Unit 30-Member Senate
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Weather , . 7 «.«*. feqpentert V. MtmOf Toil? mm today, U0 i* tfa» 4*. CMr tnigu, km is a* Mt, 24,250 Tomorrow, cloudy, nia likely lite in day/ Ugh near H. Sti- 1 Red Bank Area J ngy, cloudy, mild, nfa Ukdy. DIAL 741-0010 Se6 weather, page 2. NORTHERN MONMOUTH'S HOME NEWSPAPER Usued didly, Monlty through Vrlijtf. (woo] Clui Po»t»«i PAGE ONE VOL. 87, NO. 136 PUd it Red Bulk uidtt Adillio(loui J UtUUf THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1965 7c PER Unit 30-Member Senate TRENTON (AP) - New Jer- the job of realigning the legisla- to give it a more flexible re- IS congressional districts of ties now have six congressmen, sey's. Reappportionment Commis- ture, porting date. about 400,000 people each must he explained, but their popula- sion leans strongly toward cre- The senate now has one mem- Hearing Date be set up. tion entitles them to five. ation of a 30-member state sen- ber from each of 21 counties. He He said the hearing Jan. 15 County Lines" Beadleston Comments ate, with too members' from said the commission hopes to would be held from 2 p.m. to 8 Meyner said the Commission Assembly Speaker Alfred N. each of the 15 congressional dis- come up with a plan that would p,m. in the State House, with is pretty much committed to Beadleston, R-Monmouth, a mem- tricts. take into account future popula- witnesses limited to 10 minutes proposing a two-house legisla- ber of the Commission, said Former Gov; Robert B. Mey- tion changes, including the pos- of talk each. He said the Com- ture, sticking to county lines as there ate four possibilities for ner, chairman of the 12-member sibility of New Jersey getting a mission doesn't want a series of much as possible. reapportioning the assembly. Commission assigned the Job of 16th congressman after the 1970 opinionated witnesses who want Meyner said there is little They: are: (1) elect four assem- drawing up plans for reappor- census. , to preserve an economic inter- doubt the state's present appor- blymen at large in each con- tioning the legislature, said there Meyner told a news confer- est, the status quo or a political tionment is illegal and could be gressional district; (2) elect two Is no consensus on whether the ence Wednesday, the Commis- interest, upset any time someone wants assemblymen with each state senators should be elected at sion will hold an open hearing The. State Supreme Court to file a court suit. The first senator; (3) divide each con- large in the districts or whether Jan. IS to get the public's views ruled on Nov. 25 that the legis- district Camden, Gloucester and gressional district into four the districts should be split in on how the "one man, one vote" lature's present apportionment Salem Counties is larger than parts and elect an assembly- half. standard can be achieved in the violates the "one man, one vote" Hudson County's 13th and 14th man from each; (4) elect as- semblymen from counties. Future Changes. congressional districts and legis- standards set. by the U.S. Su- districts combined. But under any revision, Mey- lature. preme Court. ' If • a line were drawn from All four plans would keep the ner said, the present congres- The Commission has been giv- Meyner said Wednesday's Com- Raritan Bay to Trenton, one present 60 assembly members sional districts would have to be en a Feb. 1 deadline for its job. mission meeting dealt largely congressman would have to be and all are logical, Beadleston redrawn. He said the new Meyner said it is making every with the congressional district- subtracted'from the north and said. Congressional alignment would attempt to meet the deadline, ing problem. He said the U.S. added south of the line, Meyner Meyner indicated that there probably have to be worked out , but just in case it needs more Supreme Court's decisions do said. might be an edge in sentiment Robert B. Meyner before the Commission tackles time it will ask the legislature not leave much leeway — that Hudson, Essex and Union Coun- (See ALIGNMENT,. Page 2) Alfred N. Holmdel GOP Leader Firmly Opposes Smale WASHINGTON (AP) — President Johnson asks Congress He said in his state of .the Union message to Congress today to legislate health care for die elderly and to establish Monday night that "a just nation" should throw open to the HOLMDEL - William H. Menges, Repub- "Mr. Poole" he said; "tried even then, elderly "the city, of promise" by providing hospital care a network of 32 modern medical centers to treat major lican municipal leader here, last night re- to defend the inspector, but finally agreed to under social security.. entered the fight against reappointment of ytelk to him about it. There was quite a diseases. : "I propose," he said then, "we begin a massive attack on Walter A. Smale, building inspector. lengthy discussion between the two men, Johnson's health proposals are In his first special message with Mr; Smale trying in every way possible crippling and killing diseases." . The GOP chieftain said that "it was ad- to the new Congress. The fact that he chose to lead off with to avoid having to show them. mirable of Mayor (Alfred C.) Poole to de- them was viewed in some quarters as a sign that he means . 'HEALTHY PEOPLE' fend Mr. Smale, but he doesn't give the "When he finally did agree to go for to stress them. And; at another point, he said: . • .' . whole story." them, it took him some 35 minutes before Besides medical care the items in the package followed "Greatness requires not only an educated people but a "There was no instantaneous agreement he returned. The man lives only about a recommendations made to Johnson last month by his commis- healthy people. Our goal is to match the achievements of our by Mr. Smale to bring maps to a Township mile from Township Hall." sion on heart disease, cancer and stroke, headed by Dr. medicine to the afflictions of our people... committee meeting last year, even when , . The Santangello issue finally became a Michael De Bakey, Houston heart specialist. asked by the mayor (o do so," he charged "Regional medical centers can provide the most advanced matter of litigation. diagnosis and.treatment for heart disease, cancer, stroke, and adding: MEDICAL CENTERS other major, diseases." ' "The inspector had been told a week Mr. Menges then went into a rebuttal of In line with its suggestions, Johnson is asking Congress ahead cf time to bring maps on the San- Mayor Poole's statement yesterday on the •Most of the-centers would be associated with major univer- to provide $1.2 billion over the next five years for 32 re- tangello stores to the meeting. • cemetery building permit issue. sities. The aim is to bring the latest medical techniques and gional medical centers that "can provide the most advanced •;0n the day of the meeting. Holmdel treatment facilities to all sections of the country. He said the mayor's use of the word diagnosis and treatment for heart disease, cancer, stroke and Young Republican president Larrabee M. ' The chief executive also is seeking increased federal fi- "oversight" to describe issuance of the per- other major diseases." '..•'.' Smith made it a point to call Mr. Smale to mit was "grossly misleading." nancial aid for medical and dental education. And is proposing remind him to bring the maps. The President promised • in his presidential campaign to community centers to treat the Mentally ill and to offer health "The inspector refused and told Mr. He charged that Mr. Smale has had a give top priority this year to a drive for medical Insurance care to the mentally retarded and to school age children from long history of such "oversights." He ques- Smith, "The maps don't mean anything be- President Johnson for the elderly keyed to the 'social security program. low income families. cause there, will be new ones submitted. tioned whether such a condition should be You people*are just trying to make trouble.' " permitted to continue, in light of responsi- "These maps," Mr. Menges charged, bilities of the'Office, "are matters of public Information and should Mr. Menges stated that in*the early part b« available to any Interested resident with- of the cemetery investigation — which led out question." recently to a Grand Jury Indictment of Leon Ha went on to say that when the maps Stempler, builder of Maurice Manor — Mr., were not brought to the meeting, Mr. Smale Smale was totally unco-operative and did not WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi- to be considering jiBvamend .... to Negro Americans, tential voters .tuned .'out last refused to go home for them. Mayor Poole, move affirmatively until forced by pressure dent Johnson's eye was on the ment that wpuloV en,d -literacy through enforcement of the civil November when fie . defeated according to Mr. Menges, was told about of public opinion. nation — not just the Deep tests as a quaflfjeatipn for vot- rights law and elimination of Sen. Barrjf {JoKJwafer for the the inspector's refusal. (See HOLMDEL, Page 3) South — when he called for ing and that would tfc residence barriers to the right to vote." presidency —also, had a broad- elimination of obstacles to vot- requirements for voting in fed- er target in mind. The figure ing, a highly authoritative eral elections. .• • - . Shares Concern has not surpassed 63.1 per cent source said today. in this century. • More than oratory was in- Johnson, it was learned,, shares the concern of Justice The source said Johnson volved when Johnson made two Want Amendment Highlands School Board wants Congress to take steps Department officials over the separate references to voting; aimed at reversing the nation's slow, county-by-county struggle It is for that reason that the historically low voter turnout as rights in hi) State of the Union to win' full voting right* for government's • legal experts ar« exploring the pros arid con* — • well as ensure the rights of Ne- address Monday,; the differ- Southern Negroes.