His Army Into Despair
Sir�j al-taw�rıkh volume two 1 By the Honorable Order of His Highness, the Lamp of the Nation and the Religion The Just and Pious Ruler Volume Two Of the Excellent Book, Sir�j al-taw�rıkh the events of which have been penned under the auspices of His Royal Personage. Translated by: R.D. McChesney - Printed at the Hurufi Press, Kabul The Dar al-saltanah 1331 2 Fayz Muhammad “Katib” /l96/ In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate, We praise You, O God, the Sovereign of all sovereignty, You give kingship to whom You will; You take it from whom You will; You ennoble whom You will and You humble whom You will. We pray for Your beloved, the best of men, Muhammad, the Chosen One, and we pray for his pure, noble family and his pious, wise, and peerless Companions. And so on. Since with God’s help and with the aid and support of the mighty sovereign, I mean the Amir, son of the Amir, son of the Amir, son of the Amir, son of the Amir, His Highness, Siraj al-Millah wa’1-Din, Amir Habib Allah Khan—may his reign endure—this humble writer, Fayz Muhammad Khan, completed his record of the events of the reign of the Saduza’i clan and his writing of volume one of the Sir�j al-taw�rıkh and now embarks on the writing of volume two. In this volume he will record the circumstances of the kings from the noble Muhammadza√i clan of the Barakza√i branch from the inception of Amir Dust Muhammad Khan’s reign up to the beginning of the reign of His Highness, the Light of the Nation and the Religion, Amir fiAbd al-Rahman Khan.
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