Agenda Item No. 2


Minutes of meeting being held remotely on 25 May 2021 at 10.00 a.m.

Present: Councillors Peter Henderson (Chair), Ian Cochrane, Julie Dettbarn, William Grant, Brian McGinley and Philip Saxton.

Apology: Councillor Siobhian Brown.

Attending: E. Howat, Chief Executive; D. Hutchison, Depute Chief Executive and Director – People; D. Gillies, Director – Place; T. Eltringham, Director of Health and Social Care; C. Caves, Head of Legal, HR and Regulatory Services; T. Baulk, Head of Finance and ICT; J. Bradley, Assistant Director – People; L. Reid, Assistant Director – Place; K. Carr – Assistant Director – Place; T. Leijser, Service Lead – Economy and Regeneration; K. Dalrymple, Service Lead – Neighbourhood Services; T. Burns, Service Lead – Asset Management and Community Asset Transfer; K. Anderson, Service Lead – Policy, Performance and Community Planning; W. Andrew, Service Lead – Property Maintenance; J. Wood, Senior Manager (Planning and Performance); N. Gemmell, Service Lead – Revenues and Benefits; K. Braidwood, Interim Head of Roads, Ayrshire Roads Alliance; A. Gibson, Committee Services Officer; and C. McCallum, Clerical Assistant.

Also Attending: Superintendent D. Frew and Chief Inspector Brian Anderson, Police Scotland.

Apologies: D. Gemmell and E. Terras (for item 5 only).

1. Opening Remarks.

The Chair took the sederunt and confirmed that today’s meeting was not open to the press and public, which was permissible under the COVID-19 legislation. He also confirmed to Members the procedures to conduct this meeting.

2. Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest by Members of the Panel in terms of Council Standing Order No. 17 and the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.

3. Minutes of previous meetings.

The minutes of 27 April 2021 (issued) were submitted and approved.


4. Decision Log.


(1) to approve the overdue actions and that with regard to the entry “Implementation of 20 mph speed restrictions across Villages” to note the assurances given that this action would be completed by June 2021 and that the Interim Head of Roads, Ayrshire Roads Alliance, would provide Members with a fortnightly update on progress;

(2) to approve the actions listed with revised due dates; and

(3) to note the recently completed actions.

Economy and Culture/Children and Young People/Housing and Community Wellbeing.

5. Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Progress Report.

There was submitted a report (issued) of 17 May 2021 by the Assistant Director – People in relation to the Shared Equality Outcomes 2021-2025 and Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Progress Report 2021 and the Workforce Monitoring Report.

The Panel

Decided: to approve

(1) the Shared Equality Outcomes developed for 2021-2025 for the Council, Education Authority and South Ayrshire Licensing Board;

(2) the proposed actions to meet the Equality Outcomes specific to the Council, Education Authority and South Ayrshire Licensing Board, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report;

(3) the Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Progress Report 2021 for South Ayrshire Council, Education Authority and South Ayrshire Licensing Board; and

(4) the South Ayrshire Council’s Workforce Monitoring Report, as detailed in Appendix 2 of the report.

Not considered under a Portfolio.

6. Local Police Plan 2021-23.

There was submitted a report (issued) of 17 May 2021 by the Assistant Director – People in relation to the revised draft Local Police Plan 2021-23.

The Panel

Decided: to agree the revised draft Local Police Plan 2021-23.



7. Ayrshire Growth Deal (AGD) – Portfolio Governance.

There was submitted a report (issued) of 17 May 2021 by the Director – Place seeking approval to implement the proposed governance arrangements for the Ayrshire Growth Deal and the Aerospace and Space and Digital portfolio of projects.

The Panel


(1) to acknowledge the established regional programme governance arrangements for the AGD, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report; and

(2) to endorse implementation of South Ayrshire Council’s portfolio governance arrangements for AGD Aerospace and Space projects, including the establishment of the AGD Delivery and Steering Groups, as set out in paragraphs 4.4 to 4.12 and Appendices 2 and 3 of the report.



8. Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy.

There was submitted a report (issued) of 17 May 2021 by the Director – Place seeking approval for a South Ayrshire Council Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy and associated Action Plan for 2021 - 2025.

Following questions from Members relating to the number of charging points in South Ayrshire, the availability of grant funding for the installation of charging points, the effect on the National Grid, the Panel


(1) to approve the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy 2021 – 2025, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report; and

(2) to otherwise note the contents of the report.



9. Fleet Strategy.

There was submitted a report (issued) of 17 May 2021 by the Assistant Director – Place seeking approval for a South Ayrshire Council Fleet Strategy from 2021 to 2026.

Having noted that the Strategy would be reviewed on an annual basis, the Panel

Decided: to approve

(1) the South Ayrshire Council Fleet Strategy 2021 to 2026, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report; and

(2) the action plan as set out in the Fleet Strategy to be monitored through Pentana with an annual report to the Council’s Service and Performance Panel.

10. Neighbourhood Services Structure Progress Report.

There was submitted a report (issued) of 17 May 2021 by the Assistant Director – Place advising of the impact of the Neighbourhood Services structure which had been approved by the Leadership Panel on 17 March 2020.

Following questions from Members of the Panel and it having been confirmed that they should contact him if there was an area within a Ward that required immediate attention with regards to litter picking, the Panel


(1) to approve the creation of one seasonal Non LGV driver and one seasonal litter picking post for Waste Management; and

(2) to request the Service Lead - Neighbourhood Services to undertake a structural review of both Sustainable Development and Fleet Management.


11. Covid-19 Recovery Planning.

There was submitted a report (issued) of 17 May 2021 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director – People providing an update Panel on the recovery of services as the current restrictions are eased following the most recent lockdown.

Following questions from a Member of the Panel and it having been confirmed the position with regards to certain Council buildings reopening, the Panel



(1) to note the update on service recovery, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report; and

(2) to agree that further updates would be provided through reporting on the Future Operating Model via the Members’ Bulletin or Leadership Panel, if a decision was required.

Adults’ Health and Social Care.

12. Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Staffing Changes (Performance and Business Support.

There was submitted a report (issued) of 17 May 2021 by the Director of Health and Social Care

(1) seeking support for the creation of one post within the HSCP; and

(2) advising that this new post (a Performance Data Assistant) would support key performance functions within the HSCP and make a significant contribution to the HSCP’s strategic objectives.

The Panel


(a) to agree to the creation of a Performance Data Assistant to support performance reporting and drive improvement in performance, including delayed discharge; and

(b) to note that funding for this post had been identified and agreed by the Integration Joint Board (IJB) within its budget and that it would contribute to the HSCP’s strategic objectives.

Resources and Performance.

13. Write-offs: Council Tax, Non-Domestic Rates, Customer Invoicing and Housing Benefit Overpayments.

There was submitted a report (issued) of 17 May 2021 by the Head of Finance and ICT

(1) seeking approval to write-off Non-Domestic Rates and Housing Benefit Overpayments; and

(2) noting additional write-off under delegated powers of Council Tax, Non-Domestic Rates, Housing Benefit Overpayments and Customer Invoicing Accounts, in accordance with Council policy.

Following a question from a Member of the Panel and having noted that it was too early to know if the Covid-19 pandemic had an influence on the amounts being written-off, the Panel


Decided: to approve

(1) the write-off of Non-Domestic Rates amounting to £140,513.06; and

(2) the write-off of Housing Benefit Overpayments amounting to £12,832.27.

14. Exclusion of press and public.

The Panel resolved, in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, that the press and public be excluded during consideration of the remaining items of business on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information in terms of paragraphs 8 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.

15. Property Maintenance: Review of External Contracts.

There was submitted a report (Members only) of 17 May 2021 by the Assistant Director – Place in relation to the ongoing review of external Property Maintenance contracts and presenting a recommendation for the insourcing of the Council’s Central Heating Installations contract.

Having considered the outcome of a business case and options appraisal undertaken, regarding the Council’s Central Heating Installations contract and plans to insource the requirement, the Panel

Decided: to approve the proposal for the Property Maintenance Service to establish and perform a Central Heating Installation service for the Council from 17 July 2021.

16. Sale of 3 Drybridge Road, Dundonald.

There was submitted a report (Members only) of 17 May 2021 by the Assistant Director – Place seeking approval to sell the vacant garage premises at 3 Drybridge Road, Dundonald.

The Panel


(1) to grant authority for the sale of 3 Drybridge Road, Dundonald, as shown, in accordance with the details contained within the Addendum (confidential) to the report; and

(2) to request the Head of Legal, HR and Regulatory Services to conclude this transaction.


17. Sale of South Lodge, Belleisle Park, Road, .

There was submitted a report (Members only) of 17 May 2021 by the Assistant Director – Place seeking approval to sell the former Belleisle Lodge House situated at the main entrance to Belleisle Park from Doonfoot Road in Ayr.

The Panel


(1) to grant authority for the sale of South Lodge, Belleisle Park, Doonfoot Road, Ayr in accordance with the details contained within the Addendum (confidential) to the report;

(2) to agree that the sale was conditional on the successful party/parties obtaining planning permission, listed building consent and all other statutory consents within 12 months of concluding missives with a completion certificate in place within 24 months from the date of concluding missives; and

(3) to request the Head of Legal, HR and Regulatory Services to conclude this transaction and in the event that the timescales outlined in paragraph 2.1.2 of the report were not met reserves the right to re-purchase the property at Market Value.

Economy and Culture.

18. Inclusive Economic Growth and Investment Opportunity.

There was submitted a report (Members only) of 19 May 2021 by the Director – Place seeking support for a significant new growth and investment opportunity.


(1) to support the inward investment opportunity at this stage noting the potential benefits to the economy;

(2) to advise Scottish Enterprise and Company X of the support for this investment opportunity;

(3) to request that the Director - Place develop a business plan to deliver the opportunity should discussions between Scottish Enterprise and Company X prove favourable; and

(4) to note that the Director - Place would bring forward further reports detailing final project costs, programme and terms of commercial lease with Company X for approval, prior to commencement of any acquisitions or commencement of work on site.


19. Consideration of Disclosure of the above Confidential Reports.


(1) to authorise under Standing Order 32.4, disclosure of information in part from the following reports and addendums after conclusion of sale:-

• Sale of 3 Drybridge Road, Dundonald; and

• Sale of South Lodge, Belleisle Park, Doonfoot Road, Ayr;

(2) not to authorise the disclosure under Standing Order 32.4 of the whole or part of the following report and addendum:-

• Inclusive Economic Growth and Investment Opportunity; and

(3) to authorise under Standing Order 32.4, disclosure of information in part from the following report and addendum:-

• Property Maintenance: Review of External Contracts.

The meeting ended at 11.45 a.m.