Microbiology Research 2020; volume 11:8565 Assessment of antimicrobial nation of fatty acid). Another gland i.e. apoc- activity of cerumen (earwax) rine sweat glands release secretion that com- Correspondence: Iffat Naz, Department of bines with the sebum to form cerumen. It Biology, Scientific Unit, Deanship of and antibiotics against picks up discarded cells, ear follicles and Educational Services, Qassim University, pathogenic bacteria isolated may contain dust or other debris, but the Buraidah, 51452, Qassim, Kingdom of Saudi from ear pus samples resulting compound forms earwax or ceru- Arabia (KSA). men.6 Tel.: +966 533897891 E-mail:
[email protected] ; There are two different types of geneti-
[email protected] Iffat Naz cally determined earwax such as wet type Department of Biology, Scientific Unit, and dry type. The dry type is most common Key words: Ear pus samples; Pathogenic bac- Deanship of Educational Services, in Asians and Native Americans and has a teria; Antibiotics; Cerumen; Antibacterial Qassim University, Buraidah, Qassim, grey brownish colour while the wet type can potency. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia be found in Caucasians and Africians and has a brown or dark colour.7 About 30-50% of Acknowledgements: The author would like to South Asians, Central Asians and Pacific thanks Mr. Jamil & Miss. Javeria (M. Phil islanders have the dry type of cerumen. Scholars), for assisting in collection of ear pus Abstract Cerumen type has been used by anthropolo- samples from different hospitals of Peshawar, gist to track human migratory patterns, such KP, Pakistan. She is also grateful to Dr. Abdul The present study is focused on the Rehman for providing laboratory facilities, at as those of Eskimas.8 Further, the study of assessment of the antimicrobial activity of Department of Microbiology, Abasyn cerumen and antibiotics against bacteria earwax has shown controversy, as some University Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.