Hemiballismus: /Etiology and Surgical Treatment by Russell Meyers, Donald B
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.13.2.115 on 1 May 1950. Downloaded from J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 1950, 13, 115. HEMIBALLISMUS: /ETIOLOGY AND SURGICAL TREATMENT BY RUSSELL MEYERS, DONALD B. SWEENEY, and JESS T. SCHWIDDE From the Division of Neurosurgery, State University of Iowa, College ofMedicine, Iowa City, Iowa Hemiballismus is a relatively uncommon hyper- 1949; Whittier). A few instances are on record in kinesia characterized by vigorous, extensive, and which the disorder has run an extended chronic rapidly executed, non-patterned, seemingly pur- course (Touche, 1901 ; Marcus and Sjogren, 1938), poseless movements involving one side of the body. while in one case reported by Lea-Plaza and Uiberall The movements are almost unceasing during the (1945) the abnormal movements are said to have waking state and, as with other hyperkinesias con- ceased spontaneously after seven weeks. Hemi- sidered to be of extrapyramidal origin, they cease ballismus has also been known to cease following during sleep. the supervention of a haemorrhagic ictus. Clinical Aspects Terminology.-There appears to be among writers on this subject no agreement regarding the precise Cases are on record (Whittier, 1947) in which the Protected by copyright. abnormal movements have been confined to a single features of the clinical phenomena to which the limb (" monoballismus ") or to both limbs of both term hemiballismus may properly be applied. sides (" biballismus ") (Martin and Alcock, 1934; Various authors have credited Kussmaul and Fischer von Santha, 1932). In a majority of recorded (1911) with introducing the term hemiballismus to instances, however, the face, neck, and trunk as well signify the flinging or flipping character of the limb as the limbs appear to have been involved.
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