July 2016 Disaster situation in Sri Lanka

...defending the weak and the fatherless See page 6 NEWSLETTER

Inside this month’s Newsletter...

Dear Partner in Hope Page 2

Meeting in the Student Homes - Page 2

Anastasiia’s Camps Page 3

Christianity in Page 4

Hope Now Youth/Nina’s Story - Page 5

Disaster Situation in Sri Lanka - Page 6

Love Ukraine - Internats Page 7

Thank You / Verkhnyachka Church - Page 7

Prayer Diary A welcoming flower for our visit to the internat - Page 8 see page 2

“Bringing hope by sharing the love of Jesus” www.hopenow.org.uk Dear Partner in Hope... Summer is here! Blazing sunshine, strawberries, Wimbledon and summer holidays. Here in the UK we lag behind Ukraine as the schools there rang their “last bells”, marking the end of term on the 27th May. As guests of School 20 we were able to www.hopenow.org.uk take part in some of the celebrations as the final year graduates said farewell to move on to colleges, universities or a working life. JULY 2016 On Saturday all 36 schools in Cherkassy joined together to parade through the city Newsletter contacts: behind local dignitaries and the band. Editor: Claire Zillwood The purpose of this visit was to accompany Rev David John to the Bible Email contact: School session and also introduce Jon [email protected] White to Ukraine for the first time. Just as Students leave with their teacher the students were stepping out into a new Contact us: phase of their lives, so too, Jon was seeing new things for the first time. My Hope Now International prayer is that as he sees Ukraine with fresh eyes he will be able to encourage a Head Office younger generation both here in the UK and in Ukraine. Malvern Centre Along with David we were also invited to the prison again, and with the Malvern Road help of a donated guitar we were able to join Prison Officers for a meal and Southampton have fellowship with them along with Prison Chaplain, Anatoli Perepilitsa. We SO16 6PY were able to discuss the problems encountered by the officers on a daily basis and they were happy for us to pray with them, inviting us to return again soon. Tel: 023 8078 0720 Visiting children in the Internat and Rescue Shelter is always a bright Fax: 023 8051 0680 experience; it seems that no matter what their backgrounds are there is always a welcoming smile for the visitor. Jon White was able to share the story “A Father to the fatherless, a defender of Jesus in the boat and encourage the young people that whatever their of widows, is God in His holy dwelling.” past was like they can now trust in Jesus. Working in partnership with these Psalm 68:5 organisations means we really can make a difference in these young lives and Hope Now is a Christian I give thanks that God has brought us all together to do His will. Thank you for charity that aims to “bring your continued support and prayer, please pray specifically for the children hope, by sharing the love attending summer camps at Kompas Park and in the villages that the light of Christ will shine on them all. of Jesus and making Him known by ministering to Jon Budgell those in spiritual, physical and emotional need.” Meeting in the Student Homes We want the message of the These are blessed homes with ten girls living in now. All the girls are Gospel to touch the hearts of different and special and have become a family of our organisation. young and old, rich and poor, In May that was a special meeting, the girls were ready to meet Jon healthy and infirm, free and White, a youth leader. All were nicely dressed and Valya even took her imprisoned. pandora. She played a Ukrainian melody. Then we sang songs both in Hope Now works in Ukraine, English and Ukrainian. Violeta, Tanya and Moldova, Sri Lanka and Marina were a nice trio. Then we heard Myanmar. the beautiful voices of David and Jon and the girls sang with them. All the girls were given gifts - teddy bears. The shaggiest bear Registered Charity No: 1072038 was given to shaggy-haired Tamara! GAYE No: 7201 Praise God for the homes. The girls learn Company No: 358953 to serve in camps, to give volunteering help to Hope Now and to know God better. We love you, dear friends. Coordinator Larisa Vovk

2 A Camp at the Village of Tereshky In 2007 when I studied at a Bible institute I began to dream about church at the village of Tereshky. Tereshky is the village where my father was born, it is not far from Shpola. At the Bible institute we learned how to organise a church and since that I pray for this village. This is the third year when we organise the Christian camp here. But this year I feel really blessed. First of all we stayed at a house of a Director of the Tereshky School and his wife made a decision to change All Girls’ Team her life. She asked me to give her a Bible and was really happy to receive lessons, craft and sport. Nina and it. Our work with the children is Anastasia decided to go with us to a big testimony of God’s love not the next village camp. only to the children but also for the We also gave the school uniform, school staff and the parents. After So this is the code: So God that Jon brought to Ukraine, to the camp, teachers asked us to give created man in His own image, in the participants of the camp. They them Bibles and older children the image of God he created him; liked it very much and Ruslan – the received illustrated New Testaments. MALE and FEMALE he created them. Director of the School asked if it This year the number of the The girl Anastasia, 14 year old, possible to have this uniform for all participants was twice more than received a prize Teddy bear (that Jon the 75 pupils. last year. And we called the camp brought to Ukraine from England) Thank you very much for your square 127. Children had to guess for decoding the code. help, thank you Claire for the crafts, what does it mean 127. To guess There were many new children thank everyone for the prayers and the code they needed Bible but at the camp. The girl Dasha said that help. Today we are going to another there appeared no Bible at their she’d never been to a camp before village – next trials and blessings are homes. Only one girl took a Bible and she liked it very much, the same waiting for us. from school library and won a prize. said 14 year old Yaroslav whose P.S. Talking about God’s blessings I We divided the campers into two family moved to Tereshky from forgot to say that on the way to Tereshky teams this year: Boys and Girls; Donetsk region. I got into car accident. One man didn’t like the girl driver and he overtaken me during the camp they had different I also was happy to have local and pressed the brake, because of wet competitions and finally came to the leaders this year. Nina, Alina, road after rain our cars got into ditch. conclusion that Boys and Girls are Bogdan, Anastasia – they joined Praise the Lord that there was nothing created in God’s image. our team and helped to lead Bible more than shock and one broken lamp. Anastasiia Summer Blessings at Zvenigorodka Zvenigorodka town has been in my and what I saw amazed me very much. prayers for five years. We wanted to At the last day of the camp children start Bible groups there several times, usually receive presents, and the first but that seems to be a spiritual war present they received were illustrated as every time that could not happen. New Testaments. These children from Last year we decided to work not Zvenigorodka after receiving those at Zvenigorodka town but at the New Testaments were so happy and villages of Zvenigorodka district. And even kissed the books. Watching this Books for the children that happened successfully. picture I praised the Lord that He’d This year my joy was really big, because my friends broken the evil walls and gave us an opportunity to from Shpola town came to have Christian camp at one share the Gospel among this spiritually hungry people. of Zvenigorodka schools. I came to help at the last day, Anastasiia 3 Full religious liberty Christianity in Ukraine Gorbachev’s ‘glasnost’ reforms brought full religious liberty Rich History and Positive Future with major changes to Christian The Rev Brian G Cooper, a retired Baptist minister, a supporter of Hope Now, and life in Ukraine. Freedom for faith Founder/Director of ‘Christian East-West Reconciliation’ writes about the history of blossomed with many previously Christianity in Ukraine, and from his personal experiences of visiting the area. closed churches being re-opened Origins Church (UAOC) in 1921. and new ones constructed by Orthodox and Evangelicals alike. The story of Christianity in the Soviet-era Ukraine knew Ukrainian lands is very complex, The Uniate Church (UGCC) became shaped over the centuries by both persecution and re-established with full freedom unwelcome circumstantial changes, limited freedom of worship, and Pentecostalists pressures from outside powers - When I first visited Kiev on an formerly within the Baptist Union especially Poland, Austria-Hungary, ecumenical delegation in 1970, I separated to form their own union. vividly recall attending the joyful Imperial Russia and - Independence brought and evolving national consciousness. celebration of the Feast of St. Vladimir in St. Vladimir’s Cathedral, further change to the Saints Cyril and Methodius are pattern of the country’s celebrated for spreading the Gospel thronged with many hundreds of in Slav lands in late 9th to early 10th worshippers. I visited centuries-old Christian life Most notably and controversially, centuries. monasteries and churches kept beautifully as museums and art Metropolitan Filarret of Kiev, leader Baptism of Prince St . centres. No longer places of worship, of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Vladimir they yet witnessed to Ukraine’s rich linked with the Moscow Patriarchate The official ‘conversion’ of the region Christian tradition, and not only to (UOC-MP), broke from the latter from ancient paganism came in its cultural heritage. I also learned to form the fully independent 988 with the baptism of Prince St. that UGCC Christians, their church Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kiev Vladimir (Volodymyr), who made officially banned, continued to meet Patriarchate). Church buildings Eastern-rite Christianity the state in secret congregations. became divided between the two religion of Kiev Rus and ordered the institutions. Taking into account the mass baptism of Kievans in the river Well-established Baptist continuing Autocephalous branch of Dnieper. (Russians see this landmark churches Orthodoxy, the latter now has three event as origin of Russian Orthodoxy, Years later, on a preaching tour distinct expressions, with mutual as that of Ukrainian across USSR, I addressed packed tensions regrettably increasing with Orthodoxy.) However understood, congregations at two large, well- the Russo-Ukraine crisis. However, it it made Eastern Orthodoxy the established Baptist churches in is a tribute to the faithful devotion main Christian expression for Kiev. I was deeply moved by the of Orthodox believers that so much of Ukraine’s turbulent wonderful singing, the fervent many look beyond these structural history. Late mediaeval Polish prayer, the rich exposition of the divisions to focus on regular local expansion brought Catholicism Bible by my fellow preacher, and the worship and personal piety. deep sense of fellowship. Enquiring and a Catholic-Orthodox hybrid A deeply Christian people church, the Eastern Rite Ukrainian about ‘unregistered’ churches, I was Historically, the people of Ukraine Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), told the situation was complex: have been among the most deeply or ‘Uniates’, a distinct expression some met openly in established Christian anywhere in Europe. This of faith blending Orthodox-style premises, while others met secretly. has not diminished amid the political worship with allegiance to the These Baptists and other Evangelical turbulence of recent decades, but Pope (formally founded 1596). For churches in Ukraine originated rather grown. Evangelical churches some centuries it was influential. from German missionary work in form the distinct Bible-based Eventually the Ukrainian Orthodox 19th century, while Lutherans and minority within Christianity in Church, in allegiance to the Moscow Mennonites came a century earlier. Ukraine. Regular readers of the Patriarchate (UOC-MP), became the I was fascinated to learn from a Hope Now Newsletter are constantly major church of the nation. The 1917 Russian Baptist leader in Moscow, encouraged by so much very Soviet Revolution and brief Ukrainian in the pre-Gorbachev years, that positive news of church growth and independence saw more change, Ukraine’s Baptists were the strongest faithful witness to the Gospel of with the setting-up of the separate and most growing anywhere in the Jesus Christ: long may it be so. Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox whole Soviet area.

4 Jesus is the difference Last month I had my first experience in that place they had friends, travelling to Ukraine to discover food and they were cared for. first-hand the impact of God’s love At the Internat, one teacher through the work of Hope Now, and I told me how all the children wasn’t disappointed. who come to them go It was certainly a busy trip: meeting sponsored through a big transformation, students from Bethany House & Swindon House, with many initially not trusting visiting School 20, the Rescue Shelter, Mykhaylivka adults, storing up pain and Internat, the Kompas Park site, Prison 62, Special School resentment, but then after a 16, House of Gospel Church and First Baptist Church, while starting to cry, open up as well as various meetings with individuals we help and be released from their support – all in 3 ½ days! Each of the places I went to past. The thought of children Jesus is making the difference left an imprint on my heart, each place revealing how going through such darkness in children’s lives God is changing the atmosphere in the lives of many saddens and angers me, but the hope of Jesus is alive who desperately need it. I met many children from in these places. Jesus is making the difference in these broken backgrounds: desperate, confused and hurting. children’s lives through the work of Hope Now. I love We asked an 11 year old boy at the Rescue Shelter how the hope of Jesus overshadows even the darkest ‘What was it like when you were younger?’ To which he shadow. instantly replied, ‘I don’t remember’, as he quickly turned You can read all about my experiences on the Hope to face the floor. Even despite the pain that this young Now Youth blog at https://hopenowyouth.wordpress. boy unwittingly displayed to us, I’m not sure I’ll ever com/ which you can also find links to via our new truly comprehend the burdens these children carry. Facebook page ‘Hope Now UK’ or And yet, all I see around me was pure happiness – at on Twitter @hopenowuk. both the Shelter and the Internat – an enthusiasm born Jon White, out of newly found comfort and love. Two girls at the Youth Development Worker Shelter summed it up well when they explained how

read. I could not understand much, but when I read about the sufferings Nina’s story... of Jesus Christ I cried for days. Then The Ray possible and she poured it out on I’ve got a radio and Saturday was of Hope herself. She was punished and had my favourite day as there was a (visually- to collect rubbish. She found a dead Christian radio programme. After impaired) rat and brought it in. And there she those programmes I spoke to God for group visited heard how stupid she was. the first time. And then I don’t know a church She had a very nice blouse, it was how it happened but I started to pray in Svidivok a gift from her mother. They came everywhere. village. That to check her room and opened her Soon I was taken to First Baptist was their cabinet and seeing it they said it Nina Syva Church in Cherkassy. I came to the third visit. was not in order and confiscated it. Lord there. I was given a small room to The people there were impressed to The food was not tasty; they didn’t live in and got some friends who lived meet blind people in black glasses. allow her to take more bread, so she nearby. We help each other. My life is It was very quiet in the congregation always felt she was hungry. So there completely changed. My mum is now when Nina Syva started to share her were ten hopeless, joyless years. at peace about me. testimony. After the college she was sent to I am invited to Ray of Hope group Nina was born blind. She make nets for Champagne bottles, and share my testimony wherever we was mocked as a child in her her life was empty, she would often go. Once I wouldn’t even dream I could kindergarten. They didn’t believe ask a question: “What for do I live? I be an encouragement to others. she could not see. When she was am a blind nonentity.” I was helped to get a laptop and seven she was sent to a special Once she got a thought to learn how to use it now. I want to school for the blind. The education commit a suicide. She started to find my classmates and tell them was build on competitions and she think about painless ways for that. about Jesus. They almost all ruined would always lose letting her class But then God started to work in themselves by drink. But my life with down. Those were ten hard years. her life. She says, “One lady (I knew Jesus is full of joy, hope and peace.” Nina didn’t like beet soup, but her from the internat) offered me a Thank you for making a difference in she needed to eat it as quickly as New Testament in Braille. I started to Nina’s life. 5 NEWS FROM SRI LANKA Disaster Situation in Sri Lanka • Purchased dry rations such as rice, dhal, sugar, tea leaves, curry powder, boxes of matches, canned fish, and distributed among the churches and CBOs where they are located in higher grounds from the sea level where people could gather when their houses were under floods. • Prepare meals and distribute them when the people coming Clarence Mendis reports on the recent heavy rains, out from their houses with little floods and earth slips belongings left with them leaving As already informed by the media districts out of 25 districts in Sri the rest aside. the prevailing weather situation Lanka. According to the Disaster • Shelter the needy in Community has caused severe disturbance Management Centre released centres and halls to keep them to many people living in the records as of 19th May; safe for few days until the water Western, Southern and the Central • 414,627 people are affected level goes down. provinces of Sri Lanka. The rains • 286 houses being fully destroyed • Purchase food parcels from exceeded 300mm within a short • 3,057 houses being damaged several cooking places and period which continued in the • 600 refugee camps directly visit the flood areas with central hills of the country and • 58 deaths the assistance of Police officers, the south west monsoons with • 122 people missing Army personnel, Government thunder showers, lightening, flash • 28 injured officers and other volunteers to floods were experienced. As at distribute among the people who now more than 500,000 people Farms staff have been trained to are without meals and water since are displaced, several thousand face disaster situation. When the their houses were flooded and houses were under water including Meteorology department informed belongings washed away being most popular districts such as Farms General Manager (as he unable to prepare their meals. Colombo and Gampaha. All schools serves in many committees with Farms staff also had to undergo are being closed as the heavy the Government), he was called severe weather conditions with rains have caused damage to 22 for a special meeting with the heavy rains and winds but with President and Treasurer of Farms enthusiasm was courageous to Lanka Board of Management serve the victims with Lord’s love and the operational staff at the and care as a Christian witness. Headquarters in Moratuwa and Please pray that God will give discussed to take immediate steps us the strength to support our in rescue and relief operations countrymen at this time and also to which commenced on 17th restore their lives back to normal as May. The Board of Management soon as possible. advanced finances to purchase Clarence Mendis emergency relief items. We are in need of help to We are supporting Farms Lanka in providing relief for the overcome the present disastrous victims of this disaster. If you situation with day to day basic would like to contribute to the needs such as meals, clothing, and Disaster Fund please send your schooling materials. The following donation to Jon Budgell at the are the steps taken by Farms: Hope Now Office. Thank you.

6 July

This month our Love Ukraine article is featuring orphanages, called ‘Internats’ in Ukraine. Giving support to orphans, their parents having lost their parental rights, and the most vulnerable other, less common now are taken off the streets. As you has always been can imagine the skills of the internat staff have to be wide the top priority of and varied. At Myhialovka internat the children are always Hope Now’s work happy and pleased to welcome us as are the director and and neglected staff, they are shown love and care; given every opportunity Who has the biggest smile? children need to to grow up in a safe environment. With supporters help we be given hope. have been able to install indoor toilets, a drying room and Over the years we have supported internats in several new washing machines over the last few months as well as towns throughout the Cherkassy region including Shpola, having the opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus and Vilshana. The children come from a range of each time we visit. If you would like to support this area of backgrounds, some have no family at all, some are social our work please mark your gift “orphan fund”, thank you.

I break the rules. I thought that once But the main I am grown-up, I could live without a medication is Thank you... diet, but it appears that this illness is hard to buy as it’s My name is Andrii Ostrtk and I’m 19 for good. I’m thankful to my parents really expensive. years old. Jon came to our school in and kind people like you for giving The last hope is Mykhailivka and told me about help me the opportunity to keep my diet such kind people given to me through Hope Now by and I can have a chance to live and as you. I want a Sponsor, so I’ve decided to write do the things I want. Now I study in to say a huge a letter. I was really touched to hear Smila, at the technical school and “Thank you” and that a man I have never seen before, my major specialty is IT. I also learn wish you and your family health, had a strong desire to help me. English. In my free time I go in for happiness and peace. Let just good Since my childhood I’ve been judo, dancing and fishing. My friends people be around you forever. on a special diet. When I was a don’t even know that I have health Andrii Ostrik child, it was easy to keep it, as my problems and my life is so special. mum would serve it to me. Now To help me with my diet, my parents If you would like to sponsor a young it’s hard, there are a lot of different order special food from Poland, as person and make a difference in their life, please contact Jon at the office. temptations around and sometimes we don’t have it here in Ukraine. Verkhnyachka Village Church Whenever I visit Ukraine and the many different married couples. There is some form of Christian music churches I am always struck by their enthusiasm and for and a brief message. Last summer the church held the many ways in which they reach out to people with three camps for children and at Christmas 50-60 young the gospel. people heard the Christmas story. The church has a The church at Verkhnyachka is in a village of 4000 weekly Bible Study on Thursday and their urgent need people and with 500 children. The church holds Coffee is to be able to purchase some tables and chairs for evenings twice monthly particularly to attract young their various functions. Valerie Reddaway

Donation to Hope Now

Name ......

Address ......

...... Postcode ......

Amount ...... To be allocated to ......

To be Gift Aided ...... Signature ...... Please send your donation to : Hope Now International Head Office, Malvern Centre, Malvern Road, Southampton SO16 6PY

7 PRAYER DIARY July 2016 FRIDAY 1st a significant birthday today MONDAY 18th MONDAY 25th As the summer camps continue, and celebrates with family and Pray for protection for Valerii Pray for Jon W and Claire, giving pray for Alla, Ksenya and a friends. Petrochenko in the work he does thanks for the skills they have to number of Ukrainian volunteers with his team through ‘Power enhance the work of the staff in who will be working at Kompas SUNDAY 10th of the Spirit’ to take food and the UK. Park this year. Pray for Natalya and the clothing supplies to the East. members of Zozulenka, that TUESDAY 26th SATURDAY 2nd during this summer break they TUESDAY 19th Pray for Anastasia Vovk and her Pray for the many men, women will be refreshed ready for their Pray for our staff in Ukraine, team of young people, as they and children who will be staying tour in the autumn. for Misha, Ludmila, Larisa travel to the villages to arrange at Kompas Park this summer, for and Svieta, also for Tamara of camps for the children. physical and spiritual rest and Kompas Park, giving thanks for renewal. MONDAY 11th Pray for all the staff and children all the work they do. WEDNESDAY 27th in the Rescue Shelter, that there Pray for Jon and Hope Hughes, a SUNDAY 3rd will be wisdom in how each WEDNESDAY 20th trainee doctor who is travelling There are many medical needs child is assessed and dealt with. Pray for the Cherkassy School of to Ukraine with him today, to in Ukraine, so pray that we have Biblical Studies - for David John look at our medical work prior to sufficient money in our medical as he oversees the work and being part of a camp. fund to assist all those in need of TUESDAY 12th Pray for Jon and the Directors training there, and for the tutors our help. as they meet this evening, that who do the teaching. THURSDAY 28th they will have wisdom and unity Once again give thanks for MONDAY 4th in all decisions. THURSDAY 21st our volunteers as they come Pray for Dr Doreschenko and Pray for Jon, for the many together today for our monthly his mobile medical team as responsibilities he has and for mail out. they visit the villages offering WEDNESDAY 13th Pray for the House of Babies, wisdom in all decisions he needs medical help alongside spiritual that all the children there will to make. guidance. FRIDAY 29th feel secure and loved and can be Pray that our Mission Fund found loving homes as soon as FRIDAY 22nd receives sufficient donations TUESDAY 5th possible. Pray for Clarence Mendis and during these next two months, Pray for all the girls in our Pre- for the work of Farms Lanka always lower due to the summer Independence flats, that as they amongst the widows and holidays. learn to live independently they THURSDAY 14th Pray for the work that Brother children in Sri Lanka. grow into mature young women. Mung does in Myanmar, that SATURDAY 30th he can be used to spread the SATURDAY 23rd Pray for Jon W, Phoebe and WEDNESDAY 6th Christian message amongst Pray for the work being done Anthea as they travel today to Pray for Larisa Vovk as she those he visits. amongst the visually impaired, join Jon B and Hope already in mentors these young ladies and in particular for the Ray of Ukraine to be part of the TEFL and leads them in Bible Studies Hope group that meets at Alpha camp. helping them to grow spiritually FRIDAY 15th Pray for all the disabled people House. too. who are able to benefit from the SUNDAY 31st Day Care Centre, who would find SUNDAY 24th Pray for all the children we THURSDAY 7th any training elsewhere hard to Pray for the work in the prisons support in the Crasnaseni Day Pray for the boys in Swindon find. amongst the prisoners and Centre in Moldova, giving thanks House, that they can enjoy their guards alike, and pray for that they are cared for and fed studies as they too learn to live Sasha Tarasenko and Anatolii by the staff there. independent lives. SATURDAY 16th Continue to pray for peace in Perepelitsa overseeing this Ukraine, that the East and West ministry. FRIDAY 8th can be united again, and all Pray for Jon as he takes Muriel to hostilities finished. visit her sponsees today. It will Summer Camps be her first time in Ukraine and HARD OF HEARING 11-18 June SUNDAY 17th an opportunity to see first hand TEFL CAMP 30 July-6 Aug the difference that can be made. Pray for the Refugees in Cherkassy, that they can FOOTBALL CAMP 6-13 Aug settle and find work and CHILDREN’S CAMP 13-20 Aug SATURDAY 9th accommodation as they relocate Please continue to pray for the WIDOWS’ CAMP (1) 4-11 Sept Pray for Jon Barnes, one of in this region of Ukraine. Summer Camps and that all our Director’s, as he reaches costs will be met. WIDOWS’ CAMP (2) 11-18 Sept

HEALTHCARE ORPHANS EVANGELISM • Mobile Medical Unit • Foster Care • Village Camps • Medical Treatment Fund • Rescue Shelter / House of Babies • Ray of Hope Group • Hospital visiting • Internats (Orphanages) • Christmas Mission

PRISON MINISTRY SUMMER CAMPS EDUCATION • Support for ex-prisoners • Kompas Park • Alpha House English Classes • Working in Prisons • Alpha House • Student Sponsorship Hope Now International Head Office • Prison Evangelism • Camps for the Disabled • School visits and support Malvern Centre, Malvern Road Southampton SO16 6PY ZOZULENKA SUPPORTING CHURCHES ELDERLY • Ukrainian Music Group • Bible School • Widows’ Camps Tel: 023 8078 0720 Fax: 023 8051 0680 from the School of Arts • Pastors • Food Programmes www.hopenow.org.uk • Equipment and facilities • ‘The Nest’