
The apparent (gravitational) horizon in cosmology

Item Type Article

Authors Melia, Fulvio

Citation American Journal of Physics 86, 585 (2018); doi: 10.1119/1.5045333

DOI 10.1119/1.5045333



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Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/630525 The apparent (gravitational) horizon in cosmology Fulvio Melia

Citation: American Journal of Physics 86, 585 (2018); doi: 10.1119/1.5045333 View online: https://doi.org/10.1119/1.5045333 View Table of Contents: http://aapt.scitation.org/toc/ajp/86/8 Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers

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I. INTRODUCTION the Friedmann equations implied a maximum scale length over which this energy could impact an object gravitationally, The term “horizon” in cosmology is variously used to but suggested that there is little observational evidence limit- denote (i) how far particles could have traveled relative to an ing this “gravitational horizon” of our local Universe. The observer since the big bang (the “”), or (ii) a topic of this paper touches on this issue as well, but goes well two-dimensional surface that forever separates causally con- beyond this early, simple foray into what is—in truth—a nected events from others that are not (the “event much more elaborate physical process, supported by an enor- horizon”), or (iii) any of several other definitions with a mous amount of empirical evidence. We shall learn, e.g., that 1 customized application. Each has its purpose, though they the gravitational horizon in cosmology coincides with what is are sometimes applied incorrectly in an approach based on commonly referred to as an “apparent” horizon in other appli- conformal diagrams, which are often not as easy to interpret cations of general relativity. An excellent discussion on the as concepts described in terms of proper distances and times. origin and meaning of apparent horizons may be found in the Part of the difficulty is also that some definitions are based recent book by Faraoni.3 A simple definition that serves us on the use of comoving lengths, while others are written in well at this early stage is that the apparent horizon separates terms of proper distances. There is no conflict between them, regions in which null geodesics approach us, from those in of course, but as the precision of the data increases, it is which they recede, as measured in terms of the proper dis- becoming quite evident that one definition, above all else, tance. Indeed, an early recognition of this dual designation— appears to be the most relevant to a full appreciation of what apparent versus gravitational—was the subject of a paper by the observations are telling us. We shall highlight this partic- Gautreau,4 who employed a pseudo-Newtonian description of ular measure of distance—the “apparent” (or gravitational) gravity using a Schwarzschild-like curvature spatial coordi- horizon—for the majority of this paper, but we shall also nate, and showed that light signals reach a maximum distance compare it to the other horizons in the discussion section along their trajectory through the Universe, and then turn towards the end. around and return to some remote origin. As we shall see Several authors have previously attempted to describe the shortly, this turning point is closely related to an apparent nature of cosmological expansion and its consequences (e.g., horizon. We shall argue in this paper that the best way to its impact on the redshift of light reaching us from distant understand features such as this from a pedagogical standpoint sources) using a pedagogical approach, though with various is actually to invoke and utilize the Birkhoff theorem,5 an measures of success. Given what we know today, primarily important generalization of Newtonian theory in the general through the extensive database at our disposal, some of relativistic framework. which we shall discuss shortly, it is safe to say that a correct In the context of cosmological horizons, the paper by Ellis understanding of the key observational features in the cos- and Rothman6 was quite useful because, in avoiding unnec- mos is best developed in the context of general relativity. Of essarily complicated presentations, they made it easy to course, this introduces the importance of coordinate transfor- understand how misconceptions often arise from the misin- mations (and their relevance to how one writes the spacetime terpretation of coordinate-dependent effects. These authors metric), the relevance of proper distances and times, and the carefully delineated stationary horizons from apparent hori- emergence of the aforementioned horizons due to the finite zons, extending in a clear and pedagogical manner the defini- (and constant) speed of light. tions introduced half a century earlier.1 The possibility that a gravitational horizon might exist in In this paper, we focus our attention on the type of horizon the cosmos was considered by Nemiroff and Patla,2 who dis- that is not yet commonly known or invoked in the cosmolog- cussed it using a “toy” model based on a Universe dominated ical context—the “gravitational horizon” which, as noted, is by a single, isotropic, stable, static, perfect-fluid energy, typically referred to as the “apparent horizon,” e.g., in a though with various levels of pressure. They concluded that handful of papers dealing specifically with its role in

585 Am. J. Phys. 86 (8), August 2018 http://aapt.org/ajp VC 2018 American Association of Physics Teachers 585 3,7–9 cosmology. As we shall see, this horizon has a radius Those interested in studying the impact of Rh at greater (the “gravitational radius,” Rh) that coincides with the much depth may wish to examine how its use eventually resolved better known radius of the Hubble . In fact, the very the question of whether or not cosmological redshift is due existence of a Hubble radius is due to the presence of the to an effect distinct from the better known kinematic (or gravitational horizon. The former is simply a manifestation Doppler) and gravitational time dilations. This issue has of the latter. It is time-dependent—not static like its counter- been at the core of a debate between those who claim its ori- part in the Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics—and may, or gin proves that space is expanding and those who have may not, eventually turn into an event horizon in the asymp- attempted to demonstrate that it may be calculated without totic future, depending on the equation of state of the cosmic invoking such a poorly understood (and probably unphysi- fluid. (Later in this paper, we shall directly compare the par- cal) mechanism.28–34 A partial demonstration that an inter- ticle, event, and gravitational horizons with each other.) pretation of cosmological redshift as due to the expansion of Ironically, though introduced in Ref. 10, an unrecognized space is problematic was presented earlier by Bunn and 11 32 33 34 form of Rh actually appeared a century ago in de Sitter’s Hogg, Cook and Burns, and Grøn and Elgaroy, but a own account of his spacetime metric, but the choice of coor- complete treatment35 proving that it is simply a product of dinates for which Rh appears in his metric coefficients even- both the Doppler and gravitational redshifts in an expanding tually fell out of favor following the introduction cosmos was finalized only after the introduction of the gravi- 12 (principally by Friedmann ) of comoving coordinates in the tational radius Rh. 1920s, which have been used ever since in cosmological In Sec. II, we shall briefly introduce the Birkhoff theorem applications. We shall see shortly how these two forms of and its corollary, and explain why it is so impactful in help- the metric are related to each other. ing us understand the relevance of Rh to cosmological theory. As of today, however, there is still some confusion con- We shall describe the Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) cerning the properties of Rh and how it affects our cosmolog- metric in Sec. III, and demonstrate how the concept of a ical observations. The time-dependent gravitational horizon gravitational radius Rh emerges from its various forms (based need not be a null surface, but is often confused with one. It on different choices of the coordinates). In Sec. IV, we shall 13–16 has sometimes been suggested that sources beyond Rh derive the null geodesic equation, whose properties (and sol- (t0) are observable today, which is absolutely not the utions) we study in Sec. V. We shall see in this section that a case.17–19 Much of this debate appears to be due to a confu- comprehensive understanding of how the null geodesics sion between proper and coordinate speeds in general relativ- behave leads to a full appreciation of the role of Rh, which ity. Simply put, there is no limit on the coordinate speed, will also help us understand how Rh is related to the particle which may exceed the speed of light c, but there is absolutely and event horizons in Sec. VI. Finally, we present our con- a limit on the proper (or physical) speed, whose determina- clusions in Sec. VII. tion must include the curvature-dependent metric coeffi- cients. When this distinction is ignored or unrecognized, it II. THE BIRKHOFF THEOREM AND ITS can lead to a possibly alarming conclusion that recessional RELEVANCE TO COSMOLOGY velocities in the cosmos can exceed c even within the parti- cle horizon of the observer.20 As explained in Ref. 21, this The concept of a gravitational radius is not as easily “superluminal” recession is even claimed on occasion to be a implemented in cosmology as it is for, say, a compact star. contradiction of special relativity, which some rationalize by When matter is distributed within a confined (more or less) explaining that the limiting speed c is only valid within a spherical volume surrounded by near vacuum, it is straight- non-expanding space, while the expansion may create super- forward to understand how the gravitational influence of the luminal motion.22 The aforementioned distinction between well-defined mass curves the surrounding spacetime. An coordinate and proper speeds completely removes any such apparent (gravitational) horizon appears for the star when its ambiguous (and sometimes incorrect) statements.19 Our radius is small enough for the escape speed to equal or development of Rh in this paper will be fully consistent with exceed the speed of light, c. The Schwarzschild and Kerr such fundamental aspects of the metric in general relativity. metrics describing the spacetime surrounding such an envi- As we shall see shortly, an indication of the role played by ronment are time-independent, so their apparent (gravita- Rh in our interpretation of the data is suggested by the curi- tional) horizon is actually an event horizon, and these two ous coincidence that Rh (t) ¼ ct, a rather significant constraint terms are often used interchangeably for such objects. given that the rate at which Rh evolves in time is strongly In the cosmological setting, the observations are telling us dependent on which components are present in the cosmic that the Universe is spatially flat,36 meaning that k ¼ 0 in Eq. fluid.10,23–27 Those familiar with black-hole horizons might (3) below, so it will expand forever and is therefore infinite. find this result familiar at first, given that an observer falling As observers embedded within it, we do not easily recognize freely towards such an object also sees the event horizon how the gravitational influence of the cosmic fluid varies approaching him at speed c (so that R_ h dRh=dt ¼ c). But with distance. But the reason Rh is as important an ingredient as we shall clarify in this paper, Rh is an apparent horizon, of the cosmological metric as it is for Schwarzschild or Kerr not necessarily an event horizon, so its evolution in time may be understood in the context of the Birkhoff theorem5 depends on the equation of state of the medium. Our princi- and its corollary (see also Refs. 10 and 37). The theorem pal goal here is therefore to reiterate what the physical mean- itself was actually “pre-discovered” by Jebsen a few years ing of the Universe’s apparent (gravitational) horizon is, to earlier,38 though this work was not as well known until explore its properties in more detail and at greater depth than recently. has been attempted before, and to elucidate its role in estab- The Birkhoff theorem is a relativistic generalization of a lishing the size of the visible Universe based on the subdivi- Newtonian theorem pertaining to spherical mass distribu- sion of null geodesics that can, or cannot, physically reach us tions. It states that for an isotropic distribution of mass- today (at time t0). energy, be it static or time-dependent, the surrounding

586 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 86, No. 8, August 2018 Fulvio Melia 586 spacetime is described by the Schwarzschild metric. The cor- exactly to the Misner-Sharp-Hernandez construct. A second ollary extends this result in cosmologically important ways, example is the Brown-York energy, defined as a two dimen- advancing the argument that, for an isotropic Universe, the sional surface integral of the extrinsic curvature on the two- spacetime curvature a proper distance R relative to any given boundary of a spacelike hypersurface referenced to flat origin of the coordinates depends solely on the mass-energy spacetime.43 content within a sphere of radius R; due to spherical symme- Our derivation of the quantity Rh, though designed for try, the rest of the Universe has no influence on the metric at pedagogy, is nonetheless fully self-consistent with already that radius. Many find this confusing because the origin may established knowledge concerning apparent horizons in gen- be placed anywhere in the cosmos, so a radius R for one eral relativity, particularly with their application to black- observer, may be a different radius R0 for another. The bot- hole systems. An apparent horizon is defined in general, non- tom line is that only relative spacetime curvature is relevant spherical, by the subdivision of the congruences in this context. The gravitational influence felt by a test parti- of outgoing and ingoing null geodesics from a compact, ori- cle at R is relative to an observer at its corresponding origin. entable surface. For a spherically symmetric spacetime, these For an observer with a different set of coordinates, the rela- are simply the outgoing and ingoing radial null geodesics tive gravitational influence would, of course, be different. To from a two-sphere of symmetry.3,7–9 Such a horizon is more state this another way, any two points within a medium with practical than stationary event horizons in black-hole sys- non-zero energy density q experience a net acceleration (or tems because the latter require knowledge of the entire future deceleration) towards (or away) from each other, based history of the spacetime in order to be located. Apparent solely on how much mass-energy is present between them. horizons are often used in dynamical situations, such as one This is the reason why the Universe cannot be static, for might encounter when gravitational waves are generated in even though it may be infinite, local motions are dynamically black-hole merging events. dependent solely on local densities. Ironically, Einstein him- Unlike the spacetime surrounding compact objects, how- self missed this point—and therefore advanced the notion of ever, the FRW metric is always spherically symmetric, and a steady-state universe—because his thinking on this subject therefore the Misner-Sharp-Hernandez mass and apparent preceded the work of Birkhoff and Jebsen in the 1920s. horizons are related, as we have found here with our simpli- Now imagine the observer extending his perspective to fied approach based on the Birkhoff theorem and its corol- progressively larger radii. Eventually, his sphere of radius lary. Indeed, with spherical symmetry, the general definition R 3,8 will be large enough (for the given density q) to create a of an apparent horizon reduces exactly to Eq. (1). In other gravitational horizon. In Sec. III, we shall prove this rigor- words, the use of Birkhoff’s theorem and its corollary allow ously using the Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) met- us to define a “gravitational horizon” in cosmology which, ric, and demonstrate—not surprisingly—that the radius at however, is clearly identified as being the “apparent horizon” defined more broadly, even for systems that are not spheri- which this happens, called Rh throughout this paper, is sim- ply given by the Schwarzschild form cally symmetric. It is therefore appropriate for us to refer to Rh as the radius of the apparent horizon in FRW, though 2GM given its evident physical meaning, we shall continue to use R ¼ ; (1) h c2 the designations “apparent” and “gravitational” interchange- ably throughout this paper, often combining them (as in where M is the proper mass contained within a sphere of “apparent (gravitational) horizon”) when referring to the proper radius Rh, i.e., two-dimensional surface it defines. The impact of Rh on our observations and interpretation of 4p the data became quite apparent after the optimization of M R3 q: (2) 3c2 h model parameters in the standard model, KCDM,10,44–47 revealed a gravitational radius Rh(t0) equal to ct0 within the As it turns out, this is also known in some quarters as the measurement error.10,23 This observed equality cannot be a 39 Misner-Sharp mass, defined in the pioneering work of mere “coincidence,” as some have suggested.16 Consider, for Misner and Sharp on the subject of spherical collapse in gen- example, that in the context of KCDM—a cosmology that eral relativity, and sometimes also as the Misner-Sharp- ignores the physical reality of Rh—the equality Rh ¼ ct can Hernandez mass, to include the later contribution by be achieved only once in the entire (presumably infinite) his- Hernandez and Misner.40,41 But unlike the situation with the tory of the Universe, making it an astonishingly unlikely Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics, the cosmological Rh may event—in fact, if the Universe’s timeline is infinite, the prob- depend on time, and a sphere with this radius is therefore not ability of this happening right now, when we happen to be necessarily an event horizon. It may turn into one in our looking, is zero. asymptotic future, depending on the properties of the cosmic There may be several possible explanations for the exis- fluid. In either case, however, Rh defines a gravitational hori- tence of such a constraint, though the simplest appears to be zon that, at any cosmic time t, separates null geodesics that Rh is always equal to ct, in which case this condition approaching us from those receding, as we shall see more would be realized regardless of when the measurements are formally in Eq. (32) below. made. The unlikelihood of measuring a Hubble radius equal The mass used in Eq. (1) is not arbitrary, in the sense that to ct0 today were these two quantities not permanently linked only the Misner-Sharp-Hernandez definition is consistent in general relativity argues for a paramount influence of the with the grr metric coefficient. In a broader context, it is apparent (gravitational) horizon in cosmology. In Secs. highly non-trivial to identify the physical mass-energy in a III–VI of this paper, we shall describe how and why Rh is non-asymptotically flat geometry in general relativity.3 With manifested through the FRW metric. Finally, we shall learn spherical symmetry, however, other possible definitions, what the photon geodesics in this spacetime are informing us such as the Hawking-Hayward quasilocal mass,42 reduce about its geometry.

587 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 86, No. 8, August 2018 Fulvio Melia 587 III. THE FRIEDMANN–ROBERTSON–WALKER whereupon, completing the square, one gets METRIC  2 Rf_ Standard cosmology is based on the Friedmann– ds2 ¼ U cdtþ U1dR U1dR2 R2 dX2; (7) Robertson–Walker (FRW) metric for a spatially homoge- c neous and isotropic three-dimensional space, expanding or where contracting as a function of time 2 2 2 2 ds2 ¼c2 dt2 a2ðtÞ½dr2ð1kr2Þ1 þr2ðdh2 þsin2hd/2Þ: dX dh þ sin h d/ : (8) (3) For convenience, we have also defined the quantity  2 In the coordinates used for this metric, t is the cosmic time, Rf_ measured by a comoving observer (and is the same every- U 1 ; (9) c where), a(t) is the expansion factor, and r is the comoving radius. The geometric factor k is þ1 for a closed universe, 0 which appears frequently in the metric coefficients. We shall for a flat universe, and 1 for an open universe. rearrange the terms in Eq. (7) in order to present the interval As we examine the various properties of the FRW metric in a more standard form throughout this paper, we shall see that the coordinates (ct, r,  2 h, /) represent the perspective of a free-falling observer, Rf_ R_ ds2 ¼ U 1 þ U1 c2 dt2 U1dR2 R2 dX2: analogous to—and fully consistent with—the free-falling c c observer in the Schwarzschild and Kerr spacetimes. And just (10) as it is sensible and helpful to cast the latter in a form rele- vant to the accelerated observer as well, e.g., one at rest with In this expression, R_ is to be understood as representing the respect to the source of gravity, it will be very informative proper velocity calculated along the worldlines of particular for us to also write the FRW metric in terms of coordinates observers, those who have t as their proper time which, as that may be used to describe a fixed position relative to the we shall see below, turn out to be the comoving observers. observer in the cosmological context. This metric has much in common with that used to derive The proper radius, R(t) a(t)r, is often used to express— the Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations describing the interior not the co-moving distance r between two points but, structure of a star39,51 except, of course, that whereas the lat- rather—the changing distance that increases as the Universe ter is assumed ab initio to be static, R_ and f_ are functions of expands. This definition of R is actually a direct consequence 48 time t in a cosmological context. In other words, the of Weyl’s postulate, which holds that in order for the Universe is expanding—in general, the FRW metric written Cosmological principle to be maintained from one time-slice in terms of R and t is not static. But there are six special to the next, no two worldlines can ever cross following the cases where one additional transformation of the time coor- big bang (aside from local peculiar motion that may exist on dinate (from t to an observer-dependent time T) does in fact top of the averaged Hubble flow, of course). To satisfy this render all of the metric coefficients independent of the new condition, every distance in an FRW cosmology must be 19,52 time coordinate T. These constitute the (perhaps not expressible as the product of a constant comoving length r, widely known) FRW metrics with constant spacetime curva- and a universal function of time, a(t), that does not depend ture. For reference, we point out that the standard model is on position. In some situations, R is referred to as the areal not a member of this special set. radius—the radius of two- of symmetry—definedpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi in a A physical interpretation of the factor f_=c and, indeed, the coordinate-independent way by the relation R A=4p, function U itself, may be found through the use of Birkhoff’s where A is the area of the two-sphere in the symmetry. These theorem and its corollary which, as we have seen, imply that two definitions of R are, of course, fully self-consistent with 49,50 measurements made by an observer a distance R from his each other. For example, in this gauge, apparent hori- RR location (at the origin of his coordinates) are unaffected by zons are located by the constraint g ¼ 0, which is equiva- the mass-energy content of the Universe exterior to the shell lent to the condition U ¼ 0 in Eqs. (9) and (10) below. For convenience, we shall transform the metric in Eq. (3) at R. It is not difficult to show from Eqs. (9) and (10) that a using the definition threshold distance scale is reached when R ! Rh, where Rh is in fact equal to c=f_. To see this, we note that the FRW aðtÞ¼ef ðtÞ; (4) metric produces the following equations of motion:  where f(t) is itself a function only of cosmic time t.24 And a_ 2 8pG kc2 46,47 H2 ¼ q ; (11) given that current observations indicate a flat universe, a 3c2 a2 we shall assume that k ¼ 0 throughout this paper. Thus, putting a€ 4pG ¼ ðÞq þ 3p ; (12) a 3c2 r ¼ Ref ; (5) q_ ¼3Hðq þ pÞ; (13) it is straightforward to show that Eq. (3) becomes "#  where an overdot denotes a derivative with respect to t, and 2 Rf_ Rf_ q and p represent, respectively, the total energy density and ds2 ¼ 1 c2 dt2 þ2 cdtdRdR2 R2 dX2; total pressure in the comoving frame, assuming the perfect c c fluid form of the stress-energy tensor. (6) From Eqs. (1) and (2), one sees that

588 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 86, No. 8, August 2018 Fulvio Melia 588 3c4 Eq. (23) reduces to the final form R2 ¼ (14) h 8pGq ds2 ¼ c2dt2 R2dX2: (25) which (with the flat condition k ¼ 0) gives simply The observer’s metric describing a particle moving radi- c ca ally with the Hubble flow (i.e., with R_ ¼ HR and dX ¼ 0), is R ¼ ¼ : (15) h H a_ therefore That is, ds ¼ cdt; (26)

Rh ¼ c=f_: (16) which displays the behavior consistent with the original defi- nition of our coordinates. In particular, the cosmic time t is Equation (15) is fully self-consistent with its well-known in fact the proper time measured in the comoving frame any- counterpart in the study of apparent horizons in cosmology, where in the Universe, independent of location R. In this as one may trace with greater detail in Refs. 3 and 8. Thus, frame, we are free-falling observers, and our clocks must the FRW metric (Eq. (10)) may also be written in the form therefore reveal the local passage of time unhindered by any  external gravitational influence. 2 However, this situation changes dramatically when we 2 R 1 1 _ 2 2 1 2 2 2 ds ¼ U 1þ U R c dt U dR R dX ; examine the behavior of the metric applied to a fixed radius Rh c R ¼ R0 with respect to the observer. Those familiar with the (17) Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics in black-hole systems will recognize this situation as being analogous to that of an in which the function observer maintaining a fixed radius relative to the central  source of gravity. The distinction with the previous case is 2 R that, whereas R was there associated with particles (e.g., gal- U 1 (18) Rh axies) expanding with the Hubble flow, we now fix the dis- tance R0 and instead imagine particles moving through this signals the dependence of the coefficients gtt and gRR on the point. Since our measurements are now no longer made from proximity of the proper distance R to the gravitational radius the free-falling perspective, we expect by analogy with the Rh. Schwarzschild case that gravitational effects must emerge in the metric. IV. GEODESICS IN FRW And indeed they do. Returning to Eq. (17), we have in this case dR ¼ 0, so that Let us now consider the worldlines of comoving observ- 2 2 2 2 2 ers. From Weyl’s postulate, we know that ds ¼ U0c dt R0dX ; (27)

R_ ¼ ar_ ; (19) and if we again insist on purely radial motion (with dX2 ¼ 0), then the metric takes the form which quickly and elegantly leads to Hubble’s law, since 2 2 2 ds ¼ U0c dt ; (28) _ a_ R ¼ R HR; (20) 2 a where now U0 1 (R0/Rh) . In its elegance and simplicity, 53 this expression reproduces the effects one would have in terms of the previously defined Hubble constant H. expected by analogy with Schwarzschild and Kerr, in which Therefore, along a (particle) geodesic, the coefficient gtt in the passage of time at a fixed proper radius R0 is now no lon- Eq. (17) simplifies to ger the proper time in a local free-falling frame. Instead, for "#  2 any finite interval ds, dt !1as R0 ! Rh, which endows Rh 2 R 1 with the same kind of gravitational horizon characteristics gtt ¼ U 1 þ U ; (21) Rh normally associated with the Schwarzschild radius in com- pact objects. which further reduces to the even simpler form For null geodesics, the situation is quite different, but still fully consistent with the better known behavior one finds in 1 black-hole spacetimes. For a ray of light, r_ cannot be zero, as gtt ¼ U : (22) one may verify directly from the FRW metric in Eq. (3).The Thus, the FRW metric for a particle worldline, written in null condition (i.e., ds ¼ 0), together with a radial path (and, terms of the cosmic time t and the proper radius R,is as always, a flat Universe with k ¼ 0), leads to the expression

ds2 ¼ U1c2dt2 U1dR2 R2dX2: (23) cdt¼ 6adr; (29)

And with the fact that in the Hubble flow which clearly implies that along an inwardly propagating radial null geodesic we must have  R c dR ¼ c dt: (24) r_ ¼ : (30) Rh a

589 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 86, No. 8, August 2018 Fulvio Melia 589 Thus, in terms of the proper radius Rc, the motion of light affirms the already understood definition of an apparent hori- relative to an observer at the origin of the coordinates may zon discussed in previous work.3,7–9 be described as

dRc V. THE APPARENT (GRAVITATIONAL) HORIZON ¼ ar_ c þ ar_c; (31) dt AT Rh or The behavior of R_ c described above confirms the identifi-  cation of Rh as the radius of a gravitational horizon, albeit an dR R c ¼ c c 1 : (32) apparent (or evolving) one, for the observer at the origin of dt Rh the coordinates. Photons emitted beyond this surface, even pointing in our direction, actually recede from us, while In this expression, we have assumed that the ray of light is those emitted within it follow null geodesics that reach us. In propagating towards the origin (hence the negative sign). For this regard, the apparent (gravitational) horizon in cosmol- an outwardly propagating ray which, as we shall see shortly, ogy behaves like that in the more familiar static spacetime of is relevant to the definition of a “particle” horizon, the minus Schwarzschild or the stationary spacetime of Kerr but, unlike sign would simply be replaced with þ. It is trivial to confirm the latter, R is not time-independent in the cosmological set- _ h from Eq. (17) that replacing R with dRc/dt from Eq. (32), ting. Therefore, the horizon may shift, eventually exposing and putting dR ¼ (dRc/dt) dt, gives exactly ds ¼ 0, as required in our future previously unseen regions at larger proper dis- for the radial null geodesic. tances. To be precise, the size of our visible Universe today, This result is hardly surprising, but it demonstrates that at time t0, hinges on the solution to Eq. (32) for a given regardless of which set of coordinates we use to write the Rh(t), starting at the big bang (t ¼ 0) and ending at the pre- metric for a particle geodesic, either with or without gravita- sent. The proper size of our visible Universe is determined tional effects, the behavior of light is always fully consistent by the greatest extent achieved in proper distance by those with the properties expected of a null geodesic. However, null geodesics that actually reach us at time t . It is not cor- from Eq. (32), we learn several new important results. First, 0 rect to say that photons we see may cross Rh back and forth dRc /dt ¼ 0 when Rc ¼ Rh. In other words, the spatial velocity without restriction.14,16,54 As we have already noted in the of light measured in terms of the proper distance per unit introduction, it is only the null geodesics that actually reach cosmic time has two components that exactly cancel each us that determine the portion of the Universe visible to us other at the gravitational radius. One of these is the propaga- today. A gravitational horizon is observer dependent: light tion of light measured in the comoving frame, where rays that cross back and forth across the surface at Rh and then head to infinity are completely undetectable by us. And dRc com ¼c; (33) so we arrive at the first constraint pertaining to the visible dt Universe: while the other is due to the Hubble expansion itself, with  dR R c Hub ¼ c c : (34) dt Rh

Obviously, given the definition of Rh, we could have simply written dRc Hub /dt ¼ HRc. Second, we see that when Rc > Rh, the photon’s proper distance actually increases away from us, even though the photon’s velocity is pointed towards the origin as seen in the co-moving frame (indicated by the negative sign in Eq. (33)). In terms of its proper distance, the photon approaches us only when it is located within our apparent (gravitational) horizon at Rh. Since Rh is itself a function of time, however, R_ c can flip sign depending on whether Rh overtakes Rc,or vice versa, which may be seen schematically in Fig. 1. Here, the photon trajectory is represented by the solid, black curve (labeled Rc0[t]), while the gravitational radius Rh(t) is shown Fig. 1. Schematic diagram showing the various measures of distance dis- in red (color online). For example, a photon emitted beyond cussed in the context of an apparent (gravitational) horizon. The solid curve our apparent horizon R (t ) at time t < t , corresponding to labeled Rc0(t) shows the null geodesic (i.e., photon trajectory) reaching the h e e 0 observer today, at time t . Only photons emitted along this curve can be seen the region to the left of ct , may begin its journey moving 0 max by us at the present time. The solid curve labeled Rh(t) (color red online) away from us (as measured with proper distance), yet stop shows the evolution of the gravitational radius Rh(t) with time. (This particu- when Rc ¼ Rh, here indicated by the black dot at precisely lar illustration pertains to the standard model, KCDM, though the qualitative ctmax, and reverse direction at a later time if/when Rh will features are common to most cosmological models.) Prior to the time, tmax, at which the photon reaches its maximum proper distance relative to the have increased faster than Rc and superceded it. The behav- ior of the geodesic R is therefore heavily dependent on the observer, Rc0 is greater than Rh, so according to Eq. (32), it must increase c with time. This process is reversed at t , however, after which R < R ,so cosmology, because the expansion dynamics is solely max c0 h that R_ c0 < 0. Of course, Rc0 ! 0 by the time the photon reaches the observer responsible for the time evolution of the gravitational radius at t0. In Sec. VII, we shall also discuss the “particle” horizon, shown here as Rh. This behavior of Rc, dependent on the value of Rc /Rh, a dashed curve labeled Rp(t) (color blue online).

590 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 86, No. 8, August 2018 Fulvio Melia 590 Constraint I: In a cosmology expanding monotonically Constraint II: In spite of the fact that a Universe contain- with H_ 0 and R_ h 0 8t 2½0; t0, the proper size of the vis- ing phantom energy (i.e., p < q) may have a gravitational ible Universe today is always less than or equal to our gravi- radius Rh(t) that changes non-monotonically in time, none of tational horizon, i.e., Rc,max Rh(t0). the null geodesics reaching us today has ever exceeded our Proof: All null geodesics satisfy the initial boundary con- gravitational horizon. max dition Rc(0) ¼ 0. Null geodesics that reach us must also sat- Proof: Let Rh;i ; i ¼ 1…N, denote the N rank-ordered isfy the condition Rc(t) ! 0ast ! t0. Therefore, 9 a time maxima of Rh on the interval t 2 [0, t0], such that max max max tmax 2 [0, t0] (see Fig. 1) at which Rc has a turning point, i.e., Rh;1 Rh;2 Rh;N . In addition, let tmax 2 [0, t0]be the time at which

dRc ¼ 0: (35) max dt RhðtmaxÞ¼Rh;1 : (42) tmax max According to Eq. (32), this means that Now suppose RcðtmaxÞ > Rh;1 . In that case, dRc=dt 0 8t 2½tmax; t0,soRc(t0) 6¼ 0, which violates the requirement that Rc;max RcðtmaxÞ¼RhðtmaxÞ: (36) photons detected by us today follow null geodesics reaching us at time t0. In the special case where the Universe is But R_ h 0 8t 2½0; t0, while completely dominated by phantom energy, the horizon is always shrinking around the observer, so Rh has only one dRc maximum (at tmax ¼ 0), and light rays will reach us only if 0 8t 2 ½tmax; t0 : (37) dt Rc < Rh at the big bang. Together these two constraints make it absolutely clear Therefore, Rc; max ¼ RhðtmaxÞRhðt0Þ. that no matter how Rh evolves in time, none of the light we To illustrate the meaning of this constraint in practice, detect today has originated from beyond our gravitational let us apply Eq. (32) to two special cases. First, to a cos- horizon. Indeed, except for de Sitter, in which the gravita- 10,23–27 mology known as the Rh ¼ ct universe which, as the tional horizon is pre-existing and static (therefore leading to name implies, is an FRW-based model with the constraint Eq. (41)), all other types of expanding universe have a visi- that Rh should always be equal to ct. In this cosmology, bility limit restricted to about half of our current gravita- one has H(t) ¼ 1/t. Therefore, the null geodesic equation tional radius Rh(t0), or even somewhat less (e.g., Eq. (40)). becomes VI. DISCUSSION dR R c ¼ c c (38) dt t As discussed more extensively in Ref. 19 for the case of FRW metrics with constant spacetime curvature,52 the rea- which, together with the boundary conditions Rc(0) ¼ 0 and son for the restriction we have just described is easy to Rc(t0) ¼ 0, has the simple solution understand. In all models other than de Sitter, there were no  pre-existing detectable sources a finite distance from the ori- t0 gin of the observer’s coordinates prior to the big bang (at R ðÞt ¼ ct ln : (39) c t t ¼ 0). Therefore, photons we detect today from the most dis- tant sources could be emitted only after the latter had suffi- At the turning point, dRc/dt ¼ 0, so tmax ¼ t0/e, and therefore cient time to reach their farthest detectable proper distance from us, which is about half of Rh(t0). 1 Rh¼ct The distinction between the “apparent” (gravitational) Rc;max ¼ RhðÞt0 0:37 RhðÞt0 : (40) e horizon Rh and the “particle” and “event” horizons in cos- mology may now be clearly understood. The particle horizon In de Sitter space, the Hubble constant H(t) ¼ H0 is fixed, so is defined in terms of the maximum comoving distance a par- de Sitter the gravitational radius Rh ¼ c=H0 never changes. In ticle can travel from the big bang to cosmic time t, and is this case, the solution to Eq. (32) is given by the solution to Eq. (30) as ð Rde Sitter ¼ R ðt Þ: (41) t dt0 c;max h 0 r ðÞt c : (43) p 0 0 atðÞ KCDM falls somewhere in between these two cases. Quite generally, Rc,max is typically about half of Rh(t0) for any In terms of the proper distance, the particle horizon is therefore given cosmological model (except, of course, for de Sitter). ð It has also been suggested that a Universe with phantom t dt0 R ðÞt ¼ atðÞc : (44) p 0 energy violates such observability limits, based on a sup- 0 atðÞ posed demonstration that null geodesics can extend into regions exceeding our gravitational horizon.16,54 Aside from If we now differentiate this expression with respect to t,we the fact that phantom cosmologies allow for the acausal easily show that transfer of energy,55,56 and are therefore unlikely to be rele-  vant to the real Universe, this scenario employs null geode- Rp R_ p ¼ c þ 1 ; (45) sics that never reach us by time t0, and therefore cannot Rh represent our observable Universe. A second constraint per- taining to the visible Universe may therefore be posited as which needs to be compared with Eq. (32). Given our discus- follows; sion in Sec. IV, there is no ambiguity about what this

591 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 86, No. 8, August 2018 Fulvio Melia 591 equation represents: it describes the propagation of a photon maintained if the equation of state in the cosmic fluid is (i.e., the null geodesic) away from the observer at the origin q þ 3p ¼ 0, in terms of the total density q and pressure p. of the coordinates. Its solution (Eq. (44)) therefore gives the Why would the Universe have this property? General relativ- maximum proper distance a particle could have traveled ity makes a distinction between the “passive” and “active” away from us from the big bang to time t. But this is not the mass: the former is the inertial mass that determines the accel- same as the maximum proper distance a photon could have eration with which an object responds to curvature, while the 26,27 traveled in reaching us at time t0, given by Rc0(tmax) in Fig. latter is the total source of gravity. Interestingly, for a 37 1, which, as we have seen, is always less than Rh(t0). In con- perfect fluid in cosmology, the constraint q þ 3p ¼ 0means trast, there is no limit to Rp(t), since the right-hand side of that its active mass is zero, an elegant, meaningful physical Eq. (45) is always greater than c,soRp increases easily past attribute whose consequence is zero acceleration, i.e., con- Rh (dashed, blue curve (color online) in Fig. 1), particularly stant expansion. Is the Universe really this simple? If this at late times in the context of KCDM, when the cosmological inference is correct, figuring out why it started its evolution constant starts to dominate the energy density q, and the with this initial condition will be quite enthralling, to say the Universe enters a late de Sitter expansion, with both H and least. Rh approaching constant values. So the reason Rh is much more relevant than Rp to the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS cosmological observations is that we never again see the photons receding from us, reaching proper distances The author is very grateful to Valerio Faraoni for corresponding to the defined particle horizon. As we have extensive discussions that have led to numerous noted on several occasions, the null geodesics must actually improvements to this manuscript. The author is also happy to reach us in order for us to see the photons traveling along acknowledge the anonymous referees for providing very them. thoughtful, helpful reviews. Some of this work was carried In contrast, the “event” horizon is defined to be the largest out at Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing, China, and comoving distance from which light emitted now can ever was partially supported by grant 2012T1J0011 from The reach us in the future, so the corresponding proper distance Chinese Academy of Sciences Visiting Professorships for at time t for this quantity is Senior International Scientists.

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