QATAR | Page 2 SPORT | Page 1 Xavi to inspire kids, refugees as Generation INDEX DOW JONES QE NYMEX QATAR 2-11, 30-32 COMMENT 28, 29 QU to focus on Amazing REGION 11 BUSINESS 1–9, 13–16 ‘nine pillars’ 18,339.24 10,465.73 46.80 ARAB WORLD 12 CLASSIFIED 10–13 +110.94 -7.50 +2.13 INTERNATIONAL 13–27 SPORTS 1–12 for its growth ambassador +0.61% -0.07% +4.77% Latest Figures published in QATAR since 1978

THURSDAY Vol. XXXVII No. 10226 September 29, 2016 Dhul-Hijja 27, 1437 AH

GULF TIMES www. 2 Riyals

In brief Opec agrees

REGION | Defence Saudi navy to hold oil output cut exercises in Gulf Many traders said they were Opec countries such as Russia. sense” as part of any output limits. Saudi Arabia’s navy will hold impressed Opec had managed to Oil prices jumped more than 5 % to Riyadh had said in past that it would exercises in the Gulf and the reach a compromise after years of trade above $48 per barrel as of 2015 reduce output to ease a global glut strategic Strait of Hormuz early next discussions GMT. only if every other Opec and non- week, the navy chief said yesterday. Brent crude settled up $2.72, or Opec producer followed suit. Exercise “Gulf Shield 1” will also take Reuters 5.9% , at $48.69 a barrel, hitting a Iran has argued it should be exempt place in the Sea of Oman, with ships, Algiers more than two-week high of $48.96. from such limits as its production re- planes, marines and other personnel US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) covers after the lifting of EU sanctions taking part, said Royal Saudi Navy crude rose by $2.38, or 5.3% , to settle earlier this year. commander Abdullah al-Sultan. Opec yesterday agreed modest oil at $47.05, after a peak $47.45, its high- Saudi Arabia is by far the largest Gulf Shield 1 is part of a series of output cuts in the fi rst such deal est since September 8. Opec producer with output of more exercises the fleet has carried out in since 2008. The oil rally spilled over into the than 10.7mn bpd, on par with Russia the area, Sultan said in comments “Opec made an exceptional deci- stock market, with Wall Street’s index and the United States. Together, the cited by the off icial Saudi Press sion today... After two and a half years, of energy shares rising 4% on track to three largest global producers extract Agency. Opec reached consensus to manage its best day since January. a third of the world’s oil. the market,” said Iranian Oil Minister Many traders said they were im- Iran’s production has been stag- QATAR | Education Bijan Zanganeh. pressed Opec had managed to reach nant at 3.6mn bpd in the past three He and other ministers said the Or- a compromise after years of discus- months, close to pre-sanctions levels Ministry to mark ganisation of the Petroleum Exporting sions. although Tehran says it wants to ramp HE the Minister of Energy and Industry Dr Mohamed bin Saleh al-Sada, who is the Teachers’ Day Countries would reduce output to a “This is the fi rst Opec deal in eight up output to more than 4mn bpd when current chair of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, arriving for the The Ministry of Education and range of 32.5-33.0mn barrels per day. years! The group proved that it still foreign investments in its fi elds kick informal meeting of Opec members, in Algiers yesterday. Higher Education is set to celebrate Opec estimates its current output at matters even in the age of shale! This in. Oil prices are well below the budget Teachers’ Day on October 5. The 33.24mn bpd. is the end of the ‘production war’ and requirements of most Opec nations. demands for action on an oil supply glut is not being applied rationally,” Boutarfa celebration will adopt the topic “We have decided to decrease the Opec claims victory,” said Phil Flynn, Opec sources have said Saudi Ara- and higher investment to stabilise the added just prior to the Opec meeting. “Messenger of knowledge, thank production around 700,000 bpd,” senior energy analyst at Price Futures bia off ered to reduce its output from market. “Today, we cannot go on in an erratic you”. It will be held under the Zanganeh said. Group. summer peaks of 10.7mn bpd to “We must act on supply to re-stabi- fashion because if we do, we cannot pre- patronage of HE the Prime Minister The move would eff ectively re- Jeff Quigley, director of energy mar- around 10.2mn if Iran agreed to freeze lise the market” which has been hit by a pare for the future,” he ventured, voicing and Interior Minister Sheikh establish Opec production ceilings kets at Houston-based Stratas Advi- production at around current levels of massive surplus that has dragged prices concern at a falloff in investment in the Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa abandoned a year ago. sors, said the market had yet to dis- 3.6-3.7mn bpd. down to record lows in the past two years, sector owing to the long slump in prices. al-Thani. The ministry expressed its However, how much each country cover who would produce what. Minister Zanganeh has said Iran Boutarfa told a news conference follow- According to the International Energy high appreciation for the teachers will produce is to be decided at the Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al- wanted an output cap of close to 4mn ing an International Energy Forum meet- Agency, last year saw a 25% fall in invest- who exert great eff orts to help next formal Opec meeting in No- Falih said on Tuesday that Iran, Niger- bpd. ing. ment in oil and gas exploration and pro- students develop their skills and vember, when an invitation to join ia and Libya would be allowed to pro- Earlier yesterday, Algerian Energy “This energy market needs regulating duction and the agency says the decline is make their lives better. cuts could also be extended to non- duce “at maximum levels that make Minister Noureddine Boutarfa pressed a little. The law of supply and demand continuing apace.

SYRIA | Confl ict US threatens to end Russia engagement The United States yesterday Petrol prices threatened to suspend its Cabinet approves draft decree on engagement with Russia over the conflict in Syria following escalating attacks on rebel-held parts of to drop Aleppo city, including strikes on two hospitals. UN chief Ban Ki-moon common customs tariff for GCC denounced the attacks - which saw in October the two largest hospitals in Aleppo’s he Cabinet has approved a draft said. “The free-trade bloc now has a The committee will also submit, to the regulating the grant of military and opposition-controlled east hit with decree on common customs standard 5% levy on goods imported Cabinet, a report every six months de- specialised titles for offi cers. or the second month in a row, air strikes and artillery fire - as “war Ttariff for the Gulf Co-operation from outside the GCC and will have a tailing the results of its operations and Under the terms of the draft decision, petrol prices in Qatar have come crimes”. Page 12 Council (GCC) member-states. single point of entry system for import- its proposals and recommendations as the military title shall be added to of- Fdown by Dh5 a litre. There will At its ordinary meeting yesterday, the ed goods shared by all; customs duties it deems necessary for the develop- fi cers holding specialised professional not be any change in the diesel price in Cabinet also approved a draft decision are paid only once at the port of en- ment of e-government programmes. certifi cates recognised by the Ministry October. by HE the Prime Minister amending try. Tariff s on goods produced in GCC The committee, spearheaded by the of Interior. The specialised title will be An announcement by the Minis- some provisions of Decision No 12 of member-states have been abolished.” Ministry of Transport and Communi- awarded to offi cers holding a univer- try of Energy & Industry showed that 2013 on the formation of an e-Govern- The result, it said, would be an EU- cations under the chairmanship of HE sity degree (or its equivalent), follow- the 91- Premium gasoline will cost ment Steering Committee, the offi cial style common market, with no-intra the Minister of Transport and Com- ing the completion of due procedures QR1.25/litre (QR1.3 now) and Super Qatar News Agency (QNA) reported. Gulf tariff s. This should give a boost munications and with the membership by the competent scientifi c entity and QR1.35 (QR1.4) in October. The meeting, held at the Emiri Di- to both internal and external trade, al- of representatives from the authori- approval from the authority concerned. Diesel, however, will remain un- wan, was chaired by HE the Prime though it is only one of many factors ties concerned, will follow up on the The military title and specialised ti- changed at QR1.4/litre in October. Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser aff ecting trade, it was observed. implementation of the e-government tle shall be read and written after the Fuel prices in Qatar were allowed to bin Khalifa al-Thani. Intra-regional trade, EIU said, grew strategy. It will “achieve co-ordination rank. fl uctuate in response to changes in the January 1, 2015, saw the formal in- four-fold since the project was an- and communication between the Min- The Cabinet also gave its nod to a global market from May 1. auguration of the full Gulf Co-oper- nounced in 2003, reaching an estimat- istry of Transport and Communica- proposal from the Ministry of Mu- Every month, a special committee ation Council (GCC) customs union, ed $100bn in 2014. tions and other ministries and govern- nicipality and Environment to join the comprising representatives from vari- according to an earlier report by the Meanwhile, the amendments to De- ment agencies in order to ensure that International Society of City and Re- ous government bodies, would review Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). cision No 12 of 2013 on the e-Govern- the plans and programmes of these gional Planners and approved a draft fuel prices (gasoline and diesel) and “The six GCC member-states have ment Steering Committee include the parties are aligned with the overall e- memorandum of understanding for make recommendations on proposed formally become a part of a customs addition of representatives from the government strategy”, according to the co-operation in the fi eld of sports be- prices for the local market accordingly. union, completing a vision for a free- Ministry of Justice, Public Prosecu- QNA report. tween Qatar’s Ministry of Culture and The monthly revision in local fuel trade area with a common external tar- tion and the Supreme Judicial Council The Cabinet also approved a draft Sports and Argentina’s Ministry of prices followed the government’s deci- iff fi rst outlined in January 2003,” EIU to the membership of the committee. decision by HE the Minister of Interior Education and Sports. sion on fuel subsidy reforms in Qatar. Qatar targets about 294,000 children for MMR vaccination

By Joseph Varghese administered free of charge to children Protection Department, MoPH, said Drug Administration,” he highlighted. Staff Reporter aged one to 13 years. that vaccination activities for school This campaign, with the assistance “ Qatar aims to eliminate these dis- going children will be conducted in the of experts from WHO and the Centres eases by 2020 as detailed in the Na- concerned schools. for Disease Control and Prevention, At- he Ministry of Public Health tional Health Strategy as well as the “Vaccination activities for school lanta, is part of the policy of MoPH to (MoPH) will conduct a national plan Eastern Mediterranean Regional children will be implemented at in- improve and protect the health of Qa- Timmunisation campaign against Offi ce (EMRO) of World Health Organi- dependent, private and community tar’s children from infectious diseases. measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) sation. At present, Qatar is ranked third schools; and the children under school The second dose of MMR vaccina- from October 17 to November 14, tar- highest country with these diseases ac- age will be vaccinated at primary tion coverage rate in Qatar is more than geting about 294,000 children across cording to EMRO. However, this is due healthcare centres and at some private 90% and the national supplementary the country. to the demographic situation in the health centres.” immunisation campaign can lead to The campaign will be conducted country and this year only 22 cases have “A total of 22 private health centres measles elimination. in collaboration with the Ministry of been reported so far.” have been identifi ed for the vaccina- The incidence rate and number of Education and Higher Education, Pri- “It is compulsory for all the children. tion programme. Once we have fi nalised measles cases have dropped in the mary Health Care Corporation, Hamad However we will send a consent form the details with these health centres, the country rapidly during the last few Medical Corporation, Qatar Petroleum to the parents. The vaccination can be names will be announced. The MMR years, from 160 confi rmed cases in 2012 and Sidra Medical and Research Center. avoided only on account of any medical Sheikh Dr Mohamed bin Hamad al-Thani, centre, and Dr Hamad Eid al-Rumaihi, third vaccine, given in the campaign is part of to 18 cases last year of 2015. Last year Announcing the details of the cam- grounds,” said Sheikh Mohamed. right, with off icials of other organisations at the press conference. PICTURE: Jayan Orma routine vaccines used in the national im- only 21 cases of mumps and seven cases paign yesterday at a press confer- “In Qatar, we give two doses of mea- munisation programme in Qatar for more of rubella were detected. ence, Sheikh Dr Mohamed bin Hamad sles vaccine for children at the age of 12 tries where only one shot is served. The factor in eff ectiveness,” he continued. than two decades, and has the highest Offi cials from healthcare institutions al-Thani, director of Public Health at months and 18 months. This is manda- third one is given as a supplement as Dr Hamad Eid al-Rumaihi, direc- levels of safety and eff ectiveness and collaborating with the campaign were MoPH said that the vaccination will be tory in Qatar unlike several other coun- certain vaccine can have up to 5% error tor of Communicable Disease & Health approved by the WHO and US Food and also present at the press conference. Gulf Times 2 Thursday, September 29, 2016 QATAR

Minister meets Envoys present copies of credentials ambassadors HE the Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman al- QU to focus on Thani yesterday met Italy’s ambas- sador Guido De Sanctis. They discussed bilateral relations and ways of enhancing them, in addition to issues of common interest and the current situation in the region. ‘nine pillars’ The Foreign Minister also met out- going Indian ambassador Sanjiv Arora. He wished the ambassador success in his future assignments and relations between Qatar and India further progress and for its growth prosperity.

atar University’s new academic year was in- Qatar backs Libya Qaugurated yesterday peace eff orts with the Annual Convocation address by president Dr Hassan Qatar has reiterated support of al-Derham. all eff orts to promote peace and He highlighted the institu- national dialogue, and legitimate tion’s strategic transformation, institutions in Libya as well as the and discussed its ongoing ef- completion of the path of political forts towards the achievement transition, the reconstruction of a “QU Model” and to advanc- process and national reconcili- HE the Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani yesterday received separately ing its position among the top ation. This came in a speech by copies of the credentials of Austrian ambassador Dr Willy Kempel, and Greek ambassador universities worldwide. ambassador Faisal bin Abdullah Constantinos Orphanides. The minister wished the ambassadors success in their duties, and hoped The event was attended by al-Henzab, Permanent Representa- bilateral relations would grow further. QU leadership, deans, heads of Dr Hassan al-Derham speaking at the event. tive of Qatar to the departments, programme di- and other International Organisa- rectors, faculty members, staff , On the fi fth pillar, Dr al-Der- “They include an increase tions Off ice in Geneva, during an students and alumni. ham stressed the importance in the percentage of students interactive dialogue session. Dr al-Derham also honoured of providing academic and re- graduating within the period of QU members in various cat- search programmes that align four years to 60%, the decrease egories - Outstanding Faculty with international standards of the period spent by students Qatar-Serbia Service Award, Outstanding and with the principles of the at the university to graduate ties reviewed Teaching Award, Media Award, Arabic and Islamic culture and from 5.9 years to 4.5 years, the and Young Alumnus Award. identity. establishment of fi ve interdis- HE the Foreign Minister Sheikh Dr al-Derham noted that QU He said the sixth and seventh ciplinary research centres for Mohamed bin Abdulrahman has started its strategic trans- pillars aim to prepare distin- graduate studies, the increase of al-Thani yesterday received a tel- formation towards the achieve- guished national leaders and professor appointments within ephone call from Serbia’s Minister ment of a “QU Model” through to benefi t from QU’s resources the faculty body to 25%, and the of Foreign Aff airs Ivica Dacic. They nine pillars. The fi rst pillar fo- to develop the national hu- enhancement of QU position in discussed bilateral relations and cuses on advancing QU’s role man capital towards building a international rankings to be- issues of joint interest. as Qatar’s premier national knowledge-based economy. come one of the top 300 univer- university that provides high- Dr al-Derham outlined the sities in the world and among quality education.The second eighth and the ninth pillars the best 200 universities in at Envoy presents pillar aims to strengthen the or- that focus on making QU a least two minors.” copy of credentials ganisation’s role as a social and role model in terms of fi nancial Al-Derham also highlighted strategic partner in national de- and human resources and on the recent successes that QU Andri Hadi, Director-General for velopment. enhancing the organisation’s has achieved in international Protocol and Consular Aff airs at The third and fourth pillars engagement through the estab- rankings noting that the uni- the Indonesian Foreign Ministry, focus on maximising admis- lishment of a university board versity has been ranked No yesterday received a copy of sion opportunities within the and the enhancement of the 393 in the QS World Univer- credentials of Ahmed Jassim al- university and on providing role of the colleges’ and depart- sity Rankings, No 49 in the QS Hamar as Ambassador Extraordi- smooth opportunities for stu- ments’ boards. Top 50 under 50 ranking, and nary and Plenipotentiary of Qatar. dents from various cultural The president said that QU among the best 600 universi- The Indonesian off icial wished the backgrounds, as well as various has adopted a number of indi- ties in Times Higher Education ambassador success in his mis- professional and academic in- cators to benchmark its strate- (THE) World University Rank- sion and bilateral relations further terests. gic achievements. ings 2016/17. progress and prosperity. Samasung starts Note7 exchange programme

amsung Gulf Electronics has an- today, Samsung has also introduced nounced the start of the Sam- an additional measurement designed Ssung Galaxy Note7 exchange to protect customer safety and en- programme in Qatar. courage Galaxy Note7 customers to Customers can visit a dedicated exchange their device as soon as pos- Samsung Galaxy Note7 exchange loca- sible. tion at the Oryx Rotana Hotel in Doha, Samsung issued new software to all Meeting Plus Hall 1,2,3 & 4 (1st Floor), Galaxy Note7 devices in the Gulf re- until October 1, from 9am to 9pm. gion that limits the battery charge to Customers can also visit selected 60%. By actively limiting the ability Samsung brand shops in Al Nasr and of the device to charge to full capacity, Al Watan in Doha to exchange their Samsung aims to reinforce the mes- device for a brand new Galaxy Note7 sage to customers that they should im- until December 31. mediately replace their existing device The start of the Galaxy Note7 ex- with a new Galaxy Note7. change programme follows Samsung’s In addition, customers who ex- decision on September 2 to immedi- change their existing device for a ately stop sales and shipments of the new Galaxy Note7 will notice an Galaxy Note7, after an investigation The new Galaxy Note7 shows a ‘green’ update to the battery icon. Any revealed an issue related to an isolated battery icon on the device notification Galaxy Note7 device that shows a battery cell. bar, the ‘Power Off ’ prompt screen or ‘green’ battery icon on the device Around 60% of customers in the the Always-On Display as proof that the notification bar, the ‘Power Off’ US, Korea and Europe have partici- device is safe for charging. prompt screen or the Always-On pated in the Galaxy Note7 exchange Display can be assured that their programme. Note7 devices that will be available to device is safe for charging. “Based on a thorough inspection, customers in Qatar,” the company said More information on the new Gal- Samsung is fully confi dent that the in a statement. axy Note7 exchange programme may battery issue has been completely In addition to the beginning of the be had from resolved in the replacement Galaxy Galaxy Note7 exchange programme com/ae/note7exchange/

Al-Muraikhi at Saudi National Day event

HE the Minister of State for Foreign Aff airs Sultan bin Saad al-Muraikhi and HE the Permanent Representative of Qatar to the United Nation ambassador Sheikha Alia Ahmed bin Saif al-Thani participated in a reception hosted by Saudi Arabia’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York on the occasion of the National Day of the Kingdom.

Gulf Times 4 Thursday, September 29, 2016 QATAR

QRCS, Red Cross sign MoU on humanitarian projects Ooredoo The Qatar Red Crescent The new deal is a step livelihood support, water Society (QRCS) and the towards better joint planning and sanitation, and shelter, launches International Committee of the and co-operation between to meet the humanitarian Red Cross (ICRC) yesterday the two parties. The MoU needs of both refugees and signed a memorandum of was signed by deputy local community. online safety understanding (MoU) to head of ICRC delegation QRCS Executive Director strengthen co-operation in Beirut Marco Succi and Fahad bin Mohamed al said: campaign in humanitarian projects head of QRCS mission in “QRCS has a partnership serving Syrian and Lebanon Omar Katerji. Its with ICRC in many eff ective oredoo has Palestinian refugees as well purpose is to co-ordinate projects to help our Syrian launched a new as the host communities. eff orts in medical care, relief, brothers living in Lebanon.” Oonline safety cam- paign, which aims to edu- cate social media users on the platforms available to them, as well as off er top tips for parents on how to keep their children cyber- safe. The objective is to en- sure that parents and children know the risks of being online and also to teach users how to combat inappropriate content on social media. “Ooredoo invest mil- lions in protecting our us- ers from the dark side of the Internet and we under- stand the solutions need to extend beyond technologi- cal protection,” said Fatima Sultan al-Kuwari, director, Community and Public re- lations, Ooredoo. The campaign will cover some of the most popular social media sites, includ- ing Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. It will also include a guide to online scams and a dedicated post regarding online access for children. In an introductory post on the Ooredoo Commu- nity (http://community., the company highlighted that children under the age of 13 should not have access to social media as per the platforms’ terms and conditions. The post also suggested that families, or anyone who does not want to see explicit content, set their own rules about online behaviour. The posts will be pub- lished weekly via the Ooredoo Community, and will be available in both English and Arabic.

Gulf Times 8 Thursday, September 29, 2016 QATAR Hospital holding event to mark World Heart Day n recognition of World ing just a few simple daily ing information about power our hearts and there- HE the Minister of Transport and CommunicationsJassim Seif Ahmed al-Sulaiti with others at the Abu Dhabi meeting. Heart Day (WHD), changes, like eating and heart conditions and the fore power our lives.” Ibeing marked today, drinking more healthily, importance of maintaining The recommendations Hamad Medical Corpora- getting more exercise and a healthy heart. include limiting the in- tion (HMC) reminds Qatar stopping smoking. Dr Abdulrahman Arabi, take of ready-made snacks residents about the im- HMC’s Heart Hospital is deputy chief of cardiology, which are often high in Qatar joins bureau of ministerial council portance of maintaining a hosting today an event to pointed out that cardio- sugar, fat and salt; ensur- healthy heart. highlight the day and raise vascular disease in Qatar ing the intake of at least WHD is the biggest awareness of maintaining and across the world is on fi ve servings of fresh fruits QNA Technology, which con- discussed a number of top- dition to issues of cyber se- global awareness-raising good heart health among the increase and although and vegetables a day; re- Abu Dhabi cluded in the UAE capital ics, notably the roadmap curity, and the fi ght against platform for cardiovascu- staff , patients and hospital it can often be treated, pre- ducing salt consumption Abu Dhabi. for Internet Governance cyber-crime. lar disease (CVD) which visitors. vention is the best way to to one teaspoon a day and The Qatari delegation to Initiative in the Arab region, The session witnessed includes heart disease and HMC’s heart health reverse this trend. preparing meals at home he State of Qatar has the meeting was headed by the regional connectivity Qatar’s joining the Ex- stroke. Its aim is to help campaign is currently edu- “A combination of risk for school or work. participated in the HE the Minister of Transport for Arab Internet networks ecutive Bureau of the people live longer, better, cating the public on how factors such as tobacco use, Other suggestions are T20th session of Arab and Communications Jassim project, Second Regional Council of Arab Ministers more heart-healthy lives. to recognise the signs and unhealthy diet and obes- quitting smoking and Ministers of Communi- Seif Ahmed al-Sulaiti. Forum of digital content of Communications and CVD is the world’s symptoms of a heart at- ity, lack of physical activity, increasing activity by cations and Information The two-day meeting and the Arab-mail, in ad- Information. number one killer and is tack and provides advice hypertension and diabetes limiting the time spent responsible for 17.5mn on what to do if a heart at- are considered to be the watching TV or using the premature deaths, and by tack is suspected. It also leading causes of CVD. This computer, and getting in- Municipality issues building permits 2030 this is expected to provides the public with World Heart Day highlights volved in outdoor activities rise to 23mn. Heart disease tips on how to improve the importance of under- such as cycling, gardening, Al Khor and Al Thakhira Department of Development can be prevented by mak- their heart heath by shar- standing what we can do to or walking. and Building Permits received 442 building requests Barwa Bank this year until September 20. It also issued 412 building permits during the same period, in addition to 218 building completion certificates, 99 maintenance permits, 19 Outlet fi ned for violating announces demolition permits and 24 temporary permits. consumer protection law The Ministry of Economy and Consumer Protection. winners of Commerce has fined a retailer complex Violation of Consumer Protection Law for displaying a popular local brand can result in closure of outlet and fines of tomato, pictured, in the area ranging from QR3,000 to QR1mn. designated for goods imported by air. The MEC had earlier urged all The punishment was for violating the retailers and suppliers to separate summer provisions of Article No 7 of Law No 8 the displayed local vegetables and of 2008 on Consumer Protection and fruits from the imported goods by combating commercial fraud. air to ensure that the consumers are The retailer also had to sign a pledge fully aware of the type of displayed to ensure it will abide by the laws for product in all retailers. campaign

arwa Bank has an- Home Centre, Sharaf DG, nounced the names Max Electronics, Splash, Bof the winners of its City Lifestyle, the Baby ‘Summer Spend Campaign’ Shop, and for 2016. Nojoom from Ooredoo. Salem Saeed al-Marri, The bank’s clients still Samer al-Jaser, and Tarek have a chance to win back Bilal each won a return their purchases of up to ticket to their destination QR25,000 when using of choice after achieving their MasterCard Plati- the highest spend (pur- num credit cards. The spe- chases and bill payment) cial campaign, valid till during each of the cam- November 9, gives Barwa paign’s three months, Bank Platinum MasterCard which concluded on Sep- holders an opportunity to tember 9. spend up QR25,000 and Barwa Bank’s ‘Summer owe nothing. Spend Campaign’ gave cli- As part of the cam- ents the chance to earn up paign, two customers to four times their loyalty are selected every month points when using their through an unbiased Barwa Bank credit cards, electronic system, and thereby making their sum- the highest transaction mer spending “more re- made is paid back in cash. warding than ever.” Both existing and new “At Barwa Bank, we Barwa Bank MasterCard strive to not only provide Platinum credit card cli- our clients with the best ents making a minimum Shariah-compliant bank- number of 10 transac- ing products and services tions per billing month in the market, but also to are eligible for the off er. thank them for their trust MasterCard custom- in the bank as their banking ers are also eligible to take provider of choice,” a state- advantage of the special ment said. off er, provided that they Barwa Bank clients ben- meet Barwa Bank’s terms efi t from the loyalty points and conditions. Winners earned by converting them will be announced at the to Qatar Airways free miles end of the campaign. Cli- (Qmiles), or by redeem- ents can apply for a Barwa ing them for vouchers, Bank MasterCard Platinum discounts, and privileges, credit card by visiting one which can be used to shop of the bank’s branches or by at their favourite retail- calling its contact centre on ers, including Carrefour, 800 8555.

Kenyan man jailed for stealing mobile phones, cash

Doha Criminal hotel restaurant, and left Court has sen- her handbag and mobile Atenced a Kenyan phones on the table un- man to one year in jail and attended when she went ordered his subsequent to the toilet. deportation for theft, lo- She fi led a complaint cal Arabic daily Arrayah with the police, who re- reported yesterday. viewed the recording of The court convicted the surveillance cam- the defendant of stealing eras of the restaurant and two mobile phones in- spotted the defendant. cluding their SIM cards, It turned out that he had and a sum of QR2,500 committed similar thefts from the hand bag of a in previous occasions. The woman. At the time of two phones were recov- the incident, the woman ered from him when he was having dinner at a was arrested.

Gulf Times 10 Thursday, September 29, 2016 QATAR Al-Attiyah visits Turkish Special Forces HQ Qatar Airways launches fl ights to Windhoek

he capital of Na- al-Baker said: “We are served by the airline. We mibia, Windhoek, delighted to extend our look forward to welcom- Tyesterday wel- network within Africa by ing visitors to Namibia comed the first Qatar Air- adding the premium lei- via this new gateway in ways flight to arrive at its sure and business desti- Doha.” international airport from nation of Windhoek to our Export businesses in Doha. route map. Africa remains Namibia will also ben- A VIP delegation from one of our key target areas efit from the launch of the Doha, including Qatar for growth and we have new route as Qatar Air- Airways chief commercial identified Namibia as an ways Cargo will offer 92 officer Dr Hugh Dunleavy important African nation tonnes of belly-hold ca- Qatar’s Minister of State for Defence Aff airs HE Dr Khalid bin Mohamed al-Attiyah, currently on a visit to Turkey, visited on Tuesday the headquarters and Namibia’s ambassa- to include in our expan- pacity per week on board of Tukey’s Special Forces. During the visit, HE Dr al-Attiyah listened to an explanation of the special forces off icials about its history and military dor to Qatar Japhet Isaack, sion plans. the aircraft, according to capabilities. He was also briefed on the Special Forces Command and the operations they carry out. The minister met with the Commander of Turkish was greeted at the aircraft “With the launch of this a press statement from the special Forces Lieut Gen Zekai Aksakalli. During the meeting, they discussed topics of mutual interest between Qatar and Turkey, especially in the by Digu Naobeb, CEO of service, we look forward Doha-based carrier. This fields related to military co-operation and means to develop them to serve the two countries’ common interest. Namibia Tourism Board, to strengthening our ties will offer Namibian busi- and Qatar’s ambassador to with the people of Na- nesses the opportunity to South Africa, Salem Ab- mibia, who we are pleased distribute goods across dullah Sultan al-Jaber. to connect with more than the airline’s network of Windhoek is the first 150 global destinations more than 150 destina- city in Namibia to be via our hub in Doha, while tions. served by Qatar Airways, supporting the country’s The Qatar Airways Boe- which will fly to and from growing tourism industry ing 787 Dreamliner op- Special off ers the destination four times by flying in tourists from erates a two-cabin con- a week with a Boeing 787 all around the world.” figuration, comprising 22 Dreamliner. The new route The Namibia Tourism seats in Business Class will connect passengers Board CEO said: “The new and 232 seats in Economy. flying from Namibia to flight route provides the The Windhoek-Doha to travellers more than 150 global des- opportunity to promote flight schedule is as fol- tinations via Qatar Air- Namibia as a business and lows: (Mondays, Wednes- ways’ hub and home, Ha- leisure destination among days, Fridays and Satur- atar Airways has Pakistan, Ehab Amin, said: mad International Airport Qatar Airways’ wide net- days) QR1,373 departing announced a host “With more than 150 global in Doha. Windhoek will work of travellers. The Doha at 2.40am and ar- Qof seasonal special destinations to suit travel- be the 23rd destination in route not only improves riving in Windhoek at off ers. Travellers who pur- lers’ needs, it’s always the Africa served by the air- connections with mature 10.40am, and QR1,374 chase tickets before Octo- perfect season to travel with line. destinations, but also al- departing Windhoek at ber 7 can enjoy two-for-one Qatar Airways.” Qatar Airways Group lows Namibia to tap into 1.25pm and arriving in promotions on all Premium This year has seen Qatar chief executive Akbar new markets that are also Doha at 11.10pm. Class travel, avail up to 40% Airways expand its global off on all-inclusive return reach by adding more than a fares from Doha, and can dozen new destinations for earn triple Qmiles for travel customers to explore. New across the airline’s global routes include popular des- network before March 31, tinations such as Los Angeles 2017. (US), Sydney (Australia), Bir- Travellers can book tickets mingham (UK), Pisa (Italy), and redeem the promotional Marrakech (Morocco), Ras off ers by visiting any Qatar Al Khaimah (UAE), Boston Airways sales offi ce, their (US), Adelaide (Australia), preferred travel agent or qa- Yerevan (Armenia), Sarajevo, the (Bosnia), Atlanta (US) and airline said in a statement Windhoek (Namibia). yesterday. Helsinki (Finland), Krabi Qatar Airways senior (Thailand) and Seychelles vice-president, commercial will also join the airline’s glo- – Middle East, Africa and bal network this year.

Installing number plates easier at new workshop

he new Vehicles’ from the vehicle. Number Plate The new workshop TWorkshop build- building is divided into ing, opened by the Min- three parts with the first The Qatar Airways senior management team with dignitaries and ambassadors following istry of Interior (MoI) in having two separate sec- the launch of the airline’s inaugural flight to Namibia. the Industrial Area earlier tions for light and heavy this week, is spread over vehicles with 17 counters an area of 25,000sq m and and can accommodate 150 built at a cost of QR18mn. people. General Directorate of The second part is the Traffic director general workshop area equipped Brigadier Mohamed Saad with modern, imported al-Kharji said the new equipment, while the third workshop with its larger part of the building is a area and advanced equip- warehouse for raw mate- ment will make installa- rials used in manufactur- tion of number plates on ing the number plates. cars much easier than it Captain Ahmed Ali Kreeb, was at the former location head of the workshop, said at Madinat Khalifa. that the workshop will be The number plate in- open from 6am to 7pm. stallation will be done The building comes un- within minutes now with- der the General Directo- out the need for the own- rate of Traffic’s Licensing er of the car to get down Department.

A new number plate is produced at the workshop. Gulf Times Thursday, September 29, 2016 11 QATAR/REGION

Saudi National Day

A host of dignitaries including HE the Minister of Economy and Commerce Sheikh Ahmed bin Jassim bin Mohamed al-Thani, HE the Minister of Finance Ali Sherif al-Emadi, HE the Minister of Culture and Sports Salah bin Ghanem bin Nasser al-Ali, HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Aff airs Ahmed bin Abdullah bin Zaid al-Mahmoud, prominent Qatari entrepreneur HE Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim al-Thani and Saudi Arabian diplomats are seen at Saudi Arabia’s National Day celebrations in Doha yesterday. PICTURE: Jayan Orma

Kuwaiti court scraps petrol price hike

AFP through a bill from parliament and not The cabinet has said the decision Kuwait City from the cabinet”. is part of a series of measures to meet “I believe the judge has accepted our a budget defi cit due to a sharp drop in argument,” he said after the verdict was oil revenues which previously made up Kuwaiti court yesterday ordered announced. around 95% of the country’s total in- the government of the Gulf state The court was expected to release come. Ato abolish an increase in petrol the full ruling later. It can still be chal- Kuwait liberalised the prices of diesel prices nearly one month after it took lenged by the government at the ap- and kerosene in January 2015 and re- eff ect. peals and supreme courts. vises them monthly. The price hike, ranging from about The development came after Ku- Other Gulf states had already raised 40 to 80% depending on the type, waiti lawmakers yesterday requested fuel and electricity prices. met stiff opposition from lawmak- an emergency session of parliament to In April, Kuwait’s parliament ap- ers and activists when introduced on debate the price increase. proved a government-sponsored bill to September 1 following a slide in oil In their motion, lawmakers said the raise electricity and water prices paid revenues. move had resulted in a rise in the prices by foreign residents and businesses, The administrative court did not im- of commodities and goods. but exempted Kuwaiti citizens. mediately give the reasons for its ruling MPs want the government to com- The Opec member recorded a budget which was based on a petition fi led by pensate Kuwaiti citizens who comprise shortfall of 4.6bn dinars ($15.3bn) in lawyer Nawaf al-Fuzai. around 30% of the 4.3mn population, the fi scal year which ended on March Fuzai told AFP that he argued the which also includes about 3mn for- 31. It was the fi rst shortfall since the price decision “should have come eigners. fi scal year to March 1999. Gulf Times 12 Thursday, September 29, 2016 ARAB WORLD Warplanes knock out Aleppo hospital

Reuters Bashar al-Assad, backed by Rus- Beirut sian air power, Iranian ground Turkey to complete Syria forces and Shia militia fi ghters from Iran, Iraq and Lebanon, has border wall within five months ussian or Syrian regime launched a massive assault to warplanes knocked a ma- crush the rebels’ last major ur- A concrete wall being built to fighting an insurgency in Rjor Aleppo hospital out ban stronghold. stop illegal crossings along southeast Turkey and deems of service yesterday, hospital Syria’s largest city before the the length of Turkey’s 900km both as terrorist organisations. workers said, and ground forces war, Aleppo has been divided for border with Syria will be A 200km stretch of the wall has intensifi ed an assault on the years between government and finished by the end of February, already been completed and city’s besieged rebel sector, in a rebel zones. an off icial at a Turkish state state housing developer TOKI battle that has become a poten- The off ensive began with un- institution with knowledge of will build the rest, the off icial said. tially decisive turning point in precedentedly fi erce bombing the project said yesterday. He likened the project to border the civil war. last week, followed by a ground Nato allies have been urging walls in other countries, such Shelling damaged at least campaign this week, burying a Ankara to seal off the border as the one between parts of another hospital and a bakery, ceasefi re that had been the cul- with Islamic State-controlled Mexico and the US. killing six residents queuing up mination of months of diplo- territory in Syria and is also The off icial declined to give for bread under a siege that has macy between Washington and concerned by the presence of an estimate for the cost of trapped 250,000 people with Moscow. the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia, construction. food running out. Washington says Moscow which controls most of its But the mass circulation The World Health Organisa- and Damascus are guilty of war Syrian border. Hurriyet newspaper said that tion said it had reports that both crimes for targeting civilians, Construction on a border wall including a road for military hospitals were now out of serv- hospitals, rescue workers and to combat smuggling and patrols planned alongside it, the ice. aid deliveries, to break the will of illegal migration started as wall was expected to cost 2bn The week-old assault has al- residents and force them to sur- Medics inspect the damage outside a field hospital after an airstrike in the rebel-held al-Maadi early as 2014 even as Turkey lira ($672mn). ready killed hundreds of people, render. neighbourhood of Aleppo. maintained an open-border Made up of seven-tonne with bunker-busting bombs Syria and Russia say they tar- policy that has seen nearly portable blocks topped with bringing down buildings on resi- get only militants. Another hospital, M2, was Assad’s Iranian and Lebanese The rockets, with a range of 3mn Syrians seek refuge in the razor wire, the wall will be 10 dents huddled inside. UN Secretary-General Ban damaged by bombardment in Hezbollah allies have said in re- 22km-40km, had arrived in “ex- country. feet high and 6.5 feet wide. Only about 30 doctors are Ki-moon also said those using the al-Maadi district, where at cent days the war will be won in cellent quantities” and will be “Construction will be completed The off icial said private believed to be left inside the be- “ever more destructive weap- least six people were killed while combat. used on battlefronts in Aleppo, within five months,” the off icial companies would be hired sieged zone, coping with hun- ons” were committing war queuing for bread at a nearby But the rebels remain a potent Hama and the coastal region, said, declining to be identified once construction tenders were dreds of wounded a day. crimes and that the situation bakery, according to the Syrian military force even as they have Colonel Fares al-Bayoush said. because he was not authorised completed. “The warplane fl ew over us in Aleppo was worse than “a Observatory for Human Rights lost control of urban areas. Fierce fi ghting accompanied to speak to the media. Hurriyet cited the head of and directly started dropping its slaughterhouse”. monitoring body and residents. The collapse of peace eff orts by air strikes was reported yes- He said winter conditions would TOKI as saying that 200-250 around 4am,” Mo- The Syrian army said a Nusra Food supplies are scarce in the ends a proposed scheme to sepa- terday in northern Hama prov- be a challenge to the timetable, concrete blocks were currently hamed Abu Rajab, a radiologist Front position had been de- besieged area, and those trapped rate Western-backed fi ghters ince between rebels, the regime however. Turkey last month being produced daily at five at the M10 hospital, the larg- stroyed in Aleppo’s old quarter, inside often queue up before from hardened militants. and allied forces. launched an operation dubbed work sites, and that the latest est trauma hospital in the city’s and other militant-held areas dawn for food. It has also raised the question A senior offi cial in Aleppo- “Euphrates Shield” in alliance construction work had begun rebel-held sector, said. “Rubble targeted in “concentrated air The collapse of the peace of whether the rebels’ foreign based rebel group said pro-re- with Syrian rebels to drive around 20 days ago. fell in on the patients in the in- strikes” near the city. process leaves US policy on Syria backers will increase military gime government forces were Islamic State militants away New watchtowers on roads tensive care unit.” France’s Foreign Minister in tatters and is a personal blow backing to rebels who have long mobilising in apparent prepara- from the border area and stop patrolled by armoured vehicles M10 hospital workers said ox- Jean-Marc Ayrault said he was to Secretary of State John Kerry, said weapons they provide are tion for more ground attacks in the YPG’s advance. have already been erected ygen and power generators were working to put forward a United who led talks with Moscow de- inadequate. central areas of the city. Turkey regards the YPG as along the border this year destroyed and patients were Nations Security Council reso- spite scepticism from other top The rebels’ main demand “There have been clashes in closely tied to Kurdistan as part of increased security transferred to another hospital. lution to impose a ceasefi re in offi cials in President Barack has long been for the provision al-Suweiqa from 5am until now. Workers Party (PKK) militants measures. There were no initial reports of Aleppo, and that any country Obama’s administration. of anti-aircraft missiles, but The army advanced a little bit, casualties in the hospital. that opposed it would be deemed Washington says the off ensive Washington has resisted this, and the guys are now repelling Photographs sent to Reuters complicit in war crimes. shows Assad and Russian Presi- fearing perhaps that they could it,” a fi ghter in the rebel Levant ernment forces were also attack- a diversionary one so that the by a hospital worker at the fa- “This resolution will leave dent Vladimir Putin have aban- end up in the hands of militants. Front group said in a record- ing the insurgent-held Handarat regime consumes the people on cility showed damaged storage everyone facing their responsi- doned negotiations in order to A rebel commander, in the ing sent to Reuters, referring to refugee camp a few kilometres to that front and advances in the tanks, a rubble strewn area, and bilities: those who don’t vote it, seek battlefi eld victory, turning meanwhile, has told Reuters his an area in the city centre where the north of Aleppo. camp,” the offi cial, Zakaria Mala- the collapsed roof of what he risk being held responsible for their backs on an earlier inter- group had received deliveries of there was also fi ghting on Tues- “It doesn’t seem that their hifi j, head of the political offi ce of said was a power facility. complicity in war crimes,” he national consensus that no side a new type of Grad surface-to- day. operation in the old city is the the Fastaqim group, told Reuters The regime of President said. could win by force. surface rockets. Another rebel offi cial said gov- primary operation, it seems like from Turkey. $300mn World Bank loan for Syrian refugees

QNA Belhaj, director of the World one to be approved as part of Washington Bank’s Middle East depart- the bank group’s new Coun- ment. try Partnership Framework “By creating the conditions for Jordan released in July he World Bank has an- for increased investment and 2016. nounced that it will re- jobs, and by allowing refugees, It uses the Program-for- Tlease $300mn in loans during their time in the coun- Results fi nancing instrument to help facilitate the labour try, to seek work and contribute to disburse directly against Jordanian King Abdullah II stands in front of his prime minister’s new government during a swearing in ceremony in the capital Amman. market for Syrian refugees in to the economy, Jordan is shift- achieved results, which will Jordan. The $300mn loan and ing from a purely humanitarian help Jordan develop new mar- credit is being provided on approach to a forward looking ket opportunities that can at- concessional terms through the development drive. tract new investments. Global Concessional Financing The Jordanian government Reforming Jordan’s labour Facility, a new initiative sup- is to be commended for its market regulations will grant New Jordanian govt sworn in ported by Canada, European foresight and vision and for Syrian refugee workers access Commission, Germany, Japan, leading the way for the inter- to the formal labour market Netherlands, Norway, UK and national community on what and allow them to legally con- Reuters cian was reappointed on Sunday, conservative politicians and But this time there could be US to address refugee crises in still today are unchartered ter- tribute to Jordan’s economic Amman tasked with reviving a sluggish tribal loyalists. vocal dissent from independ- middle income countries, and ritories.” activity. economy and business senti- Mulki will face a more asser- ents and the Islamist movement, an exceptional International As part of the Program and in Improving Jordan’s in- ment hit by regional turmoil by tive parliament, after the Mus- which has ended its decade-long Development Association support of the Jordan Compact vestment climate will reduce ordan’s King Abdullah swore overseeing a new International lim Brotherhood gained a foot- boycott of mainstream politics (IDA) allocation, at rates usu- implementation, an increasing red tape and support small in a new government headed Monetary Fund-guided pro- hold in the election. and returns as the mainstay of a ally reserved for the poorest number of Syrians will receive businesses and trade facili- Jby Hani Mulki as prime min- gramme. A royal decree postponed broad civic alliance. countries. work permits to be able to ac- tation. ister for a second term yesterday, In Jordan’s constitutional the new parliament’s fi rst ses- The lack of change in the cabi- “As part of the broad inter- cess formal jobs and decent la- Attracting and retaining in- with a little-changed Cabinet monarchy most powers rest sion until November 7, almost net may weaken its chances of national community’s effort bour conditions. vestments both domestic and and a mandate to accelerate eco- with the king, who appoints a month later than expected, in confronting a more vocal parlia- to mitigate the impact of the A partnership among the foreign will be key, especially nomic reforms. governments, approves legis- a move politicians said was in- ment, say critics. Syria crisis on Jordan, we at Jordanian government, donor in manufacturing and in SEZs Mulki, 64, who has held a lation and can dissolve parlia- tended to give the new govern- “It’s wrong to say it’s even a the bank, with help and sup- countries and development that will benefi t from preferen- string of senior diplomatic and ment. ment more time to prepare for new government, just a minor port from a number of part- actors will improve the invest- tial access to the EU. ministerial posts, was fi rst ap- The key fi nance, foreign and vote-of-confi dence debates. reshuffl e lacking the person- ners, notably the UK, are sup- ment climate and investment The foreign investments will pointed in May to oversee par- fi nance ministerial posts will The government usually wins alities with the long experience porting the country in turning promotion to attract interna- most likely come from the Syr- liamentary elections held last remain unchanged and the such votes by a large majority in that would be able to deal with what is a major economic and tional and domestic invest- ian business diaspora; regional week. 29-member cabinet will, as be- parliaments packed with pro- parliament,” said Mamdouh al- development challenge into ments. investors; and investors target- The business-friendly politi- fore, have a mix of technocrats, government deputies. Abbadi, a veteran lawmaker. an opportunity,” said Ferid The operation is the first ing the EU market. Former Israeli president Peres dies at 93

AFP His family held a press confer- era in the history of the Israeli oc- 1996 when more than 100 civilians Jerusalem ence later in the morning, praising cupation,” spokesman Sami Abu were killed while sheltering at a UN Peres’s tireless work ethic and what Zuhri said in the Gaza Strip. peacekeepers’ base in the Lebanese they called his devotion to peace. Palestinian President Mah- village of Qana fi red upon by Israel. sraeli ex-president and No- “He had no interest other than moud Abbas hailed Peres as a Diana Buttu, former spokes- bel Peace Prize winner Shimon serving the people of Israel,” said “brave” partner for peace and sent woman for the Palestinian Au- IPeres died yesterday, some two his son Chemi, his eyes moist as he his family condolences, the offi cial thority, tweeted: “Peres was an weeks after suff ering a major stroke. read a letter on behalf of the fam- Palestinian news agency reported. unrepentant war criminal. Revi- Peres, who was 93, held nearly ily at the hospital in Ramat Gan, a “Abbas sent a message of condo- sionist history won’t work.” every major offi ce in the country, suburb of Tel Aviv. lence to the family of former presi- Peres had been in hospital since serving twice as prime minister US President Peres: had been in hospital since dent Shimon Peres, expressing his September 13, when he was ad- and also as president, a mostly cer- immediately hailed Peres as a September 13 sadness and sorrow,” Wafa reported. mitted feeling unwell and suff ered emonial role, from 2007 to 2014. friend who “never gave up on the “Peres was a partner in making the stroke with internal bleeding. He won the 1994 Nobel Peace possibility of peace.” for peace and reconciliation. the brave peace with the martyr There were signs of improve- Prize jointly with prime minis- Obama was among world Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Yasser Arafat and prime minister ment last week, and on Septem- ter Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leaders such as Britain’s Prince Netanyahu expressed his “pro- (Yitzhak) Rabin, and made unre- ber 18 Peres’s offi ce said doctors leader Yasser Arafat for his role Charles and French President found sadness”. mitting eff orts to reach a lasting planned to gradually reduce his in negotiating the Oslo accords, Francois Hollande planning to at- However, a spokesman for Ha- peace from the Oslo agreement sedation and respiratory support which envisioned an independent tend Peres’s funeral at Jerusalem’s mas, the Palestinian movement until the fi nal moments of his life.” to judge his response. Palestinian state. Mount Herzl tomorrow. that runs the Gaza Strip, called Many Palestinians view him very But on Tuesday a source said his Peres died around 3am (0000 Former US president Bill Clin- him a “criminal.” “Shimon Peres diff erently, citing his involvement in condition had taken a downturn GMT), Rafi Walden, who was ton, who helped usher in the Oslo was one of the last Israeli founders successive Arab-Israeli wars and the and he was “fi ghting for his life”. Peres’s personal doctor and also peace accords, said: “The Middle of occupation. occupation of Palestinian territory. Family members arrived at the his son-in-law, said. East has lost a fervent advocate “His death marks the end of an He was also prime minister in hospital. Gulf Times Thursday, September 29, 2016 13 AFRICA World bans Fee hike protest all trade in endangered pangolins

AFP Stolen penguin may starve in Johannesburg the wild: conservationists South African volunteers were combing he shy, scale-covered pangolin is to beaches yesterday near Port Elizabeth receive the highest level of protection Wednesday in search of a penguin that animal Tagainst illegal trade to try to save it from rights activists had stolen from a marine park extinction, after a vote yesterday by delegates and released, but which was thought to be at a global conference. The reclusive, gentle unable to survive in the wild. mammal is prized as an edible delicacy and Security cameras at Bayworld had revealed ingredient in traditional medicine, especially that two students stole three-year-old Buddy in China and Vietnam as well as across Africa. a week ago, the marine park’s manager, Dylan Private security agents working for the University of Johannesburg take up position as they shut the campus gates after clashes with rioting Rocketing demand for their meat and body Bailey, told DPA. students, protesting against fee hikes in South African universities. parts has fuelled a boom in illegal hunting with The two later said they did not agree with more than 1mn pangolins believed to have been animals being kept in captivity. poached from the wild in the past decade. Upon his release, Buddy “probably pan- The Convention on International Trade icked,” Bailey said, adding that the students in Endangered Species (CITES) meeting in had revealed that he “made a dash for the Johannesburg voted overwhelmingly to ban sea.” trade in the endangered pangolin, the world’s Having been born and always lived in the Tanzania sacks 2 offi cials Bemba appeals war most heavily traffi cked mammal. Bayworld marine park, “he would not know CITES said in a statement that all eight where to go” and had no idea how to survive species of pangolin would be moved into its on his own, the manager said. for stealing relief funds crimes conviction “appendix 1”, which outlaws all international “We have volunteers looking for him at all trade in animals facing possible extinction. beaches” in the area, “This is a huge win and rare piece of good Bailey said, adding: “He is quite a healthy Reuters trying to benefi t fi nancially from AFP stop a series of rapes and mur- news for some of the world’s most traffi cked and penguin and could survive for three weeks” Dar es Salaam this tragedy,” he said. The Hague ders committed by his troops in endangered animals,” Ginette Hemley, of con- in the wild. Tanzania has appealed for in- the Central African Republic in servation group WWF, said in a statement. “(It) Buddy’s disappearance was also creating ternational assistance to help re- 2002 and 2003. eliminates any question about legality of trade, problems for his partner, Frances, who now anzania has charged at least build thousands of homes after the ormer Congolese vice- Bemba’s case was the fi rst before making it harder for criminals to traffi c them.” had to take care of their chick alone, Bailey two senior public offi cials quake, which struck the north- president Jean-Pierre the ICC to focus on sexual violence “The parties must move swiftly to enforce the said. Penguins pair for life and raise their Tover allegations of em- western town of Kagera on Sep- FBemba, jailed for 18 years as a weapon of war and the fi rst to decision. Illegal trade will continue to threaten off spring together. bezzlement of earthquake relief tember 10. for war crimes, has formally ap- underline a military commander’s pangolins as long as demand for their meat and The Bayworld marine park has pressed funds, President John Magufuli The government has set up a pealed against his conviction by responsibility for the conduct of scales persists.” Previously CITES allowed inter- charges against the students. said yesterday. special bank account for quake the International Criminal Court, troops under his control. national trade in pangolins under strict conditions. The offi cials were sacked late funds and has been collecting cash arguing his trial was “fl awed,” his But his lawyers argued in their Pangolins, which have bad vision but a good on Tuesday following allegations and material contributions for the lawyers said yesterday. appeal fi led on September 19 that sense of smell and hearing, are covered in tough, “They are one of the most imperilled spe- that they had set up a fake bank relief eff ort. Bemba last week “fi led an ap- the judges’ “fi ndings on eff ec- overlapping scales, and eat ants using pink, cies on the planet and it is about time that we account to siphon off relief funds The two public offi cials are al- peal against his conviction”, his tive control fall far outside es- sticky tongues almost as long as their bodies. wake up and do something to save them.” given in response to a 5.7 magni- leged to have set up a parallel bank defence team said in a state- tablished military doctrine and When threatened or attacked by predators In Chinese traditional medicine, pangolin tude earthquake which killed at account under the same name as ment sent to AFP, adding that his practice”. such as lions, they curl into defensive ball, scales are ground into a powder believed to least 17 people and made thou- the government’s offi cial relief rights had been violated to the Bemba’s trial “invented a the- making it easy for them to be picked up by hu- cure conditions from headaches and menstrual sands homeless. fund to divert funds for their own point that “the Bemba trial, in ory of command responsibility man hunters and put into a sack. About the cramps to nose bleeds and lack of virility. “A regional administrative sec- personal use, said the president. fact, was a mistrial”. which is a military impossibility”, size of a small dog, they are solitary, mostly The CITES treaty, signed by 182 countries and retary and a district executive Magufuli said Britain yesterday The former militia leader was his defence team said. nocturnal and cannot be easily farmed or kept the European Union, protects about 5,600 ani- director were charged in court to- gave £2.3mn. “We are receiving sentenced in June to 18 years in “In reality, Mr Bemba is the in captivity due to suff ering stress. mal and 30,000 plant species from over-exploi- day,” Magufuli said in Tanzania’s these donations from the United jail after being found guilty at the commander that international “We are happy that the world has fi nally tation through commercial trade. commercial capital Dar es Salaam. Kingdom and others because our ICC on fi ve charges of war crimes law would have him be. He trained decided to pay attention to the plight of this The 12-day conference, which started on Sat- “Our people are suff ering as a development partners are now and crimes against humanity. his army, he gave them a Code little known and amazingly unique animal,” urday, is sifting through 62 proposals to tighten result of this earthquake and re- confi dent that their fi nancial as- Once the powerful leader of of Conduct, he actively pursued said Jeff Flocken of the International Fund for or loosen trade restrictions on around 500 spe- quire emergency relief assistance, sistance will be well spent,” he the Congolese Liberation Move- rumours of crimes, he punished Animal Welfare (IFAW). cies. yet these dishonest offi cials are said. ment (MLC), Bemba failed to those identifi ed to him.”

Policy shift in Paris leaves Bongo out in the cold

Reuters The following year, Gabon or- Dakar dered Total to pay $805mn in back taxes, which the company said was an unfounded tax adjustment. n the heyday of former president Total declined to comment for Omar Bongo, Gabon and its oil this story. Iwealth were a central pillar of Other sectors that similarly rely “La Francafrique”, a shadowy net- on good relations with African gov- work that enabled France’s troops ernments — like telecoms and min- to defend African autocrats in ex- ing, in which companies like Orange change for juicy contracts for French and Areva respectively operate — companies. could also be vulnerable. Thanks partly to this web of di- Orange declined comment. plomacy and trade backed by French A spokesman for Areva said the fi repower, Bongo stayed in offi ce for company would “continue to invest 42 years before his death in 2009. in exploration and innovation to fi nd France’s energy fi rms, meanwhile, new deposits,” but did not address had undisputed claims to some of the question of Africa risks. the continent’s richest oil fi elds. Some offi cials and companies say But the days of France throwing Gabon President Ali Bongo Ondimba salutes the national flag after the the impact of the end of La Francaf- its weight behind a leader for com- swearing in ceremony in Libreville on Tuesday. rique should not be overstated, since mercial favours may be numbered, globalisation has been opening the which presents a challenge for Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault after your chums,” he said, an ap- fi eld to competition anyway. French businesses in West Africa, a told the France 2 TV channel this proach that was now “basically im- Ali Bongo, who has lived in Los largely Francophone region because month. possible”. Angeles and had a son in elite Eng- of its colonial past Ali Bongo, the son “We do not interfere in In Burkina Faso, where crowds lish boarding school Eton, made a of the late president, was inaugu- countries’ internal aff airs,” he said, ousted Blaise Compaore in 2014 as point of trying to expand ties beyond rated for a second term on Tuesday articulating a trademark policy of he tried to extend his 27-year rule, the Francophone world. after an election whose credibility Socialist President Francois Hol- France backed away from its former France, meanwhile, has been di- EU observers seriously called into lande, who four years ago pledged friend, having quietly told him it was versifying its own ties. question. that “the era of La Francafrique is a bad idea. In a shift from the past, it is in- France’s position has been clear over” while in Senegal. Socialist Hollande has shown no creasingly seeking opportunities in since the August 27 poll: it has A French diplomat told Reuters interest in cultivating the decades- former British colonies like Kenya “doubts” about its credibility, so it that current thinking in the French old clandestine networks linking and Botswana; the French govern- won’t endorse Bongo as the win- government was that Paris could French businessmen and intelli- ment’s Africa department now has ner against his main opponent Jean no longer automatically back an gence agents to African politicians more experts in east Africa than Ping — a clear message that Bongo’s ally, even when trade interests are at that were created by France’s right- west, according to government half-century family dynasty can no stake. wing former President Charles de sources. longer count on support from Ga- If the leader’s popularity fades, in Gaulle. A month ago, Total won a produc- bon’s former colonial master. elections or on the streets, France “There really has been a shift to tion licence in Uganda. Bongo denies unduly infl uencing will distance itself. the idea that if there are to be nego- “France has accepted the fact the election, and Gabon’s top court “The era of us picking someone tiations with African partners they has a lot less ability to in- upheld the result. and saying ‘you’re the next presi- have to go through offi cial channels,” fl uence local politics,” said historian Yet his father used to win elec- dent’ is over,” another French dip- said Aline Leboeuf, a researcher at Nathaniel Powell, who specialises tions with so little credibility that lomat said, even when France has the Institute Francais. in French-African relations, add- in 1986 he got over 99% of the vote, “specifi c interests in one country or The challenge posed to French ing that it used to be a condition of and four years later, when protests another”. companies present in Africa is com- working with an African leader that erupted, French troops stepped in to “France has changed quite a lot,” plex, but it is clear the privileges he would not allow in American quell them. said Paul Melly, associate fellow in they used to enjoy are being eroded. companies. France’s Elf won every oil licence the Africa Programme of London- A 2013 Gabon oil licensing round “They used to pretty much own in a bidding round shortly after, ac- based international aff airs think- doled out 18 blocks to companies the Gabonese economy,” he said. cording to British journalist Nicho- tank Chatham House. from around the world, but French “Now African elites have much las Shaxson in his 2008 book Poi- “The time when the French in- oil major Total, Elf’s successor fol- more leverage, because they have soned Wells. tervened to help Omar Bongo...that lowing a merger, was left empty- the Chinese, they have other op- “That period is behind us,” French was the old La Francafrique, looking handed. tions.” Gulf Times 14 Thursday, September 29, 2016 AMERICAS

NASCAR champ honoured Americas region is fi rst in world to be free of measles

AFP Over the past year, from Miami August 2015 to August 2016, all countries in the Americas showed documentation that easles has been eradi- endemic measles had been cated from the Amer- wiped out to the International Micas after decades of Committee of Experts for Doc- vaccination eff orts, making it umentation and Verifi cation of the fi rst region of the world to Measles, Rubella and Congeni- rid itself of the highly conta- tal Rubella Syndrome Elimina- gious disease, global health au- tion in the Americas. thorities said Tuesday. Measles is a highly conta- Measles remains a top killer gious virus that lives in the of children worldwide, and nose and throat of an infected took nearly 115,000 lives in person, and can linger in the 2014 — or about 13 deaths air for hours, according to the every hour — according to the US Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization. and Prevention. Before vaccination became Symptoms include white widespread around the globe, bumps inside the cheeks, fever, measles killed about 2.6mn runny nose, and cough. people per year. Severe complications can “Endemic transmission of occur, leading to miscarriage in measles has been eliminated pregnant women as well as the from the region,” said World risk of death by pneumonia or Health Organization director brain swelling. A vaccine be- Margaret Chan. came widely available in 1963, “The Americas region has but the virus has proven diffi - shown that with strong nation- cult to eradicate. al immunization programs... In recent years, measles out- dedicated fi nancing and breaks have risen in some parts strong political commitment of the United States and Europe and partner support, measles where parents have refused to can be stopped,” she added, vaccinate their children. describing it as “an outstand- When a person is infected ing achievement.” outside the area and returns to President Barack Obama with NASCAR driver Kyle Busch as he welcomes his team to honour Busch’s Sprint Cup Series championship at the White House in Washington, Measles is now the fi fth vac- an area with lower vaccination yesterday. cine-preventable disease to be rates, more children are at risk eliminated in the Americas, af- of getting sick and spreading ter smallpox, polio, rubella and the disease. congenital rubella syndrome, “Sometimes people that are according to a statement from unvaccinated are in groups, so the Pan American Health Or- you can see a cluster of cases,” ganization. said the CDC’s Susan Reef, The end of endemic trans- noting that just such an out- mission means the virus is no break in California last year longer commonly spread lo- does not qualify as “endemic cally, although imported cases transmission.” Tribal deals ‘may help may still lead to isolated out- Experts said the success of breaks. the Americas should not lead The region of the Americas people to become complacent reported its last endemic case about vaccine eff orts, which in 2002. must be maintained at high “However, since measles levels to keep the virus at bay. continues to circulate world- “It is my hope that other solve pipeline impasse’ wide, some countries contin- regions of the world are en- ued to report imported cases,” couraged by the success of the Oil firms are off ering service Dave Archambault II, chair- 6,000 acres of land adjacent to said the PAHO statement. Americas,” said Chan. deals as sweeteners to tribes man of the Standing Rock Sioux, the line’s route a “pretty good said he appreciated the sugges- move”. Federal oil pipeline regu- Reuters tion from Volker, but that his op- lators do not have authority over San Francisco position to the pipeline has little private land and cannot block to do with economics. construction on it. “It’s going to be very diffi cult “It just increases the odds that Post calls for Maine he chief executive of North for us to allow this line to come things get done,” he said. Dakota’s largest oil pro- through just because some in- The Dakota Access pipeline Tducer, Whiting Petroleum digenous-owned company may would, if fi nished, help North governor to resign Corp, says the standoff over the benefi t,” Archambault said in an Dakota oil producers transport $3.7bn Dakota Access pipeline interview. “If this pipeline goes their product to refi ners and could be solved by giving eco- through, we will be the fi rst to other customers cheaper and Reuters binder of people arrested for nomic opportunities, including pay the cost.” faster. Boston traffi cking drugs in the state supply and delivery contracts, Dakota Access fi rst contacted Volker said he estimates the and that 90% of those in it to the Standing Rock Sioux and Native American children participate in the Stop The Dakota Access the Sioux about the pipeline in pipeline would cut the diff eren- were black or Hispanic. The other Native Americans. Pipeline protest. October 2014 and continued tial for North Dakota oil – that is, he Washington Post yes- governor released the binder Thousands of protesters from reaching out to the tribe through the extra cost needed to get the terday called on Maine this week and a review by local all over the world have joined owned fi rms for water hauling ing built by the Dakota Access March 2016, according to a re- oil to market due to its distance Tgovernor Paul LePage media found that closer to one with the Sioux to oppose the and other oilfi eld service needs subsidiary of Dallas-based En- port from the US Army Corps of – from about $8.50 per barrel to to resign, following a series of in three arrestees in it matched pipeline, which would transport across oil-producing regions. ergy Transfer Partners LP. Engineers. around $5.50. incidents in which the two- LePage’s description. oil within half a mile of tribal “We as an industry like to see Contracts between Native Volker, who has worked at Federal regulators are expected term Republican made racially Maine legislative leaders last land in North Dakota. Federal them provide those services,” American-owned fi rms and oil Whiting for more than 30 years, to rule soon on whether the pipe- charged statements and threat- month briefl y considered con- regulators temporarily blocked Volker said in an interview on the and natural gas producers are said he was sensitive to the tribe’s line’s construction can proceed, ened a Democratic lawmaker in vening a special session to rep- construction of the pipeline sidelines of the Independent Pe- not uncommon on reservations. concerns that construction of though the Standing Rock Sioux an obscenity-laden e-mail. rimand LePage for the outburst, earlier this month under the troleum Association of America’s Indeed, the MHA Nation, whose the Dakota Access pipeline would and environmental groups have LePage, whose term ex- but the eff ort collapsed with the Missouri River, mollifying op- OGIS conference in San Francis- members live on a reservation disturb ancestral burial sites and vowed to oppose it. tends through 2018, last month two parties unable to agree on ponents but irking the fossil fuel co. in western North Dakota where other historical areas. Kirby Inland Marine LP has lashed out at a state lawmaker whether they wanted to censure industry. “It does provide a better about a third of the state’s crude “I wouldn’t want necessarily a agreed to pay $4.9mn in civil who criticized his comments him or pursue impeachment. The Standing Rock Sioux standard of living for them. It is pumped, requires oil produc- pipeline to go through the cem- penalties to settle claims stem- blaming black and Hispanic A spokeswoman for the gov- say the pipeline’s construction does provide a direct tie to the ers operating on their land to etery where all my relatives are ming from a 4,000-barrel oil people from out of state for the ernor dismissed the editorial as would destroy tribal burial sites. energy business and makes them contract with American Indian- buried,” he said. spill in the Houston Ship Chan- heroin trade in Maine. biased. They also worry that any future and their tribal leaders more in- owned businesses. But he added that he expects nel in March 2014, the US justice In an editorial titled “Maine’s “The Post did not contact leaks would pollute their water clined to want to have more en- But the requirement cannot the situation to be resolved by department said on Tuesday. unhinged governor,” the news- anyone from the governor’s of- supply. ergy development.” apply outside the reservation’s November. “I’m pretty sure there The company, a subsidiary of paper wrote “LePage threatens fi ce to fact-check this biased Jim Volker, Whiting’s CEO, When fully connected to exist- borders and many oil compa- will be a pretty good resolution to Kirby Corp, also agreed to imple- to remake his state’s image from a piece of propaganda,” spokes- said those concerns would be ing lines, the 1,770km pipeline nies, Whiting included, do not this.” ment operating improvements vacation paradise of surreal nat- woman Adrienne Bennett said best addressed through econom- would be the fi rst to carry crude have oilfi eld service and supply Volker called a move last week across its hundreds of vessels op- ural beauty to a hotbed of hatred”. in an e-mail. “Clearly, the Post ic opportunities, including con- oil from the Bakken shale directly contracts with a large number of by the owners of the Dakota Ac- erating in US inland waters, the LePage had told reporters editorial board is exempt from tracting with American Indian- to the US Gulf. The project is be- Indian-owned fi rms. cess pipeline to buy more than department said in a statement. he had collected a three-ring reporting facts.” Mosaic house a romantic homage to two artists

Reuters One of the walls is covered in photographs Venice, California of the couple. Kitchen appliances are deco- rated with paint. The collaboration is, Pann said, the ulti- he Mosaic Tile House in Venice stands mate “honey-do” project. as a monument to two decades of ar- She makes the tiles, he lays them. Ttistic collaboration between Cheri “He’s busy working, working, working and Pann and husband Gonzalo Duran. then I’ll come along and say, ‘Hon, hmmm, “It’s tchotchke heaven,” Pann, 76, told Re- there is something wrong and I won’t know uters about her kaleidoscopic bungalow. “It’s what it is.’ And then he’ll take a look back and turned out to be an homage to putting every- he’ll say, ‘Ah, I know what it is,’ and then he’ll thing possible into cement.” fi x it,” Pann said. By “everything,” Pann means fi gurines of Pann was encouraged by family and profes- poodles and hula girls, commemorative china sors to pursue accounting, but at age 18 she baseball bats and a sweeping arch of coff ee Artists Gonzalo Duran and his wife Cheri went to a Van Gogh show and never looked cups, their handles pointing skyward. Pann in the studio of their Mosaic Tile House. back. Smashed pottery and shards of mirror “The story behind the house is really about make up the more traditional mosaic patterns After the studio was built, Pann made tiles the love story behind Gonzalo and myself,” on the house’s interior and exterior surfaces. for the bathroom. Pann said.”We salsa in the house, and if it The couple met in 1992 when Duran was “It was so much fun doing it, we just kept weren’t toxic, I’d paint on him.” working at an art supply store and Pann was on going,” said Duran, 72, who was born in Pann hopes the Mosaic Tile House eventu- in need of some acrylic paints. Mexico and raised in East Los Angeles. ally will be preserved on the National Register They still go back to the same store for sup- Link to Wider Images story: http://reut. of Historic Places. plies. rs/2cypALA Tiles in the shapes of butterfl ies, He is convinced the house will stay stand- The house is on a quiet street, a 20-minute camels and giraff es surround the sink. ing. bike ride from the beach. Pann bought it in A ceramic cockerel sits proudly atop the “To tear this down is a big job. So I mean 1994 and wanted to build an art studio in it. breakfast bar. it’ll be here forever,” he said. The kitchen of artists Gonzalo Duran and Cheri Pann’s Mosaic Tile House in Venice, California. Gulf Times Thursday, September 29, 2016 15 AMERICA

California fire Obama veto on 9/11 suit is voted down

DPA avoiding the shutdown failed Washington to garner enough votes to ad- vance in the Senate. “It should lead to our being he Senate voted over- able to move forward on this whelmingly yesterday to continuing resolution. There Toverride a veto by presi- are a couple of other outstand- dent Barack Obama on a bill ing issues. But I think they that would allow the families should be able to be resolved,” of September 11, 2001 terrorist Senate Democratic leader Har- attack victims to sue the Saudi ry Reid said yesterday. government. A conservative group, Herit- The 100-member upper age Action, yesterday said the chamber of Congress was spending bill “falls far short nearly unanimous in opposi- of conservative expectations” Fire churns up dried brush in the Santa Cruz Mountains near Loma Prieta, California yesterday. The Loma Fire has charred more than 2000 acres and burned multiple tion to Obama’s veto, with only and urged congress to defeat structures in the area. one senator voting against the it. But with House and Senate eff ort that easily cleared the members eager to go home to two-thirds hurdle needed to campaign for re-election, the overturn Obama’s veto. measure appeared headed to- The Lower House of Repre- ward passage. sentatives was expected to fol- Only 45 senators in the Re- low suit later this week. publican-controlled 100-seat The White House has Senate voted in favour of a pro- warned that the legislation, cedural step needed for consid- vetoed by Obama last week, eration of the stop-gap fund- would run contrary to US in- ing bill to fund federal agencies Mother, brother of NY terests by placing eff orts to until December 9. Without a hold foreign governments re- continuing resolution, or CR, sponsible for terrorist acts in many federal agencies will run the hands of courts and open- out of money when the federal ing US offi cials, diplomats and fi scal year ends at midnight soldiers up to prosecution in EST on Friday (0400 GMT Sat- foreign courts. urday). bomb suspect held The Justice Against Spon- Lawmakers were expected to sors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) consider the CR again. The two US citizens were questioned Investigators have probed Rahami’s his- include the June massacre of 49 people at when he tried to board a Turkish Airlines cleared Congress earlier this Democrats in the Senate and in Dubai and then taken to Kabul tory of travel to Afghanistan and Pakistan. an Orlando nightclub and the killing of 14 plane at Los Angeles International Airport month just ahead of the 15th House had vowed to oppose the He was motivated by militant Islamist people at a San Bernardino, California, so- for a fl ight to Turkey, from where he had anniversary of the September CR until Republicans agree to Reuters views, prosecutors say, citing a journal he cial services agency last December. planned to make his way to the Syrian bor- 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. an aid package for Flint, a city New York carried when he was captured in which he Steinbach also noted that militant at- der, federal prosecutors said. Family members of victims of more than 100,000 peo- begged for martyrdom and expressed out- tacks remain rare in the United States, say- Found in his carry-on bag was a compu- of the 2001 terrorist strikes, ple that has had lead-tainted rage at what he called the US slaughter of ing that 19 people were killed in the United ter storage drive containing graphic pho- in which hijackers crashed jets drinking water for more than he mother and a brother of New Muslim fi ghters. States and 21 Americans killed overseas in tos of Islamic State beheadings and a “hit in New York, Washington and two years. York City bombing suspect Ah- The American Civil Liberties Union said attacks considered terrorism in 2015. list” of US defence department employee Pennsylvania, have long sought Under the deal reached be- Tmad Rahami have been detained in on Monday it will temporarily provide le- “There is no expectation that we will names and addresses compiled by the ex- to sue Saudi Arabia, claiming tween Ryan and Pelosi, the Afghanistan after trying to return to the gal counsel to Rahami, as concern grew stop every homicide here in Boston or Chi- tremist group, according to evidence pre- links between the kingdom and House will vote on an amend- United States and being taken off a flight, over his lack of access to a lawyer. Author- cago,” he said. “For some reason, with ter- sented at trial. the terrorist network Al Qaeda. ment to a separate water re- the suspect’s father told ABC News. ities say Rahami is not physically able to rorism, there is an expectation, a bar that Weeks earlier, prosecutors said, Elhuza- Saudi offi cials have report- sources bill that would provide The father, Mohamed Rahami, said in an appear in court, and he has not. is set at zero and every single attack that yel had posted Twitter messages profess- edly threatened to sell the a $170mn aid package for Flint. interview published on ABC’s website yes- The United States is likely to face a goes through is considered a failure.” ing support for a 2015 incident in Texas in kingdom’s assets in the United A Senate version of the bill terday that his wife, Najiba, and another of higher risk of Islamic State-inspired at- A would-be Islamic State recruit from which two gunmen were shot to death by States if such legislation be- contains $220mn for Flint and his sons, Qassim, were in Dubai when they tacks over the next two years as the group California was sentenced on Monday to 30 police. comes law. other cities with problem wa- were pulled from a fl ight and questioned loses land in the Middle East, a top offi cial years in prison for his conviction on charges Elhuzayel also appeared in a video The measure would nar- ter systems. for 16 hours by authorities there. with the Federal Bureau of Investigation he sought to join the militant group in Syr- swearing allegiance to Islamic State leader row the sovereign immunity Reid eased his opposition Authorities then sent them to Kabul, he said yesterday. ia and committed bank fraud to pay for a Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and pledging to en- of other governments in fed- to the CR only after receiving said. “I’m fairly convinced that 2017 and plane ticket there, federal prosecutors said. list as a fi ghter in the militant group, which eral courts, allowing lawsuits assurances that Republicans “Why send my son back to Afghanistan? 2018 in the homeland will be more dan- Nader Elhuzayel, 25, was found guilty has seized swaths of territory in Iraq and against foreign states for inju- would act on the Flint aid be- He is a US citizen. You have any questions? gerous than we’ve seen before, because as in June by a US district jury in Santa Ana, Syria and claimed responsibility for nu- ries, death and damages inside fore the end of the year. Bring him home, [don’t] send him to a dif- we shrink ISIS, they’ll lash out,” Michael California, of conspiring and attempt- merous attacks on civilians in Europe. the United States as a result of It was not clear what other ferent country,” Mohamed Rahami said of Steinbach, executive assistant director of ing to provide material support, namely Prosecutors said Elhuzayel and a co- a tort, including an act of ter- issues remained to be resolved. Qassim. the FBI’s national security branch, told a himself, to a terrorist organization, and 26 defendant, Muhanad Badawi, repeatedly rorism, committed anywhere But Democrats have also com- Reuters could not immediately confi rm security conference at the Massachusetts counts of bank fraud. used social media to express their support by a foreign state or offi cial. plained about Republican un- that the two were being held. Institute of Technology. He became the fi rst person tried, con- for Islamic State, including its execution The US Senate yes- willingness to eliminate CR Ahmad Rahami, a 28-year-old natu- Islamic State proclaimed a caliphate victed and sentenced for such charges in of gay men. One Twitter message posted terday was poised to advance a language that prevents the ralised US citizen, emigrated from Af- over parts of Iraq and Syria in 2014 but has federal court, the US attorney’s Offi ce in by Elhuzayel declared: “The only thing stop-gap funding bill to avert Securities and Exchange Com- ghanistan with his family at the age of 7. lost a signifi cant amount of territory since Los Angeles said. More than 70 individu- more beautiful than rain is homosexuals a looming federal government mission from requiring com- They settled in Elizabeth, New Jersey, and then to US-backed off ensives, though it als have been charged in the United States being thrown off tall buildings.” shutdown, after Democrats panies to report their political opened a fried chicken restaurant. still controls oil wells on Syrian land. with trying to travel abroad to enlist with Badawi was convicted in a joint trial and Republicans agreed to help activity. Rahami faces federal charges in the Steinbach was quick to say that the fact Islamic State, with most cases resulting in with Elhuzayel of conspiring with him to Flint, Michigan, resolve its wa- The House was due to vote bombing this month that injured 31 people that additional attacks might be planned guilty pleas. support terrorism, aiding and abetting his ter crisis. on its version of the water re- in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighbourhood, did not mean they would be successful. He A native-born US citizen, Elhuzayel eff orts by purchasing his one-way plane Republican House of Repre- sources bill this week. Once and in connection with explosives found at noted that US security offi cials disrupted worked various odd jobs after graduating ticket, and a single count of fi nancial aid sentatives speaker Paul Ryan passed, the House and Senate locations in New Jersey. No one was killed some 70 Islamic State-inspired planned from high school, took a course in medical fraud in connection with the plot. and Democratic leader Nancy would hammer out compro- in the blasts. attacks in 2015 alone. billing and attended community college He is scheduled to be sentenced on Oc- Pelosi reached the deal late on mise legislation after the No- Rahami has been held in a Newark, New The US has seen a spate of attacks in- for several semesters, according to a pre- tober 17, and faces up to 15 years in prison Tuesday, hours after a piece vember 8 elections. The Flint Jersey, hospital since his arrest last week spired by the militant group, which has sentencing memorandum. for each count relating to providing sup- of legislation known as a con- money would be contained in with wounds after a shootout with police. been fi ghting a long civil war in Syria. They Elhuzayel was arrested on May 21, 2015, port for terrorism. tinuing resolution aimed at that measure. Trump net worth ‘at $3.7bn’ Police shoot dead black man Reuters Trump, seeking elected offi ce for the Washington fi rst time, has touted his business acumen Reuters The El Cajon offi cers found the “Now is a time for calm,” Davis In the footage, a woman who says in pressing for change in Washington. California man behind a restaurant at about said.”I implore the community to be she is the victim’s sister is heard say- Details of Trump’s wealth are not pub- 2pm PDT (2100 GMT) and ordered patient with us, work with us, look at ing she phoned police. onald Trump’s estimated net worth licly known because, bucking a decades- him to remove his hand from his the facts at hand before making any “Oh my God. You killed my broth- is $3.7bn, $800mn less than a year old tradition of US presidential candi- ore protests were planned pocket.After he refused, one offi cer judgment.” er. I just called for help and... you Dago, Forbes magazine reported yes- dates, he has refused to release his tax yesterday a day after police drew a fi rearm and the other readied The offi cers were placed on ad- killed him,” the unidentifi ed woman terday, attributing the loss largely to New returns. Moffi cers in El Cajon near San a Taser device, police said. ministrative leave, which is standard said, sobbing. York’s softening real estate market. It also disputed Trump’s assertion in Diego shot and killed an unarmed The man paced back and forth as procedure in such incidents. A witness voluntarily provided in- The magazine probed 28 assets or asset Monday night’s presidential debate that he black man, less than two weeks after the offi cers tried to talk to him with Demonstrators planned to gather vestigators with cell phone video of classes owned by the New York business- reported $694mn in income from last year similar incidents in two other cities. their weapons pointed at him, police outside the police department yes- the incident, police said. man and found 18 had declined in value, in- to the Federal Election Commission. In the latest incident, two offi cers said. terday to “demand an end to the op- Police released a still photo from cluding Trump Tower in Manhattan and his Forbes said Trump mixed revenue and responded to calls that an African- He then pulled an object from pression of black and brown people”, the video that appeared to show two Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida. income in the document. American man in his 30s was walk- his front pants pocket, placed both said United Against Police Terror, an offi cers pointing weapons at a man The value of his 40 Wall Street property Trump has so far given $54mn to his ing in traffi c and “not acting like hands together and extended them activist group organising the event. who was aiming an object at them. in downtown New York had also declined, presidential campaign. himself”, El Cajon, California, police toward an offi cer in “what appeared Some 30 protesters gathered at the The San Diego chapter of the according to Forbes, which said it has been His campaign has also paid his compa- said. to be a shooting stance”, police said. scene after the shooting, according American Civil Liberties Union tracking Trump’s wealth for 34 years. nies for offi ce space in Trump Tower and Days earlier, in Charlotte, North The offi cers simultaneously shot to local media. called for a swift and transparent At the same time, one asset remained use of his private airline, among other Carolina and in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and used the Taser on the man, who They later marched to the po- investigation, and they condemned steady while seven others — including 555 expenses, federal election fi lings have police and shot and killed black men, died after being taken to the hospital, lice department, by which time the “disturbing” reports that police of- California Street, the second tallest build- shown. igniting demonstrations against ra- police said. crowd had swollen to about 100 peo- fi cers confi scated witnesses’ cell ing in San Francisco — saw their value in- Politico reported separately yesterday cial bias in US policing and demands Offi cials have not identifi ed him. ple, including community leaders, phones. crease, it reported. that Trump is considering giving more for greater accountability for offi cers. No weapon was found at the scene, the Los Angeles Times reported. A study released in July showed Representatives for the Trump cam- money to his campaign to fund an adver- In Charlotte, rioting prompted El Cajon Police Chief Jeff Davis told Video emerged on social media police used force on black people at paign could not be immediately reached tising blitz, citing three sources close to the authorities to impose a state of reporters. He did not say what the purportedly from the moments after rates more than three times higher for comment. him. emergency and curfew. man was pointing. the shooting. than for whites. Gulf Times 16 Thursday, September 29, 2016 ASEAN

Thai authorities Tourists fl ee volcano at bar Amnesty news conference Indonesia hiking spot on torture AFP Sembalun, Indonesia AFP junta of allowing a “culture of Bangkok torture” to fl ourish since its undreds of tourists have power grab two years ago. fl ed a volcanic eruption It described a range of Hat a popular Indonesian hai authorities blocked abuse suff ered by detainees, hiking destination, an offi cial an Amnesty Interna- including beatings, partial said yesterday, expressing fears Ttional news conference suff ocation by plastic bags, some may have stayed behind to on torture in the kingdom yes- strangling, waterboarding and document the natural wonder. terday, the watchdog said, the electric shocks to the genitals. Around 1,000 tourists, in- latest move to silence rights “We documented 74 cases, cluding about 600 foreigners, groups in the army-run coun- we also interviewed offi cials were believed to be in the area try. and we came to the sad con- when Mount Barujari sent col- Two foreign Amnesty In- clusion that torture is preva- umns of ash and smoke shooting ternational staff were sched- lent in Thailand. high into the sky over holiday uled to speak at the launch in And as far as military inter- island Lombok Tuesday, accord- Bangkok of a report detailing rogations are concerned, tor- ing to the offi cial disaster agency. 74 cases of torture at the hands ture is even systematic,” said Barujari is a small cone within of Thai soldiers and police. Dr Yuval Ginbar, a London- the crater of Mount Rinjani, In- But the advocacy group was based legal adviser to Amnesty donesia’s second-highest vol- told by labour offi cials and po- International who came to cano and a major attraction for lice yesterday that speaking at Thailand to present the report. foreign tourists visiting the ar- the event could be grounds for The United Nations de- chipelago. arrest, AI spokesman Omar scribed the fi ndings as “sub- Most visitors were believed Waraich said, forcing the stantive” and hit out at the to have safely fl ed the area once group to cancel the confer- Thai government for blocking authorities alerted them after ence. the event. Barujari sent a two-kilometre “The authorities said to us “This incident is another (1.2-mile) cloud of hot gas into that...if any representatives striking illustration of a new the air, disaster agency spokes- from Amnesty International pattern of harassment of hu- man Sutopo Purwo Nugroho spoke at the event they would man rights defenders docu- said. be in violation of Thailand’s menting torture in Thailand,” Offi cials were dispatched to labour laws,” he said. said Laurent Meillan, a repre- the national park surrounding All of the speakers had valid sentative for the UN’s human Rinjani to ask people to leave and business visas and were in rights offi ce in Southeast Asia, help evacuate them if necessary. This handout photograph taken and released from Gunung Rinjani National Park yesterday shows foreign and local tourists posing for photographs touch with local authorities be- who was also scheduled to Nugroho said offi cials had so with park rangers as they evacuate from Sembalun near the Barujari volcano in the Gunung Rinjani National Park. fore the conference, he added. speak at the conference. far confi rmed about 260 tourists Junta spokesman Winthai The junta has severely had left the national park. cano as they wanted to get pic- Muhammad Rum, a lo- he added.The threat level of the Flight disruptions due to Suvaree said he was not aware curbed free speech over the But the majority of others tures of the eruption. cal spokesman for the disaster volcano was raised Tuesday as drifting ash clouds are not un- of offi cials’ interference with past two years by outlawing all were also believed to have left “The local disaster agency agency, added the eruption was Barujari erupted, but remains common in Indonesia, which the event but denied any tor- political activities, muzzling the area, although authorities said that some tourists did not not major and he believed all the two steps below the highest level sits on a belt of seismic activity ture under the military gov- the press and detaining scores were having diffi culty counting want to leave,” Nugroho said. hikers had now left the area. on a four-point scale. known as the “Ring of Fire” and ernment, which came to power of critics. them as they had fl ooded out “They wanted to record the All those who had descended Some fl ights to and from the is home to around 130 active vol- in a 2014 coup. Police and soldiers have through unoffi cial exits, he said. eruption of Barujari and in some were “in good condition and nearby resort island of Bali were canoes.An eruption at Rinjani “The information they had been dispatched to break up Offi cials however had diffi - cases hid from offi cials. healthy”, he added. cancelled overnight Tuesday to last month forced the closure of on torture was probably 10-20 dozens of rallies and block nu- culty persuading some tourists They knew it was dangerous “Many of them even video- Wednesday, but Lombok’s inter- Lombok airport and disrupted years old. Their sources might merous events covering rights to leave a three-kilometre safety but they still wanted to docu- taped the eruption while enjoy- national airport remains unaf- some fl ights to neighbouring not be trustworthy,” he said. abuses and other politically zone established around the vol- ment the eruption.” ing the beauty of the mountain,” fected. Bali. The report accused the sensitive topics.

Court hearing

Arrested Dutch tourist Klass Haytema (centre) is escorted by Myanmar police after appearing before a court in Mandalay yesterday. Dutch tourist Haytema has been detained in Myanmar for insulting religion after being accused of pulling the plug on a speaker relaying a late-night Buddhist sermon in Mandalay. Klass, 30, has been held since the night of September 23 when he allegedly disconnected the cable linking an amplifier and a speaker at a hall playing the sermon after he complained that it was disturbing him, police said. Klass’ trial will resume today.

ASSURANCE Malaysia PM China agrees to help Cambodia vows justice after MH17 probe overhaul its criticised judiciary Malaysia yesterday promised “firm action” against those behind the downing of Flight Reuters China is Cambodia’s closest ally. Rela- MH17 in Ukraine, after a Dutch- Phnom Penh tions between Cambodia and Western led enquiry found the plane was powers including the United States hit by a missile transported from and European Union, are frequently Russia. The international criminal hina is to help Cambodia revamp strained by various diff erences includ- enquiry presented its findings its judiciary, a system that op- ing over human rights. into the crash of Malaysia Airlines Cposition party supporters say is Cambodia has backed China on its Flight MH17 in conflict-torn in thrall to Prime Minister Hun Sen, and territorial claims in the South China eastern Ukraine in July 2014, that the United States has criticised as Sea to the disappointment of some of which killed all 298 people on “politicised and ineff ective”. Cambodia’s neighbours, who have rival board. “The Joint Investigation The two sides signed a memorandum claims with China. Team has concluded that MH17 of understanding on Chinese assistance The US State Department said in a was downed by a Russian-made for Cambodia’s courts this week, Min- 2015 report on rights in Cambodia that missile and it was fired from rebel istry of Justice spokesman Chin Malin a “politicised and ineff ective” judiciary controlled territory,” national said yesterday, adding that China would was among Cambodia’s most signifi - news agency Bernama reported provide training, fi nance and expertise. cant human rights problems. The gov- Prime Minister Najib Razak as “There will be training and exchanges ernment didn’t respect judicial inde- saying. “Based on the two find- of visits between the two countries’ of- pendence and the courts “were subject ings, Malaysia wants firm action fi cials, at a level up to technician and to infl uence and interference”, it said. to be taken.We have promised minister,” Chin Malin told Reuters. The judiciary has come in for par- that those who were responsible China would also provide expertise ticular criticism recently over cases for the downing of the aircraft to improve Cambodia’s commercial against opposition leaders that they say will be brought to justice,” he courts, he said.“Assistance for the judi- are politically motivated by Hun Sen’s told Malaysian media during a ciary is like promoting human rights... government in the run-up to what is trip to Germany.“We owe it to the Once, there is a good legal system, it expected to be a close general election families. The families want justice. promotes respect for human rights.” in 2018. So we will pursue this,” he said. Gulf Times Thursday, September 29, 2016 17 AUSTRALASIA/EAST ASIA

More Chinese fi rms being probed ‘for N Korea sanctions breaches’

Reuters North Korea was “risky.” opposed to any country using clear test on Sept 9. Discussions other Chinese fi rm under inves- clusion that it needed to put in- same hearing there was much Washington Asked at a congressional hear- its own laws to carry out “long are also under way on a possible tigation but told the Senate For- creased pressure on North Ko- more that China could be doing ing if other Chinese fi rms were arm jurisdiction,” after the Unit- new UN sanctions resolution on eign Relations Committee: rea. in terms of sanctions on North under investigation after the ed States sanctioned Dandong North Korea. “We are actively looking at all “It would also be useful if Korea. he co-ordinator for US United States imposed sanctions Hongxiang Industrial Develop- The United States accused the possible targets... Chinese banks and companies He said North Korea coal ex- sanctions policy indicated on a Chinese industrial machin- ment Co and four of its execu- Chinese fi rm of acting on behalf Clearly our actions on Mon- understood that increasingly, ports were a focus of current Tyesterday that more Chi- ery wholesale fi rm on Monday, tives under US regulations tar- of North Korea’s Korea Kwang- day indicate that we are willing dealing with North Korean com- sanctions discussions with Chi- nese fi rms were under US inves- Daniel Fried, coordinator for geting proliferators of weapons son Banking Corp (KKBC), to sanction Chinese companies panies, especially those that are na. tigation for suspected breaches sanctions policy at the US State of mass destruction. which has been under US and who are evading US and UN sanctioned is going to be risky; “We recognise that changing of sanctions on North Korea and Department, said he “wouldn’t The United States took the UN sanctions for supporting sanctions.” frankly not worth it.” Chinese behaviour is a prerequi- Chinese banks and fi rms should argue” with the suggestion. step after North Korea con- proliferation of such weapons. Fried said it would be best if Daniel Russel, the senior US site for changing North Korea’s understand that dealing with China said on Tuesday it was ducted its fi fth and largest nu- Fried declined to name any China itself came to the con- diplomat for East Asia, told the behaviour,” Russel said. Landslide slams into Chinese village after typhoon, 27 missing

Reuters yesterday with winds of close Shanghai/Beijing to 120 km per hour, Xinhua said. Megi, which has killed four landslide slammed people and injured more than into a village in China’s 523 in Taiwan since roaring in Aeastern Zhejiang prov- from the Pacifi c, made landfall ince yesterday, swallowing up at 4:40am. dozens of houses and leaving local time (2040 GMT 27 people missing, state media Tuesday). Chinese authori- reported. ties issued their third-highest Heavy typhoon rains caused severe weather warning in an- the landslide to crash into Su- ticipation of the storm. cun village, said the offi cial Xinhua said more than Xinhua news agency. 120,000 people who work Last month, the offi cial close to shore or at sea have People’s Daily newspaper re- been moved by Fujian authori- ported that Suichang county, ties. where the landslide occurred, The province’s 31,700 fi sh- had in recent years prioritised ing boats have been recalled to landslide and fl ood defences. port to avoid the high winds. Critics say local govern- China Southern Airlines ments, especially in the fre- said it had cancelled 24 fl ights quently hit coastal provinces beginning from Tuesday. in China’s east, misallocate More than 14,700 people Police direct traff ic in the central business district (CBD) of Adelaide after severe storms and thousands of lightning strikes knocked out power to the entire state of South Australia yesterday. funding or fail to spend enough were evacuated in Taiwan, on defences against fl oods and while millions lost power and other problems caused by hundreds of thousands of heavy rain. homes were without water. A mass of debris rolled Typhoons are common at down a lush mountain toward this time of year, picking up the small village, according to strength as they cross warm images posted by local state Pacifi c waters and bringing Lightning storms knock out media on their offi cial Weibo fi erce winds and rain when microblogs. they reach land. Earlier yesterday, China Large swathes of China have shut schools and cancelled been inundated with rain and dozens of fl ights as Typhoon battered by typhoons over the Megi made landfall in the past few months, killing hun- power to South Australia southern province of Fujian dreds of people.

Reuters moving across the state with an The state had been brought to ern Australia.When the state told Sky News.”Serious ques- Sydney intense low pressure system due a standstill, with ports closed, tried to compensate, it experi- tions will be raised that need to today. trains and trams stopped, traf- enced what is known as a “volt- be answered as to how this ex- “We’ll have gale force winds fic lights out and long com- age collapse”, Simon Emms, treme weather event could take evere storms and thou- and large seas (across the south muter delays, state agencies executive manager of network out the whole of the electric- sands of lightning strikes of the country); also heavy rain said. services at network operator ity supply across a major state Sknocked out power to the and thunderstorms, which will South Australia was relying ElectraNet, told ABC Radio, such as South Australia.” entire state of South Australia lead to renewed river rises,” it on accessing power from Aus- due to storm damage to power The impact was wide-rang- yesterday, authorities said, lead- said on its website. tralia’s populous east coast via lines.This led to a statewide ing, with traffic coming to a ing to port closures and com- SA Power Networks said re- a power interconnector with outage. standstill in Adelaide while muter chaos. pairs to its transmission network the neighbouring state of Vic- A spokeswoman for Elec- power supplies were disrupted South Australia is the coun- were underway. toria when there was a failure tranet said power was being to BHP Billiton’s Olympic Dam try’s fi fth most populous state, “There were more than 21,000 yesterday. restored to some areas of Ad- copper-uranium mine, a huge with 1.7mn people and Adelaide lightning strikes recorded over No power was flowing from elaide, but could not say when mining operation more than as its capital, and is a major wine a 12-hour period from midday Victoria into South Australia, the lights would go on across 500km to the northwest. producer and traditional manu- yesterday on the West Coast, said a spokesman for the Aus- the state.“Now, clearly, ques- A BHP spokesman said facturing hub. and as a result it is likely some tralian Energy Market Opera- tions will be raised,” Federal back-up power generation The Bureau of Meteorology damage has occurred to our dis- tor, which operates the power Minister for the Environment was being used to run critical Houses are submerged in floodwaters brought by typhoon Megi said a vigorous cold front was tribution network,” it said. systems in southern and east- and Energy Josh Frydenberg infrastructure. in Ningde, eastern China’s Fujian province yesterday.

ARCHAEOLOGY POLICY Ancient Roman Tough anti-graft coins unearthed at HK marks second anniversary Qantas warns of law takes effect Japan castle in South Korea Japanese archaeologists said of ‘Umbrella Revolution’ phone fi re risk after A tough new anti-graft law came yesterday they have for the first into force in South Korea yesterday time unearthed ancient Roman with many hailing it as a milestone coins at the ruins of an old cas- AFP US fl ight incident to help root out widespread low- tle. The discovery of 10 bronze Hong Kong level corruption. Dubbed the Kim and copper coins — the oldest Young-Ran law after the former dating from about 300-400 AD AFP tas business class passenger’s supreme court judge who drafted — in southern Okinawa caught undreds of Hong Kong Sydney seat on a Los Angeles-New it, the sweeping legislation covers researchers by surprise. pro-democracy sup- York fl ight on June 21 and “im- some 4mn public servants and It was the first time Roman Em- Hporters holding yellow mediately began hissing and employees of education institutions pire coins have been discovered umbrellas held three minutes’ ustralian carrier Qantas emitting smoke”. in the country of 50mn. The law in Japan, thousands of kilome- silence outside the city’s gov- has warned of the dan- “Moments later, the PED targets teachers bribed by parents tres from where they were likely ernment offi ces yesterday to Ager of mobile phones (personal electronic device) to give better grades, journalists minted. “At first I thought they mark the second anniversary being crushed in reclinable ignited...when the cabin crew paid to give favourable publicity and were one cent coins dropped by of mass protests challenging plane seats and catching fi re members arrived at seat 3A, off icials bought off by businessmen US soldiers,” archaeologist Hiroki Beijing. after one ignited during a US they observed an orange glow to speed up bureaucratic processes. Miyagi said. The anniversary of the fl ight, according to a safety re- emanating from the seat,” the They are now banned from accept- “But after washing them in “Umbrella Revolution” comes port yesterday. report said. ing gifts worth 50,000 won ($45) water I realised they were much as tensions remain high in the Activists hold yellow umbrellas, a symbol of the pro-democracy The fi ndings came just “A crew member discharged or more, or meals of 30,000 won older. I was really shocked.” semi-autonomous city, with movement, as they observe three minutes of silence to mark the weeks after Qantas and do- a fi re extinguisher into the or more, with off enders facing hefty The sub-tropical island chain fears growing that China is moment tear gas was used by police on the same day in 2014, in mestic competitor Virgin Aus- seat, extinguishing the glow.” fines or even a prison term. The hosts a cluster of US military tightening its grip. front of the government headquarters in Hong Kong yesterday. tralia, as well as other interna- A Qantas spokesman said law even prohibits the common bases and thousands of troops. Huge rallies in 2014 de- tional airlines, told customers the airline was telling custom- practice among doctors and other A team of researchers have manding fully free leadership Some of them are now push- He now advocates self-de- not to use or charge Samsung’s ers to keep track of their phone workers at university hospitals of been excavating Katsuren castle, elections and other demo- ing for a complete break from termination for Hong Kong and Galaxy Note 7 during fl ights while seated and to alert fl ight off ering favourable treatment to which is a Unesco world herit- cratic reforms for Hong Kong China as the fl edgling inde- was due to address crowds later after faulty lithium-ion bat- crew if they lose it down the personal acquaintances, including age site, since 2013. brought parts of the city to a pendence movement gains yesterday. teries in the new smartphone side, instead of moving their expedited scheduling of surgery. An X-ray analysis of the dime- standstill for more than two support. At 5:58pm (0958 GMT) those caused some handsets to ex- seats. Off enders often slipped through sized coins showed some were months. Those demands were Former Umbrella Movement gathered held three minutes’ plode. “When the seat moves, loopholes of the existing anti-cor- embossed with Roman letters snubbed by Beijing, but since protest leader Nathan Law, 23, silence to mark the time two The Australian Transport that’s when the phone may get ruption law, as it was hard to prove and possibly the image of Em- then former Umbrella Move- became Hong Kong’s youngest years ago when police fi red tear Safety Bureau report said the crushed,” the spokesman said, that money or gifts changed hands peror Constantine I and a soldier ment protesters have won legislator in the recent citywide gas at student-led pro-democ- phone, without revealing the adding that the seats were fi re- in return for a favour instead of as a holding a spear. seats as city lawmakers. elections. racy protesters. brand, was crushed in a Qan- retardant. token of hospitality. Gulf Times 18 Thursday, September 29, 2016 BRITAIN

DISCLOSURE LEGAL DATA FALLOUT ASSAULT Hinkley Point contract Briton charged with 1mn poor women in Britain Lawyer banned after City worker faces prison ‘to be signed today’ Ukraine terror off ences have suff ered abuse: study dodging train fares for glassing stranger

The contract to build Britain’s first nuclear power A 41-year-old man appeared in court yesterday One million women living in poverty in A wealthy barrister exposed as one of Britain’s A personal assistant at an international insurance plant in a generation will be signed today in charged with two terrorism off ences linked to the Britain have experienced extensive violence most prolific train fare dodgers has been banned brokerage who glassed a woman during Friday London, a source said. The scheduling of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Benjamin Stimson, and abuse, a report said yesterday, which from the legal profession. Dr Peter Barnett, 45, night drinks in the City has been warned by a signing follows the approval late Tuesday by the from Oldham in northwest England, was charged makes them more likely to attempt suicide, made hundreds of journeys from his home in judge that she could be jailed. Lauren Gritz, 24, board of French energy company EDF of the new under anti-terror laws, according to a statement face homelessness and have mental health Thame, Oxfordshire, into central London without “lashed out” at victim Paige Wooding with a glass conditions set by the British government for the from police. Stimson, of no fixed abode, appeared disorders. In what it says is the first report of buying a ticket, claiming he had only travelled at Agenda Bar on the evening of May 6, Inner project to go forward. London on September 15 in court in London charged with “the intention its kind, Agenda, an alliance of more than 60 from Wembley. He admitted six counts of fraud London crown court was told. Wooding, who gave the green light for the construction of the of committing acts of terrorism and engaging groups focused on girls and women at risk, by false representation over £19,000 of train fares did not know her assailant, required medical £18bn complex, but set the condition that EDF in conduct in preparation for giving eff ect to his said women in poverty are much more likely to dodged in the two-and-a-half year scam, and was treatment to a wound on her forehead. Gritz, who pledge not to cede majority control of the project. intention”. He was also charged with “the intention face almost every kind of abuse and violence handed a 16-week suspended prison sentence last works at insurance firm Jardine Lloyd Thompson, Prime Minister Theresa May caused shockwaves of committing acts of terrorism and assisting acts compared to other women. “The link between year. Australian-born Barnett, an Oxford University in St Boltolph Street, pleaded guilty to unlawful in July by ordering a review of the deal on security of terrorism”. Police confirmed that the charges violence and poverty in women’s lives is not graduate, was caught out by a ticket inspector at wounding. Judge Nigel Seed QC adjourned concerns given the involvement of Beijing’s state- related to the conflict in eastern Ukraine between surprising,” Katharine Sacks-Jones, director of Marylebone Station in November 2014, initially sentencing until October 25 but warned Gritz that run China General Nuclear Corporation (CGN). government forces and pro-Russian militia. Agenda, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. fleeing but returning to confess the next day. she could face a prison sentence. World War II spy’s row with wife ‘almost ruined D-Day’

AFP sources like “a Blue Guide (tour- London ist guide), a map of England, an out-of-date railway timetable,” according to an MI5 memo dated ecret fi les released yes- July 12, 1943. terday shed new light on “Fortunately, he has a facile and Show a Spaniard dubbed the lurid style, great ingenuity and a greatest double agent of World passionate and quixotic zeal for War II tricked Germany with his task,” the memo added. false intelligence about the D- Despite an initial rejection by Day Normandy landings. Britain, Pujol was eventually re- Juan Pujol, codenamed Garbo, cruited to act as a double agent was one of British intelligence and smuggled to London in April service MI5’s most prized war- 1942. However, his wife Araceli time assets, tricking Berlin with struggled to cope with their new elaborate misinformation from life. a made-up network of sub- One incident showed how her agents. husband was even prepared to put The Hitler regime never dis- his ingenuity to work on her to covered Pujol’s deception and protect his position. Jeremy Corbyn acknowledges the delegates as he receives a round of applause after speaking on the fourth day of the annual Labour Party conference in Liverpool yesterday. even awarded him the Iron Cross On June 21, 1943, she tel- for his services, while he was also ephoned Harris threatening to honoured by Britain. leave Pujol and go to the Spanish In perhaps his biggest success, embassy in London to disclose he helped mislead the Germans her husband’s work to the Franco about the D-Day landings on June regime unless she could go home. 6, 1944. The couple had rowed after Afterwards, he persuaded them he refused to take her to a dinner that the Normandy landings were where there would be embassy a diversion before a bigger op- staff . End ‘trench warfare’, eration in the Pas de Calais area of The next day, after another call, northern France, further along the an MI5 offi cer went to the family’s coast. north London home and found Pujol told them “that the her “sitting in the kitchen with all present attack was a large scale the gas taps turned on”. diversionary operation for the Describing Araceli as a “highly purpose of establishing a strong emotional and neurotic woman”, Corbyn urges Labour bridgehead in order to draw the Harris described in a report six maximum of German reserves to days later how Pujol hatched a Reuters party’s left-wing programme let’s be frank, no one will be con- Britain if it is to avoid alienating over immigration, but Corbyn the area of operations and to re- plan to convince his wife that he Liverpool would protect the economy. vinced of a vision promoted by more voters. said a Labour government would tain them there in order to be able had been arrested due to her be- Despite attracting hundreds a divided party,” Corbyn told his “If Labour now argues for the “not sow division by fanning the to strike a second blow with en- haviour. of thousands of new members to party’s annual conference in the status quo, it will look like we fl ames of fear”. sured success,” his case offi cer To- This was designed to calm her eremy Corbyn, leader of the join the Labour Party, he faces a northern city of Liverpool. have abandoned them too,” said “We will tackle the real issues mas Harris wrote in a secret memo down and prevent similar actions main opposition Labour daunting task to impose his au- “So I ask each and every one of Andy Burnham, the party’s home of immigration instead, what- dated June 13, 1944. in future. JParty, yesterday called on his thority on his own lawmakers and you...end the trench warfare and aff airs spokesman, who signalled ever the eventual outcome of the “He gave reasons as to why the She was even taken to visit him lawmakers to end “trench war- sell his socialist policies to the work together to take on the To- he would resign from Corbyn’s Brexit negotiations and make the second assault was likely to come in an interrogation camp before fare” and unite to challenge the wider electorate. ries,” he said. top team to run for mayor of changes that are needed,” he said. in the Pas de Calais area,” Harris apologising two days later and ruling Conservatives and deliver He is also facing criticism that Corbyn, fi rst elected last year Manchester. Corbyn’s calls for unity are added. vowing “never to perform any ac- “socialism of the 21st century”. he fails to understand Britons’ on a wave of enthusiasm for a new “So let’s develop a plan for fair repeated publicly by almost all Pujol — apparently motivated tion which might compromise my Corbyn, re-elected as leader at widespread concerns over im- politics, promised not to “off er Brexit that deals with their con- in his party, but privately many by a hatred of fascism and com- husband’s work” again. the weekend after a divisive con- migration — a key factor that false promises on immigration as cerns but supports our economy centrist Labour lawmakers say munism rooted in his Spanish “The extraordinary ingenu- test, said he wanted to win back prompted them to vote in June to the Tories have done”. and keeps the Britain we have they fear his win will serve to ce- Civil War experiences — started ity with which he has conceived trust in Labour. leave the European Union. That puts him at odds with known — open, welcoming, play- ment his authority and drive the his intelligence career feeding the and carried through this plan has The party was dealt a crushing “Our job is now to win over some in his party, who say Labour ing its part in the world.” party further left, ceding the cen- Germans false information about perhaps saved a situation which election defeat by the ruling Con- the unconvinced to our vision. must respond to people’s worries Prime Minister Theresa May tre ground from where Tony Blair Britain while living in Lisbon. might otherwise have been intol- servatives last year, when many Only that way can we secure the and consider some form of con- has made clear that a priority in won three consecutive elections His information was based on erable,” Harris wrote. voters cast doubt on whether the Labour government we need and trol over the numbers arriving in Brexit talks is to get some control from 1997 to 2005.

Film premiere Palace offi cial jailed Record numbers left for contracts fraud homeless after evictions AFP ace and Kensington Palace,” said London a statement from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), the Guardian News and Media port. In 2010 just 11% of home- da so that everyone benefi ts from state prosecutor. London less acceptances in England were the economic situation of the he offi cial in charge of Judge Loraine-Smith said caused by the end of an AST. country, which is very positive,” maintaining Bucking- that Harper had appeared a The government’s statistical he said. Tham Palace, Queen Eliz- “hard-working, apparently ecord numbers of families release states: “Aff ordability (of The quarterly statistics also abeth II’s London residence, loyal team player, admired and are becoming homeless af- housing) is an increasingly sig- reveal a sharp rise in the number was yesterday jailed for fi ve trusted by colleagues”, but that Rter being evicted by private nifi cant issue, as more house- of homeless households with years for accepting more than was hiding a “dishonest and landlords and fi nding themselves holds facing the end of a private children who had been unlaw- £100,000 to award valuable greedy” side. “Nobody could unable to aff ord a suitable alter- tenancy are unable to fi nd an al- fully resident in unsuitable tem- contracts. As deputy property have guessed that a trusted in- native place to live, government ternative without assistance.” porary bed and breakfast ac- manager for the royal house- sider such as yourself could fi gures show. Bob Blackman, a Tory back- commodation for longer than six hold, Ronald Harper, was also think of going to the lengths that The end of an assured short- bencher who has drawn up a pri- weeks. responsible for maintaining St you did to corrupt the system for hold tenancy (AST) was cited vate member’s bill seeking to re- Although councils are required James’s Palace, Clarence House personal gain,” he said. by nearly a third of the 15,170 quire councils to do more to help to ensure families do not stay in and Windsor Castle until he was “Your betrayal of your col- households in England who were households at risk of losing their B&B accommodation for longer suspended in 2012. leagues’ trust and your lack of classed as homeless in the three homes, said: “It is a national dis- than 42 days, 1,140 households Judge Nicholas Loraine- remorse at what you did are both months to June – a number that grace when we have the highest found themselves in this position Smith at London’s Southwark remarkable.” was up 10% on the same period number of people in employ- in the three months to June, up Crown Court sentenced the Harper received corrupt pay- last year. ment ever, we have a low rate of 29% on the same period in 2015 64-yeard-old to three-year ments from the former owners The problem was particularly unemployment, that we still have and the highest recorded number and two-year jail terms for two of electrical fi rm Melton Power acute in London, accounting for people sleeping rough. Goodness since 2003. counts of conspiracy to make Services (MPS) and mainte- 41% of all homelessness accept- knows what will happen if there Outer London boroughs in corrupt payments, a total of nance group BSI Nordale. ances in the capital during the is a recession.” London such as Croydon (169), fi ve years. “During his employ- The court was told the pay- period, according to fi gures from He said the government was Redbridge (132) and Harrow (120) ment, Harper personally re- ments were made to secure or the department for communities “very sympathetic” towards his recorded the highest number of ceived more than £100,000 in retain lucrative contracts with and local government (DCLG). bill, which will have its second households in breach of the six- covert payments from compa- the royal household. Former The end of an AST has rapidly reading in the Commons at the week limit, and there are signs nies which were awarded lucra- MPS director Steven Thomp- become the single biggest cause end of October, and he was ne- the phenomenon is spreading tive and prestigious contracts son, 62, was earlier jailed for 18 of homelessness in recent years, gotiating with ministers to get beyond the capital, to places such US actor Mark Wahlberg arrives for the European premiere for mechanical and electrical months while BSI Nordale di- triggered by spiralling rent rises proper support. “I think it sits as Luton (87), Reading (65) and of the film Deepwater Horizon in London. work in Buckingham Palace, the rector Christopher Murphy, 56, and cuts to housing benefi t sup- with Theresa May’s social agen- Peterborough (30). Queen’s Gallery, St James’s Pal- received an 18-month sentence. Gulf Times Thursday, September 29, 2016 19 BRITAIN Govt sets out reasons to bypass parliament over Brexit

Reuters In its submission ahead of isters to accept parliament must involved in the legal action won May, who has said Article 50 successfully leave the European ment said this argument was un- London a Brexit court challenge next trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon permission to publish the govern- would not be triggered this year, Union,” she said. “They are those founded. month, the government argued Treaty, the formal exit procedure. ment’s defence case. told parliament earlier this month who want to try to stop us leav- “It would be constitutionally that it had been “unequivocal” Gina Miller, a co-founder of “The court’s order allows a the decision on when to do so ing.” proper to give eff ect to the refer- he government’s legal rea- that the outcome of June’s refer- London fund manager SCM Pri- fl oodlight to be shone on the was a prerogative power, one that Those bringing the challenge’s endum result by use of prerogative sons for stating that Prime endum would be respected and vate, is the main claimant, who government’s secret reasons for ministers can take on behalf of the principal argument is that trig- powers,” it said. “It was clearly TMinister Theresa May has that constitutionally a decision says she hopes their action will believing it alone can bring about Crown. gering Article 50 without an act of understood that the government the power to begin divorce pro- to withdraw from the bloc was a force a more informed debate on Brexit without any meaningful “No one should be in any doubt parliament would undermine the would give eff ect to the result of ceedings from the European Un- power that only ministers could Brexit and its implications. parliamentary scrutiny,” said John that those who are trying to pro- rights enacted by European Com- the referendum for which the 2015 ion without parliament’s author- take on behalf of the monarchy. The offi cial response to these Halford, the lawyer presenting a long the process by their legal ref- munities Act of 1972, passed when Act provided, and that was the ba- ity were made public for the fi rst A series of claims have been claims was made public after group which calls itself “The Peo- erences in relation to parliament Britain joined the EU. sis on which the electorate voted time yesterday. brought to force May and her min- lawyers acting for another group ple’s Challenge”. are not those who want to see us In its submission, the govern- in the referendum.”

Council’s Royals arrive in Yukon posters Doctors lose against begging banned legal battle

Guardian News and Media London on legality of nti-begging posters put up by Nottingham City Coun- Acil have been banned after complaints they implied that all homeless people were engaged in criminal and anti-social behav- iour. new contracts Over the summer the council ran a series of fi ve posters to per- Guardian News and Media ployers to introduce the new the scope of the health secre- suade the public to stop giving London contract, not compelling them tary’s powers. money to beggars. to do so. He further said that he But Gavin Sheldon QC, ap- One poster featured an image of did “not accept the claimants’ pearing for Hunt, rejected the a homeless man in sleeping bag unior doctors have lost a ju- argument that the evidence base doctors’ arguments and said that begging with the text “Begging: dicial review challenging the upon which the minister acted their case was without substance. watch your money go to a fraud. Jlegality of a controversial new was inadequate” and rejected the The health secretary had not de- Beggars aren’t what they seem.” contract, which is now set to be suggestion that Hunt had misled cided to “compel” NHS trusts A second featured a close-up introduced by Jeremy Hunt next parliament. to use the new contract, he had of a person smoking a roll-up week. The junior doctors neverthe- merely approved it, Sheldon said. cigarette with the text “Beg- In a judgment published yes- less claimed the judgment as “The secretary of state has ging: watch your money go up in terday, Justice Green rejected a victory. They said it showed not gone outside the scope of his smoke. Begging funds the misuse arguments presented at the high that, contrary to Hunt’s previous powers,” he told the court. “The of drugs”. court by fi ve junior doctors that statements, the contract was not secretary of state has been clear And a third featured an image the health secretary had exceed- being imposed and so junior doc- about what his powers are.” of a discarded lager can and the ed his powers. tors were not legally compelled The fi ve doctors’ high court line “Begging: watch your money A department of health to sign the new agreement. legal challenge was crowdfunded go down the drain. Begging funds spokeswoman said: “We wel- Dr Amar Mashru, one of the by £300,000 from about 10,000 the misuse of alcohol.” come this clear decision by the fi ve doctors who brought the le- donors, most of them fellow jun- The Advertising Standards Au- judge that the secretary of state gal challenge, said: “This allows ior doctors. They hoped that the thority received seven complaints acted entirely lawfully. We must the employees and employers at court’s ruling would embarrass that the ads were off ensive be- now move on from this dispute a national level to negotiate and Hunt, and make it diffi cult for cause they portrayed homeless to the crucial job of making sure agree terms which are genuinely him to execute his threat to im- people in a derogatory manner and patients get the same high stand- in the interests of patients and pose the contract, by fi nding that implied they are engaged in crimi- ards of urgent and emergency staff .” he had acted outside his powers or nal and anti-social behaviour. care every day of the week, which He said it was possible that the law. Nottingham City Council de- involves more than the junior trusts would retain the existing Many junior doctors, frus- nied that the campaign negatively doctors’ contract. contract until terms and condi- trated that eight days of strike targeted homeless people. “We urge the BMA to remove tions were agreed, rather than action between January and May The council said its deliber- all threat of further industrial introduce the new agreement had failed to force Hunt to lift his ately “hard-hitting” campaign action so we can work construc- next week as hoped for by Hunt. threat of imposition, hoped that was not anti-homeless people but tively with junior doctors to ad- The department of health said the lawsuit might delay or even designed to tackle the increas- dress their wider concerns and it would be seeking the repay- scupper altogether Hunt’s plans. ing problem of aggressive begging better recognise their vital im- ment of taxpayers’ money spent The British Medical Associa- and to discourage members of the portance to the NHS.” defending the case up to the pre- tion is facing a backlash from its public from giving money to beg- The doctors had argued that viously agreed cap of £70,000 members after fi rst announcing, gars, “almost none of whom were the health secretary had no pow- and would use the funds to make and then last Saturday calling homeless”. er, whether solely or with others, a charitable grant to NHS chari- off , plans for a series of four all- It contended that giving money to impose terms on which junior ties. out strikes by junior doctors as a to beggars is likely to fund drug doctors were employed, only to In a two-day hearing last week way of increasing the pressure on and alcohol addiction and people make recommendations; that at the Royal Courts of Justice Hunt. wanting to help “genuine” home- Hunt had acted in breach of the in London, Jenni Richards QC, As things stand, NHS trusts less people should donate to chari- requirements of transparency, for Justice for Health, asked the across England will start phasing ties that support them. certainty and clarity; and that he court to quash Hunt’s decision to in the contract from next week in The ASA said that four of the had acted irrationally. bring in the new contract, which a process that will take about 18 fi ve ads portrayed all beggars as Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, attend a welcome ceremony But Green rejected all three she maintained he had no power months to put all 54,000 doctors “disingenuous and undeserving following their arrival at the airport in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. grounds, fi nding that the health to do, especially since the Health below the level of consultant on to individuals”. secretary was encouraging em- and Social Care Act 2012 reduced the altered terms and conditions. Study links gardeners to Ban on publication of hacked Middleton pics

spread of frog disease Agencies against a “person or persons un- London known”. Adam Wolanski, counsel representing Middleton and her Guardian News and Media human-assisted movement of moving into and out of their gar- fi ance, James Matthews, told the London infected animals and contami- dens in the process.” awyers for Pippa Middle- court: “There’s no suggestion nated materials between garden All species are susceptible to ton have told a court that that these photos are in the pub- ponds and commercial aquatics ranavirus but it mostly aff ects Lthe Duchess of Cambridge’s lic domain. The evidence points uburban gardeners may retailers, the study found. Britain’s native common frog sister has been caused consider- towards this being a fl agrant and be unknowingly driving “Ranavirus is one of the most (Rana temporaria) and common able distress by an alleged hack of dishonest act that has caused the Sthe spread of a lethal frog serious health threats currently toad species (Bufo bufo). approximately 3,000 photos from claimant considerable distress.” disease by stocking their ponds facing the UK’s amphibian pop- Outbreaks of the disease are her iCloud account. Police arrested Wyatt, a web- with exotic or wild aquatic spe- ulation, so our fi ndings that hu- characterised by large numbers A high court judge yesterday site designer, at an address in cies, research shows. mans seem to have helped move of dead amphibians in water extended an injunction, prevent- Northamptonshire late on Sat- Scientists from ZSL (Zoo- the virus around, facilitating its bodies or individual sick animals ing publication of the photo- urday on suspicion of a Compu- logical Society of London) and rapid spread, could be translated that show symptoms including graphs to cover any other infor- ter Misuse Act off ence. Offi cers Queen Mary University of Lon- into some straightforward ways reddening and ulceration of the mation that could also have been said he had been released on bail don say their fi ndings could to manage the risk of disease skin and internal bleeding. taken. pending further inquiries. explain the rapid spread of outbreaks,” said lead author, Dr The disease is highly infectious Justice Whipple said she would Pictures of the Duchess of ranavirus across UK amphibian Stephen Price. and can survive in the environ- extend the injunction as request- Cambridge and her children, populations in recent decades. Well-meaning homeowners ment for more than two months. ed by Middleton’s legal repre- Prince George and Princess Char- Ranavirus is thought to have stocking their garden ponds with The study found the risk of sentatives and an order was made lotte, are reportedly among the been introduced at least twice frogs, fi sh or spawn translocated disease was higher in areas of yesterday. images taken from Middleton. since the 1980s - most likely from neighbouring ponds or higher human density, and that Middleton “has good reason to Private photographs were said from North America. The dis- beyond could inadvertently be fewer disease outbreaks oc- fear that all the information held to have been off ered to the Sun ease was fi rst found in south- fuelling the spread of this seri- curred in less affl uent neigh- in her iCloud account has been and Daily Mail newspapers via east England, but has since ous amphibian disease, he said. bourhoods. accessed,” the judge said. encrypted messaging service spread across the UK with re- “We certainly don’t want to The work, which also involved Also present at the Royal WhatsApp. The Sun said it had corded outbreaks in Cornwall, discourage people from adding University College London and Courts of Justice were lawyers been approached by someone us- Cardiff , Lancashire and New- ponds to their urban gardens Herpetofauna Consultants In- representing Nathan Wyatt, who ing a pseudonym and asking for castle. – this remains one of the most ternational and was published has been named in reports as the £50,000 within 48 hours. While the pathogen spreads positive steps we can all take to in the journal Proceedings of the 35-year-old man released on po- Middleton has taken legal ac- with the natural movement of support wildlife – but equally Royal Society B, was based on two lice bail after being arrested by tion in the Queen’s bench division amphibian populations, the we would strongly urge people decades of citizen science data offi cers investigating claims that of the high court, where judges expansion of its range appears to try to limit how much poten- recorded by the Frog Mortality Middleton’s iCloud account had analyse claims relating to issues to have been exacerbated by tially infectious material they’re Project. Pippa Middleton: distressed been hacked. The legal action is including privacy. Gulf Times 20 Thursday, September 29, 2016 EUROPE

Swiss Prosecutors: MH17 downed grounds all copters by Russian-made missile after crash Reuters Reuters prosecutor at the Netherlands National Zurich Nieuwegein, Netherlands Prosecutor’s offi ce. “We know exactly what happened, but who exactly was in charge, and wo pilots died yesterday alaysia Airlines fl ight MH17 whether it was done intentionally, there when a Swiss military was shot down by a missile the investigation is still continuing,” Thelicopter crashed in the Mfi red from a launcher brought Westerbeke said. Alps, prompting the air force to into Ukraine from Russia and located in He declined to specify the nationality ground its fl eet of Super Pumas a village held by pro-Russian rebels, in- of any potential suspects, and called on while it investigates what caused ternational prosecutors said yesterday. witnesses to come forward and help de- the accident. The fi ndings counter Moscow’s termine who gave the order to shoot the Another crew member was in- suggestion that the passenger plane, plane down. jured when the Airbus helicopter en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Victims’ families, who were informed went down at the Gotthard Pass Lumpur in July 2014, was brought down of the fi ndings earlier in the day, were after dropping off French and by Ukraine’s military rather than the sceptical about the investigation’s Swiss personnel taking part in separatists. progress. an international inspection mis- All 298 people on board, most of Silene Fredriksz, whose son Bryce sion, Air Force Commander Aldo them Dutch, were killed. was on the airplane with his girlfriend, Schellenberg said. The conclusions were based on thou- Daisy Oehlers, said Russia would never “As we don’t have any indica- sands of wiretaps, photographs, witness hand over any suspects voluntarily. tions of the cause of the accident statements and forensic tests during Moscow was “going to have to be put I have ordered as a precautionary more than two years of inquiries into an under intense pressure, with sanctions measure the suspension of all incident which led to a sharp rise in ten- — that’s the only way to make it possi- Super Puma... sions between Russia and the West. ble”, she added. fl ights until further notice,” Among the key fi ndings were: the A civilian investigation by the Dutch Schellenberg told a news confer- plane was hit by a Russian-made Buk- Safety Board also concluded last year ence in Bern. 9M38 missile; the missile was fi red from that MH17 was hit by a Buk missile fi red Defence ministry offi cials did the rebel-held village of Pervomaysk in from eastern Ukraine, but Moscow de- not confi rm media reports cit- eastern Ukraine; and the launcher was nied that pro-Russian rebels were re- ing eyewitness accounts that the transported into Ukraine from Russia. sponsible. helicopter had touched a power “This Buk trailer came from the ter- At the time of the incident, pro-Rus- pylon before it went down. ritory of the Russian Federation, and sian separatists were fi ghting Ukrainian They said any role the weather after the launch it was returned again to Members of a joint investigation team present the preliminary results yesterday of the criminal investigation into the government forces in the region. might have played was still un- the territory of the Russian Federation,” downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, in Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. The Boeing 777 broke apart in mid- der investigation. said Wilbert Paulissen, chief investiga- air, fl inging wreckage over several kilo- Swiss media showed pictures tor with the Dutch national police. man Dmitry Peskov said its radar data to Moscow’s radar images but would Prosecutors said that while they had metres of fi elds in rebel-held territory. of smoke billowing from fl aming The Ukrainian government said the had “identifi ed all fl ying objects which gladly include a Russian contribution to not brought charges against culprits or Prosecutors cannot fi le charges because wreckage under blue skies. fi ndings pointed to Russia’s “direct in- could have been launched or were in the inquiry. established a court, they had identifi ed there is no international agreement on The European Aviation Safety volvement”. the air over the territory controlled by Ukrainian and Western offi cials, cit- 100 individuals of interest in relation to what court a case would be heard in. Authority grounded all Super Russia — which has always denied rebels at that moment”. ing intelligence intercepts, have long the crash on July 17, 2014. Speaking before the news confer- Puma helicopters for commer- Moscow or pro-Russian rebels were re- “The data is clear-cut...there is no blamed the pro-Russian rebels for the “Of a number of them, we know ence, Fredriksz said the victims’ fami- cial use in June following the sponsible — rejected the prosecutors’ rocket. If there was a rocket, it could only incident, which played a big part in a pretty exactly what their role and po- lies wanted justice. discovery of metal fatigue in the conclusions, saying they were not sup- have been fi red from elsewhere,” he said. decision by the European Union and sition was, for instance those who or- “We are impatient. We want to know gearbox of an H225 model that ported by technical evidence and the The investigators, from the Nether- United States to impose sanctions on ganised the arrival of the Buk rocket what happened, how it happened and crashed in Norway in late April, inquiry was biased. lands, Australia, Belgium, Malaysia and Russia over the Ukraine confl ict and has and who were in charge of the transport why. We want those responsible to face killing 13. Earlier yesterday, Kremlin spokes- Ukraine, said they had not had access damaged Dutch-Russian economic ties. that day,” said Fred Westerbeke, chief justice.” Following a series of incidents in the North Sea, analysts and industry executives say ques- tions have been growing over the future of at least the civil version of the Super Puma helicopter, a 32,000 arrested in Turkey coup probe Croatian president set to workhorse of the off shore oil in- dustry.

AFP Turkey has already granted some law is being observed and has said there hold more coalition talks Istanbul 38,000 convicts early release in an will be right of appeal for anyone un- Sofia backs new apparent bid to create more space in fairly caught in the sweep. candidate in UN cramped jails for the coup suspects. The coup prompted an unprecedent- Reuters majority but well ahead of its Social urkey said yesterday that courts “It is not entirely clear how the trials ed wave of solidarity in Turkey, which Zagreb Democrat rivals. leadership race have placed 32,000 suspects un- will be carried out,” Bozdag acknowl- had seen governments directly ousted Most, which means Bridge, won 13 Tder arrest on charges of links to edged. He said trials would take place on three occasions by the military since seats. he Bulgarian govern- a group run by the US-based preacher in cities across the country and not in 1960. he Croatian president yesterday The previous HDZ-Most coali- ment said yesterday it was blamed for the July coup bid, as the one single venue. But the leader of the opposition Re- completed a fi rst round of talks tion collapsed after a tempestu- Tnominating Kristalina country braces for the most extensive Bozdag said there was no need to cre- publican People’s Party (CHP) yester- Twith parliamentary parties on ous five months of rows over ap- Georgieva, European Commis- trials in its history. ate a special trial venue in Istanbul as day criticised the crackdown. forming a new cabinet without nomi- pointments, but many believe sioner for Budget and Human Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag told capacity was suffi cient. Kemal Kilicdaroglu said the CHP was nating prime minister-designate, but HDZ’s emollient new leader Andrej Resources, for the post of United NTV television that 70,000 people had But he said one was needed in Ankara against the state of emergency which he said the new parliament would con- Plenkovic can assemble a more sta- Nations Secretary-General, and been investigated after the attempted and work is taking place for a trial ven- said had aff ected 1mn “victims” across vene in mid-October. ble coalition. that it was withdrawing support putsch on July 15 and of them 32,000 ue at Sincan outside the capital. the country. The conservative HDZ party looks After intra-party talks on Mon- for candidate Irina Bokova. remanded in custody. “People are not going to be put on He claimed teachers had lost their best-placed to work with the centre- day, the two parties’ leaders said they Bokova, director general of UN “This process is continuing,” he said. trial in just one place but trials will take jobs simply for being union members, right, reformist Most party in a re- hoped to wrap up a deal on an eco- cultural organisation Unesco, The numbers of those arrested marks place in all of Turkey,” he said. soldiers jailed as they followed orders newed coalition government. nomically focused governing pro- came sixth among nine con- an increase of more than 10,000 from The purge after the coup has touched on the night of the coup and cited the Whichever party heads the new gramme in the coming weeks. tenders in a secret ballot at the those previously given by the govern- every sector in Turkey with those ar- case of a police offi cer detained for government, it will face the diffi cult To be given the mandate by the UN Security Council on Monday. ment. rested ranging from top former gener- sending money through a Gulen-linked task of pushing through the painful president, Plenkovic needs the sup- The ballot showed former Bozdag said that there could be new als to journalists to sweet pastry mag- bank. cuts and restructuring being urged port of at least 76 lawmakers, a Portuguese Prime Minister An- arrests, while some of those currently nates. “We must defend justice...I will re- by the European Union to boost the number he believes he can achieve tonio Guterres is still leading the arrested could still be freed under judi- Youth and Sports Minister Akif sist this persecution. I will be on the debt-burdened economy’s modest with the backing of statutory parlia- race to replace Ban Ki-moon. cial control or freed entirely. Cagatay Kilic told the Anadolu news side of the oppressed,” Kilicdaroglu growth. ment members representing Croatia’s Prime Minister Boiko Borisov Some two-and-a-half months af- agency that 322 people had been sus- said in a televised speech from the city “The consultations have showed ethnic minorities. announced the nomination of ter the coup attempt aimed at oust- pended from his ministry on suspicion of Tokat. that no one at the moment has suf- He must form a government within Georgieva during a meeting with ing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of being affi liated to Gulen. Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed fi cient majority backing... I set the 60 days — two attempts of 30 days — the cabinet attended by report- led to a crackdown unprecedented in On Tuesday, 87 staff were dis- exile in the United States since 1999, next round of talks for October 10, and if he does not achieve it within ers. “We consider that this will Turkey’s modern history, there is still missed from the powerful National has denied that he was linked to the while the new parliament will hold that time, a new prime-minister des- be a more successful nomina- no indication as to when trials might Intelligence Organisation (MIT), in coup in any way. its inaugural session on October 14,” ignate would be nominated. tion,” he told ministers. start. the first purge so far from the power- Bozdag said Turkey has asked President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic Economists say Croatia needs to Georgieva, a former World The trials of tens of thousands of ful spy agency. Washington to place Gulen under ar- said after meetings with chiefs of the cut red tape and lower taxes as well Bank economist, said in a state- people will be the biggest legal process The crackdown is being imposed rest as the US authorities consider parliamentary parties. as overhaul its pension and health ment she accepts the nomina- in Turkey’s history and are set to put within a three-month state of emer- Ankara’s extradition request and an The HDZ won 61 seats in the 151- systems while streamlining or shut- tion and plans to present her the system under unprecedented pres- gency announced after the coup. answer was expected in the next one seat parliament in a snap election this tering many loss-making public credentials and vision for the top sure. Ankara has insisted that the rule of or two days. month, leaving it short of a governing firms. UN job to member states. As Arctic draws visitors, more polar bears get shot

By Gwladys Fouche, Reuters he said aboard the Polarsyssel, 200 metres, and only to fi re if of dangerous interactions be- degrees north, the 70-odd sci- On Board The Polarsyssel the governor’s ship, used for in- there is a risk of death or injury to tween humans and polar bears,” entists and support staff leave spections and rescue operations. humans. he said. the front door of every house Polar bears are a protected In June, a trapper preparing for At the same time, Svalbard is unlocked so that people can seek ore polar bears are being species and shooting them is al- the winter trapping season was experiencing a tourism boom: refuge if needed. shot dead on Norway’s lowed only for self-defence and fi ned 20,000 crowns ($2,468) visitor nights on the archipelago “Once I was on a rubber boat Mremote Arctic islands, as a last resort. when he shot a female polar bear hit 18,000 in the month of July, and about 20-25 metres away, where dangerous encounters Outside Svalbard’s main set- in violation of the rules. up 14% year-on-year. on the beach, there was a polar with humans are getting more tlements, people are obliged by He mistakenly loaded his ri- The University Centre in bear. We drove the animal away frequent as visitors increase and law to carry the means to scare fl e with live ammunition instead Svalbard now hosts around 800 by revving the engines,” said Max global warming melts the sea ice the animals away or defend of rubber bullets when trying to students a year, a doubling in Schwanitz, 54, a German who su- on which the creatures roam. themselves, with authorities rec- scare her away. fi ve years, which increases the pervises scientifi c research diving. Halfway between the north- ommending they take a gun. Her cub was later euthanised number of research expeditions. Residents at Ny-Aalesund ern tip of Europe and the North A chain of incidents this year as it would have not survived “The possibilities of a hungry have sighted six or seven polar Pole, the Svalbard archipelago has highlighted the dangers. alone. bear encountering a human being bears this summer, the last time of snow-capped mountains and In April, police stunned a Police are currently investi- are increasing,” said Lambertini. some six weeks ago. glaciers is home to 2,654 people three-year-old male sighted in gating an incident last month in Around the Arctic, there are The animal swam out of the sea and 975 polar bears, according to the main town on Spitsbergen which a two-year-old female was an estimated 26,000 polar bears, and walked within a few dozen a 2015 tally by the Norwegian Po- island, Longyearbyen, and fl ew shot dead near a camp of Russian according to a “Red List” of metres of the settlement before lar Institute. him out by helicopter to a more scientists on a research trip. threatened species by the Inter- disappearing. “Four polar bears have been isolated spot. Marco Lambertini, director- national Union for Conservation An April 22, 2016, file photo of officials from the Governor of “The fi rst time I saw one, it shot so far this year,” Vidar Ar- The same month, a group of general of World Wildlife Fund of Nature, which also highlights Svalbard’s office inspect a three year-old male polar bear after it was in the middle of town. I was nesen, a chief police inspector four Finnish tourists shot a polar International, told Reuters the the threat to the species from re- was sedated near Longyearbyen, Norway. amazed at how huge it was,” for the governor of Svalbard, told bear in self-defence. shrinking area of sea ice available treating sea ice. said Aasne Dolve Meyer, 41, who Reuters. They were not fi ned, as police to the polar bears was contribut- Polar bears rarely kill people: ing for a solar eclipse suff ered bears involves routine precau- works for a company supporting “In a normal year, one or two said they followed proper pro- ing to the problem. the most recent victim was a slight injuries when a polar bear tions. the research institutes. “After would be shot.” cedure — to group together and “The authorities on Svalbard British teenager who died while ripped open his tent. The animal At the Ny-Aalesund research that I always made sure I checked “There are more contacts be- make noise to try and frighten should regularly review their camping on the ice in 2011. was shot dead. station, the northernmost civil- my surroundings before leaving tween humans and the animals,” away the animal from at least guidelines to reduce the number In 2015, a Czech tourist visit- For locals, living with polar ian settlement in the world at 79 the house.” Gulf Times Thursday, September 29, 2016 21 EUROPE

Prosecutor 30,000 refugees in Greece cries foul after Bosnia to be moved by 2017-end suspension Reuters AFP tral European states, even as Germany Sarajevo Brussels has taken in 1mn asylum seekers. The European Commission insisted there had been “important progress” osnia’s chief prosecutor was sus- he EU said yesterday it hoped to despite so far only 5,651 refugees hav- pended yesterday from offi ce, a relocate 30,000 refugees from ing been moved from Greece and Italy Bmove he dismissed as a plot to de- TGreece by the end of next year, during the past year. rail a sensitive investigation he was con- insisting it was making “signifi cant It said it was speeding up relocations ducting into an illegal referendum in the progress” on tackling the migrant crisis. with 1,202 in September alone, twice autonomous Bosnian Serb region. A deal with Turkey to cut the fl ow the previous biggest monthly total. The country’s judicial council said of migrants to the Greek islands is also “With the increased capacity of the Goran Salihovic would be suspended proving successful, said an assessment Greek Asylum Service, and if member while it looked into allegations he had by the European Commission, the ex- states step up their eff orts, it should no- obstructed inquiries and interfered ecutive arm of the 28-nation bloc. tably be possible to relocate the remain- with judges and prosecutors’ work, But despite their hopes for refu- ing relocation candidates present in without giving details on which work gees in Greece, European Union na- Greece (around 30,000) within the next had been obstructed. tions look set to fall well short of their year,” the commission said in a report. Salihovic denied any wrong-doing overall plan agreed a year ago to share Greece is accommodating over and said the charges against him had 160,000 migrants around the bloc. 60,000 refugees and migrants stuck in been made up. “I dismiss all allega- “We have come a long way,” Migration the country after a succession of Bal- tions and nothing from that report Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos kan and EU states shut their borders is correct, all is fabricated. The rea- said as he released reports on several key earlier this year. son for the report is that I opened an areas of the crisis. “We have made sig- Only half would be eligible for relo- investigation against (Bosnian Serb nifi cant progress as a union but we have cation under the EU plan which caters leader) Milorad Dodik.” more work ahead of us.” for Syrians, Iraqis and Eritreans. The suspension came days after Europe has faced its biggest migra- The EU said the deal with Turkey Salihovic summoned Dodik to answer tion crisis since World War II with well signed earlier this year had “dramati- questions on the leader’s calling of an over 1mn refugees and migrants arriv- cally” reduced the fl ow of migrants unauthorised referendum on whether ing on its shores in the past year as they over the Aegean Sea to Greece, despite the Serb region should celebrate a fl ee war in Syria and the Middle East, the instability from a coup attempt in “Statehood Day” on January 9. and poverty in Africa. Turkey in July. Many Bosnians believe Dodik called In September 2015 the EU agreed “Despite challenging circumstanc- Children play in a municipality-run camp housing migrants and refugees on the Greek Aegean island of Chios. the plebiscite to boost his popularity controversial mandatory quotas to es this summer, the settlement has before elections, and also to test the relocate 160,000 people from over- continued to work and remains our October 2015, the commission said. Emergency border checks intro- month extension to border checks in ground for a possible vote on secession whelmed Greece and Italy, the two number one priority,” Avramopoulos But Avramopoulos said Turkey had duced in the EU’s supposedly pass- November. from Bosnia — an uneasy multi-ethnic countries most heavily aff ected by the told a news conference in Brussels. yet to fulfi l the criteria to achieve its port-free Schengen Area by fi ve coun- The EU has said it plans to restore federation of Serbs, Croats and Mus- crisis, to other countries. Eighty-fi ve people have been ar- most sought after element of the deal: tries amid the migration crisis are Schengen to full borderless status by lim Bosniaks that was pieced together Hungary is having a referendum on riving a day on average in the Greek visa-free travel to the EU, although allowed to continue for now. the end of the year. in 1995 to end an ethnic war. whether to accept the quotas, which islands since June, compared to 1,700 Brussels was working with Ankara to But the EU will only decide on “Our objective remains to lift all The judicial council said it had ap- have angered several eastern and cen- per day in March and 7,000 per day in achieve it. whether or not to approve a new six- border controls,” Avramopoulos said. pointed an acting chief prosecutor to carry on his work, but declined to comment further on Salihovic’s sus- pension, or his reaction. The impasse highlights the chal- lenges of governing the unwieldy, poor Calais migrants struggle with language barrier country, composed of a Bosniak-Croat federation and the Serb Republic, both nominally subordinate to a cen- By Zoé Leroy, AFP ais migrants, was recently asked to use The six interpreters are themselves trying to assist them has gained ur- on to fi ll the gaps. Elias, a student, was tral government with limited powers Calias her language skills to help deliver a all migrants who arrived in France gency since the French government an- the go-between in a standoff between based in the capital Sarajevo. baby — via mobile phone. years ago, like 26-year-old Kais Rezai, nounced plans to completely dismantle police and a group of Iranian migrants Secession by the Serb Republic “The hospital called me to help a who made the gruelling journey across the Jungle’s maze of shacks and tents. who sewed their mouths shut in pro- would take away nearly half Bosnia’s or the cocktail of languages heard Sudanese migrant,” she said. “She was the Mediterranean and up through Eu- On a visit to Calais on Monday, test over the razing of their shacks. 3.5mn people and deal a possibly fatal on the dirt streets of the Calais in the middle of a diffi cult birth so they rope to Calais alone at the age of 13. President Francois Hollande said the “It was really informal. I was check- blow to the EU’s ambition of foster- F“Jungle” take a dollop of Dari, put the telephone on loudspeaker so I Like many of the 900-950 unac- camp would be razed “by the end of ing on a group of migrants when I was ing peace in the Western Balkans by add a pinch of Amharic and Arabic, could translate the midwife’s instruc- companied minors living in the Jun- the year” and the occupants moved to asked by the authorities to try get ushering the seven Yugoslav successor and sprinkle liberally with Punjabi, tions. ‘Push! Breathe in!,’ I kept saying, gle he had hoped to be reunited with refugee centres around the country, them to call off their protest. So we states towards the bloc. Pashto, Kurdish, Tigrinya and Farsi. until I heard the baby cry.” family in Britain but Rezai ended up where they can apply for asylum. began discussions and I took over the Western powers say they can do lit- The one language rarely heard Medical charity Doctors without staying in France, where he was placed One of the challenges facing MSF mediation,” said Elias, who translated tle to rein in Dodik as he tests the lim- among the 7,000-10,000 migrants liv- Borders (MSF), founded in France, with a host family and completed his and other charities is to explain to the between French and English. its of his autonomy within Bosnia, but ing in the sprawling camp outside the has been assisting people caught up schooling. migrants what to expect when the bus- In rare cases, the lack of professional have said secession moves would cross French Channel port is French, though in confl icts and disasters around the Nowadays, the young Afghan with es roll up to take them away. interpreters plays in the migrants’ fa- a “red line” and force them to use re- many of the migrants, most of whom world since the 1970s. the stylish three-day-old beard and “If we want people to put their trust vour, namely when a foreigner is ac- sidual emergency veto powers. have their hearts set on reaching Brit- But it has never encountered the perfect French works with other unac- in the government’s plan of action we cused of a crime. Russia, a traditional ally of the Bos- ain, have a smattering of English. world in a single camp, said Franck Es- companied children — his way, he said, must be sure they fully understand Expressing frustration, a police nian Serbs, warned the West yesterday The French, in turn, have a fraught nee, the organisation’s head of mission of “returning the favour”. The most what is on off er,” Esnee said. source in Calais said the case often against using its veto powers, saying relationship with the language of their in Calais. “We’re used to speaking two important thing for an interpreter, he The scarcity of interpreters has re- has to be dropped because the accused they did not believe Dodik was threat- old enemy. languages, maybe three maximum. said, is to win the trust of migrants percussions throughout the asylum cannot defend himself in his or her na- ening Bosnia’s territorial integrity. The situation makes for sometimes This is the only crisis where we are fearful of deportation “and reassure process. L’Auberge des Migrants, a mi- tive language. It would be “categorically inadmis- farcical exchanges in the Jungle and asked to help people in four, fi ve, even them that we will not pass on the in- grant support charity, said that refu- “The migrants are aware of the sible” for the European Union’s High highlighting the need for more profes- six languages.” formation they give us to the state or gees who pre-register for asylum in problem and play on it by claiming Representative to use his emergency sional interpreters. MSF is one of the only charities op- the police.” Calais often struggle to tell their story they speak a rare dialect for which it powers in relation to the referendum, Mariam Guerey, a volunteer with a erating in the Jungle that has inter- Bridging the language and cultural in broken English or French. is diffi cult to fi nd an interpreter,” he said Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman Catholic charity that works with Cal- preters on its staff . gap between the migrants and those Oftentimes, volunteers are called claimed. for the Russian foreign ministry. Both Paris and Berlin play down Referendum fears for EU as Sarkozy plan to reverse Brexit

Reuters The French and German favourite to replace the un- popular Socialist incumbent Rome cuts growth forecast Paris/Berlin governments have said they view Brexit as irreversible. Francois Hollande next year. Berlin, Paris and their EU In his remarks on Tuesday, AFP aly’s new growth predictions are rance and Germany yes- partners have also made clear Sarkozy repeated propos- Reuters economists at the OECD club of terday distanced them- they do not foresee under- als he has been making for industrialised countries. They are Fselves from a suggestion taking politically sensitive months for a new treaty he predicting 0.8% growth for both by French presidential candi- changes to the EU treaty in the says should focus on reform- taly has slashed its growth this year and next. date Nicolas Sarkozy that he foreseeable future. ing the Schengen free-travel forecasts for this year and Renzi said Italy’s budget defi - could reverse Brexit if elected “I don’t see how one coun- zone, reining in the powers of Inext, nine weeks before a ref- cit would fall to 2.4% of GDP this next year by negotiating a new try can ask another to hold a the European Commission, erendum shaping up as make-or- year, from 2.6% in 2015, and a European Union treaty more new vote. It is up to the British integrating the euro zone fur- break vote on the centre-left gov- maximum of 2.0% next year. acceptable to Britain. to decide this,” French govern- ther and halting membership ernment’s record that could send The latter fi gure is slightly Sarkozy, who has raised ment spokesman Stephane Le talks with Turkey. shockwaves across Europe. above the 1.8% target Italy has eyebrows in European capitals Foll said in response to a ques- An adviser to Sarkozy said Speaking late on Tuesday af- been set by the European Com- recently with his tough rheto- tion about Sarkozy’s proposal. his proposals were important ter a cabinet meeting on updated mission, which is urging Rome to ric on immigration, promises He added that it was “dif- for the EU as a whole, not only budget plans for 2017, Prime Min- cut year-on-year spending faster to ignore defi cit targets and fi cult to follow the logic” of for Britain, adding that the ister Matteo Renzi said he was now to reduce a debt mountain equiva- comments playing down cli- Sarkozy’s initiative. former president was not try- making a “prudent” prediction of lent to more than 132 % of the en- mate change, told business Merkel’s spokesman Stef- ing to tell London what to do. growth of 0.8% for this year and tire economy. leaders in Paris on Tuesday fen Seibert said the Ger- “It’s on the basis of this new 1% for 2017. That compares with Renzi said Italy would be seek- that he was committed to man government’s view that Europe that we could reconcile fi gures of 1.2% and 1.4% forecast Renzi ... staking his political future ing leeway on the interpretation keeping Britain in the EU and Brexit was irreversible had not the people — British and others by the government in April. of EU budget rules — equivalent had a plan to do so. changed. — with the European project,” The downward revisions follow Italy’s economy has barely system to ensure election winners of to a maximum 0.4 % of GDP — to If elected in May of next A senior EU offi cial added: the adviser told Reuters on a gloomy summer in which it be- grown since the country became a workable parliamentary majorities. cover the exceptional costs of the year, he said he would travel “No one is talking about keep- condition of anonymity. came clear that an economy that founding member of the eurozone The bullish premier’s stance has ongoing migration crisis and re- to Berlin a day later with the ing Britain in now. Mrs May Sarkozy’s broad message had been growing slowly ground to in 1999. hugely raised the stakes involved building after a deadly earthquake draft of a new EU treaty that has said ‘Brexit means Brexit’ was welcomed by some mem- a virtual standstill in the fi rst half That stagnation has hammered in the vote because of the realistic in August. he would present to German and we don’t see how politi- bers of Merkel’s conservative of this year. the purchasing power of working possibility that fresh elections will Overall, Renzi’s budget plans Chancellor Angela Merkel for cally the British can reverse party, though they conceded The latest economic data, pub- and middle class voters. bring the populist Five Star Move- are less confrontational vis-a-vis approval. course. No one is expecting a that pushing through a new lished yesterday, off ered mixed sig- As salaries have trodden water, ment to power on a mandate to or- Brussels than the more expan- Sarkozy said he would then miracle.” EU treaty would be a huge nals with consumer confi dence fall- the cost of a pizza in Rome has tre- ganise a Brexit-style referendum sionary plans trailed in the Italian travel on to London to give the The British government did challenge. ing in September compared with the bled. The rise of energy prices has on Italy’s future within the euro media last month. British government an op- not immediately reply to a re- “I’m convinced that the previous month, while companies been sharper, hitting pensioners on single currency zone. But he could not resist another portunity to drop its promise quest for comment. EU will be worse off without were marginally more optimistic fi xed incomes particularly hard. The 41-year-old premier has swipe at the EU’s Stability Pact to take Britain out of the EU Sarkozy, a former presi- Britain,” Thorsten Frei, a con- about the future, according to the That is the backdrop against admitted he made a mistake in rules, saying he was bored of talk- following the June 23 Brexit dent, and Alain Juppe, a servative lawmaker who sits national statistics body Istat. which fed-up Italians will vote on making it all about him. ing about them. referendum. former prime minister, are the on the European aff airs com- Independent economists say December 4 on a package of con- Polls suggest the referendum “There are rules, that I don’t British Prime Minister leading contenders to become mittee of the Bundestag, told Italy will struggle to hit even the stitutional reforms designed to outcome is too close to call. agree with but respect,” he told the Theresa May has said repeat- the conservative candidate for Reuters. revised targets given weak domes- make the country easier to govern. But even if Renzi carries it, Five RTL 102.5 radio station yesterday. edly that “Brexit means Brex- president. “Therefore I believe it is tic demand, the crisis facing the Renzi has gambled his personal Star could still triumph in elec- “They (the government’s spend- it” and signalled that she will Whoever wins the conserv- right to do everything possi- country’s debt-laden banks and future on the outcome of a vote on tions in 2018 with the help of a new ing plans) observe the rules, which trigger divorce proceedings ative primary in November ble, despite the diffi culties, to the fallout from Britain’s “Brexit” abolishing the second-chamber winner-takes-all electoral system. Italy always does but other coun- with the EU early next year. will be seen as the odds-on fi nd ways to keep us together.” vote to leave the EU. Senate and revising the electoral Among the sceptics about It- tries don’t.” Gulf Times 22 Thursday, September 29, 2016 INDIA

VERDICT RELIGION WILDLIFE FINANCE ORDER Man jailed for 10 years President off ers prayers Chennai zoo tiger India’s first app-based Imported fireworks for rape in Meghalaya At Kedarnath temple shifted to Udaipur ‘Credit Line’ launched sale illegal, says govt

A Meghalaya court has sentenced a man President Pranab Mukherjee visited the A white tiger from Chennai zoo is set to In a first, Bengaluru-based startup MoneyTap In view of Chinese fireworks flooding the convicted of raping a minor school girl to 10 famous Lord Shiva temple at Kedarnath in make Udaipur his new home, but will has launched India’s first app-based “Credit Line”, markets during the festive season, the years rigorous imprisonment. On November Uttarakhand yesterday. He was accompanied take some time to overcome “language enabling customers to get instant credit from government yesterday said the possession 30, 2011, Small Phawa raped the 14-year-old in by Governor K K Paul and Chief Minister Harish diff iculties,” say wildlife off icials. Five- partner banks at the tap of a button. Customers can or sale of firecrackers of foreign origin was a forested area after abducting her. The girl Rawat. He spent some 20 minutes inside the year-old Rama was born in Arignar Anna borrow between Rs3,000 to Rs500,000 and repay illegal and punishable by law. “Information was staying as a tenant along with her parents sanctum sanctorum and off ered prayers for Zoological Park in Chennai in 2011 and is in instalments from two months to three years. The about possession or sale of such fireworks in Phawa’s house at Riatsiatsim in West Jaintia the well-being of everyone, an off icial said. trained to listen to commands in Tamil. But interest can be as low as 1.25% per month. “The may be reported to the nearest police Hills district. In a judgment on Tuesday, District Mukherjee interacted with the priests and local now that he is being shifted to Udaipur’s ‘credit line’ for consumers with accessibility through station for suitable action,” the Ministry of and Sessions Court in West Jaintia Hills Judge off icials, and sought information from the local Sajjangarh Biological Park, Rama will have to an app is a new concept in India and we are excited Commerce and Industry said in a statement. B Giri said: “Taking into consideration the government off icials about the restoration work begin to “understand” Mewari or Hindi, say about the opportunities it can bring to thousands The fireworks market size in India has crossed nature of the off ence, ends of justice will be underway in and around the shrine. Kedarnath off icials. To help the big cat in his transition of millions of Indians,” Bala Parthasarathy, CEO the Rs60bn mark. So far, no licence for met if the accused is sentenced to a period of was devastated in the 2013 flash floods and phase, arrangements are being made to and Co-founder of MoneyTap, said in a statement. import of fireworks has been granted under 10 years rigorous imprisonment with a fine of heavy rains, when thousands of people were transport his Tamil caretaker to Udaipur for MoneyTap has been launched in partnership the Explosives Rules, 2008. Fireworks in Rs5,000 and in default of payment of fine the killed and hundreds went missing. Restoration some days. Off icials are confident they will with The RBL Bank and is available for all salaried India have been declared a restricted item in accused is to serve another one year simple work is currently going on at the shrine and the be able to help Rama smoothly overcome employees, living in Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, Bengaluru, respect of import by the Director General of imprisonment.” roads leading to the famous temple. the communication problem. Hyderabad and Chennai. Foreign Trade.

Karnataka parties Tax amnesty against release of water to TN plan looks set

IANS Bengaluru

olitical parties in Karna- to fail despite taka yesterday asked the Pstate government not to re- lease more Cauvery river water to Tamil Nadu. “We have told the state gov- ernment not to release any more Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu for govt warning irrigation, as it is required to meet the drinking needs of our people Income Declaration Scheme Finance ministry offi cials said Tax offi cials said they had in the river basin region,” opposi- ends tomorrow that information received under gathered information on possi- tion leader and former Bharati- the scheme was not shared with ble tax evasion through stock ex- ya Janata Party chief minister Reuters any other agency. changes, banks and other sources Jagadish Shettar told reporters New Delhi The government is playing to identify assets bought with after an all-party meeting here tough, saying tax evaders who untaxed money. on the issue. pass up this chance would face Early in the current drive, The Supreme Court on Tuesday he government has sent harsher penalties - up to 35% tax Modi said in a radio address that ordered Karnataka to release 6,000 out about 700,000 notices and a 90% fi ne - and up to seven the government “will not inves- cusecs daily for three days from Tto suspected tax evaders to years in prison if they are subse- tigate or ask any questions about yesterday despite the Karnataka coax them to declare hidden in- quently found out. the source of income” if people legislature’s unanimous resolution come and assets, promising they But distrust between business- declare it voluntarily. adopted on September 23 to use the won’t be pursued by the authori- es that often operate in the shad- A similar amnesty last year fell depleted water in the four dams for ties if they pay a penalty now to ows and authorities that practice short, with fewer than 700 peo- drinking purpose only. clear their name. what even Finance Minister Arun ple declaring their foreign assets Echoing the BJP’s view, Janata But, as the four-month cam- Jaitley has called “tax terrorism” and paying Rs25bn in taxes. Dal-Secular (JD-S) lawmaker Y paign draws to a close this week, is hampering the drive. That contrasts with Indonesia, S V Datta said his party’s leader there looks to be few takers de- A businessman in Noida, a where an amnesty has uncovered and former chief minister H D spite a high-profi le warning that booming commercial hub out- $110bn in undeclared assets be- Kumaraswamy had also conveyed this is the last chance for tax side Delhi, told Reuters he had cause tax evaders only have to to the state government not to re- dodgers to come clean. wanted to sell a fl at to help pay pay a 2% penalty on undisclosed lease the water till the outcome of Offi cials privately acknowl- nearly Rs4.5mn ($67,000) in tax income. today’s meeting between the two edge they are likely to miss their and penalties under this scheme. The Indian government has states in New Delhi with federal internal goal to raise about Rs- But no buyer was willing to pay resisted a broad amnesty for Water Resources Minister Uma 500bn ($7.5bn) by a wide margin, the price, which was less than those with hidden wealth due to Bharti, as directed by the top though there is no public target. half what the businessman paid the risks of a political backlash court. Disclosures up to mid-Sep- two years ago, on fears they too and court challenges by civil so- “We have told Chief Minister tember would be enough to gen- could face scrutiny. ciety groups. Siddaramaiah not to release water erate around $1.5bn in extra tax, His tax adviser told him to hold Yet despite the threat of pros- to Tamil Nadu today (Wednes- one senior tax offi cial and an off . ecution, many seem prepared to day). We will meet again after auditor who advises the govern- “There is nothing to fear,” the take their chances. tomorrow’s meeting in Delhi. We ment on tax policy told Reuters. adviser recalled telling the busi- “The scheme has not many also told him that our resolution Many entrepreneurs aren’t so nessman. “We will handle this takers mainly because of an in- was more important,” Datta said. keen on a scheme that off ers lit- when the tax offi cial comes to adequate infrastructure of the As the warring states stuck to tle relief: they would have to pay your door.” tax department to prosecute tax their respective positions, the 45% in back tax and penalties, Both requested anonymity, evaders,” said Amit Maheshwari, court directed the central gov- and even then would not be sure concerned they could draw the a partner at consultancy Ashok ernment to convene an urgent of keeping the taxman off their attention of the authorities. Maheshwary & Associates. meeting of the heads of the Kar- back. The government hopes the In a country of 1.3bn, fewer nataka and Tamil Nadu to resolve One auditor cited the case of scheme will at least partly de- than 18,000 people declared the issue before it resumes hear- a real estate fi rm in Mumbai that liver on Prime Minister Narendra annual income of Rs10mn or ing in the case tomorrow. was investigated by the Enforce- Modi’s campaign promise to vot- more in 2012/13, the latest fi g- “The chief minister heard the ment Directorate, a fi nancial ers in 2014 to bring back billions ures show, with India borrowing views of the opposition parties crime-fi ghting agency, after dis- of dollars in “black money” from about $155bn to fund its fi scal and their suggestions. The cabi- closing assets under the Income abroad. defi cit over the last two years. net will discuss the same and de- Declaration Scheme that ends on The amount recovered, he said “If we could get our hands on cide accordingly by weighing the September 30. then, would be enough to put all the tax evaders, India’s fi s- pro and cons of the apex court’s Passengers wait in front of an income tax billboard at a bus stop in New Delhi. Many entrepreneurs “It’s better to take sleeping Rs1.5 to 2mn ($22,500-$30,000) cal defi cit could be wiped out for order,” state Water Resources aren’t so keen on a scheme that off ers little relief: they would have to pay 45% in back tax and pills than declare assets,” the au- into the bank account of every at least two years,” said another Minister M B Patil told reporters. penalties, and even then would not be sure of keeping the taxman off their back. ditor said. poor family in India. senior tax offi cial. Kerala CM rejects talks as SC extends parole of Sahara chief opposition intensifi es stir IANS year to attend the last rites of his New Delhi mother. While extending the parole, the By Ashraf Padanna drawal of the rise in fees at the dent C R Mahesh were shifted to court asked Sahara to give a road- Thiruvananthapuram Pariyaram Medical College, a hospital as they fainted under the he Supreme Court on yes- map by which it wants to return state-funded institution in the impact of teargas shelling by po- terday asked the Sahara 30.3mn investors’ money it raised co-operative sector now con- lice near their tent in front of the TGroup to deposit another in 2008-09. erala Chief Minister Pi- trolled by the ruling Communist Secretariat on Tuesday. Rs2bn by October 24, as it ex- The court asked senior counsel narayi Vijayan has ruled Party of India (Marxist). Opposition members, who tended the parole of company Kapil Sibal appearing for Roy to Kout talks to end an opposi- “Let them do it at Pariyaram came with placards and banners chief Subrata Roy and two direc- sit with Sebi lawyer Arvind Dat- tion protest which turned ugly in so that the other 20 colleges will demanding scrapping the gov- tors. tar and amicus curiae Shekhar the state capital yesterday. be under pressure to follow suit,” ernment’s agreement with the A bench of Chief Justice T S Naphade and give it an agreed The Congress Party-led United said Chandy, after visiting UDF private colleges, encircled the po- Thakur, Justice Anil R Dave and roadmap for the return of the de- Democratic Front (UDF) has been legislators Shafi Parambil, Hibi dium of the speaker. Justice A K Sikri also said if the posits. on the warpath demanding a roll- Eden and Anoop Jacob who are on The assembly also witnessed company fails to pay the money, The court also sought Sahara’s back of steep increase in medical an indefi nite hunger strike in the heated arguments between the all three would go back to jail. explanation on Sebi’s application college fees after the government foyer of the assembly. opposition and ruling alliance The order assumes signifi cance that most of the properties given reached an agreement with pri- Immediately after the assembly benches when the speaker de- as on the last hearing on Septem- by the company for auction- vate colleges. met in the morning, the UDF leg- nied permission to Chennithala ber 23, the bench, taking excep- ing were attached by the Income “We have already talked to islators disrupted its proceedings to speak. tion to certain remarks of senior Tax Authorities and there was no them and tried to reason why we after Speaker P Ramakrishnan The lone Bharatiya Janata Party counsel Rajeev Dhavan, termi- point in going ahead with the sec- had to revise the fee structure. refused to let Congress leader member, O Rajagopal, however, nated the interim arrangement ond round of auction. Now they need to fi nd a way out Ramesh Chennithala speak. had been participating in the pro- of granting parole to Roy and had While urging the court to put on (to end the agitation) themselves,” They soon trooped into the well ceedings and asking questions. given him time till tomorrow to hold the auction of Sahara prop- the chief minister told reporters and squatted there raising a ban- Chennithala, terming as “ar- surrender. erties and hold hearing on its plea after the opposition stalled the ner and shouting slogans against rogant” the attitude of the gov- The court had on August 3 for the appointment of receiver, assembly for the second consecu- the Left Democratic Front gov- ernment on the issue, said, “this asked Sahara to deposit Rs3bn as the Sebi had told the court last tive day. ernment saying it was brutally will not be accepted at any cost” it extended his parole till Septem- week that of the 67 properties that Senior Congress leader and suppressing the agitation. and asserted that they would not ber 16. This was later extended were to be put to auction in the former chief minister Oommen The UDF took over the agitation allow the government to go ahead by one week. Roy and his son- fi rst phase, 63 stood provisionally Chandy had earlier suggested as after Youth Congress president with the present agreement with UDF legislators walk out of the Kerala Assembly protesting in-law Ashok Roy Choudhary attached on account of assessed a compromise formula the with- Dean Kuriakose and vice-presi- the private colleges. against the fee hike. were granted parole on May 6 this dues of Sahara City Homes. Gulf Times Thursday, September 29, 2016 23 INDIA CBI probes offi cers after Bansal family suicide

IANS tortured them. Bansal’s wife dealing with matters related to will be taken against the CBI of- The inquiry will be conducted Bansal said he pleaded with their maid when she went to New Delhi and daughter had earlier killed alleged violations by the Mum- fi cials concerned. The compe- against Deputy Inspector Gen- Gautam not to harm his wife their fl at on the fi rst fl oor of themselves. bai-based pharmaceutical com- tent court will be informed.” eral Sanjeev Gautam, Superin- and daughter but he was ada- Neelkanth Apartments in east “We have today received pany. CBI sources said that the in- tendent of Police Amrita Kaur, mant. Delhi’s Patparganj area around he Central Bureau of In- communication from the Delhi A Delhi court had granted bail vestigators will scrutinise the Deputy Superintendent of Police “He boasted that if he did 8.30am on Tuesday. vestigation yesterday said police enclosing the purport- to Bansal on August 30. call detail records (CDR) of the Rekha Sangwan, investigating make my wife and daughter re- Bansal’s body was found in the Tit had launched an inquiry ed hand written notes of B K The CBI statement said: “We offi cers against whom the alle- offi cer Harnam Singh and an un- semble like the dead, I will not be drawing room and his son’s body against its offi cers who probed Bansal... and Yogesh. It contains have examined the matter and gations had been made by Bansal named head constable. a CBI DIG Sanjeev Gautam. Your in one of the bedrooms. corruption charges against allegations against certain CBI decided to probe the allegations. and his son. Bansal’s suicide note accuses coming generation will remem- The twin suicides came two former Corporate Aff airs Minis- offi cials in connection with the The CBI is fully committed to “The records of the particular Sangwan and Kaur of torturing ber Sanjeev Gautam,” Bansal months after Bansal’s wife and try offi cer B K Bansal who, along ongoing bribery investigation conduct investigation in a fair dates when Bansal was ques- him from July 18 night to July 19 said in his suicide letter. daughter ended their lives in a with his 31-year-old son, com- against Bansal and others,” the and professional manner with- tioned at CBI headquarters will night. Gautam also claimed that he similar manner. mitted suicide on Tuesday. agency said in a statement. out harassment to anyone and also be probed by the team. Oth- Bansal also alleged that Gau- was Bharatiya Janata Party pres- Bansal’s wife Satyabala, 57, The agency took the step af- Bansal was arrested on July strictly within the parameters of er staff members in the investi- tam instructed a woman offi cer ident Amit Shah’s “man” and and daughter Neha, 27, commit- ter Bansal and son Yogesh left 16 on charges of taking a bribe law. gating team, Bansal’s relatives on phone to torture his wife and “no one can harm him.” ted suicide by hanging them- behind suicide notes alleging of Rs900,000 for extending “If any violation is established and neighbours will be exam- daughter until they looked life- Bansal and his son were found selves on July 19 after Bansal was that some CBI officials had favours to a company. He was during the probe, strict action ined,” said a source. less. hanging from ceiling fans by questioned by the CBI. Court allows marine to stay in Italy

Agencies in May, also pending a ruling on New Delhi jurisdiction, after living in Italy’s embassy in Delhi for four years. The court agreed yesterday to he Supreme Court ruled alter Latorre’s bail, on condition yesterday that a second he report to an Italian police sta- TItalian marine accused of tion every month and that Delhi killing two fi shermen can stay regularly updates the court on in his home country pending a the arbitration case. ruling on whether he should be Italy initiated international tried in New Delhi. proceedings last year, referring Two marines are accused of the row to the Permanent Court shooting the fi shermen while of Arbitration in The Hague and protecting an Italian oil tanker asking it to rule on where the off Kerala in 2012, in a long-run- men should be tried. Punjab and Himachal Pradesh police carry out combing operations following reports that some local residents had spotted two-three “suspicious men” in army fatigues in ning case that has soured rela- The detention of the marines, Pathankot, Punjab, yesterday. Security forces have been alert after militants carried out an audacious assault on an Indian Air Force base Pathankot in January which killed tions between the countries. the murder charges and the long seven soldiers. Massimiliano Latorre was al- wait for the case to be resolved lowed to travel back to Italy in are sore subjects in Italy, with 2014 for treatment after suff er- Prime Minister Matteo Renzi ing a stroke, with India stipulat- regularly fl ayed by opposition ing that he return. leaders in the past for failing to But the Supreme Court said get both men home. the marine can now stay in his Italy insists the oil tanker, the home country pending the set- MV Enrica Lexie, was in interna- Congress wants Saarc tlement of a dispute between tional waters as part of an anti- Delhi and Rome over who has piracy mission at the time of the jurisdiction in the case. incident. “Massimiliano Latorre is per- India argues the case is not a mitted to remain in Italy pending maritime dispute but “a dou- the outcome of proceedings in ble murder at sea,” in which one the international court,” Justice fi sherman was shot in the head summit without Pakistan Anil Dave said. and the other in the stomach. The court allowed fellow marine In December 2014, Rome India seeks to isolate dra Modi would not attend the “There are many chal- thinking about building dams (CPEC). Iran is talking about the Salvatore Girone to return home threatened to withdraw its am- Islamabad in the wake of the summit, in a major snub to Pa- lenges in South Asia. This is on the western rivers? linkage between Chabahar and bassador from India after a court raid on an army base in Uri kistan. the world’s least integrated “Even if it is thinking on Gwadar ports and wants to join rejected Latorre’s original request which killed 18 soldiers Without naming Pakistan, region. Shouldn’t the govern- those lines, dams can’t be built the CPEC. for medical leave. Italy welcomed the external aff airs ministry said ment think over it that instead overnight. This can be a long- “The US has always had one the ruling by the Supreme Court. Agencies “increasing cross-border ter- of boycotting the Saarc Sum- term solution, but the kind of standard towards terror on the “The Foreign Ministry wel- New Delhi rorist attacks in the region and mit, it would be better to have response the nation is demand- western border of Pakistan and comes with great satisfaction growing interference in the in- the summit without Pakistan. ing, is this of the same kind?,” a completely diff erent standard the Indian Supreme Court deci- ternal aff airs of member states Pakistan should be isolated glo- he asked. on the eastern border,” said Te- sion,” said a statement. he Congress Party yes- by one country” had created an bally,” he added. “Will the deep state of Pa- wari. The court’s decision on terday urged India not to environment that was not con- Tewari said: “Boycott is the kistan get infl uenced by this “This is also a geo-strategic Latorre was an “important step,” Tboycott the Saarc sum- ducive for a meeting. easiest answer, but Saarc as an strategy,” Tewari said. reality and we are talking about Latorre: allowed to stay in Rome the ministry said. mit, adding it should be held Hours later, Bangladesh said institutional mechanism serves Talking about the larger geo- great powers who can change without Pakistan. it was also pulling out. another purpose. India is one strategic reality, Tewari said: and infl uence the behaviour of The party’s reaction came Afghanistan and Bhutan – of the founder members and “We are extremely happy that Pakistan. If we are really seri- Two Congress legislators join Trinamool after Afghanistan, Bangladesh both close India allies – have the movers of Saarc. Isn’t it in- Afghanistan, Bangladesh and ous about isolating Pakistan, and Bhutan decided to join In- since followed suit. cumbent upon India to explore a Bhutan are on the same page delusion cannot be the basis of In a blow to the Congress, two The two lawmakers said they dia in boycotting the annual But the opposition Congress situation whereby Saarc can be with India. the policy. Under these circum- more of its legislators in West opted for the Trinamool to summit of the South Asian As- said the summit must go ahead kept alive, but Pakistan is iso- But, there is larger geo-stra- stances, the government needs Bengal switched to the ruling be a partner in the massive sociation of Regional Co-oper- but without Pakistan. lated.” tegic reality. Something more to take a hard look,” he added. Trinamool Congress yesterday. development initiatives taken by ation scheduled to be hosted by “The government has still The Congress also ques- is required to be done to change Pakistan denies any involve- Congress lawmaker Kantilal Banerjee. Islamabad in November. not come up with a concrete tioned the government’s review the behaviour of deep state of ment in the September 18 Uri Agarwal of Islampur constituency Earlier, three Congress legislators India has sought to isolate policy as to how to respond to of the Indus Waters Treaty. Pakistan.” attack, the worst of its kind in in North Dinajpur and – former party chief Manas Pakistan in the wake of the raid the Uri attack. After the Uri at- Tewari said: “For the past Tewari also took a dig at Rus- over a decade. Hasanuzzaman of Kaliagunj Bhunia, Tushar Bhattacharya on an army base in Uri in Jammu tack, they said ‘for one tooth, three days we have been hearing sia, China and the US for their But India’s army has blamed seat in Nadia district joined the and Rabiul Alam Chowdhury – and Kashmir, which killed 18 the response will be complete that the government is review- policy on dealing with Pakistan. Jaish-e-Mohamed, a Pakistan- Trinamool in the presence of its crossed over to the Trinamool. soldiers and triggered public jaw’. But today, they are saying ing the Indus Waters Treaty. “Russia is conducting joint based militant group that was MP and Chief Minister Mamata Congress had bagged 44 seats in fury. they’ll boycott the Saarc Sum- What does this mean? Is the exercises with Pakistani army. also implicated in an audacious Banerjee’s nephew Avishek the April-May assembly polls in On Tuesday, the government mit,” said Congress spokesman government going to cancel the China invested in the China- assault on an Indian Air Force Banerjee. the state. said Prime Minister Naren- Manish Tewari. treaty? Or is the government Pakistan Economic Corridor base Pathankot in January. Darjeeling shutdown evokes partial response

IANS ta Banerjee’s recent statement in the Darjeeling sub-division. Darjeeling that Rs40bn had been allotted Tourist vehicles with police to the Gorkhaland Territorial escorts operated from Siliguri Administration (GTA) – the to the hills, though private ve- ducational institutions hill governing body run by the hicles were seen in smaller remained closed, a sec- GJM – over four-and-a-half numbers than usual. Etion of shops and mar- years. Schools and colleges re- kets were shut, and road traffi c “Overall, the situation was mained closed. was thin yesterday as a 12-hour peaceful. Final attendance is Three ministers – Gautam shutdown called by the Gorkha around 97% in district ad- Deb, Rabindranath Ghosh and Janmukti Morcha in West Ben- ministration offices, vehicles James Kujur – were present gal’s Darjeeling hills evoked a are plying and all roads are in Kalimpong, Kurseong and partial response. open,” claimed Darjeeling Darjeeling sub-divisions, re- Over 350 people were ar- district magistrate Anurag spectively, to foil the shut- rested for trying to enforce the Srivastav. down. shutdown and indulging in vio- “The famed Darjeeling “This is the fi rst time that a lence. They were later released Himalayan Railway ran the political party is inspiring peo- on bond. At least three vehicles toy trains and over 95% ration ple to resist the bandh (shut- were damaged by the protest- shops remained open. Some down). We are trying to drive ers, a police offi cer said. shops are open in markets and away the fear psychosis that But with the state govern- no forceful enforcement of people in the hills were living ment opposing the shutdown shutdown has been allowed,” with,” said Gautam Deb, who and threatening its employees said Srivastav. led an anti-shutdown rally in with stringent action if they As the day began, most of the Kalimpong. failed to turn up, attendance shops, markets and tea gardens “We are committed to driv- in government offi ces touched remained closed, but some of ing away the environment of 97%. them opened as the day wore terror and bring back normalcy The GJM called the shut- on, mainly in Kalimpong and to the hills. People are with us. down to protest against West Kurseong sub-divisions. The Vandalism will not be toler- Supporters of the Gorkha People’s Liberation Front (GJMM) take part in a rally Bengal Chief Minister Mama- shutdown had a bigger impact ated,” Deb said. during a strike at Kalimpong town, some 75km, from Siliguri, yesterday. Gulf Times 24 Thursday, September 29, 2016

VERDICT LEGAL APPEAL INVESTIGATION DECISION Peru ex-spy chief guilty of Court cancels sentences of Maduro calls for new Senator, husband indicted Argentine judge blocks killing, burning students police in prison bloodbath era of relations with US in Petrobras scandal natural gas rate hikes

A Peruvian court convicted the ex-heads of A Sao Paulo court has thrown out the convic- Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro said he Brazilian senator Gleisi Hoff mann and her An Argentine court has suspended planned the country’s intelligence services and army of tions of 74 police officers in the deaths of 111 is hopeful for improved relations with the US, a husband, who both served in the ousted govern- natural gas rate hikes to small and medium-sized murdering students and burning their bodies in prisoners during a notorious riot at the Caran- day after meeting US Secretary of State John ment of former president Dilma Rousseff , were businesses until the end of the year, dealing an oven during a crackdown against opponents diru penitentiary in 1992. Judge Camilo Lellis, Kerry. The two countries have had rocky relations indicted by the Supreme Court on corruption and another blow to the government’s plans to cut in 1993. It handed a new jail sentence of 22 at the 4th Court in Brazil’s biggest city, ruled since Hugo Chavez became president in 1999 money laundering charges in the Petrobras graft public service subsidies to shrink the country’s years to ex-spy chief Vladimiro Montesinos, the that the evidence was not strong enough to and Venezuela replaced Cuba as Washington’s investigation. Hoff mann, who was chief of staff to large fiscal deficit. Last month, the Supreme Court right-hand man of now-jailed ex-president Al- convict the officers who put down the bloody primary irritant in the region. The US government Rousseff during her first term, and husband Paulo halted planned increases in residential gas prices, berto Fujimori. It handed the same sentence to riot at what was then Latin America’s biggest said Kerry spoke with Maduro about Venezuela’s Bernardo, will stand trial for allegedly receiv- forcing the government to postpone the rate hike the former head of the army, Nicolas Hermoza. prison. “There was a confrontation and I believe “economic and political challenges,” urging him to ing 1mn reais ($309,000) in kickback money to and hold public hearings to discuss the energy Montesinos is considered one of the master- excesses were committed but it has to be work with the country’s opposition. US Republi- illegally fund her 2010 senate election campaign. subsidy cuts, which have since begun. A judge in minds of a violent crackdown by Fujimori’s checked who committed them and who shot can candidate said in July that the As an elected off icial, Hoff mann can only be tried the country’s Cordoba province said the state gas government against opponents who he alleged at whom. The evidence was not conclusive and US would “end up being Venezuela” if his rival, by the Supreme Court and five justices on the top regulator must bring rates for small and medium were linked to the Shining Path, a Marxist was unconvincing,” Lellis said in the ruling on Democrat Hillary Clinton, were to win the White court ruled unanimously to accept the charges businesses back to March 31 levels and hold them armed rebel group. the court’s website. House in November’s vote. against her. there until December 27. Maduro wife’s Goods shortage in Venezuela nephews rubbish US drug charges

Tribune News Service “Campo further stated that he Washington could’ve gotten the drugs out of the airport very easily because of who he was and because of the efence attorneys for the access he has at the airport,” US nephews of Venezuela’s Drug Enforcement Administra- Dfi rst lady increased their tion agents wrote in a report de- attack of the US government, tailing the alleged confession. accusing it of trying to lure their The airport referred to is the clients into an international drug Simon Bolivar International Air- sting because of their family ties. port in Maiquetia, outside Cara- In a plea to a federal judge to cas. toss out their clients’ alleged Jackson, who represents Cam- confessions, the lawyers for po, and attorney David Rody, Efrain Campo, 29, and Francisco who represents Flores, fi led a 33- Flores, 30, slammed the US gov- page brief arguing that the al- ernment for basing large por- leged confessions were improp- tions of its case on the word of erly taken and recordings made “hopelessly corrupt informants.” by the confi dential informants They contend the govern- were tampered with. ment failed to properly inform They argue that the inform- their clients of their rights and ants, a father-and-son duo, were People queue to buy basic food and household items outside a supermarket in Caracas yesterday. Venezuela is in a highly tense political crisis, with the South American never produced a single bit of the corrupt and motivated by mon- oil-exporting nation slammed by low crude prices, inflation, food shortages and violence. 800kgs of cocaine that was sup- ey. The pair collected more than posedly going to be distributed $1.2mn from the US government across the US. for their undercover work while “The only evidence that re- they continued to conduct un- mains is the meaningless word sanctioned major drug deals, for of a convicted liar who alleges which they have since pleaded he performed a dubious, non- guilty. scientifi c test on the substance,” The government responded in wrote defence attorney Randall a 22-page brief that the defend- Jackson. ants had freely signed a waiver The latest briefi ngs in a case acknowledging they had read Obama names fi rst envoy that has exacerbated already their rights and didn’t need a tense relations between Ven- lawyer. They voluntarily con- ezuela and the US were fi led late fessed to their plans to smuggle Monday. The 55 pages largely hundreds of kilograms of cocaine rehash arguments made during into the US and the recordings a two-day suppression hearing were properly made, prosecutors earlier this month. said. to Cuba in over 50 years The trial is expected to begin “No recordings were de- November 7. stroyed,” Emil Bove, assistant US Reuters in normalising ties between the delay a full Senate vote. sador to Washington shortly af- repeatedly used his executive The men’s aunt, Cilia Flores, attorney, wrote in the govern- Washington former foes before he In a veiled appeal to lawmak- ter embassies were reopened in powers to relax trade and travel is the wife of President Nicolas ment’s motion. leaves offi ce in January. ers, Obama praised DeLauren- both countries’ capitals in July restrictions, while pushing Cuba Maduro. She is a lawyer and in- US district judge Paul Crotty The nomination must be ap- tis for his leadership during the of last year. to accelerate cautious market- fl uential congresswoman who of the Southern District of New resident Barack Obama proved by the Republican-con- normalisation process. “We only He would be the fi rst US en- style reforms and allow greater is a former president of the Na- York is expected to side with the has nominated career dip- trolled Senate, which is seen as hurt ourselves by not being rep- voy since , an ap- political and economic freedom. tional Assembly. She also served prosecution and deny the de- Plomat Jeff rey DeLaurentis a long shot, especially in a presi- resented by an ambassador” in pointee of president Dwight Ei- Even so, the US embargo as the lawyer for then-jailed fence’s motion to suppress the to be the fi rst US ambassador to dential election year and given Havana, he said in a statement. senhower, left the post vacant in against Cuba remains in place, a Hugo Chavez before he became evidence, according to David Cuba in more than fi ve decades, expected strong resistance from “Having an ambassador will late 1960. major irritant in relations. president and led a socialist rev- Weinstein, a former federal pros- setting up a fi erce confi rmation Cuban-American senators in- make it easier to advocate for Obama travelled to Havana Only Congress can lift the olution in Venezuela. ecutor who oversaw the narcot- battle with Republicans in Con- cluding Marco Rubio of Florida our interests and will deepen our in March, the fi rst visit by a US embargo, and the Republican According to alleged confes- ics division at the US attorney’s gress opposed to Obama’s open- and Ted Cruz of Texas. understanding even when we president in 88 years. leadership is not expected to al- sions, Campo said they planned offi ce in Miami. ing with the communist-ruled Rubio, in a blistering statement, know that we will continue to The trip was made possible low such a move anytime soon. to get the cocaine from Colombian Weinstein said the judge likely island. derided the nomination as a “last- have diff erences with the Cuban by his breakthrough agreement DeLaurentis has been US chief rebels. Asked why he got involved would allow the jury to weigh the The appointment of DeLau- ditch legacy project” by Obama and government,” Obama said. with Cuban President Raul Cas- of mission in Cuba since August in the deal, Flores reportedly said: informants’ credibility, but he rentis, the top American offi cial said it “should go nowhere.” DeLaurentis had been widely tro in December 2014 to cast 2014, his third posting in Havana. “To make money.” Flores said the noted that the defence has raised at the US embassy in Havana An individual senator has the tipped for the post. aside decades of hostility that He has also held diplomatic posts deal was worth $5mn, of which signifi cant questions that could since relations were restored power — one that is often in- But the president held off began soon after Cuba’s 1959 at the state department in Wash- he’d expected to get $560,000, ac- hurt the prosecution during a last year, marked Obama’s lat- voked — to put a “hold” on an naming him until now even as revolution. ington, at the US mission to the cording to the statement. trial. est move to go as far as he can ambassadorial nomination to Cuba appointed its own ambas- Since the opening, Obama has United Nations and in Bogota. Ecuador hopes hearing Dead whale washes up Ruling on suspended brings relief for Assange Barrick mine ‘soon’ Reuters gold producer, announced the Buenos Aires spill at Veladero, one of its fi ve Reuters in October can put an end to grounds for granting Assange main mines, on September 15. United Nations what is a pretty bad situation his asylum still exist. We have The province had fi ned the miner for Assange,” Foreign Minister no intention of taking away that arrick Gold Corporation’s nearly $10mn for an earlier leak that Guillaume Long said. “We hope asylum as it stands,” he added. Veladero mine in Argen- occurred in September 2015. cuador hopes that the that it is the beginning of the The status quo is hardly sat- Btina could reopen in com- Although the local judiciary October questioning of end of Julian Assange’s plight. isfactory, from the standpoint ing days if a report confi rms determines whether the mine EWikileaks founder Julian He’s welcome to stay with us of Assange’s health, Long said. repairs were made after a leak can operate or not, the federal Assange, holed up in the coun- but we know that is not the so- “I’ve been to visit him on several of processing solution contain- government’s environment min- try’s London embassy since lution to the problem.” occasions and I see a deteriora- ing cyanide earlier this month, a ister fi led a written complaint 2012, will mark the “beginning Assange, 45, is wanted in tion,” he said. “He does not have provincial government said. against Veladero last week, say- of the end” of the legal deadlock Sweden for questioning over al- much access to light. He has no San Juan province Mining ing Barrick might have violated a over case, Ecuador’s foreign legations, which he denies, that access whatsoever to exterior Minister Alberto Hensel said in hazardous waste law and delayed minister said. he committed rape in 2010. He space. There is no internal pa- a statement that a team of po- formal notifi cation of the leak. Wikileaks burst onto the avoided possible extradition to tio. There is no fresh air,” Long lice investigators would deliver a Prosecutors and environmen- world scene in 2010 when it Sweden by taking refuge in Ec- said. technical report within 48 hours tal groups have long said the collaborated with media or- uador’s London embassy. The minister would not say to the judge who ordered the mine’s location violates a federal ganisations to release US State He says he fears further ex- how much it was costing Ecua- temporary suspension. glacier law in Argentina. Department diplomatic cables. tradition to the US, where a dor to keep Assange. “If all the repairs have been Barrick said it used the appro- The leak opened a global de- criminal investigation into the “I don’t have the exact fi gure, completed and the mining po- priate communications channels bate over the proper limits of activities of Wikileaks is ongo- but it’s certainly costing Ecua- lice give the OK...there will be and disclosed the spill in a timely journalism and state transpar- ing. dor much less that it’s costing National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (Sernapesca) no reason to sustain the injunc- manner. ency. “The fear about political per- the British authorities to have off icials inspect a dead whale in Coquimbo region, Chile. Huge tion,” said judge Pablo Oritja, ac- President Kelvin Dushnisky told A Swedish appeals court re- secution stems from the fact the Ecuadorean embassy under whales have washed up dead over recent months on beaches cording to the provincial govern- Reuters on September 19 that he cently upheld an arrest war- that we never received guaran- a state of siege for four years,” in northern Chile, where scientists suspect they have been ment’s statement. thought the mine could start op- rant for Assange, clearing the tees that there was not going Long said. driven by climate change. After the beaching of hundreds of A Barrick spokesman in Ar- erating again in two weeks. way for him to be questioned in to be an extradition to a third Assange is unable to leave the dead whales in the south last year, the trend has now shifted gentina said yesterday the com- The repairs would include lift- Ecuador’s London embassy on country,” Long said. embassy without being arrested to areas where the phenomenon was previously rare. Last pany was waiting for the judge’s ing a berm, or raised bank, over October 17. “The threat of political per- by British police for breaching weekend a 46-foot whale was found dead in Coquimbo. decision. which the processing solution “We hope that the interview secution is still there and the his bail conditions. Barrick, the world’s largest fl owed, he said. Gulf Times Thursday, September 29, 2016 25 PAKISTAN/AFGHANISTAN

Pakistan to launch $500mn in Islamic bonds Pakistan is set to launch $500mn in Islamic bonds to raise money As army chief’s tenure nears for its foreign exchange reserves, a senior off icial said yesterday, as a three-year IMF bailout package nears a close. The government has started looking at key markets for the “Sukuk” bonds – a Shariah- end, Sharif faces key choice compliant instrument that off ers profits instead of interest to its Reuters speculations, because we have movement from Swat Valley Ahmad has extensive experi- like a change in leadership.” subscribers, a top off icial said. Islamabad already taken a position very near the Afghan border. ence with military operations, Sharif has been quiet on “We have begun the roadshow clearly,” Lieutenant General The three other dossiers are especially against Pakistan’s the issue of the military’s in Dubai today and will go to Asim Bajwa, the army’s main for Lieutenant General Zubair Taliban insurgency, and was ascendancy in public. London, Boston, and New York in rime Minister Nawaz spokesman, told a recent press Hayat, Chief of General Staff , previously the Director General But a statement from his of- the same leg,” Pakistan’s finance Sharif faces a key choice briefi ng. Lieutenant General Ishfaq Na- Military Operations. fi ce late last year, issued after secretary Waqar Masood Khan Pin the coming weeks The military declined to deem Ahmad, commanding Several past army chiefs had the military urged the govern- said. about who should run Paki- comment further and said Gen- offi cer in the eastern city of served as DGMOs before being ment to match its eff orts in The announcement comes as stan’s powerful military, one eral Sharif was not available for Multan, and Lieutenant Gen- promoted to the top post. fi ghting militancy, said “all a three-year, $6.6bn bailout that will have a major infl uence interview. eral Qamar Javed Bajwa, who A serving brigadier who has institutions have to play their package from the International on the country’s often strained In a country prone to mili- heads the army’s Training and worked with Bajwa said he was role, while remaining within the Monetary Fund (IMF) comes to relationships with the United tary coups, including one in Evaluation Wing. the general “most similar in ambit of the constitution.” an end. States and nuclear rival India. which Nawaz Sharif himself was Ramday is considered among temperament to General Ra- Under Raheel Sharif, the The lender announced in August With Chief of Army Staff ousted from power in 1999, sus- the front-runners, in part be- heel”, adding that: “His chances army tightened control over it would soon release the last General Raheel Sharif saying he picions that the general will re- cause his family has been asso- are also very good.” the battle against militants, in- instalment, worth $102mn. will step down when his tenure main in his post persist, includ- ciated with Nawaz Sharif’s Pa- The army’s media wing did cluding creating military courts Khan said the country needs to ends in November, the top post ing among some of the prime kistan Muslim League (PMLN) not respond to requests to in- that have sentenced dozens of tap the global capital market to is up for grabs, and the prime minister’s senior aides. party for many years. terview the four contenders. people to death. maintain its foreign exchange minister decides who gets it. Reuters has no independent He is also seen by some se- If Nawaz Sharif appoints a The courts have been criti- reserves, which currently stand at Overshadowing the proc- evidence to corroborate this Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif curity offi cials as popular with new army chief, it could al- cised by lawyers and families $22.69bn, enough to cover import ess has been speculation in the view. General Sharif. low him to claw back some of defendants for denying basic bills for five months. media and by some government “Army chiefs soon begin to ric against Pakistan, alarmed at “He’s perhaps as liked by of the infl uence he has ceded rights, and some are challeng- “The purpose of the issuance offi cials that the general, no re- think they are invincibles-in- an escalation of violence in the Raheel Sharif as he is by Na- since coming to power in 2013, ing the courts’ rulings through of Sukuk bonds is to meet our lation to the premier, may seek chief,” said a close aide to Nawaz disputed region of Kashmir, in- waz Sharif,” said a senior secu- analysts said. the civilian judiciary. growing future demand of the to hold on to some or all of his Sharif, requesting anonymity as cluding an attack on an army rity offi cial based in Islamabad, In 2014, the prime minister The military has also taken a forex,” he said. powers even after his term is he was not authorised to speak base there that killed 18 soldiers. declining to be named. emerged in charge but weak- lead role in policing the south- “After the IMF package is over fi nished. about military appointments. Islamabad denies accusations it Neither the prime minister ened after protests demanding ern city of Karachi, a broadly and amid falling exports, Pakistan The general is immensely What happens at the top of was behind the raid. nor General Sharif have com- his resignation, and that year popular operation that has re- needs to raise the funds from popular among ordinary Paki- Pakistan’s armed forces will be According to three close aides mented publicly on his chances. the army also went against his duced rampant crime but also diff erent sources,” Rehan Ateeq, stanis, who see him as a bulwark closely watched overseas. to the prime minister and a sen- Hayat oversees intelligence wishes for a negotiated settle- been denounced as heavy- head of research at Shajar Capital against crime, corruption and With nearly 10,000 US troops ior military offi cial, the military and operational aff airs at the ar- ment with Taliban militants handed and open to abuses added. Islamist militant violence. in Afghanistan fi ghting the Af- high command has sent the my’s General Headquarters, and by sending troops into North including extra-judicial killings. The move also comes as $1bn He has also strengthened the ghan Taliban and other militant prime minister the dossiers of before that headed the Strategic Waziristan. “If Raheel Sharif hadn’t worth of 10-year Eurobonds military’s grip over aspects of groups, Washington is losing four main contenders. Plans Division (SPD), which is “Nawaz has lost a lot of been chief, these militants draws to a close. government, including the ju- patience with what it says is The premier’s favourite, the responsible for Pakistan’s nu- ground to the military during and criminals would have de- Pakistan has so far issued diciary and areas of security Pakistan’s failure to hunt down aides said, was Lieutenant Gen- clear programme. Raheel’s tenure,” Talat Masood, stroyed Pakistan,” said Bismil- Eurobonds and Sukuk worth policy. insurgents who launch attacks eral Javed Iqbal Ramday, com- Retired and serving offi cers a retired general and political lah Khan, a bus driver in the $4.05bn. It expects its economy Yet the military fl atly rejects on Afghanistan from Pakistani mander of XXXI Corps who who have served with Hayat see analyst said. “He will try and southwestern city of Quetta. “I to grow at 5.5% in the current the possibility of an extension. territory. Pakistan denies this. led a 2009 operation to drive him as a compromise between the retake certain space by assert- hope whoever replaces him will fiscal year, compared to 4.7% “I will request you to avoid India has ratcheted up rheto- the Pakistani Taliban militant military and civilian government. ing himself. I think he would be just like him.” growth in previous.

Body scanners installed at two Biometric machines US strike in Afghanistan kills major airports Dual human body scanners to replace magnetic have been installed at two major airports in Pakistan, in order to detect firearms, explosives and ink in 2018 polls 21, including three civilians drugs, as well as metals concealed under fabric or swallowed or hidden inside the human body. Internews sion would persist even after Reuters One Braun-i-Scan dual human Islamabad the ink was used. Jalalabad body scanner was installed at He said the ECP had spent the Benazir Bhutto International Rs85mn on the purchase Airport (BBIA) in the capital lection Commission of the magnetised ink but suspected US drone Islamabad, and the other at of Pakistan (ECP) sec- was not intending to use it strike against Islamic Allama Iqbal International Airport Eretary Babar Yaqoob again in the next elections. AState in Afghanistan (AAIIP) in Lahore, by the Anti- Fateh Mohammad yesterday The ink has also not been killed at least 21 people yes- Narcotices Force (ANF) yesterday. said the commission may used in several by-elections terday, most of them militants According to an ANF not use the magnetic ink in held so far. but possibly including some spokesperson, a third scanner the general elections 2018. The explanation came civilians, Afghan offi cials said. will be installed at Quaid-i-Azam The issue came under dis- from the offi cial after PAC Civilians casualties in US air International Airport in Karachi. cussion while the commit- member Azra Fazal Pechuho strikes have long been a source The spokesperson said the tee was examining an audit asked if the ECP would use of friction between the Afghan scanners were donated by Saudi para related to the “purchase the magnetised ink in the government and Western al- Arabia. of indelible ink and next general elections. lies fi ghting the Taliban-led According to the spokesperson, magnetised stamp pads.” “It is my understanding insurgency since 2001. the full body scanner will make it The ECP in 2011 decided that the ECP will not use The strike in Nangarhar prov- possible to detect any suspicious to use the magnetised ink for this ink as we are procur- ince, on the eastern border with objects, including drugs – which the biometric verifi cation ing biometric machines Pakistan, killed 21 people, at are usually smuggled in the shape and discouraging fake votes for the purpose of voter least three of them civilians, and of capsules. in the 2013 elections. verifi cation,” he replied. wounded another 11, according The scanner will take around 15 However, after the elec- Sheikh Rohale Asghar of to Malem Mashooq, the gover- seconds to scan a passenger, as tions, the magnetised ink the PML-N said the issue nor of Achin district where the the individual has to stop and wait became a headache for both of thumb impression cre- attack occurred. for the process to be completed. the ECP and the ruling Paki- ated much hype which was One of the wounded said that The spokesperson said the stan Muslim League (PML- used for political purposes. the attack struck a house where individual being scanned has to N) as during the process He then asked the secretary people were sleeping after a An injured Afghan youth receives treatment at a hospital following a suspected US drone air strike in the pass through the machine, similar of verifi cations the thumb ECP to admit the fault and gathering to welcome a local Achin district of Nangarhar province yesterday. to how a walk-through gate is impressions could not be declare publicly that those elder who had recently returned used. When an individual passes verifi ed perhaps due to the who become victims to the from the Haj pilgrimage. said several Islamic State lead- “We are aware of some claims of ritory in Nangarhar, and Achin was through the scanner, their body quality of the ink. controversy were innocent. “I saw dead and wounded ers had been killed, but he denied Afghan casualties, and are current- a stronghold for the group. is scanned from head to toe and The ECP secretary ex- In response, the secretary bodies everywhere,” Raghon there were any noncombatants ly reviewing all materials related But it has not been able to ex- the scan, seen by the machine plained that former chair- said the former Nadra chair- Shinwari said, lying on a hospi- among the victims. to this strike. We are continuing to pand its infl uence in Afghanistan operator, will indicate if an object man National Database man had already cleared the tal bed in Jalalabad city. A spokesman for the US mili- look into these allegations.” beyond a few districts and the is hidden inside the body. and Registration Author- position regarding reading of Mohammed Ali, the tary command in Kabul con- Determining which victims were Taliban remain the dominant The spokesperson said that ity (Nadra) Tariq Malick had the thumb impression before Achin district police chief fi rmed that US forces conducted civilians and which were militants militant force. while the scanner can highlight confi rmed before the judi- the Judicial Commission. corroborated that account. a “counter-terrorism” air strike would not be possible until an in- Thousands of US troops re- something of concern, it cannot cial commission constituted He, however, said before “They were in a house to in Achin, but would not discuss vestigation was complete, said At- main in Afghanistan, with many indicate whether the object is a to probe alleged rigging in applying the ink in the gen- visit someone who had just the details of the target. taullah Khogyani, a spokesman for recent air strikes and special weapon, a metallic object or drugs, the 2013 elections that the eral elections the ECP could come from the Haj pilgrimage,” “US Forces – Afghanistan the provincial governor. operations missions aimed at unless the individual is searched. use of magnetised ink can- have used it for the trial he said. “A drone targeted the takes all allegations of civilian Islamic State has attracted hun- Islamic State in Nangarhar, but “No such scanner can be installed not ensure 100% accuracy purpose and addressed the house and killed most of them.” casualties very seriously,” said dreds, perhaps thousands, of fi ght- they have also been helping Af- which will raise questions about the as the problem related to the shortcoming before the 2013 Provincial police spokesman Brigadier General Charles Cleve- ers in Afghanistan and Pakistan to ghan forces fi ght Taliban else- privacy of a traveller or have a risk reading of a thumb impres- elections. Hazrat Hussain Mashriqiwal land. join its ranks, and it holds some ter- where in the country. of radiation emission,” he said. Peace rally Taliban leaders blast Trump

Reuters the country, the spokesman, paign that toppled the Taliban Both Obama, in whose ad- Peshawar Zabihullah Mujahid, said by government in Kabul. ministration Clinton served as telephone. President Barack Obama secretary of state, and former “The main thing that we this year shelved plans to president George W Bush had aliban leaders followed would like the next US presi- halve the number of US troops wasted 15 years and billions of the US presidential de- dent to do is to learn from the in Afghanistan and instead has dollars without being able to Tbate closely but heard mistakes of their predecessors,” kept 8,400 troops there un- defeat the Taliban, he added. nothing on Afghanistan, a he said. til the end of his presidency, “There is a choice for the spokesman said yesterday, “Why are they hated leaving further decisions to upcoming president, whether adding that they were not worldwide? It’s because of his successor. he or she would like to suff er impressed by Republican their aggressive policies. Zabihullah also had harsh human and fi nancial losses to candidate Donald Trump, They invade other people’s words for Trump, a political continue their invasion of Af- whom they considered countries and kill innocent newcomer who has attacked ghanistan or they want to let “non-serious”. human beings for their what he calls the failed poli- the people of Afghanistan de- The leaders watched Mon- vested interests.” cies of the Washington political cide their aff airs,” Zabihullah day’s televised debate from The election winner will classes. said. a secret location in Afghani- have to decide future policy Taliban leaders considered “If the new president doesn’t stan, but neither Trump nor for what has been America’s Trump a “non-serious” can- change policy, the Taliban will Pakistani activists from NGOs carry placards as they shout slogans during a peace rally in Lahore Democratic Party candi- longest war, started after didate who said “anything continue their armed strug- yesterday. date Hillary Clinton talked the attacks of September 11, that comes to his tongue,” the gle until they are expelled from about their intentions for 2001 triggered a US-led cam- spokesman said. Afghanistan.” Gulf Times 26 Thursday, September 29, 2016 PHILIPPINES

Freeze dummy bank accounts, de Lima Jail brawl wounds inmates set dares Aguirre Senator Leila de Lima has dared Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre to freeze the supposed dummy bank accounts she allegedly used to receive drug payoff s, to prove that the accounts were really hers, to testify against Duterte rival Manila Times reported. De Lima again denied maintaining dummy Reuters bank accounts in the names of Manila other persons.She dared Aguirre to remove his toupee if his claims turn out to be false. “I’ll say this riot broke out at a Phil- again, I do not have dummy ac- ippine prison yesterday, counts in the name of any other Akilling one inmate and person, whether close to me or wounding three, all of whom not. These are all fake,” de Lima had been expected to testify at said. The senator claimed her a congressional inquiry on al- enemies have resorted to fabricat- leged criminal activity by the ing evidence. president’s biggest critic. “Secretary Aguirre’s alleged evi- Rolando Asuncion, chief dence against me is like his toupee, of the Philippines’ correc- his wig – fake and cosmetics only. tions bureau, said a drug traf- There is nothing into it other than fi cker was stabbed to death that. Nothing’s authentic,” she in the brawl, and one of the added. three wounded men, kidnap- De Lima also claimed the presi- per Jaybee Sebastian, had been dent was being exploited by the scheduled to give evidence next “evil men and women” around him week. who have an axe to grind against Dates had not yet been set for her. “They exploited the president’s testimony from the rest. personal vendetta against me to The inquiry, initiated by al- the hilt and it’s the president who lies of President Rodrigo Du- is being damaged, I’m not the one terte, will test allegations that being damaged here,” she added. his rival, Senator Leila de Lima, Aguirre on Tuesday disclosed that a former justice minister, was the Department of Justice (DOJ) colluding with prison inmates has copies of three “sex videos” and taking payments from purportedly of de Lima and her them to fund her poll cam- former driver-bodyguard Ronnie paign. Dayan. Asuncion dismissed a sug- Police special action force personnel look on as funeral parlour workers carry the body of drug convict Peter Co, who was killed in a knifing incident inside the national penitentiary The videos will be presented in gestion by House speaker Pan- in suburban Manila’s Muntinlupa City yesterday. court as evidence that the roman- taleon Alvarez that the riot tic relationship between the two could have been an attempt to widespread international criti- paved the way for the proliferation derail the inquiry, however. cism, including from the United of illegal drugs at the New Bilibid “It’s just a plain riot,” he told Nations, drawing angry re- Prison when de Lima was Justice reporters. sponses from Duterte. secretary during the previous ”This is just a usual occur- But De Lima’s removal, and Aquino administration. President rence in prisons.” the subsequent inquiry, show Rodrigo Duterte revealed the Senators this month ousted how much clout Duterte has alleged aff air last month and said De Lima from the leadership won during his short time in of- Dayan, who is married, collected of a panel investigating a spate fi ce. drug payoff s for de Lima. The of nearly 3,000 killings dur- At a news conference, De money was supposedly used for ing Duterte’s three-month-old Lima expressed anger at what de Lima’s senatorial campaign. war on drugs, squashing a rare she called the “mafi a tactics” Aguirre said he had ordered the domestic challenge to his high- being used to get prisoners to National Bureau of Investigation profi le crackdown. co-operate in the case against (NBI) to check the authenticity “We don’t want him dead,” her. of the videos.“The videos have a Justice Secretary Vitaliano Duterte, about to leave on a huge significance. They explain Aguirre told reporters, referring two-day visit to neighbouring why Ronnie Dayan was powerful, to the wounded Sebastian. Vietnam, urged his staunchest why Dayan was able to extract “We’re counting on him to critic to take a rest. money from the drug lords spill the beans, he goes direct to “If she continues yakking because an ordinary driver could De Lima.” there, she would have a nervous Police special action force personnel stand guard at the entrance to a hospital’s emergency room, where four convicted drug lords are being not do it,” Aguirre said. The killings have drawn breakdown,” he said. treated, following knife attacks inside the national penitentiary in suburban Manila’s Muntinlupa City.

President ‘will not snap relations with US’ China envoy says sun rises

By Catherine S Valente Rubicon between me and the United States.”He later clarifi ed ‘beautifully’ on Philippine ties & Jaime G Aquino Manila Times that his statement did not mean breaking ties with US, only that AFP Duterte has responded with he would “open up alliances Manila abusive comments against crit- he Department of Foreign with China and Russia.” ics of his war on crime. Aff airs has denied that the Yasay reiterated that the pres- In his latest remarks late TPhilippines will be “veer- ident only wanted to pursue an elations between China Tuesday, he accused the US of ing away” from its treaty com- independent foreign policy. and the Philippines are “manipulating” the peso, which mitments to the United States “In his administration, he Rimproving “beautifully” hit a seven-year low to the dol- after President Rodrigo Duterte wants to make sure that the rela- under President Rodrigo Du- lar on Monday, and dared inves- said he was about to cross the tionship mandated by the Con- terte, Beijing’s envoy has said tors concerned about his crime Rubicon as regards relations stitution insofar as carrying out as Duterte warms to China and war to leave the Philippines. with Washington. an independent foreign policy, Russia following US criticism of Many market analysts said Foreign Secretary Perfecto and at the same time pursuing his bloody war on crime. the market was spooked by the Yasay Jr told reporters the presi- amity with all nations, are com- Ambassador Zhao Jianhua of- breakdown in the rule of law dent might have made the re- plied with,” he said. fered eff usive praise for Duterte after Duterte’s anti-drug crack- mark on Monday “to dramatise The Duterte administration in a speech at an embassy recep- down left more than 3,700 peo- what he feels are the areas that aims to boost ties with China, tion late Tuesday, saying China ple dead. would need further strengthen- which had “cooled off under the “fi rmly supports” his anti-drugs Rights groups say some of ing” in terms of Philippines-US previous administration,” Yasay campaign that has prompted them had been summarily ex- ties. said, following an international Western condemnation of al- ecuted. “The Chinese side fully “I do not think personally arbitration case against Beijing leged extrajudicial killings. understands and fi rmly supports that he meant it in the context of that resulted in a legal victory for Duterte has rejected the criti- the Duterte administration’s veering away from our commit- Manila over the West Philippine cism, including by long-time policy that (prioritises) the fi ght ments to the United States, par- Sea (South China Sea). security ally the United States, against drug crimes,” said Zhao ticularly with our agreements “We have disputes with China and said he would seek closer on Tuesday, adding China would and treaty, or with respect to the insofar as the South China Sea is economic ties with China and A recent photo shows Chinese ambassador to the Philippines Zhao Jianhua talking to journalists. assist in the drug war. close and special relations that concerned. But this is not going to Russia. Zhao also said China would we have with the United States,” negate or prevent us from pursu- “The clouds are fading away. Zhao said the two neighbours whose government lodged a as its extensive island-building increase investments in infra- he said in Malacañang. ing other aspects of our relation- The sun is rising over the hori- had been engaging in “friendly case at an international tribu- in disputed waters. structure in the Philippines, as Duterte in a speech on Mon- ship, insofar as strengthening zon and will shine beautifully interactions” since Duterte took nal in 2013 seeking to outlaw Duterte has however stressed well as trade and tourism. day recounted his recent meet- trade relationship, cultural ties, on the new chapter of bilateral offi ce nearly three months ago. Beijing’s territorial claims over he would not risk war by en- The Philippines, a former ing with Russian Prime Minis- people-to-people connectiv- relations,” Zhao said according This was in stark contrast most of the South China Sea. forcing the ruling, preferring American colony, had until ter Dmitry Medvedev, saying: ity, even infrastructure develop- to a copy of the speech released to fraught ties under Duterte’s In July the tribunal rejected quiet diplomacy to persuade Duterte been one of the United “I think I’m about to cross the ment,” the Cabinet offi cial said. by the mission yesterday. predecessor Benigno Aquino, most of China’s claims as well China to abide by the verdict. States’ oldest allies in Asia. Peace talks with govt will go ahead: Communist leaders

By Catherine S Valente man Benito Tiamzon, his wife, ants. And they also mentioned enthusiastic about the progress Manila Times Wilma and members of the Na- their willingness to co-operate of the current peace talks,” he tional Democratic Front (NDF) in the socio-economic reforms added. The government resumed peace panel in Malacanang of the president, as long as both peace negotiations with the eaders of the Communist Monday night. parties are in an agreement with communist group last month. Party of the Philippines Presidential spokesman Er- whatever reforms that are being Both parties will be holding L(CPP) assured President nesto Abella said the CPP leaders discussed,” Abella said at a news the second round of peace nego- Rodrigo Duterte that peace ne- thanked Duterte for jumpstart- conference. tiations at the Holmenfj ord Ho- gotiations with his administra- ing the peace negotiations. “They said that there would tel in Oslo, Norway from October tion will not be cancelled, Mala- “It was a meet-and-greet. Ba- be no cancellation of the peace 6 to 10, according to the Offi ce of canang said. sically, they were saying ‘thank talks. But they were all very sup- the Presidential Adviser on the President Rodrigo Duterte shakes hands with communist leader Benito Tiamzon in Malacanang. Duterte met with CPP chair- you’ for releasing their consult- portive… and they are all very Peace Process. Gulf Times Thursday, September 29, 2016 27 SRI LANKA/BANGLADESH/NEPAL Saarc summit uncertain as India, others pull out Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Reuters, AFP India’s foreign ministry on A Bangladesh foreign minis- minister, said the Himalayan exclude Pakistan from regional “committed to peace and re- Kathmandu/New Delhi Tuesday announced its deci- try offi cial said Dhaka had told nation’s government would discussions was not unexpected. gional co-operation” and ac- sion to skip the meeting, saying Nepal it would not attend be- discuss the matter with Saarc “Diplomatically, (it’s) maybe cused India of perpetrating “increasing cross-border ter- cause of Pakistan’s interference members so that there was not a big deal for Pakistan given “terrorism” on its soil. summit of South Asian rorist attacks in the region and in its internal aff airs. “no long-term eff ect” on the that Saarc is widely perceived as “As for the excuse used by Hasina leaders set for Islama- growing interference in the in- The two countries have been regional grouping. ineff ective,” he said. India, the world knows that it is Abad in November may be ternal aff airs of member states in a diplomatic spat over execu- The leaders of the eight “But (it’s) a fresh sign of Paki- India that has been perpetrating called off , as several countries by one country” had created tions by Bangladesh of people Saarc countries – which also stan not being in a comfortable and fi nancing terrorism in Paki- cancels have decided not to attend amid an environment that was not convicted of crimes during its include Sri Lanka, Nepal and place in its own region.” stan,” tweeted foreign ministry rising tension between arch-ri- conducive. 1971 war of independence from the Maldives – expressed frus- Analyst Ashok Malik said the spokesman Nafees Zakariya late vals India and Pakistan, offi cials India has blamed Pakistan for Pakistan. tration after the last summit in withdrawals would have little Tuesday, citing the capture of birthday said yesterday. a deadly assault this month on Junior Foreign Aff airs Min- Kathmandu with the slow pace practical impact on Pakistan. an Indian intelligence offi cer in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, an army base in Kashmir that ister Mohammad Shahriar of progress towards greater “It basically scores a sym- Balochistan earlier this year. Bhutan and India have ex- has heightened fears of a new Alam said Dhaka had told Pa- regional integration. bolic and a political victory. As Pakistan has repeatedly ac- events to pressed their “inability” to at- confl ict between the nuclear- kistan, which is chairing the Analysts say this is due to for Pakistan, this will push it cused India of interference in tend the summit of the South armed neighbours. meeting, of its “inability to at- the mutual mistrust between even closer to China,” said Ma- the southwestern province, Asian Association for Regional Pakistan, which rejects the tend the summit due to our Pakistan and powerhouse India. lik, head of the Delhi-based Ob- which borders Iran and Afghan- honour Cooperation (Saarc), a sen- accusations, called India’s move engagements”. Cyril Almeida, a columnist server Research Foundation’s istan and is affl icted by Islamist ior foreign ministry offi cial in to pull out of the Saarc summit Rishi Adhikari, the foreign in Pakistan’s English-language regional studies initiative. militancy and a separatist in- Nepal said. “unfortunate”. aff airs adviser to Nepal’s prime daily Dawn, said India’s move to Pakistan said it remained surgency. writer

By Mizan Rahman Stadium watch Dhaka Over 4,140 uling Awami League and its student front Bang- Rladesh Chhatra League (BCL) yesterday postponed all their programmes including HIV positive discussion meetings and pro- cessions which were announced earlier to mark the 70th birthday of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. At the directive of Prime Min- patients in ister Sheikh Hasina, Awami League and Chhatra League postponed their programmes to mourn the death of versatile writer Syed Shamsul Haque, Bangladesh PM’s special assistant Mahbubul Hoque Shakil said. The discussion meeting of By Mizan Rahman ladesh is still at high risk of the Awami League was scheduled to Dhaka deadly disease spreading due be held at the city’s Engineers to its demographic transition Institution yesterday while the and easy access to drugs. BCL called for procession in ore than 4,140 Bang- “Bangladesh is a low HIV every educational institute and ladeshis are now prevalence country, but we’re wards of the city, marking the Minfected with hu- not free from the risk of HIV birthday of Sheikh Hasina, also man immunodefi ciency virus spreading,” Mohammad Wa- the president of Awami League. (HIV), the health and fam- hid Hossain, chief of the Di- Many organisations also post- ily welfare minister told the rectorate General of Family poned their programmes those parliament yesterday. Planning, said. were scheduled yesterday to ob- Health and Family Welfare He said the recent popu- serve the birthday of the premier. Minister Mohammad Nasim lation demographic shows Celebrated writer Syed Sham- yesterday disclosed the fi gure the high number of youths sul Haque died on Tuesday at the in the parliament while re- and they have an easy access United Hospital in the capital plying to a written question to drugs, which eventually giving in his battle with cancer. of treasury bench member put them at risk of spreading He was 81. Shamim Osman on behalf of diseases such as HIV/Aids. Haque was earlier being treat- M Israfi l Alam. Citing statistics, Wahid ed at a London hospital where Quoting offi cial statistics, said if they stop working on Sheikh Hasina visited him and Mohammad Nasim said that HIV prevention, its prevalence A government trooper guard keeping watch in front of the Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium during Bangladesh and took the responsibilities of his 4,143 HIV infected persons will rise to 7% within 25 years Afghanistan second ODI match in Dhaka yesterday. treatment. were detected up to November which is now only at 0.1% in Prime Minister Hasina 2015, of them, 658 are dead. Bangladesh. mourned the death of the emi- He said the health minis- The experts said working nent author. The prime minister, try has taken various steps with youths, most important- who is now in Washington on the through Aids/STD control ly the ones from at risk com- last leg of her US visit, received programme to prevent the munities is always diffi cult the news with profound bereave- communicable disease. as they are the most deprived India to invest $2bn in Lanka in four years ment, PM’s press secretary Eh- Nasim said the government and stigmatised section of the sanul Karim said. is providing medical treat- population. Terming Haque as a con- ment and diagnostic services “They’ve poor health-seek- IANS the end of her three-day visit to “India understands Sri Lan- Samarawickrema said the science of the nation the prime at 12 hospitals for HIV infect- ing behaviour as well as poor Colombo the island nation. ka’s need to move from coal ETCA is expected to open up minister said the country lost “a ed persons. Four government health knowledge. Furthermore India is Sri Lanka’s largest power to more renewable pow- a market of 1.25bn people in writer who was devoted to the hospitals are providing free stigma and discriminatory at- trading partner and both coun- er generation sources,” she told India. truth while she personally lost treatment and medicines in- titude from the general popu- ndia will invest up to $2bn tries are considering a broader reporters. Both ministers said the nego- one of her well-wishers at his cluding counselling to the lace and also from the health in Sri Lanka over the next bilateral trade agreement. The proposed Economic and tiations on ETCA were reaching death,” the press secretary quot- patients, he said. professionals inhibits the at risk Ifour years in a variety of After meeting with Sri Technological Cooperation the fi nal stage and both sides ed her as saying. Moreover, modern treat- groups from having access of sectors including real estate, Lankan Minister of interna- Agreement (ETCA) and issues want to see it happening “as “Haque has viewed Bangalee, ment is being provided to the treatment,” Wahid said. energy and infrastructure, vis- tional Trade Malik Sama- concerning the existing free soon as possible”. Bangladesh and Bangabandhu as HIV positive patients and Findings of a study show iting Indian Commerce Min- rawickrema and other of- trade agreement (FTA) between “It was noted that the sec- inseparable entities and through drug-addicted people at the that an enhanced sensitiv- ister Nirmala Sitharaman said fi cials, Sitharaman said that India and Sri Lanka were dis- ond round of negotiations for his powerful writings he showed Infectious Disease Hospital at ity training to medical service yesterday. Sri Lanka’s decision to scrap a cussed in these talks. the ETCA is scheduled to take the nation the dream of a secular Mohakhali in Dhaka, he added. providers reduces the stigma “In the next two to four years, joint venture coal power plant “We have been meeting the place in New Delhi on Septem- country,” the premier said. Meanwhile, experts said, and discriminatory attitudes the total investment interests project will not deter India’s business chambers to assess ber 29-30,” the Indian fi nance She added: “Haque’s death is though the prevalence of HIV/ towards the at-risk groups will rise to $2bin,” Sitharaman future investment plans in the their concerns,” she said refer- ministry said in a release in an irreparable loss of the national Aids is low in the country, Bang- signifi cantly. told reporters in Colombo at country. ring to her discussions. New Delhi. arena of literature and culture.” US seeks accused banker’s help to crack Bangladesh heist

Reuters bank client Kim Wong, who is a to have run up against a brick ous. We want total immunity,” pines Senate that Wong was a Manila casino owner and agent. wall. From the New York Fed, he said. “It’s not a fi nished... client of hers in a previous job at Under the proposed agree- the $81mn was sent by hack- transaction.” East West Banking Corp and he ment, any evidence Deguito ers to four accounts held in fake The proposed agreement men- followed her when she moved to he FBI is negotiating with gives will not be used to pros- names at an RCBC branch in tions Deguito and her lawyer and RCBC. Deguito had “snippets of a former branch manager ecute her, but she will be liable Manila where Deguito worked. has the names of Manhattan US information” that may be useful Tof a Philippines bank for if she lies or hides any relevant The funds then changed hands Attorney Preet Bharara and Lam- to the American investigators, information relating to $81mn information. She is currently on several times and most of it van- ont Siller, the FBI’s legal attache Topacio said. that she handled after it was sto- bail in a perjury case related to ished into the Philippines ca- at the US embassy in Manila, at “We told the FBI ‘we will tell len from the Bangladesh central the heist. sino industry. About $18mn have the bottom of the form. you everything we know and you bank’s account at the New York In several face-to-face meet- been recovered in all. Wong has admitted in hear- connect the dots’,” Topacio said. Federal Reserve, her lawyer said. ings in Manila, starting in May, No arrests have been made de- ings during a Philippines Senate Deguito told the Senate in- Federal Bureau of Investiga- the two sides also discussed re- spite investigations by the FBI, inquiry that he received millions quiry she helped set up fi ve fake tion offi cials have presented a locating Deguito and her family - Interpol, Bangladesh police and of dollars of the funds from two accounts, including the four that “proff er”, or proposal, to the her husband and three children - authorities in the Philippines. Chinese gamblers but did not received the heist money, and fa- branch manager, Maia Deguito, to the United States, Topacio said. Two sources in Bangladesh know they were stolen. cilitated the withdrawal of some to tell them all she knows about The United States has a visa pro- with knowledge of the FBI’s in- Wong has returned $15mn of the funds. Wong was one of who received the money, the at- gramme for foreigners who assist vestigations confi rmed that the of around $35mn he said he re- the recipients. torney, Ferdinand Topacio, said. law enforcement agencies but it is American agency was trying to ceived and that the rest was She has said she was only fol- He showed Reuters a copy of limited to 200 people a year. talk to “persons of interest” in spent in buying gambling chips lowing orders from her superiors an unsigned proff er agreement. Spokesmen for the FBI and the Philippines. for clients. He has denied in- and denies wrongdoing. According to Topacio, US in- the US Department of Justice Topacio said negotiations volvement in the heist. Lorenzo Tan, who was presi- vestigators are trying to get De- declined comment. Deguito also with the US offi cials on the off er Wong was not available for dent of RCBC at the time of guito, who has been fi red by the declined comment. were continuing because the im- comment on this story and the heist, fi led the perjury case Maia Santos Deguito, a branch manager of RCBC, whispers to her Rizal Commercial Banking Corp Nearly eight months after munity off ered to his client was his lawyer did not respond to against Deguito, accusing her of lawyer as she testifies during a hearing at the Philippine Senate in (RCBC) for her role in the case, the cyber heist, one of the big- only limited to her evidence. requests for comment. libel and false testimony. She was Manila on April 12. to share details about long-time gest ever, investigations appear “I thought that was danger- Deguito has told the Philip- arrested and released on bail. Gulf Times 28 Thursday, September 29, 2016 COMMENT

Chairman: Abdullah bin Khalifa al-Attiyah Production Editor: C P Ravindran Clinton cruises against

P.O.Box 2888 Doha, Qatar [email protected] an unprepared Trump Telephone 44350478 (news), 44466404 (sport), 44466636 (home delivery) Fax 44350474 While Trump’s lack of to insulting, reasoned to rambling. be one thing if he came from a place Instead of calling out the greed that After threatening to bring former where there were few minorities, but motivates profi t-hungry CEOs to seek preparedness didn’t serve president Bill Clinton’s former lover any New Yorker regularly encounters ever-cheaper labour sources, Trump him well, what spoke even Gennifer Flowers to the debate, Trump scores of minority and foreign- celebrates greed as a business value. solicitously asked Hillary Clinton born people – from cab drivers to When Clinton claimed he benefi ted louder was his attitude onstage if he should call her Secretary newspaper vendors. from the housing crisis, hoping the Clinton, noting, “I want you to be very They’re law-abiding workers and bubble would collapse so he could buy GULF TIMES happy. It’s very important to me.” business people who pay taxes, provide cheap, he answered: “That’s called By Rekha Basu Des Moines Register/TNS Being unprepared for a close-up is needed services and toil long hours to business, people.” one thing. Trump’s bigger problem support their families. They are also When she suggested he has paid no is not being prepared for an America entrepreneurs, titans in publishing, federal income taxes, to the detriment writer once wrote that a in which women expect to be treated information technology, engineering of many public institutions, he Spotlight shifts woman has to work “twice the same as men, no one wants to be and medicine. answered: “That makes me smart.” as hard to get half as far as body shamed, and minorities will soon But Trump apparently thinks he can Clinton slammed Trump for stiffi ng Aa man” – then concluded, outnumber native-born white people. win over voters who are hurting by service people after they did work encouragingly, “fortunately this is not sowing resentments against people of for him, including an architect she to Fossati after diffi cult”. Hillary Clinton worked at other backgrounds. said was in the hall. Replied Trump: least twice as hard as Donald Trump Hillary Clinton Let’s defer here to folk singer/ “Maybe he didn’t do a good job and I to prepare for Monday’s presidential songwriter James McMurtry in his was unsatisfi ed with his work.” Pressed debate, since he apparently didn’t had the facts, the poignant tribute to laid-off workers on declaring business bankruptcies Carreno’s exit work at it at all. He even boasted as arguments and even titled, We can’t make it here. multiple times, he said the laws much in noting her absence from the allowed him to: “I take advantage of campaign trail. She had the facts, the “Should I hate a people for the shade the laws of the nation because I’m A desperate situation calls for desperate measures, arguments and even the body language the body language of their skin running a company. My obligation and so it is understandable that Jorge Fossati has on her side. on her side Or the shape of their eyes or the right now is to do what’s best for “And you know what else I prepared shape I’m in myself, my company and my family.” been handed the reins of the Qatar football team. The for?” she quipped in response to With no provocation on Monday, Should I hate em for having our jobs But if these self-serving motivations 63-year-old Uruguayan will now attempt to resurrect Trump’s put down. “I prepared to be he hypothesised that whoever hacked today are the values Trump would bring to president.” DNC e-mails could be “somebody No I hate the men sent the jobs the White House, why does he even the team’s fortunes after they suff ered back-to-back Trump may have thought he’s gotten sitting on their bed that weighs 400 away.” want to be in public service? And why defeats in the fi nal qualifying tournament for the 2018 this far in the race on his brand and pounds”. Asked to comment on race “Will I work for food, will I die for oil would we elect him? World Cup in Russia. by ridiculing opponents, so why start relations, including excessive force by Will I kill for power and to us the While Trump’s lack of preparedness prepping now? The ancient Greeks police against African-Americans, he spoils didn’t serve him well, what spoke Thanks to his exemplary success in Qatar – he guided would call it hubris. Some might call pivoted to a call for law and order – The billionaires get to pay less tax even louder was his attitude. What Al Sadd’s stunning run to the AFC Champions League it the last gasp of the cliched entitled implying it was on African-Americans The working poor get to fall through does it say to our sons and daughters title in 2011 and helped Al Rayyan win the Qatar Stars rich man who thinks someone else will to obey the law. the cracks... ” about succeeding in life if the man carry his water. He struggled to answer Clinton’s who wants to be president feels above League title after a gap of almost two decades last year He wasn’t just weak in his facts criticisms of his baseless claims that Besides criticising trade treaties preparing? What is his message about – Fossati has emerged the go-to man in any crisis. And and lacking a strong central message. America’s fi rst black president wasn’t like NAFTA and TPP – with some fairness, initiative, hard work and He also apparently hadn’t decided born in America. He was even forced to justifi cation, including his criticism responsibility? That that’s for women crisis is the word that best describes the Qatar team’s something the whole world was admit he settled a racial discrimination of Clinton’s changing positions – and minorities? situation in the qualifi ers, languishing as they are at the wondering about: which Donald lawsuit with the federal government Trump off ers little direction for those OK, then. It certainly gave Clinton a bottom of Group A with no points after embarrassing Trump would show up? Would it be for not renting apartments to African- workers whose companies moved. chance to shine. the cocky, combative plain speaker Americans. Instead of passing tighter regulations losses to Iran and Uzbekistan. or the confi dent, well-mannered You seldom hear Trump talk about a to discourage out-migration by zRekha Basu is a columnist for the Des Football management in the Gulf is a thankless job, businessman? Muslim or immigrant who isn’t either businesses, he wants to cut business Moines Register. Readers may send her with the proverbial Instead he lurched from gracious a terrorist or here illegally. It would taxes and have fewer regulations. e-mail at [email protected] axe dangling over Fossati’s coaches from the very appointment moment they take up a new assignment. also has a lot to Coaches have been fi red do with the way unceremoniously in the past, with quite a few he goes about receiving their marching his business orders on the ground itself, just moments after they have lost an important match. Nowadays, though, lucrative termination clauses in contracts ensure coaches are compensated heavily in case they lose their jobs before time. Jose Daniel Carreno, the man who presided over Qatar’s defeat against Iran and Uzbekistan, too, must have taken home a hefty sum and probably even had another job lined up before his exit was announced! Fossati’s appointment also has a lot to do with the way he goes about his business. He is rarely fazed by pressure, and is not given to throwing his weight Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton speaking during the first presidential debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York on September 26. around. The respect that he commands is natural and automatic, not manufactured. “It’s a big honour and big responsibility. I have taken this responsibility because I believe in the quality of the players. Despite the two bad results so far, I believe that qualifi cation is still possible. It will be very, very Saving Italy from itself diffi cult but I’m optimistic about our chances,” Fossati said at his fi rst press conference after being installed in By Paola Subacchi understands and speaks to many Berlusconi, which held comfortable is no clear villain, an Italian version the hot seat. Siena voters’ gut feelings about the two parliamentary majorities, could of the United Kingdom’s “Brexit” main issues on their minds: the state accomplish more than piecemeal referendum is implausible. In an “It feels a bit strange replacing my compatriot of the economy and immigration. reforms in specifi c areas, such as August opinion poll, only 28% of (Carreno) and it’s not something that I wish for but ow that Italian Prime So he knows that his government’s pensions. respondents supported leaving the Minister Matteo Renzi’s survival – and his own political future Lacking a framework to adjust to EU; in a May survey, as many Italians this is the nature of football and especially that of our credibility is weakening – depends on their trust in his ability new economic realities, Italian real wanted “more Europe” as wanted profession. They have done a good job so far and I have Nat home, he will need all to address both. There is no guarantee (infl ation-adjusted) GDP growth “less Europe”. to continue the good work,” he added. the friends he can get to clear the that he will succeed. has suff ered, averaging just 0.3% per Italy’s upcoming constitutional hurdle of a constitutional referendum year from 1999 to 2015. During this referendum cannot plausibly be Qatar will play next against South Korea on October in December – and thereby avoid period, real wages and employment compared to June’s Brexit vote. In 6 in an away match and then take on Syria on October likely political disruption. Renzi will Italy’s upcoming were hit hard – almost 37% of young Italy, the referendum is required by the 11. With two crucial matches, within such a short need the support not just of his own people and 19% of people in southern constitution – it did not come about party, which is deeply divided over constitutional Italy are unemployed – and as many through political machinations – and interval, Fossati knows that Qatar have to make a quick the referendum, but also of an Italian referendum cannot as 1.5mn young Italians have left it is not a vote on EU membership, turnaround. electorate that has grown disillusioned the country, with 90,000 departing even if the EU or the eurozone will be with politics in general. plausibly be in 2014 alone. Meanwhile, 5mn on voters’ minds. Qatar is expecting Fossati to deliver somewhat of The referendum has become foreign immigrants have arrived, Still, the referendum could have a miracle by rallying the team from the precarious a litmus test for Renzi and his compared to June’s constituting 8.3% of all residents far-reaching implications that would position it fi nds itself in. The task is by no means government partly because of his ill- (and not including undocumented spill over into Europe. The political considered warning earlier this year Brexit vote immigrants). uncertainty likely to result if voters impossible, and if Qatar indeed go on to book their that he would resign if the proposed Many Italians blame German- reject the Senate reform would tickets to Russia 2018, Fossati will have earned himself reform of the Senate (the parliament’s Italy’s economy started the year inspired fi scal austerity for their adversely aff ect Italy’s struggling upper house) were voted down. But with strong exports and positive country’s economic malaise; and economy. the right to be called a miracle worker. Renzi’s bigger problem is that he is a growth, but it has since lost opposition parties such as the International investors have come mid-term, unelected prime minister momentum: for the fi rst time since right-wing Northern League and around to Renzi, believing that he who promised, in 2014, to bring 2014, the economy recorded zero the anti-establishment Five Star strikes the right balance between To Advertise change to a country that has heard it growth in the second quarter, and Movement want Italy to leave the dynamism and stability needed to all before. full-year GDP growth is now expected euro, redenominate, and devalue bring Italy out of its torpor. They [email protected] Two years later, far less change than to be a modest 0.8%. That is far below to regain competitiveness. Just 20 have tolerated his exuberance and Display expected has materialized, and Renzi what Italy needs to make up for the years ago, Italians willingly agreed to even his mistakes (for example, in his has come to resemble a guarantor economy’s 5% contraction between pay a one-off tax to bring the fi scal management of the country’s banking Telephone 44466621 Fax 44418811 of political stability more than a 2005 and 2015. defi cit into compliance with eurozone crisis). They are underwriting the Classified rottamatore – a “scraper of the old,” Simply put, Italy’s economic rules. Today, an estimated 35-40% of narrative that Renzi is the only person as he had been nicknamed. Renzi has malaise stems from the country’s Italians want out. who can save Italy from itself; that Telephone 44466609 Fax 44418811 vigorously backpedalled from his inability to live with the euro. But Italians are torn between may be the right bet – at least for the Subscription conditional vow to step down; but if The economy has always needed antipathy toward the European time being. - Project Syndicate [email protected] voters reject the Senate reform, he radical supply-side and public- Union, which disciplines the Italian will become a lame duck, and political administration reforms to cope with government, and discontent and zPaola Subacchi is research director of stability will most likely suff er unless eurozone-membership constrains – frustration with that government International Economics at Chatham 2016 Gulf Times. All rights reserved he keeps his promise. both fi scal and monetary. And yet no itself, owing to its failure to present a House and professor of economics at Renzi is an astute politician who government, not even those of Silvio credible reform plan. Because there the University of Bologna. Gulf Times Thursday, September 29, 2016 29 COMMENT Erudite champion of public interest

Farhatullah Babar has been self-edited to perfection, his political the House, in newspaper columns, in logic rooted in universal principles and civil society functions and talkshow one of the hardest working his unwavering focus on reformative debates constitute the very charter of legislators Pakistan has politics makes him not only one of Pakistan’s statehood. the most popular legislators amongst Whether it is the issue of reigning ever known, an ardent his peers but arguably, the most in the establishment for greater campaigner of human distinguished legislator in parliament. transparency and accountability, It is easy to be envious of Babar’s amending the blasphemy and allied laws rights in stuff y committee political pedigree. His import comes to divorce them of their pre-determined from his proximity to unfolding history. guilt of the accused, restoring rooms, a nit-picking He has served in some of Pakistan’s constitutional faith in the minority advocate of principled most turbulent times – mostly forever religions to be vested in equal humanity, on the cusp of saving democracy urging disbanding of the Council of legislation from the jaws of Establishment’s Islamic Ideology for its outdated place machinations. in the polity and instead allocating all By Kamran Rehmat Whether it was serving with Benazir its budget and resources to the National Doha Bhutto in the Prime Minister’s Offi ce Commission on the Status of Women, or with Asif Zardari in the President urging the state to offi cially recognise House, Babar has been privy to all the its globally adulated citizens like Nobel t is hard to imagine a more genial diabolic pressures that come with laureates Dr Abdus Salam and Malala politician in Pakistan, who means trade. Yousafzai instead of pretending they business, but in the politest form As spokesman of these leaders, he don’t exist, undertaking the next stage Ipossible. Doing politics as politics also had the unenvious – and onerous of devolution from the provinces to the should be done, speaking to power, – responsibility of fi ghting their fi ght districts, a federal right to information representing people’s aspirations – with gentle but fi rm public narratives law would bring the powers-that-be in Farhatullah Babar is arguably, the most to disavow malicious conjecture and the citizen’s reach, greater detailing of important legislator in the country. therefore correcting the much distorted the defence budget, an enhanced role for Politics is hard in Pakistan. Those public political record in Pakistan. the Senate in policymaking – you name dedicating their lives to it and who Babar does not come with the usual it, he has fearlessly embraced these manage to reach the apex as elected politician’s thick skin that nature issues. leaders often have to pay the direst of provides to carry on, despite being a Babar has not just forcefully price for it. politician himself. Or with a journalist’s championed these causes, he has They have been often vilifi ed, trademark sneering cynicism despite put his money where his mouth is hounded, jailed and sometimes exiled. VOICE OF CONSCIENCE: Farhatullah Babar is arguably the most important legislator in Pakistan. a past stint as a media practitioner by bringing in private bills, tabling Think Zulfi kar Ali Bhutto, Benazir himself. Or even with the citizens’ resolutions or raising these issues Bhutto, Nawaz Sharif, Asif Zardari, politics would be doomed despite the the aisles of Pakistan’s fractious and things while remaining uncontroversial chronic pessimism who steadily on the fl oor of the House on these etc., to name a few party leaders. heroics of the people’s leaders. These raucous polity. Every party virtually – for he has always spoken with inch closer to the graveyard of their subjects. This is more than most hard- They publicly fi ght Pakistan’s public are the ones who do the technical owns them as one of their own. sincerity and without any greed”. withered hopes. nosed politicians in Pakistan have been fi ghts to keep the dream of national, grunt work, keeping the machinery of This is the closest that comes to a One can imagine Rehman Instead, he goes about his politically- able to do in their careers put together. pluralistic participation and self-rule procedural democracy – the committee universal admission of their hero status unfl inchingly saying the same thing rewardless task with an engineer’s And this, essentially, is why Babar is from being snuff ed out. work and languorous legislative within the political elite – no mean feat about Babar, for he has been one of the perfection – maybe because he is, arguably the most important legislator These are politicians that keep agendas – oiled enough to lend considering every politician by nature hardest working legislators Pakistan by formal qualifi cation, a chemical in the country, who works in the real politics alive in a country where functionality to parliamentary politics. wants the near-total annihilation of has ever known, an intellectual engineer with enough practice and national interest as opposed to one manipulated opinions and perceptions These are generally the publicly their rivals. Such is the quietly dignifi ed champion of public interest on the fl oor competency to go on to serve as the which is self-righteously imposed. are habitually shaped by non- unwept, unsung heroes of democracy Farhatullah Babar. of the House, an ardent campaigner president of Pakistan Engineering Babar is Pakistan’s voice of conscience; representative forces. without whom even public political He once said of arguably the of human rights in stuff y committee Council and even a stint with the one, which people should not just Then, there are the ones that don’t leaders would fl ounder. country’s foremost intellectual and rooms, a nit-picking advocate of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission pay heed to, but even protect and necessarily set the pulses of the public Even within this crucial category much beloved I.A. Rehman sahib: “He principled legislation. He speaks the before he embraced politics. strengthen. racing but without whom the ancient of political technocrats, there is a tiny is about the only person in Pakistan softest but is heard the loudest. The causes that Babar has but noble fi ght for representational minority that commands respect across who can say the most controversial of His measured tone, his diction repeatedly espoused on the fl oor of zThe writer is Community Editor. Nature or nurture: is violence in our genes? Weather report Three-day forecast primates, the team found. TODAY By Mariëtte Le Roux, AFP High: 43 C Paris “This means that humans have phylogenetically inherited their Low : 28 C propensity for violence,” they wrote. Expected strong wind and high seas. ature or nurture? The Phylogenetics is the study of the quest to understand why genetic relationship between species humans kill one another over time, giving us the so-called FRIDAY has occupied the minds evolutionary tree, with a primordial High: 36 C N Low: 27 C of philosophers, sociologists and ancestor at its base from which all psychologists for centuries. organisms developed. Cloudy Are we innately violent, as Study co-author Jose Maria Gomez Englishman Thomas Hobbes postulated Reyes told AFP the new data showed in the 1650s, or is our behaviour there was “an evolutionary component SATURDAY infl uenced more by the environment we to human violence, not that this is the High: 35 C grow up in, as Jean-Jacques Rousseau only component.” Low: 26 C theorised a century later? This evolutionary component are Sunny On Tuesday, a team of scientists not only genetic, and “most likely” who looked at the question from a new infl uenced by environmental pressures angle – that of evolutionary biology on survival. Fishermen’s forecast – concluded that our violent nature “In fact, social behaviour and OFFSHORE DOHA was at least partly inherited from an territoriality, two behavioural traits Wind: NW 17-25/30 KT ancient ancestor, and shared with other shared with relatives of (Homo) sapiens, Waves: 6-8/10 Feet seem to have also contributed to the INSHORE DOHA primates. Wind: NW 03-15/22 KT Lethal violence appears to be “deeply level of lethal violence... inherited in Waves: 1-3/4 Feet rooted” in the lineage of monkeys, apes humans,” said the study. and Homo sapiens, the researchers Commenting on the study, Mark Around the region wrote in the science journal Nature. Pagel of the University of Reading Weather Weather This, in turn, suggests that “a said it provided “good grounds for today Max/min tomorrow Max/min certain level of lethal violence in believing that we are intrinsically Abu Dhabi Sunny 41/29 Sunny 37/27 Baghdad humans arises from the occupation of more violent than the average Sunny 33/18 Sunny 32/17 Dubai Sunny 39/30 Cloudy 37/28 a position within a particularly violent mammal.” Kuwait City Cloudy 39/23 Cloudy 36/22 mammalian clade”. But it also showed that humans are Manama Cloudy 37/29 Cloudy 34/27 A clade is the biological term for a at the proportion of deaths caused Overall, the researchers found, able to curtail such tendencies. Muscat Sunny 37/29 Sunny 35/28 group of organisms descending from a by lethal violence perpetrated by intraspecies killing was the cause of “Rates of homicide in modern Riyadh Sunny 39/22 Sunny 37/21 common evolutionary ancestor. a member of the same species -in about 0.3% of mammal deaths. societies that have police forces, legal Tehran Sunny 27/14 P Cloudy 23/14 The Spanish researchers gathered humans this was war, homicide, But for the ancestor of all primates, systems, prisons and strong cultural data on more than 4mn deaths in 1,024 infanticide, execution and other rodents and hares, killings caused about attitudes that reject violence are, at present-day mammal species, as well intentional killings. 1.1% of deaths, rising to 2.3% for the less than one in 10,000 deaths (or as 600-plus human populations from They also searched for similarities next, more recent, common ancestor of 0.01%) about 200 times lower than the the late Stone Age some 50,000-10,000 between species with common primates and tree shrews. authors’ predictions for our state of years ago until today. ancestors, which they used to infer how By the time the common human nature,” he wrote. The animals sampled represent some violent those predecessors would have ancestor fi rst appeared around “Hobbes has landed a serious blow 80% of mammal families. been, and to reconstruct a history of 200,000-160,000 years ago, the rate on Rousseau, but not quite knocked him The researchers looked specifi cally ancestral killing rates. was about 2% – similar to that for other out.”

Live issues Should children be able to give consent for medical treatment?

By Dr Luisa Dillner not involved in treatment decisions the UK is a signatory to the UN will assess how able a child is to make London because “refusal was not an option”. Convention on the Rights of the Child, a decision. Around the world New recommendations last month doctors must explain everything to And, depending on the age and the Weather Weather from the American Academy of children in a way they understand. decision, they often really are able. today Max/min tomorrow Max/min hen I was four-and-a- Pediatrics (AAP) remind doctors that Anyone over the age of 16 can A study of competency in making Athens Sunny 28/15 Sunny 29/16 half, something scary children should know the options consent to treatment, but so can treatment decisions took people aged Beirut Sunny 29/22 Sunny 29/22 Bangkok S T Storms 32/25 S T Storms 32/25 happened. I was woken for diagnosis and treatment. They younger children if doctors think they nine, 14, 18 and 21 and gave them Berlin P Cloudy 25/16 Cloudy 18/09 early, had a mask clamped state that children as young as seven can understand and are competent to hypothetical treatment dilemmas. The Cairo Sunny 33/21 Sunny 33/21 W Cape Town P Cloudy Sunny 19/12 to my face and was wheeled into a white can understand and agree to tests or make medical decisions. 14-year-olds did as well as adults. The 18/12 room. I thought I was being abducted. treatment. Neurobiological research shows nine-year-olds, while not understanding Colombo T Storms 29/26 T Storms 29/26 S T Storms M Cloudy 32/26 But it was an operating theatre and I that the prefrontal cortex, home of information as well as the adults, still Dhaka 31/26 Hong Kong S Showers 27/23 M Sunny 29/26 was having my squint corrected. I guess balancing risks and rewards, is the made similar logical decisions. Istanbul Sunny 23/14 Sunny 25/16 they forgot to tell me. Brierley says it is last area of the brain to mature. So “Most children just want to get Jakarta T Storms 29/24 S T Storms 31/25 That wouldn’t happen today, but can adolescents – who are often better,” says Brierley. “If everyone Karachi P Cloudy 32/26 P Cloudy 32/26 good for children to Showers 18/10 how good are doctors and parents impulsive risk-takers – be trusted to thinks it’s a good thing, they will too.” London 19/12 M Sunny Manila T Storms 29/25 T Storms 30/25 at involving children in medical understand medical make decisions about their health? But what if a teenager doesn’t Moscow Showers 09/07 Showers 15/10 decisions? A review, published in And is the AAP suggesting that we want an HPV vaccine against cervical New Delhi Sunny 37/26 Sunny 36/27 the International Journal of Nursing decisions ask toddlers if they are willing to be cancer, say, because they don’t like New York S Showers 19/17 Showers 19/17 Studies in 2008, found that doctors vaccinated? needles? “You would tell her the Paris P Cloudy 24/13 Cloudy 17/09 Sao Paulo M Sunny 26/14 Cloudy 18/13 rarely asked children for their Dr Joe Brierley, a consultant in Brierley says it is good for children to benefi ts are clear, but you do not Seoul Cloudy 23/17 M Cloudy 23/15 opinions. paediatric and neonatal intensive care understand medical decisions, as they want to hold down a 13-year-old,” Singapore T Storms 32/25 T Storms 33/25 A 2014 study from the University of at Great Ormond Street children’s will be more ready to make them when says Brierley. But it’s reasonable to Sydney T Storms 19/11 Cloudy 17/12 Surrey found that children between the hospital and a vice-chair of its clinical they are older. There is no lower legal immunise a toddler without going into Tokyo Cloudy 26/23 Cloudy 24/19 ages of seven and 16 with cancer were ethics committee, says that, because age limit for giving consent: doctors the importance of herd immunity. Gulf Times 30 Thursday, September 29, 2016 QATAR Strong winds, low visibility today: Met

trong winds and low vis- Visibility, meanwhile, may ibility due to dusty con- drop to 2km or less by the af- Sditions are expected in ternoon owing to dust and will the country by this afternoon, also be low in the early hours the Qatar Met department has of the day due to foggy condi- said. tions. It will also be hot during the After showing signs of day, with the temperature like- dropping over the past few ly to be over 40C in some areas. days, the temperature rose Strong winds are likely in sharply at a number of places off shore areas, too, along with yesterday. high seas, according to the A maximum temperature of weather report. 43C was recorded yesterday The wind speed may go up to in the Qatar University area, 22 knots in some inshore areas Al Rayyan, Sheehaniya and Al by the afternoon and 30 knots Khor, followed by 42C in the in some off shore areas at times. Doha airport area, Jumayliya, Earlier this week, the Met Batna, Karana and Turayna. A Qatari participant enjoying the picture-taking session at one of the life-size photo frames. Right: A visitor takes a picture of the eight landmarks in Qatar where the photo life-size department had forecast that Today, the mercury level is frames are located. PICTURE: QTA the country was likely to expe- likely to go up even further, rience a spell of strong winds, reaching a high of 44C in Al dusty conditions and low vis- Khor, Mesaieed and Wak- ibility from this Thursday until rah, and 43C in Doha. At the Saturday. It had also issued a same time, major variations warning for off shore areas, ad- have also been forecast in the vising people to avoid ventur- maximum and minimum tem- ing into the sea during the spell perature at a number of places, of strong winds. with the diff erence exceeding Contest highlights unique The detailed forecast for in- 20C in some cases. shore areas today says misty to For instance, the minimum foggy conditions are likely in temperature in Al Khor is ex- the early hours of the day, fol- pected to be around 21C, which lowed by a hot day with slight is 23C less than the predicted to blowing dust in some places maximum of 44C. Similarly, off erings at each tourist by the afternoon. the minimum temperature in Dusty conditions are also Mesaieed and Wakrah is ex- expected in some off shore ar- pected to be 22C, which is also destination in Qatar eas at times. way below the maximum.

By Joey Aguilar because of its authentic Arabic Staff Reporter charm.” “Then a group of newly-ar- rived Sudanese expatriates told he fi ve-day social media me they want to visit Al Zubarah contest organised by Qatar Fort, ‘East-West/West-East’ in- TTourism Authority (QTA) stallation art by American artist has been helping eff orts to high- Richard Serra, and other tour- light the unique off erings at each ist destinations that are far from tourist destination in the coun- Doha,” she added. try, it is learnt. The staff tries to speak to as MME off icials announce details of the winter camping season. The contest, which started on many visitors as possible asking September 27 coinciding with them about their previous and the World Tourism Day (WTD) recent experiences in visiting celebration, invites residents to these destinations. take pictures at life-size photo “For couples and families I Registration for frames located at eight land- have spoken to, the Museum of marks in Qatar. Islamic Art, Katara and Souq Speaking to Gulf Times, a WTD Waqif are three of their favourite camping open staff assigned at one of the loca- landmarks to spend the week- tions said the increasing number end,” she stressed. “Obviously of pictures uploaded on social all these places are very interest- egistration for winter that the previous winter camp- media by participants has been ing for new residents and foreign camping season for Qa- ing was highly successful with getting positive comments from visitors.” Rtaris during 2016-2017 violations dropping to less netizens. WTD staff are expecting an in- is set to start on Sunday and than 10 violations among 2,058 “More pictures are being up- fl ux of visitors starting today and would remain open until No- campers at 20 diff erent loca- loaded on Instagram than Twit- the rest of the weekend. vember 17. tions around the country. ter but many participants are Apart from the instant prizes Ministry of Municipality He also said that 128 per- also posting tweets about the Participants pose at a life-size photo frame at Souq Waqif. PICTURE: QTA given to participants, they said and Environment (MME) an- sons were blacklisted from the celebration with the hashtags the winner of the contest will re- nounced yesterday that the two previous camping sea- #WTD2016 and #ShowcaseQa- during peak periods of the day. have also been enjoying the vari- domestic and foreign visitors”. ceive a grand prize from QTA. winter camping season is from sons. Regarding the terms and tar,” he noted. “They also tell a lot Those who had successfully ous unique tourism off erings of “A resident told me she loves Other locations where the November 1 to April 15. conditions for applications, of nice things about the places uploaded their pictures either on each destination. to visit Katara – the Cultural Vil- photo frames are installed in- Khalaf Ajlan al-Anzi, MME’s he said that each Qatari citi- they have visited.” Instagram or Twitter received in- She cited the participants’ lage to see the art exhibitions and clude Aspire Zone, Sheikh Faisal director of Public Relations zen, at least 25 years old, has The booths and life-size photo stant gifts. (both new and longtime Qa- makes sure to drink karak and Bin Qassim Al Thani Museum and Communications Depart- the right to a camping permit. frames saw long queues since day Besides the fun the contest tar residents) interest in ex- eat sweet chapatti at the beach and the Imam Mohamed ibn Abd ment, said that during the up- Each applicant should pay a one from visitors who want to provides, another WTD staff ploring the venues, “which are area,” she said. “A couple, on the Al Wahhab (Grand) Mosque. The coming season MME for the security deposit of QR10,000, take part in the contest especially pointed out that several visitors now becoming popular to both other hand, prefers Souq Waqif contest will conclude tomorrow. fi rst time would allow campers completely refundable when to plant wild trees at the camp- abiding by the set terms and ing areas, with fi ve trees maxi- conditions until the conclusion mum per camper. of the season. The offi cial also Saleem al-Safran, MME’s stressed that there will be in- director Environment Protec- spectors to check for violations tion, Protectorates and Wild- and they must be given access LuLu launches new promotion life Department, pointed out to each camp.

uLu outlets have launched a ‘Buy 1 Get Next 1 @ Half Price’ Promotion until Oc- Ltober 15, covering almost all international brands of footwear, ladies bags and men’s suits. Qatar ‘second biggest Lee, Wrangler, Nike, Crocs, Sketchers, Re- boke, Hush Puppies, Liberty, Dickies, Joseph Seibel, Louis Philippe, Van Heusen, Peter Eng- investor in France’ land, Cortigiani, Areezzo, Eten and Bavarotti are among the brands on off er. The promotion entitles customers to get the rench ambassador Eric ards and the products offered next lower priced item at half price when they Chevallier has said that in this sector, adding that buy any one of the above items irrespective of Fthe State of Qatar was they came to Qatar because the brands. the second largest investor in of the belief that there was a Under a promotion running until October France during the year 2015. diversity in Qatar’s economy, 9, customers buying Nido milk powder worth He said that the total value and that, despite the decline QR40 will get a raffl e coupon to win gold bars for of the economic contracts in oil prices, the Qatari econ- a total sum of QR100,000. Ten winners will be signed between the Qatari and omy was witnessing activity selected through a raffl e draw on October 10. French sides over the past year and growth as a result of di- Continuing until October 5 is a promotion amounted to approximately versity policy pursued in the that LuLu Hypermarket Group launched in co- QR32.7bn. country. ordination with AbuIssa Marketing on Nivea The ambassador was speak- The ambassador stated that products. Customers buying any Nivea product ing to Qatar news agency the keenness of these compa- for QR20 are entitled to a raffl e coupon to win (QNA) on the sideline of the nies to come to Doha refl ected LuLu shopping vouchers worth QR35,000 in a business meetings organised their confi dence in the per- raffl e draw. by the national agency for formance of the Qatari econ- Also ongoing is a ‘Buy Unilever Product @ supporting the international omy and the availability of in- QR30’ promotion which off ers a chance to win development of the French vestment opportunities. LuLu gift vouchers of 150,000. A total of 100 economy (Business France), The French delegation con- winners are to be announced in a mega draw on aiming to introduce 10 French sists of hotels furniture sup- October 5 at LuLu Hypermarket, D-Ring Road companies. pliers and interior design- branch. Eric Chevallier said that ers, including a number of Customers also stand to benefi t from extra these companies were work- prestigious companies which savings if they make their purchase on LuLu- ing in the field of high-end hold the State Certifi cation of Doha Bank Credit Card. LuLu outlets have launched a ‘Buy 1 Get Next 1 @ Half Price’ Promotion. hospitality, in terms of stand- Excellence.-QNA Gulf Times Thursday, September 29, 2016 31 QATAR

Gerardo Contino performing at The St Regis Doha. St Regis Doha to debut The Raw Bar on Oct 1

he St Regis Doha will calist, Tasha Danae; drum- and diversifi ed off ering to hawk and American Ribeye debut their latest mer, Michael Pignéguy; pi- Doha,” said general manager available only at the St Regis Tconcept, The Raw anist, Davis Whitfi eld; who Tareq Derbas, who is also Doha. These cuts have been Bar, on October 1, follow- will all be joined by tenor area general manager of Leb- selected and aged to tender ing up on the successful saxophonist and seasoned anon, Syria, Pakistan, Iran perfection for more than 21 launches of The Club and performer, Jonathan Be- and Iraq for Starwood Hotels days in a private humidity- Oyster Bay Live earlier this shay; and seasoned bass- & Resorts Middle East. controlled dry aging cabinet month. ist Gilard Lopes. Gregory In collaboration with Café at the hotel to preserve the In an intimate dinning Generet is performing until Mambo Ibiza, the Rooftop is concentration and satura- setting, with only 11 seats October 1. bringing one international tion of the natural fl avour available, The Raw Bar will Oyster Bay Live is open DJ per month. The Rooftop and the tenderisation of the feature an exquisite menu of every Tuesday to Saturday will also off er House Mu- meat texture. sushi, sashimi and seafood from sunset until late, fea- sic on Thursday and Retro The St Regis Grand including oysters and caviar, turing a new Cuban band night on Friday with Ret- Brunch, described as the with a greater emphasis on playing crowd-favourites rofusion Nights. Every Sat- biggest brunch in Doha, will fresh, raw food. and signature music styles urday, guests will celebrate also continue to delight its The Club ‘off ers world- including rhumba, Afro- the weekend at The Rooftop guests with live entertain- class live music, lively per- Cuban jazz, salsa, soukous with Aperiparty Nights. ment. The culinary journey formances and delicious as well as Spanish fusion Guests can now enjoy at The St Regis Doha spans soul food.’ It will feature a genres. a revamped menu at As- more than 2,000sqm of of- roster of world renowned “Launching three new tor Grill featuring dry aged ferings by leading Chefs artists including soul vocal- concepts at the St Regis meat, a selection of prime from Astor Grill, Opal by ist, Judi Jackson; the smooth Doha is an important pillar cuts featuring Australian Gordon Ramsay, Vine and sound of funk and soul vo- in our strategy for growth T-bone and Wagyu Toma- Al Sultan Brahim. Gulf Times 32 Thursday, September 29, 2016 QATAR Unruly passenger incidents on aircraft increased in 2015: IATA

nruly passenger inci- and other forms of anti-social “Unruly and disruptive behav- 2014.” The Tokyo Convention ing the international deterrent ing. Staff in airport bars and heavy-handed regulation and dents onboard aircraft behaviour. iour is simply not acceptable. was modernised with the Mon- and more eff ective prevention duty-free shops must be trained licensing. Uincreased in 2015, ac- A signifi cant proportion (11%) The anti-social behaviour of a treal Protocol 2014, closing gaps and management of incidents. to serve alcohol responsibly and “There is no easy answer to cording to IATA, which in a re- of reports indicated physical ag- tiny minority of customers can in the international legal frame- “In some countries there has there is a need to avoid off ers stem the rise in reported unruly port said some 10,854 unruly gression towards passengers or have unpleasant consequences work dealing with unruly pas- been a focus on the role of al- that encourage so-called ‘binge behaviour. We need a balanced passenger incidents were re- crew or damage to the aircraft. for the safety and comfort of all sengers. To date, six states have cohol as a trigger for disrup- drinking’. solution in which all stakehold- ported to it by airlines worldwide Alcohol or drug intoxication on board. The increase in report- ratifi ed the Protocol. tive behaviour. Airlines already Evidence from an initiative by ers can collaborate. The indus- last year. was identifi ed as a factor in 23% ed incidents tells us that more “More are needed in order have strong guidelines and crew Monarch Airlines at London’s try’s core principles can help to This, IATA said, equates to one of cases, though in the vast ma- eff ective deterrents are needed. to have a consistent global ap- training on the responsible pro- Gatwick Airport has shown “in- manage the small percentage of incident for every 1,205 fl ights, jority of instances these were Airlines and airports are guided proach to this issue,” said de Ju- vision of alcohol,” IATA said. stances of disruptive behaviour” passengers who abuse alcohol. an increase from the 9,316 inci- consumed prior to boarding or by core principles developed in niac. IATA said it is supporting can be cut 50% with this pro- And it must be balanced with dents reported in 2014 (or one from personal supply without 2014 to help prevent and manage Also in 2014 the airline indus- initiatives, such as the code of active approach before passen- eff orts by governments taking incident for every 1,282 fl ights). knowledge of the crew, IATA such incidents. But we cannot try set out core principles for practice pioneered in the UK, gers board. advantage of all their deterrence The majority of incidents in- said. do it alone. That’s why we are a balanced, multi-stakeholder which includes a focus on pre- The industry believes that mechanisms, including those volved verbal abuse, failure to IATA’s Director General and encouraging more governments strategy for tackling unruly be- vention of intoxication and ex- adopting this co-operative vol- provided through the Montreal follow lawful crew instructions CEO Alexandre de Juniac said: to ratify the Montreal Protocol haviour, based around enhanc- cessive drinking prior to board- untary approach is preferable to Protocol 14,” said de Juniac. Beijing expo showcases QM collection he internationally-ac- own collection are on show. ebrates a wide array of stunning claimed exhibition Pearls, Under the guidance of QM and important objects of histori- TTreasures from the Seas chairperson HE Sheikha Al cal interest to both countries, and the Rivers has opened in Be- Mayassa bint Hamad bin Kha- and reveals the history of the use ijing, China, as one of the high- lifa al-Thani and National Mu- of pearls over 2,000 years, from lights of the Qatar China 2016 seum of China’s director Lu the Roman period until the 21st Year of Culture, Qatar Museums Zhangshen, the exhibition is century. (QM) announced yesterday. a highlight of the Qatar China Among the exquisite exhibits The large-scale exhibition 2016 Year of Culture initia- are jewel masterpieces by inter- is jointly presented by QM, the tive, which aims to celebrate, nationally acclaimed designers, Chinese Ministry of Culture and strengthen and enhance cul- royal pearl tiaras from European the National Museum of China tural relationships and mutual monarchies and stunning wear- will be on show at the National understanding between China able jewellery made from rare Museum of China in Beijing until and Qatar, and to build upon pearls from various regions. January 8, 2017. the long, shared history of cul- Divided into six parts with Pearls, Treasures from the tural and diplomatic relations over a dozen themes, the exhi- Seas and the Rivers is the fi rst between both countries. bition presents “The Natural international exhibition intro- The exhibition is co-curated History of Pearls”, “Pearls in duced by the National Museum by internationally renowned the Arabian Gulf”, “Pearls in the of China, with a focus on the pearl expert, Dr Hubert Bari. History”, “Natural Freshwater Dignitaries touring the exhibition after its opening at the National Museum of China in Beijing. history, legend, mythology and Zhangshen was the chief plan- Pearls”, “Pioneers of the Cul- meaning of pearls from Qatar, ner from China’s part to oversee tured Pearls” and “Cultivating site pearl jewellery since the Eu- ern cultures in the long course of eration with China and also the trade exchanges and achieved China and around the world. overall curation. Pearls in Chinese Ways”. ropean medieval period. history. key country in which the Belt and rapid international co-operation. A total of 130 rare and beau- The exhibition highlights the “Pearls in the History” is the Qatar was an important trans- After Chinese President Xi Road strategy was implemented. Qatar Airways is the offi cial tiful pieces from the QM col- importance of natural pearls largest part of the exhibition, portation hub in the ancient Jinping proposed the signifi cant Upon the establishment of airline sponsor, and Shangri-La lection, as well as a spectacular from countries in the Gulf re- occupying nearly the half pro- “Maritime Silk Road”, with its Belt and Road Initiative, Qatar this strategic partnership, the Hotel group is the offi cial hos- Imperial masterpiece from the gion, as part of the region’s rich portion of the exhibition area. It prestigious pearls trade as a cru- was one of the fi rst countries to two countries have continuously pitality sponsor of the Years of National Museum of China’s heritage and identity. It cel- presents masterpieces of exqui- cial tie linking Eastern and West- sign a memorandum of co-op- expanded mutual economic and Culture initiative. DFI’s acclaimed fi lms picked for Ajyal youth festival

oha Film Institute (DFI) has announced its fi rst Dline-up of six fi lms, in- cluding the closing night gala, selected to the fourth Ajyal Youth Film Festival to be held from November 30 to December 5, in Doha. The selection celebrates ex- cellence in world cinema today and includes fi lms from ac- claimed fi lmmakers such as Ken Loach, Gianfranco Rosi, Asghar Farhadi, Taika Waititi, Michael Dudok de Wit and newcomer Babak Anvari, who are some of the most powerful voices within the international fi lm commu- nity. “The six fi lms present a won- derful showcase of how today’s fi lmmakers use the medium to present stories that touch a chord within you,” said DFI CEO Fatma al-Remaihi.

“The six fi lms present a wonderful showcase of how today’s fi lmmakers use the medium to present stories that touch a chord within you”

Acclaimed Dutch-British ani- mator Michael Dudok de Wit’s The Red Turtle (La Tortue rouge [France, Belgium, Japan, 2016]) will be the closing gala of this year’s Ajyal Youth Film Festival, marking the fi lm’s Mena pre- miere. The Red Turtle, a visual poetry in cinema, narrates the story of a man who tries to escape from a A scene from The Salesman. deserted island and must battle a giant turtle. It premiered in the about the life of a middle aged the Golden Bear at the 66th Ber- the Best Screenplay and Best Ac- neighbouring building, a young ready including the Audience lish/2016), a thriller by Ba- Un Certain Regard section of the carpenter who applies for state lin International Film Festival tor Awards in the offi cial compe- couple Emad and Rana move into Award at Edinburgh Interna- bak Anvari, screens at Ajyal by 2016 Cannes Film Festival and welfare, which gets entangled and Italy’s offi cial submission tition section at Cannes 2016, a new fl at in the centre of Tehran. tional Film festival, and was a marking the opening of the fes- won the Special Jury Prize. in red tape. He meets a single to the 2017 Academy Awards. Asghar Farhadi’s The Salesman An incident linked to the previ- sensation at the 2016 Sundance tival’s fi rst Midnight Screening. Also making a beeline for mother with two children who Set in the island of Lampedusa, will make its Mena debut at Ajyal ous tenant will dramatically Film festival, where it premiered. A DFI grantee project, the fi lm Doha following critical acclaim are facing a similar predicament. a frontline in the migrant crisis, 2016. change the young couple’s life. Based on a book by Barry Crump, is about a mother and daughter at international fi lm festivals is It stars English stand-up co- the compelling documentary The Salesman is produced by The Salesman stars Shahab Hos- the fi lm stars Sam Neill (Omen who struggle to cope with the I, Daniel Blake (UK, France, Bel- median, writer and actor Dave charts the risky Mediterranean Memento Films Production and seini (A Separation) and Taraneh III, The Piano) and Julian Den- terrors of the post-revolution gium/English/2016), the winner Johns in the title role. The fi lm crossing of ‘refugees’ against Asghar Farhadi Production and Alidoosti (About Elly). nison, and charts the story of a Tehran of the 1980s. of the Palme d’Or at the 2016 will screen at Ajyal in the com- the background of the ordinary co-produced by Arte France Screening in the Mohaq com- rebellious young city kid who is The fi lm stars Narges Rashidi Cannes Film Festival, and the petition section in the Bader life of the islanders. The fi lm will Cinema in association with Me- petition section at Ajyal is Hunt sent to live with his foster par- and Avin Manshadi, and has won Audience Award at the Locarno segment. screen in Ajyal Competition in mento Films Distribution and for the Wilderpeople (New Zea- ents; the two go missing in the international fi lm festival awards International Film festival. Fire at Sea (Fuocoammare) the Bader segment. the DFI. land/English/2016) directed by wild New Zealand bush leading for best fi lm and best actress and Directed by acclaimed fi lm- [Italy, Italian, 2016] directed by Iran’s offi cial entry to the 2017 Forced out of their apartment Taika Waititi. The fi lm has won to a national manhunt. is the UK’s offi cial entry to the maker Ken Loach, the fi lm is Gianfranco Rosi, is the winner of Academy Awards, and winner of due to dangerous works on a eight international honours al- Under the Shadow (US/Eng- 2017 Oscars.