Soberton & Newtown PARISH MAGAZIN E For all the community, delivered FREE to over 700 households

December - January 2019

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100 years on since the Armistice Knitted poppy display at the War Memorial Photo by Jonty Sherwili St. Peter's. and Holy Trinity. Newtown.

SUNDAY SERVICES: Please refer to the inside pages


Licensed Lav Norman Chapman, Meadow Cottage, West Street, Soberton Minister(Reader) 01489 877378 e-mail: [email protected]

Our Ladv Queen of the Aoostles. Roman Catholic Church. St. Martin's Street, Bishop's Waltham, S032 1DN. Canon Alan Griffiths [email protected]) O2380 273882

6.00 pm. Saturday (First Mass of Sunday) 9.30 am. Sunday There are Sunday evening services in and in . For further information contact Anthony McEwen 01489 877448

The Methodist Circuit. Services in the area as follows:-

Shirrell Heath 10.30 am & 6.00 pm Waltham Chase 10.30 am Bishops Waltham 10.30 am 10.30 am & 6.00 pm Hambledon 11.00 am & 6.00 pm


Chairman: Perry Abbott 02392 632338

Editor: Penny Rowlinson 01489 877830 [email protected]

Advertisina: Anthony McEwen 01489 877448 [email protected]

Circulation: Pete Woodacre 01489 877768

Treasurer: John Rowlinson 01489 877830

Secretarv: Annie Jacob 01329 832480

Tvoesettino of advertisements and orintina: Solent Desian Studio

Front cover desian: Jontv Sherwill - - 01329 835555 ^ The last two months have certainly enabled us to participate in remembering the dead of the First ^ ^ World War. Soberton set the scene with a wave of poppies all knitted by ladies from the Stitch & ^ X Chatter group and their friends; we record our thanks to the knitters, and those who first thought of > land designed the idea and those whose enthusiasm saw the project to its fruition, including> ^ encouraging the knitters. The outer cover of this magazine has a photograph of the poppy wave' on the War Memorial. Soberton's War Memorial was admired by so many people far and wide.' xAII these activities were carried out to commemorate those who died during the First World War> ^ and previously were residents in the village. > ^ Newtown's Lych Gate memorial now has sparkling new engraved plates containing the names of ^ ^ all who lost their lives from Newtown. ^

X It's sometimes good to report on the activities of our young adults; Joe Goodlad our organist at >■ X Soberton and Newtown for the last 4 years left us at the end of September to go to BristoU University. After a month it was reported that he had settled well and was enjoying himself. He is' ^ involved in a variety of musical groups, playing the organ at St Paul's church occasionally, his ^ X musical involvement goes from Baroque to the 1980's. If you saw him in Bristol he moves around" X the town like a native. Don't be surprised if you see him on our organs during the Christmas. ' vacation. ' ' Victoria Rogers recently returned from Nepal where she took part in an 11 day trek 5,364m above ^ X sea level, she said how amazed she was to stand at the base of the tallest mountain in the whole >< X world. She would be delighted to tell you more, so do ask. x < Both Soberton and Newtown have new organists at Soberton we are delighted that Kate Jones ^ ' has replaced Joe and at Newtown Sarah Page is Joe's replacement. ^ ' We now rejoice as the Season of Advent followed by Christmas, a time to reflect especially for < families and friends and the wider world, will shortly be upon us. The magazine will contain lots of x < invitations for over the Christmas period. I however, would like to draw the following to your^ ^attention for your early consideration. On Sunday 23'^^ December at 10.00am our annuai service of ^ ' Nine Lessons and Carols will take place at Soberton. On Sunday 24"^ December the Children's H 'Nativity, blessing of the Crib and Carois will take place in Soberton at 6.00pm (do come early if^ c you wish to secure a seat). Still on the 24"^, at 11.30 pm, the first Communion of Christmas will be ^ ' held at Soberton. On Christmas morning at 10am Parish Communion and Carols are at Newtown. ^ ^A Service of the Word, Carols and Poems will be held at Soberton. At all these services you wilH = receive a very warm welcome as we celebrate Christmas - Do join us. >< I reserved these last few lines in the hope that I would be able to tell you what is happening with ^ ; regard to the Vacancy in the Benefice, the printing deadline has now been reached and my letter) must be with the Editor within the next hour. Unfortunately I have no current information which I ^ can give to you. ) I wish you all a very happy and enjoyable Christmas and I look forward to seeing you at all or 5 some of the Services. 1 r n List of Contents. December 2018 & January 2019 ^ Rage 1 Front Cover 4 Page 2 Service Information & Magazine Committee ^ Rage 3 Letter from Lay Minister C Rage 4 Contents ^ Rage 5 Advent and Christmas Services ^ Rage 6 Rocs Invitation & Christmas Eve Musicians 4r Page 7 Carols and Cheer & Welcome Spot ^ Pages 8&9 Calendar for December 2018 & January 2019 A Rage 10 Newtown fete & Newtown Poppies & Ploughman's lunch ^ Rage 11 Remembrance & 2000 poppies & Keep Fit ^ Rage 12 RBL 1 Rage 13 School & Ladies' Group ^ Rage 14 Heart Start \J Rage 15 Open Gardens ^ Rage 16 St. Clair's Meadow & Soberton Echo ^ Rage 17 Film Club & U3A ^ Rage 18 MVARA & Macmillan Coffee Morning ^ Rage 19 Lions ^ Rages 20 - 34 Advertisements ^ Rage 35 Everest Rages 36 & 37 Rostie Farewell B Rages 38 & 39 Hants County Councillor B Rages 40 & 41 Winchester City Councillors Rage 42 Funding St. Peter's & Wendy House B Rage 43 Rookesbury Hall Report and Appeal K1 Rage 44 MV Carers & Local History Society \r Rage 45 MV Garden Club & Soberton Parish Council Rage 46 Newtown Grows & Good Neighbours B Rage 47 Deanery Link & MV Play Reading Group \r Rage 48 A very Special Bus Rage 49 Bus Timetable B Rage 50 Advance Planner & Christmas Wishes Rage 51 Useful Information Rage 52 Village Christmas card I Benefice of St Peter's Soberton ★ * and Holy Trinity Newtown *


★ ★ ★ ★ I SUNDAY 23'^" DECEMBER | ★ ★ ★ ★ t 10.00 Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at St Peter's t

CHRISTMAS EVE - 24^^ December

10.00 Parish Communion and Carols at Newtown

10.00 Service of the Word, Carols & Poems at St Peter's

SUNDAY 30**^ December

10.00 Joint Service of Poems and Carols at Soberton

We look forward to welcoming you all to these services as we celebrate Advent and Christmas Rocs invite you to the Nativity Service

Monday 24^ December 6pm

...where the children act out the Christmas story, with lashings of Angels, Kings and Shepherds.

If your children would like to take part, we'd love to hear from you. All participants should arrive in the church rooms at 5.30 pm for a quick briefing.

Everyone is welcome, whatever their age, to come in costume for the service.

More details are available from the Rocs team email: [email protected] or Caroline on 01489 877430


Yes! It's that time of year again, after the success of the last ten years' Candlelight Service music, we are proposing to bring together again the talented group of musicians to play for this year's service. Chris Chapman, has agreed once again to conduct the musicians and co-ordinate the music. He looks forward to you joining the instrumentalists again, he is also hopeful of finding younger players from the parish.

On Monday 24*'^ December players will need to be in position by 5.15pm. It is hoped seating can be finalised before the rehearsal. Music will be distributed prior to the day - for some home practice if required.

If you are able to take part, please let me know as soon as possible and by email. Should you know of someone else who is reasonably proficient on an instrument, and who might like to join us - please send their details by email, I will then make contact and send an invitation. We hope you will be able to participate. Email address: [email protected] The 3Ps are delighted to welcome you to a very special evening this Christmas:

'CAROLS & CHEER' with Tamsin Rowiinson and a selection of guest performances from our talented community

An evening of carols, minced pies, a warming Wassail Cup and general seasonal merriment!

AM welcome

Thursday 13th December 2018 Y 7.00pm Y Rookesbury Hall, Newtown

There is no entry fee but silver donations are gratefully accepted to cover our costs

/• ~ Welcome Spot Where we welcome new residents to the villages.

Joanna & James Nield have moved into West Barn, West Street together with their sons Charles and Edward and two Golden Retrievers.

Jacquie & Chris Godsalve have moved into Maybush Lodge, High Street from Wickham with Georgie the dog.

Graham & Jackie Pike have moved into Courtlands, High Street, also all the way from Wickham I

We look forward to meeting you all and hope you spend many happy years among us. Please pass details of any new arrivals to the Editor, having first checked that they are happy to be mentioned ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ D'EaEM'm'S 2018 I ★ ★ ★ ^ Sunday 2"*^ 10.00 Joint Service & Rocs St Peter's ^ ★ Advent Sunday ★ ★ ★ ^ Tuesday 4*"^ 12.00 MV Carers Lunch Black Dog ^ ★ * ^★ Tuesday 4*^ 14.00 USA Wickham Centre ^★ ★ ★ ★ Wednesday 5*'^20.00 Ladies Group Church Room ★ ★ ★ * Friday 7^^ 12.30 Lunch Club Church Room * ★ ★ ^ Sunday O*** 09.30 Parish Communion [Revd Anne Boggust] Holy Trinity ^ ^ Advent 2 11.00 Matins St Peter's ^ ★ ★ ★ Tuesday 11^*^ 14.00 MV Carers panto Paterson CentreiAr ★ ★ * Wednesday 12**^ 19.00 Film Club Church Room * ★ ^★ Thursday 13*^ 19.00 Carols & Cheer Rookesbury ^ ^ Thursday 13**^ 19.00 MV Garden Club Skittles Southwick Park Golf^ ★ ★ ★ Sunday 16*^ 1000 Parish Communion [Revd Mary Morfill] Hoiy Trinity ★ * Advent 3 ^ ★ ★ ^★ Tuesday 18*^ 14.00 USA Wickham Centre ^★ ★ ★ ^ Sunday 23'^'' 10.00 Service of Nine Lessons & Carois St Peter's ^ ★ Advent 4 ★ ★ ★ * Monday 24*'' ^ J Christmas Eve 18.00 Chiidren's Nativity and Carois St Peter's ^ ^ 22.30 First Communion of Christmas St Peter's ^ ★ ★ ★ Tuesday 25th Christmas Day ★ ★ 10.00 Parish Communion [Revd Keith Wickert] Hoiy Trinity * ^ 10.00 Service of the Word Poems, & Carois St Peter's * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ^ Sunday 30*'' 10.00 Service of Poems & Carois St Peter's ^ ★ Christmas 1 ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ .1JWUAm'20l9 ★ ★ ★ ★ Friday 4'^ 12.30 Lunch Club Church Room ★ ★ ★ ★ Sunday 6**^ 10.00 Joint Communion Service & Rocs St Peter's ★ ★ Feast of Epiphany ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Tuesday 8*^ 12.00 MV Carers Lunch Black Dog * ★ ★ Tuesday 8**^ 14.00 USA Wickham Centre ★ ★ ★ * Thursday 10^"^ 12.00 Local History Society Lunch Brickmakers ★ ★ ★ ★ Saturday 12**^ 19.30 Ladies'Group party Rookesbury ★ ★ ★ ★ Sunday IS*"" 09.30 Parish Communion [Revd Elizabeth Groves]Holy Trinity ★ ★ ★ ★ Epiphany 2 11.00 Matins St Peter's ★ ★ Baptism of Christ ★ ★ ★ ★ Monday 14*^ 19.00 RBL Droxford Hall ★ ★ ★ ★ Sunday 20**^ 10.00 Joint Service Parish Communion [Revd Anne Boggust] ★ ★ Epiphany 3 Hoiy Trinity ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Monday 18.00 MAGAZINE COPY DEADLINE ★ ★ ★ ★ Tuesday 22"^ 14.00 MV Carers Paterson Centre"^ ★ Tuesday 22"^ 14.00 USA Wickham Centre^ ★ ★ ★ Thursday 24'^ 19.00 Film Club Church Room^ ★ ★ ★ Sunday 27**^ 10.00 Joint Service St Peter's ★ ★ Epiphany 4 ★ ★ ★ ★ Thursday 31" 14.45 Christingle Service for Newtown Soberton School ★ ★ ★ ★ led by Steve Campion and David Burgess Holy Trinity ★ ★ ★ ★ ^m'VA^r2oi9 ★ ★ St ★ ★ Friday 1 12.30 Lunch Club Church Room ★ ★ ★ ★ Sunday 3''*' 10.00 Joint Service & Rocs St Peter's ★ ★ Candlemas ★ ★ Monday 4**^ 19.30 Newtown Fete Planning Meeting Meonwood ★ ★ ★ ★ Sunday lO*'' 09.30 Parish Communion [Canon Anthony Huibert] Holy Trinity ★ ★ ★ 4 before Lent 11.00 Matins St Peter's ★ ★ IMPORTANT DATE FOR YOUR DIARY! rm NEWTOWN CHURCH FETE f

Saturday 25th May 2019


To be opened by Head Gardener - Chris Burt

Planning the fete is already in progress, if you are new to the village and would like to help at the fete, we would be so pleased to hear from you. It is always a very enjoyable occasion and provides a good opportunity to get to know people in the village. We would also be glad to hear from anyone with any new bright ideas! Please contact John or Sue or bring them to the Fete Planning Meeting: Monday 4th February 7.30 pm at Meonwood

JohnBarfoot 01329 833823 email: [email protected]

Sue Wells 01329 834130 email: [email protected]


Raised the magnificent total of £940.75 A big thank you to Steve Cooper, Phil & Emma Burton, Tara Smith, Karen Hartridge, Mandy Cleeve, Mary Wren, Charlies Wylie, David Adiam, our collectors, and to Scott and Kerry Wakefield at the Traveller's Rest, and Emma Howell, Head of Newtown Soberton Infant School for their contribution and to all in the village who supported this worthy cause. The total for the Droxford Branch was £6692.39 an increase of £1689.11 on the previous year.

A wonderful result. Thank you. Sue Wells


Thank you to everyone who came and supported the lunch and fair. After expenses we have raised £434 for Holy Trinity Church Funds. Remembrance in Soberton & Newtown This year, being the 100'*' anniversary of the Armistice \vhich ended the slaughter of the First World War was a specially poignant time. Local people can be proud of the efforts made to commemorate the sacrifices made on our behalf in both world wars and in subsequent conflicts. Thanks are due to the Poppy Collectors who raised £1293.36 in Soberton and, as reported elsewhere, £940.75 in Newtown. The Brownies and Guides made a magnificent, and in many ways heart-rending, display of paper poppies leading from the Church Green to St Peter's dedicating each one to a member of the district who had lost lives, while the "Stitch and Chatter" group produced enough knitted poppies to line the road from The White Lion to the striking cascade at the War Memorial. The latter has featured on TV and has led to many visitors making their way to our villages specifically to view the display. The new brass memorial plaques at Holy Trinity, Newtown's lychgate are a fitting tribute to the fallen of that parish and St Peter's hosted a moving service on Remembrance Sunday. Thanks are due to everyone who contributed to this important anniversary. Anthony McEwen, Chairman, Royal British Legion Droxford & District


The poppies have looked amazing and they have been seen not only by villagers but also by many visitors from the surrounding areas.

Without exception the trail and wave have been described as 'poignant, moving, stunning and a work of arf.

When the popples are taken down they will be collected by the Poppy Appeal organizer from the Royal British Legion . They will be stored until next November, to be sold at Salnsbury's In Hedge End.

Thank you to everyone who helped to create a beautiful centenary tribute.

St Peter's Stitch & Chatter Group


Every Wednesday In Soberton Village Hall from 10.00 till 11.00am

Further Information from Jo Chapman on 01489 877378 RBL Droxford & District Branch

75 years ago.,.

.... on 26**^ December 1943, the German battleship Scharnhorst was intercepted and destroyed by units of the Home Fleet with C-in-C Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser flying his flag in HMS Duke of York. Scharnhorst, wearing the flag of Konteradmiral Erich Bey and escorted by 5 destroyers, had been tasked to attack the Arctic convoys. She was first detected on Radar by the cruiser HMS Belfast(flagship of Vice- Admiral Robert Burnett) at 0840Z at 30 nautical miles. In company with cruisers HMS Sheffield and HMS Norfolk, Burnett's force engaged the enemy at 13,000 yards at 0921 with Afo/fo/k scoring one hit, damaging the enemy's Radar. Scharnhorst then altered south back to her base at Altenljord (Norway), the escorting destroyers having already detached due to bad weather. Meanwhile HMS Duke of York with the cruiser HMS Jamaica and 4 destroyers(one Norwegian) closed from the south-west, detecting the enemy on Radar at 1617. At 1640, Scharnhorst was engaged by Duke of York, Jamaica and Belfast, and harried by torpedo attacks by the destroyers. By 1945 she was a blazing hulk and sank with 36 survivors rescued from a ship's company of nearly 2,000. Fraser's ships sustained some damage with 11 men killed and a further 11 wounded. HMS Belfast in the Pool of London (top) and Scharnhorst(bottom)

uring 201 ailed and re expert advice from the Royal British Legion (R 1elplirie, including tries outsidci L hilst 85,118 visited RBL Pop in" centres. Admira Nurses he ped 96: d 5,112 homes were helped

ervice w SBfli'iM'il arnilios with small hou alterations. 2.459 fa ith bone inancial advice 74p directly supporte ornrnuni on fundraising a governance The next Branch meeting will be at 1900 on Monday 14'' January 2019 at Droxford Village Hall when Vice-Admiral Sir Alan Massey, KCB, CBE,formerly Chief Executive of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) will talk to us about the work of the MCA. Non-members welcome.

The Battle of the North Cape, as the action that sank the Scharnhorst became known, was the last engagement conducted purely between battleships and one of the first to make full use of Radar (Radio Detection And Ranging)for both interception and fire control. Although smaller than Bismarck (sunk 1941) and her sistership Tirpitz(badly damaged by midget submarines in 1942 and finally sunk by bombers in 1944), Scharnhorst still presented a major threat. At 26,000 tons with nine 11-inch guns, together with a range of smaller armament, she outranged and outgunned most convoy escorts, and could therefore destroy at will the merchant vessels under their protection. She was however no match for HMS Duke of York's ten 14-inch guns and, having had her Radar equipment damaged in the early stages of the engagement, lacked the advantage this equipment gave to Fraser's ships. Scharnhorst's sistership Gneisenau had been badly damaged in 1942 and took no further active part in the war. Germany still had a few heavy cruisers, including two remaining 'pocket battleships': the best-known of these was Admiral Graf Spee which was scuttled following the Battle of the River Plate in 1939, Deutschland since renamed Lutzow was under repair and Admiral Scheer was eventually sunk in 1945.

The RBL Droxford & District Branch is aiways iooking for new members, both Service and civiiian, to heip keep remembrance aiive and support our Servicemen and women, veterans and their famiiies. For more information or to Join us, piease contact the Secretary - Cdr Rob Scott RN at robmunroscottS) or 01489 877800. DROXFORD SCHOOL

With the 100"^ anniversary of the cessation of WW1 we have marked the commemoration with all children contributing to the white peace flower installations currently in place in prominent sites around the County, including Winchester cathedral.

To dovetail neatly with this all our children and staff have made fused glass poppies - 400 in fact! The outcome being that the final results jflp'' w" would form a commemorative window in the school reception as well as beautiful window hangings all around ''iMSIt 'f ■ r""'t the school. The spiritual element of fife® remembrance will be tangible for years to come. f ;liM What also defined this enrichment A- '4, ' ^ opportunity as a valuable experience was the learning environment. The children all attended the glass workshop to make their poppies - as they did with the South Downs window in the school hall. Being in a specific, dedicated studio containing large benches, glass materials, kiln, tools and a plethora of books and pictures enhanced the authenticity of experience and lasting connection to this form of artistic creativity.

Finally, apart from the pleasure of making meaning through glass, there is the historical, cultural, social and moral link to why we should remember and never forget those who gave up so much for so few.

Soberton & Newtown Ladies' Grow

In November Dr Steve Smallwood, on behalf of Meon Valley Heartstart, which is affiliated to the British Heart Foundation, gave an excellent and down to earth talk on resuscitation. We were all able to practise CPR on Dummies and feel better prepared for that sort of emergency.

The meeting on 5th December is to be held in the Church room, Soberton. We will have a Reindeer (beetle) Drive along with the usual mulled wine and mince pies. The New Year's Party is on 12^^ January 2019 in Rookesbury Hall at 7.30pm. This is open to husbands, partners or a guest.

New members are always welcome. Further details from

Liz Whales tel: 01489 877712, [email protected] MEON VALLEY

20,000 since 2000

Meon Valley Heartstart(MVHS) Is celebrating! Since it was set up in 2000, it has trained more than 20,000 local people in emergency life saving skills.

Recognized last November In the National Heart Safe Awards as the 2017 Educational Establishment of the Year, this small local community organisation Is going from strength to strength and has an ambitious vision that everyone should know how to save a life.

Scheme Coordinator David Williamson said "When we started the scheme, we had no Idea how many people we might be able to reach, but we knew that one life saved made all our efforts worthwhile. To realise that we have reached more than 20,000 people, all through the voluntary effort of our trainers and helpers and at no cost to the Individuals trained. Is something we are all very proud of."

The training offered by Heartstart provides participants with an understanding of what to do in a medical emergency and gives them practical skills In calling the emergency services, dealing with an unconscious person, performing CPR, using a defibrlllator, helping someone who Is choking, and what to do when someone Is bleeding seriously.

The training Is provided to pre-schools. Infant and junior schools, secondary schools, local businesses, GP practices, community groups and the general public. It can be tailored to different levels of ability, confidence, experience and cultural backgrounds.

Community First Responder, Robert Shields says of Heartstart "I have attended a large number of cardiac arrests and In most cases, a relative or member of the public Is already performing CPR. It Is so reassuring that this essential Intervention Is well recognised and the skills are so well practised on the occasions they are needed".

This year alone Meon Valley Heartstart's small team of qualified trainers and helpers will train over 4,000 adults and children. As an organisation completely run by volunteers, MVHS has very low overheads and can therefore keep costs down and offer Its training for free. Donations received allow the organisation to raise Its profile In the local community and keep training equipment and materials up-to-date.

Individuals or groups interested in benefiting from this training or individuals Interested in volunteering their time to help should visit for more information or contact David Williamson on 07730148920.

Forthcoming training courses available to the public Include:

05 December 6.30pm WIckham Surgery WIckham P017 5GU 24**^ January 2019 6.00pm Greens Close Day Room Bishops Waltham S032 1JT ♦ ♦ Soberton Open Gardens Sunday June 9* 2019

The Rotary Club of Fareham would like to organise an open gardens event in the village next year to raise funds for Rotary supported projects. We are seeking villagers who would be willing to allow the general public to view their gardens on a Sunday in June! We are not looking for immaculately manicured gardens nor do we expect participants to spend hours preparing their gardens for view!

We are looking for variety. Maybe you have a fantastic view. Perhaps your garden is natural. Do you have a water feature, an orchard or a wild meadow? Is your garden wooded or terraced, a riot of colour, a work of art or plain and simple?

However you describe your garden, we would love to hear from you!

How will it work?

The general public will purchase their admission programme from the village hall where we will be serving cream teas. Free transport will be provided to enable them to reach any garden whether in or Woodend! They will also have the opportunity to purchase a ride to the gardens in a selection of exotic or vintage cars! We will provide them with a map of the village indicating where the participating gardens are located and Rotary roundel signs will be placed outside these gardens. You will need to be present to greet the visitors and show them around your garden but you won't have to provide refreshments or collect any money! If you would like to support this event please register your interest in the first instance by contacting me on:

01489 877282 or 07899 701884 or by email: bob(a) Thank you and 1 look forward to hearing from you!

Bob Mussellwbite St Clair's Meadow Sub-committee Report

Since our last update in August HIWWT's contractor has completed the fencing work to the whole of the

In September the first group of eight Jersey bullocks - WWtjmMnmt later joined by another four animals - started grazing BUU the northern end of the site. It took them a few minutes hUSmUm to master their innovative drinking trough, which relies & on the cattle to operate a pump with their nose to draw jgjg ofWiciht water from the river, but they are all now experts!

As previously explained, the cattle will remain on the site until the winter rains make the site too muddy. We have been encouraged by the generally positive response to the new fencing layout and signage and it has been good to see Stage One of the HIWWT plan for the meadows completed.

Regular maintenance work continues on the meadows - one job being the felling of some trees, mainly Ash (sadly with severe Ash Die Back), in the near future.

Visitor numbers have declined since the summer, but usage of the site continues to be monitored by volunteer wardens. It is hoped that the introduction of the cattle and the signage around the site will remind visitors that this is a nature reserve and not a park. There is still evidence that professional dog walkers are using the site. It is worth pointing out to people seen with large numbers of dogs that a licence is required to use a charitable trust nature reserve for commercial activities; please refer them to the HIWWT. And of course large numbers of dogs (and small numbers too!) allowed uncontrolled access to the river causes potential damage to river banks and the chalk riverbed. If you have any questions or comments on the water meadows that you would like the sub committee to forward to HIWWT please make them via the parish website www,soberton. era using the Contact tab.

Have vou joined the Soberton Echo? Calling all residents of Soberton. Martin the Posties leaving 'do', brought our village together through lots of hard work by many people in our village. This would have been far easier if we had more immediate ways of communicating. So would you like to know more about what's going on in the village? Share some news? Connect with new neighbours? Lost a pet? Looking to sell something? Holding a charity event? Noticed something suspicious or simply want to ask a question of your fellow villagers? Why not join the new Soberton Echo Facebook Group? Just search 'Soberton Echo' in Facebook and request to join. This is a group just for our Village, you can use it as much or as little as you like. Get connected and join today! t i I SOBERTON FILM CLUB. 1 P 1 I We continue to thrive with new interested participants from the village whom we are always| I delighted to welcome. | ip i p I Our next film and our Christmas dinner will occur on Wednesday 12/12 when Paddington 2 will I I be shown. For those reading this who might wonder why I am showing a film with a teddy bear| I as the main lead, the reply is simply- it's funny! We re fully booked. I i i Ii However you might like to reserve for Thursday 24/1/19 when we will show DENIAL preceded| p I by a Norman supper, still at £10 per head.(BYG). This film deals with David Irving ,the | I holocaust denier, when he sued an American professor who taught the subject. It stars Rachel \ I Weisz and Timothy Spall. It is an excellent film. | I Please book through me as usual. I i i Best wishes i p Lyndon Dr.L.J.Palmer, 1 Gunners Mews, Bishops Waltham 8032 1 MX |i Ii 07881 991763 01489 896862 1i I

Meon Valley

Meetings are held at the Wickham Centre, Mill Lane usually on the first and third Tuesdays at 2.00pm. Taiks by Branch Members are free to members, otherwise £1.00. Visitors are weicome at a cost of £2.00.

October meetings were varied, including Winchester Part 1, by Andrew Negus, Fifteen Favourite Paintings by Harvey Griffiths and an extra meeting when the Soberton Strummers returned with their ukuleles.

December 2018 and January 2019 Meetings:

Dec 4'^ The Silk Road - Dennis Boylan, Local Author

Dec 18'^ Songs of Our Youth - Pat Matthews, Musician To include seasonal carols followed by tea and treats

Jan 8'^^ Special Interest Groups, What We Do - Branch Members

Jan 22"^ Lord Lee of Fareham - Jennifer Burkett, Branch Member

Meon Valley USA also has Small/Special Interest Groups, which mostly meet monthly in members' homes. Current groups include Classical Music Appreciation, Geology, Egyptology, Reading (3 groups). Poetry, Visual Art Appreciation, Strolling, World Faiths, Mindfulness and Meditation. These groups arrange their own venues and dates. If anyone would like to set up a new interest group we would be pleased to hear from you.

Enquiries to: Betty Hiscock 01489 894807. Website: MEON VALLEY ACTIVE RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION

Programme December 2018 & January 2019

Exercise Class - St. Peter's Churcti Hall Bishiop's Walttiam Every Monday from 10:00 to 11:15 NB: No classes on December 17'^, 24"^ or 31st Cost per individual session: members £2.00, non-members £2.50 Please note tfiere is a waiting list for this class. Contact: Chee Price 01489 893140.

Ladles' Pub Lunch. Mondays - lunches December 3"^ and 12:15 for 12:30. Check with organiser ref January lunch. Contact Chriszena Strachan 01489 893719 by the previous Monday for venue and to book a place. Please note there is a waiting list.

IT Learning Classes Autumn classes will run until 11 December; classes to be re-started in January subject to demand. Contact: Ian Wynne-Powell on 01329 833254

Advanced French Conversation - meetings held on second and fourth Tuesday afternoon of the month from 14:00 in the home of a member. Please note there is a waiting list. Contact organiser Lyndon Palmer on 01489 896862

Tal Chi - Jubilee Hall - Gold Room. Wednesday mornings. NB: No classes on 26th December There are two sessions: Beginners/less experienced: 09:00 to 10:00 Experienced: 10:15 to 11:15. Cost individual.session £3.00 for members; £5.00 for non-members Contact: Cherry Wynne-Powell on 01329 833254

Table Tennis - Priory Park Clubhouse, Elizabeth Way, Bishop's Waltham NB: No session 26"' December Wednesday afternoons from 14:00 to 17:00. New members welcome! Cost per session £3.00 for members Contact: Leslie Craddock on 01489 325894

Spanish Lessons Classes held on Friday mornings at The Stables, Free Street, Bishops Waltham. Cost £3.00 per session. Spanish I for beginners runs from 09:15 to 10:15 and Spanish II from 10:45 to 11:45. Autumn Term finishes on December M"' Spring term begins on January 4'^ and runs until April 5'^ Call John Moorhouse on 01489 896366 to discuss

Scrabble for Fun: Sessions on Friday afternoons in the small room at The Paterson Centre, Swanmore (next to the church)from 14:00 to 16:00. NB: No sessions of 21®' and 28"' December. Cost £2.00 per session. Beginners very welcome. Please be prompt! Contact: Lena Frost on 01489 894828

Theatre/Cinema visits: Visits are organised throughout the year. For information on theatre/cinema visits contact Kay Corke 01489 890727

Please come with your friends to our MA^M/LLAA/ Coffee Morning to be held at Rookesbury Village Hall on Friday February ZO:i-^

From mso to 1Z.30 Coffee, tea, savouries, biscuits and cakes. Cakes for sale. Please support this fantastic charity! A ladies Lunch Group Initiative Bringing charity into focus!

Since Helen Keller spoke at the 1925 International Convention, Lions Clubs have been carrying out Sight projects across the globe. To save the sight or to improve sight, is one of the greatest gifts that anyone can give a fellow human being. All those who have suffered from cataracts will know the relief that comes after a successful operation!

Meon Valley Lions Club has supported the Sight initiative for a number of years through the SpekTrek programme coordinated by Petersfield Lions and supported by other clubs in our District. The programme in essence is very simple - we collect old and unwanted spectacles from people who no longer need them in the UK and "recycle" them to parts of the world where people have a need and the cost of a new pair of spectacles is exorbitant by local standards. Behind the simple idea though is a massive logistical exercise and hours of hard work.

Our own Lion, Ron Wilson has coordinated our Club's collections for a number of years and this year, he was able to gain the support of the Wickham branch of the Southern Cooperative to help create a bumper pile of old glasses for the programme! In a week coinciding with World Sight Day on Thursday 11^*^ October, the shop offered us space in their entrance area for a collection bin into which the residents of Wickham happily deposited piles of old specs! In total, this collection amassed over 300 pairs, which in conjunction with collections from local schools and optometrists brought the total to 461.

All the spectacles collected in our annual SpekTrek programme go to Chichester for initial sorting. Children's glasses are separated out for reuse as are uncut lenses. Some cannot be used again but this does not mean that they are not valuable as precious metals contained in some frames and those containing gold or titanium are sorted out for selling - as indeed are Designer frames.

The sorted spectacles are then sent to Medico France in Le Havre where they are further graded before being sent to third world countries. In the last few years. Lions have donated over 2.5 million spectacles in this way. Imagine what the cost of new spectacles would be at over £100 a pair! Thanks for supporting us Wickham Co-op and thanks to all those locals who dropped off their old specs! We'll be repeating the programme in October 2019!

Keep vour eves out for Santa Can it be that It's nearly Christmas already? Yes - and the Lions are well Into planning the annual tour of the Meon Valley villages with Santa and his Sleigh. It has already been brought out of storage and given a wash and brush up for this year's fun!

Santa and the Lions will be out and about throughout the month of December, with visits to all the villages from East and at the top of the valley, to Wickham, and Knowie at the bottom. He'll also be on duty on the Saturday mornings running up to Christmas at Wickham Square, Bishops Waltham High Street and Swanmore Village Store.

The full Santa sleigh schedule will be published on the special Santa page on the Lions' website.(Just "google" Meon Valley Lions Santa.) We raised over £4,500 last year - let's see If with your help, we can surpass that this time!

Meon Valley Lions Club, 3 Bishopsgate Cottages, Suddens Road, Wickham, Fareham, P017 SLA ADVERTISMENTS Logs,Logs, Logs....

Hardwood logs delivered for log burners or open fires.

Contact: John on 07940 357 839 Woodlea Nurseries Seasoned Hardwood,

Service and repairs on site Collection & delivery Competitive rates SERVICE AND REPAIRS > Rotary blades & hedge cutter sharpening on site Specialist in ail types of mowers 'Over 10 years experience and garden machinery

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If you are over 65 it will only cost you £75* to make or update your Will. We are also Lasting Power of Attorney Specialists - only £85* each LPA if instructed during the Will appointment. Our prices include home visits and Inheritance Tax advice. Call us now for a no obligation chat on: 02392 706980 . email: [email protected] Westminster Law Ltd, Grassmere Way,Waterlooville P078QD

*ALL OUR PRICES1 INCLUDE VAT.These very special rates are only available if you are aged over 65. Our normal low price for a standard single Will is £l25,or £195 for a couple. Agricultural \. M j Contractor \4 The Village Cattery - Soberton Hedge Trimming & Ditching Paddock Maintenance & Topping Superior fioCiday accommocCatwn Groundworks, Topsoil, Roadways for yourfeCtnefriencC Tractor & Trailer, Digger & Dumper Hire Viewing welcome by appointment Tel: 01489 877768 Contact: [email protected] 1 Glencoe Cottages, Long Road, Soberton, Hants 5032 SPG or phone 07980 339893 or 02392 633930

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STUDIO 6 CHIROPODIST I PODIATRIST DESIGN & PRINT Now offering high quality colour print at lower prices Graham Howes Professional graphic design • Posters & building plans printed Above the Chemist Scanning service • Documents copied, printed & wire bound The Square FSSCh FBCPA j^nenal^sert/tce^^idammeea! Wickham HPC registered • [email protected] 01329 8321 15 Telephone: 01329 832933 [email protected] Wallops Wood Farm, Sheardley Lane, Droxford 8032 3QY DO YOU EVER WONDER?

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Party Time?

Bouncy Castles, Hog Roasts and Hot Tubs Call our branch in Wickham We do it aii! on 01329 287693 or email Wickham(S)

Contact Rob: 07858 532348 NFU Mutual

www.popupevents.compan Agent of The National Fatmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited. f^Mushroo.n catering hambledoN Bringing Masterchef CARS to the Meon Valley Masterchef contestant Gill Holland PRIVATE TAXI SERVICE provides bespoke menus that give your special occasion the wow factor! Superior Air Conditioned Cars Traditional British fare, a Thai feast or 8 Seoter Minibus Airports, Stations & Cruise Transfers a Mediterranean mezze, canapes at a Theatre, Shopping, Business drinks party to full wedding packages. & Local Travel Whatever your event give Gill a call on the contact details below: Steve & Tracey Eames M:07766 027 301 W:02392 632 375 West Down Cottage, Chalk Hill, [email protected] Soberton, S032 3PH 07879 696495,01489 876741 West Street Hambledon Hampshire MJM PLUMBING & HEATING GAMBLIN CARS Wickham based company with over 30 years experience PRIVATE HIRE Installation, servicing and repairs for oil fired boilers. Installation of new oil tanks. Installation, servicing and repairs for all natural gas appliances, domestic and commercial. Installation, servicing and repairs of all IPG FOR AIX YOUR TAXI REQUIREMENTS appliances, domestic and commercial, TEL: 01489 89-33-33 AIRPORT SERVICES TO HEATHROW AND GATWICK mobile homes and boats. LOCAI.& LONG DISTANCE Installation and maintenance of heating systems. 4-6 SEATER Central heating systems power flushed. Unvented hot water systems installed, serviced and repaired. . Carpet Fayre Ltd ^^OFTEC Reg 14371 Gassafe Reg 529990 Complete bathroom installations, including wall & floor tiling. ❖ l^rnctean Des^nllooring All general plumbing work, installation and maintenance. Ctied^ttld€.coni All work guaranteed for 12 months. Wmr n^xMBan BHtMn Telephone 01329 507712 / 07773 385946 email; info(a) Carpet • Vinyl ■ Rugs • Blinds HOME SELECTION SERVICE ■ ■ •Simon L a w s 0 n - ■ • StlOMTMPI at JEWELLERS 18S -187 Anns Hill Rsat. Gosfort P012 3RF 023 9252 5463 Beautiful Individual Jewellery

Gold & Silver made to order DOMESTIC ft COMMERCIAI Plus LAROE SELECTiON OF DES10N LEAD JEWELLERY CiRPETSft FLOORING ALSO Stones supplied ■I Open 10.00 - 5.00 Tuesday to Saturday High Street • Bishops Waltham • 01489 895575 sli®[email protected]«ulc

SYCAMORE TREE SURGEONS All aspects of tree work Pruning Surgery Felling Hedgecutting Tree Stump Removal and Site Clearance Approved contractors for local autliorities FULLY INSURED 023 9223 0146 Mob: 07889 704449 David Farrlngton 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE MARK & JUNE MASON Ray Chandler Husband and wife high quality painters and STATION GARAGE FAREHAM LTD decorators. Period to modem properties, one room to a whole building. We work around SERVICING, MECHANICAL & BODY REPAIRS, your requirements. WELDING, M.O.T. TESTING, BREAKDOWN SERVICE

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FREE RANGE EGGS Available from: %nf^ The OW Buttery, High Street, Soterton. Contact: C^rol or Barry Tel: 01489 S77389 Email: ssic Cars, rsonal Property, ptions available To advertise please contact:

eneeds Anthony McEwen 489 877988 [email protected] or 01489 877448

A WARM WELCOME AWAITS from Allan, Vicky and their team at

THE The White Lion COUNTRY School Hill, Soberton HOUSE Beer Garden, Functions, COMPANY Home Cooking and Local Beers now offering BED & BREAKFAST Property Sales Recently created 4 double rooms each beautifully appointed with en suite. Lettings Luxury accommodation on your doorstep! Management Telephone: 01489 877346 02392 632 275 [email protected] The sArvd/vew^s/ Healthv Pet Club ^S^utci&cxu/vcey

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Moore Electrical Services Chamberiain A complete and reliable service including; Installation of new circuits and repairs Fuse board upgrades IC Fault finding inspection and testing Nigel Chamberlain Landlords reports |ini||[».e— Part P registered with the NICEIC ■ SSa & Partners Independent Family Where reputationtation matters 01489 786419 FUNERAL DIRECTORS 07971 405014 serving Swanmore and Newtown since 1892 [email protected] The Gate House, Victoria Road BISHOPS WALTHAM MaUofs Wood (01489)892640 Drc'xlord * f-sampshm Bob Metcalf MBE Personal 24 Hour Service

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The Aea & Central Heating Company Services include: Oil & Gas Aga servicing, repairs and installations. Professional Grooming and Day Care Based in Soberton Heath Oil & Gas boiler servicing, repairs and installations. 01329 835332 I 07909 575417 We also provide other services such as... [email protected] • Oil tank replacement, Landlord safety installation and relocations. certificates. • LPG, natural Gas & Oil work. On-the-Spot Artist • Chimney installations. Free quotes and professional • Wood burning stoves. advice. KIRSTIN • Trenchless watermains. P Fully qualified WHITE • Mains pressure hot water. engineers. • Fuel tank spillage clearance. ^ FOR ALL WEDDINGS & EVENTS 07484 392197 phone Tel:(023) 92 388 300 [email protected] email web Based in Westiea Pummer Hants RG22AL Studio & gallery /kirstinwhitewatercoiours facebook mirstinWhiteUK twitter South Downs Funeral Service Your Independent & Family Owned Funeral Home . Mr Paul M. Lee-Bapty Dip F.D., AffU R.S.H., M.B.I.F.D Tel: 023 9223 1567 • Tel: 01329 833920 24 hour local & personal service Floristry service Stonemasonary service No deposits reciuircd Funerals arranged within 7-10 days if required [email protected] Hie Old Post Office House, Hamhledon Road, , Waterlooville P07()NN 13 The St|uarc, Wickham. Fareham, Hants P017 5JCi ' ■ ■- - - J. (ErO r'd o A i Forestry & Arboriculture • Crown Reduction/Re-shaping • Thinning/Dead Wooding • Skilled lice Reint»\al • 1 leilges Plantation Maintenance • Tree Planting • Fencing • Woodland Manageineiil • Suiinp (iriiidir Professional Qualifications • Insured in all apsects of forestr\ and tree surgery lyB For a personal and caring service contact Joe Coi don W' 24 HOUR EMERGENCY CALL-OUT • FREE QUOTATIONS Hambledon 023 9263 2418 Mobile 07712 808 081

•^CORE STRENGTH FLEXIBILITY Cleaner FLAT STOMACH Ct ill IHHGy^S JOINT MOBILITY PILATES REDUCED STRESS REGISTERED CHIMNEY SWEEPS TONING Certificates Issued, HETAS approved JMPROVED POSWRE Buy with Confidence Approved Trader Stoves, ranges, open fires swept CARRIE MANDLEY rgn Traditional and Power Sweeping PIUTES INSTRUCTOR CCTV surveys and tar reduction services PILATES PHONE 07854 413352 Paul and Eily Clements 01489 578541 or 07540 841022 R. A. Redman k ^Taylors Garage AA ? I Droxford ZST PLUMBING & HEATING Hampshire S032 SQL Tel: 01489 877433 ENGINEERS OIL LPG GAS CAR and MOTORCYCLE All Domestic Plumbing & Heating MOTS from Boilers to Bathrooms FREE ESTIMATES Service and repair to cars light commercials and horse trailers Air conditioning - service & repair Competitive prices on tyres batteries and exhausts Collection & delivery or loan car available subject to availability Tel: (023) 8047 6340 Web: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE E-mail: [email protected] Trading Standards Approved Trader Trading Standard Accredited EST1921 21} VISIT STORE or BUY ONLINE ♦ REPAIRS ♦ SERVICE ♦ PART-EX ♦ HIRE

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• Flyers

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• Booklets

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• Newsletters • Paper Labels

• Postcards

• Folders

• Posters

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Tel: 01489 892344 Email: martin a CyntHia T^ester ILpII| nil LOHDSCAPEA ground works Ltt Blinds and Curtain Track Experts Vertical • Venetian • Roller • Pleated • Awnings Free Estimates - Quality Work - Competitive Prices Canopies • Plantation Shutters • Conservatory Blinds Brick Laying • Block Paving • Patios Silent Siiss • Velux • Keylite • Luxoflex Concr^lng • Drainage • Extensions Custom mode blinds & curtains Garages• Decking • Fencing •'hirflng Full fitting service • Curtain tracks Poles • Electric • Boy specialist All other aspects of Hard and Soft Landscaping Upholstery • Traditional • Antique • Modern and Maintenance Domestic A commercial contracts undertaken KEVIN HALL 07808 496004 ,City^ m 01329832189 EmaB; mkerta@U$caB.aiMk iGuilds Please contact us for advice A no obligation quotation Tel: 01329 833784 Email: [email protected] Waste Specialists SAFER CHIMNEYS Cm, Working together for you

01489 778 202 [email protected] Member of National Association of Chimney Sweeps NACS Certificates Issued.

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Less waiting time - 2 qualified sweeps 023 9247 6458 or 07733 343530 iillS £99 per sewage collection* or 07847 466281 [email protected] £99 per treatment plant service*

Ptomi rmrttbers of £180 if both booked together* Where reputation matters Call 01489 778 202 and quote "BySewage"to redeem.

CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING ICAEW HIGH QUALITY & AFFORDABLE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS • Independent Family Run & Owned Business -15 years • Carpets, Leattier, Rug & Curtain Cleaning • Approved by Trading Standards pricTShan" Vc V Chartered Accountants • Honest & Competitive Pricing genuine quote... ^//OPS ^ Registered Auditors • Rapid Drying Times • Discounts for Whole Houses 1 - Room - £65.00 LOCAL INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS AND Can us today on: 2 - Rooms - £80.00 TAXATION ADVISORS T: 023 8055 5810 : (addiiionaJ rooms discounted) l J FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION M: 07436 266078 20"oCi F our regular price Full range of accountancy, auditing and taxation services "" UPHOLSTERY Business start up advice Book-keeping and Payroll Services

Self-Assessment Returns Inkjet Printer Cartridges Detailed Fixed Cost Quotes EPSC^*S Visits to your Premises Save Pounds on Compatible and Original Printer Avalon House, VValthani Business Park, Cartridges Today Brickyard Road,Swanmore, Southampton, Excellent Price Free Delivery S032 2SA Email [email protected] Tel; 01489 877818 Tel: 01489 896996 Fax: 01489 895255 Email: enquiries(4) WWW,inkking, co. uk Website: Victoria's Trip to Mount Everest Hello to all you lovely people! I thought you all might like to hear about my adventure to Mount Everest in the summer.

Firstly I would like to thank the Parish Mag, the churches of Newtown and Soberton, and the Soberton Allotment for the Working Poor for their support, as well as all the people that sponsored me,joined in with the quiz and craft workshops, or got involved in any other way. All I can say is that I have had the most amazing time and cannot thank you enough! In total I raised almost £3,5001! 50% went to Charity and 50% paid for my trip.

So, what did I get up to? My 11 day trek started with a flight from Kathmandu to Lukia on a little twin engine plane! This is an amazing flight, and is totally worth doing by itself due to the amazing views over the mountains. We then trekked down to Phakding (2,600m*) where we stayed for the first night. The next day was a serious hike up to Namche Bazaar (3,400m*) where we spent our first acclimatisation day, visiting Everest View Hotel and the Tenzing Norgay memorial. Day 4 was to Tengboche (3,800m*) where we got to visit one of the most famous Buddhist monasteries. Our next stop was Pangboche (3,900m*) where we left the trees behind us and we got our first view of the mighty Everest! Day 6 we visited the memoria! to those that have died on Everest before continuing up to Pheriche (4,200m*). The next day we reached Base Camp, a mighty 5,364m above sea level!! I It was so amazing to stand at the base of the tallest mountain in the whole world, in the footprints of those who have reached the summit. It was more than worth the trek to get there as the views are stunning and I will remember that moment for the rest of my life. That night we stayed at Gorek Shep (5,100m*) before getting up at 4am to start our climb up Kala Phattar (5,643m*). This amazing climb allowed us to watch the sun rise over Everest, but sadly I was not able to make it to the top, but the sunrise over Everest was still phenomenal. After our 3 day trek back to LukIa we were supposed to fly straight back to Kathmandu but were unable to do so due to terrible weather. Clouds stopped us from flying out for a week, but finally we made it back to Kathmandu. Then, after a day of sightseeing, we returned to the UK (just in time for Uni) bringing my life changing trip to an end. Although this trek was the hardest thing I have ever done, both mentally and physically, it is also theamazing most friends amazing for and life rewarding. and I cannot I have thank made my team some ^,

As for those of you who are asking 'what will my next ' adventure be?' all I can say is I'm taking a short break - from wild adventures(much to the relief of my family), but who knows, maybe I'll tackle some of those British ^ mountains... * Metres above sea level I "piineweii eoen,

On Saturday 13"^ October more than 450 villagers waved Goodbye to their long-serving postman, Martin Chapman, who for 23 years brought humour, good cheer and extraordinary kindness to all those he served in our community. A vigorous and enthusiastic team, superbly led by Sam and Matt Dunlop of Chapel Road, organised a surprise party for Martin at The Bold Forester as a tribute to a public servant who had gone far above and beyond the scope of his duties, making himself a friend, ally and aid to all his customers. An unsuspecting Martin arrived at the pub to view a display of photos and memories of his long career in the village, anticipating a small party to mark his retirement. He was astonished to be greeted by the Sing & Tonic community choir singing "Hey Mr Postman. Later, on moving into the marquee in the pub car park he found hundreds of well-wishers eager to show their thanks and respect. The Soberton Strummers ukulele band also played in Martin's honour while Lord Clarendon, one of Martin's most grateful customers, voiced the appreciation of the whole community, picking up on the many comments that Martin was simply "the best Postie ever." One of the highlights of the afternoon was the appearance of Eamonn Andrews (or was it his long-lost relative Damon, aka Ben Bracken of Chapel Road?) with an overview of Martin's life from his early days in the military and his service as a paramedic. This culminated, in true "This is Your Life" style, with the sudden live appearance of two of Martin's Airborne Brothers from his old regiment. The 1®* Battalion The Parachute Regiment, Brian Dacey BEM and Lawrence Williams all the way from Newport in Wales - a reunion charged with such emotion that everyone on the stage was reduced to tears. Soberton Brownies awarded Martin honorary membership for his outstanding service and the whole community joined in a rendition of the Abba hit. Mama Mia, amusingly adapted by the Bracken family to, "Postman Martin, Why, why, do we have to let you go?" in a moving finale to the official ceremony, which was of course, followed by several hours of private farewells accompanied by much laughter, reminiscences and music. We miss you, Martin but wish you a very happy retirement. Villagers donated an astonishing £4,808 to Martin's retirement collection which was spent as follows: £2,458 - Cheque for Martin £1,000 - 4-nlght all expenses paid stay at Le Moulin de Madame, Bergerac £275- return flights from Southampton April 2019 £640- expenses for party- refreshments, printing, decorations etc. £435 - collection ofsmall presents for Martin Including Postbox cake, village map and landmarks picture, electronic photo frame and SIM card, bouquet for Jackl and meal for Martin and guests on the evening of the party.

Sam Dunlop Is happy to provide a full break-down of costs If required. As one of Martin's customers on the west side of the A32, Lord Clarendon kindly took on the task of trying to summarise the huge contribution our departing postman has made to the community.

He drew comparisons with famous postmen of the past - Abe Lincoln, Walt Disney, Terry Griffiths - and the fictitious II Postino and Postman Pat but concluded that in Martin Chapman we had been blessed with Extracts from a (much longer) letter sent by Martin someone even more special. Martin, he said, was In which he thanks, from the bottom of his heart, nothing less than "Postman Plus." everyone who played a part in his farewell As well as performing all the duties expected of celebrations. a postman in exemplary fashion Martin was also. My Dear Soberton Friends, Lord Clarendon said: Well what a day the 13'^ October 2018 was. Postman plus Friend - taking a genuine interest From the moment my feet walked over the in all our ups and downs, knowing the names of our children and dogs, and looking out for us. step of the Bold Forester it was like being on Postman plus Social Worker - doing countless a rollercoaster. good deeds such as driving customers for medical treatment if no one else was around. I have never been treated like this in my life. Postman plus Dog Handler - Martin was famous From the choir's greeting me with "Hey Mr for his popularity with the village's canine Postman" on arrival the waterworks started population. Perhaps something to do with the gushing and the emotions flowing. supply of dog biscuits in his pocket. Postman plus Security Guard - Martin averted a The whole village turned out and I'm eternally burglary by challenging strangers at a house he grateful for that to the end of my days. Even knew to be empty. Unimpressed by their claims people who used to live in the village turned to be from Fareham Borough Council, Martin rang out from far and wide... the police who made an arrest. Postman plus Celebrity - Martin graciously "I must apologise to those I never had the accepted an invitation to open the Soberton Fete time to come and speak to. I thank everyone in 2017, fitting this important job in AFTER his from the bottom of my heart for the usual shift. spectacular day that it was. It still and will Postman plus Fashion Icon - renowned for always be in my thoughts each and every wearing shorts in all but the most Arctic conditions day. Martin inspired many at the farewell party to bare their knees while he himself, surprisingly, wore I kept all the tickets that were placed on the a smart tartan suit! trees with all your good wishes, and the Postman plus Networker- perhaps Martin's most retirement cards and gifts, to the lovely enduring legacy. Because he was interested in artwork and pictures all been signed by everything and everyone to do with Soberton he everyone, the generosity of the whole village, became a treasure trove of local information - births, deaths, marriages, events - all stored with the holiday in France, looking forward to away and passed on as appropriate. that, and the money to go with it, I'm overwhelmed please believe me. Lord Clarendon concluded by thanking Martin for his exceptional commitment to our community and This isn't farewell or goodbye, even though I wished him the happiest of retirements. won't see you every day It's "Get the kettle on and it's time for tea" and a catch up Missed the party? You can find Catch-up hopefully! video of the main speeches and the Sing&Tonic greeting song and an Once again I thank you all from me and my interview with Martin on the Julian Ciegg family. Love you all and will miss you each show on Radio Soient on the parish day, website Martin your Ex Postman. HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL report to Soberton & Newtown Parish Magazine - 16'" November

Dear Resident

You may not be aware that every month we throw away around onefi fth of ''HH thefood we buy - that's approximately £60 worth offood every month. In 9Uh Hampshire this adds up to an estimated 98,000 tonnes offood each year, J; j!' -%j|H which is 28 times heavier than the HMS Victory! Each year. Councils spend over £100 million dealing with waste producedfrom Hampshire households. y||||K Asfi nancial pressures growfor Councils, we need to look at all options to ■' reduce volumes of waste in the system to try to bring down this cost. Maybe this is somethingfor all of us to keep in mind during the festive season, or perhaps it could become a New Year resolution!

Emergency Care If you are caring for someone who needs your help due to a health condition, disability or frailty, you may find it useful to know that Hampshire County Council fund emergency planning for carers. Up to 48 hours free care may be available for the person you care for in the event of an emergency. This is a free service and no adult services assessment is needed. Telephone Freephone 0800 1691577.

Meals on Wheels — New Service Hampshire County Council has started a new Meals on Wheels Service, offering hot meals to adults aged 18+ years who have difficulty preparing food, and managing and maintaining nutrition. Delivered by Meals on Wheels provider Apetito, the service is now available to young and older adults, including those who have dementia, a learning disability, a mental health issue, a history of substance misuse, or a physical disability. The County Council's Meals on Wheels service delivers a two course hot lunchtime meal, with the additional option of afternoon tea. Meals on Wheels drivers are trained to carry out a wellbeing check in addition to the delivery of the meal. This ensures that wellbeing and safety concerns are identified and action taken in a timely way. Drivers report concerns to the relevant Hampshire County Council team or call for emergency services where necessary.

The current cost is £4.67 for a daily two course meal and £3.25 for afternoon tea. For more details see - https;//

Sibling Adoption

Across Hampshire, there are sibling groups of two or more brothers and sisters who are in need of a new family to give them a forever home. Wherever possible, these siblings are kept together for adoption. The strong bonds between siblings can help them settle into their new family and provide a child with a source of support, friendship and affection. The County Council is looking for adopters who can care for all ages of children, but especially for sibling groups and children with disabilities. Potential adopters have access to Hampshire's excellent in-house adoption support team and additional support packages may also be available. The Hampshire adoption enquiry and advice line number is 0300 555 1384

Additional Eunding for Child Care If you are a working parent or carer with a three or four year old receiving the free universal early years education entitlement, then you might be eligible for the 'extended entitlement' of 30 hours free childcare. This provides a total of 30 hours funded childcare per week if they only attend during term time (22 hours funded care per week, if they attend child care 51 weeks a year). You may be able to access the additional funding if you (and your partner) meet the working and income criteria. For more information or to find out if you are eligible, apply online at or call 0300 1234097 Flu Vaccination

Hampshire County Council is urging people at increased risk from flu or who care for someone vulnerable to book their free flu vaccine. A winter flu jab is considered essential protection for the over 65s, young children, pregnant women and carers, as well as those with pre-existing long-term health conditions or a weakened immune system. The vaccination is available free of charge from CPs and pharmacies for these eligible groups.

School children from Reception to Year 4 will get the vaccine by means of a free nasal spray at school vaccination clinics and pre-school children can receive it from the family GP. Vaccinating children aged two to nine is particularly important as they spread flu easily, putting families, other adults and the wider community at risk.

ChatHealth 0-5

This is a new text messaging service to support parents, carers and families of under 5's in Hampshire. It has been launched by the Health Visiting Service of Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust to improve access to health information and support. As the Executive Member for Public Health at Hampshire County Council, which commissions the service I am really excited to see the launch of the new ChatHealth service for Hampshire parents. This new service provides a quick and easy way to access information and advice which is particularly important for parents and carers of very young children. They can ask about a variety of topics such as sleep, growth and development, parenting, breast or bottle feeding, diet and nutrition, and behaviour - by accessing this service, in some cases visits to the GP may not be required. For more information visit -

Help a Hampshire child People from all walks of life are being encouraged by Hampshire County Council to volunteer with children and families across Hampshire. Around 150 volunteers work with Children's Services to provide valuable input into a wide range of activities including mentoring schemes and family support work, but more volunteers are always needed.

Just a few hours each week could make a world of difference to a child or young person in Hampshire. Our volunteers perform an important role, complementing our care professionals. They find it incredibly rewarding to share their life skills and experience to help a young person overeome personal difficulties, succeed at school, or improve their self-esteem - and those they support often thrive with their input.

Volunteers can choose to become a mentor, working one-to-one with a young person needing guidance, and provide support to parents and carers to improve family relationships and prevent breakdown. They can also offer support to families of children who have been permanently excluded from school or volunteer with the youth offending team to reduce harm and help to reintegrate young offenders back into the community. The County Couneil is particularly looking for volunteers to conduct interviews with young people who have been reported missing but have returned. All volunteers receive a full training programme where they leam how to appropriately support and guide young people and families. Volunteers themselves are supported and supervised by volunteer coordinators who are on hand to offer help and guidance whenever needed.

As this is my final reportfor 2018 I should like to offer my best wishes to everyone for a very Happy Christmas and a ^ -V successful New Year.

Patricia Stallard Executive Member for Public Health; Supporting Families Programme; Emergency Planning & Resilience Hampshire County Councillor Winchester Southern Parishes Division Mental Health Champion

[email protected] Winchester City Winchester District Councillors Council is on a report Nov/Dec 2018 firm financial

footing Bonfires

The team in Winchester Under the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, smoke caused by has stepped up to the bonfires may be a statutory nuisance and the City Council has powers to take action challenge and there will be against those who create a statutory nuisance or allow it to happen. Private individuals are also able to take their own action by complaint to a Magistrates no rise in city council tax Court. Case law has established that the concept of nuisance considers "reasonable next year. We feel that expectation". So in general terms the occasional small garden bonfire burning dry hard-working families wood/plant material may be acceptable, whilst burning of other household materials across the district should such as painted wood, plastics, furniture, mattresses etc would not. not pay more. Bonfires that are on land near to roads and causing an inconvenience or a danger to This means everyone's passers-by, can also be an offence under the Highways Act 1980. city council tax bill next It is often believed that there are "bonfire bylaws" controlling hours when you can year, for services like bin light bonfires; this is not the case. If you have garden waste to dispose of, try and collection and planning, compost as much as possible. Consider using a shredding machine, which can reduce will be exactly the same as hardwood materials into mulch for use on your garden. The remainder can be taken this year. to one of the household waste recycling centres. If you must light a bonfire, ensure that the material to be burnt is dry. This will minimise the amount of smoke Leader of the Council, produced. Caroline Horrill said: *1* Do not light a fire when the weather conditions might cause the smoke to "The city council has travel into your neighbours garden or property. recently been praised by ❖ Remember that smoke will hang in the air on a damp, windless day and in external auditors for its the evening around sunset financial health so we can freeze bills for everyone in *t* Position any bonfire as far away from buildings as possible. Do not light a 2019/20. fire if the wind will carry the smoke over roads. "We have made this ❖ Never leave a fire to smoulder - put it out with water or soil. pledge because we're *1* Remember, heaps of garden refuse provide a haven for small animals such as hedgehogs. Check before you light. innovative in how we ♦♦♦ Take care to keep children away from a bonfire. Supervise burning as much generate income and we as possible. have made sure this *1* Bum only dry plant/wood waste. Avoid burning any wood that is council is more efficient. treated/painted or any other household waste. "Funding pressures remain, but we want to make sure residents do not have to pay more city New Sport & Leisure Centre passes Key council tax. Milestone Planning permission has been approved for The Winchester Sport & Leisure Centre to be built at Bar End. The new Leisure Centre at this location will cost in the region of £38 million. Partners include the University of Winchester, The Pinder Trust and i Season's Greetings Hampshire County Council. The new centre will comprise of a modern, inclusively- Ifom your councillors, designed, fully accessible building set in a park setting enabling the District's wishing you a restful and communities to engage in a wide range of indoor and outdoor sporting and leisure enjoyable holiday. activities. It will include a 50m swimming pool, teaching and training pool, splash pad, an eight-court mutli-use sports hall, squash courts, Hydrotherapy Suite Fitness suites, treatment/personal therapy rooms, studios, clip and climb, cafe and more. The vision reflects the sporting needs and aspirations of our District. Winchester City Council committed to Dogs The worrying of livestock by dogs is a criminal offence contrary to the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953. Keep full control of your dog when out build homes for local and about in the countryside - or you could face prosecution. "The worrying of people livestock by dogs is a criminal offence. Owners of dogs need to be aware of the At Winchester City Council we are importance of being in full control when in the countryside and around livestock and building 600 new homes for local wild animals. If an animal is injured or dies as a result of a dog attack, the animal's people in the Winchester district. owner has the right to seek compensation. This can be from the dog owner or the This ambitious target makes the person in control of it when the attack occurred. This can include the cost of the council one of the biggest affordable home builders in the animal, vet bills and the cost of removing and destroying it. country. We believe this ❖ Keep your dog on a lead when in an area with livestock investment is vital for sustaining all ❖ If there is no livestock visible, keep the dog in sight at all times, be aware of our communities and the newly what it is doing, and be confident it will return to you promptly on command opened home for elderly residents - if you cannot be confident of this, the dog should not be off the lead at Chesil Lodge is doing just that. ❖ Ensure your dog does not stray off the path or area where you have right of

access Survey Hampshire County Council has set The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities up to give people a say in the Vision for Hampshire 2050 involving Animals)() Regulations 2018 process. The closing date for input on the Rural Theme is 21 Came into force on 1st October 2018, replacing previous legislation. Licences are December 2018. If you have not required for the following activities; yet completed the survey, do follow Kennels the link below and share your Catteries views on the economic, social, Home boarding of dogs technological and environmental changes that you think are likely to Day care for dogs affect rural communities over the Selling of animals as pets next 32 years. Dog breeders Riding Establishments and the hiring out of horses The keeping or training of animals for exhibition thecouncil/haveyoursay/visionf Should your business consist of more than one of the activities above, you will need orhampshire2050 to apply separately using the appropriate applications forms and will need to pay for both licence activities separately. The exception is animal boarding (which includes Useful links kennels, catteries, home boarding of dogs and day care for dogs)- these may be Service status applied for using the same application form and you only need to pay a single licence fee of £200. All licensable activities at the same premises will be combined waste-recycling/service-status on a single licence. The regulations can be viewed here. Bin Collection and Calendar http://www. Winchester .gov .uk/b ins Winchester City Council responds to Southampton Airport masterplan Winchester City Council has responded to Southampton Airport's draft masterplan. The airport is aiming to more than double its passenger numbers over the next Contact your decade and to do this, it is planning to extend the northern end of the runway by councillors: around 170m, which will potentially enable larger aircraft to take off and travel to a Linda Gemmell wider variety of European destinations. The council supports in principle the growth [email protected] of the airport and its value to the local economy, however it does want to see the

Frank R. Pearson infrastructure provided to accommodate the airport's growth. [email protected] This would take into the account the potential impact on air quality and details of measures put in place to address the airport's carbon footprint. The council has also Vicki Weston asked for more detailed information to be made available to show that the district's [email protected] residents would not be affected by noisy aircraft. Funding St Peter's

It costs some £35,000 a year to run St Peter's and ail this must be raised locally through private donations. Of this, just under half goes towards the running of the church with the remainder going to the Diocese of Portsmouth as our Parish Share. Additionally, as a Grade 1 Listed building, there are occasions when expensive restoration work is required.

Income is donated by parishioners and visitors through collections, regular standing orders. Gift Aid that can add 25% to any donation from UK taxpayers (and, if you're a higher rate tax payer, you can claim back the difference), dividends and interest from investments, the summer fete and other fundraising activities, weddings and funerals (although a proportion is payable to the Diocese), hire of the Church Rooms, tax refunds and bequests. In 2017, our income was nearly £37K with fete proceeds accounting for 32% of this.

Fete income can be unpredictable as it's so weather-dependent. We have been fortunate It's from the church fundraising in recent years that the weather has been committee. They want us to buy reasonable with 2018 proving exceptionally tickets to the win-a-cruise raff.e. dry, warm and sunny. In recognition of the many non-regular churchgoers who help make the fete so successful, we donated £1,250 towards the purchase of St Glair's Meadow in 2017; this year, we were able to give £500 each to the Meon Valley Food Bank, Portsmouth Street Pastors and our local Guide Hut. We can't always guarantee being able to do this as our primary responsibility is to support your church.

The Church of England costs over £1 billion a year to run and % of this is raised through Parish Shares donated by 12,500 parishes in England and Wales. The remaining % comes from income generated by an £8.3 billion property and investment portfolio managed by the Church Commissioners. Soberton's Parish Share is currently £19.5K per annum, determined by average weekly attendance and a factor based on the perceived wealth of the area. This helps pay for clergy stipends and other salaries. National Insurance contributions, pensions, clergy housing, Council Tax, training and the 'Mission' of the Church of England as a whole.

Routine expenditure includes church, churchyard and green maintenance, electricity, water and telephone, insurance, organ and clock maintenance, and miscellaneous admin costs and requisites. Our outlay varies but, in 2017, it was nearly £32K but this did not include any major restoration projects. With ongoing restoration of the Curll Chapel and other essential work, together with a major overhaul of the organ, 2019 is likely to prove very expensive.

Rob Scott Honorary Treasurer, Soberton PCC


The Editor was delighted to visit our Village School and declare open the new Wendy House purchased with Magazine funds. The wooden house was custom made and the School has bought additional resources to support its use in a variety of ways for the childrens' fun and learning. Rookesburv Hall Chairman's Report - November 2018

Last year we spent a lot of money smartening up the exterior of the hall and this has continued with the erection of a new sign and the drastic cutting back of the hedge at the front by the Parish Notlceboard to make It easier to see the sign. This year we have concentrated on smartening up the Inside of the hall and every room, with the exception of the store room, has been repainted. The feedback from hall users has been very positive.

The electrical system has undergone Its five year check for safety and to meet the latest electrical standards and the last piece of work has been completed to bring the fire alarm system up to date and to comply with the latest regulations. This will ensure a safe environment for the hall users.

Unfortunately vandals ripped the down pipe from the wall at the rear of the building earlier this year. It has been repaired but It Is such a needless waste of our finances.

We have lost two committee members this year, John Hasklns and Ann Pendred. Ann, who Is a dedicated founder member of the village history society, wrote a little book about the history of the hall. She has never taken any credit for this and she has allowed us to reproduce It and sell It with the proceeds going Into our funds. She also ran the children's section at the jumble sales for many years. We added her name to the brass plaque In the entrance hall and she will be missed very much.

We held our usual Jumble Sales In April and October. The April sale was very good but unfortunately the Portsmouth News failed to place our advert for the October sale for which we had paid so there was a very small turnout and we lost about £150 In expected sales. This was very unfortunate as we were given so much Jumble and we had a lot of people helping with the sale. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helps us with the jumble sales. The committee couldn't manage without your help.

Our bookings have been very good this year. We have now added Keep Fit, Yoga and Pllates classes to our regular programme of events and a monthly Dog Therapy Class.

We have not laid on any entertainment this year and I don't think we will be able to organize anything until we have more committee members. This Is a problem which we will have to address In the coming year.

Sue Miles, Chairman

We Need You!

As I have stated In my report, we need some new committee members. Rookesbury Hall Is doing very well with regard to bookings and financially but we need some new committee members.

Could you give us some time? With the exception of August and December we meet each month at 7.30pm for about an hour and a half. No one Is expected to attend every meeting but It Is great If you


If you are Interested please telephone me. Sue Miles on 01329 8321S Or email [email protected] NEON VALLEY

MEON VALLEY CARERS GROUP NEWS Registered Charity No. 1107865 Promoting a positive way of living with dementia

Caring for someone with dementia can be challenging, stressful and very demanding. But, with the right support, it can be rewarding. It is well worth remembering that your needs as a Carer are just as important as the person you are caring for, so please do make sure you are registered as a Carer with your GP.

With Christmas just around the comer, for many Carers looking after people with dementia, this can be a very anxious time. The cold weather and dark evenings mean they are less likely to go out and therefore, they can feel more isolated.

We are a small group of volunteers who are able to lend support to members that may be finding life difficult at times. We meet up twice a month for a couple of hours to listen and share experiences and stories, which can sometimes be a lifeline for Carers. We are always happy to welcome new members and if you would like any more information, please contact us by telephone/email as shown below.

We are also looking for someone with up-to-date admin/computer skills that could spare two to three hours on a Monday morning to help out in the office. If you think you may be interested we would love to hear from you so please contact us using the details below. Lastly, can we take this opportunity to wish all our readers and members a Very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. If you would like to volunteer, or you would like more information about the group, please contact us using the details below. 4"^ Dec Pub Lunch at The Black Dog, Waltham Chase 12 noon 11"^ Dec Group Meeting at The Paterson Centre 2pm An afternoon of fun, music and laughter with the travelling panto. Puss in Boots 8*^ Jan Pub Lunch at The Black Dog, Waltham Chase 12 noon 22"^ Jan Group Meeting at The Paterson Centre 2pm Songs to entertain and join in with provided by Lee

Meon Valley Carers Group, at the Paterson Centre, Church Road, Swanmore Mon 9.15 am —1.15pm, Tel: 01489 895444. E-Mail [email protected]

r Local History Society

Thursday 10th Jan 12 noon Local History Society Annual Lunch BrIckmakersArms Meon Valley Garden Club

In September, Roger HIrons the Plant Doctor gave a very well attended talk on woodland gardens. There Is not a lot he doesn't know about plants, especially using the right plant In the right place. He used real plants not slides to illustrate his talks which made it really enjoyable. These plants were snapped up by our members at the end of the evening.

Our Autumn plant sale was quieter than usual probably due to the inclement weather. So, the people who did come got some real bargains.

As we end another year for the Garden Club I would like to thank everyone who has organised, helped and attended our events. Without you we would not be such a successful club.

Enjoy the festive season and if you have time you could start planning your 2019 garden, probably from your armchair.

If you would wish to join the club, please contact our Membership secretary Phil Butler on 01489 877596 or [email protected]

Caroline Harris, Secretary More information on

DIarv for December & Janf&earlv Feb)

Thursdav 13th Dec Skittles Evening Southwick Golf Club 7.00pm Januarv 2019 No meeting Thursdav 7"^ Februarv Bugs by Chris Bird Droxford Hall 7.30pm

Soberton Parish Council - Notices

The Parish of Soberton and Newtown's Act of Remembrance marking the Centenary of Armistice Day consisted of a trail of knitted poppies culminating in a 'wave' embracing the War Memorial on the High Street Soberton. Our thanks to Sandra Henderson, Stitch and Chatter and ladies of the wider community who knitted over 1500 poppies. Our particular thanks to Susan Hyland assisted by Joanna Hyland for designing and installing the Wave. Thanks also to the Brownies who created paper poppies displayed on the approach to St. Peter's Church which individually recognised residents of the Parish who gave their lives in the conflict. The brass plaques on Lych Gate at Holy Trinity Church Newtown have been renewed for the Centenary.

In St. Clair's Meadow, we are advised by the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust that Ash Die Back is affecting several trees around the meadow and by the river. These trees will be felled in the next two months with the logs stacked and left on site to encourage biodiversity.

The skateboard ramp located at the Recreation Ground, Heath Road will be removed shortly; unfortunately it is structurally dangerous and too expensive to repair. The Parish Council is considering the possibility of building a Multi Use Games Area on the site. This will be able to be used for Tennis, Basketball, Netball, Badminton and other court games. We will be seeking grants over the next few months to consider the feasibility of this proposal.

The Flood Action Group has delivered letters to the houses on Heath Road reminding residents to clear the ditch between their house and the Road in order that a free flow of rain runoff will drain south towards the river. The difficulty on Heath Road is that all the ditches and culverts need to be clear or the water will back up, possibly causing flooding. Newtown Grows

The impact of Hundred Acres can be seen in the population returns of Wickham and Soberton in the 1841 and that of 1851. Soberton parish increased very significantly while Wickham showed a marked decline. Another factor contributing to the population growth of the 'new' ecclesiastical parish of Newtown can be seen in the number of births against the number of deaths. The baptism and burial registers are a reasonable indicator and in the first five years from the records starting there were 102 baptisms against 30 burials and by June 1861 there had been 194 baptisms against 68 burials.

The first five vears of Holv Trinitv's baptism reaisters Nine Searle children were christened in the first five years. Letitia (1850), William (1851) and Charles (1853) were children of George and Sarah Searle of Newtown (later of Cherry Gardens). George (1850), Fanny (1852) and Louisa 1854 were children of Charles and Harriet Searle of 100 Acres. James & Elizabeth also of 100 Acres had Susan (1851)and Samuel (1853). While a Harriet Searle of Newtown had son, John, christened in 1852. There were also several branches of the Lacey family. James (1851, died 1852), Harriet (1852), William (1853, died at 9 weeks old) and Jane (1854) were the children of Edward and Harriet of 100 Acres. Rosetta (1852) daughter of Robert and Jane also 100 Acres. While Caroline Lacey of Charles Wood had 2 children christened, Harriet(1851) and Thomas (1853). The Newman family name also increased in this period. John (1851) and Mary (1853) whose parents were Henry and Sarah of Soberton (later Roys farm). Thomas Weeks(1851) and Charles Arthur (1853)sons of Charles and Fanny of Newtown. The Lutman Family of 100 Acres had four christenings. Helen Matilda(1850) and George (1855) children of Henry & Susan also Lydia (1851) and Emma (1853) daughters of James and Mary Anne. Charles Pink of the family who built Newtown's church, then of Wood End, had three children christened in the church whilst George and Mary Anne Pink of 100 Acres had a daughter christened in 1851. The Rev. William Allen's daughter Florence was christened in 1852 before they moved into the Newtown Parsonage but they were there before Caroline was christened in December 1853. Whilst neighbours and schoolteachers David and Elizabeth Hill had Emily christened (1853) and James Edqar (1854). The Cleeve and the Crook families had not yet started multiplying!! Everybody needs Good NGiahbOUrS at some time How to you get to the doctor's or hospital appointments if you can't drive because of illness or injury? Call a friend perhaps. Or maybe persuade someone in the family to give you a lift. If that's not possible, people in Newtown and Soberton are lucky enough to have another option - The Good Neighbours group, which answers dozens of calls every year -from young and old (and in between)- for assistance with medical appointments and getting to lunch clubs. The group has about 20 volunteer drivers who use their own cars, so we can usually find someone to help, provided we get reasonable notice. All our drivers are DBS (formerly CRB)checked. The Good Neighbours Group has been part of village life for 28 years and, as part of the Good Neighbours Network umbrella group run by the local dioceses, is fully insured for public liability, personal accident and monetary loss. The group makes a charge for the service to cover fuel and wear and tear. The charges(see box below)should be paid direct to the driver.

Wherever practical your driver will wait Swanmore/Droxford and back £3.50 and bring you home. If your appointment Wickham/Bishops Waltham and back £4.50 is long we may need to book a second Q.A. Hospital and Fareham £7.00 driver to collect you. Fareham Community Hospital £10.00 Parking charges will be extra. Winchester and Southampton Hospitals £13.50 If you would like to find out more or to book transport please ring one of our Co-ordinators Sue Musselwhite on 01489 877282 or Phil Bergin on 02392 632551. You can also find these numbers on the inside back page of the magazine. News from the Bishop's Waltham Link with the Hackney Deanery Prize Onions, Monev and Cows' Foot Stew

The thirty year old Link between the Deaneries of Bishop's Waltham and Hackney has had a rewarding year. In July fifty friends from Hackney came to Bishop's Waltham on a sunny summer Saturday. After meeting helpers from most of our Deanery Churches over lunch the visitors explored Bishop's Waltham and very much enjoyed the Gardening Club's Flower and Produce Show in the Jubilee Hall, including the prize onions, the Bishop's Palace, Museum and our range of shops. Then we worshipped together in St Peter's with the music H|.' |f||; jj, .!i: provided by Jazz Pianist Derek from St James' Church Clapton. Three week's later twelve of us from the Bishop's Waltham Deanery went to Hackney for our annual Walk of Prayer visiting HHHIf' some of our partner Churches, praying with them and giving . them the gifts from our Deanery which support various Church \ ' '*1^ run projects meeting urgent social needs in East London. The Cows' Foot Stew was a joke which started when we'd asked on a ^ previous visit about seeing Cows' Feet on a stall in the famously BJy ^ cosmopolitan Ridley Road market near St Mark s Church, ^^^Dawnpre^^hn^ourchequ^oSister Dalston. St Mark's was the last Church on our Walk of Prayer. I ybby gt st Saviour's Priory 2018 They provided a grand tea but as we were tucking into our ~~ sandwiches and cakes suddenly came out of the kitchen with steaming bowls of cows'foot stew which, they said with big grins on their faces, they're made as a special treat so we could try it out. Not wanting to let our Deanery down we set to and can report it's a bit like thick oxtail soup but would come better on a menu for a cold January than a hot August. The Link Committee representing most of the parishes in the Deanery would like to build on these friendships and the Deanery Synod has agreed to continue our grants to the Hackney parishes in 2019. Their churches work in different ways to meet urgent social needs. The projects include the Hackney Winter Night Shelter which gives a hot meal and safe overnight sleeping to about forty men and women every night using church halls, several day time food projects. Street Youth work in Hoxton and a summer holiday scheme for children who otherwise wouldn't have a holiday. Our support comes from donations from each church in our Deanery and from individuals. If you would like to help too this Christmas then cheques can be sent to our Deanery Treasurer, Cdr Rob Scott, Rose Cottage,Chalk Hill Soberton S032 3PH or to me at Ellwood, Garfield Road Bishop's Waltham S032 lAT. You may like to note the proposed date for next year's Walk of Prayer, Saturday August 16'^^ when we'll almost certainly be walking through the market when you can buy your own cows' feet to try out ready for Masterchef next winter.

Norman Chatfieid (Deanery Link Co-ordinator) Sue Wells(Deanery link representative for Newtown and Soberton) [email protected]

MEON VALLEY PLAY READING GROUP A fun evening, reading a different play at each meeting. A charge of £3 pays for rent, coffee, etc.

We meet on 2"'' Tuesday each month at 7.30pm In the Meon Hall New dates are Tuesday 11*^ December and Tuesday 8**^ January.

More details? 'Phone Paul or Gerry Hayles - 01489 878589 A VERY SPECIAL BUS

You may have seen it at Its current home, Soberton Village Hall Car Park, or passing through the village on certain days of the week. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays It leaves Soberton to make Its way further up the valley to collect passengers before re-entering the parish via Brockbrldge, Station Road, School Hill, High Street and through Webbs Green. On Mondays and Wednesdays the route Is via Chapel Road and Heath Road and then the A32 to Fareham. On Thursdays the route Is via Maybush Lane to Newtown, where there Is a Park and Ride facility at Rookesbury Hall. From there the route Is via Lodge Hill and Hundred Acres Road joining the A32 by WIckham Church. Both routes allow passengers to enjoy the beauty of the Forest of Bere.

There are two destinations In Fareham. The first delivers passengers almost to the doors of the shopping precinct and the library and the second to close to the doors of Salnsburys at Broadcut. You have the option of spending all of the two plus hours In the one place or spending the first part In Fareham and then the minl-bus will transport you to Salnsburys for the final hour. A true blessing when It Is raining as you do not have to locate your car somewhere In the car park, the minl-bus arrives at the covered 'pick-up' point and the drivers are most helpful with your shopping bags. Even better Is that the drivers try to deliver you as close to your home as possible and assist you leaving the vehicle with your shopping.

On Fridays the mlnl-bus leaves Soberton Village Hall, the car park of which can be used as a Park & Ride, for Winchester on the 1®' & 3"^ Fridays, Waterloovllle on the 2nd and on the 4'^ Friday to Petersfleld. All Information Is printed In the parish magazine. Whichever route used to Winchester has wonderful views which car drivers cannot always appreciate. For anyone who Is unable to drive for whatever reason or wants to avoid the hassle of parking, the Meon Valley Community Bus Is an excellent method of transport and Is open to the community. You do not have to be old and grey. Those who do not meet those criteria are asked to pay £5 for a return journey or £2.50 for a single. How much does car parking cost In the centre of a town? On a personal note due to a change In circumstances at the beginning of this year the community bus service has been a lifeline for me, not just for shopping but for the social aspect. One soon got to know the regular users and there Is seldom a journey without a great deal of banter and laughs. The drivers are brilliant, I would like to express my thanks to them, all of the committee and others who voluntarily provide this excellent service.

A very satisfied passenger.

N.B. A Bus Timetable is printed on facing page

Droxford Community Hub and Heritage Centre Community and Church working together

Exhibition and Gift Dav

Droxford Church Sunday 2"" December Tea and Cakes 2pm -6pm Led by Reverend Tony Forrest, Rector Drop in and see how you can be part of an exciting project which wiii help to shape our community and church for the next generation. Reverend Tony Forrest and the Project team will be on hand to answer questions and to receive pledges and offers to raise funds for our £75,000 Appeal.

The Community Hub Project; The Appeal — progress and pledges; The Future of the Church in Droxford; Heritage Centre Volunteering; Wiifrid's Cafe Meon Valley Community Bus Association 0903 Brockbridge, The Hurdles PH Mondays to FAREHAM 0907 Droxford Square(PARK and RIDE) 0920 West Meon, Long Priors 0912 Triangle 0923 West Meon, Thomas Lord PH 0914 Meonstoke Pound Cottages 0924 West Meon, Doctor's Lane 0917 Meonstoke PO & Stores 0928 West Meon, Meonwara 0919 Exton The Shoe PH 0933 Wamford Village Hall 0923 Wamford Village Hall 0940 Meonstoke PO & Stores 0928 West Meon, Long Priors 0942 Meonstoke, Pound Cottages 0931 West Meon, Thomas Lord PH 0945 Meonstoke Triangle 0933 West Meon, Doctor's Lane 0950 Droxford Square(PARK & RIDE) 0936 West Meon, Meonwara 0954 Brockbridge, The Hurdles PH 0955 Winchester Broadway 0957 Soberton Village Hall(PARK & RIDE) 1000 River Park Leisure Centre 1001 Webbs Green, War Memorial Return: 1005 Soberton Heath, Chapel Road pond 1155 River Park Leisure Centre 1007 Soberton Heath, Bold Forester PH 1200 Winchester Broadway 1009 Sob' Heath, Liberty Rd / Heath Rd post box 1025 Fareham Library 2"** Friday each Month to WATERLOOVILLE 1030 Sainsbury's, Fareham 0920 West Meon, Long Priors 0923 West Meon, Thomas Lord PH Return: 0924 West Meon, Doctor's Lane 1230 Sainsbury's, Fareham 0928 West Meon, Meonwara 1235 Fareham Library 0933 Wamford Village Hall 0937 Exton, The Shoe PH Wednesdays to FAREHAM 0940 Meonstoke PO & Stores 0940 Meonstoke PO & Stores 0942 Meonstoke, Pound Cottages 0942 Meonstoke, Pound Cottages 0945 Meonstoke Triangle 0945 Meonstoke Triangle 0950 Droxford Square(PARK & RIDE) 0950 Droxford Square(PARK & RIDE) 0954 Brockbridge, The Hurdles PH 0954 Brockbridge, The Hurdles PH 0957 Soberton Village Hall(PARK & RIDE) 0957 Soberton Village Hall (PARK & RIDE) 1001 Webbs Green, War Memorial 1001 Webbs Green, War Memorial 1006 Newtown, Liberty Road 1005 Soberton Heath, Chapel Road pond 1009 Newtown, Rookesbury Hall (PARK & RIDE) 1007 Soberton Heath, Bold Forester PH 1025 Waterlooville Waltrose 1009 Sob' Heath, Liberty Rd / Heath Rd post box 1030 Waterlooville Sainsbury's 1025 Fareham Library Return: 1030 Sainsbury's, Fareham 1230 Waterlooville Sainsbury's Return: 1235 Waterlooville Waitrose 1230 Sainsbury's, Fareham 1235 Fareham Library 4"* Friday each Month to PETERSFiELD 0900 Soberton Village Hall(PARK and RIDE) Thursday to FAREHAM 0903 Brockbridge, The Hurdles PH 0920 West Meon, Long Priors 0907 Droxford Square(PARK and RIDE) 0923 West Meon, Thomas Lord PH 0912 Meonstoke Triangle 0924 West Meon, Doctor's Lane 0914 Meonstoke Pound Cottages 0928 West Meon, Meonwara 0917 Meonstoke PO & Stores 0933 Wamford Village Hall 0921 Exton The Shoe PH 0937 Exton, The Shoe PH 0925 Wamford Village Hall 0940 Meonstoke PO & Stores 0945 Petersfield Waltrose 0942 Meonstoke, Pound Cottages Return 0945 Meonstoke, Oxendown 0949 Brockbridge, The Hurdles PH 1200 Petersfield Waitrose 0952 Soberton Village Hall(PARK & RIDE) NOTES: 0956 Webbs Green, War Memorial 1. The bus does not run on Christmas Eve, New Years 1001 Newtown, Liberty Road Eve or Bank Holidays. 2. Fares to all destinations are £5 adult return / £2.50 adult 1004 Newtown, Rookesbury Hall(PARK & RIDE) single. Concessionary passes accepted. Children under 16 1008 Hundred Acres pay half fare and under 5s free. 1025 Fareham Library 3. Request halt operates at Station Road lay-by between 1030 Sainsbury's, Fareham Brockbridge, The Hurdles PH and Soberton Village Hall. Return: 4. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 1128 the bus will take passengers at Sainsbury's to Fareham Library 1230 Sainsbury's, Fareham and at 1132 from Fareham Library to Sainsbury's. 1235 Fareham Library 5. Timings for all trips are strict and the bus will not wait after scheduled time. 1st^ 3rd Friday each Month to WINCHESTER 6. For the return journey, priority will be given to returning 0900 Soberton Village Hall(PARK and RIDE) passengers over "one way only" passengers. A very merry Christmas ancC a fiappy 2019 to aHour

Many thanks from the Magazine Committee to all those who have helped with the Magazine throughout the year. ts now the time to offer your services as Editor? Any member of the Committee would love to hear from you. (Phone numbers inside thefront cover) Local information

EMERGENCY 999 District Counciiiors(N) Frank Pearson 01489 892822 POLICE Vicki Weston 01329 835 161 Non-emergency 101 District Counciilor(S) Linda Gemmell 01489 895023

Beat Surgeries Rookesbury Hall Altemate Fridays County Councillor Patricia Stallard 02392 251484 10:00 to 12:00 Droxford 01489 877588 Brownie & Guide Leader Caroline Rogers 01489 877430 DOCTORS'SURGERIES Wickham 01329 833121 Denmead 02392 239630 CAB 01489 896376

Good Neighbours Group Sue Mussellwhite 01489 877282 Age Concern Head Office 0800 328 7154 Co-ordinators

Phllomena 02392 632551 Film Club Lyndon Palmer 01489 877174 Bergin Wickham 1st Wed 2.00-3.00 Local History Chairman Duncan Colin- 01489 877237 Baby Clinics Comm.Centre Jones Waltham Chase 4th Wed 10.-11.30 Soberton Football Keith Moran 01329 834 897 Village Hall 111 Soberton Players Susan Hyland 01489 878724 N.H.S. Direct

Social Services Direct 0845 600 4555 Soberton Hall Secretary Sue Houlding 01489 878554

Hants Carers Helpline 08457 221122 Table Tennis Club Pete Woodacre 01489 877768

Adrian Hunt 01489 878141 Soberton Hall Booking Rosemary Taylor 01489 877256 Ladies Group Liz Whales 01489 877712

[email protected] Meon Valley Lions Club Ian Adams 0845 833 7812

Rookesbury Hail Booking Jenny Doney 01329 834392 SOBERTON PARISH COUNCIL

[email protected]. uk Chairman John Hyland 01489 878724 Vice-Chairman Vicki Weston 01329 835161 Guide Hut Booking Caroline Rogers 01489 877430 Finance Arabella Tumer 01489 878409

Planning Tim Pickford 01489 877602 CHURCHES

Church Wardens (N) Fra Wells 01329 834130 Open Spaces Barry 01489 877978 Barry Rowswell 01329 834671 Henderson 01329 832959 Church Wardens (S) Louise McEwen 01489 877448 Roads, Footpaths and David Salmon 01489 878659 Transport Bob Stranks 01489 878270 Tony Collins 07876 887899

PCC Secretary(S) Norman 01489 877378 St Clair's Meadow Jane Masterman 01489 878580 Chapman Capt. Of Bells(S) Noel Evans 01489 877271 Flood Action Bob Stranks 01489 878270 Rachel Hicks 01329 835050 Churchyard Keeper (Sob) John Lester 01489 878557 Clerk & Proper Officer Norman 01489 877378 Chapman

Please e-mail copy for the Magazine to Penny Rowlinson [[email protected]] For copy date, see Calendar pages We wish all our friends in Soberton and Newtown a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


A and E JCand H Jennie Dover Etienne Brown VIckl and Jonty Jane Beardmore Marianne Barker The Wells Family Hilary Westwater The Rennle Family Dick and Rosemary Liz and Nigel Whales David and Sue Adiam Meg and Brian Sparks Mike and Ros Vogado Robin and Mary Wren Helen and Bob Stranks David and Jane Salmon David and Jill Williams Zoe and Simon Phillips Pete and Jill Woodacre Robin and Peter Hughes Sue and Steve Houlding Tony and Connie Collins Franky and John Watklns Jon and Barbara Richards Faith and Chris Mortimer Perry and Denlse Abbott Sue and Bob Mussellwhite Lynn and Michael Denlson John and Penny Rowllnson David and Georglna Ersklne Adrian and Jane Baskervllle Duncan and Carol Colin-Jones Richard and Jennie Blackburn Ian and Cherry Wynne-Powell Jan Jarvie and Caroline Lambert Ron and Gill French (MIsllngford) Jane Masterman and Andy James Elizabeth Woods and Stuart Thom Elizabeth Benson and Tom Busher Gus and Liz from Deepest Cornwall Hugh Pringle, Phllomena and Patrick Mike, Jess, Harvey and Elliott Jenkins Roger SalvettI and Jennie Butterworth Susan, John, Patrick and Joanna Hyland Charles and Jean Wylle and all the Wolz Sam, Matt & the Whippets from Priory Cottage 'Allan, VIckl, Morgan and all the staff at the* White Lion