contents ContentS 5 Factual Programming on ZDF 6 ZDF 6 Department of History and Science 12 Department of Contemporary History 17 Department of Current Affairs 23 Department of Environmental Affairs 25 Department of Drama 30 3sat 34 ARTE 40 ZDF inFo 44 Programs / timE slots - ovErviEw 46 ZDF EntErPrisEs – who We arE ZDF Enterprises Erich-Dombrowski-Str. 1 48 Contact D-55127 Mainz Germany T: +49 (0) 6131-991-1835
[email protected] 3 factual programming on ZDf Department of culture, History anD science FaCtual Programming on ZDF ZDF has an enviable reputation as one of the most important providers of factual programming in Europe. In the highly competitive German TV mar- ket, ZDF runs numerous regular documentary strands including weekly- broadcasts of documentaries in two prominent prime-time slots, with high market shares of 12 – 15%. Topics such as expeditions to unknown worlds, legends and mysteries in the history of mankind, spectacles of nature, the evolution of man and the turning points of 20th-century history have been shown to attract large audiences. The success of programmes such as Terra-X, Doomsday, World War I, Secrets of the Third Reich, History of the Germans and Planet Egypt reflects the intensity of audience appreciation for this programformat. For ZDF, visual quality is a prerequisite for the success of a documentary. Today’s top documentaries are highly-dramatised narra- tives which convey important themes in gripping style, making full use of the medium’s potential. The narrative element is, therefore, a key factor in the success of the genre.