EstablishEd 1917 a CEntury of sErviCE It’s Egg strawberry candling season in classes Georgia! are back See page 16 for a online. list of locations. Learn more on page 8. GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • GARY W. BLACK, COMMISSIONER • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 2021 • VOL. 104, NO. 6 • © COPYRIGHT 2021 CONSUMER ALERT: A 2017 map of periodical cicada broods Beware of pine straw scam prepared by the U.S. Forest Service (page ary 14) shows three Georgia counties being ATLANTA – Attorney General Chris Carr er1s7 impacted by Brood X emergence: Fannin, ni v20 is warning Georgians about a scam in- A7n – Gilmer, and Union. But according to Dr. volving door-to-door sales of pine straw or 100t1h9 1 Nancy Hinkle, professor of entomology mulch. Consumers have complained about at the University of Georgia, older maps disreputable landscapers coming to their indicate that Brood X emerges as far south doors, claiming to have left-over pine straw as the Gnat Line (about to Macon). or mulch from a previous job and offering it “That’s why we want everyone to be to the consumer at a heavily discounted rate. watching and to report when they find After the consumer agrees to the rec- cicadas this spring,” Hinkle said. Email ommended number of bales, the scammer photos and location to
[email protected]. lays down fewer bales than agreed upon Brood XIX emergence of 13-year cicadas in and then tells the consumer he will need 2024 will affect: to lay down an additional number of bales to cover the yard at a cost of hundreds of Catoosa, Chattooga, Cherokee, Fulton, dollars more.