CAN-To-Flexray Gateways and Configuration Tools
CAN-to-Flexray gateways Device and confi guration tools lexray and CAN net- Listing bus data traffic toring channels it is possi- power management func- Fworks will coexists in (tracing) ble to compare timing rela- tionality offers configurable the next generation or pas- Graphic and text displays tionships and identify timing sleep, wake-up conditions, senger cars. Flexray orig- of signal values problems. and hold times. The data inally designed for x-by- Interactive sending of GTI has developed a manipulation functionality wire applications gains mar- pre-defined PDUs und gateway, which provides has been extended in or- ket acceptance particular- frames two CAN and two Flexray der to enable the user to ap- ly in driver assistance sys- Statistics on nodes and ports. It is based on the ply a specific manipulation tems. Nevertheless, Flexray messages with the Clus- MPC5554 micro-controller. function several times. Also applications need informa- ter Monitor The gateway is intended to available for TTXConnexion tion already available in ex- Logging messages for be used for diagnostic pur- is the PC tool TTXAnalyze, isting CAN in-vehicle net- later replay or offline poses, generating start-up/ which allows simultaneous works. Therefore, CAN-to- evaluation sync frames, and it can be viewing of traffic, carried on Flexray gateways are nec- Display of cycle multi- used with existing software the various bus systems. essary. Besides deeply em- plexing, in-cycle rep- tools. The Flexray/CAN bedded micro-controller etition and PDUs in the The TTXConnexion by gateway by Ixxat is a with CAN and Flexray inter- analysis windows TTControl is a gateway tool configurable PC application faces, there is also a need Agilent also provides an combining data manipula- allowing Flexray messag- for gateway devices as in- analyzing tool for Flexray tion, on-line viewing, and es and signals to be trans- terface modules for system and CAN.
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