

Manifesto 2017 and Beyond.


/SNP South Ayrshire @snpayr /www.snpayr.org

Promoted by M Peddie, 3 Whiteside Park, Monkton, KA9 2PR on behalf of the Scottish National Party, South Ayrshire. Printed by Minuteman Press Printing, 61 Kyle Street, , KA71RS

We, the Scottish National Party candidates for election at the South Ayrshire Council Elections being held on 4th May 2017 are committed to serving you the people of South Ayrshire and the communities in which you live.

To do so, we believe it will be necessary to make radical changes from the current situation where the Council impose major decisions on the public without any meaningful consultation, engagement or discussion to a position where it is acknowledged and accepted that as Councillors, we are elected to serve you and listen to your views and take account of what you would want to see happen in your communities.

Put simply the SNP want communities to have a new experience of local government as active participants, partners and decision makers.

Our first actions therefore will be to listen to your views and this dialogue will shape the detail of how we will bring control of budgets and services closer to our local communities. We know that our different communities have varied needs and accept that communities have different needs and priorities.

We also firmly believe that we should be accountable to you, not just every five years at election time but always, and we will commit to regular meetings with communities to be held accountable for our decisions.

For far too long South Ayrshire Council has operated along political lines, with political alliances and personalities dominating the decision-making process to the detriment of the people we were all elected to serve.

Our vision for the 28 Councillors who will be elected on the 4th May is that we will all work together collaboratively in the best interests of the communities and people of South Ayrshire. We will work hard to seek consensus, be inclusive to best utilise the knowledge, experience, skills and talents of all Councillors and treat all with respect irrespective of their political views.

We are also committed to concentrating on local issues avoiding discussion on matters decided at Holyrood or Westminster.

In the following pages, we will outline our manifesto for South Ayrshire, introduce our candidates for the election and the keys issues which you have told us are important to you and on which we will take immediate action on in your local area. I commend this manifesto to you and look forward to hearing your views and to working with you to change South Ayrshire for the better.

Councillor Allan H Dorans SNP Group Leader South Ayrshire Council April 2017 Our Manifesto Pledges

South Ayrshire Council and Community Involvement

We commit to:

Ÿ Full consultation and engagement with the people of South Ayrshire, agree a vision which will make South Ayrshire the place of choice in which to live, work, raise families and enjoy leisure time. In doing so we will create a “Masterplan” for the development of the whole of South Ayrshire.

Ÿ * Enabling people and communities to have a say in the decisions which affect them by ensuring that they are consulted, engaged and involved at the early stages, not only in statutory consultations, but also in matters including budget decisions, which services should be provided and how they should be delivered.

Ÿ Being accountable to you, not just every five years, at election time, but on a regular, planned basis and will set up a framework to enable this to take place.

Ÿ Being inclusive and to work collaboratively with all Councillors whatever their political view, in the best interest of the people of South Ayrshire and form strategic political alliance where appropriate.

Ÿ Actively encourage public interest in local politics and issues by ensuring that Council meetings are well publicised and accessible to the public and investigate the feasibility of providing live online streaming of meetings of the full Council, Leadership Panel and other major decision making bodies.

Ÿ Encouraging people and community groups to make better use of civil and public buildings including County Buildings, Ayr Town Hall, Town Halls and other community buildings across South Ayrshire.

Committing 1% of the Council Revenue Budget, (not including the allocation of funding to the Health and Social Care Partnership), of £1.9 million for priorities identified by communities and to implement the recommendations of the Community Empowerment Act. We will implement this over the first five years of the Council following a process of building relationships and partnerships with the support of communities, community groups and Community Councils.

Ÿ Assisting community groups in discussions with the Council in relation to Community Asset Transfers of Council owned buildings and land to community ownership.

Ÿ Providing greater support for Community Councils and increase their budgets to give them significant influence over spending decision on what they see as priorities in their areas. Ÿ Work with any civic or community body whose objectives are the improvement of the quality of lives of our people including the Civic Society, Ayr Guildry, Rotary Clubs, the Common Weal, FreshAyr and others.

Ÿ Contributing £500,000 to our six localities for Participatory Budgeting where local people and local community groups can submit funding bids for approval by their local communities, limited to £10,000 per bid.

Ÿ Continuing to develop cultural change within the Council by embracing the principles of the “South Ayrshire Way” by being respectful, positive and supportive at all times in our dealings with Council colleagues, employees and the public.

Ÿ *Exploring opportunities for joint working with East and Council for back office functions where economy of scale may be beneficial including information technology, procurement and administration allowing front line operational services to be better funded. Ÿ Work collaboratively with Trade Unions in the interests of efficiency, workforce safety and satisfaction and representation for the benefit of all.

Ÿ Work in partnership with Police , Scottish Fire and Rescue, NHS , Community Councils and communities to keep people safe and well.

Ÿ Work with to develop a new community policing model in which identified Police Officers will have responsibility for community policing in specific areas.

Ÿ Continue to support and develop the role of “Campus Cops” in our Secondary Schools.

Ÿ Ensure that there is sufficient provision for public access to computers for the purposes of job searches, benefit claims and contact with government agencies.

Children and Education

We commit to:

Ÿ Putting schools at the heart of our communities by ensuring the most effective use of these facilities for the benefit of all sections of communities.

Ÿ *Investing capital expenditure of £63 million for improved and new build schools over the next five years.

Ÿ Support the Scottish Government initiative to provide pupil equity funding of £2.4 million given directly to Head Teachers in schools across South Ayrshire to help close the attainment gap.

Ÿ Maintaining or reducing the Pupil /Teacher ratio of 13.4 Ÿ Guaranteeing a probationer's teachers induction position of one year for any newly qualified Teacher who requires such a place.

Ÿ Ensuring that the introduction of 1140 hours a year free child care for under 5's is implemented in line with Scottish Government guidelines by 2020.

Ÿ *Tackle child poverty and the effects of austerity policies by continuing to mitigate the impact caused by the Benefit Cap, Bedroom Tax and Tax Credit cuts by providing funding in the region of £1.275 million to support those most affected.

Ÿ Ensuring that young people at school feel supported. All pupils must have access to effective Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE) which addresses issues including lifestyle, health, relationships, budgeting, equality, social justice, and citizenship. We will work with pupils to ensure PSHE is meeting their needs.

Ÿ Work to deliver better mental health services for children and young people, bringing together healthcare and education, to ensure faster treatment without stigma. We will also ensure that Additional Support Needs are met appropriately, in line with the aims of Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC).

Ÿ Review the provision of school Breakfast Clubs and their funding arrangements to ensure that no child in South Ayrshire goes to school hungry.

Ÿ Ensuring that where the Council have responsibility as Corporate Parents for “looked after children”, those leaving care and those in Kinship Care, then we will take whatever steps are necessary to make sure they have the support required to enable them to achieve their full potential in education, employment and life.

Health and Social Care

We commit to:

Ÿ *Providing a total of £77 million as our contribution to the Health and Social Care Partnership delivering an extensive range of health and social care services in this financial year.

Ÿ Work closely with the Health & Social Care Partnership in order that the vulnerable people in our communities including older people, people with mental health issues and people with addictions, learning and other disabilities receive the help and support that meets the needs of each individual.

Economy and Tourism

We commit to:

Ÿ *Continue to support the Ayrshire Growth Deal which is anticipated to bring not less than £86.9 million of investment from central Government funding specifically for Ÿ South Ayrshire and a further £46.4 million for other Pan- Ayrshire initiatives to promote growth, create jobs, improve infrastructure and boost the economy.

Ÿ *Focus on the development of and its airport as a site for development of a Spaceport and a wide range of aeronautical industries and in increasing passenger numbers, freight handling and increased domestic and international routes.

Ÿ Continuing and developing a range of employment initiatives including “Work Out” (work experience for those in S4 and S5), Modern and Craft Apprenticeships (16 – 19 year olds), Youth Employment Initiatives (16 - 29 year olds) and other initiatives to improve the job prospects of our young people and those furthest from the job market.

Ÿ Work with and other partners to promote Ayr as a destination for cruise ships with itineraries to explore our historic and beautiful county.

Ÿ Continue to working in collaboration with the National Trust for Scotland, Visit Scotland, local businesses and other partners to promote South Ayrshire as a welcoming, attractive area to visit and spend leisure time.

Ÿ *Reviewing the funding arrangements and sustainability of the Scottish international Airshow, the Gaiety Theatre and the Ayr Flower Show.

Ÿ Developing plans for one of our best assets, the Low Green, as a location to attract open air festivals, galas and other regular events.

Ÿ Building on the successful regeneration of Belleisle Park, Rozelle Park and the McLaurin Gallery by developing infrastructure to link the two Parks and carrying out significant remedial work at Rozelle House.

Ÿ Promoting South Ayrshire as a historical and cultural destination highlighting our links and connections attractions such as St John's Tower, the Auld Brig, Loudon Hall, the Cromwellian Fort, the Auld Kirk, the Covenanters, , and our unique historical connection with our National Bard, Rabbie Burns and the many places of interest associated with his life.

Ÿ Supporting the development of the Water Sports Centre by the Troon Costal rowing Club, (TCRC),and Ayr Sea Cadets in co-operation with other local community partners.

Ÿ Continuing to promote South Ayrshire as the destination of choice for golfer's with our outstanding range of public and private golf courses branded as “Golf South Ayrshire.”

Ÿ Promoting Carnegie Library as a centre of excellence for local history and as a family history resource. Regeneration

We commit to:

Ÿ Establishing a cross party working groups of Councillors, Council Officers, businesses and communities to specifically tackle regeneration of our five town centres.

Ÿ *Continuing support for the work of Ayr Renaissance by funding the demolition project at the Riverside Block in the sum of £1.2 million in this financial year and our commitment to proceed with a new build Council Offices on that site in subsequent years.

Ÿ Working with Ayr Renaissance to create a “Masterplan” for the regeneration of the whole of Ayr and to provide appropriate financial funding in order for this be achieved.

Ÿ Actively supporting the Scottish Government guidelines of “Town Centres First” when considering planning applications particularly for retail developments.

Ÿ Seeking funding from the Coastal Communities Fund and other sources to take forward ideas generated by the recent Prestwick “Charrette” to regenerate Prestwick.

Ÿ *Working collaboratively with the recently announced new owners of the 125 acres of land at Corton, Manse LLP, an Edinburgh based developer, who have indicated their intention to submit a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) for an extensive mixed use development including housing commencing in early 2018.

Ÿ Encouraging other developers to create more residential accommodation particularly for families in town centres to create and sense of community and increase vitality.

Ÿ *Building 580 new affordable social houses, being a mix of Council and Housing Associations developments, within the next five years and encourage private developers to create new development across South Ayrshire by making land available through the Local Development Plan.

Ÿ Conducting a feasibility study to allow access to the substantial plot of land bordered by the Sandgate, High Street and Newmarket Street known locally as the site of the demolished Affleck's Buildings initially for car parking but with a view to further development in the future.

Ÿ Reviewing the infrastructure necessary for these developments to take place.

Environment and Roads

We commit to:

Ÿ *Adopting a zero-tolerance policy and increasing enforcement against dog fouling, fly tipping and littering including discarding cigarette ends and chewing gum. Ÿ Establishing multi agency, community based teams to conduct regular environmental an neighbourhood assessments to identify areas of concern such as graffiti, litter problems, building repairs, road and footpath issues and other matters which affect communities and which will be prioritised and actioned by named individuals within specified timescales.

Ÿ *Investing capital expenditure of a further £3.5 million into roads reconstruction and improvement.

Ÿ Ensuring that South Ayrshire benefits from the services provided by the Ayrshire Roads Alliance by scrutinising their performance and holding them accountable to elected members of this Council.

Ÿ Replacing the existing on and off street car parking arrangements for pay and display with a scheme used successfully in with a free two-hour maximum stay disc scheme to encourage people to visit our town centres. To offset loss of parking income this would be financed by rigorous enforcement.

Ÿ Abolish the current £50 annual charge for resident's car parking in Ayr and Prestwick, which is an unfair additional tax on people living in our towns and replace it with a nominal administration charge.

Ÿ To reducing speed limits in the villages to 20mph to create a safer environment for all but especially for our children and the elderly.

Ÿ Bringing forward proposals for the renewal of street lighting including an LED conversion programme which will improve lighting whilst reducing energy costs.

Ÿ Work with Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), Scottish Water and other partners to improve the quality of our beaches and bathing water along the length of our coast.

Ÿ Work with communities and businesses, principally by education, to increase recycling and reduce the amount of business and household waste being sent to landfill.

Ÿ Work with the Energy Agency to promote energy efficient initiatives for homes, businesses and public buildings.


We commit to:

Ÿ *Ensuring that all the people in South Ayrshire are treated equally and fairly without prejudice or discrimination regardless of age, disability, gender, gender identity, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or sexual orientation.

Ÿ Carrying out an equalities impact assessments in all areas of the work of the Council where proposals affect any section of the community. Ÿ Encouraging diversity and inclusion through celebrating national awareness days and events including International Women's Day, Gay Pride, World Sight Day, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual and Transgendered Awareness Day, Disabled Access Day and others.

Ÿ Continuing with the plans to spend £500,000 in the financial year 2021 – 22 to carry out work within Council properties to comply with the Equalities Act.

Other Initiatives

We commit to:

Ÿ Work in partnership with Voluntary Action South Ayrshire (VASA) and other charitable organisations to promote volunteering opportunities, inclusion and the development of social enterprises.

Ÿ Continue to support the WASPI (Women against State Pension Injustice) in their campaign for a review of the transitional arrangement which have affected their entitlement to state pensions.

Ÿ Support the campaign to Buy Malcolm Sargent House (BUYMSH) to build a new respite home for children and families affected by cancer and other life changing conditions.

Ÿ Continue to support the local Fairtrade Partnership by the procurement of fairly and ethically traded goods and services as set out in the Council's Procurement Strategy.

Ÿ Valuing armed forces veterans in terms of priority social housing, access to services, and appropriate support and to strengthen the role of the Council's “Veterans Champion.”

Ÿ Supporting the work of the South Ayrshire Foodbank.

Ÿ Work in collaboration with Opportunities in Retirement (OIR), Age Scotland and other public bodies and voluntary organisations to promote the welfare and wellbeing of our older people.

*Finally, this is not the end. Rather, it is the beginning of a process which would see a transformation in the way that South Ayrshire Council engages with, represents and serves you, the people and communities of South Ayrshire.

Our final pledge then ,taken from the words of the Coat of Arms and of the motto of South Ayrshire Council, is that we, the elected representative of the Scottish National Party will ,“Ne'er Forget the People” Vision for Ayr

We have a vision for Ayr which will once again restore it to its former glory as the County Town of Ayrshire and a place for tourist to visit and local people to enjoy and be proud to be a part of.

This vision will be subject to full public consultation and engagement. Ayr Marina

The development of a Marina, retail and leisure facilities south of the river Ayr in parallel with the esplanade which would increase tourism, jobs and provide a boost for the local economy.

We have had provisional talks with representatives of Associated British Ports, Ayr Renaissance, a Director of South Ayrshire Council, other Senior Council Officers and other local business people and potential investors and are confident that a Marina, similar to those at Inverkip, and Troon would be feasible and a realistic development at the Esplanade to the south of the River Ayr.

Ÿ Residential development in South Harbour Street - To conduct a feasibility study to explore the possibility of the creation of a residential complex with additional facilities at South Harbour Street potentially for sheltered, elderly or accessible accommodation bringing people back in to the town centre.

Ÿ River Street - To develop River Street in order that together with the current Ayr Renaissance Riverside Block project, that the river becomes the focal point and main tourist destination of the town.

Ÿ Citadel Leisure Centre - To relocate the Citadel Leisure Centre to an identified location in the town centre thereby creating vitality and generating footfall in the town centre. To consider alternative use of the land at the Citadel for possible development as a mix of private and other residential accommodation.

Ÿ Cultural and Heritage Centre - To create a cultural and heritage centre incorporating a visitor attraction centre on the ground floor of the Town Hall facing the High Street to complement the current development of the Riverside Block by Ayr Renaissance to encourage tourism, generate jobs and boost the local economy. This would also be used as a display area for an ever-changing fascinating display of the many thousands of civic and historical artefacts belonging to the people of South Ayrshire which are currently in the guardianship of the Council.

Ÿ Station Hotel - To continue discussions with developers and owners of the Ayr Station Hotel to investigate the purchase or lease of the premises for potential use as office accommodation, retail units and student accommodation. This would contribute to the regeneration of that area of the town and the redevelopment of Burns Statue Square when Burns House is demolished, creating a new, welcoming gateway to the town from the railway station, the A70 and other main access roads. Vision for our Rural Communities

We commit to:

Ÿ Establishing a cross party working groups of Councillors, Council Officers and community representatives specifically to tackle rural issues including broadband access, mobile phone coverage and public transport provision.

Ÿ Reinstate the funding for rural villages annual Gala Day of £20,000 and a review of Community Centre and Hall charges.

Ÿ Following public consultation and engagement to the redevelopment of High Street with the aid of the recently awarded £3 million Grant funding, specifically in the conservation area to reduce traffic and improve public space.

Ÿ Supporting the agreed construction of the Maybole by pass and other improvements to the A77 throughout South Ayrshire.

Ÿ Campaigning and seek Scottish Government funding to build a new Maybole Community Learning Campus to replace the existing Carrick Academy rather than proceed with the existing plans to refurbish the current school in 2022/3.

Ÿ Promote and support the development of Maybole as a centre of excellence for the game of rugby.

Ÿ Investigate sites , Maybole, and in our rural village communities for the building of affordable social housing to prevent population loss and maintain family and community connections.

Ÿ To ensure that the new Tarbolton Community Campus, Carrick Academy and Girvan Academy and other rural schools become the heart of communities by promoting their use by all sections of the community.

Ÿ Promoting the historical connection of with the Batchelors Club in Tarbolton and Souter Johnnies Cottage in Kirkoswald.

Ÿ Continue to work with the South Carrick Leisure Trust in the development of the recently build Quay Zone Leisure Centre in Girvan.

Ÿ To refurbish the McKechnie Institute in Girvan as a venue to regularly display the many of the thousands of local historical and cultural artefacts belonging to the people currently held in storage by the Council.

Ÿ Repair to the Girvan Harbour Jetty in 2021 with funding of £300,000 in 2021 in conjunction with East and North Ayrshire and Dumfries and Galloway to develop a South West Scotland tourist route and to promote attractions including , the Batchelors Club, Barnweil Tower, the Electric Brae, historic Maybole, welcoming Girvan, Culzean Castle, Crossraguel Abbey, Castle the conservation village of Barr, the Church at Old Ÿ with the historic “blue stones” and connections with the Covenanters, Sawney Beans' Cave and the Varyag Memorial on the scenic costal route to .

Ÿ To upgrade and increase the number of walking trails in and around rural villages to complement those existing in Dailly, Barr and .

Ÿ Working with the farming communities to source locally produced food for school meals and the elderly who may require the provision of food either in their homes or sheltered accommodation.

Ÿ Support farmers in their fight to achieve a fair price for their products from major supermarket chains.

Ÿ Banning of Sky Lanterns, which are known to have dangerous consequences for livestock, crops and the risk of fire to buildings being released at Council events or from Council property. Troon Ward

Troon Ward includes the communities of Troon, and Muirhead.

As candidates in Troon we are totally committed to implementing the pledges outlined in the South Ayrshire Scottish National Party manifesto and specifically to focus on the issues which affect the communities and people in this area.

Annie McIndoe

About Annie

I am delighted and honoured to be representing Troon SNP at the local elections in May.

I am 53 years old and a mother to one teenage boy. I am a 5th generation “Troonie” and I love living in the town.

I have worked as Operations Manager for a National Charity and as a Planning Manager, Business Analyst and European Project Co-ordinator for a large music company. I am committed to Troon and am involved in several local volunteer groups. I have a small temping business in Troon.

Craig Mackay

About Craig

With 23 years as an active SNP member, I have a wealth of experience in campaigning, policy development and elected representation.

As a parliamentary senior caseworker and former SNP councillor in I've got extensive experience working with people, assisting them with issues, speaking up for them to public organisations, and communicating in a friendly and open manner.

I also have become involved with a variety of community groups in Troon, and regularly support local events. I am married with a four-year-old son, and run a part time graphic design consultancy.

Our joint priorities as identified by you are:

Ÿ Troon - a town for all - With its beautiful sandy beaches and great views of Arran and surrounding islands Troon is a great place to live and work. But there is plenty to be done to improve the town.

Ÿ People need to come first - from care for the elderly to leisure facilities for young people, there must be opportunities for all. We'll deliver better integration across all council services Ÿ and people need to come first - from care for the elderly to leisure facilities for young people, there must be opportunities for all. We'll deliver better integration across all council services and resources - providing people with real access and accountability, especially across health and social work. Community Empowerment will play a key role in tackling a wide range of issues within the town.

Ÿ Promoting a high quality of life - South Ayrshire Council needs to get the basics right - like better maintained roads and cleaner streets - removing the scourge of litter and dog fouling. We will work to release Troon's full potential - regenerating the seafront and beach promenade to benefit locals and attract visitors. We will work to combat poverty and inequality in Troon, working together with local groups to tackle deprivation.

Ÿ A strong local economy - South Ayrshire must be open for business. We will work with local businesses to encourage growth and ensure our economy thrives. Troon is a great place to shop, eat and relax - an SNP run South Ayrshire Council would do more to promote Troon to visitors and locals.

Ÿ Your Council - An SNP run South Ayrshire Council would listen - Troon has some superb voluntary groups and volunteers, and we want the council to work with them. We want to make the council more visible in your community, including holding council meetings in Troon so that everyone can have their say.

Ÿ Troon voice - Team Troon SNP will work hard to ensure that Troon has a strong voice on South Ayrshire Council. Prestwick Ward

Prestwick Ward includes the community of Prestwick, with boundaries to the north at Prestwick international Airport, Heathfield Road to the south and the A77 bypass to the east.

As candidates in Prestwick we are totally committed to implementing the pledges outlined in the South Ayrshire Scottish National Party manifesto and specifically to focus on the issues which affect the communities and people in this area.

Ian Cochrane

About Ian

Since May 2012, I have had the privilege of serving the people of Prestwick as their SNP Councillor at South Ayrshire Council representing the interests of all Prestwick residents and the wider South Ayrshire community. To facilitate communication with local people I hold two surgeries a month, contribute to the monthly community magazine and attend monthly meetings of both Community Councils. I am committed to empowering communities to be part of the decision making process on issue which affect them. I also believe that local people need strong representation at South Ayrshire Council, my commitment to you is that I will continue to provide such representation and political leadership on your behalf.

John Wallace

About John

I live in Prestwick with my wife Tracy and daughter Sarah-Louise. While living here over the years, I have seen a drastic decline in our historic town brought about by the present Council Administration in South Ayrshire. We have the opportunity for change on the 4th of May which is something I feel is well overdue for Prestwick. We need people who will stand up and be heard, who care about this town and our community. I have the passion and the fire to stand up for Prestwick. I am honoured to be your candidate.

Our joint priorities as identified by you are:

Ÿ Community Empowerment - New legislation is opening up opportunities for local community groups to design and deliver enhancements to local services, we will be at the forefront of assisting groups to deliver change in Prestwick.

Ÿ Beach - We will work with government agencies and local groups to secure a long term resolution to the current pollution and debris problems. While we appreciate there is no quick fix for these problems, we will work to establish a sustainable program of action to address these issues. Ÿ Housing - There is huge demand for affordable housing locally, we will promote the expansion of social housing provision in Prestwick to increase availability of homes for young families.

Ÿ Heritage - Prestwick has a proud civic history and we will work with community groups to consult on the preservation of our built heritage and to develop new initiatives to enhance our historic legacy sites.

Ÿ Employment - The SNP government decision to create an Enterprise Zone at Prestwick Airport has attracted many global companies providing high quality jobs, we support the Ayrshire Growth Deal which will expand the aerospace manufacturing sector in Prestwick.

Ÿ Parking Permit Charges - We view the imposition of parking permit charges on Prestwick residents as a hidden tax and we will advocate for the removal of parking permit charges for householders in restricted parking zones. Ayr North Ward

Ayr North Ward includes the communities of Craigie, Newton , Whitletts, Dalmilling, Lochside, Wallacetown, Newton Green and Heathfield.

As candidates in Ayr North we are totally committed to implementing the pledges outlined in the South Ayrshire Scottish National Party manifesto and specifically to focus on the issues which affect the communities and people in this area.

Laura Brennan - Whitefield

About Laura

I stay with my partner and am a mum to a 19-month-old little girl. I have been living with multiple sclerosis for 10 years and know the challenges that are being faced by vulnerable families. I also understand how the Conservatives benefit changes affects people on a day to day basis. I believe in fairness and that will be at the heart of everything I do. I will work with communities to give them the confidence to bring about positive changes needed in Ayr North.

Douglas Campbell

About Douglas

Over the past years, I have used my experience to assist and advise many individuals and families and I am once more seeking your support to be your Councillor in May. I believe that the Council's main priorities are to give our young people the best possible start in education and well-being and to care for the elderly and vulnerable. An SNP Council will tackle the causes and effects of poverty. Lack of money crushes the spirit, children do less well at school and all of this is unacceptable in a modern wealthy society.

Our joint priorities as identified by you are:

Ÿ Making the School the “Heart of the Community”, establishing much needed local youth groups;

Ÿ Implement the Scottish Government commitment to provide 1140 hours a year free childcare for under 5s;

Ÿ Seek a review of the provision of local bus services to increase frequency and punctuality;

Ÿ We will continue to support the WASPI (Women Against State Pension Injustice) campaign for a fair transitional pension agreement;

Ÿ To continue and expand Breakfast Clubs;

Ÿ To adopt a policy zero tolerance of dog fouling, litter and anti – social behaviour. Ayr East Ward

Ayr East Ward includes the communities of Overmills, Forehill, Masonhill, , Belmont and Old Belmont.

As candidates in Ayr East we are totally committed to implementing the pledges outlined in the South Ayrshire Scottish National Party manifesto and specifically to focus on the issues which affect the communities and people in this area.

Chris Cullen

About Chris

I am a 33yr old self-employed carpenter and I live in the ward with my fiancée and run my business from here. In my time I have had various jobs and worked both here and abroad before settling with my qualified trade. It was this trade that brought me to Ayrshire, where I have settled down to start a family. My first experience of South Ayrshire was 17 years ago when I came here on a school trip, we travelled over 150miles to get to this buzzing exciting seaside town of Ayr, it was one day but made a lasting impression. How it has changed since then, I want to rebuild a better Ayr and provide a brighter future for our children, whilst improving the present for everyone else. I have seen first-hand in my travels how towns have been regenerated and communities rejuvenated again with engagement on key issues that affect everyone, not just a few. I have self-determination and once I start something I fully intend to see it through. I have a can-do attitude. Historically councillors are of retirement age and I hold my youth as an advantage to better cross representation of society.

Ian McPherson

About Ian

I feel proud and privileged to be standing for election to South Ayrshire Council to represent the residents of Ayr East Ward in the forthcoming May elections. I have lived in Ayr East for over 40 years where my wife and I raised two sons who also still live in Ayr East. My career background is in sales. At present I am the Sales Director for a local company and have worked within Ayrshire for all my working life. I was chair of Castlehill Primary and School Boards and PTAs. I am currently an active member of Forehill, Holmston and Masonhill Community Council. It's time for change and fresh new ideas to make our town the jewel in Ayrshire once again. I have the energy, drive ambition and commitment to deliver. It will be my honour to represent all the people of Ayr East Ward. Our joint priorities as identified by you are to :

Ÿ Work with communities in Ayr East where local people set the priorities that are relevant to the community.

Ÿ Support community policing and keep levels of crime low and promote community safety.

Ÿ Support our community to set priorities that are relevant to the area and promote and support empowerment within the ward.

Ÿ Ensure that vulnerable people get the help they need.

Ÿ Tackle litter and dog fouling, which is a constant problem, by providing better education and local facilities.

Ÿ Maintain and improve the low levels of crime by supporting the Police with their Multi Member Ward Plan and facilitating a campus cop at each school.

Ÿ Create a vibrant caring Ayr East by helping improve community engagement in the area.

Ÿ Support the regeneration of Ayr town centre by supporting the work of Ayr Renaissance and future developments to make Ayr a top destination to live, work and for recreation.

Ÿ Improve parking facilities around local shops, addressing the needs and safety of both the retailers and residents. Ayr West Ward

Ayr West Ward includes the communities of Ayr Town centre, Wallacetown, Seafield, , St Leonards and .

As candidates in Ayr West we are totally committed to implementing the pledges outlined in the South Ayrshire Scottish National Party manifesto and specifically to focus on the issues which affect the communities and people in this area.

Siobhian Brown

About Siobhian

I am standing for election to South Ayrshire Council to represent you the people of Ayr West ward in the upcoming local elections. I live in Ayr with my husband and three children. My professional background is an Office Manager in a local law firm. I am actively involved in community issues and have had a leading role in the BUYMSH campaign to rebuild a new Malcolm Sargent House in Ayrshire. I am also the founder of South Ayrshire Babybank, which I run on a voluntary basis and distribute baby clothes and items to local families that are in need.

We need change, we need focus, we need a long-term plan and we need a lot of hard work and commitment. I am driven, hardworking and passionate about our town and will work tirelessly as your Councillor to implement positive change.

Allan Dorans

About Allan

I am privileged to have served as your SNP Councillor representing you in Ayr West Ward at South Ayrshire Council since 2012. My previous experience includes having been a Detective Inspector in the Metropolitan Police, a Personnel and Training Executive with a national organisation, an area Manager of a National Community Safety Charity and a self-employed Director of a private company providing conflict resolution services. Being a Councillor is my only and full time job. Although I serve on a number of Council Committees and Panels, my main focus as a Councillor has always been to be an advocate and representative for people and with issues and concerns in relation to services provided by the Council.

Our joint priorities as identified by you are:

Ÿ The regeneration of Ayr town centre through supporting the ongoing work of Ayr Renaissance and the development of a strategy to make Ayr the destination of choice in which to live, work, bring up families and spend leisure time. Ÿ To adopt a policy zero tolerance of dog fouling, litter and anti – social behaviour.

Ÿ To invest significant funding in to the repair of road and pavements.

Ÿ Review provision, frequency and reliability of public transport for Alloway and Doonfoot.

Ÿ To work with Schools, parents and Community Safety Officers to raise awareness of the issues and consequences of inconsiderate and dangerous parking near to the entrances of our schools and to seek the support of Police Scotland to take enforcement action where necessary.

Ÿ To make schools the “heart of the community” and to establish much needed local youth groups.

Ÿ To ensure that the concerns of the people in this area are met through attendance and ongoing dialogue with the Fort, Wallacetown and Seafield and the Alloway and Doonfoot Community Councils, other community groups and to continue to work with Police Scotland, other community safety partners and local communities to keep people in this area safe.

Ÿ To review the current funding arrangements for the continuing sustainability of the Scottish International Airshow, Ayr Gaiety Theatre and The Ayr Flower Show. Kyle Ward

Kyle Ward is an extensive rural Ward and includes the communities of Dundonald, Symington, Loans, Monkton, Tarbolton, , , Craigie and St Quivox.

As candidates in Kyle we are totally committed to implementing the pledges outlined in the South Ayrshire Scottish National Party manifesto and specifically to focus on the issues which affect the communities and people in this area.

Julie Dettbarn

About Julie

I live just outside Tarbolton with my partner, who manages a local rural business, and our two primary-school-aged granddaughters. As a long-term resident of Kyle, I have first-hand knowledge of local issues - as they are the issues I encounter in my everyday life too. I would bring my first-hand experience to the table and give it a clear voice and will work closely with our community groups to help take forward Community Empowerment plans to maximise funding for our villages and communities.

I am known locally for being hard working and down to earth, having previously worked in Health & Social Care, where the focus is entirely on achieving good outcomes for people. I am also especially aware at this time of the need to support our rural economy and those whose jobs and livelihoods depend on it.

Our community has many strengths and positives to build on.

I commit to work hard to make sure we continue to improve Kyle for all who live here.

Scott McFarlane

About Scott

I first got involved in politics in 2011, when I joined the SNP. Since then I have been doing what I can to help my local area. This has been a driving force in my life and I have campaigned on some high profile local issues over a number of years. Although helping improve local communities has always been my main driver I am also an active disability campaigner and try to raise awareness about issues surrounding disabilities. I am also proud to say that as a disabled candidate, suffering from severe visual impairment, has made me a fighter. This is the kind of strength and determination I will use when representing the people and communities of Kyle.

I am standing in Kyle as the people in rural communities need a strong voice to generate the kind of change that our communities deserve. I will do this by working tirelessly with individuals, local groups, community councils and others to ensure that the residents of Kyle have strong representation at South Ayrshire Council.

Our joint priories for Kyle as identified by you are:

Ÿ For us to have a highly visible presence in the ward in order that we be accessible and to listen and act on your concerns and issues and to work tirelessly on your behalf to protect and improve their local services.

Ÿ To use the new Transport Bill to improve public transport provision in rural areas which is almost non-existent in some parts of the Ward.

Ÿ To reducing speed limits in the villages to 20mph to create a safer environment for all but especially for our children and the elderly.

Ÿ To work with schools and community groups to improve uptake of Pupil Attainment and Community Empowerment funds.

Ÿ To restore funding for village Gala Days and rationalise charges made for community use of halls and community centres.

Ÿ To work with local business leaders who provide vital community services to help encourage growth and job creation.

Ÿ To work closely with Community Councils and other local community groups.

Ÿ To implement Community Empowerment plans and maximise funds available to our villages and community groups.

Ÿ To work with others to provide high speed broadband and improved mobile telephone connectivity. Maybole & North Carrick Ward

Maybole and North Carrick Ward includes Maybole, Crosshill, , Straiton, , Dunure, and .

As the candidate in Maybole and North Carrick I am totally committed to implementing the pledges outlined in the South Ayrshire Scottish National Party manifesto and specifically to focus on the issues which affect the communities and people in this area.

William Grant

About William

I has been an active Councillor for Maybole, North Carrick and Coylton since being elected in 2012. During the last five years I have been actively involved with individuals and organisations throughout the ward dealing with all types of issues. Having been the shadow portfolio for housing I see the need for more affordable housing in all areas of South Ayrshire but also the need for these to be built in rural areas allowing young families to stay in their own communities. I believe South Ayrshire Council can offer so much more for our local communities. A strong SNP administration will work with and seek the views of the people. I believe Maybole, North Carrick and Coylton have been short changed for years and it is time something was done about reversing this.

My priorities for Maybole and North Carrick as identified by you are to:

Ÿ Provide the necessary support for the major and significant £3 million Maybole Town Centre re-generation project.

Ÿ Continue to support investment in local galas, community halls and community events.

Ÿ Ensure that resources are targeted and prioritised for areas of deprivation.

Ÿ Support Affordable Housing in Maybole and rural areas therefore maintaining population and family connections.

Ÿ Support High Speed Broadband, mobile connectivity and rural transport links for rural communities.

Ÿ With the support of the other Councillors in this Ward to have the decision to refurbish the current Carrick Academy overturned in favour a new, modern Carrick Community Education Campus. Girvan & South Carrick Ward

Girvan and South Carrick Ward includes the communities of Kirkoswald, , , , Dailly, Barr, Pinwherry, Pinmore, Barrhill, , Smyrton, Ballantrae, , Girvan and the rural areas. As the candidate in Girvan and South Carrick I am totally committed to implementing the pledges outlined in the South Ayrshire Scottish National Party manifesto and specifically to focus on the issues which affect the communities and people in this area.

Peter Henderson

About Peter

I live in Maidens, first came to Ayrshire in 1975 working on , where I met and married my wife. I am recently retired as a Director General of Customs, Excise and Revenue. For most my life, I have fought to improve the lives of my fellow citizens. First as a trade union representative, then a Senior Manager here and in other countries. A member of the SNP all my life I have for the past four years campaigned continuously in the area and been made aware of the varying/ diverse needs and concerns My work has involved governments and organisations worldwide. This has enabled me to see and experience other ways of achieving results. I give a commitment and proven record of hard work, honesty, drive and determination.

By listening to the views of local people and consulting widely I will best be able to ascertain the needs, concerns and aspirations of the community which will enable me to serve you effectively at South Ayrshire Council.

My priorities for Girvan and South Carrick as identified by you are to:

Ÿ Improve transport and infrastructure including road, and rail links.

Ÿ Improve access broadband, wireless coverage and mobile phone coverage.

Ÿ Increase the provision of training and development of new skills to build and attract new businesses and improve employment opportunities.

Ÿ Adopt a policy of zero tolerance of dog fouling, litter and anti-social behaviour. Ÿ Ÿ Increasing and enhancing community facilities and events.

Ÿ Focus on rural development and town regeneration.

Ÿ Promote improved health provision and a safe clean environment.

Ÿ Investigate sites in Girvan and our rural villages for new affordable social housing to prevent population decrease and maintain family connections.

Ÿ Campaign for a full time “Campus Cop “ to be attached to Girvan Academy.

Ÿ Be a strong voice for Girvan and South Carrick at South Ayrshire Council to ensure that the needs of our area are not overlooked in favour of the more populated towns.