalho, University of Rennes 1, France The Physiocratic Reforms of Commercial Law and Tax Law in Baden under the Reign of Charles Frederick during the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century

Miljana Todorović | Born on 1983 in Belgrade. Graduated from Law Faculty University of Niš. On 2008 enrolled doctoral studies at Law Faculty University of Belgrade. In this moment, preparing a PhD titled “The tapu system as an Ottoman Heritage in the South Slavic Legal Systems“. From 2008 working as teaching assistant at Law Faculty University of Niš. Hesi Siimets-Gross | I have studied at University of Tartu and finished my PhD thesis in 2011 with the work about Reception of Roman Law in Baltic Provinces of Russian Empire in 19th Century. During my studies I have had several shorter and longer stays in Germany and Finland. From 2002 I have been teaching in University of Tartu the subject of Roman law, which is obligatory and sometimes Legal Argumentation and Legal Ethnology course. Paola Aurucci | In 2008 Law Degree at University of Insubria (Varese and Como) and exchange student in 2007 at Paul M. Herbert Law School – Louisiana State University in 2007 to write the thesis “Liability for environmental harm: comparison between Italian and US legal systems“. Supervisor: Professor Barbara Pozzo, Olivier Moreteau and Kenneth Murchison. Visiting Research Student at the Rothberg International School of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2011-12 and Ph.D in Comparative Law at State University of Milan with the thesis “The Israeli Civil Code – Law and Language for a Code in a Mixed Jurisdiction”. In 2013-14 Postdoctoral fellowship in Bar Ilan University with a 8 months scholarship offered by Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Therence Carvalho | Graduated from the Master 2 (LL.M.) in Legal History of the University of Rennes 1, Thérence Carvalho prepares since september 2012 a Ph.D thesis, under the direction of the professor Anthony Mergey, about the circulation and the reception of the physiocratic model in the Europe of the Enlightenment. As Contractual Ph.D, he also teaches the tutorial classes of History of legal sources at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Rennes 1. Maarten Vankeersbilck | Graduated as Master in Law (Ghent, 2011) and took a specialized Master in European and International Law (VUB, 2012). From 1 October 2012 on, he works as an academic assistant at the Ghent Legal History Institute, where he focuses on the codification and development of civil procedure in Belgium, under the direction of Prof. D. Heirbaut.

10 Panel no. 8

Criminal Law in Transition Sunday 14:30-16:00 | Room 304 Omer Aloni (Chair), Tel Aviv University, Israel

n Jonathan Nash, College of Saint Benedict & Saint John’s University, New York, USA "Unquiet Spirits” and the Transition to Incarceration in the Early United States n Krzysztof Chmielewski, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland The Reforms of Polish Penitentiary System in the Years 1918-1939 n Ronnie Bloemberg, University of Groningen, Netherlands The Reform of the Criminal Law of Evidence in the Netherlands 1760-1860 n Ziv Bohrer, Bar Ilan University, Israel One Transition Too Many: International Criminal Law’s Millennium of Forgotten History and Its Post-WWII Pretermission

Jonathan Nash | An Assistant Professor of History at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University (Minnesota, USA). He is working on a manuscript, tentatively titled “An Incarcerated Republic: Prisoners, Reformers, and the Penitentiary in the Early United States, 1790-1860,” that analyzes the actions of prisoners and daily life inside Pennsylvania and New York state prisons. Krzysztof Chmielewski | Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. PhD Candidate in the Chair of history of political systems and law (Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań). Member of the Polish Penitentiary Society and the Scientific Association Collegium Invisibile. Author of the publications pertaining to the history of criminal law, history of the Polish prison system and criminal law. Ronnie Bloemberg | I am 25 years old and was born in the Dutch town of Apeldoorn. After studying Civil Law and Modern History at the University of Groningen, I started my promotion study in January 2014. The subject of my research is the development of the modern criminal law of evidence. Ziv Bohrer | An Assistant-Professor at Bar-Ilan University-Faculty of Law. He did his PhD at Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Law and was a visiting scholar at the Hebrew University and Michigan University. His main areas of research are international criminal law and IHL. Omer Aloni | I am a Ph.D. Candidate at the Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies, the Buchman Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University. I hold LL.M. with magna cum laude, as well as LL.B. and B.A. in general history with magna cum laude; all of them at Tel Aviv University. My LL.M. thesis, which was written under the supervision of Prof. Ron Harris, dealt with Orientalist reflections in early Israeli law. In my Ph.D. dissertation I join the renaissance surroundings the study of the League of Nations during the last decade, as I focus the environmental aspects and perspectives of the institution. I write this study under the supervision of Dr. David Schorr. Areas of research: law and history, law and society, and history of international law.

11 Panel no. 9

Socialist Law in Eastern Europe Monday 9:30-11:00 | Room 304 Dina Moyal (Chair), Tel Aviv University, Israel

n Dovile Sagatiene, Lithuania The Failure of Soviet Legal Transplants in Lithuania during Stalin Rule? n Milos Vukotic, University of Belgrade, Serbia Civil Law in the Transition to Socialism: Court Practice After the Abrogation of Civil Legislation in Socialist Yugoslavia n Jakub Pokoj, Jagiellonian University, Serbia From Capitalism to Stalinism. Transition of Polish Law of Obligations in the Stalinist Period (1948- 1956) n Nikol Ziha, University J. J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Croatia Croatian Property Law between Tradition and Transition: A Revival of a Roman Principle ‘Superficies Solo Cedit’

Dovile Sagatiene | Currently working as legal adviser to the Department of Legal Analysis and Review at the Supreme Court of Lithuania. She defended her thesis about soviet courts in Lithuania in 1940-1953 in 2013 in Mykolas Romeris university. At the moment Dovilė Sagatienė is trying to develop the researches about Soviet law in other Baltic states. Milos Vukotic | Finished undergraduate studies at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law in 2014, currently studying on a master course in Comparative Legal Tradition at the same faculty. Working as a teaching assistant for Comparative Legal Tradition since 2014. Jakub Pokoj | Fifth-year student of master's degree studies in law, vice-president of Students Scientific Association of History of State and Law at the Department of Law and Administration of Jagiellonian University. Nikol Žiha | An Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law in Osijek, where she teaches Roman private law. She was awarded a doctoral research fellowship from the Austrian Ministry for Science and Research at the Institute for Roman law and Ancient Legal History at the Faculty of Law in Vienna. In 2012 she completed her Postgraduate Studies of Civil Law Sciences at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb and defended her doctoral theses Fenus Nauticum as a Precursor of Insurance Law. She worked at Osijek County Court and was appointed a permanent court interpreter for German language. Her areas of research and professional interests are: Roman private law, European private law and European legal history. Dina Moyal | Holds an LLB degree from Tel Aviv University and a PhD degree in history from Stanford University. She teaches courses on Soviet history and the history of the Soviet legal system at Tel Aviv University. Her research interests include Soviet post-Stalinist history and the relations between the political and the legal spheres in totalitarian regimes.

12 Panel no. 10

Histories of International Law Monday 9:30-11:00 | Room 307 Doreen Lustig (Chair), Tel Aviv University, Israel

n Constance d'Ornano, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France How Doctrine Confronted a Legal Transition and Fostered Another One: An Inquiry into Ransom Insurances in France, XVIIth-XXIst Centuries n Inge Van Hulle, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Prelude to the Scramble for Africa: West African and European International Law in Transition (1807-1830) n Rotem Giladi, Hebrew University, Isarel The Past, Present and Future of the Jewish Yearbook of International Law n Omer Aloni, Tel Aviv University, Israel 'The Humanitarian Monster': The League of Nations, the Birth of International Law, and the Campaign against Diseases and Plagues, 1919-1939

Constance d‘Ornano | First year PhD student. PhD topic: “Ransom from the end of Antiquity to XVIIIth century” supervised by Professor Philippe Cocâtre-Zilgien and Professor Olivier Descamps, at University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Institute of History of Law. Inge Van Hulle | Currently a Phd researcher at KU Leuven, Belgium under the supervision of Prof. Randall Lesaffer (KU Leuven – University of Tilburg). Her project, funded by the Flanders Research Foundation, examines the role of Britain‘s imperial policy in the development of international law in Africa (1815-1885). Rotem Giladi | His research focuses on the history of the laws of war and of human rights. Published in the European Journal of International Law, The International History Review, and elsewhere Omer Aloni | I am a Ph.D. Candidate at the Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies, the Buchman Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University. I hold LL.M. with magna cum laude, as well as LL.B. and B.A. in general history with magna cum laude; all of them at Tel-Aviv University. My LL.M. thesis, which was written under the supervision of Prof. Ron Harris, dealt with Orientalist reflections in early Israeli law. In my Ph.D. dissertation I join the renaissance surroundings the study of the League of Nations during the last decade, as I focus the environmental aspects and perspectives of the institution. I write this study under the supervision of Dr. David Schorr. Areas of research: law and history, law and society, and history of international law. Doreen Lustig | Has been a member of the Faculty of Law since 2012. She works on the theory of international law drawing on legal theory, political theory and history. Dr. Lustig teaches courses on corporations in the transnational context, history and theory of international law and runs workshops on legal History and International Law. She is currently working on a book entitled: The Business of International Law 1870-1954. Dr. Lustig received a joint B.A.-LL.B. (majoring in sociology and anthropology) from Tel Aviv University and earned an LL.M. (2007) and J.S.D. (2012), both from New York University (NYU). As part of her doctoral studies at NYU, she was a Hauser Research Scholar and fellow of the Institute of International Law and Justice (IILJ). She recently received the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) grant for her research on Armed Agents: International Humanitarian law as a Mechanism of Governance (with Prof. Eyal Benvenisti and Dr. Amichai Cohen).

13 Panel no. 11

Legal Theory in Historical Context Monday 11:30-13:00 | Room 304 Merike Ristikivi (Chair), University of Tartu, Estonia

n Bettine Jankowski, University of Konstanz, Germany ‘Li’ versus law? – The influence of Confucianism and Legalism on the Early Development of the Chinese Empire n Hugo B. Lafreniere, McGill University, Canada A Genealogy of Radical Pluralism n Franz L. Fillafer and Magdalena Malecka, Polish Academy of Sciences & European University Institute, Italy Law and 'Human Nature': From Natural Drives to Behavioral and Cognitive Science

Bettine Jankowski | After a degree in law Bettine Jankowski is working on her PhD in Legal History at the University of Konstanz. Her work is part of the ANF/DFG project 'JuriLog' concerning the connection between Law and Logic. Hugo B. Lafreniere | Finishing a B.C.L./LL.B. at McGill University. He was a student fellow at Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative law and his now doing research at the Center for Intellectual Property Policy. His research interests are at the crossroad of legal pluralism and virtue ethics. Franz Leander Fillafer | A Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI) at San Domenico di Fiesole. His work to date has mainly focused on the intellectual history of eighteenth and nineteenth century Europe, as well as on the history of the humanities and of legal culture in the twentieth century. Magdalena Malecka | I am a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow in Law (2013 – 2015) at the European University Institute in Florence. I am also affiliated with the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, where I defended PhD in philosophy in December 2013. I work at the intersection of modern and contemporary philosophy, philosophy of science, legal theory, general methodology, social and behavioural sciences. Currently I'm preoccupied with a question how scientific findings and views on nature change and transform legal and political institutions. I try to approach this topic from a philosophical, methodological, and historical perspective. Merike Ristikivi | Has studied law (PhD 2010) and classical philology (MA 2006). She is currently a docent of history of law in faculty of law, University of Tartu. Her major research interests are legal language and terminology, Roman law. She is the author of the textbook Latin for Lawyers and co-author of the Latin- Estonian Legal Dictionary.

14 Panel no. 12

Legal Transplants and Colonization Monday 11:30-13:00 | Room 307 Assaf Mond (Chair), Tel Aviv University, Israel

n Geetanjali Srikantan, Tel Aviv University, Israel Colonial Knowledge in Legal Transitions: Analyzing the Regulation of Hindu Temples as Places of Worship in British India n Alexis Siemon, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA Bringing Law Across the Straits: County Judges and the Spread of Chinese Law in 18th Century Taiwan n Verena Steller, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany The High Treason Trial against the Manipur Princes in 1891. On Imperial Sovereignties, International Law and Indian Constitutionalism, c.1870-1895 n Kriti Sharma, India Tracing Lives of Migrant Tribal Women from Chotanagpur (1851-present)

Geetanjali Srikantan | A post doctoral fellow at Zvi Meitar Centre for Advanced Legal Studies and the David Berg Foundation Institute for Law and History. She is trained as lawyer but received her doctorate in cultural studies from the Centre for the Study of Culture and Society, Manipal University, India. Alexis Siemo | A PhD candidate in the Princeton University Department of History. Her research deals with Qing dynasty law and local government. She is currently writing her dissertation on judicial authority in 18th century China, drawing on her archival research in Beijing and Taipei over the previous year. Verena Steller | A researcher at the Goethe University, Frankfurt (Germany), where she has also been a member of the interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence on the “Formation of Normative Orders”. Her research focuses on legal history, imperial history, international relations and the cultural history of diplomacy. Kriti Sharma | Associated with Council for Social Development, Hyderabad, India as a Legal Researcher. Over the last two years she has been working on legal sensitization of ‘Koya’ and ‘Chenchun’ tribal communities in the state of Telangana as part of a Ford Foundation project which includes training tribal advocates, handling live cases and para legal programs. A significant focus has also been on raising awareness in law schools through designing constitutional law course on tribal questions, organizing national moot and workshops. As a follow up to her work, a 'Practice Guide to Tribal Advocacy’ will be published this summer. Assaf Mond | A a Ph.D. student at the Zvi Yavetz School of Historical Studies in Tel Aviv University. His Ph.D. dissertation, which he is currently writing under the supervision of Dr. Iris Rachamimov, is titled: “The Changing Urban Space of Great War London, 1914-1918”. His thesis, which was also written under the supervision of Dr. Rachamimov, was titled: “Zeppelinophobia: The Fear and Fascination in face of the Zeppelin Raids on Britain during the First World War”.

15 Panel no. 13

Ideology, Totalitarianism, and Law Monday 14:00-15:30 | Room 304 Anat Plocker (Chair), Haifa University, Israel

n Benjamin Bukor, University of Vienna, Austria Civil Law and Ideology The Transformation of Austrian Paternity Law 1938-1945 n Dina Moyal, Tel Aviv University, Israel Law and Revolution: The Challenge of Socialism in Russia n Jaroslaw Kuisz, University of Warsaw, Poland Communist Show Trials as Presented to the Wide Audience on Cinema Screens in Poland, 1949- 1953.

Benjamin Bukor | Studied law and history. He works as Research assistant (prae doc) at a project on Austrian Civil Law Jurisdiction under the Nazi Regime (University of Vienna/Austrian Science Fund). Dina Moyal | Holds an LLB degree from Tel Aviv University and a PhD degree in history from Stanford University. She teaches courses on Soviet history and the history of the Soviet legal system at Tel Aviv University. Her research interests include Soviet post-Stalinist history and the relations between the political and the legal spheres in totalitarian regimes. Jaroslaw Kuisz | Ph.D., an Assistant Professor (adjunct) at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, and Chercheur associé étranger in Institut d’histoire du temps present in Paris, France; in 2014: a visiting scholar at the University of Chicago at the personal invitation of Prof. Martha Nussbaum (2014). Anat Plocker | Specializes in modern eastern European history. She earned her PhD in history from Stanford University. She is fellow at the University of Haifa and teaches at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya. Her research focuses on the communist regimes in Eastern Europe, their relations to Jews, and the ideology and politics of Holocaust commemoration. Dr. Plocker has published her work in leading journals in the field.

16 Panel no. 14

Israel: From Mandate to State Monday 14:00-15:30 | Room 307 Yael Braudo-Bahat (Chair), Tel Aviv University, Israel

n Anat Stern, Tel Aviv University, Israel From Militia to Regular Army – Transitions in the Legal System of the IDF during the 1948 War n Nimrod Hagiladi, Haifa University, Israel The Black Market in Israel and the Legacy of the British Mandate: Was 1948 a Turning Point? n Noa Kwartaz-Avraham, Sapir Academic College, Israel The Construction of the Israeli Legislative Process: 1948-1951 n Gal Amir, Haifa University, Israel Article 65A of the Palestine Order in Council – The Road not Taken

Anat Stern | A lecturer at the Command and Staff College of Israel Defense Force (IDF), a member of the Center for Military Studies in the IDF, and a teaching fellow at the International Liberal Arts Program at Tel Aviv University. Dr Stern specializes in Military and Legal Israeli history. Her doctoral dissertation from 2011 is tilted "The Legal System of the IDF during the 1948 War: Creation and implementation". Previously she was a post doctoral Mosse Fellow at the University of Wisconsin and a teaching fellow at the School of History of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Nimrod Hagilad | PhD, a lecturer at the Command and Staff College, Israel Defense Force (IDF), a member of the Center for Military Studies in the IDF and a teaching fellow at the international program of Israel Studies, Haifa University. Dr. Hagiladi specializes in Social and Military Israeli History, He received his PhD from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2012 and his dissertation is entitled „The Israeli society and the Black Market: from World War II to the early 1950‘s”. In the past years he was a Post-Doctoral fellow at the Taub Center for Israel Studies, New York University; a teaching fellow in the History Department, The Hebrew University, and in the academic program for the Israeli Air Force (IAF) Flight Course, Ben Gurion University. Noa Kwartaz-Avraha | An advisor and teaching assistant at the legislation clinic, Sapir Academic College, and a research fellow at the Public Interest Law Program, Tel-Aviv University. Noa holds a B.A in Governmental Studies and an LL.M from the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya. Gal Amir | Born 1968 in Israel. LLB Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1992. MA in Interdisciplinary Democracy studies; Open University of Israel 2012. Currently PhD candidate in Haifa University Faculty of law. Research Subject: The institution of 'religious community' in Israeli Jurisprudence. Supervised by Professor Fania Oz- Salzberger. Yael Braudo-Bahat | A Ph.D. candidate at the Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies, Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University and the Associate Editor of Theoretical Inquiries in Law. Her research, under the supervision of Prof. Leora Bilsky, focuses on the involvement of Israeli women’s organizations in the enactment of the Israeli Spouses Law (Property Relations) in 1973. Along with the historical analysis, she theorizes the connection between the various possible regimes of marital property and the autonomy of the spouses within a functioning family.

17 Panel no. 15

Public Law History Monday 14:00-15:30 | Room 303 Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde (Chair), Ghent University, Belgium

n Gergely Deli, Constitutional Court of Hungary Human Dignity in Transition: The Role of Historical Narratives n Andrew J Cecchinato, University of Trento, Italy Between Transience and Perpetuity: The Living Generation as Usufructuary of Popular Sovereignty in Thomas Jefferson’s Constitutionalism n Jhuma Sen, O.P. Jindal Global University, India Between ‘Activism’ and ‘Pragmatism’: The Changing Narrative of Public Interest Litigation in India and Judicial Meanderings of the Supreme Court

Gergely Deli | An advisor at the Constitutional Court of Hungary and associate professor at Széchenyi István University of Győr. He graduated in Budapest, received a Diploma in English Law from Cambridge University, and an LL.M degree from New York University School of Law. His research interests include roman law and comparative law. Andrew J Cecchinato | I was born in Italy in 1983 and am currently attending the second year of the Doctoral school in Comparative and European Legal Studies, at the Law Faculty of the University of Trento, where I graduated in 2013, with a dissertation on The Legal Education of Thomas Jefferson. Jhuma Sen | Teaches law at Jindal Global Law School in India. She teaches and writes on gender and courts, constitutional theory and social movements and law. She is currently writing a book on gender and the Indian Supreme Court in the 1990s. Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde | (°1983) Historian (2006) and lawyer (2010). In 2014 he obtained the degree of doctor in law on legal periodicals. His thesis Vectors of law. History of Belgium’s legal periodicals argued that legal journals not only reflect but also shape law. Since 2010, he is a member of the Ghent Institute for Legal History. His interests lay in legal culture and institutional history during both world wars from a legal historian point of view.

18 Panel no. 16

Human and Labor Rights Monday 16:00-17:30 | Room 304 Natalie Cohn Davidson (Chair), Tel Aviv University, Israel

n Filippo Rossi, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy Job in Transition: Ordinary Courts and Labour Law in the Italian Liberal Age n Bruno Debaenst, Ghent University, Belgium The legal Transitions Regarding Workplace Accidents in the Western Industrializing World n Andreja Katancevic, University of Belgrade, Serbia Judiciary in Transition: The Case of Novo Brdo

Filippo Rossi | I'm a researcherer grant in Università degli Studi di Milano and Phd in Medieval and Modern Law History (Università degli Studi di Milano – Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze giuridiche). I'm teaching assistant at Università degli Studi di Milano (Law and Political Sciences Faculties), Università degli Studi di Bergamo and Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi. Bruno Debaenst | (°1977) Studied history (1999), law (2003) and criminology (2006). In 2010 he defended his PhD on the juridification of workplace accidents in Andreja Katančević | Graduated at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law in 2007, finished master studies in Roman Law in 2009 and doctoral studies in Roman law in 2013 at the same faculty. Currently working as assistant professor of Roman Law. Natalie Davidson | A PhD candidate at Tel Aviv University's Law Faculty. Her dissertation revisits from the perspective of transitional justice landmark human rights cases brought in US courts under the Alien Tort Statute. Natalie is a graduate of the joint LLB-Maîtrise program between King's College London and Université Paris I, and holds an LLM from the LSE.

19 Panel no. 17

Codification as National Identity Monday 16:00-17:30 | Room 307 Shlomi Balaban (Chair), Haifa University, Israel

n Vanessa Duss Jacobi, University of Lucerne, Switzerland Coding Nations: Producing Collective Identity Through Legal Codes in 19th Century Europe and Beyond n Toussaint Réthoré, University of Lille 2, France Transition Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Rupture: the Case of the Algerian Law after the Decolonization Transition n Ivan Kosnica, University of Zagreb, Croatia Ius Sanguinis and Ius Soli in Citizenship Law in Croatia-Slavonia (1848-1918) n Christina Reimann, Humboldt University and the Centre Marc Bloch, Germany The Importance of Nationality and the Integration of Immigrants into Statutory Social Security: A Comparison between France and the Netherlands

Vanessa Duss Jacobi | Studied law at the University of Zurich and obtained her PhD in 2009 with a work in legal theory and legal history on interdependencies between jurisprudence and private law codification in Switzerland. She passed her State Law Attorney’s Licence in 2010. 2009 to 2012 Vanessa, as a post-doc, coordinated an interdisciplinary postgraduate programme and 2012 to 2013 the interdisciplinary Competence Center in Research overarching all three faculties of University of Lucerne (Theology, Humanities and Social Sciences and Law). Since 2014 she works as a project leader for the introduction of a research information system. She teaches European legal history at University of Mannheim and Tartu and subjects of the fundament of law at University of Lucerne. Research interests: Legal History, Judicial History, Legal Theory, Legal Philosophy, Law and Society Perspectives, Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Approaches Toussaint Réthoré | A 26 year old PhD student, working at the University of Lille 2 (France) with Florence Renucci. The subject of my thesis is “The French judicial cooperation in Algeria from the independence (1962) to the mid-70’s”. I especially focus on the role of judges who stayed in Algeria, sitting in courts, organising justice administration. I base my work on interviews of those judges and archives analyse. Ivan Kosnica | Works at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb, currently as senior teaching and research assistant. The title of his PhD thesis was Citizenship in the Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia from 1848 to 1918. His basic research interest is concentrated on the history of citizenship. Christina Reimann | I am affiliated to Humboldt-University and the Centre Marc Bloch, both in Berlin. I studied History, Constitutional Law and Political Theory at Sciences Po Paris and at the University of Kent, Canterbury. From 2009 to 2012 I was a member of the research training group "Multilevel constitutionalism" at Humboldt-University, funded by the German Research Foundation. My fields of research are Transnational History, Cultutal Constitutional History, Social History of Law, Migration History. Shlomi Balaban | A PhD candidate at university of Haifa, Faculty of Law. He is currently working on his PhD thesis: “The Rise of the Professional Member of the : 1948-1969”. He is currently the Research group coordinator in the University of Haifa Law School: Regulating Judges and the Judicial "Production Line": The Evolution of the Israeli Director of Courts – Historical Analysis and Contemporary Challenges. The Research group is headed by Prof. Amnon Reichman and Dr. Yair Sagy. He earned his LLB and LLM at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, during which he wrote a thesis, titled: "On the brink of statehood – the internal tribunals in the Cyprus internment camps, 1946-1949". Research interests: Legal History, Public Law, Legislation, Parliaments.


הכנס השנתי העשירי של הארגון הישראלי להיסטוריה ומשפט יום שני, 20 באוקטובר 2014 (כ"ו תשרי התשע"ה), יד יצחק בן צבי בירושלים

שיפוט ושפיטה במרחב ההיסטורי 8:45-9:00 התכנסות 9:00-9:15 ברכות 9:15-10:45 מושבים מקבילים 1 -2ו -2ו 1

Uמושב 1: חקיקה, שפיטה ופסיקה בתקופת המנדט יו"ר: דבי ברנשטיין (אוניברסיטת חיפה)

אורנה אליגון דר (המרכז האקדמי כרמל) הבניית ההומוסקסואליות כעבירה פלילית בתקופת המנדט – אינטראקציה בין פרקטיקות של חקיקה לפרקטיקות שיפוטיות עמיחי רדזינר (אוניברסיטת בר-אילן) לידתה מחדש של מערכת שיפוט: על הקמת בית הדין הרבני הרשמי בארץ ישראל שלומי בלבן (האוניברסיטה העברית) פלורליזם פוליטי מאחורי גדרות תיל: שיפוט במערכת בתי-הדין של מחנות המעפילים בקפריסין, 1946-1949

Uמושב 2: שפיטה ופסיקה בעקבות השואה יו"ר: עילי אהרנסון (אוניברסיטת חיפה)

רותם גלעדי (האוניברסיטה העברית)

'לא ממנה תצמח תשועתנו': 0Tישראל 0T ואמנת הג'נוסייד בפני בית הדין הבינלאומי 1950-1951 גאי כרמי (האוניברסיטה העברית ) ) שפיטה במרחב ההיסטורי בראי משפטי השואה בישראל: הרהורים בעקבות ע" א 7686/12 מדינת ישראל נ' חיים רובינסון ואח' (13.1.2014 ) ) יהודית דורי דסטון (האוניברסיטה העברית) ניצולי שואה על דוכן העדים: עדותם של ניצולי מחנה טרבלינקה בבית המשפט בפרשת דמיאניוק

10:45-11:00 הפסקת קפה

11:00-12:30 מושבים מקבילים 3 -4ו -4ו 3

Uמושב 3: שריעה ושפיטה בחברות אסלאמיות יו"ר: איריס אגמון (אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון)

חיים גרבר (האוניברסיטה העברית) השריעה האסלאמית ה"אימתנית" בעבר – אגדה או מציאות? מוסה אבו רמדאן (המרכז האקדמי כרמל) עמדת חכמי ההלכה המוסלמית בדבר מינוי אישה כשופטת (מאה התשיעית למאה התשע עשרה) רועי מרום (אוניברסיטת תל-אביב) צדק בריטי במחוז עוסמאני? משפט במג'לס בנאבלס-שכם כבבואה לתהליכי שינוי בא"י בשלהי התקופה העוסמאנית

Uמושב 4: שפיטה ודוקטרינה באירופה יו"ר: אדם חופרי (האוניברסיטה העברית)

ענת רוזנברג (המרכז הבינתחומי הרצליה) לקראת היסטוריה תרבותית-משפטית של צרכנות שרה מנדל (אוניברסיטת תל-אביב) היהודים וההלכה בעיני שופטים אנגליים במאה השמונה עשרה ויקי מליכסון (אוניברסיטת בר-אילן) שפיטה במרחב הפרנקי: מציאות של ריבוי חוקים (900-500 לספירה)

12:30-13:30 הרצאה מרכזית יו"ר: רון חריס (אוניברסיטת תל-אביב)

דפנה ברק-ארז (בית המשפט העליון) שפיטה והיסטוריה של הצדקה

13:30-14:15 ארוחת צהריים והאספה השנתית של חברי הארגון

14:15-15:45 מושבים מקבילים 5 -6ו -6ו 5

Uמושב 5: משפט עברי ושפיטה בקהילות יהודיות יו"ר: טד פראם (אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון)

אלימלך וסטרייך (אוניברסיטת תל-אביב) בית הדין הספרדי בירושלים במאה התשע עשרה: מבית דין קהילתי לבית משפט רשמי יובל חרובי (אוניברסיטת בר-אילן) שיפוט הלכתי לנוכח הקולוניאליזם הצרפתי: בית הדין הרבני הגדול של תוניסיה בתקופת כהונתו של הרב ישראל זיתון כראש המוסד רוני ויינשטיין (האוניברסיטה העברית, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן) מרן יוסף קארו – משיפוט מקומי למשפט בינלאומי

Uמושב 6: היסטוריה וגיאוגרפיה משפטית של הבדווים בנגב בהיבט השוואתי יו"ר: אורסולה ווקוק

אלכסנדר (סנדי) קדר (אוניברסיטת חיפה) הסכסוך הגיאו-משפטי בין המדינה והילידים הבדווים בנגב בהקשר היסטורי ה שוואתי שוואתי אורן יפתחאל (אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון) 'יש רצח, אין גופה – הלכת 'הנגב המת' בראי הגיאוגרפיה ההיסטורית-משפטית אחמד אמארה (אוניברסיטת ניו-יורק) השפעה הדדית: רישום קרקע ילידית בדווית בנגב לפני 1948 מול המערכת הרשמית חיים זנדברג (המכללה למינהל) טענת הילידות והמשפט המנהגי הבדואי: קריאת תגר על ריבונות ישראל במסווה של תביעת בעלות

15:45-16:00 הפסקת קפה

16:00-17:15 מושבים מקבילים 7 -8ו -8ו 7

Uמושב 7: על כס המשפט – מחקרים וביוגרפיות על אודות שופטים יו"ר: ענת שטרן (אוניברסיטת תל-אביב)

ניצנה בן-דוד (אוניברסיטת תל- יב)אב מינוי העובד הסוציאלי דוד רייפן לשופט נוער – מקרה או חזון לוי יצחק קופר (אוניברסיטת בר-אילן) הרב לוי יצחק מברדיטשב: שופט במרחב החסידי זיו שוורץ (האוניברסיטה העברית) משפט וזהות מורכבת בפלשתינה: תיאור מחודש של ויליאם ג'יימס פיצג'רלד וקריאה "מוארת" בפרשת אור

Uמושב 8: סוגיות בהיסטוריה של בית המשפט Uהעליון יו"ר: אביטל מרגלית (המכללה האקדמית ספיר)

יאיר שגיא (אוניברסיטת חיפה) החוליה החסרה: היסטוריה משפטית-אירגונית של בית המשפט הגבוה לצדק עופר שנער לבנון (האוניברסיטה העברית) ששה עשורים של שפיטה בבית המשפט העליון והאתוס החברתי של הסכסוך הישראלי פלסטיני ליאת פרידגוט-נצר (המכללה האקדמית ספיר, האוניברסיטה הפתוחה, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן) שינוי משפטי ככלי לקידום שינוי תרבותי: עניין קעדאן כמקרה מבחן

17:15-18:15 מושב מליאה מיוחד יו"ר: ניר קידר (המכללה האקדמית ספיר)

יורם שחר (המרכז הבינתחומי הרצליה) עליונים בירושלים: מאה שנים של שפיטה

* * * ועדת ההיגוי של הכנס: אבי רובין (יו"ר); דבי ברנשטיין; עילי אהרונסון; אייל כתבן; ענת שטרן; מנאל תותרי ג'ובראן; עמרי פז.

The Buchmann Faculty of Law YAD YITZHAK BEN ZVI The David Berg Foundation Institute for Law and History

The Israeli Law and History Association

The 10th Annual Conference of the Israeli Law and History Association

Historical Perspectives on Judging

Monday, October 20, 2014 Yad Ben-Zvi, 12 Abarbanel Street, Jerusalem

08:45-09:00 Gathering

09:00-09:15 Greetings

09:15 – 10:45 Parallel Panels 1 & 2

1st Session: Legislation, Judgment and Court Rulings during the Mandatory Period (Chair – Debbie Bernstein, Haifa University)

Orna Alyagon-Darr (Carmel Academic Center), " The construction of homosexuality as a criminal offense during the Mandatory period - the interaction between the legislative practices and judicial practices"

Amichai Radzyner (Bar Ilan University), "The Return of a judicial system: The establishment of the official rabbinical court in Eretz Israel"

Shlomi Balaban (Hebrew University), "Political pluralism behind barbed wires: Jurisdiction of the courts of the Jewish illegal immigrants camps in Cyprus, 1946-1949"

nd 2 Session: Holocaust Judgements (Chair – Ilay Aharonson (Haifa University)

Rotem Giladi (Hebrew University) "Israel and the genocide convention in the international Court 1950-1951"

Guy Carmi (Hebrew University), "Reflections on CA 7686/12 State of Israel vs. Chaim Robinson (13/01/2014)"

Yehudit Dori Daston (Hebrew University), "Holocaust survivors on the stand: Testimonies of survivors of Treblinka in the Demjanjuk case"

10:45 –11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Parallel Panels 3 & 4

3rd Session: Sharia and Islamic Societies (Chair – Iris Agmon, Ben Gurion University)

Haim Gerber (Hebrew University), "The Terrible Sharia" in the past - Myth or Reality?"

Moussa Abu Ramadan (Carmel Academic Center), "The Muslim jurisprudents' position regarding the appointment of a woman as a judge (ninth century to nineteenth century)"

Roy Marom (Tel Aviv University), "British justice in an Ottoman Province? Law in the majlis of Nablus as a mirror of processes of change in Palestine in the late Ottoman period"

4th Session: Judgment and Doctrine in Europe (Chair – Adam Hofri, Hebrew University)

Anat Rosenberg (IDC), ''Toward a cultural-legal history of consumerism"

Sara Mendel (Tel Aviv University), "Jews and Jewish law in the eyes of the English judges in the eighteenth century"

Vicky Melechson (Bar Ilan University), "Judgment in Frankish Territories: The reality of multiple laws (900-500 AD)

12:30-13:30 Keynote Lecture (Chair: David Schorr, Tel Aviv University)

Daphne Barak-Erez (Supreme Court of Israel) "Judgment and Justification "

13:30-14:15 Lunch and the organization's annual meeting

14:15-15:45 Parallel Panels 5 & 6

5th Session: Jewish Law and Adjudication in Jewish Communities (Chair – Ted Fram, Ben Gurion University)

Elimelech Westreich (Tel Aviv University), The Sephardi court in Jerusalem in the 19th century: From a community court to a formal court Yuval Haruvi (Bar Ilan), "Jewish Judgment and French colonialism: The Great Rabbinical Court of Tunisia during the tenure of Rabbi Israel Zeitoun"

Roni Weinstein (Hebrew University & Bar Ilan University), "Rabbi Joseph Caro – From local to global judgment"

6th Session: History and the Legal Geography of the Negev Bedouins: A Comparative Perspective (Chair – Ursula Wockok)

Alexander (Sandy) Kedar (Haifa University), "The Geo-legal conflict between the state and indigenous Negev Bedouins in comparative historical context"

Oren Yiftachel (Ben Gurion University), "A murder without a body - the 'dead Negev' doctrine in light of legal-historical geography"

Ahmad Amara (New York University), "Mutual influence: Registration of the Negev Bedouin native land before 1948 versus the official system"

Haim Zandberg (College for Administration), "The claim of indigeneity and Bedouin customary law: A challenge to Israeli sovereignty under the guise of an ownership claim"

15:45-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-17:15 Parallel Panels 5 & 6

7h Session: Researching Judicial Biographies (Chair – Anat Stern ,Tel Aviv University)

Nitzana Ben David (Tel Aviv University), "The appointment of the social worker David Reifen as a juvenile judge"

Levi Itzhak Cooper (Bar Ilan University), "Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev: A Hasidic judge"

Ziv Schwartz (Hebrew University), "Law and complex identity in Palestine: A new look at William James Fitzgerald and the Orr case"

8th Session: Issues in the history of the Supreme Court (Chair – Avital Margalit, Sapir College)

Yair Sagy (Haifa University), "The missing link: Organizational- legal history of the High Court of Justice"

Ofer Shinar Levanon, (Hebrew University), " Six decades of Supreme Court judgments and social ethos of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict"

Liat Fridgut-Netzer (Sapir College, Open University, Bar Ilan University), " Legal change as a tool to promote cultural change: The Ka'adan case as a case study"

17:15-18:15 A Special Plenary Session (Chair: Nir kedar, Sapir College)

Yoram Shachar (IDC), One Hundred Years of Judgment

Program Committee: Avi Rubin (Chair), Debbie Bernstein, Ilay Aharonson, Eyal Katvan, Anat Stern, Manal Totri Jubran, Omri Paz

הפקולטה למדעי הרוח ע"ש לסטר וסאלי אנטין הפקולטה למשפטים ע"ש בוכמן בית הספר למדעי היהדות ע"ש חיים רוזנברג המכון למשפט והיסטוריה ע"ש קרן דיויד ברג המכון לחקר הציונות וישראל ע"ש חיים וייצמן

יחיד וקולקטיב בארץ ישראל: הכנס יתקיים ביום ראשון, ל' בניסן תשע"ה, 19 באפריל 2015, משפט והיסטוריה באולם ע"ש דרכליס, חדר 496, בניין גילמן, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב

10:15 ברכות § אייל זיסר, דקאן הפקולטה למדעי הרוח, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב § דוד שור, מכון ברג, הפקולטה למשפטים, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב § אסף לחובסקי, הפקולטה למשפטים, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב

10:30 – 12:00 מושב ראשון: המשפחה והדין הדתי בשלהי התקופה העות'מאנית יו"ר: ירון צור, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב § אלימלך ויסטרייך, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב פסיקת בתי הדין הרבניים בירושלים במאה התשע-עשרה § איריס אגמון, אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב הפיכת בתי הדין השרעיים העות'מאניים ל"דתיים", 1919-1917 מגיב: אריה ספוזניק, אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב

12:30 – 14:00 מושב שני: שואה ורצח עם – זהות קולקטיבית במשפט יו"ר: חנה יבלונקה, אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב § רותם גלעדי, האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים יחסה של ישראל לזכויות הפרט ולזכויות הכלל בזירה הבינלאומית: העשור הראשון § רבקה ברוט, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב התחשבנות קהילתית בבית המשפט: משפטי יהודים לפי החוק לעשיית דין בנאצים ובעוזריהם מגיב: טוביה פרילינג, אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב

15:00 – 16:30 מושב שלישי: קניין – בין הפרט לכלל יו"ר: דבורה ברנשטיין, אוניברסיטת חיפה § אליה אתקין, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב הזכות לדיור והחובה לשכן: פתרונות מגורים לחיילים משוחררים בארץ ישראל לאחר מלחמת העולם השנייה § מאיה מארק, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב משפט, יחיד וחברה תחת משטר הפיקוח על שכר הדירה, 1954-1948 מגיב: יצחק גרינברג, המכללה האקדמית בית-ברל

17:00 – 18:30 מושב רביעי: היסטוריה של הפרטה והצברה של משאבי הטבע בארץ יו"ר: אורית רוזין, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב § דוד שור, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב ציונות תאגידית וההפרטה וההצברה של המים בארץ ישראל § יאיר שגיא ונדיה צימרמן, אוניברסיטת חיפה על חקיקת חוק הנפט הישראלי בראשית ימי המדינה: בשמו של איזה קולקטיב נחקק החוק? מגיב: אריה קרמפף, המכללה האקדמית תל-אביב–יפו התצלום באדיבות ארכיון הצילומים קק"ל Tel Aviv University Buchmann Faculty of Law Berg Institute for Law and History

The Lesler and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies The Chaim Weitzman Institute for the Study of Zionism and Israel

Individual and Collective in Israel: Law and History

Sunday, 19 April 2015, Drachlis Hall, Room no. 496 Gilman Building, Tel Aviv University

10:15 Greetings • Eyal Zisser , Dean of the Humanities Faculty, Tel Aviv University • David Schorr, Berg Institute,the Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University • Assaf Likhovski, the Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University

10:30-12:00 Panel 1: Family and Religious Law in the Late Ottoman Period Chair: Yaron Zur, Tel Aviv University • Melech Westreich, Tel Aviv University Rabbinical courts ruling in Jerusalem in the nineteenth century • Iris Agmon, Ben Gurion University of the Negev Reversing Ottoman Sharia courts into religious, 1919-1917 Discussant: Arieh Saposnik, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

12:30-14:00 Panel 2: Holocaust and Genocide – Collective Identity in the Law Chair: Hanna Yablonka, Ben Gurion University of the Negev • Rotem Giladi, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel's attitude to the individual rights and to the general rights in the international arena: the first decade • Rivka Brot, Tel Aviv University Community settlements of accounts in court: Jews trials under the law of bringing to justice the Nazis and their collaborators. Discussant: Tuvia Friling, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

15:00-16:30 Panel 3: Property - Between the Individual and the Collective Chair: Deborah Bernstein, Haifa University • Elia Etkin, Tel Aviv University The right to housing and the duty to accommodate: housing solutions for discharged soldiers in Israel after World War II • Maya Mark, Tel Aviv University Trial, individual and Society under the regulatory regime of rent, 1948-1954 Discussant: Yitzhak Greenberg, Beit Berl College

17:00-18:30 Panel 4: History of Privatization and Accumulation of Natural Resources in the Country • David Schorr, Tel Aviv University Corporate Zionism and the privatization and the accumulation of water in Israel • Yair Sagi and Nadia Zimmerman, Haifa University Regarding the enactment of the Israeli Petroleum Law in the early days of the Country: on the name of which collective was the law enacted? Discussant: Arie Krampf, the Academic college of Tel Aviv Yaffo

A number of manuscripts reflecting the decisions of rabbinic courts in early modern Western Europe have been recovered from the archives and some have been recently published. This material offers an opportunity not only to expand our sources of knowledge, but to re-examine the place of Jewish law in the daily lives of Jewish communities on Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law the cusp of modernity. The Berg Institute for Law and History This workshop will bring together individuals familiar with these types of sources, historians of the period, and legal theoreticians to jump- Early Modern Rabbinic start the integration of this material into the historical and legal history of the Jews. The goal Court Records of the conference is to (re)introduce this material to participants by assigning a number of pre- New Material for the Study chosen texts to small groups of participants who of Jewish Law and its have different research foci. Implications Among the questions that will be discussed are the relationship between court records and A Workshop traditional Jewish legal sources such as codes and responsa; the scope of Jewish legal autonomy that is reflected by the sources; and concomitant Monday-Tuesday, 22-23 June 2015 questions regarding the extent of legal pluralism Room 307 and/or forum shopping. These issues will require participants to contextualize their discussions by referring to the host societies and interactions between Jews and non-Jews in the legal sphere. Monday June 22 11:00–12:30 Session 3 16:00–17:30 Session 5 14:30 Gathering Chair: Roy Kreitner, Vice-Dean Chair: Shai Wozner, Tel Aviv Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University University 15:00 Greetings Evelyne Oliel-Grausz, Université Jay R. Berkovitz, University of Ron Harris, Dean, Faculty of Law, Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne Massachusetts Tel Aviv University Embedded Justice: The Court of the Autonomy and Integration: Jewish Ted Fram, Organizing Committee Massari in Early Modern Livorno, a Law and Legal Pluralism in Eighteenth-Century Metz 15:15–17:30 Session 1 Tuscan/Jewish Court Chair: Arye Edrei, Tel Aviv Commentators: Commentators: University Pinchas Roth, Ben-Gurion Amihai Radzyner, Bar-Ilan University University Maoz Kahana, Tel Aviv University Alexander Kaye, Princeton Debra Kaplan, Bar-Ilan University The Jewish Court Records – An University Initial Historical and Institutional 18:00–19:00 Session 6 Outline Lunch Jewish Law and Jewish Courts: Suzanne Last Stone, Cardozo Law Concluding Remarks and Thoughts 14:00–15:30 Session 4 School and Tel Aviv University for Future Directions – A Discussion Law School Chair: Lena Salaymeh, Tel Aviv Opening Remarks: Arye Edrei, The Troubled Concept of Legal University Tel Aviv University Pluralism Jessica Marglin, University of Southern California 18:30 Dinner Crossing Jurisdictional Boundaries: Between Jewish and Islamic Courts Tuesday June 23 in Nineteenth-Century Morocco 8:30 Light Breakfast Commentators: 9:00–10:30 Session 2 Ron Harris, Tel Aviv University Iris Agmon, Ben-Gurion Chair: David Schorr, Head of Berg University Institute for Law and History, Tel Aviv University Ted Fram, Ben-Gurion University Sources for Judicial Decisions in the Organizing Committee: Jay R. Berkovitz, This Workshop is sponsored by the Berg Rabbinic Court of Frankfurt Judaic & Near Eastern Studies, University of Institute for Law and History at the Faculty Commentators: Massachusetts; Arye Edrei, Faculty of Law, of Law, Tel Aviv University, with support Assaf Likhovski, Tel Aviv Tel Aviv University; Evelyne Oliel-Grausz, from the Solly Yellin Chair for Lithuanian and University Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne; Ted Eastern European Jewish Culture, Ben-Gurion Elimelech Westreich, Tel Aviv Fram, Department of Jewish History, Ben- University. University Gurion University Law Between Normativity and Pragmatism The 2nd Annual TAU Workshop for Junior Scholars 10-11 November 2014

Sponsored by: David Berg Foundation Institute for Law and History · Cegla Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the Law · Batya and Isachar Fischer Center for Corporate Governance and Capital Markets Regulation · GlobalTrust Research Project · Law and Environment Program · Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies · Minerva Center for Human Rights · Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics

Academic Organizers: Masua Sagiv & Keren Yalin-Mor · PhD Candidates at the Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies, Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University

Monday - November 10 Tuesday - November 11 9:00-9:30 Greetings 9:00-10:40 Prof. Ron Harris, Dean, Faculty of Law, TAU Courts and Judicial Decision Making Prof. Leora Bilsky, Faculty of Law, TAU Chair: Nasreen Alemy-Kabha, TAU Rolando Garcia Miron, Stanford Law School, USA · Selecting Precedents: A Study 9:30-11:00 of the Mexican Supreme Court and Its Discretionary System to Create Precedents Corporate Governance and Capital Markets Regulation Juliana Pondé Fonseca, Federal University of Parana, Brazil · The Vanishing Chair: Barak Yarkoni, TAU Boundaries Between Technical and Political: The Brazilian Courts’ Adjustment of Katrien Morbee, University of Leuven, Belgium · Free Choice of Corporate Law Public Policies Evaluated Against the Effect of the Incorporation Decision on Creditor Protection Junqi Zhang (Richard), Peking University School of Transnational Law, China · Ex Itai Fiegenbaum, TAU · The Geography of MFW-Land Post v. Ex Ante: From the Perspective of China Radek Goral, Stanford Law School, USA · Justice Dealers: The Ecosystem of Olga Frishman, Hebrew University · Courts and Their Audiences American Litigation Finance Commentator: Prof. Roy Kreitner, Vice Dean, Faculty of Law, TAU Commentators: Prof. Ron Harris, Dean, Faculty of Law, TAU 10:50-12:10 Prof. Ehud Kamar, Faculty of Law, TAU Transitional Justice and Human Rights Dr. Shay N. Lavie, Faculty of Law, TAU Chair: Emilie E. Kuijt, Leiden University Natalie Davidson, TAU · Alien Tort Statute Litigation as Transitional Justice: An 11:15-12:45 Ambiguous Way to Address the Neo-Colonial Past Science, Ethics and Democracy Maria Pichou, University of Luxemburg, Luxemburg · International Criminal Law Chair: Maytal Gilboa, TAU Between Pragmatism and Normativity: The Principle of Equality of Arms and the Benjamin Perryman, Yale Law School, USA · Formalism vs. Pragmatism: The Role Discretionary Power of International Criminal Tribunals to Obtain Additional of Social Facts in Implementing Balancing in Canadian Constitutional Law Evidence Through Subpoenas Madeleine Gorman, Leiden University, Netherlands · Going Off Script: A Legal Jastine Barrett, University of Cambridge, UK · An Exercise in Pragmatism? Challenge to the Gender Narrative on International Crimes of Sexual Violence UNICEF’s Approach to Child Rights and the Child Génocidaire Amos Israel-Vleeschhouwer, Bar Ilan University · Human Cognition as the Commentator: Prof. Aeyal Gross, Faculty of Law, TAU Bounded Meeting Point Between Normativity and Pragmatism: Legal Complexities Demonstrated in Jewish Law 13:10-14:50 Commentator: Prof. Shai Lavi, Faculty of Law, TAU Law and History 15:00-16:40 Room 017, Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies Chair: Maya Mark, TAU Marco Basile, Harvard University, USA · International Norms and National The Obligations of States to Foreign Stakeholders Politics on the Marshall Court Joint with the GlobalTrust Seminar Katharina Isabel Schmidt, Yale Law School, USA · Towards a More ‘Realistic’ Chair: Suha Jubran Ballan, TAU Jurisprudence: Facticity, Normativity and the Turn to ‘Life’ in Early 20th Century Heidi C. Matthews, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany · The Other Side of COIN: A German and American Legal Thought Critique of Contemporary Counterinsurgency Doctrine Uladzislau Belavusau, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands · Armenian Ivana Stradner, UC Berkeley School of Law, USA · The Path of International Law Genocide v. Holocaust: Strasbourg Pragmatism and Normative Trivialization After the Kosovo War Inbal Maimon-Blau, TAU · The Maa'gan Flight Crash: A Social, Historical and Erlend M. Leonhardsen, University of Oslo, Norway · In the Shadow of Default Legal Examination of Disasters Rules: Exiting BITs and Ex Post Bounded Rationality Bargaining Commentator: Prof. Assaf Likhovski, Faculty of Law, TAU Tietie (Frank) Zhang, Cornell Law School, USA · Public Policy in International Commercial Arbitration Chinese Practices 15:00-16:30 Commentator: Prof. Eyal Benvenisti, Faculty of Law, TAU Law, Environment and Science 17:00-18:20 Joint with the Law and Environment Workshop Social, Cultural and Civil Rights Chair: Omer Aloni, TAU Bruce R. Huber, Notre Dame Law School, USA · Moral Hazard, Property, and Chair: Roni Liberson, TAU Nuclear Energy Roman Zinigrad, Yale Law School, USA · Symmetrical Educational Policies: Tamara Lotner Lev, TAU · The Narrow Environmental Protection from Offshore Towards a Genuinely "Fair and Balanced" Treatment of Minority Groups Petroleum Industry: What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Mahesh Menon, West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, India · Free Environmental Protection? Riding on Due Process: Operationalizing the Right to Livelihood by the Nir Harel, University of Ottawa, Canada · The Emerging Genetic Supermarket’s Constitutional Courts of India Erosion of the Human Rights Law and Legal Boundaries to Prenatal Genetic Yael Braudo-Bahat, TAU · The Transformative Power of Autonomy Within the Interventions Family Commentator: Dr. David Schorr, Faculty of Law, TAU Commentator: Prof. Guy Mundlak, Faculty of Law, TAU

The sessions will take place at Buchmann Faculty of Law, Trubowicz Building, Sonia Kossoy Conference Room (Room 307) For further information on the Workshop and access to the Workshop papers contact us at: [email protected] c § The Buchmann Faculty of Law § The David Berg Institute for Law and History § The Minerva Center for Human Rights

Former building of Westminster Jewish Free School, Hanway Place, central London (Jewish East End of London Photo Gallery) E Pluribus Unum? Jews and the Persistence of Collective Rights

Prof. Simon Rabinovitch Assistant Professor, Department of History, Boston University

For an abstract of this lecture see: Sunday, November 9, 2014 18:00 Trubowicz Building (Law Faculty) The Sonia Kossoy Conference Room (Room 307)

For Details: [email protected] 03-6408018 c § The Buchmann Faculty of Law § The David Berg Institute for Law and History

History of Firearms Private Possession in Russia: What a Preliminary Comparison with the US Can Tell Us?

Dr. Tatiana Borisova

Thursday, December 25th, at 18:00 Buchmann Faculty of Law Trubowicz Building Sonia Kossoy Conference Room (Room 307)

Associate Prof. Dr. Tatiana Borisova teaches history at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. She studied history and law at St-Petersburg State University, European University at St-Petersburg, Tampere University (Finland), and Leiden University (the Netherlands). Her most recent publications explore the historical aspects of codification and publication of legislation, as well as the issue of its accessibility in Imperial and Soviet Russia. Her current scholarship addresses the broader implications of coexistence of public and private interests in the development of Russian law in last three centuries. Dr. Borisova's research at the Berg Institute will focus on the private possession of firearms and rule of law in comparative legal history perspective. For an abstract of the lecture see here:

Event number: 1055827 For parking on campus, please show this invitation at the university’s gate. For further details: [email protected] c The Buchmann Faculty of Law § The David Berg Institute for Law and History § The Inter-University Academic Partnership in Russian and East European Studies

Symposium Marking of the Publication of States of Obligation: Taxes and Citizenship in the Russian Empire and Early Soviet Republic (University of Toronto Press, 2014) by Yanni Kotsonis New York University

Tuesday, January 20, 2014, 18:00 Buchmann Faculty of Law, Trubowicz Building, Sonia Kossoy Conference Room (Room 307)

Speakers Prof. Assaf Likhovski, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University Dr. Dina Moyal, Multi-Disciplinary Program in the Humanities, Tel Aviv University Dr. Vera Kaplan, Cummings Center for Russian and East European Studies, Tel Aviv University Response Prof. Yanni Kotsonis, Director, Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia, Professor of History and Russian Studies, New York University

Event number: 1057028 For parking on campus, please show this invitation at the university’s gate. For further details: [email protected] c § The Buchmann Faculty of Law § The David Berg Institute for Law and History

Unexpected Sources of Law 17:00 | First Panel Colonial Legacies: Law and Religion in India and Burma

n Dr. Geetanjali Srikantan Between Norms and Facts: Locating the History of Religion in the Ayodhya Dispute

n Dr. Levi Cooper Forum Conveniens: Legal Questions in the Burmese Jewish Community

n Respondent: Prof. Suzanne Last Stone Unexpected Discussion Sources Refreshments 18:15 | Second Panel of Law Rethinking Religion and Family Law n Dr. Ayelet Libson Monday 20th April 2015 Beyond the Fault Line: Revisiting Rabbinic Divorce Law 17:00-19:30 n Dr. Lena Salaymeh Temporalities of Marriage Room 307 n Respondent: Dr. Daphna Hacker Chair: Prof. Roy Kreitner Discussion

Event number: 1061739 For parking on campus, please show this invitation at the university’s gate. For further details: [email protected] הפקולטה למשפטים ע"ש בוכמן מכון ברג למשפט והיסטוריה

ערב עיון לכבוד פרסום הספר המשפט הישראלי – השנים המעצבות: 1977–1948 מאת רון חריס )ספריית הילל בן חיים, בהוצאת הקיבוץ המאוחד, 2015(

יום שני, 27 אפריל 2015, בשעה 18:30

הפקולטה למשפטים ע”ש בוכמן, חדר הישיבות ע”ש סוניה קוסוי )307(

יו”ר: n פרופ’ אסף לחובסקי, הפקולטה למשפטים, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב מתדיינים: n פרופ’ ניר קידר, דקאן בית-הספר למשפטים, מכללת ספיר n ד״ר אורית רוזין, החוג להיסטוריה של עם ישראל, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב n פרופ’ יורם שחר, בית-הספר למשפטים, המרכז הבינתחומי הרצליה מגיב: n פרופ’ רון חריס, דקאן הפקולטה למשפטים, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב

מספר אירוע: 1062126 לחניה באוניברסיטה אנא הציגו הזמנה זו בשער החניון לפרטים נוספים: [email protected] Tel Aviv University Buchmann Faculty of Law Berg Institute for Law and History

Book Symposium

Israeli Law – The Formative Years: 1977 – 1948

by Ron Harris

(Hillel Ben Haim Library, Kibbutz Hameuchad Press, 2015)

Monday, 27 April 2015, 6:30 pm

Buchmann Faculty of Law, Sonya Kossoy Conference Room (307)

Chair: • Prof. Assaf Likhovski, Faculty of Law, TAU Discussants: • Prof. Nir Kedar, Dean of the Law School, Sapir College • Dr. Orit Rozin, Department of Jewish History, TAU • Prof. Yoram Shachar, School of Law, IDC Herzliya Response: • Prof. Ron Harris, Dean of the Faculty of Law, TAU

Event number: 1062126 For university parking please present this invitation at the gate For more details: [email protected] הפקולטה למשפטים ע”ש בוכמן הפקולטה למדעי הרוח המכון למשפט והיסטוריה ע”ש דיויד ברג המכון לחקר האנטישמיות והגזענות בימינו מרכז מינרבה לזכויות אדם ע”ש סטפן רוט

יו”ר: פרופ’ ליאורה בילסקי, מנהלת מרכז מינרבה לזכויות סופרים אדם, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב פוגשים פרופ’ נתן לרנר, המרכז הבינתחומי הרצליה פרופסור בדימוס, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב: קוראים The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Revised Edition), Brill, 2014 וקוראות מגיבים: פרופ’ אייל גרוס, הפקולטה למשפטים, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב יום שני, 11 במאי ד”ר רותם גלעדי, הפקולטה למשפטים, בשעה 18:00 האוניברסיטה העברית חדר הישיבות ד”ר עילי אהרנסון, הפקולטה למשפטים, אוניברסיטת חיפה: ע"ש סוניה קוסוי From Slave Abuse to Hate Crime: The Criminalization of Racial Violence )חדר 307, קומה 3( בניין טרובוביץ in American History, Cambridge University Press, 2014 הפקולטה למשפטים מגיבה: ד"ר יעל שטרנהל, הפקולטה למדעי הרוח, כניסה להולכי רגל וחנייה אוניברסיטת תל-אביב דרך שער רמניסיאנו )שער 4( בהצגת עותק מודפס של הזמנה זו מספר אירוע: 1064358 לפרטים נוספים: [email protected] Tel Aviv University

Faculty of Law

The Berg Institute for Law and History

The Minerva Center for Human Rights

Faculty of Humanities

The Stephan Roth institute Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism

Authors Meet Readers

Monday, May 1th 2015 at 6PM

Sonia Kosoy Conference Room (3rd Fl, Room # 307)

Trubowitch Building, Law Faculty

(Event number 1064358), walk in thru gate number 4

Chair: Prof Liora Bilsky


Prof. Natan Lerner, IDC Herzliya

The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Revised Edition), Brill 2014


Prof. Eyal Gross- Tel Aviv Universtiy Faculty of Law

Dr. Rotem Giladi- Hebrew Universtiy, Faculty of Law

______Dr. Ilay Aharonson- Haifa Universtiy, Faculty of Law:

From Slave Abuse to Hate Crime- The Criminalization of Racial Violance in American History, Cambridge Universtiy Press, 2014


Dr. Yael Sternhell, Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University

c The Buchmann Faculty of Law § The David Berg Institute for Law and History § The Chaim Weizmann Institute for the Study of Zionism

Invite you to a talk by Dr. Khinvraj Jangid Assistant Professor, Jindal Global Law School Faculty Coordinator, Jindal Center for Israel Studies, Jindal School of International Affairs The New History and Conflict Transformation–Israeli_War#/media/File:Israeli_soldiers_in_battle_with_the_Arab_village_of_Sassa.jpg Thursday, July 2, 2015 | 13:00-14:30

Tel Aviv University The Buchmann Faculty of Law | Minkoff Building, Room 303 מכון ברג למשפט והיסטוריה באוניברסיטת תל־אביב מזמין אתכם לתערוכה The Berg Institute for Law and History at TAU invites you to an exhibition בית־המשפט של האימפריה: סיפורים ממועצת המלך הבריטית The Imperial Court: Stories from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council )כפי שהוצגה בבית־המשפט העליון הבריטי בקיץ 2014, בתוספת חומרים בעברית( (exhibited at the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom in the summer of 2014, with the addition of materials in Hebrew)

הספרייה למשפטים ע"ש לייט David J. Light Law Library בחודשים מארס—אפריל March–April 2015 2015 בשעות פתיחת הספרייה during library hours

התערוכה מוצגת בתמיכתם האדיבה של הוועדה המשפטית של מועצת המלך, The exhibition is made possible by the kind support of the Judicial Committee אוניברסיטת אקסטר, ואוניברסיטת רדינג of the Privy Council, the University of Exeter, and the University of Reading

שמרו את התאריך: :Save the date פתיחה חגיגית בנוכחות סגן השגריר הבריטי, ,Official Opening in the presence of the Deputy British Ambaassador עם הרצאות מאת פרופ' יורם שחר ופרופ' מוטי גולני lectures by Prof. Yoram Shachar and Prof. Motti Golani יום א', 29 במארס 2015, שעה Sunday, 29 March 2015, 6:30 p.m. 18:30

לפרטים נוספים: for further information: | [email protected] מכון ברג למשפט והיסטוריה וסדנת יגאל ארנון ושות' למשפט והיסטוריה מזמינים אתכם לפתיחה החגיגית של התערוכה The Berg Institute for Law and History and the Yigal Arnon & Co. Law and History Workshop invite you to the official opening of the exhibition

בית־המשפט של האימפריה: סיפורים ממועצת המלך הבריטית The Imperial Court: Stories from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council

29 במארס 2015, בשעה March 2015, 18:00 18:00 29 הפקולטה למשפטים ע”ש בוכמן, ,Buchmann Faculty of Law חדר הישיבות ע”ש סוניה קוסוי )Sonia Kossoy Conference Room (307) )307

ברכות Greetings פרופ' רון חריס, דקאן הפקולטה למשפטים Prof. Ron Harris, Dean of the Faculty of Law מר רוב דיקסון, סגן השגריר הבריטי לישראל Mr. Rob Dixon, Deputy British Ambassador to Israel עו"ד אדריאן דניאלס, יגאל ארנון ושות' .Adv. Adrian Daniels, Yigal Arnon & Co הרצאה Lecture פרופ' יורם שחר )המרכז הבינתחומי( (Prof. Yoram Shachar (IDC יש שופטים בלונדון: מועצת המלך כערכאת העל של מערכת המשפט The Privy Council as the Supreme Court of Palestine/Israel ה)ארצ(ישראלית (Hebrew) תגובה Response פרופ’ מוטי גולני )אוניברסיטת תל-אביב( (Prof. Motti Golani (TAU הבריטים: שוטר או חונך? (The British: policeman or tutor? (Hebrew סיור בתערוכה בהדרכת ד”ר דוד שור )אוניברסיטת תל-אביב( (Guided tour of the exhibition with Dr. David Schorr (TAU

התערוכה פתוחה עד סוף אפריל, בשעות פתיחת הספרייה The exhibition continues through the end of April, during library opening hours

אנא אשרו השתתפותכם: RSVP: [email protected] לחניה באוניברסיטה אנא הראו הזמנה זו בשער החניון | מספר אירוע: 1062121 For university parking please show this invitation at the parking lot gate | Event number: 1062121

הפקולטה למשפטים ע"ש בוכמן THE BUCHMANN FACULTY OF LAW

Yigal Arnon Law & History Workshop Spring 2015

Wednesdays, 13:15-14:45 Tel Aviv Law, Trubowicz 303

11 March Albrecht Cordes (Frankfurt) Beyond the Myth of Lex Mercatoria

30 March Orna Alyagon Darr (Carmel) Sexual offences and ethnic identity in Mandate Palestine

15 April Mayo Moran (Toronto) The problem of the past: How historic wrongs became legal problems

29 April Ido Israelowich (Tel Aviv) Roman provincial jurists during the High Empire: Towards a vocational history

13 May Ray Cocks (Keele) 'Jurisprudence the prominent object': Legal thought in Calcutta in the 1860s

20 May Richard Ross (Illinois) Binding in conscience: Early modern English Protestants and Spanish Thomists on law and the fate of the soul

27 May Roy Kreitner (Tel Aviv) Reconstituting the dollar: Civil War reconfiguration of the monetary system

3 June Mark Lewis (CUNY) The history of the International Association of Penal Law, 1924-1950: Conservative, progressive, or neither?

10 June Omer Aloni (Tel Aviv) Orientalist reflections in early Israeli law and the fight against bigamy and polygamy

papers will be available at

Workshop moderators: Prof. Leora Bilsky, Dr. Lena Salaymeh, Dr. David Schorr The Workshop receives support from the David Berg Institute for Law and History For information, please contact [email protected] ! ! ! ! !

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