Aero Grabs Timber Stakes at Virginia Fall

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Aero Grabs Timber Stakes at Virginia Fall Complimentary The Steeplechase Ê*ÕLV>ÌÊvÊ 6°Ê£n]Ê °Ên -/Ê*ÕLà }]ÊV° Times À`>Þ]Ê"VÌLiÀÊÇ]ÊÓ䣣 Taking Flight iÀÊ}À>LÃÊÌLiÀÊÃÌ>iÃÊ>ÌÊ6À}>Ê> INSIDE: - >Ü>Ê ÜÃÊÊUÊÊ6À}>Ê>ÊÊUÊÊ*VÊÈÊ1«`>Ìi 2 s Steeplechase Times WWWST PUBLISHINGCOMsINFO ST PUBLISHINGCOM Friday, October 7, 2011 GLEN MILLS WEST BRADFORD TOWNSHIP WILLISTOWN TOWNSHIP A tranquil place with large 5BR stone Glorious 170 acres in Northbrook Prime Radnor Hunt location – charming house & barn, sand arena, fenced pastures Valley – restored farmhouse in center fieldstone house with 5 stall barn w/living & pond on 30 acres with fabulous views of land – Radnor Hunt Country – quarters. Almost 6 acres – idyllic retreat $2,900,000 Incredible opportunity! $925,000 $2,900,000 i3i3i3i3i3i3i3i3i PRESERVING A COUNTRY WAY OF LIFE Since 1976 i3i3i3i3i3i3i3i3i NEWLIN TOWNSHIP WEST MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP EAST MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP Wooded and open 6 acres – remodel Wonderful location featuring 1850’s 13 acres w/stream and pasture in current house or build with old stone farmhouse on 4.1 acres with pond & convenient country location. from ruins – prized Unionville schools springhouse. It is ready for restoration House can be completed to your needs – $525,000 into your dream house prized Unionville schools $275,000 $899,000 Lucinda Orr Georgianna H. Stapleton Mark Willcox Amy McKenna Rob Van Alen 610.347.2065 Eliot Dalton View all our fine properties at Friday, October 7, 2011 WWWST PUBLISHINGCOMsINFO ST PUBLISHINGCOM 3TEEPLECHASETimes s 3 Renee Torbit/Coady Photography *>ÀÌÊvÊÌ iÊL°Ê`ÊÞÕÊÌ Õ} ÌÊÃÌii«iV >Ã}ÊÜ>ÃÊ`>}iÀÕöÊÊ>Ê>VV`iÌÊ ÜÌ ÊÊÃiÀÕÃÊÕÀiÃÊÌÊiµÕiÊÀÊ Õ>Ê­À>VÕÕÃÞ®]Ê*ÀiõÕiÊÃiÊ ÜÃÊÕÌÀ`iÀÊ/vv>ÞÊ i`>Ê>`Ê iÀÊ ÀÃiÊÃÌiÀÊ«ÕÌÊÌ iÃiÛiÃÊÊ >À½ÃÊÜ>ÞÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊ*iÃÞÛ>>ÊÌÀ>VÊÊÕi°Ê / iÞÊ >`ÊV>Õ} ÌÊÌ iÊÃiÊ ÀÃi]Ê >Ì>>VÌV]ÊiÌÃÊLivÀiÊÌ iÊVÀ>à ]ÊLÕÌÊÌÕÀi`Ê ÊÃiÊÊ >ÊivvÀÌÊÌÊ«ÀiÛiÌÊ ÊvÀÊ`>ÀÌ}ÊvvÊÌ iÊÌÀ>VÊ>`ÊÌÊÌ iÊÀ>°Ê/ >ÌÊ«>ÊÜÀi`]ÊLÕÌÊÃÌiÀÊ >`Ê i`>ÊÜiÀi½ÌÊ>ÃÊÕVÞ°Ê/ iÞÊ``ÊÜ>Ê>Ü>ÞÊÕÃV>Ì i`ÊqÊÃ>ÛiÊ>ÊëÀ>i`Ê>iÊvÀÊ i`>Ê qÊ>`ÊVÌÕi`ÊÜÀ}ÊÌ iÊÀiÃÌÊvÊÌ iÊ} Ì°Ê >Ì>>VÌVÊÜiÌÊÊÌÊÜÊ ÃÊiÝÌÊÃÌ>ÀÌÊ>ÌÊ*ÀiõÕiÊ Ãi°Ê/ iÊÀ>Ê >ÃÊvÕÞÊÀiVÛiÀi`Ê>ÃÊÜi° Millinery custom design hand blocked exquisitely detailed hand sewn FEATHER IN YOUR CAP® JANET SIDEWATER MILLINER 610-486-1121 4 s Steeplechase Times WWWST PUBLISHINGCOMsINFO ST PUBLISHINGCOM Friday, October 7, 2011 INFINITE OPPORTUNITIES. Horses of Racing Age from the dispersals of Edward P. Evans and Prince Saud bin Khaled and from the consignments of WinStar Farm, !oroughbred Legends and more. Selling on Tuesday, November 15 KEENELAND NOVEMBER BREEDING STOCK SALE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 – THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Why Go Anywhere Else? Friday, October 7, 2011 WWWST PUBLISHINGCOMsINFO ST PUBLISHINGCOM 3TEEPLECHASETimes s 5 The Steeplechase Entries What’s Happening and Where To Find It imes Here’s your newspaper. Autumn action really cranked up with jump meets at Shawan Downs, Foxfield and Virginia Fall. T The leaves are turning and so is the tension – have you looked at the race for the trainer’s championship? We also check in with some players at the recently concluded Saratoga season and get some news from the National Museum of Rac- ing and Hall of Fame. ST Publishing, Inc. 364 Fair Hill Drive, Suite F, Elkton, MD 21921 PAGES 8-13 In the Heart of Fair Hill Horse Country Phone: (410) 392-5867 Fax: (410) 392-0170 Fall Aboard E-mail: Two days at Virginia Fall crowned all sorts of winners including stakes victors Aero On the Web: (timber) and Black Jack Blues (hurdle). The latter came in the Dot Smithwick Me- morial, which had everyone thinking of the legendary trainer. The Staff Editors/Publishers/Staff Writers: PAGES 14-19 Sean Clancy and Joe Clancy Advertising: Contact the office or call Girl Talk Kathy Rubin (203) 650-6815 Red Dirt Girl joins the ranks of winners with a victory at Foxfield. Trainer Richard Jim McLaughlin (484) 888-0664 Valentine eyes bigger prizes with his filly. Michelle Rosenkilde (410) 692-5977 Reney Stanley (804) 449-2388 Contributors: PAGES 20-24 Maggie Kimmitt, Jane Clark, Tod Marks, Barry Watson, Steve Graham, Sam Clancy, Anne Clancy, Joe Clancy Sr., Ruth Clancy, Ryan Clancy, Double Time Jack Clancy, Nolan Clancy, Miles Clancy. Local owner Armata Stable enjoyed a twin bill at Shawan Downs as timber horses Haddix and Mussiecoocoo scored. Gustavian won the maiden hurdle while Tax Rul- ing tuned up with a flat win. 2011 Publication Dates March 18 June 3 October 21 April 15 July 15 November 4 April 29 September 23 November 18 PAGES 26-28 May 13 October 7 December 9 *Subject to change Saratoga Hindsight Don’t Forget to Advertise! ST checks in with steeplechase players about the progress at Saratoga. Member: American Horse Publications American Horse Publications is the nation’s only as- sociation of equine periodicals. AHP’s more than 200 members are dedicated to promoting better under- standing and communication within the equine publishing industry. PAGES 33-34 An AHP General Excellence Pick Award Winner Where’s Your Stable? Photographer Doug Lees clings to his spot on top of the heap in ST’s fantasy stable On the Cover Six contest – with big-money races on the horizon. Aero zooms over the last fence en route to victory in the timber stakes at the Virginia The Steeplechase I PICKED UP THE TIMES AT: Fall Races. ________________ Times * ÌÊLÞÊ SUBSCRIBE: Õ}>ÃÊiià >i\ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ``ÀiÃÃ\ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Also by ST Publishing: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Saratoga Special, Thoroughbred Racing Calendar; /ii« i\ ____________________________________________ >\ _______________________________________ Writing for Daily Racing Form, Mid-Atlantic Thoroughbred, If gift subscription, please include your name and address. The Times will send a gift card in your name. The Blood-Horse, The Racing Post, etc.; newsletters, public relations consulting, Subscription Choices (Check One) Send check to: ST Publishing, Inc., 364 Fair Hill Drive, Suite F, custom brochures, Internet sites ___ First Class Mail: $35 per year. Elkton, Md 21921 or call (410) 392-JUMP to use a credit card. and graphic design for your farm or business. ___ Canada: $45 (first class). ___ Other Foreign: $65 (air-mail). Maryland residents, please add 6% sales tax. Copyright ST Publishing, Inc. 2011. All Rights Reserved. 6 s Steeplechase Times WWWST PUBLISHINGCOMsINFO ST PUBLISHINGCOM Friday, October 7, 2011 here&there... in Steeplechasing WEDNESDAY IS RACE NIGHT AT Post Time is 5 o’clock with replays through Sean Clancy ÞiÃÊÊÌ iÊ*ÀâiÊ/LiÀÊ ÀÃiÊi`ÛiÜÊÛiÃÊÕ«ÊÌÊ ÃÊ>iÊÜ iÊÃÕÀÛiÞ}ÊÌ iÊVÕÀÃiÊ>ÌÊ6À}>Ê>° the evening ÞÊ/ iÊ ÕLiÀà “The rider on Lonesome Glory is Xavier Aizpuru.” -½ÃÊ*iÌiÊVÛiÞÊ>ÕV}ÊV >}iÃÊvÀÊÌ iÊ October 12 Ó\ÊWinners on Opening Weekend referred to as “muskrats” by their trainer wÞÊ>`Ê>ÀiÊy>ÌÊÀ>ViÊ>ÌÊ6À}>Ê>°Êâ«ÕÀÕÊ«Vi`ÊÕ«Ê earlier in the week. Ì iÊÀ`iÊÊÌ iÊÀiÌÀi`ÊV >«½ÃÊÀi>ÌÛi]ÊiÃiÊ ÕÊ Genesee Valley Ç\ÊSteeplechase victories (from 18 starts) this year by owner Debra Ka- “Funny enough.” chel, one behind leader Irv Naylor (74 starts) for the most on the circuit iÌÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊ6À}>Ê>ÊÃÌiÜ>À`ýÊiiÌ}Ê Morvan Park in 2011. Ü iÊ7>ÌvÀ>ÃÕÞ`>ÞÊÜ>ÃÊ>ÕVi`Ê>ÃÊ>ÊÃVÀ>ÌV 7ÀÌ Ê,i«i>Ì} “He’s coming back.” “My ego’s still at the second-last.” "ÜiÀÊ}Ê-Ì ]Ê>Ãi`Ê>LÕÌÊ iÀÊ{£Þi>À`Ê October 19 ViÞÊiÀÊ À]Ê>Ãi`ÊvÊà iÊÜ>ÃÊ"Ê ÃÌ>ÌÊÜ>}ÊÜ V ÊÜ>ÃÊÊÌ iÊà «ÊvÀÊ6À}>Ê>ÊÜiii` >vÌiÀÊv>}ÊÜÌ Ê Þ>ÃÊ>ÌÊ- >Ü> International “He was brave at the last, I heard the commentator getting excited so I >ÀÞÊ >ÀÌÌiÊ*>ÀÀ\Ê“What’s going on in Middleburg?...that you can tell?” pressed him on to it, he stood out from it, he was very good.” Gold Cup À`iÊiÞÃ\Ê“It would take me all day.” ViÞÊ,ÃÃÊiÀ>} ÌÞÊ>LÕÌÊ ÌÊ-Ì ÜVÊÜiÀÊ >VÊ>VÊ Õià “This is not the right picture, is it?” “It’s fun to be back in the jump racing world. I’ve been away a long time.” ViÞÊ,``ÞÊ>Viâi]Ê>ÃÌÀ`iÊ>ÊÌLiÀÊÜiÀÊ>ÌÊ- >Ü> /À>iÀÊ°7°Ê iâiÀ]Ê>vÌiÀÊÜ}Ê ÃÊwÀÃÌÊÀ>ViÊ>ÃÊ>ÊÌÀ>iÀ Open 11:00am ~ midnight “You might not need two hands.” “I did 19 yesterday.” Closed Tuesday >Viâi]ÊÊVÕÌ}Ê ÃÊ«ÀiÛÕÃÊÌLiÀÊÀ`ià ViÞÊ,V >À`Ê ÕV iÀÊÌÊÌÀ>iÀÊ>iÌÊ ÌÊ>vÌiÀÊà iÊÃ>`Ê iÊi`Ê «>iÊ­Ì iÊ`Õ>«ÕÀ«ÃiÊViÞÊÌ>Vi`Ê££Ê>ÌÊÌ iÊ>ÀÞ>`Ê® 1383 North Chatham Road “If it’s Saturday, he runs.” "ÜiÀÊ*iÀÀÞÊ Ì]ÊÊ>``ݽÃÊÀ>V}ÊÃV i`ÕiÊÛiÀÊÌ iÊÞi>Àà West Marlborough, “I might have rebroke my hand and cracked a rib, I keep doing it, but I wasn’t going to miss out on this fellow.” Pennsylvania 19320 “It feels like he’s about 15 or 16, he’s been at it a long time.” "ÜiÀÊ iÊÀÃÜ`]ÊÊ>``ݽÃÊÀ>V}ÊÃV i`ÕiÊÛiÀÊÌ iÊÞi>Àà ViÞÊivvÊÕÀ« ÞÊ>vÌiÀÊv>}ÊÊÌ iÊwÀÃÌÊ>`ÊÜ}Ê Ì iÊÌLiÀÊÃÌ>iÃÊ>L>À`ÊiÀÊ->ÌÕÀ`>ÞÊ>ÌÊ6À}>Ê>Ê 610.383.0600 “I’m going old school, I want a Mustang.” ViÞÊ*>``ÞÊ9Õ}]ÊÊ ÃÊà ««}Ê«>ÃÊ “He was a freebie from Philadelphia Park. Mike Aro gave him to us, he >vÌiÀÊÛ}Ê ÃÊÓ䣣ÊÛVÌÀÞÊÌÌ>ÊÌÊÌ iÊÓäà worked out of the gate one day and ran off two complete circuits of Philly Park until they got him stopped. He came back with two bowed tendons, “Then the film broke?” he’s got the two biggest bows you’ve ever seen, but they’re hard as iron.” ÞÊ->ÌÀ]ÊÜ iÊ i>À}ÊÌ >ÌÊ VÌ>½ÃÊ ÞÊ ViÞÊ*>``ÞÊ9Õ}]Ê>LÕÌÊ>`iÊV>iÀÊÜ}Ê >VÊ >} Ü>ÃÊÌ>iÊvvÊVÕÀÃiÊ>ÌiÊÊÌ iÊ ÌÊ-Ì ÜV “Weather’s better than in Ireland.” Best English Pub “Sometimes you feel like you’re in the entertainment business.” iÞÊ ÌÌ]Ê>ÃÃÃÌ>ÌÊÌÀ>iÀÊvÀÊÀ`Ê ÌÌ /À>iÀÊ>Ì >Ê- i««>À`]ÊÊ«V}ÊëÌÃÊvÀÊ ÀÃiÃÊ Ê­Ã>`ÊLivÀiÊ6À}>Ê>ÊÜiii`® Friday, October 7, 2011 WWWST PUBLISHINGCOMsINFO ST PUBLISHINGCOM 3TEEPLECHASETimes s 7 Douglas Lees >VÊ>VÊ ÕiÃÊ i>`ÃÊÌÜ>À`ÊÛVÌÀÞÊÊÌ iÊ ÌÊ-Ì ÜVÊiÀ>° Jack, Delozier Photo © Jim Graham come up aces English import wires stakes field BY SEAN CLANCY va fall races – Oct.

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