CARE International UK Emergency Shelter Team and Centre for Development and Emergency Practice Towards Healthier Homes in Humanitarian Settings Proceedings of the Multi-sectoral Shelter & Health Learning Day 14th May 2020 Compiled by: Sue Webb, Emma Weinstein Sheffield and Bill Flinn Acknowledgements The Learning Day was instigated and organised by the Self-recovery from Humanitarian Crisis research project core team at CARE International, UK and the Centre for Development and Emergency Practice (CENDEP) at Oxford Brookes University. Bill Flinn, senior humanitarian shelter advisor (CARE)
[email protected] Charles Parrack, senior lecturer (CENDEP)
[email protected] Beth Simons, shelter researcher (CARE)
[email protected] Sue Webb, research assistant (CENDEP)
[email protected] Emma Weinstein Sheffield, research assistant (CARE)
[email protected] Thank you to all who contributed to the Learning Day, and to this report, particularly the speakers, whose presentations are summarised within Chapters 1-4. Staff and students from CARE and CENDEP and others helped with breakout group moderation and notetaking. Will Webb provided technical support for the online Learning Day. The report was compiled by Sue Webb, Emma Weinstein Sheffield and Bill Flinn, with contributions from Beth Simons, Charles Parrack and Jamie Richardson. We are grateful for additional comments from John Twigg and Cathrine Brun. Published August 2020 by CARE UK and CENDEP Suggested citation for this report: Webb, S., Weinstein Sheffield, E. & Flinn, B., (2020)Towards Healthier Homes in Humanitarian Settings, Oxford: Oxford Brookes University & CARE International UK. The Self-recovery from Humanitarian Crisis research project is funded by the UK Research Institute: Global Challenges Research Fund Translations Award.