New Zealand Gazette Officiating Ministers

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New Zealand Gazette Officiating Ministers 181 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, 10- FEBRUARY 1966 Published by Authority WELLINGTON: TUESDAY, 15 FEBRUARY 1966 OFFICIATING MINISTERS 182 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No.:s Officiating Ministers for 1966-Notice No. 3 PURSUANT to the Marriage Act 1955, the following list of Officiating Ministers within the meaning of the said Act is published for general information. This list comes into force on 1 March 1966! The Church of the Province of New The Church of England-continued Zealand, Commonly called the Church of England The Reverend- Botting, Ian James, M.A. The Reverend- Bowyer, Henry George, B.D., B.Sc. Adams, Geoffrey Owen, B.A., LLB., Boyd, David George, B.Sc., L.Th. L.Th. Boyd-Bell, Henry James, L.Th., E.D. Addis, Ellis A venel Braddock, David Alwyn, L.Th. Aiken, David Leslie, B.A. Braddock, Kenneth Frederick Langley Aiona, Darrow Branthwaite, John Walter, B.A. Aires, Raymond Charles, M.A., L.Th. Aldworth, Alexander William The Very Reverend- Allen, Francis Lechampion Bretton, William Frederick. M.A., Allen, Ross Beresford, B.Sc. Dean Allison, Lester Frederic The Reverend- The Venerable Archdeacon­ Bristow, K. A., B.Sc. Allom, Barrie Haldane, L.Th. Brokenshire, John Joseph, L.Th. Anderson, Alfred Reid, M.Sc. Brooker, Stephen John Broughton, Afan Rangihuta Herewini The Reverend- Brown, Colin Greville, B.A., L.Th., Anderson, Leslie William Shallad St.B. Anderson, Stuart, B.A. Brown, Eric Donald Andrews, Roydon Percival, L.Th., Brown, Graeme Eric, L.Th. Canon Brown, John Lawley, B.A., L.Th. ~lidge,, John- Brett, M.A. - - Brown, Michael Henry, B.Com. Armstrong, · George Auihrey Whit­ Browne, Cyril Franklin combe, M.A., B.0. Buckle, Edward Gilbert, Th.L., Dip. c.c. Th~ -V ene-rable Aichdeacor{~ Bull, Cecil· Stanley, L.Th.,' F.R.G.S. Arnold, Henry Coleridge, M.A., L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon­ The Reverend- Bull, Maxwell Lovelace Arthur Arnold, Walter Charles, B.A. The Reverend- Arrowsmith, Alan W,insrf:on Burgin, Eric Woollcombe, B.A., L.Th. Atkins, Peter Geoffrey, M.A., B.D. Burns, Percy, L.Th. Aubrey, Keith GHbert, Th.L., Di:p. Burrow, Selwyn Charles Com., Canon Burton, Arthur Bernard The Venerable- The Venerable Archdeacon­ Ault, Harold Frank, M.A., B.D., L.Th., Bu:tt, Gorrdon Alexander, L.Th. Th.Sch. The Reverend- The Reverend- Buttle, Richard Newman, B.A., L.Th. Austin, Hugh Warren, M.A. Button, Kenneth Francis, M.A., Baigent, Kempster William, L.Th. Canon · Bythell; Noel John, M.Sc., Th.L. The Right Reverend Bishop­ Cable, John Henry Baines, Henry Wolfe, M.A. Calder, Matthew Lewis, Th.L. Cameron, Derek Cedric Graham, C.F. The Reverend- Cameron, John Steven Graham, L.Th. Baker, Gerald Stothert, M.A., L.Th. Cameron, Mangatitoki, L.Th., Canon Baker, Philip Bartrum, B.A. L.Th. Cameron, William Steven Graham, Balfour, David Ian Bailey Balfour L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Campbell, Milton Hope Ball, Frederick Offwood, L.Tll, Cape, Peter Irwin, B.A. Carpenter, Theodore George, L.Th. The Reverend- Carrell, Brian Ruane, M.A. Bambury, Owen Ronald Carson, Richard Alcorn, M.A., Canon Bamford, Eric Ellerslie, M.A., L.Th. Cartridge, Lawrence Edwin, M.A. Barber, Elton Clifford, B.A. Castle, Wilmot Rodd, L. Th. Barker, John LleweHyn CasweU, Colin Douglas Charles, 0.B.E., Barnes, Lewis Agassis, M.A., L.Th. Canon Barnett, Kevin Percy, B.A., L.Th. Catley, Allan Bruce, M.A., M.Sc., Barrett, Denis B.Sc.Agr., Th.D. Barton, Terrence Moore, M.Com. Caudwell, Rex, L.Th. Basire, Ian James, B.E., L.Th. Chalmers, ArnoM Lyall Roy Bathurst, Keith Orton, M.A., L.Th. Battley, Donald Hollingworth, The Very Reverend- B.Com., A.R.A.N.S., L.Th. Chandler, Charles Walker, Th.L., Dean Beattie, William Bruce Beauchamp, Donald Charles, L.Th. The Reverend- Beaumont, William Arthur Chard, Edward Beckett, Bruce Arthur Westenra, L.Th. Charles, Austin Clelland Flowerday, Beech, Walter Herbert, L.Th. Canon Cherrington, Philip Henry, L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Beere, Lionel O'Sullivan, M.A. The Very Reverend Dean­ Childs, Henry Arthur, M.A. The Reverend­ Bell, William The Reverend-- Bell-Booth, William Louis, L.Th. Clark, Colin Ashley B.D., Th.L. Bellingham, John Kingston Clark, Gerald Hurley, B.Sc. Bendall, Kenneth Albert Benham, Noel Francis, L.Th. The Venerable- Bennett, Charles Wiilliam, L.L.B. Clark, Richard Rex, M.A., L.Th., Bennett, Manu Augustus, B.Sc. Canon Bennett, Reginald Marchmont The Reverend- Betteridge, Maurice Stanley, M.A., Clarke, Allithony Ivan, L.L.B. L.Th. OLarke, Neii~ Stensen Blackburn, Alan Hopton, L.Th. Clegg, Jesse Elias Bruce, D.F.C., M.A. Blair, Riga Wells Clements, Roy Clifford Blakie, Cecil Douglas Cobham, George Albert Anthony Blakiston, Peter Henley, L.Th. Douglas, L.Th. Boniface, Herbert Garway, M.A. Bool, Wilfrid Arthur, L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon- Booth, Kenneth Neville, M.A., B.D. Cocks, Hubert Maurice, M.A., B.D. 15 FEBRUARY THE NEW ZEALAND GAZEITE 183 The Church of England-continued The Church of England-continued The Reverend- The Reverend- Cocks, Michael Dearden Somers, M.A. Fisher, Francis Vivian, Canon Collins, Leonard Kilby Fisher, John Samuel, B.A. Coney, Gerald Frederick Fitzgerald, Gerald, M.A. Connolly, William Edward Fitzpatrick, John Hunter, C.F. Cook, Frederick Walter, L.Th. Flatt, Herbert John Cook, George Pilkington Flavell, Timoti Hami Paihana Cook, Russell Victor Fleury, Franquefort Eccles Cooper, Arthur Robert Flewellen, James Joseph Cooper, Ian Douglas Lewis Florance, Lyall Peace Cooze, Cyril Wakelin Ford, Basil. Martyn Corbin, Samuel Bertram Roberts, Ford, Frederick John, L.Th., Canon Canon Ford, Gordon Rex Corney, Samuel, Canon Foster, Raymond Samuel, Ph.D., B.D., Coulson, John Keyworth A.L.C.D., Doctor, Canon Coulthard, Frank Edward, B.Sc., L.Th. Fraser, Archibald James Thomas, Coulthard, Roy Edward, B.A., Th.L. M.A., B.D. Couper, Roger Benson, B.A. French, Norman Coveney, John Andrews, L.Th. French, William Alfred, A.L.C.D. CoweH, Dennis Aubrey, L.Th., Dip. Proud, John Dakers, B.Com., Ed. A.R.A.N.Z. Cox, Bernard Sheffield, Th.L. Fry, Henry Eric Kyrle, M.A., Canon Cranch, William Maxwell Emeritus Crawshaw, Geoffrey Colin, L.Th. Fuge, Douglas Neil, L.Th., B.A. Creagh, George Terence, L.Th. Fussell, Raymond Selwyn Coldham Cllill, Stafford Guy, L.T1h. Gale, John Baker Cullen, Clifford Lloyd, L.Th. Gardiner, Anthony Reade ,Culpitt, Ian Raymond, M.A. Gardiner, Sydney Reade, M.A., Hono­ Cunliffe, William Richard, B.A., L.Th., rary Canon Canon Garraway, William Arthur, A.R.A.N.Z., Curzon-Siggers, William Arthur, M.A., L.Th. LL.M., Canon Gaudin, William John Dalby, Ross Howieson Dashfield, Edward Maurice The Venerable Archdeacon­ Gavin, Gordon Hay, D.D.S. The Very Reverend- Davies, David Jones, B.Sc., Dean The Reverend- Gaze, Arthur Philip Atkinson, M.A. The Reverend- Gedge, Lloyd Victor Davies, John Caradog, Canon Emeritus Georgantis, Anthony George, M.A., Davies, Walter Ernest Detheridge L.Th. The Venerable Archdeacon- The Very Reverend Dean Emeritus­ Davies, Walter Merlin, B.A. Gibson, Osborne Stanley Oliver, L.Th. The Reverend- The Reverend- Davies, Wi.Illton James Dethefiidge L.Th. Gilberd, Bruce Carlyle, B.Sc., L.Th. Davis, Brian Newton, M.A. Gillett, Francis Charles Bernard Davy, Kenneth Thomas, L.Th. Gilmour, Thomas Calum, L.Th. Dawson, Frederick Oberlin, M.C., Glass, Francis Lewis L.Th. Gfover, Frederick Day, Frederick James Goetz, Grevis, O.B.E., L.Th. Day, John Ashley Garnet, B.A. Goldsmith, Charles James de Candole, Donald Vully Good, Ernest Charles, L.Th. Dempsey, Gordon John, B.A. Goodall, Maurice John, B.A., L.Th. Denny, Laurence John, B.A. Gould, Maxwell Selwyn Dewar, Alexander Montgomene Gourdie, Rona McLeod, D.S.O., L.Th. Hastings Dewey, Will:i!am R,olbert, M.A., Dip. The Right Reverend Bishop­ Theol. Gowing, Eric Austin, M.A. Dobbs, Clifford Leslie, B.A. Dobson, Ronald Keith, B.A., L.Th. The Reverend- Dodd, John, M.A. Graham, Ian Hamilton, L.Th. Don, Bruce William Gray, George John Dorman, Denis John Brennian, M.A. Greer, John Edward Dorrington, Hector Gurson Gregory, Kenneth Downey, Phiilip Gladstone, M.B., Oh.B. Gregory, William Herbert Drake, Bryan Douglas, L.Th. Greig, Frederick Robert Drake, William Nevill Grinder, Ronald Derek, L.Th. Dryiburgh, AleXJander Huntly L.Th. Hadlow, Gerald James John Austin Drysdale, Munro, M.A. Hall, Rupert Thomas, L.Th., Canon Duffy, Alex Edward, L.Th. Emeritus Hamilton, Charles Robert The Venerable Archdeacon­ Hamilton, Hugh Staples, Canon Dunningham, Selwyn David Eden, Hammonds, Paul Edward Russell, M.A., L.Th. B.Com. Hancock, Thomas Cyril John, M.A. The Reverend- Hansen. Neil Bertram, B.A. Dyer, James Henry, A.L.C.D. Hansen, Robert Eades, Reginald William Gaywood Harawira, Herepo Ruawhe Eames Hubert Hardisty, B.A. Harbour, William Leslie Scott, B.A., Easton: Richard Huntingford, M.A. L.Th., Canon Barton, Ross Seymour, M.A. Harding, Harold Frederick, D.S.O., Edgar, David, M.A., L.Th. M.B.E., M.A. Edmis,ton, Douglas Seymour, L.Th. Harding, William Douglas, M.A., Edmunds, William Milton, B.A. L.Th. Edwards, Ian Carncross, L.Th. Harford, John Murray, L.Th. Edwards, Stuart, L.Th. Harkett, James Percival Amos Elliott, Keith, V.C. Harper, David Richardson, L.Th. Ellis, John Francis Harriman, John Walter, L.Th. Erwin, John Desmond Evans, John, L. Th. The Venerable Archdeacon­ Everall, Thomas Roy, L.Th. Harris, Harold Mayo, O.B.E. Fagg, Thomas Francis, L.Th. Fahey, Michael Wainwright, B.A., The Reverend­ L.Th. Harrison, David Shirley Fenton, Richard James, L.Th. Harrison, Francis Ferguson, Donald Thomas, L.Th. Harrison, Frederick Charles, B.D., Feron. Joseph Francis, B.A., L.Th.
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