Bridgnorth and Area Committee of Association of Local Councils

Area Committee meeting held on Wednesday 14th March 2018 at 7.00pm at The Red House Community Centre, Albrighton, WV7 3LU.

Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies for the delay in holding this meeting due to numerous reasons and apologised for the late start due to IT problems.

Present: 8 members signed in representing 5 Councils.

Two Guest Speakers for the evening were:

Ian Richardson, Chief Executive of Shropshire Rural Housing Association provided a short presentation and case studies, highlighting how you and your parish council can be that 'driving force' and deliver the affordable homes that your community needs. An opportunity for Q&A/discussion followed. "Parish and town councils are a driving force for change and a key partner in delivering affordable homes for local people." (HRH The Princess Royal)

Questions raised by members were answered.

Chairman thanked Ian for attending and Ian promised to forward the presentation to the Secretary who would send it on.

Lucy Simpson, Welfare Reform and Support and Face to Face Manager at Shropshire Council, provided a general awareness session about Universal Credit, the new benefit being administered by the Department for Work and Pensions.

Questions raised by members were answered.

Chairman thanked Lucy for attending who also promised to send on the presentation to the Secretary.

Presentations will be attached to the minutes.

1. Apologies: Di Dorrell (SALC), Ella Preston (Highley PC), Gill Price (Claverley). RESOLVED to accept these apologies.

2. Minutes of last meeting dated 22nd November 2017. These had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED to sign these as a true record.

3. Matters arising from minutes: No matters raised.

4. Finance: Accounts to be paid – Secretary’s fees/expenses - £74.20. Room Hire – £32 or £42 – Secretary will query use of kitchen/IT equipment. Income since last meeting – subscriptions (£535)

5. Matters from Councils including items to be taken to SALC Executive:

No matters raised.

6. Date of next meeting: Chairman suggested that the next meeting to be the AGM to bring this in line with other Area Committees and it was RESOLVED to hold the next meeting on 13th June with a the venue to be confirmed. The Secretary pointed out once again the difficulty in hiring rooms in during the week as many rooms have block bookings and welcomed any suggestions but preferably with wi-fi and equipment. Chetton Village Hall had been offered. Suggestions for speakers was also requested.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.15pm

Signed: Chairman: Date: