Internationalising the Curriculum Internationalising the Curriculum

If we want to attract the best students, provide the best experience of living and learning, and give our students the best chance of competing in a global economy, we must continue to retain our international outlook. This starts with the curriculum. It is not enough to provide opportunities that only the most engaged and motivated students take advantage of – our international heritage should impact on the experience of all Essex students.”

“This toolkit is a perfect starting point for discussions about how we can continue to embed internationally-relevant opportunities into both the formal curriculum and into extra-curricular activities. There should be something here that is interesting and achievable for any academic department and individual member of staff.

Professor Anthony Forster, Vice-Chancellor, 2012 – present

Internationalisation is important because it introduces our students to a plurality of ways of doing things. It challenges the idea that there’s only one right way to approach a problem. It’s about making visible the specificity of the places from which we start our inquiries. I think that’s a really crucial experience when you learn, so when you go out into the world you are sensitive to and values different ways of doing things. Once that mental shift is made, one has a completely different perspective and orientation towards life and towards the multiplicity of perspectives and possibilities of the globalised world in which we live.

Professor Aletta Norval, Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Education

The Toolkit is great. I think it should be compulsory reading. It balances both perspectives. Students can see where staff are coming from, and staff can see where students are coming from. It’s this middle ground that’s so important.

Jovanna Yiouselli, Students’ Union Vice-President International Toolkit

About this student-led research project

This toolkit is one of the main outputs from a one-year student-led research project on internationalising the curriculum. Funded by the University’s frontrunners placement scheme and supervised by Learning and Development, the project aimed to explore perspectives on internationalisation and its relevance to the curriculum. A large-scale survey of staff and students was undertaken, followed by a series of interviews with senior managers and staff with relevant expertise. The remit for the two students involved was straightforward: research the subject of internationalisation – firstly in the broadest sense, then in relation to the curriculum – and produce something that (a) contributes in a positive way to the University’s understanding of internationalisation, and (b) has practical value to staff. This toolkit was a natural outcome. The project itself is one of a number of present and planned student-led research projects which address a range of intersecting institutional priorities, including research-led education, employability, retention, and engagement, in this instance using internationalisation as the vehicle.

At the time of the project, Marit Boeker was a second-year PhD student in the Department of Government. She became interested in the project on internationalising the curriculum through her own experience of studying abroad, and was eager to learn more about how the University works ‘behind the scenes’.

“I am immensely grateful for having had the chance to do research on this interesting topic in such a great team. Hopefully the outcome of this inspiring time – the toolkit – will be useful to both staff and students alike.”

Her fellow researcher, Charlotte Schillinger, was a final-year undergraduate student in the Department of Government studying Politics at the time of the project. Through this project Charlotte wanted to make a positive impact on the University environment and try to help improve the learning and teaching experience for both staff and students. Charlotte also wanted to gain experience as to how a curriculum is compiled and what the key considerations are in this process.

“I hope through this toolkit both students and staff are able to gain a better understanding of the important role of internationalisation in the curriculum and its unique role at Essex. I further hope those who read this toolkit are motivated to make changes in order to drive internationalisation forward at our University.”

The best students see themselves as novice researchers and this is something we should encourage more broadly. As envisaged by the University’s founding Vice-Chancellor, Sir Albert Sloman, an Essex education should include a curriculum based on research-led teaching where students are taught by great researchers and have hands-on experience of undertaking research themselves. They should be a part of our research community from the outset and have opportunities to undertake their own research throughout their programme of study. It needs to run throughout their degrees, both inside and outside of the classroom.”

“This project shows the scope for broadening the opportunities for students to get involved and to produce legitimate work that is valuable to our institution.

Professor Anthony Forster, Vice-Chancellor

Please note: this toolkit was updated to include insights from Professor Aletta Norval and amend dates where necessary. All other aspects of it remain consistent with the original toolkit at the time when it was created by Marit Boeker and Charlotte Schillinger. Internationalising the Curriculum

About Tower Publishing

Tower publishing is the University’s student-only publishing house. It publishes a range of student work, most notably through its flagship venture, ESTRO (Essex Student Research Online), the University’s academic journal for students, authored by students and run by students; funded by frontrunners and Learning and Development.


ESTRO – Frontrunners – Learning and Development –


The authors would like to thank all of the interviewees and respondents to the survey, with particular thanks to Martin Henson, Ivan Hutchins, Jovanna Yiouselli, and Jude Carroll. Toolkit


Section One: Concept and Context

1. Overview 1.1 Definition 7 1.2 Context 7 1.3 Action 8 1.4 Rationale 8 1.5 Method 9 1.6 How to use this toolkit 10 1.7 Using the self-assessment tool 11 2. Internationalising the curriculum at Essex 2.1 The specific context at Essex 12 2.2 The curriculum in 2012 13 2.3 The Strategic Agenda 14 2.4 What the survey revealed 15

Section Two: Tools

3. Practical ways forward: guidelines, ideas, approaches 3.1 Guidelines 17 3.2 Self-assessment tool 19 3.3 Ideas and approaches 21 3.4 Ideas for key staff 39 3.5 Key contacts 41 4. Annotated bibliography 4.1 Books 42 4.2 Academic papers 42 4.3 Other publications 43 Internationalising the Curriculum – Concept and Context Section One: Concept and Context Toolkit

1. Overview

1.1 Definition The ‘curriculum’ is a rather elusive term, meaning different things to different people. At the heart of this is typically a question of scope: how narrowly or broadly does one view the curriculum? In this sense, the literature differentiates between the formal and the informal curriculum. The formal curriculum consists of the syllabi, the teaching content, and the courses offered at a given institution. This is relatively straightforward; it is usually clear what material is covered in a particular degree scheme. However the concept of the ‘informal curriculum’ goes beyond this view to acknowledge that the ‘learning’ of students is not limited to the official content of their course, but should include the whole connected experience at university. In the context of this project, ‘internationalising the curriculum’ was therefore conceptualised in its broadest sense.

The curriculum is a fluid concept. Take our MBA programme, which is relatively small at the moment: there are only 10-11 full-time students and some modular students. There are some UK students in there – about 4 or 5 – but the others are all international. They bring their experience from where they come from into the classroom. So I wouldn’t define the ‘curriculum’ as being just what’s on the pieces of paper which students get… what’s on the course finder, or whatever it is… but defining it as the whole learning experience. So the international students on the MBA will by definition be developing, working on, and thinking about international aspects, because they will be comparing what goes on in one country to another, they will be sharing their experiences. Ideally, what you want is to have more of that engagement between the students in the class about their international experiences.

Professor Michael Sherer, Director of Essex Business School

1.2 Context In recent years, internationalisation of the curriculum has risen high on the agenda of higher education institutions in the UK and elsewhere. This is both a response to new realities in terms of the diversity of the student body that teaching staff now encounter and an embodiment of a new understanding of the role of higher education in a globalised world, informed by both UK and EU policy. In other words, internationalisation of the curriculum seeks on the one hand to adapt course syllabi as well as teaching and assessment methods to the needs of students who come together from all over the world, bringing with them a plethora of views, cultures, and experiences with learning and teaching; on the other hand, the globalised job market and global political and cultural interactions demand a new style of higher education, if the latter is to effectively prepare students for their future roles in society – there is a compelling argument therefore that internationalisation is crucial to both maximising the experience (and retention and success) of students during their degree and maximising the value of their experience after graduation. The internationalisation agenda is integral to the national employability agenda; indeed the University’s own Employability Strategy places global awareness and global citizenship at the heart of its understanding of what an ‘Essex Graduate’ should be. Our graduates are going to be working in a globally connected world, operating in multi-lingual, multi-cultural workplaces. They need to be globally aware, culturally sensitive, and ideally have competency in a second language.

Almost all aspects of higher education learning and teaching play a role in this. Internationalisation in general suggests: an opening up of higher education programmes to a rich diversity of international students; the establishment of appropriate support services and an atmosphere at the higher education institution which respects and advances equality and diversity; collaborative engagements between institutions all over the world; and the incorporation of a global outlook into everything the institution does. Internationalisation of the curriculum in particular includes elements such as: offering collaborative degree schemes; re-orienting the content of course syllabi around globally relevant issues; supporting student and staff mobility across borders; and teaching and assessing students in a way that does not disadvantage on the basis of background.

page7 Internationalising the Curriculum – Concept and Context

It’s about giving students a worldview so that whatever degree programme they’re on there’s a global dimension to it; something that makes them look beyond their immediate national horizons whatever they may be.

Dr Pam Cox, Graduate Dean

1.3 Action Internationalisation in general, and of the curriculum in particular, receives great support among higher education institutions and the services which support them, with many institutions setting out international agendas and creating posts in relation to international affairs and exchange, and the international outlook and character of an institution playing an important role in promoting itself to the best students and staff worldwide. At Essex, being ‘international’ has been a priority since the University’s conception (Sloman, 1964). Being open to new, different perspectives and experiences is considered critical for a truly “well-rounded education” (Professor Colin Riordan, former Vice Chancellor, interviewed on 9 May 2012).

Internationalisation is about making sure the curriculum ranges over a broad set of comparative references that doesn’t rely too much on local cultural knowledge, so that one is not using examples which will only speak to people who have been born and brought up in the UK.

Professor Aletta Norval, Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Education

1.4 Rationale Of course there are often critical and indifferent voices on this subject which point to the conviction that the central – or even only – concern of higher education institutions must be academic rigor. Thus, any additional agendas which, despite their recognised benefits, divert attention away from the core components of academic quality can then be perceived as threats to the raison d’être of higher education and an imposition of norms that compromises the autonomy of teaching and research staff.

Consequently, this toolkit is based on the premise that internationalisation of the curriculum is itself an important component of academic quality, provided that it is undertaken in the right way. An imposition of new standards as a one-off endeavour would certainly compromise rather than enhance the quality of academic teaching, learning and research. Yet, on the other hand, making previously resistant students and staff at least consider the position and implications of their teaching, learning and research within the global arena would seem to entail valuable new opportunities and stimuli for higher academic quality too. For example, by opening up new debates, enriching methods and perspectives drawn upon, and testing previously held assumptions within a much wider sphere of applicability. Thus, the internationalisation agenda would be wrongly understood as yet another fashionable add-on to the existing teaching and learning practices which promises a modern reputation but comes at the cost of putting the traditional quality standards of higher education at risk. Rather, it can be understood as an urgent quest which takes account and acts on the changing circumstances being made within higher education. This toolkit acknowledges that different people and different institutions will have very different takes on exactly how the curriculum can and should be internationalised, and indeed such decisions can only be meaningfully made from within the particular circumstances to which they apply. Yet abstaining from any engagement whatsoever with the internationalisation agenda may be short- sighted and detrimental to the continued influence and value of higher education to our societies.

My dream is that we should have a suite of degree programmes, probably at least in the early stages they would be Masters programmes, and I’d like them to be programmes which are as attractive to a student body in the UK as to a student body outside of the UK.

Professor Martin Henson, Dean for International Affairs

page8 Toolkit

1.5 Method The research for this toolkit consisted of a review of the literature, an online survey, and a series of semi-structured interviews. These methods were chosen and conducted by the student-researchers with guidance from the supervisor. The survey was on the topic of internationalisation in general and aimed to get a broad overview of what students and staff of different study levels and career stages, as well as nationalities and backgrounds, thought about internationalisation when prompted spontaneously. The survey contained both structured (multiple-choice, often with forced ranking) and open questions. The open questions were designed to gather views on what internationalisation means, whether or not it is desirable, and how it is (or should be) understood at the . The structured questions prompted participants to rank different areas and dimensions of internationalisation and sought to elucidate which aspects of ‘internationalisation’ the University was currently perceived as good at and which aspects should be prioritised for future efforts. Three hundred and fifty nine students and staff took part in the survey, which was accessible online between 12 December 2011 and 16 January 2012. The survey link was sent to staff via the Learning and Development Bulletin; to all students by the Students’ Union; and via the “smallads” emailing list to both students and staff. Of all survey respondents, 49 per cent were undergraduate students; 24 per cent administrative staff; 19 per cent postgraduate students; and 8 per cent academic staff.

In addition to the survey, 13 semi-structured interviews with key staff at the University were conducted. As a follow-up to the survey, the interviews focused more specifically on the topic of internationalisation of the curriculum. The interviewers followed interview guidelines and asked a range of questions on how internationalisation of the curriculum was understood, whether or not it was desirable, which particular circumstances in departments were most relevant to the internationalisation agenda, and what departments/sections planned to do in the future in order to internationalise. The interviews were also used as an opportunity to inform and gather feedback on the interviewers’ own developing understanding of what internationalisation of the curriculum means at the University. They helped to shape the toolkit, affirming the need for it to take into account the current realities in different departments in relation to varying stages of internationalisation and the range of wider circumstances which influence it. The interviews lasted between 25-90 minutes. Interviewees were contacted by e-mail and asked for a meeting. Interviews then took place in the interviewees’ own offices and were recorded with the interviewees’ consent. Interviews took place between 8 May and 29 May 2012, and updated in June 2014 with quotes from Professor Norval. They were analysed and interpreted by the student-researchers through qualitative analysis and relevant quotes feature throughout this toolkit.

Name Position Date

Dr Pam Cox Graduate Dean 8 May 2012

Professor Nigel Rodley Chair, Human Rights Centre 9 May 2012

Professor Colin Riordan Former Vice-Chancellor 9 May 2012

Professor Martin Henson Dean for International Affairs 14 May 2012

Dr Michael Halewood Curriculum Director, Sociology 16 May 2012

Professor Michael Sherer Director, Essex Business School 21 May 2012

Professor Eric Smith Head of Department, Economics (at the time) 24 May 2012

Dr Doug Arnold Head of Department, Language and Linguistics 25 May 2012

Leonidas Basatis Students’ Union Vice-President, International 25 May 2012

Dr Abdel Salhi Head of Department, Mathematics 25 May 2012

Professor Jane Wright Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Academic Standards 29 May 2012

Professor Aletta Norval Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Education 17 June 2014

page9 Internationalising the Curriculum – Concept and Context

While this approach used standard scientific methods of research, the intention was not to undertake comprehensive data analysis or produce a traditional outcome in the form of a paper or report. The project remit, determined by the supervisor, was:

a) To contribute in a positive way to the University’s understanding of internationalisation / internationalisation of the curriculum; and b) To produce an outcome with practical value to staff.

The aim was therefore to build a toolkit on a solid foundation of research but conceptualised with a more practical focus in mind. It was necessary to first gain a broad understanding of what was already going on at the University and elsewhere with regard to internationalisation of the curriculum and then focus any further research and analysis on the development of practical tools and tips in order to develop a useful and diverse compendium of hands-on options for internationalisation, rather than going into depth at the conceptual or abstract level.

The student-researchers therefore determined that student-led research can be usefully geared towards a specific aim and purpose in which it is not competing with professional research but can potentially receive a legitimate audience: a developmental project with a more applied outcome. Part of the learning experience was to select and adapt the research methods and output accordingly. While the type of in-depth research that was conducted for this project could have been used for a more involved analysis of the data and may subsequently have made a contribution to the conceptual debate on internationalisation, it was considered a valuable experience for the students to use scientific research for a different, more practically-orientated purpose, as this is rarely the focus of projects conducted as part of a degree programme. 1.6 How to use this toolkit This document aims to act as a virtual toolkit. This means that it is first and foremost a practical guide: rather than thoroughly discussing the concept of internationalisation, it provides practical guidance on developing ideas about internationalisation and on how to implement them. This by no means denies the value and necessity of the in-depth debates around internationalisation among both academics and practitioners. A number of key papers and studies are cited and annotated in the bibliography on page 42, yet the focus of this document is to help with the hands-on steps that will follow for those interested in internationalisation after they have been, in one way or another, inspired by the academic debate, hence it is a supplement to the discussion rather than a new contribution. In order to keep the toolkit as practical as possible, it is based on extensive interviews with practitioners and senior managers as well as best-practice examples from other institutions; it includes short overviews of a range of different ideas rather than advocating a few ideas framed in more in-depth discussion; and it wants to meet you exactly where you are by incorporating a self-assessment tool geared towards establishing your department’s or section’s particular starting position. The ideas it gives will not work out in the same ways or with the same success in each particular circumstance; but it is hoped that the style of this document will at least succeed in drawing attention to the more practical aspects of internationalisation that need tackling for a general interest in internationalisation to actually take effect on the ground.

Moreover, this toolkit is intended as a reference guide from which you may pick whatever is most meaningful and appealing, without any requirement for reading the whole document or giving equal attention to each section. For internationalisation to succeed, it is crucial that it take a form that matches the particular circumstances within which it is implemented. Hence, no guideline or idea will be better or worse than another in absolute terms, but its value can only be estimated with regard to the particular context. The reader should feel no obligation to read everything and should regard the list of options as a menu or tick- sheet. Pick what appeals to you most, however large or small the immediate effect. Approached in this way, there should be at least one option that is suitable and applicable to all.

Education – and the University system – is by its very nature going to be internationalised. Really good universities are melting pots where everything is all mixed up together. That just comes out of its very existence, and the better you are, the more people from all over the world are going to want to join you, and the easier it is to become more internationalised.

Professor Eric Smith, Head of Department of Economics

page10 Toolkit

Don’t be deterred by constraints With fraught timetables and competing priorities, potential innovations in teaching and learning can understandably be dismissed as unachievable within the constraints of time, money, and energy.

n Don’t be discouraged too readily. Successful change takes time. If the whole vision cannot be implemented straightaway, it may be possible to start with activities which are smaller and easier, or even to continue to promote the efforts of internationalisation within your department until the time seems more conducive.

n When things don’t work out as planned, it can often be very positive: it can be the inspiration for inventiveness and experimentation, with new, unexpected possibilities opening up. This toolkit does not intend to set in stone what internationalisation involves: rather it should be understood as a roadmap to some of the many blue-sky, innovative ways that education can concertedly become more international. And it seeks to inspire just that. Try to be creative and think beyond practices that already exist. Contact the Office for International Affairs if you want some expert help to develop a new idea, even if the idea is nebulous. This may very well lead to new innovations.

n It can seem like a range of priorities in teaching and learning are competing with one each other to be top of the agenda. Don’t regard these as in competition, however. Often they are interrelated and interdependent: one can reinforce the other. Tackling more than one strategic priority can have many benefits, including having access to more funding: a multifaceted innovation is usually more attractive to strategic and financial planners and funding bodies. For example, internationalisation initiatives very often contribute to the employability agenda: undertaking internships and work experience are even more valuable when experienced abroad; having language skills and the ability to work in multicultural teams looks great on any CV; and incorporating perspectives from a diverse student body opens up the prospect of aligning teaching content even closer with student need.

1.7 Using the self-assessment tool In this spirit, a good starting point for using this toolkit may be the self-assessment tool on page 19. It is to give you a better understanding of where you, your department, your section or your module are now, in order to then point you to those ideas and opportunities which are most relevant to your particular context. You may be at the very beginning of a long-term internationalisation process, looking for some inital ideas that are easy to implement and whose success may then convince those not yet fully on board. Alternatively you may be looking back on a wide range of previous efforts at internationalisation, wishing to find some references and examples from other institutions with which to compare, or to check some best practice guides to see whether what is being done already is being done to the best possible standard. It is important that each reader uses this toolkit in their own way, taking the adequate steps within the given situation. Only then will internationalisation of the curriculum receive the support it requires to be successful for the long haul.

One of the biggest advantages to internationalisation is an intellectual one, and it means looking at examples and practices with a different eye, making visible different aspects of an issue or problem. Think about questions such as ‘Why is it that something is done in this and not some other way?’ And that is the sort of question that can begin to open up other conversations on the subjects and the wider curriculum.

Professor Aletta Norval, Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Education

page11 Internationalising the Curriculum – Concept and Context

2. Internationalising the curriculum at Essex 2.1 The specific context at Essex The University of Essex has traditionally taken great pride in its international character. It has a score of 98.7 out of 100 for international students at the QS World University Rankings 2011 and is among the top 10 UK universities in this category. The international make-up of the student body is well-known among students and staff at the University, and it is emphasised in prospectuses and by speeches made by the University leadership and the Students’ Union. As such, internationalisation can be regarded as part of the core identity of the University. This self-understanding dates back to the University’s beginnings in 1964, when it was founded on the principles of being international, research-intensive, interdisciplinary and student-focused.

We are a research-intensive university, and research is an obvious way to internationalise the classroom. Research that is internationally relevant, collaborative, or paradigm-shifting, or international in scope, brings the classroom to life whilst at the same time showing students what research – and the world outside of the University – is all about.

Professor Anthony Forster, Vice-Chancellor

The international make-up of the student body varies from department to department, with Essex Business School having the highest ratio with approximately 60 per cent of students classed as international with the share of international students across the entire University averaging roughly 40 per cent each year. Only the London universities such as University College London, London School of Economics and the School of Oriental and African Studies have higher ratios of international to home students. Strikingly however, the home students at the University are mostly drawn from the local area. This has been emphasised by various members of staff who were interviewed in the research phase of this report, and echoed by several students who said that whilst they are aware of the high numbers of international students at Essex, they do not generally mix with them very much. Thus the focus of future efforts towards greater internationalisation at the University lies as much in the internationalisation of home students, especially through outward mobility and language learning. Moreover, a network of universities across the globe, the ‘Global Alliance’, is currently in the making, with partnerships already established with the University of Konstanz in Germany and the Jawaharlal Nehru University in India and further institutions to join in the future.

More generally speaking, the University of Essex is one of the top universities in the UK, being ranked seventh nationally for teaching quality and ninth nationally for excellence in research.1 Our Government and Sociology departments are ranked first in the UK, with our Economics department ranked third and Linguistic department ranked forth nationally. The University is now charging the top level of fees (£9000 per year), which is significant for internationalisation insofar as it links with increasing expectations from ‘customers’ in terms of teaching quality, as much as future employability in a globalised, competitive world. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the Students’ Union at the University is particularly active, having won prizes for its quality in the past. As such, prospects for internationalisation pertain not only to the remit of formal learning and teaching, but also to the informal curriculum with various activities by student societies and University-wide social events.


page12 Toolkit

2.2 The curriculum in 2012 The degree of internationalisation of the curriculum differs significantly between departments. The University comprises four faculties with 15 schools and departments and four attached research centres and institutes for collaborative research. The Faculty of Humanities and Comparative Studies includes the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities (CISH), the Department of History, the Department of Literature, Film and Theatre Studies, the East 15 Acting School, the International Academy, and the School of Philosophy and Art History. The Faculty of Law and Management comprises Essex Business School, the School of Law, the Human Rights Centre, and the Institute for Democracy and Conflict Resolution. The Faculty of Science and Engineering includes the Department of Biological Sciences, the Department of Mathematical Sciences, the Department of Psychology, the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, and the School of Health and Human Sciences. Finally, the Faculty of Social Sciences comprises the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, the Department of Economics, the Department of Government, the Department of Language and Linguistics, the Department of Sociology, the Institute for Social and Economic Research, and the UK Data Archive.

Of these different departments, Essex Business School has been identified by this project as highly internationalised already. The higher ratio of international to home students, as well as to the nature of the subject lending itself particularly well to international learning, teaching, and research, may have contributed to a more organic, urgent, and ongoing process of internationalisation. However, the ‘nature’ of the discipline is not the most decisive determinant of the current degree of internationalisation in departments: disciplines that may easily be termed by some as “beyond internationalisation” because they are “the same everywhere”, such as Mathematics and Computer Science, have been found to be already benefitting from a broad range of internationalisation efforts with tangible impact on the way the subject is taught (see the feature box below). Regardless of discipline, it is both important and beneficial to place theories and concepts into their cultural and historical context: the Greek and Arab worlds gave us much of today’s mathematics, for example.

In contrast, departments which teach disciplines that might be perceived as lending themselves more readily to internationalisation have been found to be less internationalised in some cases. The main determining factor here was the understanding and motivation by academic staff, particularly in relation to their perception of internationalisation as threatening academic freedom and independence.

Internationalising a subject like mathematics There is an assumption to be made that internationalisation works well for some subjects but is irrelevant to others. “It is easy to just include more of an international dimension in a History module”, for example, “but Mathematics is the same everywhere in the world!” Yet even subjects like Mathematics can be further internationalised:

n Internationalisation is not just about content but also about ways of teaching, engaging, and assessing. Even if (for the sake of argument) the mathematics curriculum does not change, there may be significant value in incorporating more group work, making use of vodcasts, or varying the examples used for calculation exercises, for example.

n Professor Abdel Salhi, Head of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Essex, offers some clear examples of this. Students from different countries have different interests when it comes to the applications of mathematical skill. For example, students from developing countries require modules in applied mathematical modelling, e.g. on topics relating to a country’s development, such as population dynamics, economic growth, and state finances. Home students, on the other hand, may prefer less applied modules with a focus on formal skills and the derivation of formulas rather than their application. An internationalised mathematics curriculum is responsive to students’ perspectives in terms of what they expect their degree to equip them with, and hence offer a reasonable mix of more and less applied modules.

n There are many exciting ways in which Maths students can benefit from study experiences abroad to broaden their horizons. Examples include summer schools in other countries, international study tours that put mathematical topics into new cultural and historic perspectives, or internships abroad in applied Mathematics to understand how Maths is used in different countries.

page13 Internationalising the Curriculum – Concept and Context

2.3 The Strategic Agenda The University of Essex is strongly committed to internationalisation and already considers itself a highly internationalised institution2, showcasing its ranking sixth nationally and 25th internationally in numbers of international students as well as third nationally and 39th internationally in international faculty3. Its ‘International Strategic Agenda 2010-13’ sets out the aim to develop both a process and a culture of internationalisation based on a collaborative approach, covering a wide range of areas from student experience and institutional links and partnerships to professional staff mobility and contribution to international development goals. A process of internationalisation is defined as an ongoing development of sustainably integrating an international dimension within all the University’s core activities, whereas a culture of internationalisation denotes an environment that is supportive and encouraging to an outward-facing globally-oriented approach to what the University does4. In addition, a number of more general policies impact on the aim of internationalisation more indirectly. Of importance here are equality and diversity policies as well as the more recent Dignity and Respect Charter. Amongst other things, these firmly reject formal or informal discrimination of any kind, including religion and ethnicity, and promote an environment of tolerance, multiculturalism and diversity.

Against the background of these policies, internationalisation of the curriculum is both extremely relevant to the University in playing its part in the overall development of further internationalisation and finds fruitful soil on which to grow organically in an integrated and committed manner.

The University has a strong commitment to internationalisation which is demonstrated through the Agenda. The Agenda states that the University’s aim is to build on both the process and culture of internationalisation at the University, achieving this by promoting a globally orientated approach which is focused, integrated and deliberate. The University’s vision of a fully internationalised institution contains an internationally informed and engaged curriculum, student and academic/professional staff mobility both inwardly and outwardly and research that is internationally engaged, with international impact and coverage. Thus the main goal of the Agenda is to design and offer a range of internationally-engaged academic programmes with international partner universities. Consequently, internationalisation of the curriculum is instrumental in ensuring the University reaches its goal and thus increases its profile and visibility in international league table rankings.

There already exists a internationally-focused curriculum across many departments at the University. Moreover, there has been considerable enthusiasm from departments to enhance students’ international experience through the expansion of the study abroad programme. Thus there is a move towards franchised Essex curricula overseas through short courses and intensive academic programmes delivered through or by international partners to encourage research students to include an international dimension. In addition, the Agenda hopes to internationalise the curriculum further by integrating activities and partnerships across the University in order to share best practise. It further seeks to deepen the international dimension of teaching and research within the University in the hope that students and researchers will be inspired. It also seeks to internationalise research through international and interdisciplinary research on selected Global Challenges and to contribute to the international development of higher education through educational, research and professional capacity-building initiatives.

In summary, the University already does a lot to focus on internationalising the curriculum, which is helped by the fact that many departments are interdisciplinary. Both the Agenda and the survey from this project highlight the importance of developing ways to transfer knowledge. This is conveyed through the idea of establishing a plan and guidance to support an innovative international curriculum which develops delivery skills through interaction with international partners thereby improving the overall student experience and encouraging internationalised career competencies for students. This aligns with the aim of this toolkit and illustrates its key importance in providing a way for the aims of the Agenda to be put into practice.5

2 University of Essex: International Strategic Agenda 2010-13 3, accessed 05/03/2012 4 University of Essex: International Strategic Agenda 2010-13 5 Ibid page14 Toolkit

2.4 What the survey revealed The internationalisation student and staff survey has provided important background information for embarking on targeted, practical efforts towards internationalising the curriculum at the University (copies of the full survey report are available from Learning and Development – e-mail [email protected]). The following insights may inform future steps towards internationalisation of the curriculum: n While the responses overall related to numerous different aspects of internationalisation, there is a demand for more information on the breadth of the concept. Many survey respondents intuitively perceived internationalisation to have only a narrow meaning, but when pressed indicated a wider range of aspects as important priorities for internationalisation at Essex. Thus, there is currently a gap in understanding between term and concept. n Although internationalisation of the curriculum was acknowledged as a high priority, it is an area in which progress was felt to be in some ways limited. This indicates that there is both demand and support for efforts at internationalising the curriculum. n Of all groups of survey respondents, undergraduate students were least aware of the concept of internationalisation of the curriculum. Moreover, the general understanding of internationalisation differs somewhat between undergraduate and postgraduate students. Thus, different student and staff groups may need to be targeted and approached in different ways. n Further promising foci for future research and practical steps were identified. Links with other universities, perceptions of the international reputation of the University, as well as opportunities for fruitful collaboration between different agents and agencies at the University, all w arrant further exploration. n A significant gap between priorities for internationalisation and the perceived performance of the University so far has been revealed regarding the aspect of building links with universities abroad. This suggests that a lot may be gained from incorporating this dimension into practical efforts towards internationalised teaching, learning, and research. The same applies for putting structures in place that allow for more informal communication among students/staff both socially and academically.

Our students often raise issues in the course of discussions and seminars that open up the curriculum. These are dialogues that need to be fostered, and encouraged. I think students play a very crucial role in bringing an international set of issues into the conversation.

Professor Aletta Norval, Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Education

From my experience, many international students still feel like ‘guests’ of the home students. And home students can often act like ‘hosts’. ‘Home student’ may not necessarily be a helpful term. It may perpetuate this role-playing.

Jovanna Yiouselli, Students’ Union Vice-President International

page15 Internationalising the Curriculum – Tools Section Two: Tools Toolkit

3. Practical ways forward 3.1 Guidelines This toolkit identifies a broad range of opportunities for internationalising the curricula (both formal and informal) at higher education institutions in the UK. There is unequivocally no recommendation that institutions or departments should implement all measures, nor should the range be considered exhaustive. Based on the understanding that internationalisation activities must fit the context within which they are applied in order to be both effective and long-lasting, this toolkit is more akin to a box of chocolates from which you may pick what appeals to you most, at the time that seems to you most suitable. Moreover, the ideas outlined hereafter may stimulate further thought and discussion on ways of implementing an internationalised curriculum which may in turn lead to yet more possibilities and creative ideas.

Given our conviction that internationalisation of the curriculum must be approached in the right way in order to take a meaningful and productive trajectory, the index of opportunities in this section of the toolkit is preceded and supplemented by these general guidelines that should apply irrespective of the particular institutional context and course content. These guidelines correspond with best practice examples yet also draw on the academic and professional literature on internationalisation and the views of those involved with the internationalisation agenda, most notably heads of department, curriculum directors, and teaching staff at higher education institutions.

These guidelines comprise the following: n Any attempt at internationalising curricula must be preceded by a thorough discussion of the aims, hopes, and concerns of those subject to the agenda (see the feature box overleaf). n A process of implementing the internationalisation agenda must be framed and steered in such a way that new rules are not enforced but emerge out of an organic process of change. n Like with other new developments, a lot will depend on practical possibilities. The implementation of an internationalised curriculum should thus be informed by a good understanding of practical hurdles for those involved (students as much as staff) and an effort made at overcoming these hurdles through creative new solutions. Financial or other incentives may be a stepping stone towards a determined search and adoption of new approaches by staff and students. n The creation of new solutions and opportunities often depends on the joint efforts of those in different but equally relevant positions. Internationalisation of the curriculum should thus involve key staff and decision-makers at all levels, including the leading management of the institution. n Internationalisation of the curriculum demands neither a complete overhaul of existing practices nor one-sided reference to ‘outside experts’. Existing resources, for example staff members or contacts in other countries, can often be drawn upon to make the first changes. Likewise, there is no need to institute an entire new curriculum; an approach that starts by re-focusing what already exists, for example by re-naming modules to reflect their specific rather than globally applicable content, may be more effective and sustainable in the long run. This could be a re-naming of a module from “Political Theory” into “Anglo-Saxon Political Theory from 1600 to present”, or re-naming a course from “Mathematics” to “Mathematics with a focus on global applications”, for example. n The most authentic end point of internationalisation is not so much a sharp increase in attention to the particularities of international students but a vision in which it is otherwise considered irrelevant where people come from, and in which their diversity is simply taken for granted.

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The first step towards internationalisation: Discuss! You may find it more helpful to discuss the following questions in reverse order, starting with the bigger picture and then focusing on the more specific departmental/programme-level/classroom context.

Regarding the formal curriculum… n What learning outcomes do we expect? n What do we want learning experiences to be? n What do we want our students to achieve? n How are we assessing students, and why?

Regarding the informal curriculum… n What services are offered to students? n What opportunities for further experience beyond the formal curriculum could there be?

Regarding the institution as a whole… n What is the mission of this institution? n What ethos do we want to promote? n What are the institution’s priorities, and why?

Regarding the national context… n What is the culture of higher education in the past, present and future? n What characteristics and cultural aspects shape higher education?

Regarding the whole world… n What kind of world do we live in? n What kind of world do we want to live in? n What is our global responsibility?

Adapted from Leask 2011, Internationalization of the Curriculum, presentation given at Duke University, North Carolina.

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3.2 Self-assessment tool

How to use the self assessment tool In order to get an indication of how internationalised your department currently is and how to understand the best steps to take in order to further internationalise your department, please answer the questions below as accurately as possible. Each answer assigns a points value which should be noted down and totalled once all the questions have been answered. At the end of the list of eight questions there are three boxes which each represent a different points range. Use your final score to locate the relevant box which will recommend relevant next steps for your department and identify the most appropriate parts of the toolkit.

Q1. Does your subject lend itself to incorporating lots of international perspectives? a) Absolutely. Comparisons between different cultural settings enrich the discussion (3 points) b) It might, but that would really shift the focus of the subject as it is taught at the moment (2 points) c) No, this subject is taught in the same way everywhere in the world (1 point)

Q2. Is the internationalisation agenda being discussed among staff members within your department? a) Yes, definitely (3 points) b) At times, but only between certain staff members and not substantially (2 points) c) No, not at all (1 point)

Q3. How eager do you feel colleagues / teaching staff in your department are to try new approaches? a) Staff are generally eager to try new methods and experiment (3 points) b) Change tends to occur only when it is evident that it makes sense and the payoff is clear (2 points) c) Staff generally prefer tried and tested methods and are resistant to change (1 point)

Q4. Does the Head of Department actively support and see a place for internationalisation within your department? a) Yes, definitely (3 points) b) Possibly, in the right circumstances (2 points) c) It doesn’t seem so (1 point)

Q5. How international are the student groups you teach? a) Very international with lots of students from a vast range of countries (3 points) b) Relatively mixed, but often the same core groups / nationalities dominate (2 points) c) Rather homogeneous (1 point)

Q6. How dependent is your subject on internationalised teaching practices such as study abroad, language training, and international perspectives incorporated into learning and teaching? a) Internationalisation is essential to this subject (3 points) b) It might be useful, but it is not essential (2 points) c) This is of no concern to this subject (1 point)

Q7. Is your department offering study abroad opportunities? a) Yes, this is very successful in our department (3 points) b) To an extent, but this could still be developed further (2 points) c) No, this doesn’t interest the department (1 point)

Q8. Is your department offering collaboratively managed modules/courses? a) Yes, we have dual degree schemes / collaboratively managed modules (3 points) b) Currently the department has none in place but it is an area being explored (2 points) c) This is not an option our department considers would be effective (1 point)

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8 – 15 points 16 – 20 points 21 – 24 points

You are near the beginning of the It seems that in your department You have implemented a lot process of internationalisation. the conditions are right for more already and have achieved a At this stage it is important to in-depth internationalisation; the good level of internationalisation. have inclusive discussions on the important foundations may have This is the perfect time to be topic. Different people may have already been laid, and the creative and try out more different views on concept may receive enough experimental and potentially internationalisation and be support for it to be taken to groundbreaking new ideas. The coming to it from very different higher levels in the future. As a more internationalised you angles. It is important to clarify next step, why don’t you explore already are, the easier it should and explore these multiple more fundamental changes, such be to get these off the ground, understandings. as new courses or modules and it could be both exciting and offered? motivating for colleagues. Recommended actions: A.1 Classroom engagement, p.21 Recommended actions: Recommended actions: A.2 Student perspectives and A.5 Guest lecturing, p.23 A.11 Varied assessment, p.27 personal experience, p.21 A.6 Virtual lectures, p.24 A.12 Value-added assessment, A.3 Comparative case studies A.7 Staff-led approaches, p.25 p.27 and materials, p.22 A.10 International outlook as a C.1 Joint modules, p.30 A.4 Staff perspectives, p.23 quality marker, p.26 C.2 Dual degree, p.30 A.8 Varied interactivity, p.25 B.1 Syllabus exchanges, p.28 C.4 Joint- or co-supervision, p.31 A.9 Varied materials, p.26 C.3 Comparative courses and C.5 Open module programmes A.13 Collaborative conferences, modules, p. 31 with partners, p.32 p.27 C.10 Integrating language C.6 Collaborative degree B.2 Free language classes, p.28 learning with degree, p.36 programmes, p.32 B.3 Universal examples, p.29 C.11 Varied provision, p.36 C.7 Study Abroad / Research C.12 Summer schools and Abroad / Work Abroad, p.33 courses, p.35 C.8 Summer schools and courses, p.35 C.9 Excursions, visiting studentships, and research stays, p.36

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3.3 Ideas and approaches The ideas and approaches outlined in this section are not exhaustive and may in some cases look beyond the formal ‘curriculum’. Wherever possible each ‘idea’ or concept features a brief description, some prerequisites, and either information on current developments at the University or an example from Essex or elsewhere. Each idea in the toolkit is identified as either:

A) Teaching practice – how a subject is taught p22 – p28 B) Teaching content – what is taught p29 – p30 C) Programmes of study – the type of award p31 – p38

There are at least three aspects. One has to do with student mobility. One is internationally informed curricula – building international dimensions and perspectives into as many courses and modules as possible. The third aspect is the internationally engaged curriculum, which is the more ambitious types of projects: where we’re not just sitting in Colchester or Loughton or Southend learning and dealing with some international matters, but we’re actually engaging somehow either through something as simple as guest lectures from afar or working with students on projects in the distance, or it could be as much as a joint degree programme which attracts people specifically to spend some time here and spend some time somewhere else, and do some of the credits here and some of the credits somewhere else. That last thing is the most ambitious and something that I would like to see growing.

Professor Martin Henson, Dean for International Affairs

page21 Internationalising the Curriculum – Tools

A Teaching practice A.1 Classroom engagement

Description Making use of the internationally diverse student body to incorporate international perspectives in the classroom, for example through interactive learning exercises, mixed group work (see Opinion below), or an open discussion of cross-cultural understanding.

Prerequisites n An internationally mixed student group; n Enthusiastic teaching staff.

Ensuring best practice n Take steps to ensure interactive engagement within the classroom, provided the student body is already diverse.


Throughout the four years I have been studying at the University I have not really faced any type of difficulties with my lecturers. They are all very informative when it comes to teaching, and whenever I needed help they were there for me to answer my questions during the lesson or even through e-mails. A memorable experience of mine is the one I had to a module called ‘Materials and Methods’ where our lecturers divided us into groups of students to accomplish a Micro-teaching Task. The groups consisted of students with different nationalities. At first this scared me a bit because I did not know how I should co-operate with people with different social background than mine. But I really enjoyed it, and got to know new things; such as different point of views concerning teaching methods that helped me broad my knowledge.

Theklia Georgiadou, MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, from Cyprus

A.2 Student perspectives and personal experience

Description Inviting students to contribute examples from their own cultural backgrounds in class to instigate discussion of a topic that is richer in detail and more multi-faceted than one dominated by the particular background or worldview of the teaching staff or guided by the dominant national identity in the class. This is can also help teaching staff to understand what is valuable as well as relevant to a diverse group of students.

Prerequisites n An internationally mixed student group; n Enthusiastic teaching staff.

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Essex is a very international, very cosmopolitan environment and university. And therefore as a teacher you can’t just do everything the way you see yourself, whatever fits the demands of the UK or the West, when in fact a lot of your students come from different continents. You have to think more broadly about what’s good for these students and their economies, and what is meaningful. A lot of students, especially at PhD level, are actually coming from the Third World, developing countries, and the point of them coming here is often to learn or take back home with them knowledge (especially technological knowledge) that will help them to become more developed. If they come here and we push them into areas that are meaningless in their own home environment, then we have failed.

Dr Abdel Salhi, Head of Mathematical Sciences

A.3 Comparative case studies and materials

Description Using case studies from a wide range of cultural settings, as well as using materials from institutions in other countries for comparison.

Prerequisites n Having access to teaching materials from other countries that are of sufficient quality and match the course or module content.

Ensuring best practice n This approach can build on the quality of teaching and research as it improves the quality of study and encourages independent research by asking students to look at and consider a wider variety of sources.


I’ve taught Comparative Law for many years, and that is really about teaching different ways of thinking about law and justice and learning about other legal systems. So I am aware from my own experience that actually being able to incorporate other perspectives in practice is very challenging, and is not something to be embarked upon lightly, because how can someone who has been taught here, who has been schooled here, bring an international perspective to bear on the curriculum, and what does that really mean? It’s more about just getting away from the idea that there is only one way of thinking and one way of doing things, and being open and receptive.

Professor Jane Wright, Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Academic Standards

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A.4 Staff perspectives

Description Internationalisation does not have to mean an overhaul of existing practices. At institutions where there are already high numbers of international staff members, staff may simply be encouraged to feed perspectives from their own country or region of origin into their teaching. There is a balance to be struck, however. In the same way that UK lecturers can be in danger of using too many examples from the UK, international teachers can be equally inclined to use examples from their own national background which unintentionally alienate or disengage home students and other student groups. Ideally personal experience and perspectives are offered as part of a range of perspectives and examples.

Prerequisites n An international staff body (the University of Essex currently has the third most internationally diverse faculty in the UK); n Eagerness of staff members.

Ensuring best practice n Encourage staff to build on links and experiences which they already have in order to strengthen the quality of their research and teaching.


Teachers should use a variety of materials from all over the world to make the lessons more relevant and interesting.

Chris Fowler, Students’ Union Vice-President, Services and Communication

A.5 Guest lecturing

Description Collaborative offers between two institutions in different countries where a member of visiting teaching staff joins the host institution for a limited number of days in order to teach their course or module over an intensive period (for example a weekend) instead of over the course of a normal full term.

Prerequisites n A willingness on the part of the institutions to collaborate; n A willingness on the part of staff involved to travel and teach abroad.

Ensuring best practice n Ensuring that the level of assessing and teaching are at the same standard may strengthen links between institutions and enhance the quality and level of teaching and research across the board.

Examples Lecturers in the School of Law currently deliver lectures to Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in Delhi. In addition, the Department of Language and Linguistics has hosted a workshop on Case and Elicitation that involved participants from three of the Global Alliance universities: the University of Essex, the University of Konstanz and JNU. Following on from a number of earlier meetings and workshops in Delhi, Konstanz and Colchester, this brought all three universities physically together. Funding for the faculty visitors was secured from external sources, including the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Indian Council for Social Science Research, and the British Academy. The event also provided an opportunity for a PhD student from JNU to visit Essex as part of an Essex TALIF project that explored the use of technology to support international teaching collaborations. The workshop on this occasion included both remote participants and remote presentations.

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We need to set our ambitions higher. It would be ideal if most modules had guest lectures from international experts. In many areas, that would give a completely different international experience. In other areas, like the course I teach in mathematics on , it’s the same the whole world over, there is very little international dimension, it’s just different people doing what is almost the same thing in different parts of the world – but even so, just simply hearing it from a different person and seeing that it’s not just something that happens within the confines of the University of Essex, but that these are actually global issues, would be good.

Professor Martin Henson, Dean for International Affairs

Way forward Contact Essex Abroad As a member of staff you can get involved in Erasmus Staff Teaching Essex Abroad Office Exchanges. These are 1-6 week exchanges of teaching staff which E [email protected] require the delivery of at least 8 hours teaching in a five-day working T 01206 87(3978) week. Visiting staff can also deliver Open Public Lectures on their field of Location: 5S.7.27 expertise, which is often topical and internationally relevant.

A.6 Virtual lectures

Description This approach could include developing modules that are supported by modern technologies (vodcasts, video conferencing, etc) in such a way that students at one institution can be taught by teaching staff in another country without either group travelling abroad. It could also be used to make resources such as lectures available to an international audience. To this effect, virtual lecturing can both improve the range and quality of the educational experience on offer and can increase the visibility of the University, improving it reputation and disseminating its resources.

Prerequisites n Appropriate technology in place; n A willingness on the part of the staff and the institution to offer such modules; n Uptake/demand by students (or audience).

Ensuring best practice n An added benefit to this approach is that it can help to develop a higher-level of skill and training for both staff and students in using certain types of software, methodology, and pedagogy.

Example Professor Martin Henson from the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE) makes his lectures and lecture materials openly available and has asynchronous audiences in the United States, China, Africa, etc.

Encourage your students to use the Listen Again service Students report that the Listen Again service – which enables them to download audio recordings of lectures after the event for reinforcing learning and revision – is particularly useful in a cross-language context: unless you and your students all share the same native language, Listen Again can be really useful for picking up the bits in your lecturer that may have been missed or difficult to follow.

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A.7 Staff-led approaches

Description Financial, points-based, or research-time incentives for academic staff who travel abroad on their own volition to teach, observe teaching, or review the syllabus at the institution they are visiting, allowing for a reflective exchange between the two institutions on potential differences and cultural influences in their teaching and learning. This can take the form of a mutually beneficial exchange agreement or instead be predominantly sharing (teaching) or scoping (learning). There are many opportunities through Erasmus.


Prerequisites n The necessary financial and/or administrative resources in place to be able to provide incentives; n Willingness of staff to be involved and take the lead.

Example Contact Essex Abroad Erasmus Staff Mobility Funding is available for you to visit a partner Essex Abroad Office university for the purpose of delivering eight hours of teaching within a E [email protected] five-day period. The remainder of your time can be spent comparing T 01206 87(3978) curricula, developing new curricula, and picking up ideas, etc. Location: 5S.7.27

A.8 Varied interactivity

Description Not relying on only one type of interactive exercise but aiming to incorporate a range of forms of interactive learning into classes and seminars in order to cater for different preferences and perceptions.

Prerequisites n Sensitivity on the part of the teaching staff; n Some support in terms of training or suggestions for specific techniques.


One of the key things in the classroom is interactivity – making international students talk, getting them involved. Some may be reluctant at first, but they will eventually participate and enjoy it. You need to build their confidence.”

“Group work is so important for international students, especially when groups are deliberately diverse, as UK students have the same tendency to stay in their own group. It integrates them. And it’s better if it’s assessed, for example with a presentation. That way the group has to communicate properly, otherwise it’s possible to complete an assignment with minimal contact. I met one of my best friends through doing a group presentation – we are from different cultures.

Jovanna Yiouselli, Students’ Union Vice-President International

page26 Toolkit

A.9 Varied materials

Description Providing materials (newspaper articles, photos, literature…) from various countries and cultures, and using a range of different kinds of teaching materials (worksheets, articles, pictures, schemas, films…), as well as different audio and visual media.

Prerequisites n Sensitivity on the part of the teaching staff; n Training support and/or suggestions for specific techniques and pedagogies.


I think all teachers should have lecture slides because it makes the learning process much easier, especially for internationals students.

Mysha Pavel, BA in International Relations, from Romania

A.10 International outlook as a quality marker

Description Including the international outlook of what is being taught as a marker of quality on an assessment list, reviews, and quality assurance and monitoring processes.

Prerequisites n Agreement and initiative by staff and management involved.


We need to ensure our provision is compatible with and relevant to potential partners internationally, as well as students. This means having a curriculum which is meaningful and attractive to overseas students and education establishments, so students understand that once they graduate they can go back home and actually slot into their national economy, the conditions of the country, or the education system, and basically make meaningful use of the degrees they received here.

Dr Abdel Salhi, Head of Mathematical Sciences

Way forward The University is currently exploring ways to build a review of internationalisation and internationalisation of the curriculum into quality and monitoring processes at departmental and programme-level such as Annual Monitoring and Periodic Review.

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A.11 Varied assessment

Description Offering a range of assessment options to both challenge and accommodate students from different social and educational backgrounds, for example oral examination, written exam, take-home exam, group work, and research project.

Prerequisites n Strict criteria and understanding of comparability of marks; n Willingness on the part of the institution to experiment with assessment; n Extensive staff discussion and initiative; n Approval by relevant Deans.

A.12 Value-added assessment

Description Students being assessed not only in relation to their module but also with consideration given to their overall development over the course of the year or degree programme, where possible taking into account cultural background.

Prerequisites n Strict criteria and understanding of comparability of marks; n Willingness on the part of the institution to experiment with this; n Extensive staff discussion and initiative; n Approval by relevant Deans.

A.13 Collaborative conferences

Description A course or conference aimed at students which takes place at a single host institution but is attended by several collaborating institutions from various countries, thereby reflecting different cultural perspectives.

Prerequisites n Willingness on the part of staff to set this up; n Take-up by students; n Financial support for organisation and travel.

Example An example is the South East European Doctoral Student Conference ( The SEERC not only aims to explore collaborative links between disciplines, but also to bring researchers from different countries closer together.

page28 Toolkit

B. Teaching content B.1 Syllabus exchanges

Description An agreement between institutions in different countries to exchange syllabus plans during drafting or revising of syllabi.

Prerequisites n A good relationship between the institutions taking part.

Ensuring best practice n Do not force any adaptation of syllabi. This should be an informative process only.

Example Essex Business School validates some degree programmes for Montreux School of Business (University of Switzerland) and is involved in two-way syllabus exchanges and curriculum development. The Department of Biological Sciences, through their close research collaboration with , also exchanges plans for courses.


Internationalisation can reveal a series of different practices which go a long way to thinking about the systems being studied. That gives you a richer and wider impression of the world and a sensitivity which you wouldn’t otherwise be aware of. We’ve got staff and students from all over the world, and our aim as a university is to make the most of that valuable resource to inform our curricula.

Professor Aletta Norval, Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Education

B.2 Free language classes

Description A range of language classes on offer for free.

Prerequisites n Collaboration with language school; n Funding.

Ensuring best practice n Offering a certificate for recognition; n Ensuring continuity of assessment and standards; n Promoting as an employability skill and a skill for further study.

Example The University has recently set up the ‘Languages for All’ programme, which allows all students to study a foreign language for free:

page29 Internationalising the Curriculum – Tools

The International Academy and many Student Societies also offer free language classes.

These societies include: n French n German n Russian n Romanian n Arabic n Chinese n Portuguese

International Student Association (ISA) at the University of Essex For the first time the Essex Students’ Union has formed an Association for international students. The purpose of the Association is to help international students to enjoy university life through different events and activities. The Association will also create more opportunities for all students in order to get to know other cultures and languages. The main goal of ISA is to raise awareness of international students and create a more diverse university.

n Japanese B.3 Universal examples

Description Reflecting on and showing sensitivity to the kinds of examples and remarks that students from other cultural backgrounds would understand; for example avoiding (or explicitly explaining) the use of jokes and anecdotes that are particular to a cultural, national, or local setting.

Prerequisites n Sensitivity on the part of the teaching staff.

Ensuring best practice n This can be tackled in training, for example a staff briefing at the start of term.

‘Working with International Students’ Workshop Learning and Development run this session at least once a year, as well as other sessions about internationalisation and related topics, often involving external experts such as Jude Carroll.

Learning and Development E [email protected] T 01206 87(2382) Location: 4SB.5.4

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C Programme of study C.1. Joint modules

Description This means a collaborative effort between two universities in different countries in the organisation of one particular module. The module is offered as a normal module to students in similar courses at both universities, but during the term the students get a chance to meet (if only virtually) to reflect on possible differences in how the topic was approached.

Prerequisites n A well-established relationship of trust between the two universities, with a common understanding of the venture, especially in terms of assessment criteria; n A willingness to coordinate effectively on the part of the teaching staff and curriculum directors involved; n Good personal relationships between staff involved at the two institutions.

Example An example is the module on ‘Intermodal Freight Transport’ as part of the MSc Logistics and Transport Management at the University of Gothenburg in . This module has been developed in collaboration with the Jacobs University in Germany, and applies the concept of the ‘travelling lecturer’ as well as blended learning. The international learning collaboration is facilitated by an e-learning platform.

Visit: transport%E2%80%9D

Way forward The School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE) is currently developing parallel modules with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Similarly the Department of Sociology is exploring parallel modules in Criminology with the University of Hong Kong, and the Department of Economics is also exploring links with Moscow. As a way forward, it may be useful to contact the key staff in these departments to find out more about what the set-up of joint modules involves.

C.2 Dual degree

Description A dual degree is a course offered by two institutions in different countries, where the student is awarded a degree from both these institutions.

Prerequisites n High degree of mutual trust and familiarity with the other institution; n Understanding of respective marking schemes and assessment criteria; n A very good working relationship with the other institution; n High level approval.

Ensuring best practice n Ensure that teaching practises are similar and methods of assessment are of the same standard; n Consider the importance of exchange visits between faculty members and a good level of communication to ensure that it works well.

Example The Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) offers a dual degree with Sciences Po in Paris. Visit:

Way forward As a way forward, it may be useful to approach staff involved with dual degree schemes about their experiences. At the University of Essex, the course ‘English and French Law’ is offered as a dual degree.

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C.3 Comparative courses and modules

Description These refer to modules or entire courses with an explicit dual geographical focus such as a module on ‘The Financial Crisis in the US and China’. Though they are less broadly international in outlook than other options described in the toolkit, such comparative courses and modules make possible a more in-depth comparison between two (or more) national, cultural, or geographical settings.

Prerequisites n An expert among the teaching staff in the topic from the other country’s or geographical setting’s perspective, in order to do justice to the in-depth assessment of differences; n Also desirable is some form of an exchange agreement between two institutions in the relevant places.

Ensuring best practice n Ensure that teaching practises are similar and methods of assessment are of the same standard; n Consider the importance of exchange visits between faculty members and a good level of communication to ensure that it works well; n Explore the potential role of Graduate Trainee Assistants.

C.4 Joint- or co-supervision

Description This approach refers to students being jointly-supervised or co-supervised by staff at institutions in different countries, and often includes some in-built reflection on the necessity and benefits of such arrangements in relation to the study. It can take a number of different forms: hosting the student here but having all or some remote supervision elsewhere; hosting the student elsewhere but having all or some remote supervision here; or a combination of both in which student and supervisor(s) are mobile and have a more fluid relationship.

Prerequisites n A willingness on the part of the supervisor(s) and student(s); n Good contacts and working relations between the two supervisors; n Knowledge on the part of the student; n Necessity and/or benefit to the student’s work.

Ensuring best practice n This approach can ensure stronger links between international faculty and increase the opportunity for further research links and collaborations.

Example Through the Centre for Research in Economic Sociology and Innovation, the Department of Sociology is currently hosting a visiting academic and PhD student from the Centre for Science Policy at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in Delhi as part of one of the University’s four Global Challenge projects. The University is also hosting a group of PhD students from King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, , who are being supervised and sponsored by their home institution.

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C.5 Open module programmes with partners

Description Institutions providing a larger range of module options for students by offering modules which are taught at institutions that the students may visit in order to explicitly encourage study abroad and other forms of collaborative learning and teaching. This can also include short physical visits to and from the University through short courses, summer schools, etc.

Prerequisites n Good collaboration and exchange between institutions in different countries; n Mutual agreement on assessment criteria, etc.

Example Consider some of the following options: n Erasmus Intensive programmes Contact Essex Abroad n Joint Summer Schools Essex Abroad Office n Study Tours – Some of the best examples of good practise in this area E [email protected] can be found in Australia: T 01206 87(3978) n RMIT University –;ID=9j8kdo6gfczaz Location: 5S.7.27 n Swinburne University –

C.6 Collaborative degree programmes

Description A degree scheme that is accredited by two institutions and leads to a dual award, whose component modules are taught at the two institutions.

Prerequisites n Very good working relationship between the two institutions; n Agreement on assessment criteria; n Agreement on accreditation; n Approval by dean/institution.

Example This already happens within the LLB English and French Laws degree programme at Essex. The first two years are spent here where students take the modules needed to ensure that the course is a ‘qualifying’ law course for the purposes of practice in the UK (with the exception of Law of the European Union, which is studied abroad). The third and fourth years are then spent at one of the University’s three partner institutions in France, where modules are taken to permit students to obtain the Licence en Droit and Maîtrise/Master 1.


Where it comes to the more ambitions things, like the joint PGT things, well, that has to be done where there is genuine interest within the departments, where they can see the merit of it, probably from several perspectives, not just from a teaching/educational perspective, but from the research and exchange perspectives as well, and with relationships which are pretty robust and sustained.

Professor Martin Henson, Dean for International Affairs

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C.7 Study Abroad / Research Abroad / Work Abroad

Description At Essex we currently have over 200 students studying on exchange programmes. This will rise to 400 by 2014-15. Individual study abroad periods for students can be almost any length of time: a term, a year, etc, and modules taken abroad can count towards the degree at the home institution. Staff now have as much opportunity to work and research abroad. There are three core strands to Essex Abroad: Study Abroad; Research Abroad; and Work Abroad. So irrespective of whether you are a member of academic or professional services staff, or a student, there is a chance to travel in a context that is meaningful to your work or study.

Prerequisites n Agreement on assessment criteria and accreditation where necessary; n Language skills are an advantage; n Institutional collaboration; n Financial support for the student or staff (there is funding through Erasmus); n Similarities and/or flexibility with regard to the contents of degree schemes to allow for some modules to be taken abroad, where necessary.


One of the great things about study abroad is that ‘home’ students return with a much stronger sense of what it’s like to be a student in another country, and this makes them more attuned to the experience of international students here at Essex. They are more understanding. More interested.

Jovanna Yiouselli, Students’ Union Vice-President International

I see the renewal of student mobility and our exchange partners as a key feature. It’s a good opportunity, as we go through that process of renewing mobility, and we should keep an eye on what else we can do, and particularly in the area of internationalising the curriculum. I see that as a very important supporting strategy.

Professor Martin Henson, Dean for International Affairs

Year Abroad Degree

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Study Abroad

Essex Essex Work Abroad Essex

Research Abroad

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The Year Abroad may take the form of one or a combination of the following: Study Work Research Abroad Abroad Abroad Internship, Short-term Industry-based Term / Year Exchange (<3 months) Project Work Internship, Long-term Summer School (up to 12 months) Lab-based Project

Study Tour Volunteer Abroad Fieldwork

Language Course Clinical Placement Dissertation Writing

Intensive Modules Conference Attendance

Abroad Language Assistantship (to present a paper)


ˆ Examples ¯ Enrika Cetaviciute· went to Israel for a term in her third year (2011–2012). She studied International Relations and had a keen interest in the Middle East. This complemented her other module choices and research focus. Programmes can often be arranged that complement potential career interests in this way.

Some universities offer special study abroad programmes for the purposes of either allowing their students to gain credits from studying short periods abroad such as a term, for example Yale University, or programmes that are designed to attract students to visit from abroad to enrich the learning and teaching experience ‘at home’, such as Pembroke College, University of Cambridge.

Examples of good practice across the sector

University of Cambridge, Pembroke College, UK

University of Westminster, UK

Queen’s University Belfast, UK

Yale University, USA

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C.8 Summer schools and courses

Description A period of intensive learning (usually during the summer) at another institution that can vary from one week to several weeks in duration.

Prerequisites n Relevant courses on offer; n Advice to students on what is on offer and where; n Financial support for students.


I went to a few summer schools before I came to Essex. One was in London. I enjoyed it but it was very scary at first. Everything about England was different. The culture shock was enormous. Once I had overcome the strangeness of it all, I realised that my own culture was also strange in some ways. Or to take a different view: no cultures are strange, just different. It really changes your perspective.

Jovanna Yiouselli, Students’ Union Vice-President International

Example The Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis is renowned for its quality teaching and international character. Other universities, such as the University of Oxford, offer a diverse range of specific courses to visitors from abroad, while other universities have established international summer schools for their own students, such as Nottingham.

Examples of good practice across the sector

University of Essex, UK

University of Oxford, UK

University of Nottingham, UK schools/index.aspx

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C.9 Excursions, visiting studentships, and research stays

Description Opportunities for flexible stays abroad for students for learning and research purposes.

Prerequisites n Keeping good working relationships with institutions in other countries; n Maintaining a directory or list for interested students; n Agreement on supervision/liabilities; n Financial support for the student; n Mutuality agreements.

Example This kind of activity can either be credit-bearing or eligible for inclusion on the forthcoming HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Record). The University of Heidelberg in Germany offers special excursions to promote intercultural exchange. Going abroad as a visiting student tends to be less formalised and can often be set up individually, as one of the authors (Marit Boeker) did herself to spend two months in Germany on a research stay.


C.10 Integrating language learning with degree

Description Introducing compulsory language modules into degree schemes.

Prerequisites n Collaboration with language school; n Willingness on the part of the curriculum directors; n Easily identifiable need and gain on the part of students.

C.11 Varied provision

Description This includes: language courses with weekly classes over the course of a term or year; intensive courses over a few weeks; self-directed learning; distance learning; language learning as part of a stay abroad; language learning through literature study; language learning through mutual exchange with people from another country whose language one wishes to learn (‘language buddies’).

Prerequisites n Willingness on the part of the language school; n Funding.

Ensuring best practice n Offering a certificate for recognition; n Ensuring the continuity of assessment and standards; n Promoting as an employability skill and a skill for further study.

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C.12 Overseas language courses

Description Encouraging students to attend language courses in other countries, for example during the summer.

Prerequisites n Links with relevant organisations; n Funding for bursaries.

Example This is already on offer to students who study a year abroad – they are eligible for a crash course to ensure that they are up to speed. Other ideas for improving language skills include: n Taking work placements, internships, or clinical placements abroad. A good example of a programme is –;ID=lts36z94rdw61 n Undertaking research placements and field work abroad; n Volunteering abroad; n Global Leadership programmes and Awards. Co-curricular programmes to provide a global, cross-cultural dimension to a student’s studies. Good examples include: - Macquarie University – - University of Queensland –

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3.4 Ideas for key staff

3.4.1 Ideas for curriculum directors Curriculum directors play an important role in internationalising the curriculum: they may be the main innovators from whose impulses colleagues can adapt their practices. Of course, an innovating impulse may also come from teaching staff themselves, from Heads of Department, from students, or from other relevant players at the University such as staff in Professional Services. However, teaching staff, especially if new to their posts, may not be aware of the scope for new teaching practices and the support available; or, especially if looking back on many years of teaching, may not see the need to disrupt tried and tested approaches which have worked well in the past. Students and others at the University may have enthusiasm and innovative impulses but not be able to follow them through until they become a formal part of the institution.

Curriculum directors can play a crucial role in being a point of access for all these different persons or groups, and can, if successful, turn all of these inputs and interests into a concerted, mutually beneficial effort towards internationalisation. For this, it is important that the curriculum director is well informed about existing arrangements, financial possibilities, and new schemes and opportunities. At the same time, s/he will have to be approachable and in regular contact with the relevant administrative and teaching staff in their department, as well as with the curriculum directors in other departments.

Recommended actions towards internationalising the curriculum are:

1.Establish contact with the University Steering Group and the Dean of International Affairs to enquire about available funds for new internationalisation schemes. To a large extent, the internationalisation agenda is still in development, which means that there may be opportunities for pilot schemes and/or special pots of funding for any new, innovative ideas.

2.Initiate a discussion among key staff in your department on what the priorities and constraints are when it comes to the curriculum, and why. This is important so that any internationalisation initiatives are not perceived as being imposed from the outside or even threatening existing standards of academic teaching and research. A long-term institutionalisation of an internationalised curriculum will be possible only when there is broad agreement within the department on the rationale behind internationalisation, its implications for learning, teaching and research in the department, and the degree to which, and form in which, it is considered desirable.

3.Inform yourself about different ways of internationalising the curriculum. Ideas, case studies and best practice guides are available from the Learning and Development website (, the Higher Education Academy (, the wider literature (see bibliography), or of course through contact with previous curriculum directors or those who have been in their post for a longer time.

4.Encourage teaching staff in your department to re-think their syllabi and teaching practices, and offer thorough support and advice with changing modules and courses. They might come up with their own ideas, which may spur enthusiasm and enable a more organic process of change towards an internationalised curriculum.

5.Set up schemes that add an internationalisation aspect into already existing practices. For example, an international outlook or teaching methods that encourage cross-cultural learning may be included in the departmental quality review process for modules and courses; a lecturer who often looks up up-to-date examples in newspapers may start using newspapers from other countries as well; or academics who frequently travel abroad for research purposes can use a stay abroad to inform themselves about the possibility of shared modules or courses with the university they are visiting.

6.Set up reward schemes that link innovative internationalisation efforts with things that the relevant staff members value. For example, create an annual prize for internationalised teaching, or provide funding for visits abroad for academics who combine their research stay with an enquiry into possible collaborations between universities.

7. If you are involved with a professional degree, consider making contact with the necessary professional accreditation bodies to work on internationalisation of the curriculum projects. These include fields of study such as Engineering, Health Sciences, Accountancy, etc.

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3.4.2 Ideas for teaching staff Insofar as internationalisation of the curriculum can be perceived as an imposition of new practices from ‘above’, teaching staff may in some cases be most resistant and cynical towards it, as they will have to carry the load by approaching learning and teaching in a different way than before. Yet teaching staff are, together with the students, also likely to be the main beneficiaries of an internationalised curriculum: after all, it is not about imposing new ideas into learning and teaching practices which were actually working well as they were, but it is an agenda which responds to real changes in relation to more culturally mixed student bodies and a globalised job market. Therefore, teaching staff may prefer to stick with the syllabus that “they have always used” but value some guidance on how to involve students from different cultural backgrounds in the class. Or they may be concerned about the limited spare time they can devote to a very formalised internationalisation process, but in fact already be adapting their teaching practices because they enjoy the input from international students in the form of comparative examples and thus intuitively give such exchange more room.

Teaching staff are more likely to fit in with the overall internationalisation process if they are granted more freedom to experiment with new ways of teaching and learning themselves. It will be helpful to couch the internationalisation agenda in a way which responds to the challenges teaching staff are faced with, such as those arising from a very mixed student body. A flexible and experimental approach to internationalisation can then make for very practical solutions to such challenges which closely match the situation, rather than creating additional challenges by positing yet another set of quality standards to be achieved.

Teaching staff can contribute to internationalisation of the curriculum through the following actions: n Be open to new ideas for learning and teaching, and experiment a little. If possible, discuss experiences with new methods of learning and teaching with other teaching staff. n Find out about the scope of changing established practices – what is fixed, where may new ideas be tried out? n Think about your own priorities when it comes to teaching in higher education, and where the internationalisation agenda may come in useful to achieving these even better. n Make an effort at understanding how your teaching reaches students from different cultural backgrounds. If you feel that some students are not able to follow as well as the others because of their national or cultural background, try to change your ways of teaching to accommodate all students equally. n Involve your students in incorporating an international outlook into your teaching. Thematise differences in the applicability of a topic to different countries or cultures, and ask students to provide examples themselves. Encourage students to reflect on their different experiences to enable cross-cultural understanding.

3.4.3 Ideas for students The group to whom internationalisation is bound to seem like least of an imposition is students. Student bodies across the UK are becoming increasingly diverse, making it normal for students to interact with friends and colleagues from various foreign countries. Understanding their situation at a British higher education institution, as well as effectively interacting in the classroom, may therefore feel fairly standard. Yet at the same time, several students at the University reported that a group of mostly international students can often adopt a separatist position in relation to a group of mainly British students, with minimal interaction between the two and with membership of the groups self-renewing. Despite increasing numbers of international students, this picture seems somewhat removed from a vision of internationalisation which takes as its endpoint the redundancy of nationality in student life, where it simply does not matter where you are from. Hence students have much to gain from continued, explicit efforts being made to bring different nationalities closer together. This may comprise both new ways of interacting and learning with each other in the classroom as well as a wide array of social activities orientated to fostering understanding of different cultures. You may therefore wish to give the following to students as an indication of how they can support their own internationalised experience in a number of ways: n Make the most of your time in higher education by making new friends from various foreign countries. Go beyond your known culture and lifestyle to learn about how other people see the world.

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n Take part in cultural events offered by country-specific student societies. Student societies are also a good way of learning about a country or region that interests you: they are open not only to students from the corresponding country or region, but for anyone interested. n Virtually all subjects you might be studying have a cultural dimension, or cultural differences in the meaning or applicability of the subject. Try to thematise these in the classroom, by drawing attention to the situation or perspective in your country, asking fellow students about their experiences, and taking on homework with a national-, regional- or cultural-specific focus so far unfamiliar to you. n Demand an internationalised environment from your institution. Teaching staff and academics and administrative staff in other relevant positions are usually eager to orientate what they do to the students’ (reasonable) wishes and opinions. If they sense that students themselves find the teaching practices inadequate for the highly international student body, this will be a strong motivating factor for them to change their practices. n Be curious and take initiative. There are usually various exciting opportunities for study abroad, cultural travel, language learning and internships on offer. Think about whether, and in what form, you may be interested in broadening your horizon, and then take initiative in organising your preferred programme or stay.

3.5 Key contacts

Head of Global Mobility Essex Abroad Office Ivan Hutchins E [email protected] E [email protected] T 01206 87(3978) T 01206 87(3705) Location: 5S.7.27 Office: 5S.7.31 Learning and Development VP International, Students’ Union Learning and Development Hristina Kamovrovsa E [email protected] E [email protected] T 01206 87(4402) Office: Students’ Union Corridor Office: 4SB.5.4

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4 Annotated bibliography 4.1 Books

Bell, Maureen (2009), Internationalising the Higher Education Curriculum: Study Abroad and Global Learning, Saarbrücken: VDM. Analysis of three internationalisation programmes involving study abroad and global learning at universities in Australia and Singapore.

Carroll, Jude and Ryan, Janette (eds.) (2005), Teaching International Students: Improving Learning for All: Enhancing Learning for All, Birmingham: SEDA. Edited volume on internationalisation with a focus on different underlying pedagogies and an extensive section on internationalisation of the curriculum.

Jones, Elspeth and Brown, Sally (eds.) (2007), Internationalising Higher Education. London: Routledge. Edited volume on internationalisation of all aspects of higher education, from assessment to institutional cultures and student mobility; including a chapter on internationalisation of the curriculum.

O’Meara, James and Spittle, Michael (eds.) (2012), Internationalising Education: Global Perspectives on Transnational Partnerships, Nova Science Publishers. Discussion of the aims and the scope of transnational cooperation for global education.

Ryan, Janette (2012), Cross-Cultural Teaching and Learning for Home and International Students: Internationalisation of Pedagogy and Curriculum in Higher Education, London: Routledge. A mapping of internationalisation of learning and teaching around the world, as well as practical guidance on an international pedagogy and curriculum.

Shiel, C. and McKenzie, A. (2008), The Global University: The Role of Senior Managers. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. Discussion of the role of senior managers in higher education in relation to internationalisation, globalisation, and sustainable development.

Sloman, Sir Albert E. (1964), A University in the Making, London: British Broadcasting Corp. Book by the first vice-chancellor of the University of Essex on the motivations and priorities on which its foundation was based.

4.2 Academic papers

Appelbaum, Peter; Friedler, Louis M.; Ortiz, Carlos E.; Wolff, Edward F. (2009), ‘Internationalizing the University Mathematics Curriculum’, in: Journal of Studies in International Education 13, pp. 365-381. Recommendations on how to internationalise the Mathematics curriculum.

Badley, Graham (2000), ‘Developing Globally-Competent University Teachers’, in: Innovations in Education & Training International 37 (3), pp. 244-253. Argument on the need for pedagogic training with an eye to teaching students with different socio-cultural values and beliefs.

Bennett, Roger and Kane, Suzanne (2011), ‘Internationalization of U.K. Business Schools: A Survey of Current Practice’, in: Journal of Studies in International Education 15, pp. 351-273. Findings from a questionnaire study on internationalisation of 65 business schools in the UK.

Biggs, J. (1997), ‘Teaching Across and Within Cultures: the issue of international students’, in: Learning and teaching in higher education: advancing international perspectives. Proceedings of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Conference, Adelaide. Conceptual depiction of teaching across cultures, with examples around the teaching of international students in Australia. page42 Toolkit

Brookes, Maureen and Becket, Nina (2011), ‘Developing Global Perspectives Through International Management Degrees’, in: Journal of Studies in International Education 15, pp. 374-394. Case study on internationalisation of undergraduate hospitality management degree programmes in the UK.

Caruana, V., and Hanstock, J. (2003) ‘Internationalising the curriculum: from policy to practice’, Paper presented at the Higher Education Research, Education in a Changing Environment Conference 17th-18th September 2003, University of Salford, UK. Description of possible approaches to implementing internationalisation and their implications teaching strategies and –content.

Haigh, Martin (2009), ‘Fostering Cross-Cultural Empathy With Non-Western Curricular Structures’, in: Journal of Studies in International Education 13, pp. 271-284. Argument on the incorporation of non-Western forms of learning and teaching into the curriculum.

Haigh, Martin (2002), ‘Internationalisation of the Curriculum: designing inclusive education for a small world’, in: Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 26 (1), pp. 49-66. Discussion of internationalisation of the curriculum against the background of the globalisation of the education marketplace.

Leask, Betty (2001), ‘Bridging the Gap: Internationalizing University Curricula’, in: Journal of Studies in International Education 5, pp. 100-115. Case study on internationalisation at an Australian university, focusing on both the structural options for course design and the contents of learning and teaching.

Leask, Betty (2009), ‘Using Formal and Informal Curricula to Improve Interactions Between Home and International Students’, in: Journal of Studies in International Education 13, pp. 205-221. Guidelines for formal and informal curricular activities to improve interactions between home and international students, drawing on several research studies.

Morey, Ann I. (2000), ‘Changing Higher Education Curricula for a Global and Multicultural World’, in: Higher Education in Europe 25 (1), pp. 25-39. Outline of a framework for a curriculum that prepares students to succeed in the culturally diverse, globally interdependent world.

Rizvi, Fazal and Walsh, Lucas (1998), ‘Difference, Globalisation and the Internationalisation of the Curriculum’, in: Australian Universities Review 2, pp. 8-11. Outline of approaches to internationalisation of the curriculum informed by a discussion of cultural diversity and difference.

4.3 Other publications

Bourn, Doug; McKenzie, Alleen; Shiel, Chris (2006), The Global University. The role of the curriculum, London: Development Education Association. Publication on the link between higher education and active global citizenship.

Butorac, Anne (ed.) (1997), Quality in Practice. Internationalising the Curriculum and the Classroom, Curtin University of Technology Centre for Educational Advancement. Edited volume on the objectives of internationalising the curriculum.

Caruana, Viv & Spurling, Nicola (2007), The Internationalisation of UK Higher Education: a review of selected material. Project Report. Higher Education Academy. Extensive review of the ‘grey’ and academic literature on internationalisation of the curriculum and international students in the UK.

Huddart, Tina and Jackson, Elizabeth (2010), Understanding internationalisation of home students for improvements to curriculum design, Higher Education Academy. Case study on the School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, with a description of ways of introducing internationalisation issues into the curriculum.

page43 Contact details The Toolkit is great. I think it should Learning Development be compulsory reading. It balances both E [email protected] T 01206 87(4141) perspectives. Students can see where staff Office: 4SB.5.4 are coming from, and staff can see where students are coming from. It’s this middle ground that’s so important.

Jovanna Yiouselli, © University of Essex 2012 Contains Designed and printed by recycled Students’ Union Vice-President International Print Essex at the University of Essex materials