MOUND 2010 Award Winning Publication CITY

CARRIER St. Louis, Missouri Official Publication of Branch 343 Chartered 1892

Volume 62, No. 8 August 2011 Mu t u a l Re s p e c t is a MOUND MOUND city Tw o Wcitya y St r e e t ! Pr e s i d e n tcarrier’s Ar t i c l e … By Bi l l Li s t e r carrier ver the past year there have been severalOfficial incidents Publication where of employeesBranch 343 have been accused by manage- Official Publication of Branch 343 ment of talking or acting in a threateningSt. Louis, manner. MO Each of these employees were placed off the clock St. Louis, MO with management claiming an emergencyChartered situation 1892 from our contract, as well as a violation of the Joint Chartered 1892 OStatement on Violence in the Workplace. The Joint Statement was the eventual result of management’s foray into promoting managers who lacked the skills to talk to people in a professional and respectful manner, back in the mid 1980s. Many of these under-qualified yet upwardly mobile employees were incapable of managing, so they abused their power by constantly intimidating, coercing and threatening craft employees, to make the numbers. After two horribly regrettable shootings in two distant offices, the national parties of the USPS and all the postal unions signed the Joint Statement in a combined effort to stop the abuse. At that time, it seemed as though the service had finally realized that pushing its folks from the top levels to make the numbers by using any means possible, was the primary cause of all the problems on the workroom floor. Add someone who manages by intimidation and a craft employee with personal issues, and you have a recipe for disaster. Over time, the Joint Statement changed the way many managers, managed. Some began talking to employees instead of badger- ing them and began to show respect to the craft, instead of indignation. Things improved although the penalty NOTICE: NOMINATIONS NOMINATIONS FOR BRANCH OFFICERS, DELEGATES TO THE ST. LOUIS LABOR COUNCIL, AND DELEGATES TO THE NALC NATIONAL AND MISSOURI STATE CONVENTIONS SHALL TAKE PLACE AT THE REGULAR BRANCH MEETING, SEP- TEMBER 8, 2011. THE TERM OF OFFICE FOR BRANCH OFFICERS AND LABOR COUNCIL DELEGATES SHALL BE THREE YEARS. NALC NATIONAL AND MISSOURI STATE CONVENTION DELEGATES SHALL SERVE FOR TWO YEARS. ELECTIONS SHALL BE HELD IN NOVEMBER BY MAIL BALLOT. MOUND CITY CARRIER

for violating the Joint Statement was different for management and craft. Carriers were placed off the clock for their bad behavior and left to fight for their jobs, while managers were given written reprimands on how to treat employees with dignity and respect. At least we now had an avenue available to identify abusive managers and build a history documenting their bad behavior. It’s hard to say when this train of improved relations derailed, but by the time volume began to drop in 2007, it had already begun. Carriers were once again being badgered with DOIS numbers about under-time and threatened with discipline for not making those numbers. Like a flashback to 20 years earlier, the pressure to make the numbers from high levels within the service began to result in an immediate decline in the climate on the workroom floor. The combination of higher levels managing from above and a whole slew of lower level managers promoted for how loud, abusive and mean-spirited they could be, has left us today with perhaps the worst climate I have seen on the workroom floor in all of my 30 plus years. That’s not to say they are all bad, however there are far too many who lack the skills to be a good manager much less a good human being. The really bad ones have erroneously changed pay for carriers, continuously harassed them, put carriers off the clock without reason and a few have made direct threats to carriers. Last year we had 13 carriers put off on emergency placement and 53 who received removals. This year we already have 21 carriers get removals and nine placed off the clock on emergency. During that same period, we filed 23 grievances on bad management behavior in violation of the Joint Statement and while many of these carriers sat off the clock without pay, not one manager lost a dime. Until the USPS again realizes the error in fostering a management style that solely relies on making its num- bers, it will risk repeating the tragedies of the past. If it can refrain from using threats on its own managers to make the numbers and then only promote those who can act professionally and have even a modicum of intel- ligence, then perhaps we can avoid repeating the past. Until that happens, we will continue to file grievances, EEOs, unfair labor practices and anything else until these abusive few are either miraculously healed of their terminal ignorance or they’re gone for good. If confronted by one of these unprofessional jerks, keep your cool, be professional and treat them with respect even if they won’t. Anyone pushed to the edge should take a deep breath, ask for your steward, call the Branch Hall and request EAP immediately. The USPS must first take re- sponsibility for empowering an abusive manager and then mutual respect will be a two way street. More! Later!

SHOP STEWARD OF THE YEAR Each November, the officers of Branch 343 choose four stewards whom they believe have performed at a level deserving of recognition. Unfortunately, none of our 2010 picks could make it to the Branch Hall for the presenta- tion at our end of the year Stewards’ Banquet. We were able to catch up with three of them at stewards’ meetings after the banquet. One steward has eluded us and since he is located over one hundred miles from the Branch Hall, we had to finally track him down at his office in Rolla, Mo. After a couple of failed attempts, VP Barry Linan caught Mark Hill at his office in Rolla and presented him with the Branch 343 Shop Steward of the Year Award. Mark took over the job of steward only a couple of years ago, however, he has consis- tently performed at a high level, representing the members of Rolla in an excellent manner. In 2009, Mark became steward and, with the tutoring of VP Linan, he began to file and win grievances on management performing craft work and then on overtime drafting and maximization. In MOUND CITY CARRIER Published monthly by: just two years, Mark has won nearly 100 Branch 343, NALC $ Br. 343 VP Barry Linan presents one of the Shop 1600 South Broadway of these grievances for over 18,000. Good St. Louis, MO 63104-3806 Steward of the Year awards to Rolla letter carrier job, Mark, keep up the good work and Mark Hill and congratulations and best wishes to congratulations! newly retired alternate shop steward James Ashley.

2 August 2011/MCC MOUND CITY CARRIER Ex e c u t i v e Vi c e Pr e s i d e n t ’s Ar t i c l e … By Ni c k i L. Pr a d o

FRONT COVER OF JULY 2011 freeze in domestic spending that would NOT include Medicare and defense POSTAL RECORD spending cuts based on President id you see it?? Did you notice?? The center photo on Obama already reducing the number of the front cover of our national Postal Record has two troops serving in Afghanistan. However, one of the issues that Br. 343 carriers showing off the Food Drive collec- would be felt deeply by letter carriers is basing federal work- Dtion on May 14 with Campbell soup cans in hand. This was ers’ pensions on their high five years of income rather than the 19th year that letter carriers all across the nation partici- their high three years. pated in the labor movement’s largest humanitarian effort, Washington should not be playing a high-stakes game of the NALC Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. chicken with the full faith and credit of the government at These two carriers hail from Sappington Branch. After risk. Without an increase of borrowing authority, the govern- some coaxing, we were able to get them in front of a collection ment is projected to reach its debt limit on Aug. 2. That may of food for the picture. You know everyone wants to look their result in the country’s first ever default. We will certainly be best for pictures, and it was late afternoon after a hard day’s watching this unfolding government saga that will affect the work when we captured these two carriers participating in entire country. the Letter Carriers’ Food Drive. These two photogenic carriers are FTR Latisha Berry and TE Jeffrey Heman!! Way to go!! TELEVISION AD Thanks to Br. 343 Correspondent to the Postal Record Tom Did you see the clerk’s union ad on TV with the voice- Schulte for submitting our pictures to NALC headquarters over making the public aware that U.S. mail delivery doesn’t for consideration to print. cost taxpayers a “single cent” and is “funded solely by stamps and postage”? REDUCTIONS / TAX INCREASES Well, Rep Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who is not a friend of letter INCREASE IN RETIREMENT carriers, sent a letter to the President of the APWU requesting CONTRIBUTIONS / HIGH FIVE that the union cancel what Issa says is a misleading campaign. As of this writing, Washington still has not come to an Issa thinks the ad campaign falsely claims that the Postal agreement on how to prevent an unprecedented govern- Service doesn’t receive taxpayer support when the Postal ment default. They began by focusing on tax increases and Service receives support from American taxpayers because Medicare reductions. President Obama has met separately the USPS does not have to pay taxes, including property taxes, with both the Senate’s Republican and Democratic leaders in vehicle registration fees and can borrow at low-interest rates what signaled the start of critical head-to-head negotiations thru the U.S. Treasury. However, it’s been explained that the $ aimed at cutting more than 2 trillion from federal deficits Postal Service enjoys those benefits because it has “special over the next decade. burdens” such as the requirement to serve the entire country, The president of the United States is insisting that tax even rural areas where mail delivery is not cost-effective. As of breaks and subsidies benefitting specific industries and fiscal year 2006, the federally imposed restraints on the Postal individuals be eliminated, something Republicans thus far Service cost between $330 - $782 million annually, while the have refused to consider. Unless Republicans agree to some special benefits were worth between $39 - $117 million. So the tax increases and Democrats agree to some major reductions, benefits do not underestimate the union’s claim about being $ they won’t produce the 2 trillion-plus in savings the GOP unsupported by tax dollars. has demanded in exchange for a similar boost in the govern- Issa continues to maintain the public is being “misled” by ment’s borrowing authority. The savings would accrue over claiming tax dollars do not support the Postal Service and is 10 years; with the borrowing lasting only about 18 mos. urging the ad be taken off the air. Our sister union advocates Republican budget proposals are being called “immoral” the benefits are justified and didn’t undermine the union’s because they would slash spending for the middle class, claim about being unsupported by tax dollars, and does seniors and disabled while leaving tax breaks for “million- NOT intend to pull the ad! aires/billionaires.” Tax increases are not being considered due to the feeling that spending has spiraled out of control. MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY EVENTS Talks should focus on creating jobs; putting the economy Aug. 28 — 2nd Annual Washer Tournament at the ahead of politics. Union Hall (see ad) Both Democrats and Republicans acknowledged progress Oct. 2 — Fill the (National Date across the $ towards a deal has been made because they found 1.5 trillion country) in projected 10-year savings they could agree on if the major Oct. 9 — Golf Tournament (see ad — Returning to issues could be resolved. Some issues are a four to five year our roots at Normandie Golf Club)

August 2011/MCC 3 MOUND CITY CARRIER Vi c e Pr e s i d e n t ’s Ar t i c l e … By Ba r r y Li n a n

ot August greetings to all of the broth- cause for an investigation by ers and sisters of NALC Branch 343. I the OIG, but they seem to be hope everyone has been drinking plenty only interested in letter carrier Hof water and taking extra comfort stops during misconduct not management misconduct! this summer heat wave. Wear a hat to shield your head from the sun and I suggest putting a wet UNDERTIME AND FORM 3996 — rag across the back of your neck for cooling. Your CARRIER AUXILIARY CONTROL safety should be your number one concern. If you get too hot, take a break somewhere cool. Remem- Management in St. Louis continues to try to ber to always take the time to work your route in shove undertime down carriers’ throats without a safe and professional manner. considering any conditions other than their DOIS numbers. If this is going on in your office, it is a LABOR DAY PARADE — violation of our national settlement M-01664 that MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 states “DOIS projections are not the sole deter- minant of a carrier’s leaving or return time.” Everyone is welcome to attend the annual Labor DOIS is merely a tool for management to estimate Day parade on Monday, September 5. Wear your a carrier’s daily workload. Obviously, any tool is uniform and meet at the Branch 343 Hall at 7:30 only as good as the person using it! a.m. to shuttle over or just line up at Olive & 23rd If your supervisor assigns you undertime and St. The parade begins this year at 8:30 a.m. There you disagree, fill out Form 3996 to request overtime. is a theme of union unity this year, so all march- This documents that you fulfilled your obliga- ers were asked to wear T-shirts with the “WE ARE tion under M-41 131.4 Reporting Requirements to ONE” logo. We will be handing out T-shirts to “inform management when you are of the opinion our first 100 marchers. Burgers, brats, and refresh- that you will be unable to … complete delivery of ments will be provided at the hall after the parade all mail.” Your supervisor must either “approve” ends. See you there! or “disapprove” your 3996 request and then give you instructions. Request a copy of the completed FIRST CLASS ONLY FRIDAYS? 3996 for your records. If your supervisor gives you Management in the Gateway District seems conflicting instructions (i.e., deliver all mail, be back hell-bent on capturing some undertime, even if in 8), ask for clarification or request a steward. they have to delay the mail to create it. The newest Form 3996 is a document your steward will master plan hatched by our Third Floor Gang is to need to support any grievances for overtime/ send out only 1st and 2nd class mail to our offices drafting violations of Article 8 or to refute any on Fridays to capture/create undertime. But what discipline issued for unauthorized overtime. about the rest of the mail you ask? The Third Floor If you call your supervisor and are instructed Gang has that all figured out too. They will just to complete delivery of mail into overtime, you load all the bulk mail into some trailers and then should request an “approved” 3996 upon your misdirect them to the BMC or the Annex. By the return to the office. If that supervisor refuses to do time it gets there, they realize they can’t process it, so, request a steward immediately. and then send it back downtown, voila! A couple of extra days don’t matter if they just don’t color Look for your 2012 code the mail or ever report it as delayed. Maybe our customers just won’t notice that their sales are Rotating Day Calendar over or their coupons are expired? This should be in the September issue.

4 August 2011/MCC MOUND CITY CARRIER Re c o r d i n g Se c r e t a r y ’s Re po r t … By Ke n Jo h n s o n

reetings my fellow union brothers and through payroll deduction, sisters. Now is the time to pay attention to bank account or annuity. See the what is going on around us. Across this NALC website at for Gnation the GOP is attacking federal, state and local instructions on donating. You can call the hall and employees by limiting or eliminating collective we will help you. Branch 343 has our own Political bargaining rights. Well, my brothers and sisters, Action Fund. Send your contributions payable to we are next and it has started. The elimination Branch 343 P.A.C. to Tom Harman, 2225 Blendon of 6-day delivery is just the beginning. Ask your Pl., St. Louis, MO 63143. Your name will appear on representative to support HR-1351 to keep 6-day the Honor Roll in the MCC (MCC) monthly. At- delivery. I can see it now if we lose 6-day delivery. tend your branch meetings the second Thursday You come to work on Monday and management each month at 1600 South Broadway, St. Louis, MO predicts a light mail volume week. The supervi- 63104 at 7:30 p.m. Read your station NALC union sor announces we will only deliver mail Monday, bulletin board to keep informed. There should Wed. and Fri. There is no Saturday delivery and only be NALC material on it. If not, call the hall. the Postal Service has already stated in their state- Yours in unionism. ment to Congress on eliminating 6-day delivery that the extra day volume can be absorbed with 100% UNION HONOR ROLL very little time used on your back. Can you do six BONNE TERRE NORTH COUNTY days of work in five, four or three days a week? CHOUTEAU PIEDMONT CLAYTON ROLLA We will have the only labor contract talks debated COYLE ST. ANN in Congress thanks to Oversight Committee CREVE COEUR ST. CLAIR Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., for trying to get CUBA ST. JAMES FARMINGTON STE. GENEVIEVE Congress back into the business of interfering with FERGUSON STEELE the collective-bargaining agreements of govern- FREDRICKTOWN TOWN & COUNTRY ment workers. This November contract talks will GAFFNEY UNION be very hard fought. It is down to the wire serious GILES WARRENTON GRAVOIS WASHINGTON and your union needs you to help save your jobs. HARRIET WOODS WEATHERS What you can do now is contribute to COLCPE JENNINGS WELLSVILLE MACKENZIE POINTE WENTZVILLE Aug. 11 Regular Branch Meeting MAPLEWOOD WEST COUNTY NEW MADRID Aug. 28 2nd Annual Washer Tournament for MDA (Letter Carriers Hall, see ad) Sept. 1 Shop Stewards’ Meeting Branch 343 Members Sept. 4 Labor Day Parade (see details inside) Currently Serving Sept. 7 Retirees’ Picnic, Creve Coeur Park (see on Active Military Duty details and directions inside) Sept. 8 Regular Branch Meeting Raymond Edison Oct. 2 Fill the Satchel for MDA (National Carolyn Hunter Date) watch for details Suzanne Sippel CALENDAR th Oct. 9 24 Annual Branch 343 MDA Golf Please Keep Them in Your Tournament Normandie Golf Course Thoughts and Prayers (see ad)


He a l t h Be n e f i t s Pl a n … By Mi k e Da v i d HBP NEWS he Health Benefit Plan has mailed its members an oversized folded card that explains that OPM has mandated that all Federal Health Plans offer a “green” alternative to the practice of mailing out plan brochures to each member. The card Tfurther explains that to satisfy this mandate, you the member will have to return one of the two attached post cards. One card requests that you receive a “hard copy” of the brochure for 2012 and the other states that you wish to use the “digital” online version of the brochure. Since we are in the mail business, I suggest you choose the hard copy. If you fail to return either card, then I believe the plan will automatically give you the digital option and you will not receive the brochure in the mail. Every letter carrier should be aware that skin cancer is the most common form of all cancers in the United States. Even though it is most common it is relatively easy to treat if detected early. If there is any doubt, see your physician as soon as possible. There are some guidelines to follow called the ABCD system: * A is for Asymmetry: One half of a mole or birthmark does not match the other. * B is for Border: The edges are irregular, ragged, notched, or blurred. * C is for Color: The color is not the same all over and may include shades of brown or black, or some- times with patches of pink, red, white, or blue. * D is for Diameter: The spot is larger than 6 millimeters across (about ¼ inch – the size of a pencil eraser), but melanomas can sometimes be smaller than this. I neglected to thank the carriers at Southwest Station who donated and participated in the Run, Ride, and Roll, so thanks for your generosity, Karen, Becky, and Dan! I would also like to thank the following bike shops who helped sponsor the ride: Big Shark, Southside Cyclery, The Hub, and Mesa Cycle. I would appreciate if you would frequent one of these generous stores for all your cycling needs. Okay, that’s all for now. You all be safe out there. MDA TELETHON CHANGES This year’s Telethon will be a Sunday Attention Letter Carriers! prime-time show from 6:00 p.m. until Br. 343 is looking for foot soldiers to midnight on Sunday, September 4, 2011. march in the Labor Day Parade Our local Telethon will be held at Grant’s Monday, September 5, 2011 Farm and aired on KSDK Newschannel 5. There are a total of 20 phones for the Telethon. We have 10 phone spots Looking for something different and fun to do on Labor reserved from the 10:00-11:00 p.m. Day? Bring the family and make a morning of it! Come cutaway. Additionally, there’s an Evening Downtown and demonstrate your union pride by marching Under the Stars BBQ dinner starting at with thousands of our fellow brother and sister trade union- 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $25 each. ists. Come and show your solidarity! Let’s make this the Please advise the branch if we can largest assembly ever! Carriers should assemble in uniform at the corner of Olive count on you to volunteer and/or if you and 23rd Street by 8 a.m. on Labor Day, Monday, September 5. wish to purchase a dinner ticket. Following the parade a delicious lunch will be served at the The Telethon will in no way affect the Union Hall. Labor Day Parade which will be held on Monday, September 5, 2011. Please UNION LABEL WEEK consider bringing the family and march- SEPT. 5-9 ing in this year’s Labor Day parade.

6 August 2011/MCC MOUND CITY CARRIER No t e s f r om t h e Ma n a g i n g Ed i t o r … By To m Sc h u l t e When It Comes to Washington, Every Man for Himself

y the time this article is read, the nation will equal time on the BBC to present either be in the midst of decompressing from themselves to the electorate. Candidates sell themselves the nation’s debt ceiling debacle or watching through their respective platforms. There’s no dirty Ba nation unable to pay its bills and jeopardizing the campaigning and no outside interest groups smearing livelihoods of millions of Americans. opponents through politically charged and distorted Oblivious to the impending threat, it seems, are our campaign ads. No billion dollar war chests to win elected officials in Washington who, when faced with political office. Elected officials serve the constituents the probability of making a decision one way or the purely by the legislation they enacted and get reelected other, chose to abdicate their responsibility as elected or thrown from office by those actions. officials for the sake of political expediency. The nation’s Power corrupts and so does money. They go hand in debt problems are real; they require sound reasoning hand. Get the money out of the equation and you lose and compromise. Childlike bickering solves nothing the power. Politicians then serve the people who elected and further alienates the citizens of this country to hold them, not the money changers who bought them. any respect for our elected officials. Thank God our That’s what’s lacking in Washington today. There founding fathers were fearless in their convictions and is no politician willing to take a stand on their acted on behalf of the good of the nation and its people. convictions because they fear being thrown out of Two ill advised and unfunded wars helped get us in office. The will of the people is not being served. In this financial mess. Tax loopholes for the wealthy helped Washington, it’s every man for himself. get us in this mess. Failure to properly fund the Social Security system helped get us in this mess and grand theft ROY TAILORS on the part of Wall Street and the banking industry got us in this mess. We can all point the finger at one another as WHEN QUALITY & SERVICE COUNT the culprit, but the truth is we’re all going to have to pay Union Made Uniforms for the Postal Service the price and suck it up. The problem with politicians is Endorsed by U.N.I.T.E. AFL-CIO that to take a stand could risk their political futures. I believe we should have a constitutional amendment, Call one of our Area Representatives one which might restore some moral convictions to our RETIRED LETTER CARRIERS OF BRANCH 343 politicians, and redirect their focus on the principles this nation was founded on in the Declaration of Indepen- SUPPORT YOUR UNION BROTHERS dence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all Walter Besch George Cooper men are created equal, that they be endowed by their 37 Raintree Ct. 10443 Halls Ferry Rd. Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among Fenton, MO 63026 St. Louis, MO 63136 these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — 636-343-3775 314-541-1503 That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent Martin Nixon of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Govern- 7217 Burrwood Dr. UNION St. Louis, MO 63121 USAMADE ment becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of IT DOES MATTER the People to alter or to abolish it, …” 314-346-6147 The constitutional amendment I would propose would be to take all money out of elections — no spe- or Call TOLL FREE cial interest, including us. All money! In Great Britain, elections run for six months. All candidates are given Roy Tailors 1-800-543-0379 August 2011/MCC 7 MOUND CITY CARRIER Na t i o n a l Bu s i n e s s Ag e n t ’s Re po r t … By Da n Pi t t m a n ithin our union family It is extremely easy example, the carriers in Buggtussel to be an active union member. To protect are transferred to Swampbush; the our jobs and work toward having a Postal office in Buggtussel still exists and ServiceW in the future, all of us must be a dedicated the postmaster remains, but the union activist. Our members expect us to protect carriers now deliver out of Swamp- their way of life and provide security for their bush. DUO is not a consolidation, as addressed in families now and in the future. We can no longer sit Article 12. In theory DUO is supposed to save the idle and expect the leadership of the NALC to do all Postal Service money by reducing clerk craft hours, the work, or expect the leadership of the USPS to do downgrading the postmasters level, reducing build- the right thing. We must share the responsibility of ing utilities and so forth, and maybe it will — time protecting the membership which is supreme. will tell. There are a lot of questions about how this As activists we must be aware of and make the will all play out. There are two national memo- membership knowledgeable about why the Postal randums (M-01744 and M-01745) which cover the Service suspended its payments to FERS to preserve nuts and bolts of a DUO. Leave it to say, if you are its cash reserves. Instead of putting a band-aid on involved in a DUO: everyone keeps their seniority this issue, an activist should educate our members on when the offices are combined, all approved leave HR-1351, which is a bill introduced by Rep. Stephen will be honored, opting hold-downs will continue, Lynch, D-Mass., which would allow the USPS to after the DUO you can bid to any vacant route in use its surplus pension funds. We can also show the either town and if you’re in the loosing office you flip side of this by the postal reform bill HR-2309 will likely get some additional travel time. If you are that was introduced by Rep Darrell Issa, Calif., and in the gaining office your branch will have 30 days Dennis Ross, Fla. The Issa-Ross bill would attack from the notification to look at both LMOUs and see our benefits and our collective bargaining rights. An if there are any conflicts which must be addressed or activist would know that this could spell disaster for elevated to this office if you can’t come to agreement. our membership since this is a contract year and for On another note, Customer Connect really needs the first time in our history our National Agreement our attention. I know many of you have submitted is being discussed in the halls of Congress. Union lead cards about potential new business, but we need activists should ask themselves, could all this postur- to step up our efforts. Customer Connect is a joint ing lead to 5-day delivery? Personally, I always said effort between the Postal Service and NALC and, as that this would not happen because it would take you know, we need the business. Not to mention, an act of Congress. Guess where our future is being as we get ready to enter negotiations for our new discussed right now? contract, Customer Connect is a powerful bargain- We all should become more involved, become ing chip at the negotiation table. When we sit down, active union activists. As your national business we present the special value carriers bring to the agent I am asking/begging you to become involved, business which should be compensated; Dispute participate in (COLCPE), e-Activist, Carrier Corps, Resolution, JARAP, Reliability and Visibility and we Customer Connect. Our survival depends upon you; bring business in the front door through Customer we cannot do this by ourselves. The leaders of the Connect. It’s easy; you take a lead card to a prospec- NALC have always provided us with good contracts/ tive business, ask them if they would be interested in benefits. Some of us always presumed that the NALC saving some money, ask if they would like to talk to would be successful in negotiating a decent wage someone about it, who should be contacted and their and benefit package through negotiations. We enter contact information. That’s it and you are guaranteed into these negotiations cautiously. During this time it time to submit two lead cards per month. It doesn’t is crucial that we get your help and for you to be- take much time, you get paid to do it and it pays come an activist vs. member! dividends. Think about it. I’m sure many of you have heard of DUO; no, not I want to congratulate all new retirees, especially the dynamic-duo type but Delivery Unit Optimi- Dave Hicks from Branch 486, Sauna, Kansas; and zation (DUO). This is when a delivery unit in one Danny Schroeder from Branch 30, Kansas City, Mis- installation is transferred to another installation. For souri. Congratulations and happy retirement. 8 August 2011/MCC MOUND CITY CARRIER

Re t i r e e Re po r t … By Ra y Br e a k f i e l d Minutes of the J uly 6 , 2011, meeting

eeting called to order by Chairman Jim McNeil at 12:47 p.m. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance led by Chaplain Gus Frank. McNeil thanked Miller, Buck, Meyer, and Fitzjarrell for providing lunch. Note was made of the death of brother John Bailey fourM years ago. New Member: Shawn Ellens from South County Sick Call: Pete Maniscalco Treasurer’s Report: Jim Kluempers reported a current balance of $513.75. Jim read a letter he wrote to Congress concerning the state of the USPS, Medicare, etc. NBA Report: National Business Agent Dan Pittman talked about a 70-year Branch 343 member living in Texas. Ed O’Laughlin lives in Texas and was unable to attend the recent Ole Timers’ Day due to health problems. NBA Pittman got together with the NBA in Texas and they delivered his 70-year pin to him. The Postal Service is not making payments to FERS. HR-2309 will ruin the Postal Service. It will directly affect letter carrier pay and benefits. The USPS is combining many offices throughout Region 5. Dan also talked about the importance of HR-1351. Branch 343 Report: President Bill Lister said that many in Congress are not on our side. There are 110 unfilled letter carrier positions in Branch 343. It seems like they are adjusting for the coming of 5-day delivery. All the T6 positions will be gone. We won the box label arbitration in February. They are finally on the boxes — with the wrong times! There is a new postmaster in St. Louis. Bill hopes for good relations. Bill thanked the retirees for collecting $400 for Joplin. Chairman’s Report: Jim talked about HR-1351. It’s about the excessive prefunding the USPS has to make for retiree health benefits. Jim asked everyone to call their Congress person and ask them to co- sponsor 1351. The number to call is 1-866-220-0044. Ask for your congress person by name. Bill 2309 by Issa and Ross makes extreme cuts in the USPS and NULLIFIES CONTRACTS. The picnic in September will be at the Tremayne Shelter. The COLA is at 3.4 percent. Robby Robinson talked about his upcoming dart tournament at the Trophy Bar on July 10. There was a motion made and seconded to sponsor a hole at the upcoming MDA Golf Tournament. 50/50 of $22 was won by Tony Pow- ers. He donated the money Retirees’ Annual Picnic back. Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. Date: September 7, 2011 Time: 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Location: Creve Coeur Park — Dorsett Rd. and Marine Ave.

Directions: From South Coun- ty, take Interstate 270 north to the Dorsett Rd. exit. Make a left on Dorsett and drive until it dead-ends at Marine Ave. Make a right on Marine to the lake. The Tremayne Shelter is by the boat docks. Ken Meyer (L) receives congratu- From North County, take Interstate 270 south to the Dorsett Rd. exit lations from Br. 343 Chairman of and turn right. Drive on Dorsett until it dead-ends at Marine Ave. Retirees Jim McNeil as one of the Make a right on Marine to the Tremayne Shelter by the boat docks. “Retirees of the Year.” August 2011/MCC 9 MOUND CITY CARRIER

day. If a route has more than 200 We s t Co u n t y … By Pa m e l a St e pn e y stops, the customer has to adver- tise on that whole route. We then reetings sisters and and set up an appointment. have 48 hours to deliver these brothers of Branch 343. Keep in mind your customer pieces once we receive them and How’s everyone doing is running a business and the that’s a good strategy. We are Gout there? Fine I hope. I have to reps. have to work around that out delivering to our businesses start by saying thank you to ev- customer’s schedule to set an ap- and residents, watching for those ery letter carrier who submitted pointment. So let your customer customers we can steal away leads for Customer Connect. You know someone will contact from our competitors. Monday all have gone above and beyond them. If you have any problems through Saturday you see we the call of duty. I knew once or questions, please talk to your have it covered. There is no way you saw FedEx and UPS out on Customer Connect coordinator UPS or FedEx can come in on your route, that you would go or give me a call at 314-436-4436 our appointed routes without us in and talk to your customers and I will help you. seeing them. Continue spreading about shipping with the Postal Every Door Direct Mail the word on your route about Service. I am proud to say our (EDDM) is really taking off and shipping and advertising with parcel pick-up service is up 11 customers are using it. I got a the Postal Service. Remember if it percent compared to a year ago. call from the Customer Connect fits in our boxes, it ships. If some- So thank you again for those coordinator at the Kirkwood one would like to advertise with good leads and the revenue they Branch and he informed me us, remember Every Door Direct generated for the Postal Service. that they received their first Mail (EDDM). Thank you again Keep up the good work and EDDM mailing and it was from and remember these are our jobs continue submitting those leads. UPS. (SMILE) I am sure they are we are saving. WINNING! The most important thing you hurting from the parcel busi- Congratulations to Mark should remember when submit- ness we are taking from them Bimslager and Jerry Cantrell on ting your lead, is to ask for a with Customer Connect. So what becoming shop stewards. Way copy and hold on to it so you better way to try and get some to stand up and fight the fight can track the activity of what’s of their business back than by for letter carriers. In closing, going on with it. Once your lead advertising with us for 14.2 cents remember to do your best, leave is submitted, the sales rep. has a piece, minimum of 200 pieces, the rest, don’t stress, God bless, 48 hours to contact the customer and maximum of 5,000 pieces per and thank you for coming. Support the Company that Supports Letter Carriers ® Brookfield Uniforms Toll Free: 1-800-527-0606 Monday-Friday ✓ Competitive Pricing — Ask about the $38.00 Discount for Carriers ✓ Largest Selection of Inventory Available for all Crafts ✓ Don’t Lose Your Allotment — Expiring Allotments on Weekends & Holidays — Call us! ✓ Brookfield has Contributed over $500,000 to COLCPE World Class Service Provided By: Ed Brazzil Ron Schmidt Imperial Florissant (636) 464-7974 (314) 839-1754 Member Br. 343


It’s Ov e r i n Ov e r l a n d … By Jo h n Mi l l e r

reetings from Stalag health benefits for the next 75 When mail of this sort is run 14. NALC President years, and do so within a de- through cancelling machines, Fred Rolando has once cade. Since 2007, USPS has been it causes other, machinable Gagain attempted to right public forced to make yearly payments types of mail to be destroyed. misconceptions about USPS. of approximately $5.5 billion Approximately one week after President Rolando’s recent com- to comply with the 2006 law. Mr. Miehlke’s comments were mentary has been running in Four such payments completely reported by Mr. Schneider, Mr. newspapers and online editions explain the large loss number Miehlke was given a “pre-dis- across the country. The San Diego of $20 billion that is being used ciplinary hearing” in his man- Union Tribune’s online edition, to misinform the public. In a ager’s office. In a subsequent, ran President recent column, I wrote a let- column by Mr. Schneider, Mr. Rolando’s piece on July 7, 2011. ter to my representative, Todd Miehlke was quoted as saying, Let’s review the highlights of Akin, which was printed in the “He [the manager] asked me the article. USPS doesn’t use MCC. Congressman Akin has why I wrote the letter to the one cent of taxpayer money and not responded to my letter and I State Journal … what I intended hasn’t for more than 25 years. intend to write to him again, us- to accomplish. I said I wanted USPS labor and transportation ing information provided in this to inform the public. The union costs are more than offset by its article from President Rolando. I rep. told me I didn’t have to sale of products and services encourage you to do the same. say anything more.” A spokes- to the public. USPS offers their Moving along, in an item person for USPS, Sabrina Todd, wares at the lowest rates in the by John Schneider published was quoted in Mr. Schneider’s industrialized world. Customer on on second article as saying, “… let satisfaction and on-time delivery June 28, 2011, Steven Miehlke, me emphasize that the Postal are at record highs. USPS runs a 17-year postal employee who Service policy does not prohibit a net profit delivering the mail. fixes the mail cancelling ma- employees from speaking to the Despite poor economic condi- chines that sometimes destroy press.” tions the likes of which this mail, estimates that every day country hasn’t seen since the “dozens” of pieces of mail that Great Depression and despite are run through the Collins the Internet, USPS takes in more Road Processing and Distribu- money, a lot more money, than tion Center in Michigan are it spends. Over the past four destroyed beyond recogni- years, revenues have exceeded tion. This mail is in a different expenses by $837 million. This category from mail that gets updates an earlier number of a delivered every day in plastic $600 million surplus. Last quar- that have printed USPS ter’s net operating profit alone apologies on them — that mail was $226 million. The $20 billion is at least legible enough to in losses over the past four years deliver. The destruction, ac- which USPS management and cording to Mr. Miehlke, results certain uninformed members of primarily from USPS manage- Congress like to trumpet to the ment ordering mail handlers public has to do with one simple to run most all mail through thing. Due to flawed legislation cancelling machines — even passed in 2006, USPS has been chunky mail containing keys made to pre-fund future retiree and jewelry, and license plates.


3r d An n u a l Br a n c h 343 Ba s k e t ba l l To u r n am e n t May 30, 2011 … By Te r r e n c e Pa s t c h a l a n d Pa u l Pi t t s his year our MDA charity tournament found its way to a new home. We moved into the North County Rexplex/ golf /swimming pool center, located at 2577 Redman Road and Jerries Lane, about two blocks west of Christian Northeast Hospital. This year’s team en- Ttries included Normandy/Clayton, Southwest, Marian Oldham, Olivette/Gaffney, Weathers/U- City, Jennings and the downtown clerks P & DC. This new location is fully air-conditioned, has abundant free parking, an on-site licensed food vendor, and it connected to the North County Parks swimming pool for the kid’s swimming pleasure. This year the team captains voted to have a family friendly kids game for the children of the spectators whom ranged in age from 8 to 12. The first 10 kids to sign up played in a 10 minute game to show off their future NBA talents. Who knows, we may have been watching the future Kobes, D-Wades, Dirks, and Labrons of the world. Each player received a “Branch 343 juniors” MDA game certificate for participating. Special thanks to: Vincent Moore, Torre Ward, Tyler Harris, Garry Clark, Kiara Dobbins, Charles Henderson, Corey Dorsey, Daniel Farris, Antonio Rivers, and Aaron Cook for giving their moms and dads and the rest of us the chance to be cheerleaders! Special congratulations go out to the St. Louis P & DC clerks. These guys worked the Sat- urday night before the tourney, came directly from work to the tournament with no rest, and can you believe it, went undefeated to win the thing (the other Labron’s team)! They play often together and their timing on defense and set plays was evident. Congratulations to second place team Marian Oldham. It greatly pleased us to see a team lead by postal station manager Glenn Bradford work in unison and harmony with his craft letter carriers on a common goal. And get this, he wasn’t getting any blackberry messages or emails from the third floor about what he should be doing or thinking, incredible isn’t it! Mighty Weathers/U-City took home the third place trophy. The three point shoot out had Bill Brady (1st place), Tom Harris (2nd place), Diamond Enlow (3rd place). Free Throw contest winners were Tom Harris and Marvin King.

DONATIONS We can all be especially proud of the fine men and women of this union who unselfishly give their time to this event. They worked hard the day before, and then came out and hooped half the next day for Jerry’s kids. We were successful in raising over $700. Very special thanks to the private donations from Bob Rapisardo and Mr. & Mrs. Doug & Lynn Hayward. If anyone reading this article was not able to attend, but would like to donate for the members’ efforts, please mail a check to Branch 343; 1600 South Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63104 made out to MDA (B-Ball). Finally, we would like to personally thank our volunteers: “Mad Max Motorcycle” Mike Reed, Melvin “Snooty Ole Fart” Martin, “Sweet Dreams” Audrenna Williams and Richard “The Big Safety Boss” Thurman, for all the dirty work. You’re all special. See you in 2012!


Sc e n e s a n d Awa r d s f r om t h e 3r d An n u a l Br. 343 MDA Ba s k e t ba l l To u r n am e n t

1st Place winners from the Downtown P& DC 2nd Place winners from Marian Oldham

3rd Place winners Weathers/U-City 3-point contest winner Diamond Enlow

Gaffney Station Southwest Station

Jennings Station Warm-Up’s

August 2011/MCC 13 MOUND CITY CARRIER Sc e n e s f r om t h e MDA Su mm e r Camp Ju n e 30, 2011, Bab l e r St a t e Pa r k

14 August 2011/MCC MOUND CITY CARRIER MDA EVENTS CHECK PRESENTATION Regional Director of Business Development for MDA Natalie Ott attended the July regular Branch 343 meeting and accepted checks from four of Branch 343’s recent MDA events. -

MDA Basketball Tournament Director Paul Pitts (L) and Br. Texas Hold ‘em coordinators Tom Schreiber (L) and Bob 343 Pres. Bill Lister (R) present Natalie Ott a check for $744. Rapisardo (R) along with MDA Chairman Gus Frank present Natalie a check for $615.

Run, Ride and Roll Director Mike David (L) and Br. 343 VP Barry Linan (R) present a check to Natalie for $800.

Dart Tournament Director Robbie Robinson (L) and Br. 343 Exec. VP/Treasurer Nicki Prado (R) present a check to Natalie for $515.


The employer and the union agree that there shall be no discrimination by the employer or the union against employees because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, or marital status. In addition, consistent with the other provisions of this agreement, there shall be no unlawful discrimination against handicapped employees, as prohibited by the Rehabilitation Act. Article 2 Section 1, 2006-2011 National Agreement


Ma c Po i n t e s … By Joh n McLa u g h l i n reetings from the Pointe. As JARAP winds “Union Bailout Update.” By now, I hope each and down, I tip my hat to my fellow DEAT every one of you know how to respond to patrons members in thwarting management’s on your route when they ask you what is going on Ginsanely overly ambitious goal to eliminate even with the Postal Service. Until management stops more routes through COR. Brothers and sisters, trying to outsource carriers and begin utilizing car- you owe the DEAT members involved in JARAP riers as a vital resource, we stand no chance to turn this go-round a personal thank you. The time that the corner. Carriers are not the problem, but rather management was able to take out was far less than the solution to our predicament. Until we stop being what they had originally hoped. This was due, marginalized and just tolerated by management, we in large part, to the diligence and fortitude of the don’t stand a chance. This mind-set must change, DEAT members. Lastly, DILT leader Charles Sexton and now. I honestly hope that in our advanced years has worked tirelessly keeping everyone focused on we aren’t having to explain to our grandchildren holding management’s feet to the fire when adjust- what the “middle class” was back in our day. Save ing routes by ensuring they abide by their own the middle class and get involved. handbooks and manuals. Remember, the second annual Warsher Tourna- Having to deal with carriers and management ment will be held the weekend before Labor Day jointly in JARAP, has given me an opportunity to in August. A great time was had by all last year. see the real disconnect between us. Management’s Keep all our fighting men and women overseas in obsession with cutting costs with complete disre- your thoughts and prayers. Let’s hope they begin to gard to revenue and service is mind boggling. Dur- return sooner rather than later. Until next month, ing a consultation, I watched as a 40+ year veteran do your job safely and accurately. We don’t write carrier tried in vain to explain the harm that would the rules; we just have to play the game. Sláinte! result if the Postal Service followed through with their radical changes. A deaf ear is what he got along with a very coercively transparent sales pitch about the advantages of the carrier retiring so as to facilitate the impending cuts. They do not want any feedback. They have all the answers. It is like trying to reign in your losses by focusing solely on spend- ing cuts while ignoring revenue/taxes completely. Crazy, I know. Recent headlines read, “USPS Near Collapse” and

Hand Surgery Associates Treating hand & wrist problems since 1986 Bruce Schlafly, M.D. Board Certified Hand Surgeon (314) 842-2200 10004 Kennerly Rd., Suite 259B St. Louis, MO 63128 (St. Anthony’s Medical Offices)


Cl ay t o n … By Ro b e r t Ra p i s a r d o t times it may appear that some of my deadline could not have been extended for another articles are repetitive; unfortunately, some month. Why not do everything right instead of do- issues never go away with management. ing it half-ass just to get done? The national parties DisrespectA for the job that we do as carriers and are not looking out for our best interest by having stewards is at an all time high. Look at what is these short time limits. going on in this country and do you expect any- On the horizon are some upcoming branch thing different? Some recent Step B decisions have events. The washer tournament in late August, resulted in monetary awards for denying union branch nominations for officers and convention representation. As far as our daily duties, there is delegates are in early September, satchel day on Oct. no respect. Management INTENTIONALLY makes 2, the stewards’ banquet and golf tournament in up alleged undertime on a daily basis. We are early October, MDA bowlathon in November and making progress through the grievance procedure branch elections in November will all be held in the and a few carriers are starting to stand up to man- upcoming months. Take advantage of the opportu- agement. I still fear the worst as tensions always nity to vote in the branch election. come to a boiling point. Minor route adjustments are now being per- formed throughout the city. One aspect that is BRANCH LEGAL PLAN hard to understand are the time limits set forth Advice and Consultation on by national headquarters. Isn’t July the heaviest General Practice and Civil Actions. month for vacations, the workforce is running on BARTLEY, GOFFSTEIN, BOLLATO skin and bones and the local union only had so & LANGE LAW FIRM many carriers trained for this process. There is 531-1054 nothing so important to save the USPS that the


JARAP Mi n o r Ad j u s t m e n t Pr o c e s s … By Ch a r l e s Se x t o n ith the new JARAP weeks of vacation. This doesn’t of the future, like it or not. Man- agreement, COR look deliberate or suspicious agement at the national level is appears to be here does it? It seems management’s so serious about COR, they have toW stay. So, what is the secret to games never end! However, the OIGs investigating the use of carriers surviving in an environ- don’t fret. With the help of many COR around the country. They ment where the main adjustment different NALC individuals from are doing reports to determine tool is COR? Also, if you can all over the Gateway District we why districts are struggling with recall, I started my June article were able to ensure the adjust- COR. They were here in Gateway with JARAP 2011 — Who’s in ments were still completed in a in the middle of July asking and who’s out? I listed the 12 fair manner. I personally want many questions and collecting stations from Branch 343 which to thank all the NALC DEATs data just for that reason. So, what were included in the JARAP who stepped up and did a good is the secret? It’s simpler than process. However, management job, many under very difficult you might think. The 3999 is the decided at the last minute to circumstances. key. Also, how each and every add 26 more zones (zip codes) to With the 26 additions there are one of us does that 3999 on the JARAP outside our verbal agree- 46 total zones in JARAP for this day management walks with ment. Now, who’s in? round. Within that 46 are an ad- us. Next month, I am going to Initially the lead team member ditional 13 stations from Branch explain this in as much detail as from management and I decided 343 which are listed below. I can. Any carrier who feels they to tailor the workload this round Arnold 63010 have been wronged through the in JARAP to the number of indi- Clayton 63105 adjustment process or just wants viduals who were available and Chouteau 63110 to understand how to keep from qualified to do the work. Makes Creve Coeur 63124 getting screwed by COR needs to sense right? We mutually agreed Gravois 63116 read it. that 20 zones would be pushing South County 63129 Until next time, attend the the limits if we were to complete Southwest 63109-39 union meetings, become in- the adjustments on time. We set Town and Country 63017 formed, and make yourself and the schedule and assigned the Weathers 63113 those around you smarter and individuals to complete the ad- Wheeler 63101-02-03 stronger. Also be professional justments. Wait, hold everything. Chouteau and South County and consistent in your carrier Could it be that easy? No way! were later pulled for two reasons. duties at all times. Hope to see Shortly before the dead- First, after reviewing the data, you at the meeting. line for selecting more zones there was only going to be a someone higher up got to my nominal change, up or down to MDA GOLF TOURNEY management partner. He was either station. Second, we may OCTOBER 9 informed/instructed he was not not meet the time limits plain getting enough savings from and simple. the Gateway District. POOF! He COR is now being mandated decides to add 26 more zones to for all adjustments possible. the JARAP process regardless What is saving us right now is of whether or not we have the the fact that no one in the Gate- VOLUNTEERS people or the time to complete way District has mastered COR. NEEDED the job properly. He informed However, the more we use it, the me of his intensions only one more familiar we will all become CONTACT: TOM SCHULTE or hour before I was to leave for two with it. It is the adjustment tool NICKI PRADO


with four or five cages of mail Je n n i n g s Ji v e … By Ch e t Dr a i n unworked and then having the “Like Zombie man in Zombie land I trek this tedious journey… audacity to issue undertime. Step by step in sweltering heat the burdens yet before me. Every time the supervisor yells, On woe is me I must trudge on, this life is so demanding… “Let’s go … Let’s go …” it tees me Undaunted though I sleigh the beast, management not withstanding.” off. So far I haven’t noticed her grabbing a mail sack and hit- reetings from the North Thanks a lot, Paul. Keep up the ting the street. Or how’s about side. We missed out on good work. rushing carriers out before the giving you an update June: We had a larger re- clerks are done, then sending Glast month, so allow me to sponse than expected at our someone out to you with tubs of bring you up to speed on what’s Six Flags family day. Initially parcels at 2:30 in the afternoon. been going on. Thanks to all we needed 100 participants in Or maybe giving a heat alert of you who participated and/ order to stage the event. Despite safety talk on a Monday telling or supported the events that the fact that the date conflicted you to be safe, pace yourself, were sponsored by the Jennings with the NALC Missouri State drink plenty of fluids, take extra Branch this summer. Convention, we still were able breaks if necessary, and then May: The Third Annual to draw out in upwards of 200 calling all the carriers who crept MDA Basketball Tournament folks in support of the event into V-time in for a PDI two days went well. The tournament was which was dedicated to the later. By now I’m sure you aren’t expanded to include all postal memory of our fallen comrade surprised. employees, which helped draw Christine Jones. It was good to Then July: We all had a good broader participation. That also get out with family and friends laugh when one of our supervi- led to a peppy squad composed and co-workers away from the sors, the good Sister Henrene of a group from the Main Post job. The kids of course had a Triplett, got pulled over by the Office dominating the whole ball, at both the amusement and county mounties doing street tournament. Oh well, there is water parks. With all the food supervision in Castle Pointe always next year! With that and catered by Six Flags, the meal driving her little gray “GOD 4U” a few private donations, tourna- was delightful and the hassle of Chevy Cavalier. By the time we ment organizer Paul Pitts was packing food was avoided. Next got thru roasting her, the story able to collect a sizable dona- year we hope to try it again with had her tazed, spread eagle on tion which he presented to the a little earlier notice and better the pavement, and handcuffed MDA coordinator at last month’s scheduling. …. Aaaahhh, you got to love that union meeting. Being that the Other than that things are one! There’s nothing like the traditional softball tourney has pretty much the same as they irony of life to add a little levity been scrubbed, it’s good to have probably are at your station. You to the work place. an outlet for us die-hard jocks know, stuff like the supervi- GOD BLESS ALL AND to work off a little testosterone. sors telling you it’s time to go PEACE! HARRIS FEDERAL LAW FIRM Federal Workers Compensation Specializing in Letter Carrier/ Injuries (Ex. carpal tunnel, shoulder, knee, etc) [email protected] 1204 Winchester Road, Suite 275 / Lexington, KY 40505 Toll Free (877) 226-2723 / Fax (859) 273-1520


Federal Daily News Postal union defends TV ad campaign By FederalDaily Staff July 20, 2011 The American Postal Workers Union has fired back at a leading critic of the union’s recently launched television ad campaign. The APWU rejected a call by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., for the union to stop broadcasting a union- sponsored ad currently being aired on CNN, MSNBC and FOX NEWS. “The APWU stands by the ad, which dispels the myth that the USPS is funded by taxpayers,” APWU President Cliff Guffey wrote in defense of the ad. The ad directly refutes a common misconception that the Postal Service is funded by taxpayers. The ad also suggests “the enormity of the job postal work- ers do,” according to a union statement. After conveying the breadth of the job, the ad continues: “Ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer? Not a single cent.” Issa, who chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has called the ad “mis- leading,” and asked the union to cancel it. “Our ad is correct,” Guffey concluded, responding to a reference Issa recently made to a report incorrectly stating that the Postal Service receives “implicit” subsidies. “The Postal Service is not subsi- dized by taxpayers. We will continue to publicize this important truth.” The union said the ads will continue to run. For more, or to see the ad, visit the APWU Website.

MDA Doubles Washer Tournament Date: Sunday, August 28 , 2011 Location: Letter Carriers Hall — 1600 S. Broadway Start time: 10:00 a.m. — Ends ??? Entry Fee: $15.00 per person / $30.00 per team (Singles will be matched the day of the tournament) ALL PROCEEDS GO TO MDA Trophies for 1st and 2nd Place Send Entry Fee to: Deadline for Entry is Aug. 24 Letter Carriers Hall - Attn: Charles Sexton Late entries will be accommodated up to limit 1600 S. Broadway Late entry $20.00 per person - $40.00 per team St. Louis, Missouri 63104 All Players Welcome - please list a carrier’s (Make checks payable to MDA) name and station as contact. TOSS YOUR SUPPORT FOR JERRY’S KIDS

BRING FAMILY AND FRIENDS Beer, Soda and Water Provided. Food: (Brats, Hot Dogs and Side) available for purchase. Open play afterwards if space and time permits.


WHEN: 8:00 A.M. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2011 WHERE: NORMANDIE GOLF CLUB 7605 St. Charles Rock Rd. St. Louis, MO 63133 COST: $70 PER PERSON ($280 PER TEAM) Price includes 18 holes of Golf, Electric Cart, Prizes, Refreshments, (Beer, Soda, Brats, Hamburgers etc.) FORMAT: Best Ball Four Man Scramble “Shot Gun Start” HOW TO ENTER: A check or checks totaling $280 with the names and addresses of team members 24th NALC Br. 343 must be received ASAP (Please list at least one phone number and email) Golf Tournament for MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Muscular Dystrophy MDA Golf, Branch 343 1600 S. Broadway ENTER NOW! St. Louis, MO 63104 REGISTRATION INFORMATION: 1. Tournament will start at 8:00 a.m. 2. Shot Gun Start — 8:00 a.m. 3. There will be a cutoff at 36 teams due to time restrictions. Money will be refunded to any team who enters after the cutoff. 4. Teams must arrive 30 minutes prior to tee time. If you have any other questions about the tournament that have not been answered here, contact: Nicki L. Prado Letter Carriers Hall 314-241-4297 Clip and Mail PLEASE PRINT: email______

1. NAME______PHONE______

2. NAME______PHONE______

3. NAME______PHONE______

4. NAME______PHONE______August 2011/MCC 21 MOUND CITY CARRIER BRANCH MEETING Br a n c h 343, St. Lo u i s , Mi ss o u r i Ju l y 14, 2011

Summary of New Member Branch Action MSC To pay the branch bills Carlos M. Givens...... TE-Maryville Gardens...... 7/14/11 MSC That the branch purchase the usual 1/4 page ad in Recently Retired Members the 2011 Labor Day issue of the Labor Tribune. James Ashby...... Rolla...... 7/01/11 Tyrone S. Crowder...... North County...... 6/01/11 MSC That Branch 343 send their Harold J. Milota...... Sappington...... 7/01/11 Health Benefit Seminar Larry A. Streib...... South County...... 7/01/11 this fall with the branch Charlene Talley...... Des Peres...... 6/03/11 president or his designee Edmond C. Tappin...... Kirkwood...... 6/30/11 and pay expenses. Lewis A. Weaver...... St. Ann...... 6/03/11 MSC That Branch 343 send their mutual benefit asso- Deceased Member ciation rep. to the Nation- al NALC-MBA Training Seminar this fall and pay Ralph T. Lingle...... Retired...... 1/14/09 expenses. MSC That Branch 343 sponsor a hole at the VFW an- nual Golf Tournament in September. MSC That Branch 343 send an additional officer with the branch president to Shop Steward Charlie Harris (L) and Ed Tappin, Kirkwood, receives con- the Committee of Presi- Br. 343 VP Barry Linan (R) offer their gratulations on his retirement from Br. dents Meeting in Septem- congratulations to newly retired St. 343 President Bill Lister. ber and pay expenses. Ann letter carrier Lewis A. Weaver. We broke from the regular branch meeting to present MDA with donations from the Basketball Tournament, Texas Hold ‘em Tournament, the Run, Ride and Roll and Dart Tournament. RAA Mike Birkett thanked President Lister for all the work done with grievances and reminded the membership that this will be the most important contract Highlightsever, so be ready to act. Executive VP Nicki Prado talked about the ad the APWU is running against Rep. Issa, R-Calif. The president of the APWU was in attendance at our meeting and was recognized. VP Barry Linan talked about the Labor Day theme, “We are One” and how we will par- ticipate. Barry read a note to the Branch membership from Everett Ludwig, a 60-year retired member, thanking all for mailing his award. President William Lister announced COLA increases for active and retired letter carriers. We have a new postmaster, let’s wait and see what we will be dealing with. Respectfully submitted Kenneth W. Johnson Recording Secretary


Robinette Hensley John Konopka John Karay John Mulderig Bill Hoffman Victor Keitel William Jones Keith Gentry Bob Ruester Michael Jennings Jefferson Layton Gerald Galleano John Samuelson Tony Rehagen Clif Nelson Dennis Flanagin Ken Johnson Donald Bass Chet Drain Joe Fitzjarrell In Memory of Paul Taylor Angelo Ottolini James Oldenburg Rocky Rakowiecki The above honor roll gives special recognition to those members who give $50 or more. Each star represents $100

Raymond Schlereth Carol McNeil Janet Frank Robert Rapisardo Charles Sexton John McLaughlin


Ed i t o r ’s No t e s … By Ra y Br e a k f i e l d he future seems a little iffy for letter carriers. Okay, real iffy. What’s going on and who’s to blame? I hope the answer is obvious to everyone. WE ARE. I don’t know how many of us vote or how they vote. I don’t know who votes for their job, or, instead, for an issue that is dear to Tthem. This is a free country. We can vote for who or what we want. It appears that I do know what over 95 percent of letter carriers want. They want to go looking for a new job. They don’t care enough about their jobs to contribute a lousy five dollars a month to finance the effort to keep their jobs. For those who don’t know, by law, no union dues can be used for political purposes. That means that we rely on COLCPE to try to gain access to those who might be on our side. It all costs money. This is at a time when UPS, FedEx, and the others are spending ungodly amounts of money to gain the upper hand. Sure is a lousy way to run a country, ain’t it? Because the majority of Americans don’t vote, or even care who runs the country, this is the system we’re stuck with. I suppose Alexis de Tocqueville was correct a long time ago when she said, “WE GET THE GOVERNMENT WE DESERVE.” I was channel surfing the other day and came across a movie called “Swing Vote.” It’s a 2008 movie starring Kevin Costner. In it he plays a guy like many of us. He likes a cold beer and a game of pool at the local pub. He is totally uninterested in politics. It turns out his vote will decide who is president. A reporter asked him who he would vote for. He said, “Who’s running?” His daughter wrote a paper for school about politics. She wrote, “All the great civilizations have followed the same path. From slavery to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy back to slavery.” All of us had better find out “who’s running.”

August 2011/MCC 23 Dan J. Gould BRANCH 343 P A I D —OFFICERS— Non-Profit Organization St. Louis, MO U.S. POSTAGE

Bill Lister...... President Permit No. 1452 Nicki Prado...... Executive Vice President/ Treasurer Barry Linan...... Vice President/ Financial Secretary Ken Johnson...... Recording Secretary Marvin Booker...... Sergeant-at-Arms Saronda Sutherland...... Collector, MBA Mike David... Health Benefit Representative ➡

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Local delivery date requested no later than August 8 Robinette Hensley Charles Sexton John McLaughlin Tony Jasper Derrick Williams LETTER CARRIERS BUILDING Chairman BRANCH OFFICE 1600 S Broadway CORRESPONDENT POSTAL St. Louis, MO 63104-3806 RECORD Tom Schulte (314) 241-4297

MEMBER-AT-LARGE Hours: 8 am - 4:30 pm (M-F) NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE 8 am - Noon (Sat) Tina Hunt Chet Drain Melvin McNair Fax: (314) 241-2738

DELEGATES TO THE ST. LOUIS Branch 343 Web Site LABOR COUNCIL Keith Gentry Gus Frank 2010 AWARD WINNING WEB SITE Robinette Hensley Tony Jasper Dan J. Gould Branch 343 1600 S Broadway

Mike Chenot Melvin McNair St. Louis, MO 63104 Pam Stepney Female Letter Carriers Representative MOUND CITY CARRIER

MOUND CITY CARRIER Robinette Hensley, Creve Coeur REQUESTED ADDRESS SERVICE Published monthly by Branch 343 (314) 432--8211 National Association of Letter Carriers Contents may be reproduced by NALC EEO REPRESENTATIVES publications — Just mention Branch 343. Harold Robinson — (314) 569-2653 Robinette Hensley — (314) 432--8211 STAFF Tom Schulte ...... Managing Editor HEALTH BENEFITS HOT LINE Harry Blecha...... Business Manager Mike David — Hall: (314) 241-4223 Ray Breakfield...... Editor Tuesday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Barry Linan...... Assoc. Editor Clif Nelson...... Asst. Editor COMPENSATION HOT LINE John McLaughlin...... Asst. Editor Mike David — Hall: (314) 241-4223 Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm ADVISORY BOARD Bill Lister SAFETY & HEALTH Nicki Prado Mel McNair, South County (314) 846-4152 All correspondence and all articles intended for publication in this paper VETERANS CONSULTANT should be addressed to: Mike David — (314) 241-4297 Ray Breakfield, Editor 1600 S Broadway FOR LOW COST NALC INSURANCE St. Louis, MO 63104-3806 Saronda Sutherland, MBA Phone: (314) 241-4297 (314) 535-2850 Deadline for articles for the SEPTEMBER issue is All copy should be TYPED in upper and NBA OFFICE AUGUST 15, 2011 lower case, double spaced and written on Dan Pittman — (314) 872-0227 one side only. Articles are to be limited H H H to 250 words and must be signed. RETIRED MEMBERS MEETING REGULAR BRANCH MEETING For ad rates call: LETTER CARRIERS BUILDING THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2011 HARRY BLECHA 1600 S Broadway 7:30 pm Phone: (314) 645-1192 1st Wednesday of the month. Lunch at noon, meeting at 1:00 pm H H H Opinions expressed intend no malice toward anyone Jim McNeil, Chairman...... (314) 845-2371 — neither do they necessarily express the views of SHOP STEWARDS MEETING the editor nor that of Branch 343 N.A.L.C. Ray Breakfield, Secretary...... (573) 358-5266 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2011 Articles may be edited for brevity and potential The Letter Carriers Building libelous statements. Jim Kluempers, Treasurer...... (636) 274-0996 1600 S Broadway