Welcome to the 2013 London Book Fair at Earls Court, The London Book Fair and the Combined Book Exhibit welcome you to the 7th Annual London Book Fair New Title Showcase. We are proud to present over of 300 print titles and ebook titles. We are pleased that you have taken the time to visit this special exhibit, and invite you to peruse the hundreds of titles and publishers on display. This catalogue provides you with their company, contact, and other relevant information so you can contact them after the show has ended. In addition, all titles will be included on a New Title Showcase searchable database, and can be on the Internet at http://NewTitleShowcase.com. Please take this catalogue with our compliments, and keep it along with your London Book Fair show directory as a record of what you saw, and whom you visited at the 2013 Fair. At the conclusion of the London Book Fair, this catalogue will be available on the London Book Fair web site (www.londonbookfair.co.uk), and the Combined Book Exhibit web site (www.combinedbook.com) in pdf format. Once again, thank you for visiting this showcase, and we hope you have a successful and rewarding experience at this years show. Jacks Thomas Jon Malinowski Group Exhibition Director President London Book Fair Combined Book Exhibit London Book Fair New Title Showcase 2013 Afflatus Press, Imagine Creative Ang'dora Productions, LLC Technology 15275 Collier Blvd 201-300, Naples, Florida USA 34119. Tel: 2392509220;Email:
[email protected] 1000 Universal Studios Plaza, Sound Stage 17, Orlando, Web: www.readourwrites.com Florida USA 32819.