Caecilia V90v04 1963
ca€cl la Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy VOLUME 90, NO. 4 WINTER, 1963-64 5 Twelfth Annual Liturgical Music Workshop AUGUST 16.28, 1964 BOYS TOWN, NEBRASKA Flor Peeters, Mechelen, Belgium Organ Cornelius Bouman, University of Nijmegen, Holland Liturgy Francis Brunner, Chicago, Illinois Seminars Richard Schuler, College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota History Francis Schmitt, Boys Town Gregorian Chant - Boy Choir Roger Wagner, University of California at Los Angeles Polyphony, Contemporary Music Kathleen Thomerson Organ Inquire Music Department Boys Town, Nebraska CAECILIA Published four times a year, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Second-Class Postage Paid at Omaha, Nebraska Subscription Price-~3.00 per year All articles for publication must be in the hands of the editor, 3558 Cass St., Omaha 31, Nebraska, 30 days before month of publication. Business Manager: Norbert Letter Change of address should be sent to the circulation manager: Paul Sing, 3558 Cass St., Omaha 31, Nebraska PosUnaster: Form 3579 to Caecilia, 3558 Cass St., Omaha 31, Nebr. TABLE OF CONTENTS The Cappella Sistina-Richard Schuler _ 143 The Use of Grtgorian Psalmody with the English Language Robert Wurm ------ 161 The Present Sta1e of Music in Catholic Colleges and Universities Lavern Wagner 166 Review Books 179 Concerts 182 Masses _____ 184 Motets 185 Organ Music 187 Constitution on de Sacred Liturgy - 188 VOLUME 90, N"O. 4 WINTER, 1963 ..64 RONCKABROS.~OMAHA.NEBR. CAECILIA A Quarterly Review devoted to the liturgical music apostolate. Published with ecclesiastical approval by the Society of Saint Caecilia in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Established in 1874 by John B.
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