GSC DAP DWH Date 01/12/2014 Issue 2 Rev 10 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – for Official Use

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GSC DAP DWH Date 01/12/2014 Issue 2 Rev 10 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – for Official Use ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use esrin Via Galileo Galilei Casella Postale 64 00044 Frascati Italy T +39 06 9418 01 F +39 06 9418 0280 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2011-2014 (extended till March 31st, 2015) Prepared by B. Hoersch/V. Amans Reference COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-13-0001 Issue 2 Revision 10 Date of Issue 01/12/2014 Status Approved Document Type TN Distribution ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Reason for change Issue Revision Date • Inclusion of ESA data offer 2 1 13 Jul 2011 • EVOSS quota conversion archive to new data • 24/7 GEST service availability DMC, EUSI • Update of section 9.3 e-GEOS Inclusion of CORE_008 final dataset description • Addition of Cartosat-1, IRS-1C, IRS-1D • Editorial corrections • Update of CORE_008 description 2 2 17 Oct 2011 • Quota updates for ADD datasets for 2012 • Addition of ADD sub-datasets (no additional quota, just shifts in quota, split for restricted datasets) • Addition of projection information for CORE_01, CORE_03 (Annex) • Addition of information regarding projection and information contained in the data files for CORE_01 • Addition of acquisition windows for CORE_01 including French DOM (where available) • Correction on ESA mission availability for GEST • Timeliness of delivery (change Rush3h into ArchRush, replace Arch24h/48h by Arch6h Page 2/152 GSC DAP DWH Date 01/12/2014 Issue 2 Rev 10 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use according to GCM ICD scenarios) • Update of minimum orderable areas of Ikonos and GeoEye-1 • Editorial corrections • Update e-GEOS minimum orderable area 2 3 27 Nov 2011 • Precision on CORE_008 analysis results for archive selection 2011 • Corrections and shifting of quota within ADDITIONAL datasets • 24/7 service for Deimos-1 • Inclusion of ADD quotas for GIO Land , GIO 2 4 19 Mar 2012 EMS and GMES Masters • Update of DMC and e-GEOS CosmoSkymed minimum orderable area: • CORE_01 update for Netherlands both Narrow and Extended windows • Updated ADD_005b, 006b, 013b and 014b offer for CosmoSkymed; removed ScanSar Huge • Corrections and shifting of quota within several ADDITIONAL datasets • CORE_011: e-GEOS offer updated with Stripmap Ping Pong and Stripmap HIMAGE • Editorial corrections • Removal of SAFER and GMOSAIC datasets 2 5 02 Apr 2012 • Editorial corrections • REDDINESS quota reshuffling • Corrections of quota within several 2 6 21 Dec 2012 ADDITIONAL datasets • Update of existing quotas with allocations until May 2014 • Inclusion of ADD quotas for Security Services 2012 ( SAGRES,LOBOS, G-NEXT and G- SEXTANT ), 4 DS (InCreo, LAMPRE, Prefer, Sensum), DG ENER and GIO EMS External Validation • WatPlan quota allocated for ADD_009b • Addition of Pleiades-1/2 in ADD_003a/b, ADD_004a/b, ADD_011a/b, ADD_12a/b, available as of Q1 2013 • Addition of Landsat-8 assumed available as of Q3 2013 • Addition of Proba-V available as of Q3 2013 • Addition of Cryosat in CORE_14 • Addition of TSX ScanSar mode single pol. 40 m resolution • Addition of quotas in CORE_11 for Envisat Replacement (TerraSar, ComsoSkymed and Radarsat-2 • Editorial corrections Page 3/152 GSC DAP DWH Date 01/12/2014 Issue 2 Rev 10 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use • Corrected content of CORE_04, 05, 06 and 07 2 6.1 31 Jan 2013 • Removed SPOT-4 New data due to de- orbiting performed starting from 29 Jan 2013 • Added quotas under ADD_011a, 012a, 017a and 018a datasets for new GMES Masters 2012 winners: Best Service 2012 (BS12) and Overall Winner 2012 (OW12) • Editorial corrections • Corrections of quotas within EUSC and EMSA ADDitional datasets • Removed R2 Spotlight mode from SAR VHR2 datasets • Amended minimal order size and availability date for TSX ScanSar Wide Swath mode 40m • Revised several DS quotas upon EC input 2 7 15 May 2013 • Inclusion of ADD quotas for IMAGINES and GIO Global Land • Inclusion of new ADD RUSH and Standard quotas for Dolphin • Data offer removed for closed projects: AQUAMAR, EVOSS, GeoPictures, Malareo , Reddiness and SubCoast. • Addition of minimum order size for EUSI VHR1 and VHR2 QB/WV1/VW2 Ortho- rectified products. • Addition of EUSI ortho-rectification defaults • Addition of GCMs tasking cut-off times • Amended CORE_01 description • Addition of quota allocation for GMES Masters Best Service 2011 under ADD_014b • Pleiades- 1/2 changed to Pleiades- 1A/1B • Added extension of DWH until end of Nov 2 7.1 31 Jul 2013 2014 • Addition of CosmoSkymed Stripmap HIMAGE to CORE_11 description and content • Removal of Geoland-2 Additional datasets • Quota corrections for Cryoland ADD_013b and 016b, EUFODOS ADD_011b and Freshmon ADD_011b • Quota reshufflings applied to Additional datasets of: Cryoland, GIO Global Land , SEA_U, InCReo, NEREIDS and Freshmon • Proba-V availability changed to Q4 2013 • Changed incremental value for Pleiades-1A/1B minimal order size • Changed minimal order size of Radarsat-2 Wide Fine (FW) mode dual pol • Addition of Landsat-7 to ADD_009b • Addition of Spot-6/7 to both ADDitional Page 4/152 GSC DAP DWH Date 01/12/2014 Issue 2 Rev 10 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Standard and Emergency datasets • Addition of SPOT-6 to CORE_03 • Landsat-8 contribution removed from ADD_018a • Editorial corrections • GMES renamed Copernicus 2 8 15 Dec 2013 • Quota reshufflings applied to Additional datasets of: G_SEXTANT, GMES Masters, SAGRES, INCREO, NEREIDS. • Addition of extra quotas to CORE_11 for e- GEOS and MDA to support DWH extension until Nov 2014. • Data offer removed for closed projects: Bio- Sos, Dolphin, DORIS, EUFODOS, Freshmon, ISAC, MS-Monina , MyWater, ReCover, REDDAF, REDD-FLAME, Sirius, WatPlan. • Addition of TerraSAR-X Staring SpotLight mode to VHR1 SAR Standard and Emergency datasets. • Updates to CORE_01 and CORE_03 contents • Correction applied to Spot-6/7 cut-off times • Change applied to the incremental value of minimum order size of Pleiades 1A/1B • Addition of MR1 and MR2 SAR datasets to GIO-EMS Emergency • RapidEye company name changed to BlackBridge • Removal of MODIS NRT data provision by ESA as of Jan 2014 • Addition of VITO new web Portal for free access to SPOT-VGT archive data • Change applied to minimal order sizes of DMCii data • Correction to CORE_10 access rights • Editorial corrections • Data Offer removed for closed CSPs: 2 9 15 Jul 2014 NEREIDS , SEA_U and SIDARUS. • Removed Stereo products for SPOT-4/5 • Removed SPOT-VGT data offer from CORE_04 and CORE_05 as per end of mission operations at the end of May 2014 • Amended list of Proba-V products and performance in CORE_04-07 • Quotas of the following CSPs put “on hold” as a result of CSP prioritisation by EC: EMSA, EUSC, GIO-LAND and GIO-Global Land, GMES Masters, IMAGINES, INCREO, Lampre, Prefer and Sensum. • Quota revision applied to the following CSPs : GIO-EMS, G-NEXT, G-SEXTANT , SAGRES LOBOS and DG-ENER further to the CSP prioritisation by EC. Page 5/152 GSC DAP DWH Date 01/12/2014 Issue 2 Rev 10 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use • LOBOS upgraded to access Emergency datasets • Quota reshufflings applied to ADDitional and Emergency datasets of the following CSPs: GMES Masters Best Service 2012, SAGRES, CryoLand, EUSC, EMSA, GIO-LAND and DG- ENER. • Astrium Geoinformation Services (DE) and (FR) changed to AIRBUS Defence and Space (DE) and (FR) • Extension of DWH phase 1 till end of March 2 10 01 Dec 2014 2015 • Addition of Sentinel-1 contribution to CORE_11 over sea ice zones • Addition of SAR_Global dataset with Sentinel- 1 contribution • Removal of Imagesat contribution (EROS-A and B) • New email addresses for SCI contact and Account Managers • Start of SPOT-7 contribution • Quota reshuffling for G-SEXTANT Page 6/152 GSC DAP DWH Date 01/12/2014 Issue 2 Rev 10 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Table of contents: Contents 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 11 1.1 DAP CONTEXT ................................................................................................................................................................... 11 1.2 DAP SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11 1.3 DISCLAIMER ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12 1.4 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................................................. 13 1.5 ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 13 1.6 DOCUMENT OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 2 DAP EVOLUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 16 3 DATA ACCESS OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 18 3.1 COPERNICUS SPACE COMPONENT DATA ACCESS SYSTEM ............................................................................................ 18 3.2 DATA WAREHOUSE CONCEPT: CORE AND ADDITIONAL DATASETS .....................................................................
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