Preliminary Working Draft Please do not quote or cite without author’s permission Contact:
[email protected] Structural Change, Industrial Upgrading and Middle Income Trap Justin Yifu Liny, Yong Wangz This version: Februrary 2019 Abstract Motivated by several stylized facts about middle-income trap, we develop a simple multi- sector general equilibrium model of structural change and industrial upgrading. The model features the distinction between production service and consumption service and the input- output linkages between di¤erent sectors. We show that the role of production service is asymmetric at di¤erent levels of development. Whereas an underdeveloped sector of production service is not a binding obstacle for development (sometimes even bene…cial) at an early stage of development, it becomes a key bottleneck when the economy reaches a middle-income status. To escape the middle-income trap, government intervention is needed to prevent premature de-industralization and facilitate bene…cial industrial upgrad- ing. Moreover, it also requires a timely reduction of entry barrier to the production service and improvement in its productivity. These theoretical …ndings are shown to be consistent with the stylized facts and also useful to China. The analysis provides a justi…cation for the government’sstrategic use of industrial policies to avoid middle-income trap. Key Words: Structural Change, Industrial Policies, Middle-Income Trap, Chinese Economy, Economic Growth JEL Codes: O11, O14, O33, O41 Institute of New Structural Economics, Peking University, Phone: 86-10-62757375, Fax: 86-10-62751474, Emaily address:
[email protected]; Corresponding Author. Institute of New Structural Economics, Peking University, Mailing Address: No.