Hourglass 02-16-05 Copy for Polli .Indd
MMaj.aj. WWinin KKellereller iiss DDadsads aandnd ddaughtersaughters ttesterester ooff tthehe yyearear ddanceance tthehe nnightight aawayway — PPageage 3 — PPagesages 44-5-5 ((Four-year-oldFour-year-old AAlyssalyssa NNealeal hhitsits tthehe ddanceance fl oooror SSundayunday wwithith hherer father,father, 11st.st. SSgt.gt. DDennisennis NNealeal aatt tthehe FFather-Daughterather-Daughter ddance.ance. HHee aalsolso eescortedscorted hhisis fi ffth-gradeth-grade ddaughter,aughter, AAlexis.)lexis.) ((PhotoPhoto bbyy MMigig OOwens)wens) Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2005 wwww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.htmlww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ /Hourglass/hourglass.html The Kwajalein Hourglass Commentary Band of brothers, company of heroes On Dec. 21, 1861, a bill creating the children. He was from Tampa, Fla. Medal of Honor was signed by President His men said that if not for Smith's ac- Abraham Lincoln. tions, they would have been killed. There were 1,502 recipients during the Smith will be the fi rst servicemember to Civil War, 426 in the Indian Wars, 110 in receive the Medal of Honor since 1993. the Spanish-American War, 86 during ac- Sometimes men wonder what they tions in the Philippines, 59 in China for the would do in certain situations. Would they Boxer War and other engagements, 119 be out front yelling, “Let's give them hell,” in World War I, 464 in World War II, 131 or would they be in back yelling, “Let's get in the Korean War, 245 in Vietnam, two Smith could have ordered his men to with- the hell out of here.” for actions in Somalia in 1993 and various draw.
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