Lebanese Republic Ba'albeck Water and Wastewater
Public Disclosure Authorized LEBANESE REPUBLIC Public Disclosure Authorized BA'ALBECK WATER AND WASTEWATER PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized January 15, 2002 LEBANESE REPUBLIC Ba'albeck Water and Wastewater Project Environmental Assessment 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background As part of the National Emergency Reconstruction Program (NERP), the design and construction of a water supply and distribution network for Ba'albeck was implemented under the ERRP that was funded through a World Bank loan. The water supply network was designed to meet the demands up to the year 2015 and to cover all villages falling between Ba'albeck and El Nabi Chit. The present population of the villages benefiting from the water network is approximately 250,000 inhabitants. Under the ERRP, the construction of the water supply and distribution network was implemented and covered all components (boreholes, transmission lines, reservoirs, chlorination station, distribution pipelines) except the house connections. Also, the operation and maintenance of the system was not included in the construction contract. Similarly to the water supply and distribution network, considerable efforts have been made to improve the wastewater system in Ba'albeck and the surrounding villages. Under the ERRP, around 20 km of wastewater pipelines were laid in the city of Ba'albeck, mainly in replacement of damaged or very old existing pipelines. Later on, the Council of Development and Reconstruction (CDR) initiated a new contract that included: (1) the construction of a wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 12,500 cum/day to serve Ba'albeck and the surrounding villages up to the year 2008, (2) the provision of approximately 7.4 km of trunk lines, and (3) the operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant for one year.
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