University of Cincinnati News Record. Friday, April 26, 1968. Vol. LV, No
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~J..) University' of Cinctnnati N E W.SR:·E',~CO·RD Published Tuesdays and Fridays during the ACadc~l1ic Y~;;rexcept <ISscheduled. Vol. 55 Cincinnati, Ohio, Friday, April 26, 1968 No.43 I" • ' Newman Appears For Sen.' McCarthy Paul 'Newman, one of Hollywood's top leading men, appeared before an over-· flowing crowd of 3500 plus in Wilson Auditorium yesterday in an effort to re- cruit - support for presidential hopeful Senator Eugene McCarthy. In his appeal Newman urged stu- dents to participate in a mass exodus from UC to Indianapolis Friday night and Sat- urday morning in order to fire a door-to- .door campaign 'for the Minnesota Senator. He encouraged' interested persons to con- tact Cincinnati's McCarthy headquarters (541-0272) - to arrange sufficient" trans- THE EVIL HAND of the elements smashed through Falmouth, Ky. TuesddY, leaving homes in shambles and power lines definitely out of order. Photo by Todd Bardes portation. He called for people who' were prepared to "give up the eleven o'clock movie and give one day on the precinct and one Senate Approves' Publication Heads; buck." The McCarthy support, Newman .... ' said, was turned from a whisper to a roar in Wisconsin. when college students can- Weissenberger Seeks Student- Support vassed 1,322,000 home. He called for stu-. dents in the Indiana and Ohio area to by Patrick J. Fox' 'concerning next year's Senate in relation The elected Corresponding Secretary, circulate literature to .give citizens some to their individual office: Brian Zakem was not avaliable for com- idea of the man. "I'd like to see 2,000 The Senate, last Wednesday, approved PresidentW oissenberger replied: ment by press time. people from this school going to Indiana the installation of Lenny Green, A&S-69, "In this challenging year student' gov- Before giving the oath to the incoming this weekend." He was referring to the as Editor of the 1968-69 News Record. Senate, retiring President, Larry Horwitz, : McCarthy rally in Indiana that hadn't re- ernment needs the support and active The, Senate, in voting on the nomina- participation of all undergraduates on this offered his ideas 'of the Senate to the new ceived any publicity at the time of New- man's speech. "You'd have to get used tions of the Publication Board for next campus. The students have to recognize 'Senators. President Horwitz emphasized that "there is a responsibility, as Senators, to eating peanut butter and people have year's editors and business managers of that it is only through their willingness to represent the students." "\.. donated their ba~ements for the rally." to become involved in government that UC publications, did" not approve the Frank Nutter, this past year's Vice- Though he admitted that the students the student Senate can become a viable nomination of Cheryl Smith as Editor of ,would be roughing its he said they would student vinstrument." President, presented a plaque to President the yearbook-s-the Cincinnatian. The Sen- Horwitz from the Senate for his '.'dedicat- _come'away fromt it feeling a much bigger Bob Collins, Vice-President;' fuade~ 'this ate-voted against Miss Smith because;' as ed service to the Senate.",' A standing person. "That's where our action is and Senator Joe Herring stated, "The students' statement: ovation followed. that's where, our hopes are," he said. interests were not represented at the "I feel that we have a hard working Publication Board's nominations." (The administration, and'we will work diligently two senators voting at the nominations in the, students' interest." were not in attendance.) Newly-elected Gary Hirshfeld, the new Greeks Take Top Awards Besides approving Lenny Green, pres- Recording Secretary, commented: ently Advertising Manager of the NR, the "I want to put as much efficiency as I Enthusiasm ran high -in Wilson Audi- also in the girls' chugging contest during Senate also approved Toby Beseker as can into the position by devoting enough torium Tuesday night as outstanding the Phi Rap Chug-off. Business Manager of next year's News time to do a good job for the Senate." fraternities, sororities, and Greek men and The group which Won'first place trophy Record. Others approved for next year, women were honored" by' their fellow for the Greek Games in the fraternity di- by the Senate were the following: Greeks. vision was Kappa Alpha Psi. Cincinnatian, Mike Ullman, Bus. Mgr. Strike. Receives The convocation, which started at 7:30, Individual Greeks were also honored at Student Directory (the campus telephone marked.a high point in the Greek Week the convocation. SAE's John Hagner was book), Roger Horsley, Editor; and Larry activities which began last Friday with a singled out as the most outstanding Greek Herbst, Bus. Mgr. Profile Magazine (the Varied Reaction torchlight parade down Clifton Ave. The man of 1968, while Salli Harrington of Theta Phi Alpha won the honors as' the UC literary magazine), Jon Valin, Editor; lt P 1 next four days were filled with competi- b A tr. and Nancy Karesh, Bus. Mgr. y l- er eertess tive. games and projecvnrof t's In wh·-"hIC tHe outstanding Greek woman. Finally, Sharon Fitzpatrick and Gary In other business; both, the old and new "I haven't even heard of it" ... "I don't- groups were able-to win points. The groups Menchhofer were thanked by Panhell, on Senate voted on the officers of the 1968- know what 'to think" . "I don't know which scored the highest recei~ed their behalf of all the Greeks, for organizing 69 Senate. Elected to office were Senator what the 'reaction will be." These were awards Tuesday night. ' some .of the comments made by college P' K/ 'Al h f t it f th Greek Week. Brian Zakem, A&S-71, as Corresponding .. 1 appa para erlll y, or e sec- administrators In respect to the student d vear J lk d ff ith th Secretary, replacing Senator Joe Herring; strike. on year In a row, wa e 0 ,WI e Gary Hirshfeld, Pharmacy-70, as Record- . trophy for the most constructive Help ing Secretary, replacing Alice Rose, Junior The strike, called by Student RelIgIOUS Week. Help Week or Hell Week as it is I. Nursing and Health Senator; and Maynard -r Liberals, ~he. Ohi~ Pe~ce Action Cou.ncil, usually called, im~ediatelY precedes ini- J . Knestrick, CCM-69,as Treasurer, replacing and the Cincinnati Action for-Peace, IS to' tiation into a, fraternity . Senator Dennis Cleeter, graduating Busi- take place. today, from 8:00... a.m. to 4:00 Ano. th er secon.~ , d-tiIme-aroun ddt',awar wen -p.m. In front" of the University Center. t S" Ph' E 'I Th . S' E ness Administration Senator. ... 0 Igma 1, PSI on. e 19 ps won The NR asked each of the Senate-elected The',..purpose of the strike IS to give stu-, agam". Ph'l' Kappa Thet'a s Brother ton officers along with student-elected Presi- dents and. faculty a day off from classes T h ' so they can engageIn "relevant educatio~ rop y. .' dent, Glen Weissenber~r and Vice-Presi- on peace and justice at home and abroad." <. ,The meIQbers' of Sigma Chi fraternity dent, Bob Collins' to~~ke a statement Dr. Charles Weichert, Dean of the Col~' this year presented- their - scholarship t:fl lege of Arts and Sciences, stated that award to Triangle in recognition of -the "'C' faculty members could use thei~ own dis- most outstanding improvement In grades cretion on whether or not to hold classes. over 1967;'Then the Sigs themselves were He said. that this strike has not been '~e- honored. with the jrophy for the-mostat- cognized by the administration. Dr. Wei- tractive litter carried in Friday's parade. (.) (\eJl chert added that it is unfortunate that Lambda Chi Alpha received -a trophy llI(C J.L,. C'J) many professors have scheduled tests for for the best-looking house'<decorations in LJ:') <;f today so 'students may not, be able to_miss the fraternity division, while ~eta Tau z class. Alpha was singled out -as having the ,most, o • 0 Dr. Claude Sowle, Dean of the College beautiful house decorations among the ">-(1) l- :r: 0::- ';';: 01 of Law, said' he -was aware that the pos- sororities. ..:( ::> tt:'- (.) sibility -of a strike existed,but he didn't Phi Kappa Theta cheered "Can you beat l- roO u, -< think any, classes would be called. those Lambda Chi's?-Hell YES!" when ,.J (/) 0 % Although the majority of faculty mem- they were awarded the trophy for the ..J % • "'I: bers contacted did not actively support best .parade costume. Sentiment against 0-> o the strike, some apparently will call off the Lambda Chi's was brought on by that 0;::' - ~ uJ2 classes. Dr. Deiter Dux, Head of the De- fraternity's winning 'so many awardadur- Cfl :;J ~•., ::> partment of Political Science, did not ing Greek Week. formally call off class, but he told his stu- A second sorority honored Tuesday was IN SU'PPORT: OF UC's Greek Week an dents last Wednesday that he would see Theta Phi Alpha. The Theta Phi's were anxious coed gives a pint of blood. them at the teach-in on Friday. high scorers in the Greek Olympics and photo by John Sedgwick Page Two UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI t~EWS RECORD Friday, April 26, 1968 Ma,ke Love And ,War,' ;~Operation Telent .Problem Of Drug' Abusers We' Can Afford Both On April 3 the Student Senate passed "OPERATION TALENT: Organize, utilize, and accom- Calls For Study, Ac'tion plish," a proposal by Brian Za- The.