Academic Development, 335–336 Acrobat Reader, 334 Adams
Index Academic development, 335–336 Alumni effect, 59 Acrobat Reader, 334, 293, 466, 472–473, 476 Adams, Rick, 470 American Airlines, 477 Adbusting, 439 AMOS project, 450 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), Anders, Mark, 471 113–120 Anderson theorem, 128 Adhocracy, 229 Ant, 257–258 Adobe Systems, 334 Apache Group (AG), 171–172 Agent-based modeling, 297, 304, 323 Apache server, 99, 171–188, 293, 469, Agnostos, 293 475 AGNULA project, 450 code ownership, 181–182, 186–187 Allchin, Jim, 441, 465 and commercial projects, 179–181, AllCommerce, 145, 147 183–184 Allman, Eric, 62 Concurrent Version Control Archive Allocating resources, 297–323 (CVS), 167–168, 175 agent-based modeling, 297, 304, 323 coordination mechanisms, 204 C-mode/I-mode production, 306 core developers, 55, 149, 172, commercial software, 306–307, 322 177–179, 186–187, 206 effort endowments, 310–312, 321 defects, 182–184, 187–188 microbehaviors, 320 developer contributions, 145, 147, modularity, 308–309, 311 155–156, 176–181, 403 motivation, 304–305 development process, 171–176 problem choice, 309 distribution, 164 release policies, 314, 316–318, 320–321 and IBM, 333 reputational rewards, 306–309, 314, leadership, 65, 157 322 licensing, 367, 402 simulation, 309–315 mailing list, 167, 172–173 social utility measurements, 315–317 and Mozilla, 192, 195–200, 207–208 user needs, 321–322 Problem Reporting Database Alpha testing, 132 (BUGDB), 168, 172–173, 176, 181, Altruism, 48 184, 204 526 Index Apache server (cont.) Bioelectric field mapping, 428–429 releases, 175 Black box, F/OSS as, 151–153 reputational benefits, 61–62 Blackboard, 295 resolution interval, 184–185 Bloaty code, 182–183 robustness, 288 Bostic, Keith, 62 testing, 174, 187–188 Boston Consulting Group, 25 Usenet newsgroups, 173 Bouquet du Libre Prime Minister as user innovation network, 267–268 agency action, 448 Apache Software Foundation, 398, Boyle, Robert, 418–420 402–404 Brooks, Fred, 109–110, 120, 235 Apple Computer, 333 Brooks Law, 95, 109–110 ArgoUML, 259 BSD, 230, 280, 367.
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