The Power of the Spiritual Master

Date: 2002-07-21 Author: Devakinandana das

Hare Prabhus and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances and all glories to Srila Prabhupada and Gurudev.

Kalachakra's Prabhu's quoting of Muni's exalted position as a spiritual master is so important for our devotional life - because it is fairly easy to minimize the spiritual master's position when one is swimming the quagmire of maya - so easy to see him through the defective senses and judge him based on the defective experiences.

The fact remains that just with the spiritual master being pleased or displeased, one's spiritual life can rise or fall deeper into the material modes of nature.

Ramachandra Puri was disciple of Madhavendra Puri, as was Iswara Puri, the spiritual master of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.Formerly when Madhavendra Puri was at the last stage of his life, Ramachandra Puri came to where he was staying. Madhavendra Puri was chanting the Holy Name of Krsna and sometimes he would cry out in separation from the Lord. Ramachandra Puri was so foolish that he fearlessly dared to instruct his spiritual master and admonished him by saying, "If you are in full transcendental bliss, why are you crying?" Madhavendra Puri rebuked him and because of incurring his displeasure. Ramachandra Puri glided into material desires and was bound by the modes of material nature. Iswara Puri, on the other hand, served his gurudev without any comments but would do great menial service like cleaning up his stool and urine when Madhavendra Puri was ill with his own hands. He was always chanting the Holy Names of the Lord and in this way, he helped his spiritual master remember the holy name and pastimes of Lord Krsna at the time of his death. Pleased with his disciple, Madhavendra Puri embraced him and gave him the benediction that he would be a great devotee of the Lord.

Thus, as Antya Lila Chapter 8 texts 31 and 32 state:

"Thus Iswara Puri became like an ocean of ecstatic love for Krsna, whereas Ramachandra Puri became a dry speculator and a critic of everyone else."

"Iswara Puri received the blessings of Madhavendra Puri, whereas Ramachandra Puri received a rebuke from him. Therefore these two persons are examples of objects of a great personality's benediction and punishment."

From the above wonderful story, we learn the effects and symptoms of pleasing or displeasing the . Pleasing the spiritual master is the goal and breath of our existence.Therefore it is imperative that we follow Bhagavatam in the treatment and service of the spiritual master.


"The spiritual master should be considered to be directly the Supreme Lord because he gives transcendental knowledge for enlightenment. Consequently for one who maintains the material conception that the spiritual master is an ordinary human being, everything is frustrated. His enlightenment and his Vedic studies and knowledge are like the bathing of an elephant."

Thank you very much Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudev, Devakinandana das