w {ti"}t*;r Government of West Bengal, Office of the District Magistrate, Darjeeling. P h o n e : 03 54-2 25 4233 I 225 620 1, Fa x : 0354 -225 4338, e-Mail:
[email protected] ORDER No:109/c Date: 24.08.2020 ln pursuance to the order issued by Chief Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal vide memo no. L77-CS/2O2O dt 18.05.2020 & memo no. 218- CSl2020 dt 30.05.2020 and in pursuance to the meeting held on 24.06.2020 at the State Guest House, Siliguri regarding revision of Containment Zones and Buffer zones in Darjeeling District, the following mentioned areas in the column lV, against ward/GP in column lll are notified as Affected Area (Containment Zone) Category A in Darjeeling District. sl Municipality/ ward GP Category A (Containment Zone) No BIock / L Ward No.46 From Ranbir Roy's house to Amal Saha's house. FromMonaGhosh'shouseatthestartofthestreet toPremMahato'shouse(easttowest). 2 Ward No.28 From Raj Kr. Mahato's house to Oak Ojha's house (north to south) with additjonal barricading at Moti Rahman's house. 3 Ward No.46 From P Debnath house to Santosh Kumar house, Road No-03. 4 Ward No.46 Rajib Nagar, Road No-01, from Kaji Rashidul lslam house to Saran Dewan house. 5 Ward No. 18 Blind Gully - From start of gully at Siliguri Station Road to Manoj Thakur's house at the end of the eullv 6 Ward No.45 Baghaiatin Colony, From Md. lsrafic house to MehboobTelecom 7 Ward No.46 Satyajit Market, Jyoti Nagar Road No -02, Puskar Thapa's Appartment 8 Ward No.