Estructura de las comunidades de corales y octocorales de Isla de Aves, Venezuela, Caribe Nororiental Yranzo. A1*, E. Villamizar1, M. Romero & H. Boadas2 1. Laboratorio de Ecología de Sistemas Acuáticos, Centro de Ecología y Evolución, Instituto de Zoología y Ecología Tropical, Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2. Museo Marino de Margarita, Boca de Rio, Venezuela;
[email protected],
[email protected] Recibido 24-IX-2013 Corregido 08-IV-2014 Aceptado 10-IV-2014 Abstract: Structure of the coral and octocoral communities of Isla de Aves, Venezuela, Northeast Caribbean. The Isla de Aves Wildlife Refuge is the northernmost portion of the Venezuelan territory generat- ing 135 000km2 of Exclusive Economic Zone. Studies on coral communities are scarce and old (1970s), due to its location 650km northeast of La Guaira Port and because it has military facilities. To upgrade baseline information we estimated size structure, percent live cover, species composition and abundance of corals and octocorals. We evaluated 16 sites around the island using the AGRRA Protocol (band-transects 10 m2) between 1.5 and 21m depth (n=67 transects), and visual surveys conducted in other five sites. We recorded 2 327 colo- nies belonging to four hydroid species and 36 species of stony corals in 11 families. The values for diversity, dominance and evenness of the coral community ranged between 0.78 and 2.12 (SW), 0.15 and 0.61 and 0.57 y 0.92 respectively. Most coral species had relative abundance values under 3%, except Porites astreoides (25.57%), Pseudodiploria strigosa (18.22%) and Siderastrea siderea (14.44%). They were represented mostly by smaller colonies, between 3 and 30cm in maximum diameter and between 0 and 5cm high.