LOUISVILLEREGIONAL February19Ǧ21,2021 KentuckyInternationalConventionCenter

TalentOnParadeisownedandmanagedbyKimberlyandEricMcCluer YourhardworkingTOPstaffforthisshowalsoincludes CarlaBarkley,KelceeBauert,MattBrekke,AllisonConnely,KaleyEsbeck,DrewFelts, AudraKey,AnthonyLofendo,DebraMasur,KyleMcCluerandEvaSeavers

  TalentOnParade,LLC AlivePhotoandVideo,LLC (316)522Ͳ4836 (314)472Ͳ5027 talentonparade.com alivephotovideo.com WELCOMETOTOP2021  Weareveryexcitedtowelcomeyoutothis2021regionalcompetition.Thisisour24thseasonand,despitethe extremechallengesofrecentevents,wearethrilledtobebackwithyou.Thefollowingarethe“TOP10” pointstokeepinmindforafun,fairandsafeeventforeveryone.

1. Dancecompetitionbyitsverynatureisasubjectiveevent,meaningitissubjecttoawidevarietyofopinions. Theoutcomeisalsosubjecttoavarietyofchangingcircumstancesthroughoutanygivendaythatyoulikelyhavenocontrol over.It’sjustadancecompetition.Pleaseacceptitforwhatitis.Especiallythisseason.Breathe,relax,havefunandenjoy thischancetodanceregardlessoftheoutcome.Thepastyearhascertainlytaughtusthatyouneverknowwhenyouwillbe allowedtotakethestageagaininthefuture.  2. Videorecordingandphotography(flashornoflash)willbestrictlyprohibitedbyaudiencemembers,except duringawardspresentations.Thisisaverycommonpracticeintheentertainmentindustry,andwithgoodreason. Studiodirectors,teachersandotherparentstendtogetverygrouchywhenchoreographyand/orcostumingarecopied withoutapproval.Moreimportantly,we’retryingtoprotecttheprivacyandsafetyofthekids.Thefactistherearepeople outthereofaveryquestionablenaturewhomaytrytousephotographicimagesinappropriately(gross!).  3. Donotleavepersonalitemsunattended.Again,thesadfactisthattherearethoseamonguswhowillthinknothingof takingstuffthatdoesn’tbelongtothemifgiventheopportunity.TOPcannotberesponsibleforlost,broken,misplacedor stolenitemsofanykind.  4. Pleasebeconsiderateofoneanotherinthedressingareas.Especiallyunderthecurrentcircumstances.Werequest thatyoulimityourtimeinthedressingareastoo.Getin,doyourbusiness,thengetout.Also,ifdressingassistanceis necessary,pleaselimittooneadulthelperperdancer.Youmightalsoconsiderarrivingatthevenueinyourfirstcostumeof thedayandleavingwhileinyourlastcostume.Remembertoalsopracticesocialdistancingasmuchaspossibleinthe dressingareas,(andinallotherareasofthevenuetoo).  5. Masksandsocialdistancingmayberequired.Wewillfollowandenforcethemandatesrequiredbytheappropriate authoritiesforthecity/state/venuewearein.Specificinformationforeachshowwillbepostedattalentonparade.comand includedwithinformationprovidedtothestudiodirector.Pleasebecompliantandrespectfulinfollowinganysuch mandatesastheyareputinplaceforyoursafetyandforthesafetyofthosearoundyou.Also,donotmoveseatinginto largergroupsthanwhatispreͲsetfortheday.Thesavingofseatsmayalsoberestrictedduetoareductioninseating requiredforsocialdistancingpurposes.Withlimitedseatingavailable,wealsoaskthatextendedfamilymembers,nonͲ dancingfriends,etc.watchtheshowfromhomeontheliveͲstreamfeed(whereavailable).  6. Dancersshouldremainintheaudienceforawards.Wewillnotbringdancerstothestageasagroupthisseasonfor awardsexceptforselectedTOP10lineups.Instead,wewillbeaskingyoutochooseonerepresentativeforeachacttopick upwhencalledbackstage.Specificdirectionsforeachawardsceremonywillbeannouncedfromthestage.  7. Assignedperformancetimesaretobeconsideredapproximateonly.Flexibilityiskeytokeepingtheshowmoving. Pleasebeready,andwilling,toperformearlierorlaterthanscheduled.Also,beawarethatthetimingofawards ceremoniesorothereventsmayfluctuatewiththescheduleduringthecourseoftheday.Weencourageyoutomonitor theprogressoftheshowontheDanceEventsapp.AskastafferattheTOPShopmerchandiseareaformoreinformation abouttheappifneeded.  8. Pleaselimityourmovingaroundintheaudienceduringstageperformances.Whenyoustand,orwalkdownan aisleduringaperformanceyou’reblockingsomeoneelse’sview.Weunderstandthatit’snotalwayspossible,butpleasetry totimemovingaroundtoagapbetweenacts.  9. Smokingofanykindisprohibitedinthevenue.Thisincludesanykindofelectronicand/orvapordevices.  10. Gunsareprohibitedinthevenueandonthevenuegrounds.Thisincludesconcealedcarry. PARTICIPATINGSTUDIOS

A That's Dancing - Louisville, Kentucky

B Dance Haven Studios - Tell City, Indiana

C Showtyme Dance - Lebanon, Tennessee

D Laura's School of Dance - Richmond, Kentucky

E Lancaster Dance Center - Lancaster, Kentucky

F Independent, Arnold - South Bend, Indiana

G Stellar Dance Center - Madisonville, Kentucky

H Nu Revolution Dance Studio - Richmond, Kentucky

J Midwest Elite Dance Center - Amelia, Ohio

K Dance Unlimited - Kentucky - Mount Washington, Kentucky

L Sloan's Dance Studio - West Frankfort, Illinois

M Stacy's Studio Of Dance - Petersburg, Indiana

N Tippy Toes - Indianapolis, Indiana

O Dance Magic Performing Arts Center - Noblesville, Indiana

 TOP“POP” akaProgramsOnPause Althoughwearethrilledtohavereturnedtohostingcompetitions,we’realsosad thatsomeofwhatmakesTOPspecialisstillonpauseduetotheCovidpandemic. Thefollowingprogramsare“waitinginthewings”andwillmakeareappearance assoonasitissafetobringthemback. TOPSTARZ TOPStarzisourinvitationͲonlyprogramthatbringstogetherselecteddancersfromour regionalcompetitionstoparticipateinspecialproductionperformancesatoursummer NationalFinals.WehavepausedthisprogramuntilCovidrestrictionsgenerallyhavebeen relaxedenoughtoallowforlargegatheringsofdancersfromdifferentstudiostorehearseand performtogetherincloseproximitysafely.Ifatanytimeduringthecourseofthisseasonwe becomeconfidentinaliftingofrestrictionsforthesummer,wewillestablishanopen enrollmentforthosewhoareinterested.Regardlessofwhetherthathappensthisseasonor not,wehopetobringbackTOPStarzinitsoriginalformforthe2022season.  TOPCHARITYDANCEDOWN OurCharityDanceDowneventhasmadeitpossible(withyourgeneroushelp)forusto donatemorethan$100,000overtheyearstosomeveryworthcauses.Thisisatoughoneto putonpausesinceweknowthesenonͲprofitsdesperatelyneedourhelp,nowmorethan ever.Wehavenochoicehoweveruntilweareclearedtobringtogetheralargegroupof dancersfromdifferentstudiostothestageagain.Whenthathappens,wewillbringitback.In themeantime,youcanmakeindividualdonationsdirectlytoourfavoritecharities,Drea’s DreamandTheTruth365,viatheirwebsitesifyouwouldliketo.Drea’sDreamisadance therapy/expressivemovementprogramforchildrenwithcancerandspecialneeds (dreasdream.org).TheTruth365isanationalchildhoodcancercampaignwhoseNational SpokespersonisTOPDancerGabiShull(thetruth365.org).  COLLEGEBOUNDDANCEFAIR ThisprogramispartoftheTOPmissiontoassistdancersinmovingbeyondthecompetition stageandintoposthighschooldanceprograms.It’saneventwhereawidevarietyof colleges,universities,andpreparatorydanceprogramsarerepresented.Thousandsofdollars inscholarshipsarealsotypicallyawardedonthespotaswell.Wenormallyhostthisevent everyotheryearand2021wassupposedtobean“on”year,butCOVIDrestrictionsledtoits cancellation.Watchforannouncementsattalentonparade.comaboutwhenCollegeBound willreturninthefuture. LOUISVILLEREGIONALJUDGES

GEENAPILCHERDesMoines,Iowa Geenafirstfoundherlovefordanceattheageofthree.Alongsideherdancetraining,Geenaalsotrainedas anartisticgymnast.ShewascoachedbytherenownedOlympicTrainingCoach,LiangChow,sincetheageof six.GeenawasapartofaneliteOlympictrainingteamatChow’sgymnasticsalongsidegymnast,Shawn Johnson.Geena’sextensiveknowledgeingymnasticsandacrobaticsarehighlysoughtoutbymanystudios acrossthenationandkeepherbusytravelingmostoftheseason.Whileextensivelytraininginballetand acrobatics,Geenaisalsotrainedinlyrical,contemporary,tap,jazz,andmusicaltheatre.Geenahasperformed inmanyleadrolesinballetssuchasTheNutcracker,PeterPan,andCinderellatonameafew.Inadditionto performinginballets,sheachievednumeroustitlesregionallyandnationally.Geenahasalsoperformedin commercials,promotionalvideos,andmodeledfornumerousprojects.Shecurrentlydirectsand choreographsavarietyofshowsforIowaDanceTheatre.Inherfreetime,Geenaenjoystravelingtohost masterclassesandcontractworkforchoreographyͲearninghermultipleachievementsthroughoutthe years.Geenaisexcitedtobehereandlooksforwardtowatchingallthewonderfultalenttakethestagethis weekend!

KYLEPLUNKETTWhiteHall,Arkansas KylePlunkettisanativeofWhiteHall,ArkansaswhereheistheCoͲOwner/DirectorofPowerhouseDance& Tumbling.Kylebegandancingattheageof4wherehisloveoftapdancingdefeatedanyoftheother activitieshewasinvolvedinaschild.Whileworkingmostlyintap,hispassionforcontemporaryandjazz enricheshisuniqueapproachtostorytelling.Inadditiontoperforminglocallyforvariouseventsandshows, hehasachievednumerousregionalandnationaltitleswithhischoreographyincitiessuchasLasVegas,NV, PanamaCity,FL,andMyrtleBeach,SC,tonameafew.Hehasdancedintelevisioncommercialworkandhas beenpublishednumeroustimesinDanceStudioLifeMagazineforhisinsightasbothastudioownerand competitionjudge.Kyleenjoystravelingtohostmasterclassesandcontractworkforchoreography– partneringwithvariouscharitiesandschoolswhereheenjoysinspiringstudentsofallages.Currently,Kyle isafeaturedcompetitionjudgeforTalentOnParade,StarPowerNationalTalentCompetition,andDance MachineANDC.HehasbeenaMasterClassTapInstructorwithGearUpDanceConventionandheisa proudmemberoftheNationalDanceEducationOrganization(NDEO)aswellasanaffiliatememberofthe AssociationOfDanceConventionsandCompetitions(ADCC),wherehehasbeenselectedhimtoreceivethe IndustryExcellenceAwardforOutstandingJudge.

NEALEY RITZELBelleville,Illinois Nealey’spassionfordancebeganattheearlyageof3.Althoughshetrainedinballet,jazz,hiphop,and contemporarywhilegrowingup,taphasalwaysheldaspecialplaceinherheart.For13years,Nealey traveledtheU.S.competingandattendingconventionswhereshewonseveralnationaltitles.Nealeyquickly becameknownforherenergeticstagepresenceandstarperformancequality.Shespenttimetouringcities fromNewYorktoL.A.trainingwithchoreographerssuchasMarkGoodman,ShannonMather,Mia Michaels,KyleHanagami,andmanymore.Nealeycontinueddancingincollegeasamemberofthenational awardwinningCodeRedDanceTeamatBallStateUniversitywhereshewaschosenastheCodeRed MemberoftheYearandwentontobenamedcaptainforherseniorseason.Duringthattimesheattended ProActionDanceinLasVegas,theleaderinprosportsdancechoreography.Nealeyisexcitedtoreturnto TalentOnParadeasajudgeaftertouringasanassistantfortheDanceDirectivesNationalConventionand assistingbackstagefortheirregionalcircuitduringhertenureasacompetitivedancer.Nealeycurrentlyisa teacherandchoreographeratImperiumHouseofDancewhereyoucanfindmanyofherstudentssigned withtopagencies,seeninmajorads,performingintheatreproductionsandevenonDisney! 


Kaylen Acosta Mackenzie Bates Ava Breckenkamp Hannah Cooper Styles Dance Centre Styles Dance Centre Fusion Dance Center Heavenly Rhythm Dance

Maggie Madison Maddy McCandless Kaylor Meyers Alayna Palazzo Payola School of Dance Stacy’s School of Dance Styles Dance Centre Dance Connection PAC

Lyla Rodger Addison Thompson Makayla Weeks Chloe Willis Styles Dance Centre Fusion Dance Center Shockey Dance Company Stacy’s Studio of Dance LOUISVILLEREGIONALSCHEDULE

Friday, February 19 4:00 pm ...... Doors Open 4:45 pm ...... 10 & Younger Solo Competition 9:00 pm ...... 10 & Younger Solo AWARDS

Saturday, February 20 7:15 am ...... Doors Open 8:00 am ...... 12 & Younger Duet/Trio Competition 9:20 am ...... 12 & Younger Duet/Trio AWARDS 10:00 am ...... Group Competition Block #1 12:40 pm ...... Adjudicated AWARDS for Above 1:30 pm ...... Group Competition Block #2 4:30 pm ...... Adjudicated AWARDS for Above 5:20 pm ...... Group Competition Block #3 7:15 pm ...... Adjudicated AWARDS for Above 7:45 pm ...... TOP 10 Group AWARDS* * Attendance will be limited by studio (see below)

Sunday, February 21 7:00 am ...... Doors Open 7:45 am ...... Ages 11-12 Solo Competition 11:40 am ...... Ages 11-12 Solo AWARDS 12:20 pm ...... Ages 13-14 Solo Competition 2:50 pm ...... 13 & Older Duet/Trio Competition 4:00 pm ...... AWARDS for Above 4:45 pm ...... 15 & Older Solo Competition 8:30 pm ...... 15 & Older Solo AWARDS

  * Saturday evening TOP 10 group awards attendance will be limited to 5 dancers accompanied by 1 adult each per studio. All studio directors/teachers will be welcome to attend as well. Friday, February 19 10 & Younger Solo Competition

Jazz ~ Solo ~ 6 & Younger Participant 028 04:45 PM SUNSHINE, LOLLIPOPS & RAINBOWS H Aynslee Hagy 029 04:48 PM NUTBUSH CITY LIMITS (Title) J Brielle Phillips Jazz ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 7-8 030 04:51 PM LIP GLOSS J Maleah Wolf Jazz ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 9-10 031 04:54 PM CONFIDENT G Kara Leet 032 04:57 PM HAPPY DANCE A Sarah Wedding 033 05:00 PM LIPS ARE MOVING K Brooke Blanton 034 05:03 PM TO BE REAL J Anna Petru Jazz ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 035 05:06 PM CHEAP THRILLS D Phoebe Cobb 036 05:09 PM SHAKE THE ROOM F Pressley Huyvaert 037 05:12 PM ME F Emelie Radandt 038 05:15 PM STAR IN YOUR OWN LIFE (Title) O Joni Oliver Jazz ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 9-10 039 05:18 PM 3, 2, WORK (Title) L Isabella Clark Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 7-8 040 05:21 PM HIGH HOPES M Trinity Gross 041 05:24 PM A MILLION DREAMS K Mckenzie Busing 042 05:27 PM STAND BY ME M Harlee Bement 043 05:30 PM SHOW YOURSELF H Leighanne Hastie 044 05:33 PM LITTLE BALLOON M Kellcyn Riker Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 7-8 045 05:36 PM PURE IMAGINATION J Kora Klingensmith 046 05:39 PM FLY J Ava Von Hertsenberg 047 05:42 PM IF I COULD J Sophia Szymkowiak Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 7-8 048 05:45 PM LAST FOREVER (Title) J Bryleigh Clem Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 9-10 049 05:48 PM FIELDS OF GOLD J Aya Mekeatngam 050 05:51 PM BROKEN PRAYERS M Vera Mattingly 051 05:54 PM RESCUE M Kinley Powers 052 05:57 PM WAY DOWN WE GO A Alyssa Crain Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 053 06:00 PM THIS IS ME D Phoebe Cobb 054 06:03 PM SPEECHLESS D Kloe Jackson 055 06:06 PM ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE (Title) N Daisy Lakstins 056 06:09 PM YESTERDAY N Everly Smith 057 06:12 PM YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE (Title) H Lainie Stamper 058 06:15 PM PURE IMAGINATION (Title) O Noelle Spittler Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 9-10 059 06:18 PM ALONE (Title) J Adalee Faulkner 060 06:21 PM FOREVER YOUNG (Title) L Isabella Clark 061 06:24 PM HURRICANE (Title) J Ava Meckstroth Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ 6 & Younger 062 06:27 PM BORN TO ENTERTAIN J Mia Buckley

Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 7-8 063 06:30 PM A LOVELY NIGHT J Blakely Steelman 064 06:33 PM A NEW PHILOSOPHY K Ava Shirley Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 7-8 065 06:36 PM I LIKE DANNY K Presley Logsdon Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 9-10 066 06:39 PM QUEEN OF POP M Vera Mattingly Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 067 06:42 PM JOHNNY ONE NOTE (Title) O Joni Oliver Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 9-10 068 06:45 PM MAD HATTER (Title) J Adalee Faulkner 069 06:48 PM ORANGE COLORED SKY (Title) J Ava Meckstroth Short Break

Tap ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 070 07:06 PM LOVE WILL KEEP US TOGETHER (Title) N Alyssa Rondeau Hip Hop ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 9-10 071 07:09 PM EXPENSIVE K Aleiyah Sullivan Acro/Gymnastics ~ Solo ~ 6 & Younger 072 07:12 PM SPIDER (Title) J Eliesse Piening Acro/Gymnastics ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 7-8 073 07:15 PM THE RAVEN J Hadley Hunter 074 07:18 PM GAME OF SURVIAL K Brooklyn Salerno Acro/Gymnastics ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 075 07:21 PM TORN (Title) J Macey Vance Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 7-8 076 07:24 PM NOTHING ELSE MATTERS K Ava Shirley 077 07:27 PM OVER THE RAINBOW E Ally Gaffney 078 07:30 PM WELCOME HOME E Morgan Noe Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 7-8 079 07:33 PM RAIN OF CASTAMERE (Title) K Presley Logsdon Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 7-8 080 07:36 PM EMBERS. (Title) H Eden Trimble Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 081 07:39 PM UPHILL BATTLE D Braelyn Short Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 9-10 082 07:42 PM SANDMAN (Title) L Isabella Clark Open ~ Solo ~ 6 & Younger 083 07:45 PM BORN TO BE WILD (Title) J Lennon Kuntz 084 07:48 PM VILLAIN (Title) C Isabella Allen 085 07:51 PM SHAKE IT OFF M Harmony Lambert 086 07:54 PM SWAGGER JAGGER M Bailey Amburgy 087 07:57 PM TIKTOK M Elliot Heeman Open ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 7-8 088 08:00 PM GLAMOROUS LIFE (Title) J Charlotte Marlow 089 08:03 PM GOOSEBUMPS M Kaebri Yon 090 08:06 PM WILDSIDE M Maddy Mccandless 091 08:09 PM CRUISIN' FOR A BRUISIN' M Aubrey Sturgeon 092 08:12 PM MATERIAL GIRL J Layla Butler 093 08:15 PM OKAY M Harlee Bement 094 08:18 PM PRETTY ONE M Audi Williams 095 08:21 PM HAD MY WAY M Kellcyn Riker

Open ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 7-8 096 08:24 PM HOPE (Title) J Harper Pope 097 08:27 PM THIS WILL BE J Audrey Ehrlich Open ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 9-10 098 08:30 PM DEAR FUTURE HUSBAND (Title) C Catherine Montgomery 099 08:33 PM PARTY GIRL (Title) J Sky Anderson 100 08:36 PM MOVE (Title) C Crimson Hicks 101 08:39 PM NAIL HAIR HIPS HEELS E Zari Ramiez 102 08:42 PM APPLAUSE K Allie Pentecost 103 08:45 PM LIL' RED RIDING HOOD (Title) C Kalyn Welch 104 08:48 PM FIERCE (Title) M Kinley Powers Open ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 105 08:51 PM LOST J Zoey Greenberg 106 08:54 PM THE ESTABLISHMENT H Lainie Stamper

10 & Younger Solo Awards

12 & Younger Duet/Trio Competition

Contemporary ~ Duet ~ Intermediate ~ 7-8 Participant 107 08:00 AM IN HER HONOR D Malaysia Adams, Nora Mcintier Contemporary ~ Duet ~ Novice ~ 11-12 108 08:03 AM ALL I WANT E Bella Young, Lilly Stegall Contemporary ~ Duet ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 109 08:06 AM SMILE J Brooklyn Rooms, Madison Weibel 110 08:09 AM WHY DID WE HAVE TO GO J Addie Klotter, Lauren Long 111 08:12 AM HOLD ME WHILE YOU WAIT D Baylee Short, Elin Gullett Contemporary ~ Trio ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 112 08:15 AM BLINDSIDED D Breanna Herald, Perry Mcintier, Tatum Benson Hip Hop ~ Trio ~ Novice ~ 9-10 113 08:18 AM MAMACITA G Kara Leet, Kate Brewer, Mashyla Mcadoo Hip Hop ~ Trio ~ Novice ~ 11-12 114 08:21 AM MISSY MIX G Breonna Jones, Emma Barnes, Kaitlyn Knight Hip Hop ~ Trio ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 115 08:24 AM GIRLS NIGHT B Kynli Lambrecht, Lilly Glenn, Marisa Zuelly Hip Hop ~ Duet ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 116 08:27 AM GIRLS D Baylee Short, Olivia Dexter Jazz ~ Trio ~ Novice ~ 7-8 117 08:30 AM TEDDY BEAR H Kayle Arvin, Leighanne Hastie, Whitney Wellinghurst Jazz ~ Duet ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 118 08:33 AM BETTER WHEN I'M DANCING D Daphne Cobb, Stella Hatfield Lyrical ~ Duet ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 119 08:36 AM GIFT OF A FRIEND F Emelie Radandt, Pressley Huyvaert Lyrical ~ Trio ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 120 08:39 AM WHERE DO BROKEN HEARTS GO N Alyssa Rondeau, Daisy Lakstins, Stella Nool Lyrical ~ Duet ~ Novice ~ 11-12 121 08:42 AM YOU SAY A Sarah Wright, Talyah Workman Lyrical ~ Duet ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 122 08:45 AM BE OK N Ava Chizum, Kaia Chizum Lyrical ~ Trio ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 123 08:48 AM DREAMING MY DREAMS N Ava Chizum, Emerson Wendling, Isabella Feldman Music Theatre ~ Trio ~ Competitive ~ 9-10 124 08:51 AM BIG NOISE J Adalee Faulkner, Ava Meckstroth, Kaylyn Brunck Tap ~ Duet ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 125 08:54 AM THRIFT SHOP D Braelyn Short, Kloe Jackson 126 08:57 AM B.F.F. H Lainie Stamper, Tinlee Day Tap ~ Trio ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 127 09:00 AM KING OF ANYTHING N Addie Glinski, Mckenna Deckard, Zoe Czap Acro/Gymnastics ~ Duet ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 128 09:03 AM WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE J Addi Loudon, Peyton Calvin Open ~ Trio ~ Novice ~ 7-8 129 09:06 AM BOYFRIEND C Elise Mcglothlin, Isabella Allen, Kalyn Welch Open ~ Duet ~ Novice ~ 9-10 130 09:09 AM THE KISSING BOOTH C Catherine Montgomery, Jacob Hawn Open ~ Trio ~ Novice ~ 9-10 131 09:12 AM GIRL IN 14G B Baya Lawalin, Bella Martin, Miley Martin Open ~ Trio ~ Novice ~ 11-12

132 09:15 AM OMG C Cadence Grimes, Lilli Johnson, Makenzi Ellis 12 & Younger Duet-Trio Awards Group Competition Block #1

Contemporary ~ Line ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 Participant 133 10:00 AM PAPARAZZI J Addie Klotter, Brooklyn Rooms, Connie Viars, Emma Sandker, Evie Broom, Finlay Hinkle, Jocie Mattei, Jordyn Senger, Katie Woolwine, Kendall Johnson, Kylie Dilley, Lauren Long, Mackenzie Combs, Madison May, Madison Weibel, Samantha Pendergrass, Savanna Acree, Zayla Graff Contemporary ~ Large Group ~ Novice ~ 11-12 134 10:04 AM IN THE AIR TONIGHT J Addy Antonczak, Anna Petru, Audrey Ehrlich, Brooklyn Mahan, Gracie Hannah, Josie Farrell, Lainey Danislavs, Leilani Williams, Macey Vance, Maddie Franz, Makenzie Ganim, Morgan Kelch, Sophia Mays 135 10:08 AM ONE DAY M Alivia Coleman, Alli Hardin, Ava Sturgeon, Avion Murry, Brenna Ridao, Brooklyn Query, Chloe Willis, Emiley Riker, Kaydee Sims, Kinley Powers, Michaela Gray, Taylor Heeman, Vera Mattingly Contemporary ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 136 10:12 AM WRITING ON THE WALL J Cherryanna Meadors, Evie Broom, Finlay Hinkle, Jocie Mattei, Jordyn Senger, Kendall Johnson, Lexie Senger, Mackenzie Combs, Madison May Contemporary ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 137 10:15 AM WAITING M Alivia Coleman, Alli Hardin, Ava Sturgeon, Avion Murry, Brooklyn Query, Chloe Willis, Emiley Riker, Kinley Powers, Michaela Gray Contemporary ~ Large Group ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 138 10:18 AM WHEN DOVES CRY J Adalee Faulkner, Addi Loudon, Addie Klotter, Ava Meckstroth, Brooklyn Rooms, Cherryanna Meadors, Isaiah Wyer, Jocie Mattei, Kaylyn Brunck, Lauren Long, Madison Weibel, Maya Douglas, Peyton Calvin, Savanna Acree, Zayla Graff, Zoey Greenberg Contemporary ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 139 10:22 AM MAYBE WE'LL SEE J Connie Viars, Emma Sandker, Kendall Johnson, Kylie Dilley, Samantha Pendergrass Hip Hop ~ Large Group ~ Novice ~ 11-12 140 10:25 AM REMIX M Ava Sturgeon, Avion Murry, Brenna Ridao, Bria Rogers, Brooklyn Query, Elle Readle, Emiley Riker, Kaydee Sims, Kinley Powers, Lindsey Woods, Lucy Yon, Novah Williams, Taylor Heeman, Vera Mattingly Jazz ~ Small Group ~ Novice ~ 11-12 141 10:29 AM CHAIN OF FOOL J Addy Antonczak, Anna Petru, Brooklyn Mahan, Gracie Hannah, Josie Farrell, Leilani Williams, Makenzie Ganim, Sophia Mays Jazz ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 142 10:32 AM FEEL FOR YOU J Bridget Worthington, Cherryanna Meadors, Finlay Hinkle, Jocie Mattei, Jordyn Senger, Kendall Johnson, Lauren Long, Mackenzie Combs, Madison May Jazz ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 143 10:35 AM BUMP IT J Addie Klotter, Brooklyn Rooms, Emma Sandker, Kylie Dilley, Madison Weibel, Samantha Pendergrass, Savanna Acree, Zayla Graff Lyrical ~ Line ~ 6 & Younger 144 10:38 AM GO THE DISTANCE J Aya Mekeatngam, Blakely Steelman, Braylah Wells, Brielle Phillips, Brody Danislavs, Chloe Baker, Harper Kozloski, Lennon Kuntz, Lilian Shaw, Lily Stephan, Luci Nash, Maleah Wolf, Mia Buckley, Mia Lovell, Nora Smith, Norah Barrial, Ollie Mcclain Lyrical ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 7-8 145 10:42 AM I BELIEVE I CAN FLY J Audrey Ehrlich, Ava Von Hertsenberg, Aya Mekeatngam, Blakely Steelman, Charlotte Marlow, Hadley Hunter, Kora Klingensmith, Layla Butler Lyrical ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 7-8 146 10:48 AM YOU ARE NOT ALONE J Adalee Faulkner, Ava Meckstroth, Ava Von Hertsenberg, Bryleigh Clem, Eliesse Piening, Harper Pope, Sky Anderson, Sophia Szymkowiak, Zoey Greenberg Lyrical ~ Large Group ~ Novice ~ 9-10 147 10:51 AM SISTERS M Aubrey Mccandless, Aubrey Sturgeon, Audi Williams, Ava Sturgeon, Brooklyn Query, Elliot Heeman, Emiley Riker, Kellcyn Riker, Kinley Powers, Mia Query, Novah Williams, Taylor Heeman Lyrical ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 148 10:55 AM A MOMENT LIKE THIS J Addy Antonczak, Cherryanna Meadors, Isaiah Wyer, Kaylyn Brunck, Lexie Senger, Macey Vance, Makenzie Ganim, Peyton Calvin, Zoey Greenberg Lyrical ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 149 10:58 AM WHEN I LOOK AT YOU N Alyssa Rondeau, Daisy Lakstins, Emerson Wendling, Erin Herwehe, Kaia Chizum, Nicole Azar, Stella Nool 150 11:01 AM BECAUSE YOU LOVED ME J Adalee Faulkner, Addi Loudon, Addie Klotter, Ava Meckstroth, Brooklyn Rooms, Lauren Long, Madison Weibel, Maya Douglas, Peyton Calvin

Open ~ Large Group ~ 6 & Younger 151 11:04 AM TIMBER M Aubrey Mccandless, Aubrey Sturgeon, Aubrianna Hale, Audi Williams, Bristynn Houtsch, Elliot Heeman, Harmony Lambert, Kaebri Yon, Kellcyn Riker, Maddy Mccandless, Mia Query Lyrical ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 152 11:08 AM NEXT PLANE OUT J Brooklyn Rooms, Emma Sandker, Jordyn Senger, Lauren Long, Madison Weibel, Samantha Pendergrass, Savanna Acree, Zayla Graff Acro/Gymnastics ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 153 11:11 AM DREAM ON J Addi Loudon, Addy Antonczak, Cherryanna Meadors, Isaiah Wyer, Julia Worthington, Macey Vance, Maya Douglas, Peyton Calvin, Zoey Greenberg Music Theatre ~ Small Group ~ 6 & Younger 154 11:14 AM NO BAD NEWS J Emma Ward, Lennon Kuntz, Paisley Gunning, Peyton Garrett, Piper Gunning, Ruby Cavagnaro, Sabrina Merman, Scarlett Johnson Music Theatre ~ Line ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 155 11:17 AM JUMP JIVE J Adalee Faulkner, Addi Loudon, Addy Antonczak, Ava Meckstroth, Brooklyn Mahan, Cherryanna Meadors, Isaiah Wyer, Jocie Mattei, Julia Worthington, Kaylyn Brunck, Lexie Senger, Macey Vance, Maddie Franz, Makenzie Ganim, Maya Douglas, Peyton Calvin, Zoey Greenberg Music Theatre ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 156 11:24 AM ZOOT SUIT RIOT J Adalee Faulkner, Addi Loudon, Addie Klotter, Brooklyn Rooms, Madison Weibel, Maya Douglas, Peyton Calvin, Savanna Acree, Zayla Graff Open ~ Large Group ~ Novice ~ 9-10 157 11:27 AM PEOPLE LIKE US M Aubrey Sturgeon, Ava Sturgeon, Avion Murry, Brooklyn Query, Chloe Willis, Emiley Riker, Harlee Bement, Kaebri Yon, Kaydee Sims, Kellcyn Riker, Kinley Powers, Mia Query, Taylor Heeman, Trinity Gross, Vera Mattingly Open ~ Small Group ~ 6 & Younger 158 11:31 AM DINO DIVAS J Emma Ward, Lennon Kuntz, Paisley Gunning, Peyton Garrett, Piper Gunning, Ruby Cavagnaro, Sabrina Merman, Scarlett Johnson Open ~ Large Group ~ 6 & Younger 159 11:37 AM DOCTOR DOCTOR J Blakely Steelman, Brielle Phillips, Brody Danislavs, Charlotte Marlow, Chloe Baker, Harper Kozloski, Lennon Kuntz, Lilian Shaw, Lily Stephan, Luci Nash, Maleah Wolf, Mia Buckley, Mia Lovell, Nora Smith, Norah Barrial, Ollie Mcclain Open ~ Small Group ~ Novice ~ 7-8 160 11:41 AM CONGA CUTIES M Aubrey Sturgeon, Audi Williams, Harlee Bement, Kaebri Yon, Kellcyn Riker, Maddy Mccandless, Mia Query Open ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 7-8 161 11:44 AM CAN'T TOUCH THIS J Audrey Ehrlich, Ava Von Hertsenberg, Bryleigh Clem, Eliesse Piening, Hadley Hunter, Harper Pope, Layla Butler, Sky Anderson, Sophia Szymkowiak Open ~ Line ~ Intermediate ~ 7-8 162 11:50 AM MIDWEST RUNS ON DUNKIN J Adalee Faulkner, Audrey Ehrlich, Ava Von Hertsenberg, Aya Mekeatngam, Braylah Wells, Brielle Phillips, Bryleigh Clem, Charlotte Marlow, Eliesse Piening, Hadley Hunter, Harper Pope, Kamryn Snider, Kora Klingensmith, Layla Butler, Macey Vance, Sky Anderson, Sophia Szymkowiak Open ~ Line ~ Novice ~ 9-10 163 11:54 AM 1991 M Alivia Coleman, Alli Hardin, Aubrey Sturgeon, Audi Williams, Ava Sturgeon, Avion Murry, Bailey Amburgy, Bella Fox, Brenna Ridao, Bria Rogers, Brooklyn Query, Chloe Willis, Ella Hillyard, Ella Winchell, Elle Readle, Elliot Heeman, Emiley Riker, Harlee Bement, Kaebri Yon, Kaydee Sims, Kellcyn Riker, Kinley Powers, Lindsey Woods, Lucy Yon, Maddy Mccandless, Mia Query, Michaela Gray, Novah Williams, Taylor Heeman, Trinity Gross, Vera Mattingly Open ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 164 11:58 AM SOPHISTICATED LADY J Ava Meckstroth, Isaiah Wyer, Kaylyn Brunck, Macey Vance, Zoey Greenberg Open ~ Small Group ~ Novice ~ 11-12 165 12:01 PM MY HOME M Ava Sturgeon, Avion Murry, Brenna Ridao, Brooklyn Query, Emiley Riker, Kaydee Sims, Kinley Powers, Taylor Heeman Open ~ Large Group ~ Novice ~ 11-12 166 12:04 PM WE RUN THE NIGHT J Addy Antonczak, Anna Petru, Brooklyn Mahan, Gracie Hannah, Josie Farrell, Lainey Danislavs, Leilani Williams, Macey Vance, Maddie Franz, Makenzie Ganim, Morgan Kelch, Sophia Mays Open ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 167 12:08 PM DAISIES M Alivia Coleman, Ava Sturgeon, Avion Murry, Brooklyn Query, Chloe Willis, Emiley Riker, Kinley Powers, Michaela Gray Open ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 168 12:11 PM QUEENS OF "A" TOWN J Adalee Faulkner, Addi Loudon, Addie Klotter, Brooklyn Rooms, Kaylyn Brunck, Madison Weibel, Maya Douglas, Peyton Calvin, Savanna Acree Open ~ Line ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 Participant 169 12:17 PM DISCO FEVER J Adalee Faulkner, Addi Loudon, Addie Klotter, Bridget Worthington, Brooklyn Mahan, Brooklyn Rooms, Cherryanna Meadors, Connie Viars, Emma Sandker, Evie Broom, Finlay Hinkle, Isaiah Wyer, Jordyn Senger, Katie Woolwine, Kaylyn Brunck, Kendall Johnson, Kylie Dilley, Lauren Long, Lexie Senger, Mackenzie Combs, Maddie Franz, Madison May, Madison Weibel, Peyton Calvin, Samantha Pendergrass, Savanna Acree, Zayla Graff, Zoey Greenberg Open ~ Large Group ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 170 12:24 PM MAKE THAT CHANGE J Brooklyn Rooms, Cherryanna Meadors, Connie Viars, Emma Sandker, Evie Broom, Jocie Mattei, Jordyn Senger, Kendall Johnson, Kylie Dilley, Lauren Long, Mackenzie Combs, Madison May, Madison Weibel, Samantha Pendergrass, Savanna Acree, Zayla Graff


Group Competition Block #2

Lyrical ~ Line ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 Participant 171 01:30 PM WE ARE THE WORLD A Abby Gardner, Alyssa Hale, Cassidy Demling, Corrine Witucki, Ellie Nunn, Emily Buckel, Emma Beckham, Emmi Kanerviko, Gwyneth Schulte, Jocelyn Hamburger, Kiley Adkins, Lainey Boston, Mallory Dixon, Molly Dixon, Natalie Greenwell, Natalie Taylor, Nicole Huston, Reese Reynolds, Savannah Morris, Scarlett Hohman, Taylor Allen, Tori Phillips Jazz ~ Large Group ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 172 01:34 PM WALKING ON BROKEN GLASS A Anna Hayden, Carrie Mattingly, Chloe Gagle, Emma Martin, Isabelle Croft, Kaitly Roths, Kayleigh Worth, Kennedy Schaefer, Kenzie Carruthers, Kierstin Cooley, Leslie Glasser, Maggie Ernst, Shelby Cooley, Sofia Milliner Jazz ~ Large Group ~ 6 & Younger 173 01:38 PM POP DROP AND ROLL K Ainsley Deerr, Annie Devore, Annie Francis, Ava Shirley, Eleanor Reccius, Emmarie Coulter, Kyleigh Thompson, Mckenzie Busing, Peyton Jaynes, Presley Logsdon Contemporary ~ Small Group ~ Novice ~ 13-14 174 01:42 PM SWIPE RIGHT E Callie Mauldin, Kathryn Dawson, Kayma Galloway, Meggie Morrow, Sarayah Miller, Vanessa Ramos Contemporary ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 175 01:45 PM I RAN K Alyssa Walls, Christian Knight-Gray, Jordyn Johnson, Josie Wood, Madelyn Clan, Savannah Childress Contemporary ~ Large Group ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 176 01:48 PM SKIN A Addison Witucki, Alyssa Hale, Carrie Mattingly, Emma Beckham, Isabelle Croft, Kaitly Roths, Kayleigh Worth, Kenzie Carruthers, Lainey Boston, Scarlett Hohman, Shelby Cooley, Sofia Milliner, Taylor Allen Contemporary ~ Small Group ~ Novice ~ 7-8 177 01:52 PM DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD K Ava Shirley, Brooklyn Salerno, Emerson Ball, Kyleigh Thompson, Kynzi Thompson, Mckenzie Busing, Presley Logsdon Hip Hop ~ Line ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 178 01:55 PM BOASTY A Addison Witucki, Alyssa Hale, Carrie Mattingly, Cassidy Demling, Chloe Gagle, Daysia Clay, Ella Jennings, Ellie Nunn, Emma Beckham, Isabelle Croft, Kaitly Roths, Kennedy Schaefer, Kenzie Carruthers, Kierstin Cooley, Kiley Adkins, Lainey Boston, Mallory Dixon, Reese Reynolds, Savannah Morris, Scarlett Hohman, Shelby Cooley, Taylor Allen, Tori Phillips Hip Hop ~ Line ~ Novice ~ 9-10 179 01:59 PM RUN IT UP K Abby Beam, Aleiyah Sullivan, Aleylah Headley, Allie Pentecost, Bella Avritt, Brooke Blanton, Brooklyn Salerno, Chevelle Coulter, Chyler Owens, Isla Fisher, Jalynne Stevens, Kennedy Stevens, Madison Abbott, Makenna Slucher, Nadia Reed, Rhyana Rickettes, Savannah Adair Tap ~ Line ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 180 02:03 PM 42ND STREET A Abby Gardner, Addison Witucki, Alyssa Hale, Brianna Horan, Carrie Mattingly, Cassidy Demling, Chloe Gagle, Corrine Witucki, Daysia Clay, Ella Jennings, Ellie Nunn, Emily Buckel, Emma Beckham, Emma Martin, Emmi Kanerviko, Gwyneth Schulte, Jalyn Anderson, Jocelyn Hamburger, Jordan Kyser, Kaitly Roths, Kayleigh Worth, Kenzie Carruthers, Kierstin Cooley, Kiley Adkins, Leslie Glasser, Macy Haydon, Madison Cummins, Mallory Dixon, Molly Dixon, Natalie Greenwell, Natalie Taylor, Nicole Huston, Reagan Reynolds, Reese Reynolds, Savannah Morris, Scarlett Hohman, Shelby Cooley, Sofia Milliner, Taylor Allen, Tori Phillips Jazz ~ Small Group ~ Novice ~ 11-12 181 02:07 PM EMERGENCY K Abby Beam, Chevelle Coulter, Chyler Owens, Isla Fisher, Jalynne Stevens, Kennedy Stevens, Madison Abbott, Rhyana Rickettes, Savannah Adair Jazz ~ Small Group ~ Novice ~ 7-8 182 02:10 PM I HATE BOYS K Ava Shirley, Carly Corbin, Eleanor Reccius, Emerson Ball, Kyleigh Thompson, Kynzi Thompson, Mckenzie Busing Tap ~ Line ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 183 02:13 PM I DON'T DANCE A Abby Gardner, Alaina Schabel, Allie Mattingly, Ava Fromich, Cassidy Demling, Christina Clevenger, Corrine Witucki, Ellie Nunn, Evelyn Schulte, Gabby Sengelaub, Gwyneth Schulte, Jocelyn Hamburger, Katherine Church, Lainey Boston, Madalyn Villanova, Mallory Dixon, Mary Grace Geiger, Nicole Huston, Rebecca Hayden, Sarah Wright, Talyah Workman Jazz ~ Line ~ Novice ~ 9-10 184 02:17 PM I"M A RULER K Abby Beam, Aleiyah Sullivan, Aleylah Headley, Allie Pentecost, Bella Avritt, Brooke Blanton, Brooklyn Salerno, Chevelle Coulter, Chyler Owens, Isla Fisher, Jalynne Stevens, Kennedy Stevens, Madison Abbott, Makenna Slucher, Nadia Reed, Rhyana Rickettes, Savannah Adair Jazz ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 185 02:21 PM BABYLON A Brianna Horan, Jalyn Anderson, Kaitly Roths, Kenzie Carruthers, Kierstin Cooley, Madison Cummins, Reagan Reynolds, Shelby Cooley, Sofia Milliner Jazz ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 186 02:24 PM FEELS SO GOOD A Allie Mattingly, Allison Knapp, Caia Anderson, Charlotte Hamburger, Clara Milliner, Darian Witucki, Kennedy Hawkins, Mollie Kate Hynes Jazz ~ Large Group ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 187 02:27 PM BRAND NEW A Abby Gardner, Cassidy Demling, Corrine Witucki, Emily Buckel, Gwyneth Schulte, Jocelyn Hamburger, Kiley Adkins, Lainey Boston, Mallory Dixon, Natalie Greenwell, Natalie Taylor, Nicole Huston, Tori Phillips Jazz ~ Large Group ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 188 02:31 PM BLEACH BLONDE BOTTLE BLUES A Addison Witucki, Alyssa Hale, Daysia Clay, Ellie Nunn, Emma Beckham, Emmi Kanerviko, Jordan Kyser, Molly Dixon, Reagan Reynolds, Reese Reynolds, Savannah Morris, Scarlett Hohman, Taylor Allen Jazz ~ Line ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 189 02:38 PM CASTLE A Addison Witucki, Alyssa Hale, Brianna Horan, Carrie Mattingly, Ella Jennings, Ellie Nunn, Emma Martin, Isabelle Croft, Jordan Kyser, Kaitly Roths, Kayleigh Worth, Kenzie Carruthers, Kierstin Cooley, Leslie Glasser, Molly Dixon, Reagan Reynolds, Reese Reynolds, Savannah Morris, Shelby Cooley, Sofia Milliner, Taylor Allen Lyrical ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 190 02:42 PM GOT IT IN YOU A Emma Beckham, Jocelyn Hamburger, Kiley Adkins, Natalie Taylor, Tori Phillips Lyrical ~ Large Group ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 191 02:45 PM AVE MARIA A Anna Hayden, Brianna Horan, Carrie Mattingly, Emma Martin, Isabelle Croft, Jalyn Anderson, Kaitly Roths, Kayleigh Worth, Kenzie Carruthers, Kierstin Cooley, Leslie Glasser, Maggie Ernst, Shelby Cooley, Sofia Milliner Lyrical ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 192 02:52 PM STILL A Jordan Kyser, Kenzie Carruthers, Maggie Ernst, Reagan Reynolds, Reese Reynolds 193 02:55 PM PRAYING A Brianna Horan, Carrie Mattingly, Kaitly Roths, Kenzie Carruthers, Reagan Reynolds, Shelby Cooley, Sofia Milliner Music Theatre ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 194 03:01 PM DON'T LOSE YOUR HEAD K Aleiyah Sullivan, Aleylah Headley, Allie Pentecost, Bella Avritt, Brooke Blanton, Brooklyn Salerno, Mekayla Lloyd, Nadia Reed, Presley Logsdon Music Theatre ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 195 03:04 PM ANOTHER OP'NIN', ANOTHER Emily Buckel, Emma Beckham, Jocelyn Hamburger, Kiley Adkins, Mallory Dixon, Natalie SHOW A Greenwell, Natalie Taylor, Taylor Allen, Tori Phillips Music Theatre ~ Line ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 196 03:10 PM BIG FINISH A Addison Witucki, Anna Hayden, Carrie Mattingly, Ellie Nunn, Emma Martin, Emmi Kanerviko, Jalyn Anderson, Jordan Kyser, Kaitly Roths, Kayleigh Worth, Kennedy Schaefer, Kenzie Carruthers, Kierstin Cooley, Leslie Glasser, Molly Dixon, Reese Reynolds, Savannah Morris, Scarlett Hohman, Shelby Cooley, Sofia Milliner, Taylor Allen Music Theatre ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 197 03:14 PM LAND OF LOLA A Ella Jennings, Jordan Kyser, Kayleigh Worth, Kenzie Carruthers, Molly Dixon, Reagan Reynolds, Reese Reynolds, Savannah Morris Music Theatre ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 198 03:20 PM WE BOTH REACHED FOR THE GUN A Brianna Horan, Carrie Mattingly, Kaitly Roths, Kayleigh Worth, Kenzie Carruthers, Maggie Ernst, Reagan Reynolds, Shelby Cooley, Sofia Milliner Open ~ Large Group ~ Novice ~ 11-12 199 03:23 PM HOT LIKE WOW C Abby Stephenson, Bailey Hendrickson, Breonna Davis, Catherine Montgomery, Crimson Hicks, Ellie Smith, Faith Wolfe, Kalyn Welch, Lilli Johnson, Makenzi Ellis, Sarah Putnam Open ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 17-19 200 03:30 PM ALL MY FRIENDS C August Greer, Bailey Hendrickson, Caitlyn Reed, Chris Hawn, Faith Wolfe, Sarah Putnam, Skyler Laszczewski Pom Pon ~ Large Group ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 201 03:33 PM FIRE AND ICE K Alyssa Walls, Ava Hofmann, Christian Knight-Gray, Claire Bratcher, Jayden Smith, Jordyn Johnson, Josie Wood, Kara Merker, Madelyn Clan, Molly Bates, Savannah Childress Tap ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 202 03:37 PM RUBBERBAND MAN A Anna Hayden, Jalyn Anderson, Kenzie Carruthers, Kierstin Cooley, Leslie Glasser, Madison Cummins, Reagan Reynolds, Shelby Cooley Tap ~ Small Group ~ 6 & Younger 203 03:40 PM I LOVE TO WALK IN THE RAIN A Annie Mathews, Emma Langenstein, Emmy Kelley, Kaydee Lenna, Londynn Wade, Macy Haydon, Maggie Sullivan Tap ~ Line ~ Novice ~ 7-8 204 03:43 PM GET ME TO THE CHURCH ON TIME A Abrey Farmer, Alannah Lutes, Alyssa Lawson, Bristol Gibson, Brooklyn Lem, Caroline Hamburger, Charlee Mathews, Davis Hawkins, Elliot Wilson, Hadley Sandefur, Harper Johnson, Imyah Carfield, Isabella Higgins, Kenna Parker, Laura Clevenger, Madison Wortham, Raelynn Lieber, Reagan Fowler, Sarah Wedding, Spencer Barnes, Zoey Davis

Tap ~ Line ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 205 03:47 PM PRINCE ALI A Abby Hale, Allie Mattingly, Alyssa Crain, Avonlea Wharton, Brennan Clark, Caia Anderson, Caroline Rinaldi, Caroline Willen, Charlotte Hamburger, Charlotte Satterfield, Clara Milliner, Darian Witucki, Gigi Henderson, Josephine Eberenz, Kaylee Mudd, Kennedy Hawkins, Mollie Kate Hynes, Rachel York, Sophie Goodlett, Sydney Farmer, Vivian Schulte Tap ~ Line ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 206 03:51 PM USED TO THE Addison Witucki, Alyssa Hale, Daysia Clay, Ella Jennings, Ellie Nunn, Emma Beckham, Emmi DARKNESS A Kanerviko, Jocelyn Hamburger, Jordan Kyser, Kiley Adkins, Molly Dixon, Natalie Taylor, Reese Reynolds, Savannah Morris, Scarlett Hohman, Taylor Allen, Tori Phillips Tap ~ Large Group ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 207 03:55 PM COUNTRY GIRL A Brianna Horan, Carrie Mattingly, Chloe Gagle, Emma Martin, Kaitly Roths, Kayleigh Worth, Kenzie Carruthers, Kierstin Cooley, Maggie Ernst, Reagan Reynolds, Shelby Cooley, Sofia Milliner Production ~ 11-12 208 03:59 PM LIVE IN CONCERT C Abby Stephenson, Ali Jacobs, Ashtyn Corley, Bailey Hendrickson, Breonna Davis, Cadence Grimes, Catherine Montgomery, Crimson Hicks, Dawson Welch, Ellie Smith, Faith Wolfe, Jacob Hawn, Kailee Boykin, Kalyn Welch, Kendall Lasater, Lilli Johnson, Macie Boggs, Makenzi Ellis, Sarah Putnam, Shaylee Jackson, Sophie Harman Production ~ 13-14 209 04:13 PM VEGAS A Abby Gardner, Addison Witucki, Alyssa Hale, Ava Fromich, Brianna Horan, Carrie Mattingly, Cassidy Demling, Chloe Gagle, Christina Clevenger, Corrine Witucki, Daysia Clay, Ella Jennings, Ellie Nunn, Emily Buckel, Emma Beckham, Emmi Kanerviko, Gabby Sengelaub, Gwyneth Schulte, Isabelle Croft, Jocelyn Hamburger, Jordan Kyser, Kaitly Roths, Kayleigh Worth, Kennedy Schaefer, Kenzie Carruthers, Kierstin Cooley, Kiley Adkins, Lainey Boston, Leslie Glasser, Madalyn Villanova, Maggie Ernst, Mallory Dixon, Mary Grace Geiger, Molly Dixon, Natalie Greenwell, Natalie Taylor, Nicole Huston, Reagan Reynolds, Rebecca Hayden, Reese Reynolds, Savannah Morris, Scarlett Hohman, Shelby Cooley, Sofia Milliner, Talyah Workman, Taylor Allen, Tori Phillips


Group Competition Block #3

Tap ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 Participant 210 05:20 PM TESSELLATE D Allie Hazelwood, Braelyn Cameron, Hannah Hutchinson, Kylie Pirtle, Lauren Foley Tap ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 7-8 211 05:23 PM WANNABE D Braelyn Short, Kloe Jackson, Malaysia Adams, Nora Mcintier, Phoebe Cobb Tap ~ Large Group ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 212 05:26 PM TOXIC D Bailey Davis, Baylee Short, Breanna Herald, Daphne Cobb, Elin Gullett, Ella Nassida, Lewis Manci, Olivia Dexter, Perry Mcintier, Tatum Benson Tap ~ Small Group ~ Novice ~ 11-12 213 05:30 PM RIGHT NOW B Ashlynn Nunn, Baya Lawalin, Bella Martin, Marisa Zuelly, Rose Marie Jacob Jazz ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 214 05:33 PM FEEL IT STILL D Bailey Davis, Baylee Short, Breanna Herald, Elin Gullett, Ella Kring, Ella Nassida, Olivia Dexter, Perry Mcintier, Tatum Benson Contemporary ~ Small Group ~ Novice ~ 11-12 215 05:36 PM ZOMBIE B Ashlynn Nunn, Bella Martin, Leivree Hagman, Miley Martin, Rose Marie Jacob Contemporary ~ Large Group ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 216 05:39 PM BIRDS D Adaleen Chaney, Bailey Davis, Baylee Short, Breanna Herald, Elin Gullett, Ella Kring, Ella Nassida, Kennidy Costa, Kylie Pirtle, Lauren Colliver, Lauren Foley, Olivia Dexter, Perry Mcintier, Tatum Benson Contemporary ~ Line ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 217 05:46 PM THE OTHER SIDE D Adaleen Chaney, Bailey Davis, Baylee Short, Breanna Herald, Courtlyn Hoover, Daphne Cobb, Elin Gullett, Ella Kring, Ella Nassida, Emmy Rudacille, Holly Welch, Kaylee Durbin, Laney Rudacille, Macy Kate Coston, Olivia Dexter, Perry Mcintier, Stella Hatfield, Tatum Benson Open ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 218 05:53 PM WAVES B Claire Hurley, Kynli Lambrecht, Leivree Hagman, Lilly Glenn, Ryan Love Contemporary ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 219 05:56 PM CAN'T RUN FROM IT D Kennidy Costa, Kylie Pirtle, Lauren Colliver, Lauren Foley, Savannah Hurst Contemporary ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 220 06:02 PM NOTHING TO FEAR D Allie Hazelwood, Brooke Isaacs, Carlie Gibbons, Hannah Hutchinson, Mollie Stonecipher, Savannah Hurst Hip Hop ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 221 06:08 PM GET YO ICE CREAM H Ariah Kretzer, Claire Devers, Jayda Johnson, Taylor Williams Jazz ~ Small Group ~ Novice ~ 7-8 222 06:11 PM TOOK THE NIGHT D Adalyn Noland, Aniyah Newman, Maci Meeks, Reagan Manci 223 06:14 PM WORKIN 9-5 B Aurora Harpenau, Ava Crecelius, Jaydan Corley, Macy Martin, Mia Martin Contemporary ~ Large Group ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 224 06:17 PM HEAVEN I KNOW D Allie Hazelwood, Braelyn Cameron, Brooke Isaacs, Carlie Gibbons, Ella Nassida, Hannah Hutchinson, Holly Welch, Kennidy Costa, Kylie Pirtle, Lauren Colliver, Lauren Foley, Mollie Stonecipher, Savannah Hurst Jazz ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 7-8 225 06:21 PM DEM BEATS D Braelyn Short, Hallie Hamilton, Kloe Jackson, Maci Meeks, Malaysia Adams, Nora Mcintier, Phoebe Cobb Jazz ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 226 06:24 PM DON'T STOP D Adaleen Chaney, Bailey Davis, Courtlyn Hoover, Emmy Rudacille, Holly Welch, Laney Rudacille Jazz ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 227 06:27 PM WHAT I WOULDN'T DO D Allie Hazelwood, Brooke Isaacs, Carlie Gibbons, Hannah Hutchinson, Mollie Stonecipher Lyrical ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 9-10 228 06:30 PM NORTH D Braelyn Short, Hallie Hamilton, Kloe Jackson, Malaysia Adams, Nora Mcintier, Phoebe Cobb Lyrical ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 229 06:33 PM PEOPLE HELP THE PEOPLE D Daphne Cobb, Emelyn Melton, Kaylee Durbin, Macy Kate Coston, Stella Hatfield Lyrical ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 230 06:36 PM CARRY YOU D Baylee Short, Breanna Herald, Elin Gullett, Ella Nassida, Olivia Dexter, Perry Mcintier, Tatum Benson

Lyrical ~ Small Group ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 231 06:39 PM THE FACE D Allie Hazelwood, Brooke Isaacs, Carlie Gibbons, Hannah Hutchinson, Mollie Stonecipher Music Theatre ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 7-8 232 06:42 PM HARD KNOCK LIFE D Braelyn Short, Hallie Hamilton, Kloe Jackson, Maci Meeks, Malaysia Adams, Nora Mcintier, Phoebe Cobb Music Theatre ~ Line ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 233 06:45 PM CAN'T STOP THE BEAT D Adaleen Chaney, Bailey Davis, Baylee Short, Breanna Herald, Courtlyn Hoover, Daphne Cobb, Elin Gullett, Ella Kring, Ella Nassida, Emmy Rudacille, Holly Welch, Kaylee Durbin, Laney Rudacille, Macy Kate Coston, Olivia Dexter, Perry Mcintier, Stella Hatfield, Tatum Benson Open ~ Small Group ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 234 06:49 PM ULTRALIGHT BEAM B Claire Hurley, Kynli Lambrecht, Leivree Hagman, Lilly Glenn, Ryan Love Tap ~ Small Group ~ Novice ~ 7-8 235 06:52 PM SISTERS B Aurora Harpenau, Ava Crecelius, Jaydan Corley, Macy Martin, Mia Martin Production ~ 13-14 236 07:00 PM TIK TOK D Adaleen Chaney, Allie Hazelwood, Bailey Davis, Baylee Short, Braelyn Cameron, Braelyn Short, Breanna Herald, Brooke Isaacs, Carlie Gibbons, Courtlyn Hoover, Daphne Cobb, Elin Gullett, Ella Kring, Ella Nassida, Emelyn Melton, Emmy Rudacille, Hallie Hamilton, Hannah Hutchinson, Holly Welch, Kaylee Durbin, Kennidy Costa, Kloe Jackson, Kylie Pirtle, Laney Rudacille, Lauren Colliver, Lauren Foley, Lewis Manci, Macy Kate Coston, Madison Cole, Malaysia Adams, Mollie Stonecipher, Nora Mcintier, Olivia Dexter, Perry Mcintier, Phoebe Cobb, Savannah Hurst, Stella Hatfield, Tatum Benson


TOP 10 Awards for ALL Groups*

*TOP 10 group awards attendance will be limited to 5 dancers accompanied by 1 adult each per studio. All studio directors/teachers will be welcome to attend as well. Sunday, February 21 Ages 11-12 Solo Competition

Jazz ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 11-12 Participant 237 07:45 AM JAILHOUSE ROCK H Lexi Arvin 238 07:48 AM GONNA BE A GOOD DAY B Marisa Zuelly Jazz ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 239 07:51 AM I DON'T SPEAK GERMAN J Maya Douglas 240 07:54 AM VOGUE J Lexie Senger 241 07:57 AM STRAIGHT UP J Addie Klotter Jazz ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 242 08:00 AM JUKE BOX O Madelyn Williams 243 08:03 AM FEELING GOOD (Title) D Breanna Herald 244 08:06 AM DANGEROUS D Elin Gullett Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 11-12 245 08:09 AM OCEANS M Novah Williams 246 08:12 AM STORY OF MY LIFE A Charlotte Satterfield 247 08:15 AM TRUST IN YOU M Elle Readle 248 08:18 AM FEARLESS M Emiley Riker 249 08:21 AM SPEECHLESS M Lindsey Woods 250 08:24 AM WHAT A FEELING J Makenzie Ganim 251 08:27 AM SCARS TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL M Brooklyn Query Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 252 08:30 AM FOREVER (Title) N Madi Roberts 253 08:33 AM PUT A LITTLE LOVE IN YOUR HEART N Kaia Chizum 254 08:36 AM IRRELEVANT J Addi Loudon 255 08:39 AM RAINBOW F Avery Huyvaert 256 08:42 AM I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU (Title) J Kaylyn Brunck 257 08:45 AM WONDERING M Ava Sturgeon 258 08:48 AM SUITCASE N Mckenna Deckard 259 08:51 AM MY WAY J Peyton Calvin 260 08:54 AM WHEREVER YOU WILL GO M Avion Murry 261 08:57 AM FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE N Isabella Feldman Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 262 09:00 AM REMEMBRANCES O Madelyn Williams 263 09:03 AM GOLD (Title) J Madison Weibel 264 09:06 AM I DON'T THINK ABOUT YOU (Title) J Brooklyn Rooms 265 09:09 AM RATHER BE (Title) N Emerson Wendling 266 09:12 AM WONDERING (Title) N Erin Herwehe Ballet ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 267 09:15 AM ONCE UPON A DREAM A Ava Fromich 268 09:18 AM ESMERALDA VARIATION B Kynli Lambrecht Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 11-12 269 09:21 AM AMAZING MAIZIE A Madalyn Villanova 270 09:24 AM MY PARTY DRESS D Stella Hatfield Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 271 09:27 AM ON BROADWAY (Title) J Addi Loudon 272 09:30 AM HOO DOO VOO DOO DOLL (Title) J Isaiah Wyer 273 09:33 AM EVERYBODY SAYS DON'T (Title) J Kaylyn Brunck 274 09:36 AM NEW YORK NEW YORK (Title) J Peyton Calvin Short Break

Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 Participant 275 09:49 AM STUFF LIKE THAT THERE (Title) J Madison Weibel 276 09:52 AM ALTO'S LAMENT (Title) D Breanna Herald 277 09:55 AM I WANT TO BE EVIL (Title) J Brooklyn Rooms 278 09:58 AM SPEAKING FRENCH D Elin Gullett Tap ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 11-12 279 10:01 AM IT'S YOUR THANG (Title) J Sophia Mays Tap ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 280 10:04 AM WHATEVER IT TAKES F Avery Huyvaert 281 10:07 AM COUNTING STARS N Addie Glinski 282 10:10 AM SIR DUKE N Zoe Czap 283 10:13 AM TELL ME YOU LOVE ME O Aaryn Cooper 284 10:16 AM INTERGALACTIC D Daphne Cobb Hip Hop ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 11-12 285 10:19 AM FIND GOD B Bella Martin Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 11-12 286 10:22 AM COME FLY WITH ME J Morgan Kelch 287 10:25 AM FOUND E Callie Mauldin 288 10:28 AM HARD SOMETIMES M Lucy Yon Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 289 10:31 AM WATER J Jocie Mattei 290 10:34 AM DEEP END M Avion Murry Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 11-12 291 10:37 AM ASHT J Madison Weibel 292 10:40 AM HAPPIER (Title) D Breanna Herald 293 10:43 AM NUMB D Tatum Benson 294 10:46 AM WAY DOWN WE GO D Olivia Dexter 295 10:49 AM INCOMPLETE (Title) J Lauren Long 296 10:52 AM THURSDAY D Baylee Short Open ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 11-12 297 10:55 AM CONFIDENT OPEN K Bella Avritt 298 10:58 AM GOTTA LOTTA M Kaydee Sims 299 11:01 AM STOP ME NOW M Novah Williams 300 11:04 AM READY OR NOT B Ashlynn Nunn 301 11:07 AM LET'S GET LOUD (Title) J Addy Antonczak 302 11:10 AM GOTTA BE ME M Ella Winchell 303 11:13 AM GET READY M Emiley Riker 304 11:16 AM ATTENTION M Taylor Heeman 305 11:19 AM I DO MY THING M Brooklyn Query 306 11:22 AM GET IT, GET IT C Kailee Boykin Open ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 11-12 307 11:25 AM OPEN MY PREROGATIVE K Aleylah Headley 308 11:28 AM CIRCUS (Title) J Julia Worthington 309 11:31 AM SHAKE THE ROOM (Title) M Ava Sturgeon

Ages 11-12 Solo Awards

Ages 13-14 Solo Competition

Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 13-14 Participant 310 12:20 PM WHEN THE PARTY'S OVER H Taylor Williams Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 311 12:23 PM HUMAN D Ella Kring 312 12:26 PM RAIN DANCE (Title) H Claire Devers 313 12:29 PM WARRIOR D Kaylee Durbin 314 12:32 PM RISE K Jordyn Johnson 315 12:35 PM DYING IN LA J Evie Broom 316 12:38 PM FAR FROM HOME D Courtlyn Hoover 317 12:41 PM I FOUND (Title) B Ryan Love Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 318 12:44 PM OPEN HANDS (Title) D Perry Mcintier 319 12:47 PM I QUIT (Title) H Ariah Kretzer 320 12:50 PM THE WAY I DO D Ella Nassida 321 12:53 PM RESCUE (Title) D Holly Welch 322 12:56 PM CHASING ALL THE STARS D Adaleen Chaney Hip Hop ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 323 12:59 PM WORK IT H Jayda Johnson Jazz ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 324 01:02 PM ESCAPADE (Title) J Bridget Worthington 325 01:05 PM KINGS AND QUEENS D Kaylee Durbin 326 01:08 PM I GOT IT K Jordyn Johnson 327 01:11 PM YOU MADE ME DO IT K Josie Wood Jazz ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 328 01:14 PM MAMA KNOWS BEST (Title) O Lila Oliver 329 01:17 PM LOVE DON'T COST A THING (Title) J Zayla Graff 330 01:20 PM MIRACLE D Bailey Davis Acro/Gymnastics ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 331 01:23 PM SOUNDS OF WAR (Title) J Cherryanna Meadors Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 13-14 332 01:26 PM STONE COLD K Madison Abbott Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 333 01:29 PM I HAVE NOTHING H Claire Devers 334 01:32 PM SILENCE K Josie Wood 335 01:35 PM FAME (Title) J Jordyn Senger 336 01:38 PM WHERE AM I AT A Reese Reynolds Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 337 01:41 PM STILL O Bailey Hasseld 338 01:44 PM IS IT MINE (Title) J Savanna Acree 339 01:47 PM YOUR SONG (Title) N Nicole Azar 340 01:50 PM NATURAL WOMAN (Title) J Zayla Graff Pointe ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 341 01:53 PM DIVENIRE (Title) B Ryan Love Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 342 01:56 PM IMPOSSIBLE YEAR J Evie Broom 343 01:59 PM GET HAPPY (Title) J Jordyn Senger 344 02:02 PM BIG SPENDER A Reese Reynolds Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 345 02:05 PM GIRL SCOUT O Ella Alexander Short Break

Tap ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 Participant 346 02:18 PM POISON (Title) H Jayda Johnson Tap ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 347 02:21 PM MOONLIGHT N Nicole Azar 348 02:24 PM BLAME IT ON THE BOOGIE N Ava Chizum 349 02:27 PM COPACABANA (Title) O Ella Alexander Open ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 13-14 350 02:30 PM AINT NO SUNSHINE E Kayma Galloway Open ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 351 02:33 PM HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT J Katie Woolwine Open ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 352 02:36 PM DARKSIDE (Title) J Savanna Acree 353 02:39 PM MARCELINE (Title) O Lila Oliver 354 02:42 PM BRICK HOUSE (Title) J Zayla Graff

13 & Older Duet/Trio Competition

Contemporary ~ Duet ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 Participant 355 02:50 PM WORDS TO LIVE B Claire Hurley, Ryan Love Contemporary ~ Duet ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 356 02:53 PM CASTAWAY H Ariah Kretzer, Claire Devers Contemporary ~ Duet ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 357 02:56 PM WE WILL ROCK YOU E Kathryn Dawson, Vanessa Ramos Contemporary ~ Trio ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 358 02:59 PM CIRCLES N Kassidy Soelter, Kenzie Smith, Savannah Venter 359 03:02 PM IF YOU WANT LOVE D Allie Hazelwood, Brooke Isaacs, Hannah Hutchinson Lyrical ~ Duet ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 360 03:05 PM STANDING WITH YOU D Kaylee Durbin, Macy Kate Coston Lyrical ~ Trio ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 361 03:08 PM COULDV'E BEEN N Erin Herwehe, Nicole Azar, Sofia Nool Lyrical ~ Duet ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 362 03:11 PM A MOMENT LIKE THIS N Emma Nielsen, Hannah Morgan 363 03:14 PM TAKE MY BREATH AWAY N Amanda Goins, Savannah Venter Lyrical ~ Duet ~ Competitive ~ 17-19 364 03:17 PM DREAMS N Kassidy Soelter, Kenzie Smith Music Theatre ~ Duet ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 365 03:20 PM TYPICAL GIRLS NEXT DOOR A Kenzie Carruthers, Reagan Reynolds Music Theatre ~ Duet ~ Intermediate ~ 17-19 366 03:23 PM SAY MY NAME A Kaitly Roths, Kayleigh Worth Tap ~ Duet ~ Intermediate ~ 13-14 367 03:26 PM SIR DUKE J Jordyn Senger, Kendall Johnson Tap ~ Trio ~ Competitive ~ 13-14 368 03:29 PM WE WILL ROCK YOU D Bailey Davis, Ella Nassida, Olivia Dexter Tap ~ Duet ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 369 03:32 PM HIGHER LOVE N Amanda Goins, Savannah Venter 370 03:35 PM UNDERGROUND D Allie Hazelwood, Kylie Pirtle 371 03:38 PM DOWN O Kendall Wyly, Sydney Brown Tap ~ Trio ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 372 03:41 PM GUNS & SHIPS D Braelyn Cameron, Kylie Pirtle, Lauren Foley

Open ~ Duet ~ Novice ~ 13-14 373 03:44 PM HIP HIP CHIN CHIN E Jayden Ramos, Kayma Galloway Open ~ Trio ~ Novice ~ 13-14 374 03:47 PM MAKE ME FEEL C Abby Stephenson, Ellie Smith, Sarah Putnam Open ~ Duet ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 375 03:50 PM DIED IN YOUR ARMS J Finlay Hinkle, Mackenzie Combs 376 03:53 PM SHALLOW C Chris Hawn, Sophie Harman

Awards For Above

15 & Older Solo Competition

Acro/Gymnastics ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 Participant 377 04:45 PM BIRD BOX (Title) J Emma Sandker Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 15-16 378 04:48 PM OUT LOUD K Abi Maderic Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 379 04:51 PM HURT K Lindsey Price 380 04:54 PM JULY M Alivia Coleman 381 04:57 PM CONTROL M Chloe Willis 382 05:00 PM UN-BREAK MY HEART (Title) E Vanessa Ramos Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 383 05:03 PM PLASTIC 100 DEGREES CELSIUS (Title) D Carlie Gibbons 384 05:06 PM OLD PINE D Hannah Hutchinson 385 05:09 PM UNCHAINED MELODY J Samantha Pendergrass Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 17-19 386 05:12 PM LEAVE A LIGHT ON K Madelyn Clan Contemporary ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 17-19 387 05:15 PM THE CHAIN (Title) N Amanda Goins 388 05:18 PM MY STORY (Title) D Allie Hazelwood Jazz ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 15-16 389 05:21 PM LEVITATING G Kylee Ramage 390 05:24 PM KILL OF THE NIGHT A Isabelle Croft Jazz ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 391 05:27 PM LE JAZZ HOT D Brooke Isaacs 392 05:30 PM I GOTCHA (Title) J Samantha Pendergrass Jazz ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 17-19 393 05:33 PM BLACK VELVET (Title) J Madison May 394 05:36 PM KISS A Brianna Horan Jazz ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 17-19 395 05:39 PM I GOT YOU (Title) J Connie Viars 396 05:42 PM READY D Allie Hazelwood Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 15-16 397 05:45 PM LIGHT A Emma Beckham 398 05:48 PM THE VOICEMAIL (Title) C Faith Wolfe Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 399 05:51 PM MY HEART WILL GO ON (Title) C Bailey Hendrickson 400 05:54 PM BELIEVE J Finlay Hinkle 401 05:57 PM LANDSLIDE K Christian Knight-Gray 402 06:00 PM MISSED J Mackenzie Combs 403 06:03 PM LONELY A Kaitly Roths Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 404 06:06 PM TURNING PAGE D Brooke Isaacs 405 06:09 PM I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY (Title) N Hannah Morgan 406 06:12 PM WITHOUT YOU N Emma Nielsen 407 06:15 PM HOW N Savannah Venter 408 06:18 PM PART 2 (Title) J Samantha Pendergrass 409 06:21 PM PRAY YOU CATCH ME (Title) O Kendall Wyly 410 06:24 PM I'M HERE A Kenzie Carruthers Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 17-19 411 06:27 PM IN CASE YOU DON'T LIVE FOREVER A Chloe Gagle

Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 17-19 412 06:30 PM HEAL A Shelby Cooley 413 06:33 PM HURT (Title) J Madison May 414 06:36 PM IF THIS IS THE LAST TIME A Madison Cummins Lyrical ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 17-19 415 06:39 PM TENERIFE SEA (Title) N Kassidy Soelter 416 06:42 PM FOOLISH GAMES N Marah Lemasters 417 06:45 PM IRIS A Maggie Ernst 418 06:48 PM EVERYBODY HURTS O Shea Koley 419 06:51 PM TOO GOOD AT GOODBYES (Title) N Kenzie Smith 420 06:54 PM I WILL BE (Title) J Connie Viars 421 06:57 PM WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL (Title) N Amanda Goins 422 07:00 PM DREAMS O Kara Van Dyke Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 15-16 423 07:03 PM I GOTCHA A Kierstin Cooley Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 424 07:06 PM LE JAZZ HOT A Ella Jennings Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 425 07:09 PM MONEY (Title) J Emma Sandker 426 07:12 PM RITA'S CONFESSION A Sofia Milliner 427 07:15 PM KEEP MOVING THE LINE A Kenzie Carruthers Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 17-19 428 07:18 PM 100 WAYS TO LOSE A MAN A Kayleigh Worth Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 17-19 429 07:21 PM NEVER CAN SAY GOODBYE A Jalyn Anderson 430 07:24 PM GUY THAT TAKES HIS TIME A Carrie Mattingly Music Theatre ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 17-19 431 07:27 PM CABARET A Maggie Ernst Tap ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 432 07:30 PM STRONGER THAN YOU B Leivree Hagman 433 07:33 PM DO IT LIKE THIS A Emmi Kanerviko Tap ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 434 07:36 PM GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS (Title) D Kylie Pirtle 435 07:39 PM ALWAYS BE MY BABY (Title) N Savannah Venter Tap ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 17-19 436 07:42 PM SOMEONE NEW A Shelby Cooley Tap ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 17-19 437 07:45 PM YOU CAN FIND ME N Marah Lemasters 438 07:48 PM BANG O Sydney Brown 439 07:51 PM MOON RIVER (Title) D Allie Hazelwood Open ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 15-16 440 07:54 PM YOUNG & BEAUTIFUL (Title) C Abby Stephenson Open ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 15-16 441 07:57 PM FALSE CONFIDENCE M Alivia Coleman 442 08:00 PM STRUT M Chloe Willis 443 08:03 PM WHOLE LOTTA WOMAN (Title) C Breonna Davis Open ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 444 08:06 PM PHENOMENAL WOMAN (Title) O Kendall Wyly Open ~ Solo ~ Intermediate ~ 17-19 445 08:09 PM SILENCE A Carrie Mattingly 446 08:12 PM FEELING GOOD (Title) C Chris Hawn

Open ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 17-19 447 08:15 PM HOOPS O Shea Koley 448 08:18 PM LOVE SONG (Title) N Kenzie Smith 449 08:21 PM VIENNA O Kara Van Dyke Open ~ Solo ~ Novice ~ 20 & Older 450 08:24 PM SWEET DREAMS C Caitlyn Reed Student Choreography ~ Solo ~ Competitive ~ 15-16 451 08:27 PM MAMA MAKES 3 A Kenzie Carruthers

15 & Older Solo Awards