2018 Progressive Mass Gov. Endorsement Questionnaires

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2018 Progressive Mass Gov. Endorsement Questionnaires PROGRESSIVEMASS.COM /elections GOVERNOR ENDORSEMENT QUESTIONNAIRE FEBRUARY 2018 ENDORSEMENTS ARE DETERMINED BY VOTING MEMBERS OF PROGRESSIVE MASSACHUSETTS. 2018 CANDIDATES JAY GONZALEZ ROBERT MASSIE SETTI WARREN VOTER INFORMATION WHEN: September 4, 2018 (Primary) November 6, 2018 (General) WHERE: Local polling places can be found at wheredoivotema.com WHO: REGISTERED MA VOTERS CHECK VOTER REG. STATUS: sec.state.ma.us/voterregistrationsearch/ myvoterregstatus.aspx REGISTER TO VOTE ONLINE: sec.state.ma.us/OVR/ AVAILABLE ON THE WEB: PROGRESSIVEMASS.COM/2018ELECTIONS PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTION. V20180204 PDF /2018questionnaire-gov-pdf MEMBER and community contributions fund our work. Support resources such as our comprehensive, substantive candidate questionnaires with your contribution: progressivemass.com/give All questionnaires are available on our website for all, as a public service, regardless of endorsement outcome. We invite voters to share our materials, with attribution, and help push all candidates and campaigns towards substantive engagement with important progressive issues. We encourage progressives to use our Progressive Platform, Legislative Agenda, Scorecards and other materials to help in their research before election day. On the web: progressivemass.com Contents Introduction: Progressive Mass 1 About 1 Membership 1 Our Endorsements 1 SHAPE OUR POLITICS: organize, act 2 I. About the Candidates 3 Jay Gonzalez 3 Robert Massie 5 Setti. D. Warren 6 II. THE ISSUES 8 A. REVENUE AND TAXATION 8 Candidate Overview & Experience: Revenue and Taxation 9 Policy Questions: Revenue and Taxation 10 B. JOB GROWTH AND THE ECONOMY 13 Candidate Overview & Experience: Job Growth & the Economy 14 Policy Questions: Job Growth & the Economy 15 C. EDUCATION 21 Candidate Overview & Experience: Education 22 Policy Questions: Education 24 D. HEALTH CARE 28 Candidate Overview & Experience: Healthcare 28 Policy Questions: Healthcare 29 E. HOUSING 32 Candidate Overview & Experience: Housing 32 Policy Questions: Housing 34 F. RACIAL AND SOCIAL JUSTICE 37 Candidate Overview & Experience: Racial & Social Justice 38 Policy Questions: Racial and Social Justice 39 G. GOOD GOVERNMENT/ STRONG DEMOCRACY 44 Candidate Overview & Experience: Good Government/Strong Democracy 44 Policy Questions: Good Government/Strong Democracy 45 H. SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 49 Candidate Overview & Experience: Infrastructure and Environment 50 Policy Questions: Infrastructure and Environment 51 III. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS 56 Jay Gonzalez 56 Robert Massie 56 Setti D Warren 56 Your Notes. 57 PROGRESSIVE MASS 2018 ENDORSEMENT QUESTIONNAIRE, GOVERNOR distribute with attribution: progressivemass.com/2018elections - i MEMBER and community contributions fund our work. Support resources such as our comprehensive, substantive candidate questionnaires with your contribution: progressivemass.com/give All questionnaires are available on our website for all, as a public service, regardless of endorsement outcome. We invite voters to share our materials, with attribution, and help push all candidates and campaigns towards substantive engagement with important progressive issues. We encourage progressives to use our Progressive Platform, Legislative Agenda, Scorecards and other materials to help in their research before election day. On the web: progressivemass.com Introduction: Progressive Mass About Progressive Massachusetts is a statewide, grassroots organization committed to working toward shared prosperity, racial and social justice, good government and strong democracy, and sustainable infrastructure and environmental protection. It was founded by local organizers from the Patrick and Obama campaigns in order to continue to move forward progressive values and issues in Massachusetts. Advancing a progressive agenda in Massachusetts requires electing legislators who share--and will fight for-- our values, and then holding them accountable. Membership One of the benefits of being a dues-paying member of Progressive Massachusetts is your participation in our endorsement votes for key elections, helping to shape the future direction of progressive policymaking in the state. Not yet a member? Join! ProgressiveMass.com/member Our Endorsements Progressive Massachusetts solicits responses to our detailed policy questionnaire, revised periodically by the Elections & Endorsements Committee (EEC), from candidates in selected races. After review and deliberation, including with Chapters in the district, the EEC may offer advisory endorsement recommendation. However, the ultimate decision lies with you--the members. In each race, you can choose to vote for a candidate, vote “no endorsement,” or abstain. Candidates who receive at least 60% of all ballots submitted in their respective race will be endorsed by Progressive Massachusetts. If no candidate in a race reaches the 60% threshold, we will not endorse. Regardless of whether or not we endorse, all questionnaires will be made available on our website as a public service. Sources. Each section features a chart or graph that illustrates one facet of the issue under discussion and is not intended to be comprehensive. Unless otherwise indicated, all images and data are from Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center (massbudget.org). Voting is just the start (see the next page for suggestions on how to engage in and shape the election). But you need to be registered and know where to vote to do it! CHECK VOTER STATUS: sec.state.ma.us/voterregistrationsearch/myvoterregstatus.aspx REGISTER TO VOTE ONLINE: sec.state.ma.us/OVR/ WHERE TO VOTE: find local polling places wheredoivotema.com PROGRESSIVE MASS 2018 ENDORSEMENT QUESTIONNAIRE, GOVERNOR distribute with attribution: progressivemass.com/2018elections - 1 MEMBER and community contributions fund our work. Support resources such as our comprehensive, substantive candidate questionnaires with your contribution: progressivemass.com/give All questionnaires are available on our website for all, as a public service, regardless of endorsement outcome. We invite voters to share our materials, with attribution, and help push all candidates and campaigns towards substantive engagement with important progressive issues. We encourage progressives to use our Progressive Platform, Legislative Agenda, Scorecards and other materials to help in their research before election day. On the web: progressivemass.com SHAPE OUR POLITICS: ORGANIZE, ACT KEY DATES: P.M. MEMBER ENDORSE VOTE: ___________ TBA/MEMBERS WATCH YOUR EMAIL CALENDAR: progressivemass.com/elections | Feb 3-Mar 4 (Caucus1), Jun 2 (Convention), Sept 4 (Primary), Nov 6 (General) PROGRESSIVE MASS RESOURCES: PROGRESSIVEMASS.COM/_______ 2018 STATEWIDE ELECTION MATERIALS: /2018statewides GOVERNOR’S QUESTIONNAIRE: /questionnaire-gov-pdf (PERMALINK /2018questionnaire-gov-pdf) OUR PROGRESSIVE PLATFORM: /platform OUR LEGISLATIVE AGENDA: /agenda BECOME A MEMBER: /membership HELP BUILD THE INFRASTRUCTURE FOR PROGRESSIVE RESISTANCE OPPORTUNITIES FOR ENGAGEMENT/SHAPING THE ELECTION ONGOING—AMPLIFY/ADVOCATE: Use this & related materials (platform, agenda) to frame discussions and debates. Ask candidates follow-up questions. Raise issues you’re not hearing enough about. Remember, before you give your support, a candidate has a great incentive to hear out your questions and concerns! ONGOING —ORGANIZE/EDUCATE YOUR COMMUNITY on progressive issues (including, sharing materials like this). Work with your PM Chapter to host candidate and issue forums (volunteer to be organizational lead! great ideas need people to turn into action!). SOON—ORGANIZATIONAL ENDORSEMENT: By joining together in endorsements as an organization, our members increase all of our voices/power, individually, locally, and as a progressive movement. Our endorsement is comprised of individuals’ votes. Weigh your vote thoughtfully. Organize other members for whom you believe is the best candidate (or for non-endorsement, should that be your conclusion). FEB. 3-MAR. 4—DELEGATES & CAUCUSES: Run for delegate. Support delegates who caucus for progressive platform/issues, organize caucuses for candidates/issues you value as progressive. Reach out to delegates for your municipality: work to persuade them to vote for PM-endorsed candidates at convention. JUN. 2—CONVENTION: delegates—vote and help get votes for pm-endorsed candidates SEP. 4—PRIMARY: volunteer/organize for pm-endorsed candidates. Vote. NOV. 6—ELECTION: volunteer/organize for pm-endorsed candidates and ballot initiatives. Vote. 1 Each municipality holds a caucus, which is an in-person, one-time event. Visit massdems.org/convention/2018-caucus-dates to find your caucus and review the rules. Caucuses can be confusing, especially for new activists. At the simplest level: caucuses elect delegates. Delegates select Democratic candidates for the primary; then it’s up to Dem voters to choose the final nominee for November, when it’s up to all voters. Don’t be shy; ask your fellow progressives to help answer your questions! PROGRESSIVE MASS 2018 ENDORSEMENT QUESTIONNAIRE, GOVERNOR distribute with attribution: progressivemass.com/2018elections - 2 I. About the Candidates Jay Gonzalez Website: jay4ma.com Twitter: @jay4ma Facebook: /jay4ma 1. Why are you running for office? And what will your top 3 priorities be if elected? I’m running for Governor because I want to make real progress on the challenges holding people back in Massachusetts and stand up for every single person in this state. With Donald Trump in the White House
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