United States Patent (19) 11 4,258,870 Edelson (45) Mar
United States Patent (19) 11 4,258,870 Edelson (45) Mar. 31, 1981 (54) PANNIER BAGS AND DEVICE FOR ATTACHMENT TO BICYCLE FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 76 Inventor: Jack Edelson, 1161 Mission St., San 836783 10/1938 France ................................... 224/32 A Francisco, Calif. 94103 Primary Examiner-Steven M. Pollard 21) Appl. No.: 118,417 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Alfons Puishes 22 Filed: Feb. 4, 1980 (57) ABSTRACT 51) Int. Cl. ................................................ B62J 9/00 Carrier bags known as panniers are adapted for mount 52 U.S. Cl. ..................................... 224/32 A; 224/39 ing upon the existing rear luggage carrier of a bicycl. 58 Field of Search ................ 224/32 A, 32 R, 30 R, by means of specially constructed brackets arranged for 224/31, 33 R, 37, 39, 42, 42.42 R, 42.45 R, mounting across the carrier frame. A novel construc 42.46 R tion and combination permits ready attachment of the brackets to the carrier and provides for secure attach (56) References Cited ment of the panniers to the bicycle frame during motion U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS of the bicycle without resort to elaborate structures 3,937,374 2/1976 Hine, Jr. ............................ 224/32. A heretofore used for this purpose. 3,989,174 1 1/1976 Norinsky ....... 224/32 A X 4, 174,795 1 1/1979 Jackson et al. .................... 224/32 A 4 Claims, 7 Drawing Figures U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 1981 Sheet 1 of 4 4,258,870 U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 1981 Sheet 2 of 4 4,258,870 U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 1981 Sheet 3 4,258,870 U.S.
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