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THE ~I~ AERO PHILATELIST ANNALS VOLUME I, No. 1 JULY, 1953 THE ~i~ AERO PHILATELIST ANNALS * * A QUARTERLY MAGAZINE ON AERO-PHILATELY • * 6/his !Issue ~atures: e THE DISCOVERY OF ANOTHER U. S. BUFFALO BALLOON COVER e THE 1930 HONDURAS OFFICIAL ISSUE e SPAIN'S 1926-36 COMMEMORATIVES Jl:rmatl STA~ll' COLLECTIXG We offer to collectors th e world's most efficient service in forming outstanding collections of Airmails in every phase of Aerophi lately: NEW ISSUES: We maintain a complete New Issue Service of mint Airmail Stamps, including the scarce issues. By subscribing to this service you are assured of acquiring new items in the most eco­ nomical way. Write for folder giving full particulars. RARITIES: We handle rare airmail issues which are issued in very limited quantities and usually not obtain­ able in the open market. ERRORS AND VARIETIES: Through our many connections all over the world, we are in a position to offer a large number of scarce errors and varieties to our clients. Most of these issues are submitted on our New Issue Service as they appeared, before prices increased. AIR LETTER SHEETS : We also service new issues of air letter sheets- a new and very popular field of Aerophi lately. Our service offers all new air letter sheets. including scarce issues. Write for further detai Is. AUCTION SALES : Our next sale will take place some time in the early fall. If you are not on our mailing li st, please write for the catalog of the forthcom­ ing sale which will include mint and used airmail stamps. We welcome your inq uiries regarding any of the above services. F. W. IIBSSLER 500 Fifth Avenue ew· York 36. N. Y. JULY 1953 THE AERO PHILATELIST ANNALS U. S. Buffalo Balloon (H. M. Coodkind) ................................................ 3 ii Srcu111/ Cuvrr ii N uw iu a Fa111u11s d ir 11/ll il Cullu tiuu Surinam 5 Cid. of 1941 .. ..... .. ..... ... ... ..... .. ..... .......... ....... ........ .......... .. .. .. 6 Cuusidrrrd tlir Brst of tlit' 1 rwrr Air St11111 ps Sudan (Jules L. Wacht) ... .............................................. ......................... 7 Disco11 tiu 11 i119 tlir Uu of A ir ,l/r1 il Stamps Newfoundland DO-X Stamp . ..... .. ...... .... ....... ........ ... .... ......... ............ ...... 9 A frw Uud un Drop ,llail Owr L o11do 11 autl Paris Iceland Zeppelin Issue ( H. M. Coodkind) .......... ........................... .... ..... 11 T t,•rnt)" uf thr 3oa. D isr1Jt1rretl lf"itli D o11blr Ut•1•rpri11 t Inverted Center Air Mails ................... .. ................................................. 12 Tllt'rt drt Six K11 ow11 , X ot Fivr Honduras 1930 Official Air Mails ( Irving I. Green) ................................ 13 A Drrp S tud,. of thr L rgitimotr aud 8 09 11 1 fsstt rs Editorial ...... ... .. ............ .. ...... .................. .. ........ .. ........ ................. ..... ......... 21 Officers and Directors .............................................................................. 22 Letters to The Editor . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 President's Message . .. ..... .... ...... ...... ...... .... .. .. ....... ...... ..... ... ........ ... .. ......... 25 Spain (M. Galvez, H. M. Coodkind) 27 1926-36 Cru111111'111o rntit•I' I Ssttt'I July. 1953 Henry M. Coodkind, Editor 1 37 East 94th St., New York 28, N. Y. All commun1cat1ons regarding publication. editorial matters, all literature for review should be sent to the Editor. Organization matters and all communications relating to Aero Philatelists, Inc. should be mailed to: AERO PHILATELISTS, Inc. 1860 BROADWAY NEW YORK 23, N. Y. THE AERO PHILATELISTS ANNALS published quarterly each year by Aero Philatelists, Inc., 1860 Broadway, New York 23, N. Y., a non-profit corporation, chartered in New York State. Printed by J. W . Stowell Printing Co.. Federalsburg, Md. Entered as Second-Class Mat- ter .................. at Federalsburg, Md. under Act of March 3, 1879. Distributed free of charge to all members of Aero Philatelists Inc. in good standing. Back numbers, when available, for sale at $I .25 each. ADVERTISINC RATES Advertising is accepted only from members or firms of which one 1nd1v1dual Is a member of Aero Philatelists. Rates are as follows : Cover- Second .................... $22.50 Per insertion Third .....................• 22.50 Per insertion Fourth .................... 25.00 Per insertion Inside- Page rate ................ 20.00 Per insertion Half page ................ 12.50 Per insertion Subject to 2000 discount for four consecutive insertions. This discount applies only if the space taken rs the same size in each issue. TO JOIN AERO PHILATELISTS Simply fill in the Membership Application on Page 35 and mail to: AERO PH ILATELISTS, Inc. 1860 Broadway New York 23, N. Y. Copyright, 1953, by Aero Philatelists, Inc. l _Lao l'ltilaldi.~ I A1111ahi BUFFALO BALLOON COVER >l o Longer Unique In the " anabria Air Post Catalogue" under U nited Scares' emi-Official Air ~1Iail Stamps, .\ o. · o 1 is listed as follows: 1877. BG F'FALO BALLOO:\. ls.ued in connection " ·ith balloon Rights br Samuel Archer King. ..J copy is k11ow11 011 flown rot•er from Gnllnti11, T n111., addressed lo H nrrotlsburg. K y. u •ith rulditio11nl Jc gree11 postage n11d post office cn11cellntio11. {See anabria' Airpost ;\ ews, Feb. 1936). Printed in strips from single die. Imperf. ·01 01 FIVE C E:\TS deep blue ------·-- ---- - - ___ (;\l int) S~50.oo CO\ -ER ------------- __ $3,000.00 Although the publishers of "Sanabria Air Post atalogue" had been informed that another Buffalo Balloon cover existed. they did not list it because it had never been sub­ mitted to chem for visual examination ... Th, Air P ost J u11 r11nl" of ~ ovember, 19~5 ill us­ t rated a photoirraph of the ~eco n d cover to!!ether with a photograph of the cover described in the anabri a Air Post Catalogue. Aero Philatelist's C hapter .\11. 1 at its February 26, 19 3 meeting literally was " lifted out of its seats'' when a member rose before the meeting to show his latest acquisi­ t ion " ·hich he had secured the day before. 'n1is was a Buffalo Balloon cover herewith illust r:Hed and the same one pictured in the Air Pust J ournnl of November, 19{ -. The cover mentioned in the anabria catalogue as the only one known (the anabr ia editor has e;\aminecl rhe second cover and ,,·ill amend the next edition of the carnlogue}, although declared authentic by aero-philatelic authori ties, does nor have rhe scamp tied co the cover a~ true of so man)• early U nited Sta tes covers with Local stamps. Thu some Rn"'ra ia to day• DR. BLACK I E'S Jkltool for l;1rl11 af\J Y01u1s ~adiet1, U "' t h··n> .;; ln··I. \\:'II\ 1Ll.E. Tl\\ k/J I -· \ · Fig. I The Buffalo Balloon cover. The heavy reddish color killer has been filtered to show the stamp better. L. W . Charla! supplied some additional info rmation about this cover, which is highly interesting. E. F. Gambs. the addressee, was one of the leading stamp deal­ ers in the Un ited States in those early years of American philately. The fact that a cover was sent to him might explain why such a historical item was preserved, while this particular cover could possibly be ranked as one of the earliest known " philatelic covers". July, 1953 3 U. BC.: FF,1LO B./LLOON will always hold resen•arions about an) CO\'er where no proof can ever be rroduced to shO\\ that the stamp "as affo.. ed ar the time of mailing. The -ramp on rhe ne\\ I) acquired cover is tied as can he ~een. It i, inrercsrinf! to ob>crve that the Gallatin. Tennessee can­ cellation dated June 18, 1877 tie, in \\ ith rhc Gallatin. Tennessee June 18, 1877 cancella­ tion on the cover menrioned in 'anahria. ( E\-Dr. Cole. no\\ in the ~Ir~ . Lou be Hoffman Collection). ome \'Cr} comprehensi\C~ article• l.a\•e heen \\ ritten ahuut chi, " Buffalo Balloon" ~tamp. " Tlir 1l irpuJt }rn1run/'' of Auf!u•r. •9+!- iJe,crihed the stamr and it" postal history. And recent!) in its December. •9'i2 and .Januan . 19·3 numh~r' added considerahlr to the story in an article authored by E. l-l ilde,heim. " ~leke cl',," of April 27, •9+2 ran an article " Buffalo Balloon Pu~taj!e. ~c '\ a.hville, Tt'nn .. 18n" h) \ '. Leyounl? Ardiff. And then there i the article reierred to in the anahria C:Haloirue h\ the late :-. icola ana­ bria in "The n11nbrin .l irpr1J1 X tto" nf Fehrt.U) •9l6. Bcrnu<c ot the recent acquisi­ tion of a second "Buffalo Ballm·n" ccl\er. it >lwul1l he timrl) to read aj?ain what ~lr. ':inabria hnd \\rittcn in 1936. Thc1efurc hi- account 1< reprinted:- " BALLOO~ " TA~IP EARLIE T t.: :-. ITED TATE ' "AIR" ADHE I\'E B\ "ICOLAS SA~ABRIA Fifty-nine )'Car' ai:o the " t. Loui~ Philateli>t". accordini: to the -.tudies of Roscoe B. :\lartin, carried an ad\•ertiscment offerini: "Buffalo Balloon tamp" at ten cent each. Thi stamp i the Buffalo Balloon 'tamr. printed in deer blue, \\ hich ha~ come to be recoi!llized a" the earliest air mail adfle~i\'e ~tamr used on an) balloon ascen ion in the l:nitcd tate . There are um·erified tatemt'nts that halloun' in their e\perimenrnl Aight m the earlr year of the 19th Century and even earlier carried letters. Fig. 2 The stamp and 1hc cancel as 1t actual'y appears, taken from an untouched photograph. 4 Aero Pltilrtfclist .l1111als ~ ~ BUFFALO BALLOON Fig. 3 That portion of the back of the .. Buffalo Balloon" cover showing the " St . Louis, Mo. June 19. 9 P. M." arrival mark. ( Plto101 by Boutrtllt) Robert P aµanini in presencinJ! a list called '"l,;. Pionee r Flights, 1793-19 17" (in the '"American Philatelist") prefents a~ "'°\ umber O ne" a Philadelphia-Woodbury ( Balloon) Ail!ht. cptembe r t. 1793. :'.\ o doubt "balloon" ei.rerime nc~ \\ere 1-einl! made in 1793, but whether the nited care' P o•t Office D epartment, tl:cn 1.nder ti-<' j!uidancc uf T imothy P icke ring of Penn­ S} lrnnia.
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