Bibliografia Geral Sobre Hildegarda De Bingen 1. Obras Principais De Hildegarda De Bingen Em Edições Modernas Scivias

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Bibliografia Geral Sobre Hildegarda De Bingen 1. Obras Principais De Hildegarda De Bingen Em Edições Modernas Scivias Bibliografia geral sobre Hildegarda de Bingen 1. Obras principais de Hildegarda de Bingen em edições modernas Scivias (1141-51) - Hildegardis Scivias. Adelgundis Führkötter, CCCM, XLIII, XLIIIA, Turnhout, 1978. - Scivias. Trans. by Columba Hart and Jane Bishop. Introduction by Barbara J. Newman. Preface by Caroline Walker Bynum. New York: Paulist Press, 1990. - Hildegard von Bingen's Mystical Visions: Translated from Scivias. Bruce Hozeski (Translator), Matthew Fox (Introduction). Bear & Company; Reprint edition, 1995. - Scivias: Sache les voies ou Livre des visions (1141-1151). Traduit par Pierre Monat. Paris: Le Cerf, 1996. - Scivias. Conoce los caminos. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1999. - Scivias. Adelgundis Führkötter & Angela Carlevaris (eds.). Corpus Christianorum Scholars Version, vols. 43, 43A. Turnhout: Brepols, 2003. - Scivias. Primeira Parte, de Hildegarda de Bingen. Lectura y comentario al modo de uma lectio medievalis. Edición de Azucena Fraboschi. Índices. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editores. 2009. - Scivias: (Scito Vias Domini) Conhece os caminhos do Senhor. Tradutora para o inglês: Madre Columba Hart e Jane Bishop. Introdução de Barbara J. Newman. Prefácio de Caroline Walker Bynum. Pia Sociedade de São Paulo - Editora Paulus, 2017, 776 páginas. Physica (c. 1151-8) - Physica, ed. Charles Daremberg & F.A. Reuss. In: Patrologia Latina, vol. 197, 1882. (texto do manuscrito de Paris). - ‘Berlin-fragment’, ed. Heinrich Schipperges. In: Sudhoffs Archiv, 40, 1956, 44-77. - Le Livre des subtilités des créatures divines ou Physica (1151-1158) (t. I : Les plantes, les Éléments, les pierres, les métaux; t. II : Arbres, poissons, animaux, oiseaux). Traduction Pierre Monat. Grenoble: Jérôme Millon, 1993-1996. - Hildegard von Bingen’s Physica: The Complete English Translation of Her Classic Work on Health and Healing. Trans. Priscilla Throop. Rochester, Vermont: Healing Arts Press, 1998. - Physica. Libro de medicina sencilla. Libro sobre las propiedades naturales de las cosas creadas, Liber simplicis medicinae. Astorga: Editorial Akrón. 2009. Causae et curae (c. 1151-8) - Causae et curae, ed. Paul Kaiser. Leipzig, 1903. - Hildegard von Bingen, Causae et Curae (Holistic Healing). Trans. by Manfred Pawlik and Patrick Madigan. Edited by Mary Palmquist and John Kulas. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, Inc., 1994. - Causas y remedios. El arte de curar de Santa Hildegarda. Edición Manfred Pawlik. Madrid: Susaeta Ediciones. 1999. - Beate Hildegardis Cause et cure, ed. Laurence Moulinier. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2003. - Les causes et les remèdes (Liber compositae medicinae. Causae et curae). Traduction Pierre Monat. Grenoble: Jérôme Millon, 2005, 301 p. - Causes and Cures of Hildegard of Bingen. Trans. by Priscilla Throop. Charlotte, VT: Medieval MS, 2006, 2008. Symphonia harmoniae celestium revelationum (Symphony of the Harmony of Celestial Revelations) incluíndo Carmina (Songs) e Ordo virtutum (Play of the Virtues) (antes de 1158, alguns acréscimos posteriores) - Hildegard von Bingen: Lieder, ed. Pudentiana Barth, Immaculada M. Ritscher & Joseph Schmidt-Görg, Salzburg, 1969. - Edição crítica de Ordo virtutum. In: Peter Dronke, Poetic Individuality in the Middle Ages. Oxford, 1970, cap.5. - Hildegard von Bingen: Symphonia. 8 volumes. Marianne Richert Pfau. Complete edition of the Symphonia chants. Bryn Mawr, Hildegard Publishing Company, 1990. - Symphomia: A Critical Edition of the Symphonia Armonie Celestium Revelationum (Symphonia Armonie Celestium Revelation (Sympony of the Harmony of Celestual Revelations), ed. and trans. Barbara Newman. Cornell Univ. Press, 1988/1998. - La Symphonie des harmonies célestes. Traduction Rebecca Lenoir et Christophe Carraud. Grenoble: Jérôme Millon, 2003, 224 p. - Sinfonía de la armonía de las revelaciones celestiales. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 2003. - Hildegardis Bingensis. Werke Band IV. Lieder Symphoniae. Edited by Barbara Stühlmeyer. Beuroner Kunstverlag 2012. - Hildegard von Bingen: Ordo Virtutum. Luca Ricossa (ed). Édition complète et commentée de la musique en notation originale, avec traduction française. Genève (, 2013. Liber vitae meritorum (1158-63) - Sanctae Hildegardis Opera, ed. J.B. Pitra, Monte Cassino, 1882. - Liber vitae meritorum. Angela Carlevaris (ed.). Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis CCCM 90. Turnhout: Brepols, 1995. - The Book of the Rewards of Life. Trans. Bruce Hozeski. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. - Libro de los merecimientos de la vida, Liber vitae meritorum. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editores. 2011. - Come lucido specchio. Libro dei Meriti di Vita. Luisa Ghiringhellli (ed.) Traduzione italiana del Liber Vitae Meritorum di Ildegarda di Bingen. Centro Studi Santa Ildegarda, Mimesis Edizioni, Milano 2013. Liber divinorum operum ou De operatione Dei (1163-c.1174) - Liber divinorum operum simplicis hominis. In: Patrologia Latina, vol. 197, 1973. - Le livre des oeuvres divines (1163-1174). Traduzido e apresentado por Bernard Gorceix. Coll. “Spiritualités vivantes”. Paris: Albin Michel, 1982/1989. - Liber divinorum operum. Albert Derolez & Peter Dronke (eds.). Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis CCCM 92. Turnhout: Brepols, 1996. - Libro de las obras divinas. Liber divinorum operum. Barcelona: Herder Editorial, 2009. - Hildegard of Bingen Book of Divine Works. Trans. by Nathaniel M. Campbell. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2018. Epistolae (1147-79) - Epistolae. In: Patrologia Latina, vol. 197. - Cartas adicionais. In: Sanctae Hildegardis Opera, ed. J.B. Pitra, Monte Cassino, 1882. - Cartas de Stuttgart. Ed. Francis Haug, In: Revue Bénédictine, 43, 1931, 59-71. - Cartas adicionais do MS B editado por Peter Dronke. In: Women Writers of the Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1984, 256-64. - Epistolarium pars prima I–XC edited by Lieven Van Acker. Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis CCCM 91A. Turnhout: Brepols, 1991. - Epistolarium pars secunda XCI–CCLr edited by Lieven Van Acker. Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis CCCM 91A. Turnhout: Brepols, 1993. - Epistolarium pars tertia CCLI–CCCXC edited by Lieven Van Acker and Monika Klaes-Hachmoller. Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis XCIB. Turnhout: Brepols, 2001. - The Letters of Hildegard of Bingen. Trans. by Joseph L. Baird and Radd K. Ehrman. 3 vols. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994/1998/2004. - “Hildegarde de Bingen, Chants et Lettres (choix)”. Traduit du latin, présenté et annoté par Laurence Moulinier. In: Voix de femmes au Moyen Âge. Savoir, mystique, poésie, amour, sorcellerie siècle- siècle, dir. Danielle Régnier-Bohler, Paris : R. Laffont, 2006, 77-124. - Lettres (1146-1179). Trad. Rebecca Lenoir. Grenoble: Jérôme Millon, 2007. Obras menores de Hildegarda de Bingen Vita Sancti Disibodi - Vida de S. Disibod Vita Sancti Ruperti - Vida de S. Rupert Expositio Evangeliorum - Comentário aos Evangelhos Explanatio Symboli S. Athanasii - Comentario à crença de S. Atanásio Explanatio Regulae S. Benedicti - Comentário à Regra Beneditina Lingua ignota; Litterae ignotae Algumas edições - Hildegard of Bingen. Two Hagiographies: Vita sancti Rupperti confessoris. Vita sancti Dysibodi episcopi. Ed. and trans. Hugh Feiss & Christopher P. Evans. Dallas Medieval Texts and Translations 11. Leuven and Paris: Peeters, 2010. - Three Lives and a Rule: the Lives of Hildegard, Disibod, Rupert, with Hildegard's Explanation of the Rule of St. Benedict. Trans. by Priscilla Throop. Charlotte, VT: Medieval MS, 2010. - Hildegardis Bingensis. Opera minora. Edited by Hugh Feiss, Christopher P. Evans, Beverly Mayne Kienzle, Carolyn A. Muessig, Barbara Newman, Peter Dronke. Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis CCCM 226. Turnhout: Brepols, 2007. - Hildegardis Bingensis. Opera minora. II. Edited by Christopher P. Evans, Jeroen Deploige, Sara Moens, Michael Embach, Kurt Gärtner. Corpus Christianorim Continuatio Mediaevalis CCCM 226A. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. - Hildegard of Bingen's Unknown Language: An Edition, Translation, and Discussion. Ed. Sarah Higley. ( The entire Riesencodex glossary, with additions from the Berlin MS, translations into English, and extensive commentary), 2007. - Homilies on the Gospels. Trans. by Beverly Mayne Kienzle. Trappist, KY: Cistercian Publications, 2011. - Solutions to Thirty-Eight Questions. Trans. Beverly Mayne Kienzle, with Jenny C. Bledsoe and Stephen H. Behnke. Collegeville, MN: Cistercian Publications/Liturgical Press, 2014. Obras biográficas contemporâneas a Hildegarda de Bingen Vita Sanctae Hildegardis (Life of St Hildegard) de Godfrey and Theodoric - encontrado no Riesenkodex; MS B. E na Patrologia Latina, vol. 197. Acta Inquisitionis (Proceedings of the Inquisition, também chamado Protocollum canonisationis) - encontrado no manuscrito Abt. 164. Nr.14, Hauptstaatsarchiv, Koblenz. E na edição de Bruder, P. Analecta Bollandiana, 2, 1883, 118-29 Vita Sanctae Hildegardis de Guibert of Gembloux - encontrado no manuscrito de Bruxelas, BR Cod. 5387-96. E na edição de J.B. Pitra, Sanctae Hildegardis Opera, Monte Cassino, 1882, 407-15. 2. Biografias, retratos modernos e estudos sobre Hildegarda de Bingen Azucena, Fraboschi. Santa Hildegarda de Bingen. Doctora de la Iglesia. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila, 2012. Ballano, Mariano. Hildegarda de Bingen. Doctora de la Iglesia. Burgos: Monte Carmelo, 2012. Blanca, Garí. Hildegard von Bingen y la tradición visionaria de occidente. Barcelona: Herder Editorial, 2005. Blanca, Garí. La mirada interior. Escritoras místicas y visionarias de la Edad Media. El Árbol del Paraíso, vol. 59.
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